#!/usr/bin/env bash # indent type=tab # tab size=4 # shellcheck disable=SC2034 #Unused variables # shellcheck disable=SC2068 #Double quote array warning # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # Double quote warning # shellcheck disable=SC2140 # Word form warning # shellcheck disable=SC2162 #Read without -r # shellcheck disable=SC2206 #Word split warning # shellcheck disable=SC2178 #Array to string warning # shellcheck disable=SC2102 #Ranges only match single # shellcheck disable=SC2004 #arithmetic brackets warning # shellcheck disable=SC2017 #arithmetic precision warning # shellcheck disable=SC2207 #split array warning # shellcheck disable=SC2154 #variable referenced but not assigned # shellcheck disable=SC1003 #info: single quote escape # Copyright 2020 Aristocratos (jakob@qvantnet.com) # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. declare -x LC_MESSAGES="C" LC_NUMERIC="C" LC_ALL="" #* Fail if running on unsupported OS case "$(uname -s)" in Linux*) system=Linux;; *BSD) system=BSD;; Darwin*) system=MacOS;; CYGWIN*) system=Cygwin;; MINGW*) system=MinGw;; *) system="Other" esac if [[ ! $system =~ Linux|MacOS|BSD ]]; then echo "This version of bashtop does not support $system platform." exit 1 fi #* Fail if Bash version is below 4.4 bash_version_major=${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} bash_version_minor=${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} if [[ "$bash_version_major" -lt 4 ]] || [[ "$bash_version_major" == 4 && "$bash_version_minor" -lt 4 ]]; then echo "ERROR: Bash 4.4 or later is required (you are using Bash $bash_version_major.$bash_version_minor)." exit 1 fi shopt -qu failglob nullglob shopt -qs extglob globasciiranges globstar #* Check for UTF-8 locale and set LANG variable if not set if [[ ! $LANG =~ UTF-8 ]]; then if [[ -n $LANG && ${LANG::1} != "C" ]]; then old_lang="${LANG%.*}"; fi for set_lang in $(locale -a); do if [[ $set_lang =~ utf8|UTF-8 ]]; then if [[ -n $old_lang && $set_lang =~ ${old_lang} ]]; then declare -x LANG="${set_lang/utf8/UTF-8}" set_lang_search="found" break elif [[ -z $first_lang ]]; then first_lang="${set_lang/utf8/UTF-8}" set_lang_first="found" fi if [[ -z $old_lang ]]; then break; fi fi done if [[ $set_lang_search != "found" && $set_lang_first != "found" ]]; then echo "ERROR: No UTF-8 locale found!" exit 1 elif [[ $set_lang_search != "found" ]]; then declare -x LANG="${first_lang/utf8/UTF-8}" fi unset old_lang set_lang first_lang set_lang_search set_lang_first fi declare -a banner banner_colors banner=( "██████╗ █████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██╗████████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ " "██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║ ██║╚══██╔══╝██╔═══██╗██╔══██╗" "██████╔╝███████║███████╗███████║ ██║ ██║ ██║██████╔╝" "██╔══██╗██╔══██║╚════██║██╔══██║ ██║ ██║ ██║██╔═══╝ " "██████╔╝██║ ██║███████║██║ ██║ ██║ ╚██████╔╝██║ " "╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ") declare version="0.9.10" #* Get latest version of BashTOP from https://github.com/aristocratos/bashtop declare banner_width=${#banner[0]} banner_colors=("#E62525" "#CD2121" "#B31D1D" "#9A1919" "#801414") #* Set correct names for GNU tools depending on OS if [[ $system != "Linux" ]]; then tool_prefix="g"; fi for tool in "dd" "df" "stty" "tail" "realpath" "wc" "rm" "mv" "sleep" "stdbuf" "mkfifo" "date" "kill" "sed"; do declare -n set_tool="${tool}" set_tool="${tool_prefix}${tool}" done if ! command -v ${dd} >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "ERROR: Missing GNU coreutils!" exit 1 elif ! command -v ${sed} >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "ERROR: Missing GNU sed!" exit 1 fi read tty_height tty_width < <(${stty} size) #? Start default variables------------------------------------------------------------------------------> #? These values are used to create "$HOME/.config/bashtop/bashtop.cfg" #? Any changes made here will be ignored if config file exists aaa_config() { : ; } #! Do not remove this line! #* Color theme, looks for a .theme file in "$HOME/.config/bashtop/themes" and "$HOME/.config/bashtop/user_themes", "Default" for builtin default theme color_theme="Default" #* Update time in milliseconds, increases automatically if set below internal loops processing time, recommended 2000 ms or above for better sample times for graphs update_ms="2500" #* Processes sorting, "pid" "program" "arguments" "threads" "user" "memory" "cpu lazy" "cpu responsive" "tree" #* "cpu lazy" updates sorting over time, "cpu responsive" updates sorting directly at a cpu usage cost proc_sorting="cpu lazy" #* Reverse sorting order, "true" or "false" proc_reversed="false" #* Check cpu temperature, only works if "sensors", "vcgencmd" or "osx-cpu-temp" commands is available check_temp="true" #* Draw a clock at top of screen, formatting according to strftime, empty string to disable draw_clock="%X" #* Update main ui when menus are showing, set this to false if the menus is flickering too much for comfort background_update="true" #* Custom cpu model name, empty string to disable custom_cpu_name="" #* Enable error logging to "$HOME/.config/bashtop/error.log", "true" or "false" error_logging="true" #* Show color gradient in process list, "true" or "false" proc_gradient="true" #* If process cpu usage should be of the core it's running on or usage of the total available cpu power proc_per_core="false" #* Optional filter for shown disks, should be names of mountpoints, "root" replaces "/", separate multiple values with space disks_filter="" #* Enable check for new version from github.com/aristocratos/bashtop at start update_check="true" #* Enable graphs with double the horizontal resolution, increases cpu usage hires_graphs="false" #* Enable the use of psutil python3 module for data collection, default on OSX use_psutil="true" aaz_config() { : ; } #! Do not remove this line! #? End default variables--------------------------------------------------------------------------------> declare -a menu_options menu_help menu_quit menu_options=( "┌─┐┌─┐┌┬┐┬┌─┐┌┐┌┌─┐" "│ │├─┘ │ ││ ││││└─┐" "└─┘┴ ┴ ┴└─┘┘└┘└─┘") menu_help=( "┬ ┬┌─┐┬ ┌─┐" "├─┤├┤ │ ├─┘" "┴ ┴└─┘┴─┘┴ ") menu_quit=( "┌─┐ ┬ ┬ ┬┌┬┐" "│─┼┐│ │ │ │ " "└─┘└└─┘ ┴ ┴ ") menu_options_selected=( "╔═╗╔═╗╔╦╗╦╔═╗╔╗╔╔═╗" "║ ║╠═╝ ║ ║║ ║║║║╚═╗" "╚═╝╩ ╩ ╩╚═╝╝╚╝╚═╝") menu_help_selected=( "╦ ╦╔═╗╦ ╔═╗" "╠═╣║╣ ║ ╠═╝" "╩ ╩╚═╝╩═╝╩ ") menu_quit_selected=( "╔═╗ ╦ ╦ ╦╔╦╗ " "║═╬╗║ ║ ║ ║ " "╚═╝╚╚═╝ ╩ ╩ ") declare -A cpu mem swap proc net box theme disks declare -a cpu_usage cpu_graph_a cpu_graph_b color_meter color_temp_graph color_cpu color_cpu_graph cpu_history color_mem_graph color_swap_graph declare -a mem_history swap_history net_history_download net_history_upload mem_graph swap_graph proc_array download_graph upload_graph trace_array declare resized=1 size_error clock tty_width tty_height hex="16#" cpu_p_box swap_on=1 draw_out esc_character boxes_out last_screen clock_out update_string declare -a options_array=("color_theme" "update_ms" "use_psutil" "proc_sorting" "check_temp" "draw_clock" "background_update" "custom_cpu_name" "proc_per_core" "proc_reversed" "proc_gradient" "disks_filter" "hires_graphs" "net_totals_reset" "update_check" "error_logging") declare -a save_array=(${options_array[*]/net_totals_reset/}) declare -a sorting=( "pid" "program" "arguments" "threads" "user" "memory" "cpu lazy" "cpu responsive" "tree" ) declare -a detail_graph detail_history detail_mem_history disks_io declare -A pid_history declare time_left timestamp_start timestamp_end timestamp_input_start timestamp_input_end time_string mem_out proc_misc prev_screen pause_screen filter input_to_filter declare no_epoch proc_det proc_misc2 sleeping=0 detail_mem_graph proc_det2 proc_out curled git_version has_iostat sensor_comm declare esc_character tab backspace sleepy late_update skip_process_draw winches quitting theme_int notifier saved_stty nic_int net_misc skip_net_draw declare -a disks_free disks_total disks_name disks_free_percent saved_key themes nic_list old_procs printf -v esc_character "\u1b" printf -v tab "\u09" printf -v backspace "\u7F" #? Backspace set to DELETE printf -v backspace_real "\u08" #? Real backspace #printf -v enter_key "\uA" printf -v enter_key "\uD" printf -v ctrl_c "\u03" printf -v ctrl_z "\u1A" hide_cursor='\033[?25l' #* Hide terminal cursor show_cursor='\033[?25h' #* Show terminal cursor alt_screen='\033[?1049h' #* Switch to alternate screen normal_screen='\033[?1049l' #* Switch to normal screen clear_screen='\033[2J' #* Clear screen #* Symbols for graphs declare -a graph_symbol graph_symbol=(" " "⡀" "⣀" "⣄" "⣤" "⣦" "⣴" "⣶" "⣷" "⣾" "⣿") graph_symbol+=( " " "⣿" "⢿" "⡿" "⠿" "⠻" "⠟" "⠛" "⠙" "⠉" "⠈") declare -A graph_symbol_up='( [0_0]=⠀ [0_1]=⢀ [0_2]=⢠ [0_3]=⢰ [0_4]=⢸ [1_0]=⡀ [1_1]=⣀ [1_2]=⣠ [1_3]=⣰ [1_4]=⣸ [2_0]=⡄ [2_1]=⣄ [2_2]=⣤ [2_3]=⣴ [2_4]=⣼ [3_0]=⡆ [3_1]=⣆ [3_2]=⣦ [3_3]=⣶ [3_4]=⣾ [4_0]=⡇ [4_1]=⣇ [4_2]=⣧ [4_3]=⣷ [4_4]=⣿ )' declare -A graph_symbol_down='( [0_0]=⠀ [0_1]=⠈ [0_2]=⠘ [0_3]=⠸ [0_4]=⢸ [1_0]=⠁ [1_1]=⠉ [1_2]=⠙ [1_3]=⠹ [1_4]=⢹ [2_0]=⠃ [2_1]=⠋ [2_2]=⠛ [2_3]=⠻ [2_4]=⢻ [3_0]=⠇ [3_1]=⠏ [3_2]=⠟ [3_3]=⠿ [3_4]=⢿ [4_0]=⡇ [4_1]=⡏ [4_2]=⡟ [4_3]=⡿ [4_4]=⣿ )' declare -A graph box[boxes]="cpu mem net processes" cpu[threads]=0 #* Symbols for subscript function subscript=("₀" "₁" "₂" "₃" "₄" "₅" "₆" "₇" "₈" "₉") #* Symbols for create_box function box[single_hor_line]="─" box[single_vert_line]="│" box[single_left_corner_up]="┌" box[single_right_corner_up]="┐" box[single_left_corner_down]="└" box[single_right_corner_down]="┘" box[single_title_left]="├" box[single_title_right]="┤" box[double_hor_line]="═" box[double_vert_line]="║" box[double_left_corner_up]="╔" box[double_right_corner_up]="╗" box[double_left_corner_down]="╚" box[double_right_corner_down]="╝" box[double_title_left]="╟" box[double_title_right]="╢" #* If using bash version 5, set timestamps with EPOCHREALTIME variable if [[ -n $EPOCHREALTIME ]]; then get_ms() { #? Set given variable to current epoch millisecond with EPOCHREALTIME varialble local -n ms_out=$1 ms_out=$((${EPOCHREALTIME/[.,]/}/1000)) } #* If not, use date command, through fifo if possible else tmpdir="" if [[ -n $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR && -w "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" ]]; then tmpdir="$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" elif [[ -w /dev/shm ]]; then tmpdir="/dev/shm" elif [[ -w /tmp ]]; then tmpdir="/tmp" elif [[ -w "$HOME" ]]; then tmpdir="$HOME" fi if [[ -n $tmpdir ]] && command -v ${stdbuf} >/dev/null 2>&1; then ${mkfifo} "${tmpdir}/bashtop_datefifo" exec 5> >(exec ${stdbuf} -o0 ${date} -f - +%s%3N > "${tmpdir}/bashtop_datefifo" 2>&1) exec 6< "${tmpdir}/bashtop_datefifo" ${rm} -f "${tmpdir}/bashtop_datefifo" get_ms() { #? Set given variable to current epoch millisecond with date command through background fifo local -n ms_out=$1 echo now >&5 && read -u 6 ms_out } else get_ms() { #? Set given variable to current epoch millisecond with forked date command local -n ms_out=$1 ms_out="" read ms_out < <(${date} +%s%3N) } fi fi init_() { #? Collect needed information and set options before startig main loop local i stx=0 #* Set terminal options, save and clear screen saved_stty="$(${stty} -g)" echo -en "${alt_screen}${hide_cursor}${clear_screen}" echo -en "\033]0;${TERMINAL_TITLE} BashTOP\a" ${stty} -echo #* Wait for resize if terminal size is smaller then 80x24 if (($tty_width<80 | $tty_height<24)); then resized; echo -en "${clear_screen}"; fi #* Draw banner to banner array local letter b_color banner_line y=0 local -a banner_out #print -v banner_out[0] -t "\e[0m" for banner_line in "${banner[@]}"; do #* Read banner array letter by letter to set correct color for filled vs outline characters while read -rN1 letter; do if [[ $letter == "█" ]]; then b_color="${banner_colors[$y]}" else b_color="#$((80-y*6))"; fi if [[ $letter == " " ]]; then print -v banner_out[y] -r 1 else print -v banner_out[y] -fg ${b_color} "${letter}" fi done <<<"$banner_line" ((++y)) done banner=("${banner_out[@]}") #* Draw banner to screen and show status while running init draw_banner $((tty_height/2-10)) #* Check if "sensors", "osx-cpu-temp" or "vcgencmd" commands is available, if not, disable temperature collection print -m $(( (tty_height/2-3)+stx++ )) 0 -bg "#00" -fg "#cc" -b -c "Checking available tools..." if [[ $check_temp == true ]]; then local checker for checker in "vcgencmd" "sensors" "osx-cpu-temp"; do if command -v "${checker}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then sensor_comm="${checker}"; fi done if [[ -z $sensor_comm ]]; then check_temp="false"; fi fi #* Check if "curl" command is available, if not, disable update check and theme downloads if command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then curled=1; else unset curled; fi #* Check if "notify-send" command is available, if not, disable update notifier if [[ -n $curled ]] && command -v notify-send >/dev/null 2>&1; then notifier=1; else unset notifier; fi #* Check if "iostat" command is available, if not, disable disk io stat collection if [[ $use_psutil == false ]] && command -v iostat >/dev/null 2>&1; then has_iostat=1; else unset has_iostat; fi #* Get number of cores and cpu threads print -bg "#00" -fg "#30ff50" -r 1 -t "√" print -m $(( (tty_height/2-3)+stx++ )) 0 -bg "#00" -fg "#cc" -c -b "Checking cpu..." get_cpu_info #* Set graph resolution graph[hires]="${hires_graphs}" #* Get processor BCLK local param_var if [[ $use_psutil == false ]] && [[ -e /usr/include/asm-generic/param.h ]]; then param_var="$(/dev/null)" -k "version=" -r "[^0-9.]"; then unset git_version; fi fi #* Add update notification to banner if new version is available local banner_out_up print -v banner_out_up -rs -fg "#cc" -b "← esc" if [[ -n $git_version && $git_version != "$version" ]]; then print -v banner_out_up -rs -fg "#80cc80" -r 15 "[${git_version} available!]" -r $((9-${#git_version})) if [[ -n $notifier ]]; then notify-send -u normal\ "Bashtop Update!" "New version of Bashtop available\!\nCurrent version: ${version}\n\New version: ${git_version}\nDownload at github.com/aristocratos/bashtop"\ -i face-glasses -t 10000 fi else print -v banner_out_up -r 37 fi print -v banner_out_up -fg "#cc" -i -b "Version: ${version}" -rs banner+=("${banner_out_up}") #* Get theme and set colors print -bg "#00" -fg "#30ff50" -r 1 -t "√" print -m $(( (tty_height/2-3)+stx++ )) 0 -bg "#00" -fg "#cc" -c -b "Generating colors for theme..." color_init_ #* Set up internals for quick processes sorting switching for((i=0;i<${#sorting[@]};i++)); do if [[ ${sorting[i]} == "${proc_sorting}" ]]; then proc[sorting_int]=$i break fi done if [[ -z ${proc[sorting_int]} ]]; then proc[sorting_int]=0 proc_sorting="${sorting[0]}" fi if [[ ${proc_reversed} == true ]]; then proc[reverse]="+" else unset 'proc[reverse]' fi #* Call init for processes data collection print -bg "#00" -fg "#30ff50" -r 1 -t "√" print -m $(( (tty_height/2-3)+stx++ )) 0 -bg "#00" -fg "#cc" -c -b "Running process collection init..." proc[selected]=0 proc[page]=1 collect_processes init #* Draw first screen print -bg "#00" -fg "#30ff50" -r 1 -t "√" print -m $(( (tty_height/2-3)+stx++ )) 0 -bg "#00" -fg "#cc" -c -b "Drawing screen..." draw_bg quiet get_ms timestamp_start for task in processes cpu mem net; do collect_${task} draw_${task} done last_screen="${draw_out}" print -bg "#00" -fg "#30ff50" -r 1 -t "√" -rs sleep 0.5 draw_clock echo -en "${clear_screen}${draw_out}${proc_out}${clock_out}" resized=0 unset draw_out } color_init_() { #? Check for theme file and set colors local main_bg="" main_fg="#cc" title="#ee" hi_fg="#90" inactive_fg="#40" cpu_box="#3d7b46" mem_box="#8a882e" net_box="#423ba5" proc_box="#923535" proc_misc="#0de756" selected_bg="#7e2626" selected_fg="#ee" local temp_start="#4897d4" temp_mid="#5474e8" temp_end="#ff40b6" cpu_start="#50f095" cpu_mid="#f2e266" cpu_end="#fa1e1e" div_line="#30" local free_start="#223014" free_mid="#b5e685" free_end="#dcff85" cached_start="#0b1a29" cached_mid="#74e6fc" cached_end="#26c5ff" available_start="#292107" available_mid="#ffd77a" available_end="#ffb814" local used_start="#3b1f1c" used_mid="#d9626d" used_end="#ff4769" download_start="#231a63" download_mid="#4f43a3" download_end="#b0a9de" upload_start="#510554" upload_mid="#7d4180" upload_end="#dcafde" local hex2rgb color_name array_name this_color main_fg_dec sourced theme_unset local -i i y local -A rgb local -a dec_test local -a convert_color=("main_bg" "temp_start" "temp_mid" "temp_end" "cpu_start" "cpu_mid" "cpu_end" "upload_start" "upload_mid" "upload_end" "download_start" "download_mid" "download_end" "used_start" "used_mid" "used_end" "available_start" "available_mid" "available_end" "cached_start" "cached_mid" "cached_end" "free_start" "free_mid" "free_end" "proc_misc" "main_fg_dec") local -a set_color=("main_fg" "title" "hi_fg" "div_line" "inactive_fg" "selected_fg" "selected_bg" "cpu_box" "mem_box" "net_box" "proc_box") for theme_unset in ${!theme[@]}; do unset 'theme[${theme_unset}]' done #* Check if theme set in config exists and source it if it does if [[ -n ${color_theme} && ${color_theme} != "Default" && -e "${config_dir}/${color_theme%.theme}.theme" ]]; then # shellcheck source=/dev/null source "${config_dir}/${color_theme%.theme}.theme" sourced=1 else color_theme="Default" fi main_fg_dec="${theme[main_fg]:-$main_fg}" theme[main_fg_dec]="${main_fg_dec}" #* Convert colors for graphs and meters from rgb hexadecimal to rgb decimal if needed for color_name in ${convert_color[@]}; do if [[ -n $sourced ]]; then hex2rgb="${theme[${color_name}]}" else hex2rgb="${!color_name}"; fi hex2rgb=${hex2rgb//#/} if [[ ${#hex2rgb} == 6 ]] && is_hex "$hex2rgb"; then hex2rgb="$((${hex}${hex2rgb:0:2})) $((${hex}${hex2rgb:2:2})) $((${hex}${hex2rgb:4:2}))" elif [[ ${#hex2rgb} == 2 ]] && is_hex "$hex2rgb"; then hex2rgb="$((${hex}${hex2rgb:0:2})) $((${hex}${hex2rgb:0:2})) $((${hex}${hex2rgb:0:2}))" else dec_test=(${hex2rgb}) if [[ ${#dec_test[@]} -eq 3 ]] && is_int "${dec_test[@]}"; then hex2rgb="${dec_test[*]}" else unset hex2rgb; fi fi theme[${color_name}]="${hex2rgb}" done #* Set background color if set, otherwise use terminal default if [[ -n ${theme[main_bg]} ]]; then theme[main_bg_dec]="${theme[main_bg]}"; theme[main_bg]=";48;2;${theme[main_bg]// /;}"; fi #* Set colors from theme file if found and valid hexadecimal or integers, otherwise use default values for color_name in "${set_color[@]}"; do if [[ -z ${theme[$color_name]} ]] || ! is_hex "${theme[$color_name]}" && ! is_int "${theme[$color_name]}"; then theme[${color_name}]="${!color_name}"; fi done box[cpu_color]="${theme[cpu_box]}" box[mem_color]="${theme[mem_box]}" box[net_color]="${theme[net_box]}" box[processes_color]="${theme[proc_box]}" #* Create