mirror of https://github.com/aristocratos/bashtop
Added: Support for FreeBSD
@ -35,12 +35,13 @@ declare -x LC_MESSAGES="C" LC_NUMERIC="C" LC_ALL=""
#* Fail if running on unsupported OS
case "$(uname -s)" in
Linux*) system=Linux;;
*BSD) system=BSD;;
Darwin*) system=MacOS;;
CYGWIN*) system=Cygwin;;
MINGW*) system=MinGw;;
*) system="Other"
if [[ "$system" != "Linux" && "$system" != "MacOS" ]]; then
if [[ ! $system =~ Linux|MacOS|BSD ]]; then
echo "This version of bashtop does not support $system platform."
exit 1
@ -73,12 +74,20 @@ declare banner_width=${#banner[0]}
banner_colors=("#E62525" "#CD2121" "#B31D1D" "#9A1919" "#801414")
#* Set correct names for GNU tools depending on OS
if [[ $system == "MacOS" ]]; then tool_prefix="g"; fi
for tool in "dd" "df" "stty" "sed"; do
if [[ $system != "Linux" ]]; then tool_prefix="g"; fi
for tool in "dd" "df" "stty" "tail" "realpath" "sed"; do
declare -n set_tool="${tool}"
if ! command -v ${dd} >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "ERROR: Missing GNU coreutils!"
exit 1
elif ! command -v ${sed} >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "ERROR: Missing GNU sed!"
exit 1
read tty_height tty_width < <(${stty} size)
#? Start default variables------------------------------------------------------------------------------>
@ -186,6 +195,12 @@ printf -v enter_key "\uD"
printf -v ctrl_c "\u03"
printf -v ctrl_z "\u1A"
hide_cursor='\033[?25l' #* Hide terminal cursor
show_cursor='\033[?25h' #* Show terminal cursor
alt_screen='\033[?1049h' #* Switch to alternate screen
normal_screen='\033[?1049l' #* Switch to normal screen
clear_screen='\033[2J' #* Clear screen
#* Symbols for graphs
declare -a graph_symbol
graph_symbol=(" " "⡀" "⣀" "⣄" "⣤" "⣦" "⣴" "⣶" "⣷" "⣾" "⣿")
@ -274,11 +289,12 @@ init_() { #? Collect needed information and set options before startig main loop
local i
#* Set terminal options, save and clear screen
saved_stty="$(${stty} -g)"
tput smcup
#tput smcup
echo -en "${alt_screen}${hide_cursor}${clear_screen}"
echo -en "\033]0;BashTOP\a"
tput clear
#tput clear
${stty} -echo
tput civis
#tput civis
#* Check if "sensors", "osx-cpu-temp" or "vcgencmd" commands is available, if not, disable temperature collection
@ -515,9 +531,10 @@ color_init_() { #? Check for theme file and set colors
quit_() { #? Clean exit
#* Restore terminal options and screen
tput clear
tput rmcup
tput cnorm
#tput clear
#tput rmcup
#tput cnorm
echo -en "${clear_screen}${normal_screen}${show_cursor}"
${stty} "${saved_stty}"
echo -en "\033]0;\a"
@ -530,9 +547,10 @@ quit_() { #? Clean exit
sleep_() { #? Restore terminal options, stop and send to background if caught SIGTSTP (ctrl+z)
tput clear
tput rmcup
tput cnorm
# tput clear
# tput rmcup
# tput cnorm
echo -en "${clear_screen}${normal_screen}${show_cursor}"
${stty} "${saved_stty}"
echo -en "\033]0;\a"
@ -541,11 +559,12 @@ sleep_() { #? Restore terminal options, stop and send to background if caught SI
resume_() { #? Set terminal options and resume if caught SIGCONT ('fg' from terminal)
tput smcup
#tput smcup
echo -en "${alt_screen}${hide_cursor}${clear_screen}"
echo -en "\033]0;BashTOP\a"
tput clear
#tput clear
${stty} -echo
tput civis
#tput civis
if [[ -n $pause_screen ]]; then
echo -en "$pause_screen"
@ -614,7 +633,7 @@ draw_banner() { #? Draw banner, usage: draw_banner <line> [output variable]
create_config() { #? Creates a new config file with default values from above
local c_line c_read this_file
this_file="$(realpath "$0")"
this_file="$(${realpath} "$0")"
echo "#? Config file for bashtop v. ${version}" > "$config_file"
while IFS= read -r c_line; do
if [[ $c_line =~ aaz_config() ]]; then break
@ -1913,7 +1932,10 @@ for thread in threads:
print(f'cpu{x}', int(thread.user*10), int(thread.nice*10), int(thread.system*10), int(thread.idle*10))
x += 1
@ -2152,7 +2174,7 @@ EOF
#* Get disk information from "df" command
