
Lingfeng_Ai 2018-05-23 23:48:18 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 8861f3b2bb
commit 6a3b2e54f2
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 55 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -1152,47 +1152,46 @@ _用于访问第三方 APIs 的库_
## 实用工具
* [abutil](https://github.com/bahlo/abutil) - 常用 Go 语言工具的集合
* [apm](https://github.com/topfreegames/apm) - Go 语言进程管理工具具有HTTP API.
* [boilr](https://github.com/tmrts/boilr) - 一个超快的命令行工具,用于从模板文件生成项目
* [circuitbreaker](https://github.com/rubyist/circuitbreaker) - Go 语言断路器模式
* [clockwerk](http://github.com/onatm/clockwerk) - 使用简单、流畅的语法来调度周期性任务
* [command](https://github.com/txgruppi/command) - 命令模式,支持线程安全的串行、并行调度
* [coop](https://github.com/rakyll/coop) - Go 语言中常见的并发流程 Cheat sheet
* [coop](https://github.com/rakyll/coop) - Go 语言中常见的并发流程速查表
* [copy-pasta](https://github.com/jutkko/copy-pasta) - 通用多工作站剪切板,使用类似 S3 的后端作为存储
* [ctop](https://github.com/bcicen/ctop) - [类似Top](http://ctop.sh)的接口 (例如 htop) ,用于容器数据收集
* [Death](https://github.com/vrecan/death) - 利用信号管理应用程序的关闭
* [Deepcopier](https://github.com/ulule/deepcopier) - 结构体拷贝
* [delve](https://github.com/derekparker/delve) - Go 语言调试器
* [dlog](https://github.com/kirillDanshin/dlog) - 编译时控制的日志,让你的 release 包变得更小而不需移除debug 调用
* [dlog](https://github.com/kirillDanshin/dlog) - 编译时控制的日志,让你的 release 包变得更小而不需移除 debug 调用
* [excelize](https://github.com/Luxurioust/excelize) - 用于读写 Microsoft Excel (XLSX) 文件的库
* [fastlz](https://github.com/digitalcrab/fastlz) - [FastLz](http://fastlz.org/) (免费,开源,可移植实时压缩库) 的一个封装
* [filetype](https://github.com/h2non/filetype) - 通过数字签名来推测文件类型
* [filler](https://github.com/yaronsumel/filler) - 使用 "fill" 标记来填充结构体的小工具
* [fzf](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf) - 命令行模糊查找工具
* [generate](https://github.com/Go-playground/generate) - 针对一个路径或环境变量,递归的执行go generate可以通过正则表达式来进行过滤
* [generate](https://github.com/Go-playground/generate) - 针对一个路径或环境变量,递归的执行 Go generate可以通过正则表达式来进行过滤
* [gentleman](https://github.com/h2non/gentleman) - 全功能、插件驱动的 HTTP 客户端库
* [git-time-metric](https://github.com/git-time-metric/gtm) - 简单、无缝、轻量级的 Git 时间追踪工具
* [GJSON](https://github.com/tidwall/gjson) - 一行代码获取JSON
* [Go-astitodo](https://github.com/asticode/Go-astitodo) - 解析你 Go 语言代码中的TODOs待办事项
* [Go-bind-plugin](https://github.com/wendiGo/Go-bind-plugin) - Go:generate tool for wrapping symbols exported by Golang plugins (1.8 only)
* [Go-cron](https://github.com/rk/Go-cron) - Simple Cron library for Go that can execute closures or functions at varying intervals, from once a second to once a year on a specific date and time. Primarily for web applications and long running daemons.
* [GJSON](https://github.com/tidwall/gjson) - 一行代码获取 JSON
* [Go-astitodo](https://github.com/asticode/Go-astitodo) - 解析你 Go 语言代码中的 TODOs待办事项
* [Go-bind-plugin](https://github.com/wendiGo/Go-bind-plugin) - Go:generate 工具,用于构建 Go 语言插件(1.8 only),并对导出的符号进行包装
* [Go-cron](https://github.com/rk/Go-cron) - 简单的 Go 语言 Cron 库,可以以不同的时间间隔来执行闭包或函数,从一秒到某年某月某日都可以。主要针对的是 Web 应用或者长期运行的守护进程
* [Go-debug](https://github.com/tj/Go-debug) - 条件调试日志,用于 Go 语言库和应用程序
* [Go-dry](https://github.com/ungerik/Go-dry) - DRY (don't repeat yourself)
* [Go-funk](https://github.com/thoas/Go-funk) - 现代 Go 语言工具库,提供了很多有用的工具 (map, find, contains, filter, chunk, reverse, ...)
* [Go-httpheader](https://github.com/mozillazg/Go-httpheader) - 用于将结构体编码进http 头的Go语言库
* [Go-rate](https://github.com/beefsack/Go-rate) - Timed rate limiter for Go.