color arrays from one, two or three color gradient, 100 values in each for array_name in "temp" "cpu" "upload" "download" "used" "available" "cached" "free"; do local -n color_array="color_${array_name}_graph" local -a rgb_start=(${theme[${array_name}_start]}) rgb_mid=(${theme[${array_name}_mid]}) rgb_end=(${theme[${array_name}_end]}) local pf_calc middle=1 rgb[red]=${rgb_start[0]}; rgb[green]=${rgb_start[1]}; rgb[blue]=${rgb_start[2]} if [[ -z ${rgb_mid[*]} ]] && ((rgb_end[0]+rgb_end[1]+rgb_end[2]>rgb_start[0]+rgb_start[1]+rgb_start[2])); then rgb_mid=( $(( rgb_start[0]+( (rgb_end[0]-rgb_start[0])/2) )) $((rgb_start[1]+( (rgb_end[1]-rgb_start[1])/2) )) $((rgb_start[2]+( (rgb_end[2]-rgb_start[2])/2) )) ) elif [[ -z ${rgb_mid[*]} ]]; then rgb_mid=( $(( rgb_end[0]+( (rgb_start[0]-rgb_end[0])/2) )) $(( rgb_end[1]+( (rgb_start[1]-rgb_end[1])/2) )) $(( rgb_end[2]+( (rgb_start[2]-rgb_end[2])/2) )) ) fi for((i=0;i<=100;i++,y=0)); do if [[ -n ${rgb_end[*]} ]]; then for this_color in "red" "green" "blue"; do if ((i==50)); then rgb_start[y]=${rgb[$this_color]}; fi if ((middle==1 & rgb[$this_color]rgb_mid[y])); then printf -v pf_calc "%.0f" "-$(( i*( (rgb_start[y]-rgb_mid[y])*100/50*100) ))e-4" elif ((middle==0 & rgb[$this_color]rgb_end[y])); then printf -v pf_calc "%.0f" "-$(( (i-50)*( (rgb_start[y]-rgb_end[y])*100/50*100) ))e-4" else pf_calc=0 fi rgb[$this_color]=$((rgb_start[y]+pf_calc)) if ((rgb[$this_color]<0)); then rgb[$this_color]=0 elif ((rgb[$this_color]>255)); then rgb[$this_color]=255; fi y+=1 if ((i==49 & y==3 & middle==1)); then middle=0; fi done fi color_array[i]="${rgb[red]} ${rgb[green]} ${rgb[blue]}" done done } quit_() { #? Clean exit #* Restore terminal options and screen echo -en "${clear_screen}${normal_screen}${show_cursor}" ${stty} "${saved_stty}" echo -en "\033]0;\a" #* Save any changed values to config file if [[ $config_file != "/dev/null" ]]; then save_config "${save_array[@]}" fi exit 0 } sleep_() { #? Restore terminal options, stop and send to background if caught SIGTSTP (ctrl+z) echo -en "${clear_screen}${normal_screen}${show_cursor}" ${stty} "${saved_stty}" echo -en "\033]0;\a" ${kill} -s SIGSTOP $$ } resume_() { #? Set terminal options and resume if caught SIGCONT ('fg' from terminal) sleepy=0 echo -en "${alt_screen}${hide_cursor}${clear_screen}" echo -en "\033]0;${TERMINAL_TITLE} BashTOP\a" ${stty} -echo if [[ -n $pause_screen ]]; then echo -en "$pause_screen" else echo -en "${boxes_out}${proc_det}${last_screen}${mem_out}${proc_misc}${proc_misc2}${update_string}${clock_out}" fi } traperr() { #? Function for reporting error line numbers local match len trap_muted err="${BASH_LINENO[0]}" len=$((${#trace_array[@]})) if ((len-->=1)); then while ((len>=${#trace_array[@]}-2)); do if [[ $err == "${trace_array[$((len--))]}" ]]; then ((++match)) ; fi done if ((match==2 & len != -2)); then return elif ((match>=1)); then trap_muted="(MUTED!)" fi fi if ((len>100)); then unset 'trace_array[@]'; fi trace_array+=("$err") printf "%(%X)T ERROR: On line %s %s\n" -1 "$err" "$trap_muted" >> "${config_dir}/error.log" } resized() { #? Get new terminal size if terminal is resized resized=1 unset winches while ((++winches<5)); do read tty_height tty_width < <(${stty} size) if (($tty_width<80 | $tty_height<24)); then size_error_msg winches=0 else echo -en "${clear_screen}" create_box -w 30 -h 3 -c 1 -l 1 -lc "#EE2020" -title "resizing" print -jc 28 -fg ${theme[title]} "New size: ${tty_width}x${tty_height}" ${sleep} 0.2 if [[ $(${stty} size) != "$tty_height $tty_width" ]]; then winches=0; fi fi done } size_error_msg() { #? Shows error message if terminal size is below 80x25 local width=$tty_width local height=$tty_height echo -en "${clear_screen}" create_box -full -lc "#EE2020" -title "resize window" print -rs -m $((tty_height/2-1)) 2 -fg ${theme[title]} -c -l 11 "Current size: " -bg "#00" -fg "#dd2020" -d 1 -c "${tty_width}x${tty_height}" -rs print -d 1 -fg ${theme[title]} -c -l 15 "Need to be atleast:" -bg "#00" -fg "#30dd50" -d 1 -c "80x24" -rs while [[ $(${stty} size) == "$tty_height $tty_width" ]]; do ${sleep} 0.2; if [[ -n $quitting ]]; then quit_; fi ; done } draw_banner() { #? Draw banner, usage: draw_banner [output variable] local y letter b_color x_color xpos ypos=$1 banner_out if [[ -n $2 ]]; then local -n banner_out=$2; fi xpos=$(( (tty_width/2)-(banner_width/2) )) for banner_line in "${banner[@]}"; do print -v banner_out -rs -move $((ypos+++y)) $xpos -t "${banner_line}" done if [[ -z $2 ]]; then echo -en "${banner_out}"; fi } create_config() { #? Creates a new config file with default values from above local c_line c_read this_file this_file="$(${realpath} "$0")" echo "#? Config file for bashtop v. ${version}" > "$config_file" while IFS= read -r c_line; do if [[ $c_line =~ aaz_config() ]]; then break elif [[ $c_read == "1" ]]; then echo "$c_line" >> "$config_file" elif [[ $c_line =~ aaa_config() ]]; then c_read=1; fi done < "$this_file" } save_config() { #? Saves variables to config file if not same, usage: save_config "var1" ["var2"] ["var3"]... if [[ -z $1 || $config_file == "/dev/null" ]]; then return; fi local var tmp_conf tmp_value quote original new tmp_conf="$(<"$config_file")" for var in "$@"; do if [[ ${tmp_conf} =~ ${var} ]]; then get_value -v "tmp_value" -sv "tmp_conf" -k "${var}=" if [[ ${tmp_value//\"/} != "${!var}" ]]; then original="${var}=${tmp_value}" new="${var}=\"${!var}\"" original="${original//'/'/'\/'}" new="${new//'/'/'\/'}" ${sed} -i "s/${original}/${new}/" "${config_file}" fi else echo "${var}=\"${!var}\"" >> "$config_file" fi done } set_font() { #? Take a string and generate a string of unicode characters of given font, usage; set_font "font-name [bold] [italic]" "string" local i letter letter_hex new_hex add_hex start font="$1" string_in="$2" string_out hex="16#" if [[ -z $font || -z $string_in ]]; then return; fi case "$font" in "sans-serif") lower_start="1D5BA"; upper_start="1D5A0"; digit_start="1D7E2";; "sans-serif bold") lower_start="1D5EE"; upper_start="1D5D4"; digit_start="1D7EC";; "sans-serif italic") lower_start="1D622"; upper_start="1D608"; digit_start="1D7E2";; #"sans-serif bold italic") start="1D656"; upper_start="1D63C"; digit_start="1D7EC";; "script") lower_start="1D4B6"; upper_start="1D49C"; digit_start="1D7E2";; "script bold") lower_start="1D4EA"; upper_start="1D4D0"; digit_start="1D7EC";; "fraktur") lower_start="1D51E"; upper_start="1D504"; digit_start="1D7E2";; "fraktur bold") lower_start="1D586"; upper_start="1D56C"; digit_start="1D7EC";; "monospace") lower_start="1D68A"; upper_start="1D670"; digit_start="1D7F6";; "double-struck") lower_start="1D552"; upper_start="1D538"; digit_start="1D7D8";; *) echo -n "${string_in}"; return;; esac for((i=0;i<${#string_in};i++)); do letter=${string_in:i:1} if [[ $letter =~ [a-z] ]]; then #61 printf -v letter_hex '%X\n' "'$letter" printf -v add_hex '%X' "$((${hex}${letter_hex}-${hex}61))" printf -v new_hex '%X' "$((${hex}${lower_start}+${hex}${add_hex}))" string_out="${string_out}\U${new_hex}" #if [[ $font =~ sans-serif && $letter =~ m|w ]]; then string_out="${string_out} "; fi #\U205F elif [[ $letter =~ [A-Z] ]]; then #41 printf -v letter_hex '%X\n' "'$letter" printf -v add_hex '%X' "$((${hex}${letter_hex}-${hex}41))" printf -v new_hex '%X' "$((${hex}${upper_start}+${hex}${add_hex}))" string_out="${string_out}\U${new_hex}" #if [[ $font =~ sans-serif && $letter =~ M|W ]]; then string_out="${string_out} "; fi elif [[ $letter =~ [0-9] ]]; then #30 printf -v letter_hex '%X\n' "'$letter" printf -v add_hex '%X' "$((${hex}${letter_hex}-${hex}30))" printf -v new_hex '%X' "$((${hex}${digit_start}+${hex}${add_hex}))" string_out="${string_out}\U${new_hex}" else string_out="${string_out} \e[1D${letter}" fi done echo -en "${string_out}" } sort_array_int() { #? Copy and sort an array of integers from largest to smallest value, usage: sort_array_int "input array" "output array" #* Return if given array has no values if [[ -z ${!1} ]]; then return; fi local start_n search_n tmp_array #* Create pointers to arrays local -n in_arr="$1" local -n out_arr="$2" #* Create local copy of array local array=("${in_arr[@]}") #* Start sorting for ((start_n=0;start_n<=${#array[@]}-1;++start_n)); do for ((search_n=start_n+1;search_n<=${#array[@]}-1;++search_n)); do if ((array[start_n] [-ps,-per-second] [-s,-start "1024 multiplier start"] [-v,-variable-output] local value selector per_second unit_mult decimals out_var ext_var short sep=" " local -a unit until (($#==0)); do case "$1" in -b|-bit) unit=(bit Kib Mib Gib Tib Pib); unit_mult=8;; -B|-Byte) unit=(Byte KiB MiB GiB TiB PiB); unit_mult=1;; -ps|-per-second) per_second=1;; -short) short=1; sep="";; -s|-start) selector="$2"; shift;; -v|-variable-output) local -n out_var="$2"; ext_var=1; shift;; *) if is_int "$1"; then value=$1; break; fi;; esac shift done if [[ -z $value || $value -lt 0 || -z $unit_mult ]]; then return; fi if ((per_second==1 & unit_mult==1)); then per_second="/s" elif ((per_second==1)); then per_second="ps"; fi if ((value>0)); then value=$((value*100*unit_mult)) until ((${#value}<6)); do value=$((value>>10)) if ((value<100)); then value=100; fi ((++selector)) done if ((${#value}<5 & ${#value}>=2 & selector>0)); then decimals=$((5-${#value})) value="${value::-2}.${value:(-${decimals})}" elif ((${#value}>=2)); then value="${value::-2}" fi fi if [[ -n $short ]]; then value="${value%.*}"; fi out_var="${value}${sep}${unit[$selector]::${short:-${#unit[$selector]}}}${per_second}" if [[ -z $ext_var ]]; then echo -n "${out_var}"; fi } get_cpu_info() { local lscpu_var if [[ $use_psutil == true ]]; then if [[ -z ${cpu[threads]} || -z ${cpu[cores]} ]]; then read cpu[threads] cpu[cores] < <(python3 -c "import psutil; print(psutil.cpu_count(logical=True), psutil.cpu_count(logical=False))" 2>/dev/null) fi if [[ $system == "MacOS" ]]; then lscpu_var="Model name: $(sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string)" elif [[ $system == "BSD" ]]; then lscpu_var="$(sysctl hw.model)" lscpu_var="${lscpu_var/hw.model:/Model name:}" elif command -v lscpu >/dev/null 2>&1; then lscpu_var="$(lscpu)" fi else if command -v lscpu >/dev/null 2>&1; then lscpu_var="$(lscpu)"; fi if [[ -z ${cpu[threads]} || -z ${cpu[cores]} ]]; then if ! get_value -v 'cpu[threads]' -sv "lscpu_var" -k "CPU(s):" -i || [[ ${cpu[threads]} == "0" ]]; then cpu[threads]="$(nproc 2>/dev/null ||true)" if [[ -z ${cpu[threads]} ]]; then cpu[threads]="1"; fi cpu[cores]=${cpu[threads]} else get_value -v 'cpu[cores]' -sv "lscpu_var" -k "Core(s)" -i fi fi fi if [[ -z $custom_cpu_name ]]; then if ! get_value -v 'cpu[model]' -sv "lscpu_var" -k "Model name:" -a -b -k "CPU" -mk -1; then if ! get_value -v 'cpu[model]' -sv "lscpu_var" -k "Model name:" -r " "; then cpu[model]="cpu" fi fi else cpu[model]="${custom_cpu_name}" fi } get_value() { #? Get a value from a file, variable or array by searching for a non spaced "key name" on the same line local match line_pos=1 int reg key all tmp_array input found input_line line_array line_val ext_var line_nr current_line match_key math removing ext_arr local -a remove until (($#==0)); do until (($#==0)); do case "$1" in -k|-key) key="$2"; shift;; #? Key "string" on the same line as target value -m|-match) match="$2"; shift;; #? If multiple matches on a line, match occurrence "x" -mk|-match-key) match_key=$2; line_pos=0; shift;; #? Match in relation to key position, -1 for previous value, 1 for next value -b|-break) shift; break;; #? Break up arguments for multiple searches -a|-all) all=1;; #? Prints back found line including key -l|-line) line_nr="$2"; shift;; #? Set target line if no key is available -ss|-source-string) input="$2"; shift;; #? Argument string as source -sf|-source-file) input="$(<"$2")"; shift;; #? File as source -sv|-source-var) input="${!2}"; shift;; #? Variable as source -sa|-source-array) local -n tmp_array=$2; input="${tmp_array[*]}"; shift;; #? Array as source -fp|-floating-point) reg="[\-]?[0-9]*[.,][0-9]+"; match=1;; #? Match floating point value -math) math="$2"; shift;; #? Perform math on a integer value, "x" represents value, only works if "integer" argument is given -i|-integer) reg="[\-]?[0-9]+[.,]?[0-9]*"; int=1; match=1;; #? Match integer value or float and convert to int -r|-remove) remove+=("$2"); shift;; #? Format output by removing entered regex, can be used multiple times -v|-variable-out) local -n found="$2"; ext_var=1; shift;; #? Output to variable -map|-map-array) local -n array_out="$2"; ext_var=1; ext_arr=1; shift;; #? Map output to array esac shift done found="" if [[ -z $input ]]; then return 1; fi if [[ -z $line_nr && -z $key ]]; then line_nr=1; fi while IFS='' read -r input_line; do ((++current_line)) if [[ -n $line_nr && $current_line -eq $line_nr || -z $line_nr && -n $key && ${input_line/${key}/} != "$input_line" ]]; then if [[ -n $all ]]; then found="${input_line}" break elif [[ -z $match && -z $match_key && -z $reg ]]; then found="${input_line/${key}/}" break else line_array=(${input_line/${key}/${key// /}}) fi for line_val in "${line_array[@]}"; do if [[ -n $match_key && $line_val == "${key// /}" ]]; then if ((match_key<0 & line_pos+match_key>=0)) || ((match_key>=0 & line_pos+match_key<${#line_array[@]})); then found="${line_array[$((line_pos+match_key))]}" break 2 else return 1 fi elif [[ -n $match_key ]]; then ((++line_pos)) elif [[ -n $reg && $line_val =~ ^${reg}$ || -z $reg && -n $match ]]; then if ((line_pos==match)); then found=${line_val} break 2 fi ((++line_pos)) fi done fi done <<<"${input}" if [[ -z $found ]]; then return 1; fi if [[ -n ${remove[*]} ]]; then for removing in "${remove[@]}"; do found="${found//${removing}/}" done fi if [[ -n $int && $found =~ [.,] ]]; then found="${found/,/.}" printf -v found "%.0f" "${found}" fi if [[ -n $math && -n $int ]]; then math="${math//x/$found}" found=$((${math})) fi if (($#>0)); then input="${found}" unset key match match_key all reg found int 'remove[@]' current_line line_pos=1 fi done if [[ -z $ext_var ]]; then echo "${found}"; fi if [[ -n $ext_arr ]]; then array_out=(${found}); fi } get_themes() { local file theme_int=0 themes=("Default") for file in "${config_dir}/themes"/*.theme; do file="${file##*/}" if [[ ${file} != "*.theme" ]]; then themes+=("themes/${file%.theme}"); fi if [[ ${themes[-1]} == "${color_theme}" ]]; then theme_int=${#themes[@]}-1; fi done for file in "${config_dir}/user_themes"/*.theme; do file="${file##*/}" if [[ ${file} != "*.theme" ]]; then themes+=("user_themes/${file%.theme}"); fi if [[ ${themes[-1]} == "${color_theme}" ]]; then theme_int=${#themes[@]}-1; fi done } get_net_device() { #? Check for internet connection, name of default network device and create list of all devices if [[ $use_psutil == true ]]; then get_net_device_psutil; return; fi local -a netdev local ndline if ! get_value -v 'net[device]' -ss "$(ip route get 2>/dev/null)" -k "dev" -mk 1; then net[no_device]=1 else unset 'net[no_device]' 'nic_list[@]' nic_int readarray -t netdev /dev/null < #? Optional arguments: [-p, -place ] [-w, -width ] [-f, -fill-empty] #? [-c, -color "array-name"] [-i, -invert-color] [-v, -variable "variable-name"] if [[ -z $1 ]]; then return; fi local val width colors color block="■" i fill_empty col line var ext_var out meter_var print_var invert bg_color=${theme[inactive_fg]} #* Argument parsing until (($#==0)); do case $1 in -p|-place) if is_int "${@:2:2}"; then line=$2; col=$3; shift 2; fi;; #? Placement for meter -w|-width) width=$2; shift;; #? Width of meter in columns -c|-color) local -n colors=$2; shift;; #? Name of an array containing colors from index 0-100 -i|-invert) invert=1;; #? Invert meter -f|-fill-empty) fill_empty=1;; #? Fill unused space with dark blocks -v|-variable) local -n meter_var=$2; ext_var=1; shift;; #? Output meter to a variable *) if is_int "$1"; then val=$1; fi;; esac shift done if [[ -z $val ]]; then return; fi #* Set default width if not given width=${width:-10} #* If no color array was given, create a simple greyscale array if [[ -z $colors ]]; then for ((i=0,ic=50;i<=100;i++,ic=ic+2)); do colors[i]="${ic} ${ic} ${ic}" done fi #* Create the meter meter_var="" if [[ -n $line && -n $col ]]; then print -v meter_var -rs -m $line $col else print -v meter_var -rs; fi if [[ -n $invert ]]; then print -v meter_var -r $((width+1)); fi for((i=1;i<=width;i++)); do if [[ -n $invert ]]; then print -v meter_var -l 2; fi if ((val>=i*100/width)); then print -v meter_var -fg ${colors[$((i*100/width))]} -t "${block}" elif ((fill_empty==1)); then if [[ -n $invert ]]; then print -v meter_var -l $((width-i)); fi print -v meter_var -fg $bg_color -rp $((1+width-i)) -t "${block}"; break else if [[ -n $invert ]]; then break; print -v meter_var -l $((1+width-i)) else print -v meter_var -r $((1+width-i)); break; fi fi done if [[ -z $ext_var ]]; then echo -en "${meter_var}"; fi } create_graph() { #? Create a graph from an array of percentage values, usage; create_graph #? Create a graph from an array of non percentage values: create_graph <-max "max value"> #? Add a value to existing graph; create_graph [-i, -invert] [-max "max value"] -add-value "graph_array" #? Add last value from an array to existing graph; create_graph [-i, -invert] [-max "max value"] -add-last "graph_array" "value-array" #? Options: < -d, -dimensions > [-i, -invert] [-n, -no-guide] [-c, -color "array-name"] [-o, -output-array "variable-name"] if [[ -z $1 ]]; then return; fi if [[ ${graph[hires]} == true ]]; then create_graph_hires "$@"; return; fi local val col s_col line s_line height s_height width s_width colors color i var ext_var out side_num side_nums=1 add add_array invert no_guide max local -a graph_array input_array #* Argument parsing until (($#==0)); do case $1 in -d|-dimensions) if is_int "${@:2:4}"; then line=$2; col=$3; height=$4; width=$5; shift 4; fi;; #? Graph dimensions -c|-color) local -n colors=$2; shift;; #? Name of an array containing colors from index 0-100 -o|-output-array) local -n output_array=$2; ext_var=1; shift;; #? Output meter to an array -add-value) if is_int "$3"; then local -n output_array=$2; add=$3; break; else return; fi;; #? Add a value to existing graph -add-last) local -n output_array=$2; local -n add_array=$3; add=${add_array[-1]}; break;; #? Add last value from array to existing graph -i|-invert) invert=1;; #? Invert graph, drawing from top to bottom -n|-no-guide) no_guide=1;; #? Don't print side and bottom guide lines -max) if is_int "$2"; then max=$2; shift; fi;; #? Needed max value for non percentage arrays *) local -n tmp_in_array=$1; input_array=("${tmp_in_array[@]}");; esac shift done if [[ -z $no_guide ]]; then ((--height)) else if [[ -n $invert ]]; then ((line--)); fi fi if ((width<3)); then width=3; fi if ((height<1)); then height=1; fi #* If argument "add" was