mirror of https://github.com/aristocratos/bashtop
Fixed resizing problems in iTerm2 and removed redudant error checking in print function for lower cpu usage
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# shellcheck disable=SC2034 #Unused variables
# shellcheck disable=SC2068 #Double quote array warning
# shellcheck disable=SC2086 # Double quote warning
## shellcheck disable=SC2120
# shellcheck disable=SC2140 # Word form warning
# shellcheck disable=SC2162 #Read without -r
# shellcheck disable=SC2206 #Word split warning
# shellcheck disable=SC2178 #Array to string warning
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ init_() { #? Collect needed information and set options before startig main loop
#* Read banner array letter by letter to set correct color for filled vs outline characters
while read -rN1 letter; do
if [[ $letter == "█" ]]; then b_color="${banner_colors[$y]}"
else b_color=$((80-y*6)); fi
else b_color="#$((80-y*6))"; fi
if [[ $letter == " " ]]; then
print -v banner_out[y] -r 1
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ init_() { #? Collect needed information and set options before startig main loop
#* Add update notification to banner if new version is available
local banner_out_up
print -v banner_out_up -rs -fg cc -b "← esc"
print -v banner_out_up -rs -fg "#cc" -b "← esc"
if [[ -n $git_version && $git_version != "$version" ]]; then
print -v banner_out_up -rs -fg "#80cc80" -r 15 "[${git_version} available!]" -r $((9-${#git_version}))
if [[ -n $notifier ]]; then
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ init_() { #? Collect needed information and set options before startig main loop
print -v banner_out_up -r 37
print -v banner_out_up -fg cc -i -b "Version: ${version}" -rs
print -v banner_out_up -fg "#cc" -i -b "Version: ${version}" -rs
#* Get theme and set colors
@ -632,6 +632,7 @@ resized() { #? Get new terminal size if terminal is resized
echo -en "${clear_screen}"
create_box -w 30 -h 3 -c 1 -l 1 -lc "#EE2020" -title "resizing"
print -jc 28 -fg ${theme[title]} "New size: ${tty_width}x${tty_height}"
${sleep} 0.2
@ -645,8 +646,8 @@ size_error_msg() { #? Shows error message if terminal size is below 80x25
local height=$tty_height
echo -en "${clear_screen}"
create_box -full -lc "#EE2020" -title "resize window"
print -rs -m $((tty_height/2-1)) 2 -fg ${theme[title]} -c -l 11 "Current size: " -bg "#00" -fg dd2020 -d 1 -c "${tty_width}x${tty_height}" -rs
print -d 1 -fg ${theme[title]} -c -l 15 "Need to be atleast:" -bg "#00" -fg 30dd50 -d 1 -c "80x24" -rs
print -rs -m $((tty_height/2-1)) 2 -fg ${theme[title]} -c -l 11 "Current size: " -bg "#00" -fg "#dd2020" -d 1 -c "${tty_width}x${tty_height}" -rs
print -d 1 -fg ${theme[title]} -c -l 15 "Need to be atleast:" -bg "#00" -fg "#30dd50" -d 1 -c "80x24" -rs
while [[ $(${stty} size) == "$tty_height $tty_width" ]]; do ${sleep} 0.2; if [[ -n $quitting ]]; then quit_; fi ; done
@ -1247,7 +1248,7 @@ create_graph() { #? Create a graph from an array of percentage values, usage;
#* Set up graph array print side numbers and lines
print -v graph_array[0] -rs
print -v graph_array[0] -m $((line+g_index[0])) ${col} ${normal_vals:+-jr 3 -fg ee -b -t "${side_num[0]}" -rs -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${g_char[0]}"} -fg ${colors[100]}
print -v graph_array[0] -m $((line+g_index[0])) ${col} ${normal_vals:+-jr 3 -fg "#ee" -b -t "${side_num[0]}" -rs -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${g_char[0]}"} -fg ${colors[100]}
for((i=1;i<height;i++)); do
print -v graph_array[i] -m $((line+g_index[i])) ${col} ${normal_vals:+-r 3 -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${g_char[0]}"} -fg ${colors[$((100-i*100/height))]}
@ -1256,7 +1257,7 @@ create_graph() { #? Create a graph from an array of percentage values, usage;
if [[ -z $no_guide ]]; then
print -v graph_array[$height] -m $((line+g_index[(-1)])) ${col} -jr 3 -fg ee -b -t "${side_num[1]}" -rs -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${g_char[1]}" -rp ${width} -t "${g_char[2]}"
print -v graph_array[$height] -m $((line+g_index[(-1)])) ${col} -jr 3 -fg "#ee" -b -t "${side_num[1]}" -rs -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${g_char[1]}" -rp ${width} -t "${g_char[2]}"
