# Blur Admin HTML template

Admin template made with ♥ by [Akveo team](http://akveo.com/).

We put a lot of efforts to bring together latest and the most trending web design approaches, while creating this template.
Every color, character or image was carefully selected by our team to provide the best experience possible.
We're very proud of it and like it very much. We also hope that you will enjoy it as well.

It's just a first version, but we will continue development of this template to create not just another bootstrap customization, but the whole HTML framework that can be applied in a lot of places.

## Theme Demo
![alt tag](http://i.imgur.com/yOZPlps.jpg)
**[Template Demo](http://akveo.com/blur-admin/#/dashboard)**

## Installation

To build the template from scratch you will be required to have following tools
* Download and install nodejs [https://nodejs.org](https://nodejs.org)
* Open the console inside of extracted folder and run `npm install` to fetch all dependencies
* Run `gulp` to build sources
* Go to `release\` folder in check out your freshly made compiled files
* Run `gulp serve` and enjoy the beauty!
## Features
* Responsive layout
* High resolution
* Bootstrap CSS Framework
* Sass
* Gulp build
* AngularJS
* Jquery
* Jquery ui
* Charts (amChart, Chartist, Chart.js, Morris)
* Maps (Google, Leaflet, amMap)
* etc

<a href=/LICENSE.txt" target="_blank">MIT</a> license.

### From akveo


Made with ♥ by [Akveo team](http://akveo.com/).