passed check for existing graph and make room for new value(s) local add_start add_end if [[ -n $add ]]; then local cut_left search if [[ -n ${input_array[0]} ]]; then return; fi if [[ -n $output_array ]]; then graph_array=("${output_array[@]}") if [[ -z ${graph_array[0]} ]]; then return; fi else return fi height=$((${#graph_array[@]}-1)) input_array[0]=${add} #* Remove last value in current graph for ((i=0;i=0;i--)); do g_index+=($i) done else for((i=0;i<=height;i++)); do g_index+=($i) done fi if [[ -n $no_guide ]]; then unset normal_vals elif [[ -n $invert ]]; then g_char=(" ⡇" " ⡤" "⠤") fi #* Set up graph array print side numbers and lines print -v graph_array[0] -rs print -v graph_array[0] -m $((line+g_index[0])) ${col} ${normal_vals:+-jr 3 -fg "#ee" -b -t "${side_num[0]}" -rs -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${g_char[0]}"} -fg ${colors[100]} for((i=1;i=max)); then input_array[i]=100 else input_array[i]=$((input_array[i]*100/max)) fi done fi until ((y==done_val)); do #* Print spaces to right-justify graph if number of values is less than graph width if [[ -z $add ]] && ((value_width0)); then print -v graph_array[y] -rp ${count} -t " " count=0 fi #* Print current value in percent relative to graph size if current value is less than line percentage but greater than next line percentage while ((x=next_value)); do print -v graph_array[y] -t "${graph_symbol[${invert:+-}$(( (input_array[x]*virt_height/100)-next_value ))]}" ((++x)) done #* Print full block if current value is greater than percentage for current line while ((x=cur_value)); do ((++count)) ((++x)) done if ((count>0)); then print -v graph_array[y] -rp ${count} -t "${graph_symbol[10]}" count=0 fi done if [[ -n $invert ]]; then ((y--)) || true else ((++y)) fi done #* Echo out graph if no argument for a output array was given if [[ -z $ext_var && -z $add ]]; then echo -en "${graph_array[*]}" else output_array=("${graph_array[@]}"); fi } create_mini_graph() { #? Create a one line high graph from an array of percentage values, usage; create_mini_graph #? Add a value to existing graph; create_mini_graph [-i, -invert] [-nc, -no-color] [-c, -color "array-name"] -add-value "graph_variable" #? Add last value from an array to existing graph; create_mini_graph [-i, -invert] [-nc, -no-color] [-c, -color "array-name"] -add-last "graph_variable" "value-array" #? Options: [-w, -width ] [-i, -invert] [-nc, -no-color] [-c, -color "array-name"] [-o, -output-variable "variable-name"] if [[ -z $1 ]]; then return; fi if [[ ${graph[hires]} == true ]]; then create_mini_graph_hires "$@"; return; fi local val col s_col line s_line height s_height width s_width colors color i var ext_var out side_num side_nums=1 add invert no_guide graph_var no_color color_value #* Argument parsing until (($#==0)); do case $1 in -w|-width) if is_int "$2"; then width=$2; shift; fi;; #? Graph width -c|-color) local -n colors=$2; shift;; #? Name of an array containing colors from index 0-100 -nc|-no-color) no_color=1;; #? Set no color -o|-output-variable) local -n output_var=$2; ext_var=1; shift;; #? Output graph to a variable -add-value) if is_int "$3"; then local -n output_var=$2; add=$3; break; else return; fi;; #? Add a value to existing graph -add-last) local -n output_var=$2 add_array=$3; add="${add_array[-1]}"; break;; #? Add last value from array to existing graph -i|-invert) invert=1;; #? Invert graph, drawing from top to bottom *) local -n input_array=$1;; esac shift done if ((width<1)); then width=1; fi #* If argument "add" was passed check for existing graph and make room for new value(s) local add_start add_end if [[ -n $add ]]; then local cut_left search #if [[ -n ${input_array[0]} ]]; then return; fi if [[ -n $output_var ]]; then graph_var="${output_var}" if [[ -z ${graph_var} ]]; then return; fi else return fi declare -a input_array input_array[0]=${add} #* Remove last value in current graph if [[ -n ${graph_var} && -z $no_color ]]; then if [[ ${graph_var::5} == "\e[1C" ]]; then graph_var="${graph_var#'\e[1C'}" else cut_left="${graph_var%%m*}" search=$((${#cut_left}+1)) graph_var="${graph_var:$((search+1))}" fi elif [[ -n ${graph_var} && -n $no_color ]]; then if [[ ${graph_var::5} == "\e[1C" ]]; then #cut_left="${graph_var%%C*}" #search=$((${#cut_left}+1)) #graph_var="${graph_var:$((search))}" graph_var="${graph_var#'\e[1C'}" else graph_var="${graph_var:1}" fi fi fi #* If no color array was given, create a simple greyscale array if [[ -z $colors && -z $no_color ]]; then for ((i=0,ic=50;i<=100;i++,ic=ic+2)); do colors[i]="${ic} ${ic} ${ic}" done fi #* Create the graph local value_width x=0 y a cur_value virt_height=$((height*10)) offset=0 org_value if [[ -n $add ]]; then value_width=1 elif ((${#input_array[@]}<=width)); then value_width=${#input_array[@]}; else value_width=${width} offset=$((${#input_array[@]}-width)) fi #* Print spaces to right-justify graph if number of values is less than graph width if [[ -z $add && -z $no_color ]] && ((value_width=100)); then cur_value=10; org_value=100 elif [[ ${#org_value} -gt 1 && ${org_value:(-1)} -ge 5 ]]; then cur_value=$((${org_value::1}+1)) elif [[ ${#org_value} -gt 1 && ${org_value:(-1)} -lt 5 ]]; then cur_value=$((${org_value::1})) elif [[ ${org_value:(-1)} -ge 5 ]]; then cur_value=1 else cur_value=0 fi if [[ -z $no_color ]]; then color="-fg ${colors[$org_value]} " else color="" fi if [[ $cur_value == 0 ]]; then print -v graph_var -t "\e[1C" else print -v graph_var ${color}-t "${graph_symbol[${invert:+-}$cur_value]}" fi ((++x)) done #* Echo out graph if no argument for a output array was given if [[ -z $ext_var && -z $add ]]; then echo -en "${graph_var}" else output_var="${graph_var}"; fi } create_graph_hires() { #? Create a graph from an array of percentage values, usage; create_graph #? Create a graph from an array of non percentage values: create_graph <-max "max value"> #? Add a value to existing graph; create_graph [-i, -invert] [-max "max value"] -add-value "graph_array" #? Add last value from an array to existing graph; create_graph [-i, -invert] [-max "max value"] -add-last "graph_array" "value-array" #? Options: < -d, -dimensions > [-i, -invert] [-n, -no-guide] [-c, -color "array-name"] [-o, -output-array "variable-name"] if [[ -z $1 ]]; then return; fi local val col s_col line s_line height s_height width s_width colors color var ext_var out side_num side_nums=1 add add_array invert no_guide max graph_name offset=0 last_val local -a input_array local -i i #* Argument parsing until (($#==0)); do case $1 in -d|-dimensions) if is_int "${@:2:4}"; then line=$2; col=$3; height=$4; width=$5; shift 4; fi;; #? Graph dimensions -c|-color) local -n colors=$2; shift;; #? Name of an array containing colors from index 0-100 -o|-output-array) local -n output_array=$2; graph_name=$2; ext_var=1; shift;; #? Output meter to an array -add-value) if is_int "$3"; then local -n output_array=$2; graph_name=$2; add=$3; break; else return; fi;; #? Add a value to existing graph -add-last) local -n output_array=$2; graph_name=$2; local -n add_array=$3; add=${add_array[-1]}; break;; #? Add last value from array to existing graph -i|-invert) invert=1;; #? Invert graph, drawing from top to bottom -n|-no-guide) no_guide=1;; #? Don't print side and bottom guide lines -max) if is_int "$2"; then max=$2; shift; fi;; #? Needed max value for non percentage arrays *) local -n tmp_in_array="$1"; input_array=("${tmp_in_array[@]}");; esac shift done local -n last_val="graph[${graph_name}_last_val]" local -n last_type="graph[${graph_name}_last_type]" if [[ -z $add ]]; then last_type="even" last_val=0 local -n graph_array="${graph_name}_odd" local -n graph_even="${graph_name}_even" graph_even=("") graph_array=("") elif [[ ${last_type} == "even" ]]; then local -n graph_array="${graph_name}_odd" last_type="odd" elif [[ ${last_type} == "odd" ]]; then local -n graph_array="${graph_name}_even" last_type="even" fi if [[ -z $no_guide ]]; then ((--height)) elif [[ -n $invert ]]; then ((line--)) fi if ((width<3)); then width=3; fi if ((height<1)); then height=1; fi #* If argument "add" was passed check for existing graph and make room for new value(s) local add_start add_end if [[ -n $add ]]; then local cut_left search if [[ -n ${input_array[*]} || -z ${graph_array[0]} ]]; then return; fi height=$((${#graph_array[@]}-1)) input_array=("${add}") #* Remove last value in current graph for ((i=0;i=0;i--)); do g_index+=($i) done else for((i=0;i<=height;i++)); do g_index+=($i) done fi if [[ -n $no_guide ]]; then unset normal_vals elif [[ -n $invert ]]; then g_char=(" ⡇" " ⡤" "⠤") fi #* Set up graph array print side numbers and lines print -v graph_array[0] -rs -m $((line+g_index[0])) ${col} ${normal_vals:+-jr 3 -fg "#ee" -b -t "${side_num[0]}" -rs -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${g_char[0]}"} -fg ${colors[100]} for((i=1;i=max)); then input_array[i]=100 else input_array[i]=$((input_array[i]*100/max)) fi done if [[ -n $converted ]]; then last_val=$((${last_val}*100/max)) if ((${last_val}>100)); then last_val=100; fi fi fi if [[ -n $invert ]]; then local -n symbols=graph_symbol_down else local -n symbols=graph_symbol_up fi until ((y==done_val)); do next_line=$(( virt_height-((y+1)*4) )) unset p_val #* Create graph by walking through all values for each line for ((x=0;x<${#input_array[@]};x++)); do c_val=${input_array[x]} p_val=${p_val:-${last_val}} cur_value="$((c_val*virt_height/100-next_line))" prev_value=$((p_val*virt_height/100-next_line)) if ((cur_value<0)); then cur_value=0 elif ((cur_value>4)); then cur_value=4; fi if ((prev_value<0)); then prev_value=0 elif ((prev_value>4)); then prev_value=4; fi if [[ -z $add ]] && ((x==0)); then print -v graph_even[y] -t "${symbols[${prev_value}_${cur_value}]}" print -v graph_array[y] -t "${symbols[0_${prev_value}]}" elif [[ -z $add ]] && ! ((x%2)); then print -v graph_even[y] -t "${symbols[${prev_value}_${cur_value}]}" else print -v graph_array[y] -t "${symbols[${prev_value}_${cur_value}]}" fi if [[ -z $add ]]; then p_val=${input_array[x]}; else unset p_val; fi done if [[ -n $invert ]]; then ((y--)) || true else ((++y)) fi done if [[ -z $add && ${last_type} == "even" ]]; then declare -n graph_array="${graph_name}_even" fi last_val=$c_val output_array=("${graph_array[@]}") } create_mini_graph_hires() { #? Create a one line high graph from an array of percentage values, usage; create_mini_graph #? Add a value to existing graph; create_mini_graph [-i, -invert] [-nc, -no-color] [-c, -color "array-name"] -add-value "graph_variable" #? Add last value from an array to existing graph; create_mini_graph [-i, -invert] [-nc, -no-color] [-c, -color "array-name"] -add-last "graph_variable" "value-array" #? Options: [-w, -width ] [-i, -invert] [-nc, -no-color] [-c, -color "array-name"] [-o, -output-variable "variable-name"] if [[ -z $1 ]]; then return; fi local val col s_col line s_line height s_height width s_width colors color var ext_var out side_num side_nums=1 add invert no_guide graph_var no_color color_value graph_name local -a input_array local -i i #* Argument parsing until (($#==0)); do case $1 in -w|-width) if is_int "$2"; then width=$2; shift; fi;; #? Graph width -c|-color) local -n colors=$2; shift;; #? Name of an array containing colors from index 0-100 -nc|-no-color) no_color=1;; #? Set no color -o|-output-variable) local -n output_var=$2; graph_name=$2; ext_var=1; shift;; #? Output graph to a variable -add-value) if is_int "$3"; then local -n output_var=$2; graph_name=$2; add=$3; break; else return; fi;; #? Add a value to existing graph -add-last) local -n output_var=$2; local -n add_array=$3; graph_name=$2; add="${add_array[-1]:-0}"; break;; #? Add last value from array to existing graph -i|-invert) invert=1;; #? Invert graph, drawing from top to bottom *) local -n tmp_in_arr=$1; input_array=("${tmp_in_arr[@]}");; esac shift done local -n last_val="${graph_name}_last_val" local -n last_type="${graph_name}_last_type" if [[ -z $add ]]; then last_type="even" last_val=0 local -n graph_var="${graph_name}_odd" local -n graph_other="${graph_name}_even" graph_var=""; graph_other="" elif [[ ${last_type} == "even" ]]; then local -n graph_var="${graph_name}_odd" last_type="odd" elif [[ ${last_type} == "odd" ]]; then local -n graph_var="${graph_name}_even" last_type="even" fi if ((width<1)); then width=1; fi #* If argument "add" was passed check for existing graph and make room for new value(s) local add_start add_end if [[ -n $add ]]; then local cut_left search input_array[0]=${add} #* Remove last value in current graph if [[ -n ${graph_var} && -z $no_color ]]; then if [[ ${graph_var::5} == '\e[1C' ]]; then graph_var="${graph_var#'\e[1C'}" else cut_left="${graph_var%m*}" search=$((${#cut_left}+1)) graph_var="${graph_var::$search}${graph_var:$((search+1))}" fi elif [[ -n ${graph_var} && -n $no_color ]]; then if [[ ${graph_var::5} == "\e[1C" ]]; then #cut_left="${graph_var%%C*}" #search=$((${#cut_left}+1)) #graph_var="${graph_var:$((search))}" graph_var="${graph_var#'\e[1C'}" else graph_var="${graph_var:1}" fi fi fi #* If no color array was given, create a simple greyscale array if [[ -z $colors && -z $no_color ]]; then for ((i=0,ic=50;i<=100;i++,ic=ic+2)); do colors[i]="${ic} ${ic} ${ic}" done fi #* Create the graph local value_width x=0 y a cur_value prev_value p_val c_val acolor jump odd offset=0 if [[ -n $add ]]; then value_width=1 elif ((${#input_array[@]}<=width*2)); then value_width=$((${#input_array[@]}*2)) else value_width=$((width*2)) input_array=("${input_array[@]:(-${value_width})}") fi if [[ -z $add ]] && ! ((${#input_array[@]}%2)); then last_val=${input_array[0]}; input_array=("${input_array[@]:1}"); fi #* Print spaces to right-justify graph if number of values is less than graph width if [[ -z $add ]] && ((${#input_array[@]}/2=85)); then cur_value=4 elif ((c_val>=60)); then cur_value=3 elif ((c_val>=30)); then cur_value=2 elif ((c_val>=10)); then cur_value=1 elif ((c_val<10)); then cur_value=0; fi if ((p_val>=85)); then prev_value=4 elif ((p_val>=60)); then prev_value=3 elif ((p_val>=30)); then prev_value=2 elif ((p_val>=10)); then prev_value=1 elif ((p_val<10)); then prev_value=0; fi if [[ -z $no_color ]]; then if ((c_val>p_val)); then acolor=$((c_val-p_val)) else acolor=$((p_val-c_val)); fi if ((acolor>100)); then acolor=100; elif ((acolor<0)); then acolor=0; fi color="-fg ${colors[${acolor:-0}]} " else unset color fi if ((cur_value==0 & prev_value==0)); then jump="\e[1C"; else unset jump; fi if [[ -z $add ]] && ((i==0)); then print -v graph_other ${color}-t "${jump:-${symbols[${prev_value}_${cur_value}]}}" print -v graph_var ${color}-t "${jump:-${symbols[0_${prev_value}]}}" elif [[ -z $add ]] && ((i%2)); then print -v graph_other ${color}-t "${jump:-${symbols[${prev_value}_${cur_value}]}}" else print -v graph_var ${color}-t "${jump:-${symbols[${prev_value}_${cur_value}]}}" fi if [[ -z $add ]]; then p_val=$c_val; else unset p_val; fi done #if [[ -z $add ]]; then # declare -n graph_var="${graph_name}_even" # #echo "yup" >&2 #fi last_val=$c_val output_var="${graph_var}" } print() { #? Print text, set true-color foreground/background color, add effects, center text, move cursor, save cursor position and restore cursor postion #? Effects: [-fg, -foreground | ] [-bg, -background | ] [-rs, -reset] [-/+b, -/+bold] [-/+da, -/+dark] #? [-/+ul, -/+underline] [-/+i, -/+italic] [-/+bl, -/+blink] [-f, -font "sans-serif|script|fraktur|monospace|double-struck"] #? Manipulation: [-m, -move ] [-l, -left ] [-r, -right ] [-u, -up ] [-d, -down ] [-c, -center] [-sc, -save] [-rc, -restore] #? [-jl, -justify-left ] [-jr, -justify-right ] [-jc, -justify-center ] [-rp, -repeat ] #? Text: [-v, -variable "variable-name"] [-stdin] [-t, -text "string"] ["string"] #* Return if no arguments is given if [[ -z $1 ]]; then return; fi #* Just echo and return if only one argument and not a valid option if [[ $# -eq 1 && ${1::1} != "-" ]]; then echo -en "$1"; return; fi local effect color add_command text text2 esc center clear fgc bgc fg_bg_div tmp tmp_len bold italic custom_font val var out ext_var hex="16#" local justify_left justify_right justify_center repeat r_tmp trans #* Loop function until we are out of arguments until (($#==0)); do #* Argument parsing until (($#==0)); do case $1 in -t|-text) text="$2"; shift 2; break;; #? String to print -stdin) text="$( <0-255> <0-255>" if [[ ${2::1} == "#" ]]; then val=${2//#/} if [[ ${#val} == 6 ]]; then fgc="\e[38;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:2:2}));$((${hex}${val:4:2}))m"; shift elif [[ ${#val} == 2 ]]; then fgc="\e[38;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}))m"; shift fi elif is_int "${@:2:3}"; then fgc="\e[38;2;$2;$3;$4m"; shift 3 fi ;; -bg|-background) #? Set text background color, accepts either 6 digit hexadecimal "#RRGGBB", 2 digit hex (greyscale) or decimal RGB "<0-255> <0-255> <0-255>" if [[ ${2::1} == "#" ]]; then val=${2//#/} if [[ ${#val} == 6 ]]; then bgc="\e[48;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:2:2}));$((${hex}${val:4:2}))m"; shift elif [[ ${#val} == 2 ]]; then bgc="\e[48;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}))m"; shift fi elif is_int "${@:2:3}"; then bgc="\e[48;2;$2;$3;$4m"; shift 3 fi ;; -c|-center) center=1;; #? Center text horizontally on screen -rs|-reset) effect="0${effect}${theme[main_bg]}";; #? Reset text colors and effects -b|-bold) effect="${effect}${effect:+;}1"; bold=1;; #? Enable bold text +b|+bold) effect="${effect}${effect:+;}21"; bold=0;; #? Disable bold text -da|-dark) effect="${effect}${effect:+;}2";; #? Enable dark text +da|+dark) effect="${effect}${effect:+;}22";; #? Disable dark text -i|-italic) effect="${effect}${effect:+;}3"; italic=1;; #? Enable italic text +i|+italic) effect="${effect}${effect:+;}23"; italic=0;; #? Disable italic text -ul|-underline) effect="${effect}${effect:+;}4";; #? Enable underlined text +ul|+underline) effect="${effect}${effect:+;}24";; #? Disable underlined text -bl|-blink) effect="${effect}${effect:+;}5";; #? Enable blinking text +bl|+blink) effect="${effect}${effect:+;}25";; #? Disable blinking text -f|-font) if [[ $2 =~ ^(sans-serif|script|fraktur|monospace|double-struck)$ ]]; then custom_font="$2"; shift; fi;; #? Set custom font -m|-move) add_command="${add_command}\e[${2};${3}f"; shift 2;; #? Move to postion "LINE" "COLUMN" -l|-left) add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}D"; shift;; #? Move left x columns -r|-right) add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}C"; shift;; #? Move right x columns -u|-up) add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}A"; shift;; #? Move up x lines -d|-down) add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}B"; shift;; #? Move down x lines -jl|-justify-left) justify_left="${2}"; shift;; #? Justify string left within given width -jr|-justify-right) justify_right="${2}"; shift;; #? Justify string right within given width -jc|-justify-center) justify_center="${2}"; shift;; #? Justify string center within given width -rp|-repeat) repeat=${2}; shift;; #? Repeat next string x number of times -sc|-save) add_command="\e[s${add_command}";; #? Save cursor position -rc|-restore) add_command="${add_command}\e[u";; #? Restore cursor position -trans) trans=1;; #? Make whitespace transparent -v|-variable) local -n var=$2; ext_var=1; shift;; #? Send output to a variable, appending if not unset *) text="$1"; shift; break;; #? Assumes text string if no argument is found esac shift done #* Repeat string if repeat is enabled if [[ -n $repeat ]]; then printf -v r_tmp "%${repeat}s" "" text="${r_tmp// /$text}" fi #* Set correct placement for screen centered text if ((center==1 & ${#text}>0 & ${#text}tty_width*4)); then cpu_history=( "${cpu_history[@]:$((tty_width*2))}" "${cpu_usage[0]}") else cpu_history+=("${cpu_usage[0]}") fi for((i=1;i<=threads;i++)); do local -n cpu_core_history="cpu_core_history_$i" if ((${#cpu_core_history[@]}>40)); then cpu_core_history=( "${cpu_core_history[@]:20}" "${cpu_usage[$i]}") else cpu_core_history+=("${cpu_usage[$i]}") fi done #* Get current cpu frequency from "/proc/cpuinfo" and convert to appropriate unit if [[ $use_psutil == false && -z ${cpu[no_cpu_info]} ]] && ! get_value -v 'cpu[freq]' -sf "/proc/cpuinfo" -k "cpu MHz" -i; then cpu[no_cpu_info]=1 fi #* If getting cpu frequency from "proc/cpuinfo" was unsuccessfull try "/sys/devices/../../scaling_cur_freq" if [[ -n ${cpu[no_cpu_info]} && -e "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq" ]]; then get_value -v 'cpu[freq]' -sf "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq" -i printf -v 'cpu[freq]' "%.0f0" "${cpu[freq]}e-4" fi if ((${#cpu[freq]}>3)); then cpu[freq_string]="${cpu[freq]::-3}.