mirror of https://github.com/aristocratos/bashtop
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ banner=(
"██╔══██╗██╔══██║╚════██║██╔══██║ ██║ ██║ ██║██╔═══╝ "
"██████╔╝██║ ██║███████║██║ ██║ ██║ ╚██████╔╝██║ "
"╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ")
declare version="0.8.8"
declare version="0.8.9"
declare banner_width=${#banner[0]}
banner_colors=("#E62525" "#CD2121" "#B31D1D" "#9A1919" "#801414")
@ -311,13 +311,13 @@ color_init_() { #? Check for theme file and set colors
if [[ -n $sourced ]]; then hex2rgb="${theme[${color_name}]}"
else hex2rgb="${!color_name}"; fi
if [[ ${hex2rgb::1} == "#" ]]; then hex2rgb=${hex2rgb:1}; fi
if [[ ${#hex2rgb} == 6 && $hex2rgb =~ ^[0-9a-fA-F]*$ ]]; then hex2rgb="$((${hex}${hex2rgb:0:2})) $((${hex}${hex2rgb:2:2})) $((${hex}${hex2rgb:4:2}))"
elif [[ ${#hex2rgb} == 2 && $hex2rgb =~ ^[0-9a-fA-F]*$ ]]; then hex2rgb="$((${hex}${hex2rgb:0:2})) $((${hex}${hex2rgb:0:2})) $((${hex}${hex2rgb:0:2}))"
if [[ ${#hex2rgb} == 6 ]] && is_hex "$hex2rgb"; then hex2rgb="$((${hex}${hex2rgb:0:2})) $((${hex}${hex2rgb:2:2})) $((${hex}${hex2rgb:4:2}))"
elif [[ ${#hex2rgb} == 2 ]] && is_hex "$hex2rgb"; then hex2rgb="$((${hex}${hex2rgb:0:2})) $((${hex}${hex2rgb:0:2})) $((${hex}${hex2rgb:0:2}))"
if [[ ${#dec_test[@]} -eq 3 && ${dec_test[0]} =~ ^[0-9]+$ && ${dec_test[1]} =~ ^[0-9]+$ && ${dec_test[2]} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then hex2rgb="${dec_test[*]}"
if [[ ${#dec_test[@]} -eq 3 ]] && is_int "${dec_test[@]}"; then hex2rgb="${dec_test[*]}"
else unset hex2rgb; fi
@ -596,6 +596,27 @@ spaces() { #? Prints back spaces, usage: spaces "number of spaces"
printf "%${1}s" ""
is_int() { #? Check if value(s) is integer
local param
for param; do
if [[ ! $param =~ ^[\-]?[0-9]+$ ]]; then return 1; fi
is_float() { #? Check if value(s) is floating point
local param
for param; do
if [[ ! $param =~ ^[\-][0-9]?[,|.][0-9]+$ ]]; then return 1; fi
is_hex() { #? Check if value(s) is hexadecimal
local param
for param; do
if [[ ! ${param//#/} =~ ^[0-9a-fA-F]*$ ]]; then return 1; fi
floating_humanizer() { #? Convert integer to floating point and scale up in steps of 1024 to highest positive unit
#? Usage: floating_humanizer <-b,-bit|-B,-Byte> [-ps,-per-second] [-s,-start "1024 multiplier start"] [-v,-variable-output] <input>
local value selector per_second unit_mult decimals out_var ext_var
@ -607,7 +628,7 @@ floating_humanizer() { #? Convert integer to floating point and scale up in ste
-ps|-per-second) per_second=1;;
-s|-start) selector="$2"; shift;;
-v|-variable-output) local -n out_var="$2"; ext_var=1; shift;;
*) if [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]*$ ]]; then value=$1; break; fi;;
*) if is_int "$1"; then value=$1; break; fi;;
@ -669,9 +690,9 @@ get_value() { #? Get a value from a file, variable or array by searching for a n
-sf|-source-file) input="$(<"$2")"; shift;; #? File as source
-sv|-source-var) input="${!2}"; shift;; #? Variable as source
-sa|-source-array) local -n tmp_array=$2; input="${tmp_array[*]}"; shift;; #? Array as source
-fp|-floating-point) reg="[0-9]?(\.|\,)[0-9]*"; match=1;; #? Match floating point value
-fp|-floating-point) reg="[0-9]?[.|,][0-9]+"; match=1;; #? Match floating point value
-math) math="$2"; shift;; #? Perform math on a integer value, "x" represents value, only works if "integer" argument is given
-i|-integer) reg="[0-9]+(\.|\,)?[0-9]*"; int=1; match=1;; #? Match integer value
-i|-integer) reg="[0-9]+[.|,]?[0-9]*"; int=1; match=1;; #? Match integer value or float and convert to int
-r|-remove) remove+=("$2"); shift;; #? Format output by removing entered regex, can be used multiple times
-v|-variable-out) local -n found="$2"; ext_var=1; shift;; #? Output to variable