local df_array df_line line_array dev_path dev_name iostat_var disk_read disk_write disk_io_string
local df_array df_line line_array dev_path dev_name iostat_var disk_read disk_write disk_io_string df_count=0
local -a device_array iostat_array
unset 'disks_free[@]' 'disks_used[@]' 'disks_used_percent[@]' 'disks_total[@]' 'disks_name[@]' 'disks_free_percent[@]' 'disks_io[@]'
readarray -t df_array < <(${df} -x squashfs -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs -x overlay 2>/dev/null || true)
@ -2185,10 +2207,10 @@ EOF
if [[ ${dev_name::2} == "md" ]]; then dev_name="${dev_name::3}"; fi
unset iostat_var disk_io_string 'iostat_array[@]'
if [[ $use_psutil == true && $system == "MacOS" && ${disks_name[-1]} == "root" ]]; then
read -r iostat_var < <(python3 -c "import psutil; disk = psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=False); print(disk.read_bytes>>10, disk.write_bytes>>10)")
elif [[ $use_psutil == true && $system != "MacOS" ]]; then
read -r iostat_var < <(python3 -c "import os, psutil; disk = psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=True)[os.path.realpath('${dev_path}${dev_name}').split('/')[-1]]; print(disk.read_bytes>>10, disk.write_bytes>>10)")
if [[ $use_psutil == true && $system != "Linux" ]] && ((df_count==0)); then
read -r iostat_var < <(python3 -c "import psutil; disk = psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=False); print(disk.read_bytes>>10, disk.write_bytes>>10)" 2>/dev/null)
elif [[ $use_psutil == true && $system == "Linux" ]]; then
read -r iostat_var < <(python3 -c "import os, psutil; disk = psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=True)[os.path.realpath('${dev_path}${dev_name}').split('/')[-1]]; print(disk.read_bytes>>10, disk.write_bytes>>10)" 2>/dev/null)
elif [[ $use_psutil == false ]]; then
read -r iostat_var < <(iostat -dkz "${dev_path}${dev_name}" | tail -n +4)
@ -2216,6 +2238,7 @@ EOF
if ((${#disks_name[@]}>=height/2)); then break; fi
@ -2497,12 +2520,13 @@ collect_processes_psutil() {
if [[ -n $skip_process_draw && $argument != "now" ]]; then return; fi
if [[ $argument == "now" ]]; then skip_process_draw=1; fi
local prog_len arg_len symbol="▼" sorting selected imports time_elapsed no_core_divide width=${box[processes_width]} height=${box[processes_height]}
local cmdargs titleargs titletr hide_self pid pcpu_usage pids p_count cpu_int pids
local cmdargs titleargs titletr hide_self pid pcpu_usage pids p_count cpu_int pids bsd_idle
#* Timestamp the values in milliseconds to accurately calculate cpu usage
get_ms proc[new_timestamp]
if [[ $proc_per_core == true ]]; then no_core_divide="1"; fi
if [[ $system == "BSD" ]]; then bsd_idle="or p.info['name'] == 'idle'"; fi
@ -2584,7 +2608,7 @@ search = '${filter}'
print(f"{'Pid:':>7} {'Program:':<${prog_len}}${titleargs}${titletr} {'User:':<9}Mem%{'Cpu%':>11}")
for p in sorted(psutil.process_iter(['pid', 'name', 'cmdline', 'num_threads', 'username', 'memory_percent', 'cpu_times', 'create_time'], err), key=lambda p: ${sorting}):
if p.info['pid'] == selfpid:
if p.info['pid'] == selfpid ${bsd_idle}:
if p.info['cpu_times'] == err:
p.info['memory_percent'] = 0.0
@ -4671,8 +4695,8 @@ else
unset 'save_array[@]'
#* Force the use of python psutil on MacOS
if [[ $system == "MacOS" ]]; then use_psutil="true"; fi
#* Force the use of python psutil if not on Linux
if [[ $system != "Linux" ]]; then use_psutil="true"; fi
#* Check for python3 and psutil if "use_psutil" is true
if [[ $use_psutil == true ]]; then
@ -4706,7 +4730,7 @@ if [[ $error_logging == true ]]; then
#* Remove everything but the last 500 lines of error log if larger than 500 lines
if [[ -e "${config_dir}/error.log" && $(wc -l <"${config_dir}/error.log") -gt 500 ]]; then
tail -n 500 "${config_dir}/error.log" > "${config_dir}/tmp"
${tail} -n 500 "${config_dir}/error.log" > "${config_dir}/tmp"
rm "${config_dir}/error.log"
mv "${config_dir}/tmp" "${config_dir}/error.log"
Reference in New Issue