${cpu[freq]:(-3):1} GHz" elif ((${#cpu[freq]}>1)); then cpu[freq_string]="${cpu[freq]} MHz" else cpu[freq_string]=""; fi #* Get load average and uptime from uptime command if [[ $use_psutil == false ]]; then local uptime_var read -r uptime_var < <(uptime 2>/dev/null || true) cpu[load_avg]="${uptime_var#*average: }" cpu[load_avg]="${cpu[load_avg]//,/}" cpu[uptime]="${uptime_var#*up }" cpu[uptime]="${cpu[uptime]%%, *}" fi #* Collect cpu temps if enabled if [[ $check_temp == true ]]; then collect_cpu_temps; fi } collect_cpu_temps() { #? Collect cpu temperatures local unit c div threads=${cpu[threads]} sens_var i it ccd_value breaking core_value misc_var local -a ccd_array core_array #* Fetch output from "sensors" command to a variable if [[ $sensor_comm == "sensors" ]]; then read -rd '' sens_var < <(sensors 2>/dev/null || true) || true elif [[ $sensor_comm != "sensors" ]]; then read -r misc_var < <(${sensor_comm} measure_temp 2>/dev/null ||true) fi #* Get CPU package temp for intel cpus if get_value -v 'cpu[temp_0]' -sv "sens_var" -k "Package*:" -mk 1 || get_value -v 'cpu[temp_0]' -sv "sens_var" -k "Core 0:" -mk 1; then #* If successful get temperature unit, convert temp to integer and get high and crit cpu[temp_unit]="${cpu[temp_0]:(-2)}"; cpu[temp_0]="${cpu[temp_0]%.*}"; if [[ ${cpu[temp_0]::1} == "+" ]]; then cpu[temp_0]="${cpu[temp_0]#+}"; fi if [[ -z ${cpu[temp_high]} ]]; then if ! get_value -v 'cpu[temp_high]' -sv "sens_var" -k "Package*high =" -m 2 -r "[^0-9.]" -b -i; then cpu[temp_high]="85"; cpu[temp_crit]=$((cpu[temp_high]+10)) else get_value -v 'cpu[temp_crit]' -sv "sens_var" -k "Package*crit =" -m 2 -r "[^0-9.]" -b -i; fi fi #* Get core temps i=0 while get_value -v "core_value" -sv "sens_var" -k "Core ${i}:" -mk 1 -r "[^0-9.]" -b -i && ((i<=threads)); do core_array+=("$core_value"); ((++i)) ; done if [[ -z ${core_array[0]} ]]; then core_array=("${cpu[temp_0]}"); fi if ((${#core_array[@]}100)); then tmp_temp=100; elif ((tmp_temp<0)); then tmp_temp=0; fi local -n cpu_temp_history="cpu_temp_history_$i" if ((${#cpu_temp_history[@]}>20)); then cpu_temp_history=( "${cpu_temp_history[@]:10}" "${tmp_temp}") else cpu_temp_history+=("${tmp_temp}") fi done fi } collect_mem() { #? Collect memory information from "/proc/meminfo" ((++mem[counter])) if ((mem[counter]<4)); then return; fi mem[counter]=0 local i tmp value array mem_info height=$((box[mem_height]-2)) skip filter_value local -a mem_array swap_array available=("mem") unset 'mem[total]' #* Get memory and swap information from "/proc/meminfo" or psutil and calculate percentages if [[ $use_psutil == true ]]; then read mem[total] mem[free] mem[available] mem[cached] swap[total] swap[free] < <(python3 - 2>/dev/null <>10 except: cmem = mem.active>>10 print(mem.total>>10, mem.free>>10, mem.available>>10, cmem, swap.total>>10, swap.free>>10) EOF ) if [[ -z ${mem[total]} ]]; then return; fi if [[ -n $swap_on && -n ${swap[total]} ]] && ((swap[total]>0)); then swap[free_percent]=$((swap[free]*100/swap[total])) swap[used]=$((swap[total]-swap[free])) swap[used_percent]=$((swap[used]*100/swap[total])) available+=("swap") else unset swap_on fi else read -rd '' mem_info 0)); then get_value -v 'swap[free]' -sv "mem_info" -k "SwapFree:" -i swap[free_percent]=$((swap[free]*100/swap[total])) swap[used]=$((swap[total]-swap[free])) swap[used_percent]=$((swap[used]*100/swap[total])) available+=("swap") elif [[ $use_psutil == false ]]; then unset swap_on fi #* Convert values to floating point and humanize for array in ${available[@]}; do for value in total used free available cached; do if [[ $array == "swap" && $value == "available" ]]; then break 2; fi local -n this_value="${array}[${value}]" this_string="${array}[${value}_string]" floating_humanizer -v this_string -s 1 -B "${this_value}" done done #* Get disk information from "df" command local df_array df_line line_array dev_path dev_name iostat_var disk_read disk_write disk_io_string df_count=0 local -a device_array iostat_array unset 'disks_free[@]' 'disks_used[@]' 'disks_used_percent[@]' 'disks_total[@]' 'disks_name[@]' 'disks_free_percent[@]' 'disks_io[@]' if [[ $system == "MacOS" ]]; then readarray -t df_array < <(/bin/df -k -P 2>/dev/null || true) else readarray -t df_array < <(${df} -x squashfs -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs -x overlay 2>/dev/null || true) fi for df_line in "${df_array[@]:1}"; do line_array=(${df_line}) if ! is_int "${line_array[1]}" || ((line_array[1]<=0)); then continue; fi if [[ $system == "MacOS" && ( ${line_array[0]} == "devfs" || ${line_array[5]} == "/private/var/vm" ) ]]; then continue; fi if [[ ${line_array[5]} == "/" ]]; then disks_name+=("root") else disks_name+=("${line_array[5]##*/}"); fi #* Filter disks showed if $disks_filter is set if [[ -n $disks_filter ]]; then unset found for filter_value in ${disks_filter}; do if [[ $filter_value == "${disks_name[-1]}" ]]; then found=1; fi done fi if [[ -z $disks_filter || -n $found ]]; then disks_total+=("$(floating_humanizer -s 1 -B ${line_array[1]})") disks_used+=("$(floating_humanizer -s 1 -B ${line_array[2]})") disks_used_percent+=("${line_array[4]%'%'}") disks_free+=("$(floating_humanizer -s 1 -B ${line_array[3]})") disks_free_percent+=("$((100-${line_array[4]%'%'}))") #* Get read/write stats for disk if iostat or psutil is available if [[ -n $has_iostat || $use_psutil == true ]]; then unset iostat_var disk_io_string dev_name="${line_array[0]##*/}" dev_path="${line_array[0]%${dev_name}}" if [[ ${dev_name::2} == "md" ]]; then dev_name="${dev_name::3}"; fi unset iostat_var disk_io_string 'iostat_array[@]' if [[ $use_psutil == true && $system != "Linux" ]] && ((df_count==0)); then read -r iostat_var < <(python3 -c "import psutil; disk = psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=False); print(disk.read_bytes>>10, disk.write_bytes>>10)" 2>/dev/null) df_count=1 elif [[ $use_psutil == true && $system == "Linux" ]]; then read -r iostat_var < <(python3 -c "import os, psutil; disk = psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=True)[os.path.realpath('${dev_path}${dev_name}').split('/')[-1]]; print(disk.read_bytes>>10, disk.write_bytes>>10)" 2>/dev/null) elif [[ $use_psutil == false ]]; then read -r iostat_var < <(iostat -dkz "${dev_path}${dev_name}" | tail -n +4) fi iostat_array=(${iostat_var}) if [[ -n ${iostat_var} ]]; then disk_read=$((iostat_array[-2]-${disks[${dev_name}_read]:-${iostat_array[-2]}})) disk_write=$((iostat_array[-1]-${disks[${dev_name}_write]:-${iostat_array[-1]}})) if ((box[m_width2]>25)); then if ((disk_read>0)); then disk_io_string="▲$(floating_humanizer -s 1 -short -B ${disk_read}) "; fi if ((disk_write>0)); then disk_io_string+="▼$(floating_humanizer -s 1 -short -B ${disk_write})"; fi elif ((disk_read+disk_write>0)); then disk_io_string+="▼▲$(floating_humanizer -s 1 -short -B $((disk_read+disk_write)))" fi disks[${dev_name}_read]="${iostat_array[-2]}" disks[${dev_name}_write]="${iostat_array[-1]}" fi disks_io+=("${disk_io_string:-0}") fi else unset 'disks_name[-1]' disks_name=("${disks_name[@]}") fi if ((${#disks_name[@]}>=height/2)); then break; fi done } collect_processes() { #? Collect process information and calculate accurate cpu usage if [[ $use_psutil == true ]]; then collect_processes_psutil $1; return; fi local argument="$1" if [[ -n $skip_process_draw && $argument != "now" ]]; then return; fi local width=${box[processes_width]} height=${box[processes_height]} format_args format_cmd readline sort symbol="▼" cpu_title options pid_string tmp selected local tree tree_compare1 tree_compare2 tree_compare3 no_core_divide pids local -a grep_array saved_proc_array if [[ $argument == "now" ]]; then skip_process_draw=1; fi if [[ -n ${proc[reverse]} ]]; then symbol="▲"; fi case ${proc_sorting} in "pid") selected="Pid:"; sort="pid";; "program") selected="Program:"; sort="comm";; "arguments") selected="Arguments:"; sort="args";; "threads") selected="Threads:"; sort="nlwp";; "user") selected="User:"; sort="euser";; "memory") selected="Mem%"; sort="pmem";; "cpu lazy"|"cpu responsive") sort="pcpu"; selected="Cpu%";; "tree") selected="Tree:"; tree="Tree:"; sort="pid"; esac if [[ $proc_per_core == true ]]; then no_core_divide="1"; fi #* Collect output from ps command to array if ((width>60)) && [[ $proc_sorting != "tree" ]] ; then format_args=",args:$(( width-(47+proc[pid_len]) ))=Arguments:"; format_cmd=15 else format_cmd=$(( width-(31+proc[pid_len]) )); fi saved_proc_array=("${proc_array[@]}") unset 'proc_array[@]' 'pid_array[@]' if ((proc[detailed]==0)) && [[ -n ${proc[detailed_name]} ]]; then unset 'proc[detailed_name]' 'proc[detailed_killed]' 'proc[detailed_cpu_int]' 'proc[detailed_cmd]' unset 'proc[detailed_mem]' 'proc[detailed_mem_int]' 'proc[detailed_user]' 'proc[detailed_threads]' unset 'detail_graph[@]' 'detail_mem_graph' 'detail_history[@]' 'detail_mem_history[@]' unset 'proc[detailed_runtime]' 'proc[detailed_mem_string]' 'proc[detailed_parent_pid]' 'proc[detailed_parent_name]' fi unset 'proc[detailed_cpu]' if [[ -z $filter ]]; then options="-t" fi readarray ${options} proc_array < <(ps ax${tree:+f} -o pid:${proc[pid_len]}=Pid:,comm:${format_cmd}=${tree:-Program:}${format_args},nlwp:3=Tr:,euser:6=User:,pmem=Mem%,pcpu:10=Cpu% --sort ${proc[reverse]:--}${sort}) proc_array[0]="${proc_array[0]/ Tr:/ Threads:}" proc_array[0]="${proc_array[0]/ ${selected}/${symbol}${selected}}" if [[ -n $filter ]]; then grep_array[0]="${proc_array[0]}" readarray -O 1 -t grep_array < <(echo -e " ${proc_array[*]:1}" | grep -e "${filter}" ${proc[detailed_pid]:+-e ${proc[detailed_pid]}} | cut -c 2- || true) proc_array=("${grep_array[@]}") fi proc[pages]=$(( (${#proc_array[@]}-1)/(height-3)+1 )) if ((proc[page]>proc[pages])); then proc[page]=${proc[pages]}; fi #* Get accurate cpu usage by fetching and comparing values in /proc/"pid"/stat local operations operation utime stime count time_elapsed cpu_percent_string rgb=231 step add proc_out tmp_value_array i pcpu_usage cpu_int tmp_percent breaking local -a cpu_percent statfile work_array #* Timestamp the values in milliseconds to accurately calculate cpu usage get_ms proc[new_timestamp] for readline in "${proc_array[@]:1}"; do ((++count)) if ((count==height-3 & breaking==0)); then if [[ -n $filter || $proc_sorting != "cpu lazy" || ${proc[selected]} -gt 0 || ${proc[page]} -gt 1 || ${proc_reversed} == true ]]; then : else breaking=1; fi fi #if get_key -save && [[ ${#saved_key[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then proc_array=("${saved_proc_array[@]}"); return; fi if ((breaking==2)); then work_array=(${proc_array[-1]}) else work_array=(${readline}) fi pid="${work_array[0]}" pcpu_usage="${work_array[-1]}" #* If showing tree structure replace slashes and pipes with actual lines and terminate them at the correct places if [[ $proc_sorting == "tree" ]]; then tree_compare1="${proc_array[$((count+1))]%'\_'*}" tree_compare2="${proc_array[count]%'\_'*}" tree_compare3="${proc_array[$((count+1))]%'|'*}" proc_array[count]="${proc_array[count]//'|'/│}" proc_array[count]="${proc_array[count]//'\_'/└─}" if ((count<${#proc_array[@]}-1)) && [[ ${#tree_compare1} -eq ${#tree_compare2} || ${#tree_compare2} -eq ${#tree_compare3} ]]; then proc_array[count]="${proc_array[count]//'└'/├}" fi fi pid_history[${pid}]="1" if [[ -n $filter || $proc_sorting == "cpu responsive" ]] && [[ ${proc_array[count]:${proc[pid_len]}:1} != " " ]]; then unset pid_string printf -v pid_string "%${proc[pid_len]}s" "${pid}" proc_array[count]="${pid_string}${proc_array[count]#*${pid}}" fi if [[ -r "/proc/${pid}/stat" ]] && read -ra statfile /dev/null; then utime=${statfile[13]} stime=${statfile[14]} proc[new_${pid}_ticks]=$((utime+stime)) if [[ -n ${proc[old_${pid}_ticks]} ]]; then time_elapsed=$((proc[new_timestamp]-proc[old_timestamp])) #* Calculate current cpu usage for process, * 1000 (for conversion from ms to seconds) * 1000 (for conversion to floating point) cpu_percent[count]=$(( ( ( ${proc[new_${pid}_ticks]}-${proc[old_${pid}_ticks]} ) * 1000 * 1000 ) / ( cpu[hz]*time_elapsed*${no_core_divide:-${cpu[threads]}} ) )) if ((cpu_percent[count]<0)); then cpu_percent[count]=0 elif [[ -z $no_core_divide ]] && ((cpu_percent[count]>1000)); then cpu_percent[count]=1000; fi if ((${#cpu_percent[count]}<=3)); then printf -v cpu_percent_string "%01d%s" "${cpu_percent[count]::-1}" ".${cpu_percent[count]:(-1)}" else cpu_percent_string=${cpu_percent[count]::-1} fi printf -v cpu_percent_string "%5s" "${cpu_percent_string::4}" proc_array[count]="${proc_array[count]::-5}${cpu_percent_string}" pid_graph="pid_${pid}_graph" local -n pid_count="pid_${pid}_count" printf -v cpu_int "%01d" "${cpu_percent[count]::-1}" #* Get info for detailed box if enabled if [[ ${pid} == "${proc[detailed_pid]}" ]]; then if [[ -z ${proc[detailed_name]} ]]; then local get_mem mem_string cmdline="" local -a det_array read -r proc[detailed_name] 5)); then proc[detailed_mem_count]=0 proc[detailed_mem]="${work_array[-2]}" proc[detailed_mem_int]="${proc[detailed_mem]/./}" if [[ ${proc[detailed_mem_int]::1} == "0" ]]; then proc[detailed_mem_int]="${proc[detailed_mem_int]:1}0"; fi #* Scale up low mem values to see any changes on mini graph if ((proc[detailed_mem_int]>900)); then proc[detailed_mem_int]=$((proc[detailed_mem_int]/10)) elif ((proc[detailed_mem_int]>600)); then proc[detailed_mem_int]=$((proc[detailed_mem_int]/8)) elif ((proc[detailed_mem_int]>300)); then proc[detailed_mem_int]=$((proc[detailed_mem_int]/5)) elif ((proc[detailed_mem_int]>100)); then proc[detailed_mem_int]=$((proc[detailed_mem_int]/2)) elif ((proc[detailed_mem_int]<50)); then proc[detailed_mem_int]=$((proc[detailed_mem_int]*2)); fi unset 'proc[detailed_mem_string]' read -r mem_string < <(ps -o rss:1 --no-headers -p ${pid} || true) floating_humanizer -v proc[detailed_mem_string] -B -s 1 $mem_string if [[ -z ${proc[detailed_mem_string]} ]]; then proc[detailed_mem_string]="? Byte"; fi fi #* Copy process cpu usage to history array and trim earlier entries if ((${#detail_history[@]}>box[details_width]*2)); then detail_history=( "${detail_history[@]:${box[details_width]}}" "$((cpu_int+4))") else detail_history+=("$((cpu_int+4))") fi #* Copy process mem usage to history array and trim earlier entries if ((${#detail_mem_history[@]}>box[details_width])); then detail_mem_history=( "${detail_mem_history[@]:$((box[details_width]/2))}" "${proc[detailed_mem_int]}") else detail_mem_history+=("${proc[detailed_mem_int]}") fi #* Remove selected process from array if process is excluded by filtering or not on first page if [[ -n $filter && ! ${proc[detailed_name]} =~ $filter ]]; then unset 'proc_array[count]' cpu_int=0; pid_count=0 fi fi #* Create small graphs for all visible processes using more than 1% cpu time if [[ ${cpu_int} -gt 0 ]]; then pid_count=5; fi if [[ -z ${!pid_graph} && ${cpu_int} -gt 0 ]]; then tmp_value_array=("$((cpu_int+4))") create_mini_graph -o "pid_${pid}_graph" -nc -w 5 "tmp_value_array" elif [[ ${pid_count} -gt 0 ]]; then if [[ ${cpu_int} -gt 9 ]]; then create_mini_graph -nc -add-value "pid_${pid}_graph" "$((cpu_int+15))" else create_mini_graph -nc -add-value "pid_${pid}_graph" "$((cpu_int+9))" fi pid_count=$((${pid_count}-1)) elif [[ ${pid_count} == "0" ]]; then unset "pid_${pid}_graph" "pid_${pid}_graph_even" "pid_${pid}_graph_odd" "pid_${pid}_graph_last_type" "pid_${pid}_graph_last_val" unset "pid_${pid}_count" fi else tmp_percent="${proc_array[count]:(-5)}"; tmp_percent="${tmp_percent// /}"; if [[ ${tmp_percent//./} != "$tmp_percent" ]]; then tmp_percent="${tmp_percent::-2}"; fi if ((tmp_percent>100)); then proc_array[count]="${proc_array[count]::-5} 100" fi fi proc[old_${pid}_ticks]=${proc[new_${pid}_ticks]} fi if ((breaking==1)); then if [[ ${proc[detailed]} == "1" && -z ${proc[detailed_cpu]} ]] && ps ${proc[detailed_pid]} >/dev/null 2>&1; then readarray ${options} -O ${#proc_array[@]} proc_array < <(ps -o pid:${proc[pid_len]}=Pid:,comm:${format_cmd}=${tree:-Program:}${format_args},nlwp:3=Tr:,euser:6=User:,pmem=Mem%,pcpu:10=Cpu% --no-headers -p ${proc[detailed_pid]} || true) ((++breaking)) else break fi elif ((breaking==2)); then unset 'proc_array[-1]' break fi done proc[old_timestamp]=${proc[new_timestamp]} if ((proc[detailed]==1)) && [[ -z ${proc[detailed_cpu]} && -z ${proc[detailed_killed]} ]]; then proc[detailed_killed]=1; proc[detailed_change]=1 elif [[ -n ${proc[detailed_cpu]} ]]; then unset 'proc[detailed_killed]'; fi #* Sort output array based on cpu usage if "cpu responsive" is selected if [[ ${proc_sorting} == "cpu responsive" ]]; then local -a sort_array if [[ -z ${proc[reverse]} ]]; then local sort_rev="-r"; fi sort_array[0]="${proc_array[0]}" readarray -O 1 -t sort_array < <(printf "%s\n" "${proc_array[@]:1}" | awk '{ print $NF, $0 }' | sort -n -k1 ${sort_rev}| sed 's/^[0-9\.]