-map|-map-array) local -n array_out="$2"; ext_var=1; ext_arr=1; shift;; #? Map output to array
@ -774,10 +795,10 @@ create_box() { #? Draw a box with an optional titlebar and title at given locati
until (($#==0)); do
case $1 in
-f|-full) col=1; line=1; width=$((tty_width)); height=$((tty_height));; #? Use full terminal size for box
-c|-col) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]*$ ]]; then col=$2; shift; fi;; #? Column position to start box
-l|-line) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]*$ ]]; then line=$2; shift; fi;; #? Line position to start box
-w|-width) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]*$ ]]; then width=$2; shift; fi;; #? Width of box
-h|-height) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]*$ ]]; then height=$2; shift; fi;; #? Height of box
-c|-col) if is_int "$2"; then col=$2; shift; fi;; #? Column position to start box
-l|-line) if is_int "$2"; then line=$2; shift; fi;; #? Line position to start box
-w|-width) if is_int "$2"; then width=$2; shift; fi;; #? Width of box
-h|-height) if is_int "$2"; then height=$2; shift; fi;; #? Height of box
-t|-title) if [[ -n $2 ]]; then title="$2"; shift; fi;; #? Draw title without titlebar
-s|-single) ltype="single";; #? Use single lines
-d|-double) ltype="double";; #? Use double lines
@ -843,13 +864,13 @@ create_meter() { #? Create a horizontal percentage meter, usage; create_meter <
#* Argument parsing
until (($#==0)); do
case $1 in
-p|-place) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]+$ && $3 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then line=$2; col=$3; shift 2; fi;; #? Placement for meter
-p|-place) if is_int "${@:2:2}"; then line=$2; col=$3; shift 2; fi;; #? Placement for meter
-w|-width) width=$2; shift;; #? Width of meter in columns
-c|-color) local -n colors=$2; shift;; #? Name of an array containing colors from index 0-100
-i|-invert) invert=1;; #? Invert meter
-f|-fill-empty) fill_empty=1;; #? Fill unused space with dark blocks
-v|-variable) local -n meter_var=$2; ext_var=1; shift;; #? Output meter to a variable
*) if [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then val=$1; fi;;
*) if is_int "$1"; then val=$1; fi;;
@ -900,17 +921,14 @@ create_graph() { #? Create a graph from an array of percentage values, usage;
#* Argument parsing
until (($#==0)); do
case $1 in
-d|-dimensions) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]+$ && $3 =~ ^[0-9]+$ && $3 =~ ^[0-9]+$ && $4 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then #? Graph dimensions
line=$2; col=$3; height=$4; width=$5; shift 4; fi;;
-d|-dimensions) if is_int "${@:2:4}"; then line=$2; col=$3; height=$4; width=$5; shift 4; fi;; #? Graph dimensions
-c|-color) local -n colors=$2; shift;; #? Name of an array containing colors from index 0-100
-o|-output-array) local -n output_array=$2; ext_var=1; shift;; #? Output meter to an array
-add-value) if [[ $3 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then #? Add a value to existing graph
local -n output_array=$2; add=$3; break
else return; fi;;
-add-value) if is_int "$3"; then local -n output_array=$2; add=$3; break; else return; fi;; #? Add a value to existing graph
-add-last) local -n output_array=$2; local -n add_array=$3; add=${add_array[-1]}; break;; #? Add last value from array to existing graph
-i|-invert) invert=1;; #? Invert graph, drawing from top to bottom
-n|-no-guide) no_guide=1;; #? Don't print side and bottom guide lines
-max) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then max=$2; shift; fi;; #? Needed max value for non percentage arrays
-max) if is_int "$2"; then max=$2; shift; fi;; #? Needed max value for non percentage arrays
