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2020-04-28 16:53:04 +00:00
# Changelog
## v0.9.2
* Fixed: Correct prefixes for some missed GNU tools
* Added: Startup progress screen
* Changed: replaced tput commands with escape sequence commands
2020-05-23 16:26:57 +00:00
## v0.9.1
* Added: FreeBSD support with python3 psutil data collection
* Added: Check for gnu tools on non Linux platforms
* Fixed: Increased graph history to avoid cut off on high resolution graphs
2020-05-22 23:57:16 +00:00
## v0.9.0
* Added: Mac OS X support with python3 psutil data collection
* Added: Ability to switch between all available network devices
## v0.8.32
* Fixed: Error in theme error checking corrupting default theme
2020-05-16 15:53:32 +00:00
## v0.8.31
* Fixed: Theme 2-color gradient generation
* Fixed: Theme file error checking
## v0.8.30
* Fixed: Crash on missing net device
2020-05-11 18:05:11 +00:00
## v0.8.29
* Fixed: Cpu temperature colors not working when above high temp value
* Fixed: Unescaped "\" in process list and indent fixes
* Changed: Changes to net graph rescaling parameters
## v0.8.28
* Fixed: Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Z not registering after change to "dd"
* Added: Option to switch to high resolution graphs
* Added: Current peak value for download/upload graphs
2020-05-07 18:22:44 +00:00
## v0.8.27
* Fixed: Use value for "Inactive"+"MemFree" if "MemAvailable" is missing in /proc/meminfo
* Added: Option to toggle update check at start
2020-05-06 18:48:48 +00:00
## v0.8.26
2020-05-07 18:35:08 +00:00
* Fixed: Escaped delimiter for sed to fix config not saving "/" character
2020-05-06 18:48:48 +00:00
* Fixed: Detailed process view missing info and slowdown in certain cases
* Optimization: Fork cleanup
## v0.8.25
* Fixed: Backspace not registering when not set to send ascii delete
* Fixed: Broken cpu temperature graph when is value over cpu high temp
2020-05-07 18:35:08 +00:00
* Added: Possibility to run date through background fifo for bash <5
## v0.8.24
* Fixed: Input error freezes, by changing from using "read" command to using "dd" for reading keyboard input.
## v0.8.23
* Added: Support for Raspberry Pi cpu temperature reporting
* Fixed: Decreased chance of read command stalling on lower spec systems
* Added: Failover to nproc if lscpu are reporting 0 cpu cores
* Changed: Moved page display for options and help to bottom and changed to Page Up/Down for changing page
2020-05-02 23:00:24 +00:00
## v0.8.22
* Added: Sorting option "tree", shows processes in a tree structure
* Added: Option to toggle process cpu usage per core instead of total available cpu power
* Fixed: Possible fix for stalling read command
* Added: Multiple while loop fail safes
## v0.8.21
* Fixed: iostat flag compatibility for older iostat versions
* Fixed: possible fix for script stall on bash 4
## v0.8.20
* Fixed: Update slowdown when not sorting by cpu
* Added: New version desktop notification
## v0.8.19
* Added: Disks read and write stats, requires new optional dependency "iostat (part of sysstat)"
* Fixed: Ctrl-C not working when showing resize error message
* Fixed: Network download/upload offset auto switched off if /proc/net/dev resets
* Fixed: Removed trailing whitespace in script
2020-04-30 18:10:34 +00:00
## v0.8.18
2020-04-30 18:10:34 +00:00
* Added: Pagination for help and options windows if items don't fit
* Added: Option to turn off color gradient in process list
* Changed: bash version check to use $BASH_VERSINFO array
* Added: Filter for shown disks
* Added: Option to reset network totals in options menu
2020-04-29 23:16:11 +00:00
## v0.8.17
* Fixed: Not showing CPU temperatures when "Package" temp is missing
* Added: CPU temperature support for AMD Ryzen
* Changed: Minimum size changed from 80x25 to 80x24
* Fixed: High cpu usage on systems with a lot of mounted disks
2020-04-28 16:53:04 +00:00
## v0.8.16
* Added: Bash version check, by Calinou
* Added: OS check, by kpucynski
* Fixed: number of themes reported in options when theme folder is empty, by deluxe
* Fixed: typos, by lucaskim1233
* Added:
## v0.8.15
* Added: deb build script by Jukoo
2020-05-07 18:35:08 +00:00
* Fixed: load average and uptime not showing
2020-04-28 16:53:04 +00:00
* Fixed: freeze on reverse process order when showing detailed information
* Fixed: single quotes on associative arrays
## v0.8.14
* Fixed: disks usage runaway array
* Fixed: disks used not reporting new values
2020-04-29 23:16:11 +00:00
* Changed: memory and disks update frequency increased
2020-04-28 16:53:04 +00:00
## v0.8.13
* Fixed: get_value() regex
* Added: 2 new themes, flat-remix and flat-remix-light, by Daniel Ruiz de Alegría
* Other: general cleanup and formatting
## v0.8.12
* Fixed: changed remaining ps thcount flags to nlwp
## v0.8.11
* Fixed: ps flag thcount changed to nlwp for greater compability
* Fixed: regex and float to int rounding in get_value()
## v0.8.10
* Fixed: erroneous regular expressions
## v0.8.9
* Added: functions is_int, is_float, is_hex
* Fixes: error checking on internal functions
## v0.8.8
* Fixed: load average max length
## v0.8.7
* Fixed: load average clipping
* Fixed: cpu box calculations error
## v0.8.6
* Added: load average and uptime
* Fixed: cohesive window size representation
* Added: unset LC_ALL to not override wanted locale
* Fixed: cpu box calculation errors
## v0.8.5
* Fixed: cpu frequency and /proc/stat error checks