* [Go-httpheader](https://github.com/mozillazg/Go-httpheader) - 用于将结构体编码进 http 头的 Go 语言库
* [Go-rate](https://github.com/beefsack/Go-rate) - Go 语言版本的限速器
* [Go-respond](https://github.com/nicklaw5/Go-respond) - 用于处理常见 HTTP JSON 响应的库.
* [Go-sitemap-generator](https://github.com/ikeikeikeike/Go-sitemap-generator) - XML 网站地图生成器
* [Go-torch](https://github.com/uber/Go-torch) - 为 Go 语言程序生成火焰图
* [Go-trigger](https://github.com/sadlil/Go-trigger) - Go语言全局事件触发器通过id和触发器在程序的任何地方注册事件
* [Go-trigger](https://github.com/sadlil/Go-trigger) - Go 语言全局事件触发器,通过 id 和触发器,在程序的任何地方注册事件
* [Go-underscore](https://github.com/tobyhede/Go-underscore) - 一些有用的 Go 语言工具的集合
* [Goback](https://github.com/carlescere/Goback) - Go simple exponential backoff package.
* [Goback](https://github.com/carlescere/Goback) - 一个 Go 语言的简单的指数补偿包
* [Godaemon](https://github.com/VividCortex/Godaemon) - 用于编写守护进程的工具
* [Godropbox](https://github.com/dropbox/Godropbox) - 用于编写 Go 语言服务/应用的库,来自 Dropbox.
* [Gohper](https://github.com/cosiner/Gohper) - 多种能够帮助你进行软件开发的工具和模块
* [Gojq](https://github.com/elgs/Gojq) - 通过go语言进行 JSON 查询
* [Gojq](https://github.com/elgs/Gojq) - 通过 Go 语言进行 JSON 查询
* [Gojson](https://github.com/ChimeraCoder/Gojson) - 通过 JSON 自动生成 Go 语言结构体
* [Golarm](https://github.com/msempere/Golarm) - 告警(支持系统事件)
* [Golog](https://github.com/mlimaloureiro/Golog) - 简单、轻量级的命令后工具,用于对你的计划任务进行跟踪
@ -1208,59 +1207,59 @@ _可以让你的生活变得更简单的实用工具._
* [Goxlsxwriter](https://github.com/fterrag/Goxlsxwriter) - 用于操作 XLSX (Microsoft Excel) 文件的libxlsxwriter 库的 Go 语言接口
* [gpath](https://github.com/tenntenn/gpath) - 用于简化结构体域访问的库
* [grequests](https://github.com/levigross/grequests) - 简单优雅的 `net/HTTP` 封装,紧随 Python 的 requests 的步伐
* [gron](https://github.com/roylee0704/gron) - 使用简单的 Go 语言API和Gron调度器创建定时任务
* [gron](https://github.com/roylee0704/gron) - 使用简单的 Go 语言 API Gron 调度器创建定时任务
* [htcat](https://github.com/htcat/htcat) - Parallel and Pipelined HTTP GET Utility
* [httpcontrol](https://github.com/facebookGo/httpcontrol) - httpcontrol 包 allows for HTTP transport level control around timeouts and retries.
* [hub](https://github.com/github/hub) - 封装了 git 命令,提供了额外的功能用于在终端中和github进行交互
* [hystrix-Go](https://github.com/afex/hystrix-Go) - Implements Hystrix patterns of programmer-defined fallbacks aka circuit breaker.
* [immortal](https://github.com/immortal/immortal) - *nix 跨平台 (与操作系统无关的)监控程序
* [httpcontrol](https://github.com/facebookGo/httpcontrol) - httpcontrol 包,运行进行 HTTP 传输层超时和重传控制
* [hub](https://github.com/github/hub) - 封装了 git 命令,提供了额外的功能用于在终端中和 Github 进行交互
* [hystrix-Go](https://github.com/afex/hystrix-Go) - 实现 Hystrix 风格的、程序员预定义的 fallback 机制(熔断)
* [immortal](https://github.com/immortal/immortal) - \*nix 跨平台 (与操作系统无关的)监控程序
* [intrinsic](https://github.com/mengzhuo/intrinsic) - 不需要编写任何汇编代码就能使用 x86 SIMD
* [JobRunner](https://github.com/bamzi/jobrunner) - 智能的、多功能的定时任务调度器,具有任务队列和实时监控功能
* [jsonapi-errors](https://github.com/AmuzaTkts/jsonapi-errors) - Go bindings based on the JSON API errors reference.
* [jsonf](https://github.com/miolini/jsonf) - 控制台工具用于高亮及JSON查询功能
* [jsonGo](https://github.com/ricardolonga/jsonGo) - 用于更加方便的构建json对象的api
* [jsonhal](https://github.com/RichardKnop/jsonhal) - Simple Go package to make custom structs marshal into HAL compatible JSON responses.