*) local -n tmp_in_array=$1; input_array=("${tmp_in_array[@]}");;
@ -1087,13 +1105,11 @@ create_mini_graph() { #? Create a one line high graph from an array of percenta
#* Argument parsing
until (($#==0)); do
case $1 in
-w|-width) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then width=$2; shift; fi;; #? Graph width
-w|-width) if is_int "$2"; then width=$2; shift; fi;; #? Graph width
-c|-color) local -n colors=$2; shift;; #? Name of an array containing colors from index 0-100
-nc|-no-color) no_color=1;; #? Set no color
-o|-output-variable) local -n output_var=$2; ext_var=1; shift;; #? Output graph to a variable
-add-value) if [[ $3 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then #? Add a value to existing graph
local -n output_var=$2; add=$3; break
else return; fi;;
-add-value) if is_int "$3"; then local -n output_var=$2; add=$3; break; else return; fi;; #? Add a value to existing graph
-add-last) local -n output_var=$2 add_array=$3; add="${add_array[-1]}"; break;; #? Add last value from array to existing graph
-i|-invert) invert=1;; #? Invert graph, drawing from top to bottom
*) local -n input_array=$1;;
@ -1218,17 +1234,17 @@ print() { #? Print text, set true-color foreground/background color, add effects
-t|-text) if [[ -n $2 ]]; then text="$2"; shift 2; break; fi;; #? String to print
-stdin) text="$(</dev/stdin)"; shift; break;; #? Print from stdin
-fg|-foreground) #? Set text foreground color, accepts either 6 digit hexadecimal "#RRGGBB", 2 digit hex (greyscale) or decimal RGB "<0-255> <0-255> <0-255>"
if [[ ${2::1} == "#" ]]; then val=${2:1}; else val=${2}; fi
if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]+$ && $3 =~ ^[0-9]+$ && $4 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then fgc="\e[38;2;$2;$3;$4m"; shift 3
elif [[ ${#val} == 6 && $val =~ ^[0-9a-fA-F]*$ ]]; then fgc="\e[38;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:2:2}));$((${hex}${val:4:2}))m"; shift
elif [[ ${#val} == 2 && $val =~ ^[0-9a-fA-F]*$ ]]; then fgc="\e[38;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}))m"; shift
if is_int "${@:2:3}"; then fgc="\e[38;2;$2;$3;$4m"; shift 3
elif [[ ${#val} == 6 ]] && is_hex "$val"; then fgc="\e[38;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:2:2}));$((${hex}${val:4:2}))m"; shift
elif [[ ${#val} == 2 ]] && is_hex "$val"; then fgc="\e[38;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}))m"; shift
-bg|-background) #? Set text background color, accepts either 6 digit hexadecimal "#RRGGBB", 2 digit hex (greyscale) or decimal RGB "<0-255> <0-255> <0-255>"
if [[ ${2::1} == "#" ]]; then val=${2:1}; else val=${2}; fi
if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]+$ && $3 =~ ^[0-9]+$ && $4 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then bgc="\e[48;2;$2;$3;$4m"; shift 3
elif [[ ${#val} == 6 && $val =~ ^[0-9a-fA-F]*$ ]]; then bgc="\e[48;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:2:2}));$((${hex}${val:4:2}))m"; shift
elif [[ ${#val} == 2 && $val =~ ^[0-9a-fA-F]*$ ]]; then bgc="\e[48;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}))m"; shift
if is_int "${@:2:3}"; then bgc="\e[48;2;$2;$3;$4m"; shift 3
elif [[ ${#val} == 6 ]] && is_hex "$val"; then bgc="\e[48;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:2:2}));$((${hex}${val:4:2}))m"; shift
elif [[ ${#val} == 2 ]] && is_hex "$val"; then bgc="\e[48;2;$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}));$((${hex}${val:0:2}))m"; shift
-c|-center) center=1;; #? Center text horizontally on screen
@ -1244,15 +1260,15 @@ print() { #? Print text, set true-color foreground/background color, add effects
-bl|-blink) effect="${effect}${effect:+;}5";; #? Enable blinking text