* //') proc_array=("${sort_array[@]}") fi #* Clear up memory by removing variables and graphs of no longer running processes ((++proc[general_counter])) if ((proc[general_counter]>100)); then proc[general_counter]=0 for pids in ${!pid_history[@]}; do if [[ ! -e /proc/${pids} ]]; then unset "pid_${pids}_graph" "pid_${pids}_graph_even" "pid_${pids}_graph_odd" "pid_${pids}_graph_last_type" "pid_${pids}_graph_last_val" unset "pid_${pids}_count" unset "proc[new_${pids}_ticks]" unset "proc[old_${pids}_ticks]" unset "pid_history[${pids}]" fi done fi } collect_processes_psutil() { local argument=$1 if [[ -n $skip_process_draw && $argument != "now" ]]; then return; fi if [[ $argument == "now" ]]; then skip_process_draw=1; fi local prog_len arg_len symbol="▼" sorting selected imports time_elapsed no_core_divide width=${box[processes_width]} height=${box[processes_height]} local cmdargs titleargs titletr hide_self pid pcpu_usage pids p_count cpu_int pids bsd_idle #* Timestamp the values in milliseconds to accurately calculate cpu usage get_ms proc[new_timestamp] if [[ $proc_per_core == true ]]; then no_core_divide="1"; fi if [[ $system == "BSD" ]]; then bsd_idle="or p.info['name'] == 'idle'"; fi time_elapsed=$((proc[new_timestamp]-proc[old_timestamp])) case ${proc_sorting} in "pid") selected="Pid:" sorting="p.info['pid'], reverse=True" ;; "program") selected="Program:" sorting="p.info['name'], reverse=False" ;; "arguments") selected="Arguments:" sorting="' '.join(str(p.info['cmdline'])) or p.info['name'], reverse=False" ;; "threads") selected="Threads:" sorting="str(p.info['num_threads']), reverse=True" ;; "user") selected="User:" sorting="p.info['username'], reverse=False" ;; "memory") selected="Mem%" sorting="str(p.info['memory_percent']), reverse=True" ;; "cpu lazy"|"tree") selected="Cpu%" sorting="(sum(p.info['cpu_times'][:2]) * 1000 / (time.time() - p.info['create_time'])), reverse=True" imports=1 ;; "cpu responsive") selected="Cpu%" sorting="float( (sum(p.info['cpu_times'][:2]) - procs.get(p.info['pid'], 0)) * 100000 / (${time_elapsed} * ${no_core_divide:-${cpu[threads]}}) ), reverse=True" ;; esac if [[ -n ${proc[reverse]} ]]; then symbol="▲" if [[ ${sorting:(-4)} == "True" ]]; then sorting="${sorting::-4}False" elif [[ ${sorting:(-5)} == "False" ]]; then sorting="${sorting::-5}True" fi fi if ((proc[detailed]==0)) && [[ -n ${proc[detailed_name]} ]]; then unset 'proc[detailed_name]' 'proc[detailed_killed]' 'proc[detailed_cpu_int]' 'proc[detailed_cmd]' unset 'proc[detailed_mem]' 'proc[detailed_mem_int]' 'proc[detailed_user]' 'proc[detailed_threads]' unset 'detail_graph[@]' 'detail_mem_graph' 'detail_history[@]' 'detail_mem_history[@]' unset 'proc[detailed_runtime]' 'proc[detailed_mem_string]' 'proc[detailed_parent_pid]' 'proc[detailed_parent_name]' fi unset 'proc[detailed_cpu]' if [[ -z ${old_procs[*]} ]]; then old_procs=("{ }"); fi if ((width>60)); then arg_len=$((width-55)) prog_len=15 cmdargs="f\"{' '.join(p.info['cmdline']) or '[' + p.info['name'] + ']':<${arg_len}.$((arg_len-1))}\"," titleargs="{'Arguments:':<$((arg_len-4))}" titletr="{'Threads:'}" else prog_len=$((width-40)) titletr=" {'Tr:'}" fi unset 'proc_array[@]' readarray -t proc_array < <(python3 - 2>/dev/null <7} {'Program:':<${prog_len}}${titleargs}${titletr} {'User:':<9}Mem%{'Cpu%':>11}") for p in sorted(psutil.process_iter(['pid', 'name', 'cmdline', 'num_threads', 'username', 'memory_percent', 'cpu_times', 'create_time'], err), key=lambda p: ${sorting}): if p.info['pid'] == selfpid ${bsd_idle}: continue if p.info['cpu_times'] == err: p.info['memory_percent'] = 0.0 p.info['num_threads'] = 0 p.info['cmdline'] = '' if search: found = False for value in [ p.info['name'], ' '.join(p.info['cmdline']), str(p.info['pid']), p.info['username'] ]: if search in value: found = True break if not found: continue cpu = float((sum(p.info['cpu_times'][:2]) - procs.get(p.info['pid'], sum(p.info['cpu_times'][:2]))) * 100000 / (${time_elapsed} * ${no_core_divide:-${cpu[threads]}})) mem = p.info['memory_percent'] print(f"{p.info['pid']:>7} ", f"{p.info['name']:<${prog_len}.$((prog_len-1))}", ${cmdargs} f"{p.info['num_threads']:>4} " if p.info['num_threads'] < 1000 else '999> ', f"{p.info['username']:<9.9}", f"{mem:>4.1f}" if mem < 100 else f"{mem:>4.0f} ", f"{cpu:>11.1f} " if cpu < 100 else f"{cpu:>11.0f} ", f"{sum(p.info['cpu_times'][:2])}", sep='') EOF ) if [[ -z ${proc_array[0]} ]]; then unset 'old_procs[@]'; return; fi proc_array[0]="${proc_array[0]/ ${selected}/${symbol}${selected}}" proc[pages]=$(( (${#proc_array[@]}-1)/(height-3)+1 )) if ((proc[page]>proc[pages])); then proc[page]=${proc[pages]}; fi unset 'old_procs[@]' old_procs=("{") for((i=1;i<${#proc_array[@]};i++)); do if [[ -z ${proc_array[i]} ]]; then continue; fi out_arr=(${proc_array[i]}) old_procs+=(" ${out_arr[0]}: ${out_arr[-1]},") proc_array[i]="${proc_array[i]% ${out_arr[-1]}}" pid="${out_arr[0]}" pcpu_usage="${out_arr[-2]}" if ! printf -v cpu_int "%.0f" "${pcpu_usage}" 2>/dev/null; then continue; fi pid_history[${pid}]="1" #* Create small graphs for all visible processes using more than 1% cpu time pid_graph="pid_${pid}_graph" if ! local -n pid_count="pid_${pid}_count" 2>/dev/null; then continue; fi if [[ ${cpu_int} -gt 0 ]]; then pid_count=5; fi if [[ -z ${!pid_graph} && ${cpu_int} -gt 0 ]]; then tmp_value_array=("$((cpu_int+4))") create_mini_graph -o "pid_${pid}_graph" -nc -w 5 "tmp_value_array" elif [[ ${pid_count} -gt 0 ]]; then if [[ ${cpu_int} -gt 9 ]]; then create_mini_graph -nc -add-value "pid_${pid}_graph" "$((cpu_int+15))" else create_mini_graph -nc -add-value "pid_${pid}_graph" "$((cpu_int+9))" fi pid_count=$((${pid_count}-1)) elif [[ ${pid_count} == "0" ]]; then unset "pid_${pid}_graph" "pid_${pid}_graph_even" "pid_${pid}_graph_odd" "pid_${pid}_graph_last_type" "pid_${pid}_graph_last_val" unset "pid_${pid}_count" fi #* Get info for detailed box if enabled if [[ ${pid} == "${proc[detailed_pid]}" ]]; then if [[ -z ${proc[detailed_name]} ]]; then local get_mem mem_string cmdline="" local -a det_array readarray -t det_array < <(python3 - 2>/dev/null </dev/null <8)); then proc[detailed_runtime]="${det_array[1]/ days, /-}" else proc[detailed_runtime]="${det_array[1]}"; fi proc[detailed_mem_count]=0 proc[detailed_mem]="${out_arr[-3]}" proc[detailed_mem_int]="${proc[detailed_mem]/./}" if [[ ${proc[detailed_mem_int]::1} == "0" ]]; then proc[detailed_mem_int]="${proc[detailed_mem_int]:1}0"; fi #* Scale up low mem values to see any changes on mini graph if ((proc[detailed_mem_int]>900)); then proc[detailed_mem_int]=$((proc[detailed_mem_int]/10)) elif ((proc[detailed_mem_int]>600)); then proc[detailed_mem_int]=$((proc[detailed_mem_int]/8)) elif ((proc[detailed_mem_int]>300)); then proc[detailed_mem_int]=$((proc[detailed_mem_int]/5)) elif ((proc[detailed_mem_int]>100)); then proc[detailed_mem_int]=$((proc[detailed_mem_int]/2)) elif ((proc[detailed_mem_int]<50)); then proc[detailed_mem_int]=$((proc[detailed_mem_int]*2)); fi #* Copy process cpu usage to history array and trim earlier entries if ((${#detail_history[@]}>box[details_width]*2)); then detail_history=( "${detail_history[@]:${box[details_width]}}" "$((cpu_int+4))") else detail_history+=("$((cpu_int+4))") fi #* Copy process mem usage to history array and trim earlier entries if ((${#detail_mem_history[@]}>box[details_width])); then detail_mem_history=( "${detail_mem_history[@]:$((box[details_width]/2))}" "${proc[detailed_mem_int]}") else detail_mem_history+=("${proc[detailed_mem_int]}") fi fi if ((i==height-2)); then if [[ ${proc[selected]} -gt 0 || ${proc[page]} -gt 1 || -z ${proc[detailed_cpu]} ]]; then : else break; fi fi done old_procs[-1]="${old_procs[-1]%,} }" proc[old_timestamp]=${proc[new_timestamp]} if ((proc[detailed]==1)) && [[ -z ${proc[detailed_cpu]} && -z ${proc[detailed_killed]} ]]; then proc[detailed_killed]=1; proc[detailed_change]=1 elif [[ -n ${proc[detailed_cpu]} ]]; then unset 'proc[detailed_killed]'; fi #* Clear up memory by removing variables and graphs of no longer running processes ((++proc[general_counter])) if ((proc[general_counter]>100)); then proc[general_counter]=0 for pids in ${!pid_history[@]}; do if [[ ! -e /proc/${pids} ]]; then unset "pid_${pids}_graph" "pid_${pids}_graph_even" "pid_${pids}_graph_odd" "pid_${pids}_graph_last_type" "pid_${pids}_graph_last_val" unset "pid_${pids}_count" unset "pid_history[${pids}]" fi done fi } collect_net() { #? Collect information from "/proc/net/dev" local operations operation direction index unit_selector speed speed_B total local -a net_dev history_sorted history_last if [[ -n ${net[no_device]} ]]; then return; fi if [[ $1 == "init" ]]; then for direction in "download" "upload"; do net[${direction}_max]=0 net[${direction}_new_low]=0 net[${direction}_new_max]=0 net[${direction}_max_current]=0 net[${direction}_graph_max]=$((50<<10)) done unset 'download_graph[@]' 'upload_graph[@]' 'net_history_download[@]' 'net_history_upload[@]' fi #* Get the line with relevant net device from /proc/net/dev or psutil into array net_dev, index 1 is download, index 9 is upload if [[ $use_psutil == true ]]; then read -a net_dev < <(python3 -c "import psutil; net = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)['${net[device]}']; print(0,net.bytes_recv,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,net.bytes_sent)" 2>/dev/null) if [[ -z ${net_dev[*]} ]]; then net[no_device]=1; return; fi else if ! get_value -map net_dev -sf "/proc/net/dev" -k "${net[device]}" -a; then net[no_device]=1; return; fi fi #* Timestamp the values to accurately calculate values in seconds get_ms net[new_timestamp] for direction in "download" "upload"; do if [[ $direction == "download" ]]; then index=1 else index=9; fi net[new_${direction}]=${net_dev[index]} if [[ -n ${net[old_${direction}]} ]]; then #* Get total, convert to floating point and format string to best fitting unit in Bytes if ((net[nic_change]==1 & net[reset]==1)); then unset "net[total_offset_${direction}]"; net[reset]=0; fi if ((net[reset]==1)) && [[ -z ${net[total_offset_${direction}]} || ${net[total_offset_${direction}]} -gt ${net[new_${direction}]} ]]; then net[total_offset_${direction}]=${net[new_${direction}]} elif ((net[reset]==0)) && [[ -n ${net[total_offset_${direction}]} ]]; then unset "net[total_offset_${direction}]"; fi floating_humanizer -Byte -v net[total_${direction}] $((${net[new_${direction}]}-${net[total_offset_${direction}]:-0})) #* Calculate current speeds: ("New value" - "Old value") * 1000(for ms to seconds) / ("new_timestamp" - "old_timestamp") net[speed_${direction}]=$(( (${net[new_${direction}]}-${net[old_${direction}]})*1000/(net[new_timestamp]-net[old_timestamp]) )) #* Convert to floating point and format string to best fitting unit in Bytes and Bits per second floating_humanizer -Byte -per-second -v net[speed_${direction}_byteps] ${net[speed_${direction}]} floating_humanizer -bit -per-second -v net[speed_${direction}_bitps] ${net[speed_${direction}]} #* Update download and upload max values for graph if ((${net[speed_${direction}]}>${net[${direction}_max]})); then net[${direction}_max]=${net[speed_${direction}]} fi if ((${net[speed_${direction}]}>${net[${direction}_graph_max]})); then ((++net[${direction}_new_max])) if ((net[${direction}_new_low]>0)); then ((net[${direction}_new_low]--)); fi elif ((${net[${direction}_graph_max]}>10<<10 & ${net[speed_${direction}]}<${net[${direction}_graph_max]}/10)); then ((++net[${direction}_new_low])) if ((net[${direction}_new_max]>0)); then ((net[${direction}_new_max]--)); fi fi #* Copy download and upload speed to history arrays and trim earlier entries local -n history="net_history_${direction}" if ((${#history[@]}>box[net_width]*4)); then history=( "${history[@]:$((box[net_width]*2))}" "${net[speed_${direction}]}") else history+=("${net[speed_${direction}]}") fi #* Check for new max value and set flag to adjust resolution of graph if needed if ((${net[${direction}_new_max]}>=5)); then net[${direction}_graph_max]=$((${net[${direction}_max]}+(${net[${direction}_max]}/3) )) net[${direction}_redraw]=1 net[${direction}_new_max]=0 #* If current max value isn't relevant, sort array to get the next largest value to set graph resolution elif ((${net[${direction}_new_low]}>=5 & ${#history[@]}>5)); then history_last=("${history[@]:(-5)}") sort_array_int "history_last" "history_sorted" net[${direction}_max]=${history_sorted[0]} net[${direction}_graph_max]=$(( ${net[${direction}_max]}*3 )) if ((${net[${direction}_graph_max]}<10<<10)); then net[${direction}_graph_max]=$((10<<10)); fi net[${direction}_redraw]=1 net[${direction}_new_low]=0 fi fi floating_humanizer -Byte -short -v net[${direction}_max_string] ${net[${direction}_graph_max]} net[old_${direction}]=${net[new_${direction}]} done net[old_timestamp]=${net[new_timestamp]} } calc_sizes() { #? Calculate width and height of all boxes local pos calc_size calc_total percent threads=${cpu[threads]} #* Calculate heights for pos in ${box[boxes]/processes/}; do if [[ $pos = "cpu" ]]; then percent=32; elif [[ $pos = "mem" ]]; then percent=40; else percent=28; fi #* Multiplying with 10 to convert to floating point calc_size=$(( (tty_height*10)*(percent*10)/100 )) #* Round down if last 2 digits of value is below "50" and round up if above if ((${calc_size:(-2):1}==0)); then calc_size=$((calc_size+10)); fi if ((${calc_size:(-2)}<50)); then calc_size=$((${calc_size::-2})) else calc_size=$((${calc_size::-2}+1)) fi #* Subtract from last value if the total of all rounded numbers is larger then terminal height while ((calc_total+calc_size>tty_height)); do ((--calc_size)); done calc_total=$((calc_total+calc_size)) #* Set calculated values in box array box[${pos}_line]=$((calc_total-calc_size+1)) box[${pos}_col]=1 box[${pos}_height]=$calc_size box[${pos}_width]=$tty_width done #* Calculate widths unset calc_total for pos in net processes; do if [[ $pos = "net" ]]; then percent=45; else percent=55; fi #* Multiplying with 10 to convert to floating point calc_size=$(( (tty_width*10)*(percent*10)/100 )) #* Round down if last 2 digits of value is below "50" and round up if above if ((${calc_size:(-2)}<50)); then calc_size=$((${calc_size::-2})) else calc_size=$((${calc_size::-2}+1)) fi #* Subtract from last value if the total of all rounded numbers is larger then terminal width while ((calc_total+calc_size>tty_width)); do ((--calc_size)); done calc_total=$((calc_total+calc_size)) #* Set calculated values in box array box[${pos}_col]=$((calc_total-calc_size+1)) box[${pos}_width]=$calc_size done #* Copy numbers around to get target layout box[mem_width]=${box[net_width]} box[processes_line]=${box[mem_line]} box[processes_height]=$((box[mem_height]+box[net_height])) # threads=${box[testing]} #! For testing, remove <-------------- #* Recalculate size of process box if currently showing detailed process information if ((proc[detailed]==1)); then box[details_line]=${box[processes_line]} box[details_col]=${box[processes_col]} box[details_width]=${box[processes_width]} box[details_height]=8 box[processes_line]=$((box[processes_line]+box[details_height])) box[processes_height]=$((box[processes_height]-box[details_height])) fi #* Calculate number of columns and placement of cpu meter box local cpu_line=$((box[cpu_line]+1)) cpu_width=$((box[cpu_width]-2)) cpu_height=$((box[cpu_height]-2)) box_cols if ((threads>(cpu_height-3)*3 && tty_width>=200)); then box[p_width]=$((24*4)); box[p_height]=$((threads/4+4)); box_cols=4 elif ((threads>(cpu_height-3)*2 && tty_width>=150)); then box[p_width]=$((24*3)); box[p_height]=$((threads/3+5)); box_cols=3 elif ((threads>cpu_height-3 && tty_width>=100)); then box[p_width]=$((24*2)); box[p_height]=$((threads/2+4)); box_cols=2 else box[p_width]=24; box[p_height]=$((threads+4)); box_cols=1 fi if [[ $check_temp == true ]]; then box[p_width]=$(( box[p_width]+13*box_cols)) fi if ((box[p_height]>cpu_height)); then box[p_height]=$cpu_height; fi box[p_col]="$((cpu_width-box[p_width]+2))" box[p_line]="$((cpu_line+(cpu_height/2)-(box[p_height]/2)+1))" #* Calculate placement of mem divider local mem_line=$((box[mem_line]+1)) mem_width=$((box[mem_width]-2)) mem_height=$((box[mem_height]-2)) mem_col=$((box[mem_col]+1)) box[m_width]=$((mem_width/2)) box[m_width2]=${box[m_width]} if ((box[m_width]+box[m_width2]9)); then box[n_height]=9 else box[n_height]=$net_height; fi box[n_col]="$((net_width-box[n_width]+2))" box[n_line]="$((net_line+(net_height/2)-(box[n_height]/2)+1))" } draw_bg() { #? Draw all box outlines local this_box cpu_p_width i cpu_model_len unset boxes_out for this_box in ${box[boxes]}; do create_box -v boxes_out -col ${box[${this_box}_col]} -line ${box[${this_box}_line]} -width ${box[${this_box}_width]} -height ${box[${this_box}_height]} -fill -lc "${box[${this_box}_color]}" -title ${this_box} done #* Misc cpu box if [[ $check_temp == true ]]; then cpu_model_len=18; else cpu_model_len=9; fi create_box -v boxes_out -col $((box[p_col]-1)) -line $((box[p_line]-1)) -width ${box[p_width]} -height ${box[p_height]} -lc ${theme[div_line]} -t "${cpu[model]:0:${cpu_model_len}}" print -v boxes_out -m ${box[cpu_line]} $((box[cpu_col]+10)) -rs \ -fg ${box[cpu_color]} -t "┤" -b -fg ${theme[hi_fg]} -t "m" -fg ${theme[title]} -t "enu" -rs -fg ${box[cpu_color]} -t "├" #* Misc mem print -v boxes_out -m ${box[mem_line]} $((box[mem_col]+box[m_width]+2)) -rs -fg ${box[mem_color]} -t "┤" -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "disks" -rs -fg ${box[mem_color]} -t "├" print -v boxes_out -m ${box[mem_line]} $((box[mem_col]+box[m_width])) -rs -fg ${box[mem_color]} -t "┬" print -v boxes_out -m $((box[mem_line]+box[mem_height]-1)) $((box[mem_col]+box[m_width])) -fg ${box[mem_color]} -t "┴" for((i=1;i<=box[mem_height]-2;i++)); do print -v boxes_out -m $((box[mem_line]+i)) $((box[mem_col]+box[m_width])) -fg ${theme[div_line]} -t "│" done #* Misc net box create_box -v boxes_out -col $((box[n_col]-1)) -line $((box[n_line]-1)) -width ${box[n_width]} -height ${box[n_height]} -lc ${theme[div_line]} -t "Download" print -v boxes_out -m $((box[n_line]+box[n_height]-2)) $((box[n_col]+1)) -rs -fg ${theme[div_line]} -t "┤" -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "Upload" -rs -fg ${theme[div_line]} -t "├" if [[ $1 == "quiet" ]]; then draw_out="${boxes_out}" else echo -en "${boxes_out}"; fi draw_update_string $1 } draw_cpu() { #? Draw cpu and core graphs and print percentages local cpu_out i name cpu_p_color temp_color y pt_line pt_col p_normal_color="${theme[main_fg]}" threads=${cpu[threads]} local meter meter_size meter_width temp_var cpu_out_var core_name temp_name temp_width #* Get variables from previous calculations local col=$((box[cpu_col]+1)) line=$((box[cpu_line]+1)) width=$((box[cpu_width]-2)) height=$((box[cpu_height]-2)) local p_width=${box[p_width]} p_height=${box[p_height]} p_col=${box[p_col]} p_line=${box[p_line]} #* If resized