#* If no color array was given, create a simple greyscale array
@ -1562,7 +1563,7 @@ create_graph_hires() { #? Create a graph from an array of percentage values, us
#* Set up graph array print side numbers and lines
print -v graph_array[0] -rs -m $((line+g_index[0])) ${col} ${normal_vals:+-jr 3 -fg ee -b -t "${side_num[0]}" -rs -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${g_char[0]}"} -fg ${colors[100]}
print -v graph_array[0] -rs -m $((line+g_index[0])) ${col} ${normal_vals:+-jr 3 -fg "#ee" -b -t "${side_num[0]}" -rs -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${g_char[0]}"} -fg ${colors[100]}
for((i=1;i<height;i++)); do
print -v graph_array[i] -m $((line+g_index[i])) ${col} ${normal_vals:+-r 3 -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${g_char[0]}"} -fg ${colors[$((100-i*100/height))]}
@ -1571,7 +1572,7 @@ create_graph_hires() { #? Create a graph from an array of percentage values, us
if [[ -z $no_guide ]]; then
print -v graph_array[$height] -m $((line+g_index[(-1)])) ${col} -jr 3 -fg ee -b -t "${side_num[1]}" -rs -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${g_char[1]}" -rp ${width} -t "${g_char[2]}"
print -v graph_array[$height] -m $((line+g_index[(-1)])) ${col} -jr 3 -fg "#ee" -b -t "${side_num[1]}" -rs -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${g_char[1]}" -rp ${width} -t "${g_char[2]}"
@ -1856,20 +1857,24 @@ print() { #? Print text, set true-color foreground/background color, add effects
#* Argument parsing
until (($#==0)); do
case $1 in
-t|-text) if [[ -n $2 ]]; then text="$2"; shift 2; break; fi;; #? String to print
-t|-text) text="$2"; shift 2; break;; #? String to print
-stdin) text="$(</dev/stdin)"; shift; break;; #? Print from stdin
-fg|-foreground) #? Set text foreground color, accepts either 6 digit hexadecimal "#RRGGBB", 2 digit hex (greyscale) or decimal RGB "<0-255> <0-255> <0-255>"
if is_int "${@:2:3}"; then fgc="\e[38;2;$2;$3;$4m"; shift 3
elif [[ ${#val} == 6 ]] && is_hex "$val"; then fgc="\e[38;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:2:2}));$((${hex}${val:4:2}))m"; shift
elif [[ ${#val} == 2 ]] && is_hex "$val"; then fgc="\e[38;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}))m"; shift
if [[ ${2::1} == "#" ]]; then
if [[ ${#val} == 6 ]]; then fgc="\e[38;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:2:2}));$((${hex}${val:4:2}))m"; shift
elif [[ ${#val} == 2 ]]; then fgc="\e[38;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}))m"; shift
elif is_int "${@:2:3}"; then fgc="\e[38;2;$2;$3;$4m"; shift 3
-bg|-background) #? Set text background color, accepts either 6 digit hexadecimal "#RRGGBB", 2 digit hex (greyscale) or decimal RGB "<0-255> <0-255> <0-255>"
if is_int "${@:2:3}"; then bgc="\e[48;2;$2;$3;$4m"; shift 3
elif [[ ${#val} == 6 ]] && is_hex "$val"; then bgc="\e[48;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:2:2}));$((${hex}${val:4:2}))m"; shift
elif [[ ${#val} == 2 ]] && is_hex "$val"; then bgc="\e[48;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}))m"; shift
if [[ ${2::1} == "#" ]]; then
if [[ ${#val} == 6 ]]; then bgc="\e[48;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:2:2}));$((${hex}${val:4:2}))m"; shift
elif [[ ${#val} == 2 ]]; then bgc="\e[48;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}))m"; shift
elif is_int "${@:2:3}"; then bgc="\e[48;2;$2;$3;$4m"; shift 3
-c|-center) center=1;; #? Center text horizontally on screen
@ -1885,15 +1890,15 @@ print() { #? Print text, set true-color foreground/background color, add effects
-bl|-blink) effect="${effect}${effect:+;}5";; #? Enable blinking text
+bl|+blink) effect="${effect}${effect:+;}25";; #? Disable blinking text
-f|-font) if [[ $2 =~ ^(sans-serif|script|fraktur|monospace|double-struck)$ ]]; then custom_font="$2"; shift; fi;; #? Set custom font
-m|-move) if is_int "${@:2:2}"; then add_command="${add_command}\e[${2};${3}f"; shift 2; fi;; #? Move to postion "LINE" "COLUMN"
-l|-left) if is_int "$2"; then add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}D"; shift; fi;; #? Move left x columns
