cleanup and formatting

aristocratos 2020-04-26 14:24:48 +02:00
parent 0d72829907
commit f51d0ebfdc
1 changed files with 20 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ is_int() { #? Check if value(s) is integer
is_float() { #? Check if value(s) is floating point
local param
for param; do
if [[ ! $param =~ ^[\-]?[0-9]*[,|.][0-9]+$ ]]; then return 1; fi
if [[ ! $param =~ ^[\-]?[0-9]*[,.][0-9]+$ ]]; then return 1; fi
@ -690,9 +690,9 @@ get_value() { #? Get a value from a file, variable or array by searching for a n
-sf|-source-file) input="$(<"$2")"; shift;; #? File as source
-sv|-source-var) input="${!2}"; shift;; #? Variable as source
-sa|-source-array) local -n tmp_array=$2; input="${tmp_array[*]}"; shift;; #? Array as source
-fp|-floating-point) reg="[\-]?[0-9]*[.|,][0-9]+"; match=1;; #? Match floating point value
-fp|-floating-point) reg="[\-]?[0-9]*[.,][0-9]+"; match=1;; #? Match floating point value
-math) math="$2"; shift;; #? Perform math on a integer value, "x" represents value, only works if "integer" argument is given
-i|-integer) reg="[\-]?[0-9]+[.|,]?[0-9]*"; int=1; match=1;; #? Match integer value or float and convert to int
-i|-integer) reg="[\-]?[0-9]+[.,]?[0-9]*"; int=1; match=1;; #? Match integer value or float and convert to int
-r|-remove) remove+=("$2"); shift;; #? Format output by removing entered regex, can be used multiple times
-v|-variable-out) local -n found="$2"; ext_var=1; shift;; #? Output to variable
-map|-map-array) local -n array_out="$2"; ext_var=1; ext_arr=1; shift;; #? Map output to array
@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ cur_pos() { #? Get cursor postion, argument "line" prints current line, argument
if [[ -z $1 || $1 == "col" ]]; then echo -n "$col"; fi
create_box() { #? Draw a box with an optional titlebar and title at given location
create_box() { #? Draw a box with an optional title at given location
local width height col line title ltype hpos vpos i hlines vlines color line_color c_rev=0 box_out ext_var fill
until (($#==0)); do
case $1 in
@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ create_box() { #? Draw a box with an optional titlebar and title at given locati
-s|-single) ltype="single";; #? Use single lines
-d|-double) ltype="double";; #? Use double lines
-lc|-line-color) line_color="$2"; shift;; #? Color of the lines
-fill) fill=1;;
-fill) fill=1;; #? Fill background of box
-v|-variable) local -n box_out=$2; ext_var=1; shift;; #? Output box to a variable
@ -1331,7 +1331,9 @@ collect_cpu() { #? Collects cpu stats from /proc/stat and compares with previous
while ((thread<threads+1)) && read -ra stat_array; do
if [[ -n ${cpu[old_${thread}]} && -n ${cpu[idle_new_${thread}]} && ${cpu[old_${thread}]} -ne ${cpu[new_${thread}]} ]]; then cpu_usage[${thread}]=$(( ( 100*(${cpu[old_${thread}]}-${cpu[new_${thread}]}-${cpu[idle_old_${thread}]}+${cpu[idle_new_${thread}]}) ) / (${cpu[old_${thread}]}-${cpu[new_${thread}]}) )); fi
if [[ -n ${cpu[old_${thread}]} && -n ${cpu[idle_new_${thread}]} && ${cpu[old_${thread}]} -ne ${cpu[new_${thread}]} ]]; then
cpu_usage[${thread}]=$(( ( 100*(${cpu[old_${thread}]}-${cpu[new_${thread}]}-${cpu[idle_old_${thread}]}+${cpu[idle_new_${thread}]}) ) / (${cpu[old_${thread}]}-${cpu[new_${thread}]}) ))
@ -1344,8 +1346,6 @@ collect_cpu() { #? Collects cpu stats from /proc/stat and compares with previous
# threads=${box[testing]} #! For testing, remove <--------------
for((i=1;i<=threads;i++)); do
local -n cpu_core_history="cpu_core_history_$i"
if ((${#cpu_core_history[@]}>20)); then
@ -1355,7 +1355,6 @@ collect_cpu() { #? Collects cpu stats from /proc/stat and compares with previous
#* Get current cpu frequency from "/proc/cpuinfo" and convert to appropriate unit
if [[ -z ${cpu[no_cpu_info]} ]] && ! get_value -v cpu[freq] -sf "/proc/cpuinfo" -k "cpu MHz" -i; then
@ -3433,8 +3432,6 @@ main_loop() { #? main loop...
#* If time left is too low to process any input more than twice in succession, add 100ms to update timer
elif ((++late_update==5)); then