recreate cpu meter/graph box, cpu graph and core graphs if ((resized>0)); then local graph_a_size graph_b_size graph_a_size=$((height/2)); graph_b_size=${graph_a_size} if ((graph_a_size*224+temp_width)); then name="CPU Total "; meter_width=$((p_width-17-temp_width)) fi #* Create cpu usage meter if ((i==0)); then create_meter -v meter -w $meter_width -f -c color_cpu_graph ${cpu_usage[i]} else core_name="cpu_core_${i}_graph" meter="${!core_name}" fi if ((p_width>84+temp_width & i>=(p_height-2)*3-2)); then pt_line=$((p_line+i-y*4)); pt_col=$((p_col+72+temp_width*3)) elif ((p_width>54+temp_width & i>=(p_height-2)*2-1)); then pt_line=$((p_line+i-y*3)); pt_col=$((p_col+48+temp_width*2)) elif ((p_width>24+temp_width & i>=p_height-2)); then pt_line=$((p_line+i-y*2)); pt_col=$((p_col+24+temp_width)) else y=$i; fi print -v cpu_out_var -m $((pt_line+y)) $pt_col -rs -fg $p_normal_color -jl 7 -t "$name" -fg ${theme[inactive_fg]} "⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀" -l 10 -fg $cpu_p_color -t "$meter"\ -jr 4 -fg $cpu_p_color -t "${cpu_usage[i]}" -fg $p_normal_color -t "%" if [[ $check_temp == true && -n ${cpu[temp_${i}]} ]]; then print -v cpu_out_var -fg ${theme[inactive_fg]} " ⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀" -l 7 -fg $temp_color -jl 7 -t " ${!temp_name}" -jr 4 -t ${cpu[temp_${i}]} -fg $p_normal_color -t ${cpu[temp_unit]} fi if (( i>(p_height-2)*( p_width/(24+temp_width) )-( p_width/(24+temp_width) )-1 )); then break; fi done #* Print load average and uptime if ((pt_line+y+30 & resized==0)); then return; fi local i swap_used_meter swap_free_meter mem_available_meter mem_free_meter mem_used_meter mem_cached_meter normal_color="${theme[main_fg]}" value_text local meter_mod_w meter_mod_pos value type m_title meter_options values="used available cached free" local -a types=("mem") unset mem_out if [[ -n ${swap[total]} && ${swap[total]} -gt 0 ]]; then types+=("swap"); fi #* Get variables from previous calculations local col=$((box[mem_col]+1)) line=$((box[mem_line]+1)) width=$((box[mem_width]-2)) height=$((box[mem_height]-2)) local m_width=${box[m_width]} m_height=${box[m_height]} m_col=${box[m_col]} m_line=${box[m_line]} mem_line=$((box[mem_col]+box[m_width])) #* Create text and meters for memory and swap and adapt sizes based on available height local y_pos=$m_line v_height=8 list value meter inv_meter for type in ${types[@]}; do local -n type_name="$type" if [[ $type == "mem" ]]; then m_title="memory" else m_title="$type" if ((height>14)); then ((y_pos++)); fi fi #* Print name of type and total amount in humanized base 2 bytes print -v mem_out -m $y_pos $m_col -rs -fg ${theme[title]} -b -jl 9 -t "${m_title^}:" -m $((y_pos++)) $((mem_line-10)) -jr 9 -t " ${type_name[total_string]::$((m_width-11))}" for value in ${values}; do if [[ $type == "swap" && $value =~ available|cached ]]; then continue; fi if [[ $system == "MacOS" && $value == "cached" ]]; then value_text="active" else value_text="${value::$((m_width-12))}"; fi if ((height<14)); then value_text="${value_text::5}"; fi #* Print name of value and value amount in humanized base 2 bytes print -v mem_out -m $y_pos $m_col -rs -fg $normal_color -jl 9 -t "${value_text^}:" -m $((y_pos++)) $((mem_line-10)) -jr 9 -t " ${type_name[${value}_string]::$((m_width-11))}" #* Create meter for value and calculate size and placement depending on terminal size if ((height>v_height++ | tty_width>100)); then if ((height<=v_height & tty_width<150)); then meter_mod_w=12 meter_mod_pos=7 ((y_pos--)) elif ((height<=v_height)); then print -v mem_out -m $((--y_pos)) $((m_col+5)) -jr 4 -t "${type_name[${value}_percent]}%" meter_mod_w=14 meter_mod_pos=10 fi create_meter -v ${type}_${value}_meter -w $((m_width-7-meter_mod_w)) -f -c color_${value}_graph ${type_name[${value}_percent]} meter="${type}_${value}_meter" print -v mem_out -m $((y_pos++)) $((m_col+meter_mod_pos)) -t "${!meter}" -rs -fg $normal_color if [[ -z $meter_mod_w ]]; then print -v mem_out -jr 4 -t "${type_name[${value}_percent]}%"; fi fi #if [[ $system == "MacOS" && -z $swap_on ]] && ((height>14)); then ((y_pos++)); fi done done #* Create text and meters for disks and adapt sizes based on available height local disk_num disk_name disk_value v_height2 just_val name_len y_pos=$m_line m_col=$((m_col+m_width)) m_width=${box[m_width2]} v_height=$((${#disks_name[@]})) unset meter_mod_w meter_mod_pos for disk_name in "${disks_name[@]}"; do if ((y_pos>m_line+height-2)); then break; fi #* Print folder disk is mounted on, total size in humanized base 2 bytes and io stats if enabled print -v mem_out -m $((y_pos++)) $m_col -rs -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "${disks_name[disk_num]::10}" name_len=${#disks_name[disk_num]}; if ((name_len>10)); then name_len=10; fi if [[ -n ${disks_io[disk_num]} && ${disks_io[disk_num]} != "0" ]] && ((m_width-11-name_len>6)); then print -v mem_out -jc $((m_width-name_len-10)) -rs -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${disks_io[disk_num]::$((m_width-10-name_len))}" just_val=8 else just_val=$((m_width-name_len-2)) fi print -v mem_out -jr ${just_val} -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "${disks_total[disk_num]::$((m_width-11))}" for value in "used" "free"; do if ((height=v_height*5 | tty_width>100)); then local -n disk_value_percent="disks_${value}_percent" if ((height<=v_height*5 & tty_width<150)); then meter_mod_w=12 meter_mod_pos=7 ((y_pos--)) elif ((height<=v_height*5)); then print -v mem_out -m $((--y_pos)) $((m_col+5)) -jr 4 -t "${disk_value_percent[disk_num]}%" meter_mod_w=14 meter_mod_pos=10 fi create_meter -v disk_${disk_num}_${value}_meter -w $((m_width-7-meter_mod_w)) -f -c color_${value}_graph ${disk_value_percent[disk_num]} meter="disk_${disk_num}_${value}_meter" print -v mem_out -m $((y_pos++)) $((m_col+meter_mod_pos)) -t "${!meter}" -rs -fg $normal_color if [[ -z $meter_mod_w ]]; then print -v mem_out -jr 4 -t "${disk_value_percent[disk_num]}%"; fi fi if ((y_pos>m_line+height-1)); then break; fi done if ((height>=v_height*4 & height=v_height*6)); then ((y_pos++)); fi ((++disk_num)) done if ((resized>0)); then ((resized++)); fi #* Print created text, graph and meters to output variable draw_out+="${mem_graph[*]}${swap_graph[*]}${mem_out}" } draw_processes() { #? Draw processes and values to screen local argument="$1" if [[ -n $skip_process_draw && $argument != "now" ]]; then return; fi local line=${box[processes_line]} col=${box[processes_col]} width=${box[processes_width]} height=${box[processes_height]} out_line y=1 fg_step_r=0 fg_step_g=0 fg_step_b=0 checker=2 page_string local reverse_string reverse_pos order_left="───────────┤" filter_string current_num detail_location det_no_add com_fg pg_arrow_up_fg pg_arrow_down_fg local pid=0 pid_graph pid_step_r pid_step_g pid_step_b pid_add_r pid_add_g pid_add_b bg_add bg_step proc_start up_fg down_fg page_up_fg page_down_fg this_box=processes local d_width=${box[details_width]} d_height=${box[details_height]} d_line=${box[details_line]} d_col=${box[details_col]} local detail_graph_width=$((d_width/3+2)) detail_graph_height=$((d_height-1)) kill_fg det_mod fg_add_r fg_add_g fg_add_b local right_width=$((d_width-detail_graph_width-2)) local right_col=$((d_col+detail_graph_width+4)) local -a pid_rgb=(${theme[proc_misc]}) fg_rgb=(${theme[main_fg_dec]}) local pid_r=${pid_rgb[0]} pid_g=${pid_rgb[1]} pid_b=${pid_rgb[2]} fg_r=${fg_rgb[0]} fg_g=${fg_rgb[1]} fg_b=${fg_rgb[2]} if [[ $argument == "now" ]]; then skip_process_draw=1; fi if [[ $proc_gradient == true ]]; then fg_add_r=$(( (fg_r-(fg_r/6) )/height)) fg_add_g=$(( (fg_g-(fg_g/6) )/height)) fg_add_b=$(( (fg_b-(fg_b/6) )/height)) pid_add_r=$(( (pid_r-(pid_r/6) )/height)) pid_add_g=$(( (pid_g-(pid_g/6) )/height)) pid_add_b=$(( (pid_b-(pid_b/6) )/height)) fi unset proc_out #* Details box if ((proc[detailed_change]>0)) || ((proc[detailed]>0 & resized>0)); then proc[detailed_change]=0 proc[order_change]=1 proc[page_change]=1 if ((proc[detailed]==1)); then unset proc_det local enter_fg enter_a_fg misc_fg misc_a_fg i det_y=6 dets cmd_y if [[ ${#detail_history[@]} -eq 1 ]] || ((resized>0)); then unset proc_det2 create_graph -o detail_graph -d $((d_line+1)) $((d_col+1)) ${detail_graph_height} ${detail_graph_width} -c color_cpu_graph -n detail_history if ((tty_width>120)); then create_mini_graph -o detail_mem_graph -w $((right_width/3-3)) -nc detail_mem_history; fi det_no_add=1 for detail_location in "${d_line}" "$((d_line+d_height))"; do print -v proc_det2 -m ${detail_location} $((d_col+1)) -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -rp $((d_width-2)) -t "─" done for((i=1;i128)); then print -v proc_det2 -r 1 -t "┤" -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "${proc[detailed_pid]}" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├"; fi if ((${#proc[detailed_cmd]}>(right_width-6)*2)); then ((det_y--)); dets=2 elif ((${#proc[detailed_cmd]}>right_width-6)); then dets=1; fi print -v proc_det2 -fg ${theme[title]} -b for i in C M D; do print -v proc_det2 -m $((d_line+5+cmd_y++)) $right_col -t "$i" done print -v proc_det2 -m $((d_line+det_y++)) $((right_col+1)) -jc $((right_width-4)) -rs -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${proc[detailed_cmd]::$((right_width-6))}" if ((dets>0)); then print -v proc_det2 -m $((d_line+det_y++)) $((right_col+2)) -jl $((right_width-6)) -t "${proc[detailed_cmd]:$((right_width-6)):$((right_width-6))}"; fi if ((dets>1)); then print -v proc_det2 -m $((d_line+det_y)) $((right_col+2)) -jl $((right_width-6)) -t "${proc[detailed_cmd]:$(( (right_width-6)*2 )):$((right_width-6))}"; fi fi if ((proc[selected]>0)); then enter_fg="${theme[inactive_fg]}"; enter_a_fg="${theme[inactive_fg]}"; else enter_fg="${theme[title]}"; enter_a_fg="${theme[hi_fg]}"; fi if [[ -n ${proc[detailed_killed]} ]]; then misc_fg="${theme[title]}"; misc_a_fg="${theme[hi_fg]}" else misc_fg=$enter_fg; misc_a_fg=$enter_a_fg; fi print -v proc_det -m ${d_line} $((d_col+d_width-11)) -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "┤" -fg $enter_fg -b -t "close " -fg $enter_a_fg -t "↲" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├" if ((tty_width<129)); then det_mod="-8"; fi print -v proc_det -m ${d_line} $((d_col+detail_graph_width+4+det_mod)) -t "┤" -fg $misc_a_fg -b -t "t" -fg $misc_fg -t "erminate" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├" print -v proc_det -r 1 -t "┤" -fg $misc_a_fg -b -t "k" -fg $misc_fg -t "ill" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├" if ((tty_width>104)); then print -v proc_det -r 1 -t "┤" -fg $misc_a_fg -b -t "i" -fg $misc_fg -t "nterrupt" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├"; fi proc_det="${proc_det2}${proc_det}" proc_out="${proc_det}" elif ((resized==0)); then unset proc_det create_box -v proc_out -col ${box[${this_box}_col]} -line ${box[${this_box}_line]} -width ${box[${this_box}_width]} -height ${box[${this_box}_height]} -fill -lc "${box[${this_box}_color]}" -title ${this_box} fi fi if [[ ${proc[detailed]} -eq 1 ]]; then local det_status status_color det_columns=3 if ((tty_width>140)); then ((det_columns++)); fi if ((tty_width>150)); then ((det_columns++)); fi if [[ -z $det_no_add && $1 != "now" && -z ${proc[detailed_killed]} ]]; then create_graph -add-last detail_graph detail_history if ((tty_width>120)); then create_mini_graph -w $((right_width/3-3)) -nc -add-last detail_mem_graph detail_mem_history; fi fi print -v proc_out -fg ${theme[title]} -b cmd_y=0 for i in C P U; do print -v proc_out -m $((d_line+3+cmd_y++)) $((d_col+1)) -t "$i" done print -v proc_out -m $((d_line+1)) $((d_col+1)) -fg ${theme[title]} -t "${proc[detailed_cpu]}%" if [[ -n ${proc[detailed_killed]} ]]; then det_status="stopped"; status_color="${theme[inactive_fg]}" else det_status="running"; status_color="${theme[proc_misc]}"; fi print -v proc_out -m $((d_line+1)) ${right_col} -fg ${theme[title]} -b -jc $((right_width/det_columns-1)) -t "Status:" -jc $((right_width/det_columns)) -t "Elapsed:" -jc $((right_width/det_columns)) -t "Parent:" if ((det_columns>=4)); then print -v proc_out -jc $((right_width/det_columns-1)) -t "User:"; fi if ((det_columns>=5)); then print -v proc_out -jc $((right_width/det_columns-1)) -t "Threads:"; fi print -v proc_out -m $((d_line+2)) ${right_col} -rs -fg ${status_color} -jc $((right_width/det_columns-1)) -t "${det_status}" -jc $((right_width/det_columns)) -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${proc[detailed_runtime]::$((right_width/det_columns-1))}" -jc $((right_width/det_columns)) -t "${proc[detailed_parent_name]::$((right_width/det_columns-2))}" if ((det_columns>=4)); then print -v proc_out -jc $((right_width/det_columns-1)) -t "${proc[detailed_user]::$((right_width/det_columns-2))}"; fi if ((det_columns>=5)); then print -v proc_out -jc $((right_width/det_columns-1)) -t "${proc[detailed_threads]}"; fi print -v proc_out -m $((d_line+4)) ${right_col} -fg ${theme[title]} -b -jr $((right_width/3+2)) -t "Memory: ${proc[detailed_mem]}%" -t " " if ((tty_width>120)); then print -v proc_out -rs -fg ${theme[inactive_fg]} -rp $((right_width/3-3)) "⡀" -l $((right_width/3-3)) -fg ${theme[proc_misc]} -t "${detail_mem_graph}" -t " "; fi print -v proc_out -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "${proc[detailed_mem_string]}" fi if ((proc[page]==1)); then proc_start=1 else proc_start=$(( (height-3)*(proc[page]-1)+1 )); fi if ((proc_start+proc[selected]>${#proc_array[@]})); then proc[selected]=$((${#proc_array[@]}-proc_start)); fi if [[ $proc_gradient == true ]] && ((proc[selected]>1)); then fg_r="$(( fg_r-( fg_add_r*(proc[selected]-1) ) ))" fg_g="$(( fg_g-( fg_add_g*(proc[selected]-1) ) ))" fg_b="$(( fg_b-( fg_add_b*(proc[selected]-1) ) ))" pid_r="$(( pid_r-( pid_add_r*(proc[selected]-1) ) ))" pid_g="$(( pid_g-( pid_add_g*(proc[selected]-1) ) ))" pid_b="$(( pid_b-( pid_add_b*(proc[selected]-1) ) ))" fi current_num=1 print -v proc_out -rs -m $((line+y++)) $((col+1)) -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "${proc_array[0]::$((width-3))} " -rs for out_line in "${proc_array[@]:$proc_start}"; do pid="${out_line::$((proc[pid_len]+1))}"; pid="${pid// /}" pid_graph="pid_${pid}_graph" out_line="${out_line//'\'/'\\'}" out_line="${out_line//'$'/'\$'}" out_line="${out_line//'"'/'\"'}" if ((current_num==proc[selected])); then print -v proc_out -bg ${theme[selected_bg]} -fg ${theme[selected_fg]} -b; proc[selected_pid]="$pid" else print -v proc_out -rs -fg $((fg_r-fg_step_r)) $((fg_g-fg_step_g)) $((fg_b-fg_step_b)); fi print -v proc_out -m $((line+y)) $((col+1)) -t "${out_line::$((width-3))} " if ((current_num==proc[selected])); then print -v proc_out -rs -bg ${theme[selected_bg]}; fi print -v proc_out -m $((line+y)) $((col+width-12)) -fg ${theme[inactive_fg]} -t "⡀⡀⡀⡀⡀" if [[ -n ${!pid_graph} ]]; then print -v proc_out -m $((line+y)) $((col+width-12)) -fg $((pid_r-pid_step_r)) $((pid_g-pid_step_g)) $((pid_b-pid_step_b)) -t "${!pid_graph}" fi ((y++)) ((current_num++)) if ((y>height-2)); then break; fi if [[ $proc_gradient == false ]]; then : elif ((current_num=proc[selected])); then fg_step_r=$((fg_step_r+fg_add_r)); fg_step_g=$((fg_step_g+fg_add_g)); fg_step_b=$((fg_step_b+fg_add_b)) pid_step_r=$((pid_step_r+pid_add_r)); pid_step_g=$((pid_step_g+pid_add_g)); pid_step_b=$((pid_step_b+pid_add_b)) fi done print -v proc_out -rs while ((y<=height-2)); do print -v proc_out -m $((line+y++)) $((col+1)) -rp $((width-2)) -t " " done if ((proc[order_change]==1 | proc[filter_change]==1 | resized>0)); then unset proc_misc proc[order_change]=0 proc[filter_change]=0 proc[page_change]=1 print -v proc_misc -m $line $((col+13)) -fg ${box[processes_color]} -rp $((box[processes_width]-14)) -t "─" -rs if ((proc[detailed]==1)); then print -v proc_misc -m $((d_line+d_height)) $((d_col+detail_graph_width+2)) -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "┴" -rs fi if ((tty_width>100)); then reverse_string="-fg ${box[processes_color]} -t ┤ -fg ${theme[hi_fg]}${proc[reverse]:+ -ul} -b -t r -fg ${theme[title]} -t everse -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t ├" reverse_pos=9 fi print -v proc_misc -m $line $((col+width-${#proc_sorting}-8-reverse_pos)) -rs ${reverse_string}\ -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "┤" -fg ${theme[hi_fg]} -b -t "‹" -fg ${theme[title]} -t " ${proc_sorting} " -fg ${theme[hi_fg]} -t "›" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├" if [[ -z $filter && -z $input_to_filter ]]; then print -v proc_misc -m $line $((col+14)) -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "┤" -fg ${theme[hi_fg]} -b -t "f" -fg ${theme[title]} -t "ilter" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├" elif [[ -n $input_to_filter ]]; then if [[ ${#filter} -le $((width-35-reverse_pos)) ]]; then filter_string="${filter}" elif [[ ${#filter} -gt $((width-35-reverse_pos)) ]]; then filter_string="${filter: (-$((width-35-reverse_pos)))}" fi print -v proc_misc -m $line $((col+14)) -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "┤" -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "${filter_string}" -fg ${theme[proc_misc]} -bl -t "█" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├" elif [[ -n $filter ]]; then if [[ ${#filter} -le $((width-35-reverse_pos-4)) ]]; then filter_string="${filter}" elif [[ ${#filter} -gt $((width-35-reverse_pos-4)) ]]; then filter_string="${filter::$((width-35-reverse_pos-4))}" fi print -v proc_misc -m $line $((col+14)) -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "┤" -fg ${theme[hi_fg]} -b -t "f" -fg ${theme[title]} -t " ${filter_string} " -fg ${theme[hi_fg]} -t "c" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├" fi proc_out+="${proc_misc}" fi if ((proc[page_change]==1 | resized>0)); then unset proc_misc2 proc[page_change]=0 if ((proc[selected]>0)); then up_fg="${theme[hi_fg]}"; kill_fg="${theme[hi_fg]}"; com_fg="${theme[title]}"; else up_fg="${theme[inactive_fg]}"; kill_fg="${theme[inactive_fg]}"; com_fg="${theme[inactive_fg]}"; fi if ((proc[selected]==${#proc_array[@]}-proc_start)); then down_fg="${theme[inactive_fg]}"; else down_fg="${theme[hi_fg]}"; fi if ((proc[page]>1)); then page_up_fg="${theme[title]}"; pg_arrow_up_fg="${theme[hi_fg]}"; else page_up_fg="${theme[inactive_fg]}"; pg_arrow_up_fg="${theme[inactive_fg]}"; fi if ((proc[page]100)); then print -v proc_misc2 -r 1 -t "┤" -fg $kill_fg -b -t "t" -fg $com_fg -t "erminate" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├"; fi if ((tty_width>111)); then print -v proc_misc2 -r 1 -t "┤" -fg $kill_fg -b -t "k" -fg $com_fg -t "ill" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├"; fi if ((tty_width>126)); then print -v proc_misc2 -r 1 -t "┤" -fg $kill_fg -b -t "i" -fg $com_fg -t "nterrupt" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├"; fi proc_out+="${proc_misc2}" fi