-r|-right) if is_int "$2"; then add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}C"; shift; fi;; #? Move right x columns
-u|-up) if is_int "$2"; then add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}A"; shift; fi;; #? Move up x lines
-d|-down) if is_int "$2"; then add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}B"; shift; fi;; #? Move down x lines
-jl|-justify-left) if is_int "$2"; then justify_left="${2}"; shift; fi;; #? Justify string left within given width
-jr|-justify-right) if is_int "$2"; then justify_right="${2}"; shift; fi;; #? Justify string right within given width
-jc|-justify-center) if is_int "$2"; then justify_center="${2}"; shift; fi;; #? Justify string center within given width
-rp|-repeat) if is_int "$2"; then repeat=${2}; shift; fi;; #? Repeat next string x number of times
-m|-move) add_command="${add_command}\e[${2};${3}f"; shift 2;; #? Move to postion "LINE" "COLUMN"
-l|-left) add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}D"; shift;; #? Move left x columns
-r|-right) add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}C"; shift;; #? Move right x columns
-u|-up) add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}A"; shift;; #? Move up x lines
-d|-down) add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}B"; shift;; #? Move down x lines
-jl|-justify-left) justify_left="${2}"; shift;; #? Justify string left within given width
-jr|-justify-right) justify_right="${2}"; shift;; #? Justify string right within given width
-jc|-justify-center) justify_center="${2}"; shift;; #? Justify string center within given width
-rp|-repeat) repeat=${2}; shift;; #? Repeat next string x number of times
-sc|-save) add_command="\e[s${add_command}";; #? Save cursor position
-rc|-restore) add_command="${add_command}\e[u";; #? Restore cursor position
-trans) trans=1;; #? Make whitespace transparent
@ -3185,7 +3190,7 @@ draw_mem() { #? Draw mem, swap and disk statistics
#* Create text and meters for memory and swap and adapt sizes based on available height
local y_pos=$m_line v_height=8 list value meter inv_meter
if [[ $system == "MacOS" ]]; then v_height=4; fi
if [[ $system == "MacOS" ]]; then v_height=6; fi
for type in ${types[@]}; do
local -n type_name="$type"
if [[ $type == "mem" ]]; then
@ -3225,7 +3230,7 @@ draw_mem() { #? Draw mem, swap and disk statistics
if [[ -z $meter_mod_w ]]; then print -v mem_out -jr 4 -t "${type_name[${value}_percent]}%"; fi
if [[ $system == "MacOS" ]] && ((height>8)); then ((y_pos++)); fi
if [[ $system == "MacOS" && -z $swap_on ]] && ((height>8)); then ((y_pos++)); fi
@ -3344,7 +3349,7 @@ draw_processes() { #? Draw processes and values to screen
print -v proc_det2 -m ${d_line} $((d_col+2+detail_graph_width)) -t "┬" -m $((d_line+d_height)) $((d_col+detail_graph_width+2)) -t "┴"
print -v proc_det2 -m $((d_line+d_height)) ${d_col} -t "├" -r 1 -t "┤" -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "${this_box}" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├" -r $((d_width-5-${#this_box})) -t "┤"
print -v proc_det2 -m ${d_line} $((d_col+2)) -t "┤" -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "${proc[detailed_name],,}" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├"
if ((tty_width>128)); then print -v proc_det2 -m -r 1 -t "┤" -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "${proc[detailed_pid]}" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├"; fi
if ((tty_width>128)); then print -v proc_det2 -r 1 -t "┤" -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "${proc[detailed_pid]}" -rs -fg ${box[processes_color]} -t "├"; fi
@ -3654,7 +3659,7 @@ unpause_() { #? Unpause
menu_() { #? Shows the main menu overlay
local menu i count keypress selected_int=0 selected up local_rez d_banner=1 menu_out bannerd skipped menu_pause out_out wait_string trans
local -a menus=("options" "help" "quit") color
unset bannerd menu_out
until false; do
#* Put program to sleep if caught ctrl-z
@ -3712,6 +3717,7 @@ menu_() { #? Shows the main menu overlay
if ((resized>0)); then
calc_sizes; draw_bg quiet; time_left=0; unset menu_out
unset bannerd
echo -en "${clear_screen}"
case "$keypress" in
Reference in New Issue