+bl|+blink) effect="${effect}${effect:+;}25";; #? Disable blinking text
-f|-font) if [[ $2 =~ ^(sans-serif|script|fraktur|monospace|double-struck)$ ]]; then custom_font="$2"; shift; fi;; #? Set custom font
-m|-move) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9\-]+$ && $3 =~ ^[0-9\-]+$ ]]; then add_command="${add_command}\e[${2};${3}f"; shift 2; fi;; #? Move to postion "LINE" "COLUMN"
-l|-left) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9\-]+$ ]]; then add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}D"; shift; fi;; #? Move left x columns
-r|-right) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9\-]+$ ]]; then add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}C"; shift; fi;; #? Move right x columns
-u|-up) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9\-]+$ ]]; then add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}A"; shift; fi;; #? Move up x lines
-d|-down) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9\-]+$ ]]; then add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}B"; shift; fi;; #? Move down x lines
-jl|-justify-left) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9\-]+$ ]]; then justify_left="${2}"; shift; fi;; #? Justify string left within given width
-jr|-justify-right) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9\-]+$ ]]; then justify_right="${2}"; shift; fi;; #? Justify string right within given width
-jc|-justify-center) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9\-]+$ ]]; then justify_center="${2}"; shift; fi;; #? Justify string center within given width
-rp|-repeat) if [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then repeat=${2}; shift; fi;; #? Repeat next string x number of times
-m|-move) if is_int "${@:2:2}"; then add_command="${add_command}\e[${2};${3}f"; shift 2; fi;; #? Move to postion "LINE" "COLUMN"
-l|-left) if is_int "$2"; then add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}D"; shift; fi;; #? Move left x columns
-r|-right) if is_int "$2"; then add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}C"; shift; fi;; #? Move right x columns
-u|-up) if is_int "$2"; then add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}A"; shift; fi;; #? Move up x lines
-d|-down) if is_int "$2"; then add_command="${add_command}\e[${2}B"; shift; fi;; #? Move down x lines
-jl|-justify-left) if is_int "$2"; then justify_left="${2}"; shift; fi;; #? Justify string left within given width
-jr|-justify-right) if is_int "$2"; then justify_right="${2}"; shift; fi;; #? Justify string right within given width
-jc|-justify-center) if is_int "$2"; then justify_center="${2}"; shift; fi;; #? Justify string center within given width
-rp|-repeat) if is_int "$2"; then repeat=${2}; shift; fi;; #? Repeat next string x number of times
-sc|-save) add_command="\e[s${add_command}";; #? Save cursor position
-rc|-restore) add_command="${add_command}\e[u";; #? Restore cursor position
-trans) trans=1;; #? Make whitespace transparent
@ -2803,10 +2819,10 @@ options_() { #? Shows the options overlay
if [[ ${option_string} == "${selected}" ]]; then
if [[ $option_value =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || [[ $selected == "color_theme" && -n $curled ]]; then
if is_int "$option_value" || [[ $selected == "color_theme" && -n $curled ]]; then
enter="↲"; inp=1
if [[ $option_value =~ ^[0-9]+$ || $option_value =~ true|false || $selected =~ proc_sorting|color_theme ]] && [[ -z $inputting ]]; then
if is_int "$option_value" || [[ $option_value =~ true|false || $selected =~ proc_sorting|color_theme ]] && [[ -z $inputting ]]; then
left="←"; right="→"; lr=1
enter="↲"; inp=1
Reference in New Issue