proc_out="${detail_graph[*]}${proc_out}" if ((resized>0)); then ((resized++)); fi if [[ $argument == "now" ]]; then echo -en "${proc_out}" fi } draw_net() { #? Draw net information and graphs to screen local net_out argument=$1 if [[ -n ${net[no_device]} ]]; then return; fi if [[ -n $skip_net_draw && $argument != "now" ]]; then return; fi if [[ $argument == "now" ]]; then skip_net_draw=1; fi #* Get variables from previous calculations local col=$((box[net_col]+1)) line=$((box[net_line]+1)) width=$((box[net_width]-2)) height=$((box[net_height]-2)) local n_width=${box[n_width]} n_height=${box[n_height]} n_col=${box[n_col]} n_line=${box[n_line]} main_fg="${theme[main_fg]}" #* If resized recreate net meter box and net graphs if ((resized>0)); then local graph_a_size graph_b_size graph_a_size=$(( (height)/2 )); graph_b_size=${graph_a_size} if ((graph_a_size*20)); then create_graph -o download_graph -d $line $col ${net[graph_a_size]} $((width-n_width-2)) -c color_download_graph -n -max "${net[download_graph_max]}" net_history_download else create_graph -max "${net[download_graph_max]}" -add-last download_graph net_history_download fi if ((net[upload_redraw]==1 | net[nic_change]==1 | resized>0)); then create_graph -o upload_graph -d $((line+net[graph_a_size])) $col ${net[graph_b_size]} $((width-n_width-2)) -c color_upload_graph -i -n -max "${net[upload_graph_max]}" net_history_upload else create_graph -max "${net[upload_graph_max]}" -i -add-last upload_graph net_history_upload fi if ((net[nic_change]==1 | resized>0)); then local dev_len=${#net[device]} if ((dev_len>15)); then dev_len=15; fi unset net_misc 'net[nic_change]' print -v net_out -m $((line-1)) $((width-23)) -rs -fg ${box[net_color]} -rp 23 -t "─" print -v net_misc -m $((line-1)) $((width-7-dev_len)) -rs -fg ${box[net_color]} -t "┤" -fg ${theme[hi_fg]} -b -t "‹b " -fg ${theme[title]} -t "${net[device]::15}" -fg ${theme[hi_fg]} -t " n›" -rs -fg ${box[net_color]} -t "├" net_out+="${net_misc}" fi #* Create text depening on box height local ypos=$n_line print -v net_out -fg ${main_fg} -m $((ypos++)) $n_col -jl 10 -t "▼ Byte:" -jr 12 -t "${net[speed_download_byteps]}" if ((height>4)); then print -v net_out -fg ${main_fg} -m $((ypos++)) $n_col -jl 10 -t "▼ Bit:" -jr 12 -t "${net[speed_download_bitps]}"; fi if ((height>6)); then print -v net_out -fg ${main_fg} -m $((ypos++)) $n_col -jl 10 -t "▼ Total:" -jr 12 -t "${net[total_download]}"; fi if ((height>8)); then ((ypos++)); fi print -v net_out -fg ${main_fg} -m $((ypos++)) $n_col -jl 10 -t "▲ Byte:" -jr 12 -t "${net[speed_upload_byteps]}" if ((height>7)); then print -v net_out -fg ${main_fg} -m $((ypos++)) $n_col -jl 10 -t "▲ Bit:" -jr 12 -t "${net[speed_upload_bitps]}"; fi if ((height>5)); then print -v net_out -fg ${main_fg} -m $((ypos++)) $n_col -jl 10 -t "▲ Total:" -jr 12 -t "${net[total_upload]}"; fi print -v net_out -fg ${theme[inactive_fg]} -m $line $col -t "${net[download_max_string]}" print -v net_out -fg ${theme[inactive_fg]} -m $((line+height-1)) $col -t "${net[upload_max_string]}" #* Print graphs and text to output variable draw_out+="${download_graph[*]}${upload_graph[*]}${net_out}" if [[ $argument == "now" ]]; then echo -en "${download_graph[*]}${upload_graph[*]}${net_out}"; fi } draw_clock() { #? Draw a clock at top of screen if [[ -z $draw_clock ]]; then return; fi if [[ $resized -gt 0 && $resized -lt 5 ]]; then unset clock_out; return; fi local width=${box[cpu_width]} color=${box[cpu_color]} old_time_string="${time_string}" #time_string="$(date ${draw_clock})" printf -v time_string "%(${draw_clock})T" if [[ $old_time_string != "$time_string" || -z $clock_out ]]; then unset clock_out print -v clock_out -m 1 $((width/2-${#time_string}/2)) -rs -fg ${color} -t "┤" -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "${time_string}" -fg ${color} -t "├" fi if [[ $1 == "now" ]]; then echo -en "${clock_out}"; fi } draw_update_string() { unset update_string print -v update_string -m ${box[cpu_line]} $((box[cpu_col]+box[cpu_width]-${#update_ms}-14)) -rs -fg ${box[cpu_color]} -t "────┤" -fg ${theme[hi_fg]} -b -t "+" -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t " ${update_ms}ms " -fg ${theme[hi_fg]} -b -t "-" -rs -fg ${box[cpu_color]} -t "├" if [[ $1 == "quiet" ]]; then draw_out+="${update_string}" else echo -en "${update_string}"; fi } pause_() { #? Pause input and draw a darkened version of main ui local pause_out ext_var if [[ -n $1 && $1 != "off" ]]; then local -n pause_out=${1}; ext_var=1; fi if [[ $1 != "off" ]]; then prev_screen="${boxes_out}${proc_det}${last_screen}${net_misc}${mem_out}${detail_graph[*]}${proc_out}${proc_misc}${proc_misc2}${update_string}${clock_out}" if [[ -n $skip_process_draw ]]; then prev_screen+="${proc_out}" unset skip_process_draw proc_out fi unset pause_screen print -v pause_screen -rs -b -fg ${theme[inactive_fg]} pause_screen+="${theme[main_bg]}m$(${sed} -E 's/\\e\[[0-9;\-]*m//g' <<< "${prev_screen}")\e[0m" #\e[1;38;5;236 if [[ -z $ext_var ]]; then echo -en "${pause_screen}" else pause_out="${pause_screen}"; fi elif [[ $1 == "off" ]]; then echo -en "${prev_screen}" unset pause_screen prev_screen fi } unpause_() { #? Unpause pause_ off } menu_() { #? Shows the main menu overlay local menu i count keypress selected_int=0 selected up local_rez d_banner=1 menu_out bannerd skipped menu_pause out_out wait_string trans local -a menus=("options" "help" "quit") color unset bannerd menu_out until false; do #* Put program to sleep if caught ctrl-z if ((sleepy==1)); then sleep_; fi if [[ $background_update == true || -z $menu_out ]]; then draw_clock pause_ menu_pause else unset menu_pause fi unset draw_out if [[ -z ${bannerd} ]]; then draw_banner "$((tty_height/2-10))" bannerd unset d_banner fi if [[ -n ${keypress} || -z ${menu_out} ]]; then unset menu_out print -v menu_out -t "${bannerd}" print -v menu_out -d 1 -rs selected="${menus[selected_int]}" unset up if [[ -n ${theme[main_bg_dec]} ]] && ((${theme[main_bg_dec]// /*}>255**3/2)); then print -v menu_out -bg "#00"; unset trans; else trans=" -trans"; fi for menu in "${menus[@]}"; do if [[ $menu == "$selected" ]]; then local -n menu_array="menu_${menu}_selected" color=("#c55e5e" "#c23d3d" "#a13030" "#8c2626") else local -n menu_array="menu_${menu}" color=("#bb" "#aa" "#99" "#88") fi up=$((up+${#menu_array[@]})) for((i=0;i<${#menu_array[@]};i++)); do print -v menu_out -d 1 -fg ${color[i]} -c${trans} -t "${menu_array[i]}" done done print -v menu_out -rs -u ${up} fi unset out_out out_out="${menu_pause}${menu_out}" echo -e "${out_out}" get_ms timestamp_end time_left=$((timestamp_start+update_ms-timestamp_end)) if ((time_left>1000)); then wait_string=10; time_left=$((time_left-1000)) elif ((time_left>100)); then wait_string=$((time_left/100)); time_left=0 else wait_string="0"; time_left=0; fi get_key -v keypress -w ${wait_string} if [[ $(${stty} size) != "$tty_height $tty_width" ]]; then resized; fi if ((resized>0)); then calc_sizes; draw_bg quiet; time_left=0; unset menu_out unset bannerd echo -en "${clear_screen}" fi case "$keypress" in up|shift_tab) if ((selected_int>0)); then ((selected_int--)); else selected_int=$((${#menus[@]}-1)); fi ;; down|tab) if ((selected_int<${#menus[@]}-1)); then ((++selected_int)); else selected_int=0; fi ;; enter|space) case "$selected" in options) options_ ;; help) help_ ;; quit) quit_ ;; esac ;; m|M|escape|backspace) break ;; q|Q) quit_ ;; esac if ((time_left==0)) && [[ -z $keypress ]]; then get_ms timestamp_start; collect_and_draw; fi if ((resized>=5)); then resized=0; fi done unpause_ } help_() { #? Shows the help overlay local help_key from_menu col line y i help_out help_pause redraw=1 wait_string pages page=1 height local -a shortcuts descriptions shortcuts=( "(Esc, M, m)" "(F2, O, o)" "(F1, H, h)" "(Ctrl-C, Q, q)" "(+, A, a) (-, S, s)" "(Up) (Down)" "(Enter)" "(Pg Up) (Pg Down)" "(Home) (End)" "(Left) (Right)" "(b, B) (n, N)" "(R, r)" "(F, f)" "(C, c)" "(T, t)" "(K, k)" "(I, i)" " " " " " " ) descriptions=( "Shows main menu." "Shows options." "Shows this window." "Quits program." "Add/Subtract 100ms to/from update timer." "Select in process list." "Show detailed information for selected process." "Jump 1 page in process list." "Jump to first or last page in process list." "Select previous/next sorting column." "Select previous/next network device." "Reverse sorting order in processes box." "Input a string to filter processes with." "Clear any entered filter." "Terminate selected process with SIGTERM - 15." "Kill selected process with SIGKILL - 9." "Interrupt selected process with SIGINT - 2." " " "For bug reporting and project updates, visit:" "\e[1mhttps://github.com/aristocratos/bashtop" ) if [[ -n $pause_screen ]]; then from_menu=1; fi until [[ -n $help_key ]]; do #* Put program to sleep if caught ctrl-z if ((sleepy==1)); then sleep_; redraw=1; fi if [[ $background_update == true || -n $redraw ]]; then draw_clock pause_ help_pause else unset help_pause fi if [[ -n $redraw ]]; then col=$((tty_width/2-36)); line=$((tty_height/2-4)); y=1; height=$((tty_height-2-line)) if ((${#shortcuts[@]}>height)); then pages=$(( (${#shortcuts[@]}/height)+1 )); else height=${#shortcuts[@]}; unset pages; fi unset redraw help_out draw_banner "$((tty_height/2-11))" help_out print -d 1 create_box -v help_out -w 72 -h $((height+3)) -l $((line++)) -c $((col++)) -fill -lc ${theme[div_line]} -title "help" if [[ -n $pages ]]; then print -v help_out -m $((line+height+1)) $((col+72-16)) -rs -fg ${theme[div_line]} -t "┤" -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "pg" -fg ${theme[hi_fg]} -t "↑"\ -fg ${theme[title]} -t " ${page}/${pages} " -fg ${theme[title]} -t "pg" -fg ${theme[hi_fg]} -t "↓" -rs -fg ${theme[div_line]} -t "├" fi ((++col)) print -v help_out -m $line $col -fg ${theme[title]} -b -jl 20 -t "Key:" -jl 48 -t "Description:" -m $((line+y++)) $col for((i=(page-1)*height;i1000)); then wait_string=10; time_left=$((time_left-1000)) elif ((time_left>100)); then wait_string=$((time_left/100)); time_left=0 else wait_string="0"; time_left=0; fi get_key -v help_key -w "${wait_string}" if [[ -n $pages ]]; then case $help_key in down|page_down) if ((page1)); then ((page--)); else page=${pages}; fi; redraw=1; unset help_key ;; esac fi if [[ $(${stty} size) != "$tty_height $tty_width" ]]; then resized; fi if ((resized>0)); then ${sleep} 0.5 calc_sizes; draw_bg quiet; redraw=1 d_banner=1 unset bannerd menu_out fi if ((time_left==0)); then get_ms timestamp_start; collect_and_draw; fi if ((resized>0)); then resized=0; fi done if [[ -n $from_menu ]]; then pause_ else unpause_; fi } options_() { #? Shows the options overlay local keypress from_menu col line y=1 i=1 options_out selected_int=0 ypos option_string options_misc option_value bg fg skipped start_t end_t left_t changed_cpu_name theme_int=0 page=1 pages height local desc_col right left enter lr inp valid updated_ms local_rez redraw_misc=1 desc_pos desc_height options_pause updated_proc inputting inputting_value inputting_key file theme_check net_totals_reset if ((net[reset]==1)); then net_totals_reset="On"; else net_totals_reset="Off"; fi #* Check theme folder for theme files get_themes desc_color_theme=( "Set bashtop color theme." " " "Choose between theme files located in" "\"\$HOME/.config/bashtop/themes\" &" "\"\$HOME/.config/bashtop/user_themes" " " "User themes are prefixed with \"*\"." "\"Default\" for builtin default." " ") if [[ -z $curled ]]; then desc_color_theme+=("Get more themes at:" "https://github.com/aristocratos/bashtop") else desc_color_theme+=("\e[1mPress ENTER to download the default themes." "Will overwrite changes made to the default" "themes if not copied to user_themes folder."); fi desc_update_ms=( "Update time in milliseconds." "Recommended 2000 ms or above for better sample" "times for graphs." " " "Increases automatically if set below internal" "loops processing time." " " "Max value: 86400000 ms = 24 hours.") desc_use_psutil=( "Enable the use of psutil python3 module for" "data collection, default on Mac OSX" " " "True or false." " " "Can only be switched off when on Linux.") desc_proc_sorting=( "Processes sorting." "Valid values are \"pid\", \"program\", \"arguments\"," "\"threads\", \"user\", \"memory\", \"cpu lazy\"" "\"cpu responsive\" and \"tree\"." " " "\"cpu lazy\" shows cpu usage over the lifetime" "of a process." " " "\"cpu responsive\" updates sorting directly at a" "cost of cpu time (unless using psutil)." " " "\"tree\" shows a tree structure of running" "processes. (not available with psutil)") desc_check_temp=( "Check cpu temperature." " " "True or false." " " "Only works if sensors, vcgencmd or osx-cpu-temp" "commands is available.") desc_draw_clock=( "Draw a clock at top of screen." " " "Formatting according to strftime, empty" "string to disable." " " "\"%X\" locale HH:MM:SS" "\"%H\" 24h hour, \"%I\" 12h hour" "\"%M\" minute, \"%S\" second" "\"%d\" day, \"%m\" month, \"%y\" year") desc_background_update=( "Update main ui when menus are showing." " " "True or false." " " "Set this to false if the menus is flickering" "too much for a comfortable experience.") desc_custom_cpu_name=( "Custom cpu model name in cpu percentage box." " " "Empty string to disable.") desc_error_logging=("Enable error logging to" "\"\$HOME/.config/bashtop/error.log\"" " " "True or false." "Takes effect after program restart.") desc_proc_reversed=("Reverse sorting order." " " "True or false.") desc_proc_gradient=("Show color gradient in process list." " " "True or False.") desc_disks_filter=("Optional filter for shown disks." " " "Should be names of mountpoints." "\"root\" replaces \"/\"" " " "Separate multiple values with space." "Example: \"root home external\"") desc_net_totals_reset=("Press ENTER to toggle network upload" "and download totals reset." " " "Shows totals since system start or" "network adapter reset when Off.") desc_proc_per_core=("Process usage per core." " " "If process cpu usage should be of the core" "it's running on or usage of the total" "available cpu power." "" "If true and process is multithreaded" "cpu usage can reach over 100%.") desc_update_check=( "Check for updates." " " "Enable check for new version from" "github.com/aristocratos/bashtop at start." " " "True or False.") desc_hires_graphs=("Enable high resolution graphs." " " "Doubles the horizontal resolution of all" "graphs. At a cpu usage cost." "Needs restart to take effect." " " "True or False.") if [[ -n $pause_screen ]]; then from_menu=1; fi until false; do #* Put program to sleep if caught ctrl-z if ((sleepy==1)); then sleep_; fi if [[ $background_update == true || -n $redraw_misc ]]; then draw_clock if [[ -z $inputting ]]; then pause_ options_pause; fi else unset options_pause fi if [[ -n $redraw_misc ]]; then unset options_misc redraw_misc col=$((tty_width/2-39)) line=$((tty_height/2-4)) height=$(( (tty_height-2-line)/2 )) if ((${#options_array[@]}>height)); then pages=$(( (${#options_array[@]}/height)+1 )); else height=${#options_array[@]}; unset pages; fi desc_col=$((col+30)) draw_banner "$((tty_height/2-11))" options_misc create_box -v options_misc -w 29 -h $((height*2+2)) -l $line -c $((col-1)) -fill -lc ${theme[div_line]} -title "options" if [[ -n $pages ]]; then print -v options_misc -m $((line+height*2+1)) $((col+29-16)) -rs -fg ${theme[div_line]} -t "┤" -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "pg" -fg ${theme[hi_fg]} -t "↑"\ -fg ${theme[title]} -t " ${page}/${pages} " -fg ${theme[title]} -t "pg" -fg ${theme[hi_fg]} -t "↓" -rs -fg ${theme[div_line]} -t "├" fi fi if [[ -n $keypress || -z $options_out ]]; then unset options_out desc_height lr inp valid selected="${options_array[selected_int]}" local -n selected_desc="desc_${selected}" if [[ $background_update == false ]]; then desc_pos=$line; desc_height=$((height*2+2)) elif (( (selected_int-( (page-1)*height) )*2+${#selected_desc[@]}/dev/null)) if [[ ${theme_index[*]} =~ .theme ]]; then for git_theme in ${theme_index[@]}; do unset new_theme if [[ ! -e "${config_dir}/themes/${git_theme}" ]]; then new_theme=1; fi if curl -m 3 --raw "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aristocratos/bashtop/master/themes/${git_theme}" >"${config_dir}/themes/${git_theme}" 2>/dev/null; then ((++down_themes)) if [[ -n $new_theme ]]; then ((++new_themes)) themes+=("themes/${git_theme%.theme}") fi fi done desc_color_theme+=("Downloaded ${down_themes} theme(s).") desc_color_theme+=("Found ${new_themes} new theme(s)!") else desc_color_theme+=("ERROR: Couldn't get theme index!") fi fi get_ms timestamp_end if [[ -z $theme_check ]]; then time_left=$((timestamp_start+update_ms-timestamp_end)) else unset theme_check; time_left=0; fi if ((time_left>500)); then wait_string=5; time_left=$((time_left-500)) elif ((time_left>100)); then wait_string=$((time_left/100)); time_left=0 else wait_string="0"; time_left=0; fi get_key -v keypress -w ${wait_string} if [[ -n $inputting ]]; then case "$keypress" in escape) unset inputting inputting_value ;; enter|backspace) valid=1 ;; *) if [[ ${#keypress} -eq 1 ]]; then valid=1; fi ;; esac else case "$keypress" in escape|q|backspace) break 1 ;; down|tab) if ((selected_int<${#options_array[@]}-1)); then ((++selected_int)); else selected_int=0; fi ;; up|shift_tab) if ((selected_int>0)); then ((selected_int--)); else selected_int=$((${#options_array[@]}-1)); fi ;; left|right) if [[ -n $lr && -z $inputting ]]; then valid=1; fi ;; enter) if [[ -n $inp ]]; then valid=1; fi ;; page_down) if ((page1)); then ((page--)); else page=${pages}; fi; redraw_misc=1; selected_int=$(( (page-1)*height )) ;; esac if (( selected_int<(page-1)*height | selected_int>=page*height )); then page=$(( (selected_int/height)+1 )); redraw_misc=1; fi fi if [[ ${selected} == "color_theme" && ${keypress} =~ left|right && ${#themes} -lt 2 ]]; then unset valid; fi if [[ -n $valid ]]; then case "${selected} ${keypress}" in "update_ms right") if ((update_ms<86399900)); then update_ms=$((update_ms+100)) updated_ms=1 fi ;; "update_ms left") if ((update_ms>100)); then update_ms=$((update_ms-100)) updated_ms=1 fi ;; "update_ms enter") if [[ -z $inputting ]]; then inputting=1; inputting_value="${update_ms}" else if ((inputting_value<86400000)); then update_ms="${inputting_value:-0}"; updated_ms=1; fi unset inputting inputting_value fi ;; "update_ms backspace"|"draw_clock backspace"|"custom_cpu_name backspace"|"disks_filter backspace") if [[ ${#inputting_value} -gt 0 ]]; then inputting_value="${inputting_value::-1}" fi ;; "update_ms"*) inputting_value+="${keypress//[^0-9]/}" ;; "draw_clock enter") if [[ -z $inputting ]]; then inputting=1; inputting_value="${draw_clock}" else draw_clock="${inputting_value}"; unset inputting inputting_value clock_out; fi ;; "custom_cpu_name enter") if [[ -z $inputting ]]; then