added: load average and uptime, fixes: cpu box calculation errors

aristocratos 2020-04-25 13:49:20 +02:00
parent 6cd1cfd111
commit 93fc9c44bd
1 changed files with 26 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -1354,6 +1354,13 @@ collect_cpu() { #? Collects cpu stats from /proc/stat and compares with previous
elif ((${#cpu[freq]}>1)); then cpu[freq_string]="${cpu[freq]} MHz"
else cpu[freq_string]=""; fi
#* Get load average and uptime from uptime command
local uptime_var
read -r uptime_var < <(uptime 2>/dev/null || true)
cpu[load_avg]="${uptime_var#*average: }"
cpu[uptime]="${uptime_var#*up }"
cpu[uptime]="${cpu[uptime]%%, *}"
#* Collect cpu temps if enabled
if [[ $check_temp == true ]]; then collect_cpu_temps; fi
@ -1872,15 +1879,15 @@ calc_sizes() { #? Calculate width and height of all boxes
#* Calculate number of columns and placement of cpu meter box
local cpu_line=$((box[cpu_line]+1)) cpu_width=$((box[cpu_width]-2)) cpu_height=$((box[cpu_height]-2))
if ((threads>(cpu_height-3)*3 && tty_width>=200)); then box[p_width]=114; box[p_height]=$((threads/4+3))
elif ((threads>(cpu_height-3)*2 && tty_width>=150)); then box[p_width]=84; box[p_height]=$((threads/3+4))
elif ((threads>cpu_height-3 && tty_width>=100)); then box[p_width]=54; box[p_height]=$((threads/2+3))
else box[p_width]=24; box[p_height]=$((threads+3))
local cpu_line=$((box[cpu_line]+1)) cpu_width=$((box[cpu_width]-2)) cpu_height=$((box[cpu_height]-2)) box_cols
if ((threads>(cpu_height-3)*3 && tty_width>=200)); then box[p_width]=$((24*4)); box[p_height]=$((threads/4+4)); box_cols=4
elif ((threads>(cpu_height-3)*2 && tty_width>=150)); then box[p_width]=$((24*3)); box[p_height]=$((threads/3+5)); box_cols=3
elif ((threads>cpu_height-3 && tty_width>=100)); then box[p_width]=$((24*2)); box[p_height]=$((threads/2+4)); box_cols=2
else box[p_width]=24; box[p_height]=$((threads+4)); box_cols=1
if [[ $check_temp == true ]]; then
box[p_width]=$(( box[p_width]+13+( ( ( box[p_width]-24 ) /24 ) *7 ) ))
box[p_width]=$(( box[p_width]+13*box_cols))
if ((box[p_height]>cpu_height)); then box[p_height]=$cpu_height; fi
@ -2016,8 +2023,8 @@ draw_cpu() { #? Draw cpu and core graphs and print percentages
if ((p_width>84+temp_width & i>=(p_height-2)*3-2)); then pt_line=$((p_line+i-y*4)); pt_col=$((p_col+84+temp_width))
elif ((p_width>54+temp_width & i>=(p_height-2)*2-1)); then pt_line=$((p_line+i-y*3)); pt_col=$((p_col+54+temp_width))
if ((p_width>84+temp_width & i>=(p_height-2)*3-2)); then pt_line=$((p_line+i-y*4)); pt_col=$((p_col+90+temp_width))
elif ((p_width>54+temp_width & i>=(p_height-2)*2-1)); then pt_line=$((p_line+i-y*3)); pt_col=$((p_col+48+temp_width*2))
elif ((p_width>24+temp_width & i>=p_height-2)); then pt_line=$((p_line+i-y*2)); pt_col=$((p_col+24+temp_width))
else y=$i; fi
@ -2030,6 +2037,17 @@ draw_cpu() { #? Draw cpu and core graphs and print percentages
if (( i>(p_height-2)*( p_width/(24+temp_width) )-( p_width/(24+temp_width) )-1 )); then break; fi
#* Print load average and uptime
if ((pt_line+y+1<=p_height)); then
local avg_string avg_width
if ((p_width>24)); then avg_string="Load Average: "; avg_width=7; else avg_string="L AVG: "; avg_width=5; fi
print -v cpu_out_var -m $((pt_line+y+1)) $pt_col -fg ${theme[main_fg]} -t "${avg_string}"
for avg_string in ${cpu[load_avg]}; do
print -v cpu_out_var -jc $avg_width -t "${avg_string}"
print -v cpu_out_var -m $((line+height-1)) $((col+1)) -fg ${theme[inactive_fg]} -trans -t "up ${cpu[uptime]}"
#* Print current CPU frequency right of the title in the meter box
if [[ -n ${cpu[freq_string]} ]]; then print -v cpu_out_var -m $((p_line-1)) $((p_col+p_width-5-${#cpu[freq_string]})) -fg ${theme[div_line]} -t "┤" -fg ${theme[title]} -b -t "${cpu[freq_string]}" -rs -fg ${theme[div_line]} -t "├"; fi