inputting=1; inputting_value="${custom_cpu_name}" else custom_cpu_name="${inputting_value}"; changed_cpu_name=1; unset inputting inputting_value; fi ;; "disks_filter enter") if [[ -z $inputting ]]; then inputting=1; inputting_value="${disks_filter}" else disks_filter="${inputting_value}"; mem[counter]=10; resized=1; unset inputting inputting_value; fi ;; "net_totals_reset enter") if ((net[reset]==1)); then net_totals_reset="Off"; net[reset]=0 else net_totals_reset="On"; net[reset]=1; fi ;; "check_temp"*|"error_logging"*|"background_update"*|"proc_reversed"*|"proc_gradient"*|"proc_per_core"*|"update_check"*|"hires_graphs"*|"use_psutil"*) local -n selected_var=${selected} if [[ ${selected_var} == "true" ]]; then selected_var="false" if [[ $selected == "proc_reversed" ]]; then proc[order_change]=1; unset 'proc[reverse]'; fi else selected_var="true" if [[ $selected == "proc_reversed" ]]; then proc[order_change]=1; proc[reverse]="+"; fi fi if [[ $selected == "check_temp" ]]; then local checker for checker in "vcgencmd" "sensors" "osx-cpu-temp"; do if command -v "${checker}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then sensor_comm="${checker}"; fi done if [[ -z $sensor_comm ]]; then check_temp="false"; fi fi if [[ $selected == "use_psutil" && $system != "Linux" ]]; then use_psutil="true"; fi ;; "proc_sorting right") if ((proc[sorting_int]<${#sorting[@]}-1)); then ((++proc[sorting_int])) else proc[sorting_int]=0; fi proc_sorting="${sorting[proc[sorting_int]]}" proc[order_change]=1 ;; "proc_sorting left") if ((proc[sorting_int]>0)); then ((proc[sorting_int]--)) else proc[sorting_int]=$((${#sorting[@]}-1)); fi proc_sorting="${sorting[proc[sorting_int]]}" proc[order_change]=1 ;; "color_theme right") if ((theme_int<${#themes[@]}-1)); then ((++theme_int)) else theme_int=0; fi color_theme="${themes[$theme_int]}" color_init_ resized=1 ;; "color_theme left") if ((theme_int>0)); then ((theme_int--)) else theme_int=$((${#themes[@]}-1)); fi color_theme="${themes[$theme_int]}" color_init_ resized=1 ;; "color_theme enter") theme_check=1 if ((${#desc_color_theme[@]}>8)); then unset 'desc_color_theme[-1]'; fi desc_color_theme+=("Checking for new themes...") ;; "draw_clock"*|"custom_cpu_name"*|"disks_filter"*) inputting_value+="${keypress//[\\\$\"\']/}" ;; esac fi if [[ -n $changed_cpu_name ]]; then changed_cpu_name=0 get_cpu_info calc_sizes draw_bg quiet fi if [[ $(${stty} size) != "$tty_height $tty_width" ]]; then resized; fi if ((resized>0)); then calc_sizes; draw_bg quiet redraw_misc=1 unset options_out bannerd menu_out fi get_ms timestamp_end time_left=$((timestamp_start+update_ms-timestamp_end)) if ((time_left<=0 | resized>0)); then get_ms timestamp_start; if [[ -z $inputting ]]; then collect_and_draw; fi; fi if ((resized>0)); then resized=0; page=1; selected_int=0; fi if [[ -n $updated_ms ]] && ((updated_ms++==2)); then unset updated_ms draw_update_string quiet fi done if [[ -n $from_menu ]]; then pause_ elif [[ -n ${pause_screen} ]]; then unpause_; draw_update_string; fi } killer_() { #? Kill process with selected signal local kill_op="$1" kill_pid="$2" killer_out killer_box col line program keypress selected selected_int=0 sig confirmed=0 option killer_pause status msg local -a options=("yes" "no") if ! program="$(ps -o comm --no-header -p ${kill_pid})"; then return; fi case $kill_op in t|T) kill_op="terminate"; sig="SIGTERM" ;; k|K) kill_op="kill"; sig="SIGKILL" ;; i|I) kill_op="interrupt"; sig="SIGINT" ;; esac until false; do #* Put program to sleep if caught ctrl-z if ((sleepy==1)); then sleep_; fi if [[ $background_update == true || -z $killer_box ]]; then draw_clock pause_ killer_pause else unset killer_pause fi if [[ -z $killer_box ]]; then col=$((tty_width/2-15)); line=$((tty_height/2-4)); y=1 unset redraw killer_box create_box -v killer_box -w 40 -h 9 -l $line -c $((col++)) -fill -lc "${theme[proc_box]}" -title "${kill_op}" fi if ((confirmed==0)); then selected="${options[selected_int]}" print -v killer_out -m $((line+2)) $col -fg ${theme[title]} -b -jc 38 -t "${kill_op^} ${program::20}?" -m $((line+4)) $((col+3)) for option in "${options[@]}"; do if [[ $option == "${selected}" ]]; then print -v killer_out -bg ${theme[selected_bg]} -fg ${theme[selected_fg]}; else print -v killer_out -fg ${theme[title]}; fi print -v killer_out -b -r 5 -t "[ ${option^} ]" -rs done elif ((confirmed==1)); then selected="ok" print -v killer_out -m $((line+2)) $col -fg ${theme[title]} -b -jc 38 -t "Sending signal ${sig} to pid ${kill_pid}!" print -v killer_out -m $((line+4)) $col -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -jc 38 -t "${status^}!" -m $((line+6)) $col if [[ -n $msg ]]; then print -v killer_out -m $((line+5)) $col -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -jc 38 -t "${msg}" -m $((line+7)) $col; fi print -v killer_out -fg ${theme[selected_fg]} -bg ${theme[selected_bg]} -b -r 15 -t "[ Ok ]" -rs fi echo -en "${killer_pause}${killer_box}${killer_out}" unset killer_out draw_out get_ms timestamp_end time_left=$((timestamp_start+update_ms-timestamp_end)) if ((time_left>1000)); then wait_string=10; time_left=$((time_left-1000)) elif ((time_left>100)); then wait_string=$((time_left/100)); time_left=0 else wait_string="0"; time_left=0; fi get_key -v keypress -w ${wait_string} if [[ $(${stty} size) != "$tty_height $tty_width" ]]; then resized; fi if ((resized>0)); then calc_sizes; draw_bg quiet; time_left=0; unset killer_out killer_box fi case "$keypress" in right|shift_tab) if ((selected_int>0)); then ((selected_int--)); else selected_int=$((${#options[@]}-1)); fi ;; left|tab) if ((selected_int<${#options[@]}-1)); then ((++selected_int)); else selected_int=0; fi ;; enter) case "$selected" in yes) confirmed=1 ;; no|ok) confirmed=-1 ;; esac ;; q|Q) quit_ ;; esac if ((confirmed<0)); then unpause_ break elif ((confirmed>0)) && [[ -z $status ]]; then if ${kill} -${sig} ${kill_pid} >/dev/null 2>&1; then status="success" else if ! ps -p ${kill_pid} >/dev/null 2>&1; then msg="Process not running." elif [[ $UID != 0 ]]; then msg="Try restarting with sudo." else msg="Unknown error." fi status="failed"; fi fi if ((time_left==0)); then get_ms timestamp_start; unset draw_out; collect_and_draw; fi if ((resized>=5)); then resized=0; fi done } get_key() { #? Get one key from standard input and translate key code to readable format local key key_out wait_time esc ext_out save if ((quitting==1)); then quit_; fi until (($#==0)); do case "$1" in -v|-variable) local -n key_out=$2; ext_out=1; shift;; #* Output variable -w|-wait) wait_time="$2"; shift;; #* Time to wait for key -s|-save) save=1;; #* Save key for later processing esac shift done if [[ -z $save && -n ${saved_key[0]} ]]; then key="${saved_key[0]}"; unset 'saved_key[0]'; saved_key=("${saved_key[@]}") else unset key key=$(${stty} -cooked min 0 time ${wait_time:-0} 2>/dev/null; ${dd} bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null) if [[ -z ${key:+s} ]]; then key_out="" ${stty} isig if [[ -z $save ]]; then return 0 else return 1; fi fi #* Read 3 more characters if a leading escape character is detected if [[ $key == "${enter_key}" ]]; then key="enter" elif [[ $key == "${ctrl_c}" ]]; then quitting=1; time_left=0 elif [[ $key == "${ctrl_z}" ]]; then sleepy=1; time_left=0 elif [[ $key == "${backspace}" || $key == "${backspace_real}" ]]; then key="backspace" elif [[ $key == "${tab}" ]]; then key="tab" elif [[ $key == "$esc_character" ]]; then esc=1; key=$(${stty} -cooked min 0 time 0 2>/dev/null; ${dd} bs=1 count=3 2>/dev/null); fi if [[ -z $key && $esc -eq 1 ]]; then key="escape" elif [[ $esc -eq 1 ]]; then case "${key}" in '[A'*) key="up" ;; '[B'*) key="down" ;; '[D'*) key="left" ;; '[C'*) key="right" ;; '[2~') key="insert" ;; '[3~') key="delete" ;; '[H'*) key="home" ;; '[F'*) key="end" ;; '[5~') key="page_up" ;; '[6~') key="page_down" ;; '[Z'*) key="shift_tab" ;; 'OP'*) key="f1";; 'OQ'*) key="f2";; 'OR'*) key="f3";; 'OS'*) key="f4";; '[15') key="f5";; '[17') key="f6";; '[18') key="f7";; '[19') key="f8";; '[20') key="f9";; '[21') key="f10";; '[23') key="f11";; '[24') key="f12";; *) key="" ;; esac fi fi ${stty} -cooked min 0 time 0 >/dev/null 2>&1; ${dd} bs=512 count=1 >/dev/null 2>&1 ${stty} isig if [[ -n $save && -n $key ]]; then saved_key+=("${key}"); return 0; fi if [[ -n $ext_out ]]; then key_out="${key}" else echo -n "${key}"; fi } process_input() { #? Process keypresses for main ui local wait_time="$1" keypress esc prev_screen anykey filter_change late_update=0 #* Wait while reading input get_key -v keypress -w "${wait_time}" if [[ -z $keypress ]]; then return; fi if [[ -n $input_to_filter ]]; then filter_change=1 case "$keypress" in "enter") unset input_to_filter ;; "backspace") if [[ ${#filter} -gt 0 ]]; then filter="${filter:: (-1)}"; else unset filter_change; fi ;; "escape") unset input_to_filter filter ;; *) if [[ ${#keypress} -eq 1 ]]; then filter+="${keypress//[\\\$\"\']/}"; else unset filter_change; fi ;; esac else case "$keypress" in left) #* Move left in processes sorting column if ((proc[sorting_int]>0)); then ((proc[sorting_int]--)) else proc[sorting_int]=$((${#sorting[@]}-1)); fi proc_sorting="${sorting[proc[sorting_int]]}" if [[ $proc_sorting == "tree" && $use_psutil == true ]]; then ((proc[sorting_int]--)) proc_sorting="${sorting[proc[sorting_int]]}" fi filter_change=1 ;; right) #* Move right in processes sorting column if ((proc[sorting_int]<${#sorting[@]}-1)); then ((++proc[sorting_int])) else proc[sorting_int]=0; fi proc_sorting="${sorting[proc[sorting_int]]}" if [[ $proc_sorting == "tree" && $use_psutil == true ]]; then proc[sorting_int]=0 proc_sorting="${sorting[proc[sorting_int]]}" fi filter_change=1 ;; n|N) #* Switch to next network device if ((${#nic_list[@]}>1)); then if ((nic_int<${#nic_list[@]}-1)); then ((++nic_int)) else nic_int=0; fi net[device]="${nic_list[nic_int]}" net[nic_change]=1 collect_net init collect_net draw_net now fi ;; b|B) #* Switch to previous network device if ((${#nic_list[@]}>1)); then if ((nic_int>0)); then ((nic_int--)) else nic_int=$((${#nic_list[@]}-1)); fi net[device]="${nic_list[nic_int]}" net[nic_change]=1 collect_net init collect_net draw_net now fi ;; up|shift_tab) #* Move process selector up one if [[ ${proc[selected]} -gt 0 ]]; then ((proc[selected]--)) if ((proc[page]>1 & proc[selected]==0)); then ((--proc[page])); proc[selected]=$((box[processes_height]-3)); fi proc[page_change]=1 fi ;; down|tab) #* Move process selector down one if ! ((proc[page]==proc[pages] & proc[selected]>=box[processes_height]-3)); then if ((++proc[selected]==1)); then proc[detailed_change]=1; fi if ((proc[selected]>box[processes_height]-3)); then ((proc[page]++)); proc[selected]=1; fi proc[page_change]=1 fi ;; enter) #* Show detailed info for selected process or close detailed info if no new process is selected if ((proc[selected]>0 & proc[detailed_pid]!=proc[selected_pid])) && ps -p ${proc[selected_pid]} > /dev/null 2>&1; then proc[detailed]=1 proc[detailed_change]=1 proc[detailed_pid]=${proc[selected_pid]} proc[page]=1 proc[selected]=0 unset 'proc[detailed_name]' 'detail_history[@]' 'detail_mem_history[@]' 'proc[detailed_killed]' calc_sizes collect_processes now elif ((proc[detailed]==1 & proc[detailed_pid]!=proc[selected_pid])); then proc[detailed]=0 proc[detailed_change]=1 unset 'proc[detailed_pid]' calc_sizes fi ;; page_up) #* Move up one page in process box if [[ ${proc[page]} -gt 1 ]]; then ((--proc[page])) proc[page_change]=1 elif [[ ${proc[selected]} -gt 0 ]]; then proc[selected]=0 proc[page_change]=1 fi ;; page_down) #* Move down one page in process box if [[ ${proc[page]} -lt ${proc[pages]} ]]; then if ((proc[page]++==1)); then collect_processes now; fi proc[page_change]=1 elif [[ ${proc[selected]} -gt 0 ]]; then proc[selected]=$((box[processes_height]-3)) proc[page_change]=1 fi ;; home) #* Go to first page in process box proc[page]=1 proc[page_change]=1 ;; end) #* Go to last page in process box if ((proc[selected]==0)); then collect_processes now; fi proc[page]=${proc[pages]} proc[page_change]=1 ;; r|R) #* Reverse order of processes sorting column if [[ -z ${proc[reverse]} ]]; then proc[reverse]="+" proc_reversed="true" else proc_reversed="false" unset 'proc[reverse]' fi filter_change=1 ;; o|O|f2) #* Options options_ ;; +|A|a) #* Add 100ms to update timer if ((update_ms<86399900)); then update_ms=$((update_ms+100)) draw_update_string fi ;; -|S|s) #* Subtract 100ms from update timer if ((update_ms>100)); then update_ms=$((update_ms-100)) draw_update_string fi ;; h|H|f1) #* Show help help_ ;; q|Q) #* Quit quit_ ;; m|M|escape) #* Show main menu menu_ ;; f|F) #* Start process filtering input input_to_filter=1 filter_change=1 ;; c|C) #* Clear process filter if [[ -n $filter ]]; then unset input_to_filter filter filter_change=1 fi ;; t|T|k|K|i|I) #* Send terminate, kill or interrupt signal if [[ ${proc[selected]} -gt 0 ]]; then killer_ "$keypress" "${proc[selected_pid]}" elif [[ ${proc[detailed]} -eq 1 && -z ${proc[detailed_killed]} ]]; then killer_ "$keypress" "${proc[detailed_pid]}" fi ;; esac fi if [[ -n $filter_change ]]; then unset filter_change collect_processes now proc[filter_change]=1 draw_processes now elif [[ ${proc[page_change]} -eq 1 || ${proc[detailed_change]} == 1 ]]; then if ((proc[selected]==0)); then unset 'proc[selected_pid]'; proc[detailed_change]=1; fi draw_processes now fi #* Subtract time since input start from time left if timer is interrupted get_ms timestamp_input_end time_left=$(( (timestamp_start+update_ms)-timestamp_input_end )) return 0 } collect_and_draw() { #? Run all collect and draw functions local task_int=0 input_runs for task in processes cpu mem net; do ((++task_int)) if [[ -n $pause_screen && -n ${saved_key[0]} ]]; then return elif [[ -z $pause_screen ]]; then input_runs=0 while [[ -n ${saved_key[0]} ]] && ((time_left>0)) && ((++input_runs<=5)); do process_input unset late_update done fi collect_${task} if get_key -save && [[ -z $pause_screen ]]; then process_input; fi draw_${task} if get_key -save && [[ -z $pause_screen ]]; then process_input; fi draw_clock "$1" if ((resized>0 & resized0)); then calc_sizes draw_bg fi #* Run all collect and draw functions collect_and_draw now #* Reset resized variable if resized and all functions have finished redrawing if ((resized>=5)); then resized=0 elif ((resized>0)); then unset draw_out proc_out clock_out; return; fi #* Echo everyting out to screen in one command to get a smooth transition between updates echo -en "${draw_out}${proc_out}${clock_out}" unset draw_out #* Periodically check for new network device if non was found at start or was removed if ((net[device_check]>10)); then net[device_check]=0 get_net_device elif [[ -n ${net[no_device]} ]]; then ((++net[device_check])) fi #* Compare timestamps to get exact time needed to wait until next loop get_ms timestamp_end time_left=$((timestamp_start+update_ms-timestamp_end)) if ((time_left>update_ms)); then time_left=$update_ms; fi if ((time_left>0)); then late_update=0 #* Divide waiting time in chunks of 500ms and below to keep program responsive while reading input while ((time_left>0 & resized==0)); do #* If NOT waiting for input and time left is greater than 500ms, wait 500ms and loop if [[ -z $input_to_filter ]] && ((time_left>=500)); then wait_string="5" time_left=$((time_left-500)) #* If waiting for input and time left is greater than "50 ms", wait 50ms and loop elif [[ -n $input_to_filter ]] && ((time_left>=100)); then wait_string="1" time_left=$((time_left-100)) #* Else format wait string with padded zeroes if needed and break loop else if ((time_left>=100)); then wait_string=$((time_left/100)); else wait_string=0; fi time_left=0 fi #* Wait while reading input process_input "${wait_string}" #* Draw clock if set draw_clock now done #* If time left is too low to process any input more than five times in succession, add 100ms to update timer elif ((++late_update==5)); then update_ms=$((update_ms+100)) draw_update_string fi unset skip_process_draw skip_net_draw } #? Pre main loop #* Read config file or create if non existant config_dir="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/bashtop" if [[ -d "${config_dir}" && -w "${config_dir}" ]] || mkdir -p "${config_dir}"; then if [[ ! -d "${config_dir}/themes" ]]; then mkdir -p "${config_dir}/themes"; fi if [[ ! -d "${config_dir}/user_themes" ]]; then mkdir -p "${config_dir}/user_themes"; fi config_file="${config_dir}/bashtop.cfg" # shellcheck source=/dev/null if [[ -e "$config_file" ]]; then source "$config_file" #* If current config is from an older version recreate config file and save user changes if [[ $(get_value -sf "${config_file}" -k "bashtop v." -mk 1) != "${version}" ]]; then create_config save_config "${save_array[@]}" fi else create_config; fi else #* If anything goes wrong turn off all writing to filesystem echo "ERROR: Could not set config dir!" config_dir="/dev/null" config_file="/dev/null" error_logging="false" unset 'save_array[@]' fi #* Force the use of python psutil if not on Linux if [[ $system != "Linux" ]]; then use_psutil="true"; fi #* Check for python3 and psutil if "use_psutil" is true if [[ $use_psutil == true ]]; then if ! command -v python3 >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Error: Missing python3!" if [[ $system == "Linux" ]]; then use_psutil="false" else exit 1 fi elif ! python3 -c "import psutil" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Error: Missing python3 psutil module!" if [[ $system == "Linux" ]]; then use_psutil="false" else exit 1 fi fi fi #* if we have been sourced by another shell, quit. Allows sourcing only function definition. [[ "${#BASH_SOURCE[@]}" -gt 1 ]] && { return 0; } #* Set up traps for ctrl-c, soft kill, window resize, ctrl-z and resume from ctrl-z trap 'quitting=1; time_left=0' SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGTERM trap 'resized=1; time_left=0' SIGWINCH trap 'sleepy=1; time_left=0' SIGTSTP trap 'resume_' SIGCONT #* Set up error logging to file if enabled if [[ $error_logging == true ]]; then set -o errtrace trap 'traperr' ERR #* Remove everything but the last 500 lines of error log if larger than 500 lines if [[ -e "${config_dir}/error.log" && $(${wc} -l <"${config_dir}/error.log") -gt 500 ]]; then ${tail} -n 500 "${config_dir}/error.log" > "${config_dir}/tmp" ${rm} -f "${config_dir}/error.log" ${mv} -f "${config_dir}/tmp" "${config_dir}/error.log" fi ( echo " " ; echo "New instance of bashtop version: ${version} Pid: $$" ) >> "${config_dir}/error.log" exec 2>>"${config_dir}/error.log" if [[ $1 == "--debug" ]]; then exec 19>"${config_dir}/tracing.log" BASH_XTRACEFD=19 set -x fi else exec 2>/dev/null fi #* Call init function init_ #* Start infinite loop until false; do main_loop; done #* Quit cleanly even if false starts being true... quit_