* [kazaam](https://github.com/Qntfy/kazaam) - 用于传输任意JSON 文件的API
* [jsonapi-errors](https://github.com/AmuzaTkts/jsonapi-errors) - JSON API errors 的 Go 语言接口.
* [jsonf](https://github.com/miolini/jsonf) - 控制台工具,用于高亮及 JSON 查询功能
* [jsonGo](https://github.com/ricardolonga/jsonGo) - 用于更加方便的构建 JSON 对象的 API
* [jsonhal](https://github.com/RichardKnop/jsonhal) - 一个简单的 Go 语言软件包,用于将自定义结构体转换为 HAL 兼容的 JSON 响应
* [kazaam](https://github.com/Qntfy/kazaam) - 用于传输任意 JSON 文件的 API
* [lrserver](https://github.com/jaschaephraim/lrserver) - LiveReload 服务器
* [mc](https://github.com/minio/mc) - Minio Client provides minimal tools to work with Amazon S3 compatible cloud storage and filesystems.
* [merGo](https://github.com/imdario/merGo) - Helper to merge structs and maps in Golang. Useful for configuration default values, avoiding messy if-statements.
* [minify](https://github.com/tdewolff/minify) - Fast minifiers for HTML, CSS, JS, XML, JSON and SVG file formats.
* [mmake](https://github.com/tj/mmake) - Modern Make.
* [moldova](https://github.com/StabbyCutyou/moldova) - Utility for generating random data based on an input template.
* [mc](https://github.com/minio/mc) - Minio Client 提供了一组工具,用于操作 Amazon S3 兼容云存储和文件系统
* [merGo](https://github.com/imdario/merGo) - 用于将结构体和map合并进 Go 语言的工具。对于配置默认值避免杂乱的if语句很有帮助
* [minify](https://github.com/tdewolff/minify) - 快速压缩 HTML, CSS, JS, XML, JSON 以及 SVG 文件格式
* [mmake](https://github.com/tj/mmake) - 现代 Make 工具
* [moldova](https://github.com/StabbyCutyou/moldova) - 基于输入目标生成随机数据的工具
* [mp](https://github.com/sanbornm/mp) - 简单的命令行邮件解析器当前支持标准输入并输出JSON.
* [mssqlx](https://github.com/linxGnu/mssqlx) - HA client for master slave (or master master) database which integrates simple, lightweight round-robin balancer. Based on sqlx.
* [multitick](https://github.com/VividCortex/multitick) - Multiplexor for aligned tickers.
* [mssqlx](https://github.com/linxGnu/mssqlx) - HA 客户端,用于主-从 (或主-主) 数据库,集成了简单的、轻量级的轮询调度负载均衡。基于 sqlx.
* [multitick](https://github.com/VividCortex/multitick) - 用于 aligned tickers 的多路复用
* [netbug](https://github.com/e-dard/netbug) - 远程对你的服务进行性能分析
* [ngrok](https://github.com/inconshreveable/ngrok) - Introspected tunnels to localhost.
* [okrun](https://github.com/xta/okrun) - Go run error steamroller.
* [onecache](https://github.com/adelowo/onecache) - Caching library with support for multiple backend stores (Redis, Memcached, filesystem etc)
* [panicparse](https://github.com/maruel/panicparse) - Groups similar Goroutines and colorizes stack dump.
* [peco](https://github.com/peco/peco) - Simplistic interactive filtering tool.
* [pester](https://github.com/sethgrid/pester) - Go HTTP client calls with retries, backoff, and concurrency.
* [pm](https://github.com/VividCortex/pm) - Process (i.e. Goroutine) manager with an HTTP API.
* [profile](https://github.com/pkg/profile) - Simple profiling support package for Go.
* [rclient](https://github.com/zpatrick/rclient) - Readable, flexible, simple-to-use client for REST APIs.
* [realize](https://github.com/tockins/realize) - Go build system with file watchers and live reload. Run, build and watch file changes with custom paths.
* [request](https://github.com/mozillazg/request) - Go HTTP Requests for Humans™.
* [rerate](https://github.com/abo/rerate) - Redis-based rate counter and rate limiter for Go.
* [rerun](https://github.com/ivpusic/rerun) - Recompiling and rerunning Go apps when source changes.
* [resty](https://github.com/Go-resty/resty) - Simple HTTP and REST client for Go inspired by Ruby rest-client.
* [retry](https://github.com/kamilsk/retry) - Functional mechanism based on context to perform actions repetitively until successful.
* [robustly](https://github.com/VividCortex/robustly) - Runs functions resiliently, catching and restarting panics.
* [scheduler](https://github.com/carlescere/scheduler) - Cronjobs scheduling made easy.
* [sling](https://github.com/dghubble/sling) - Go HTTP requests builder for API clients.
* [spinner](https://github.com/briandowns/spinner) - Go package to easily provide a terminal spinner with options.
* [sqlx](https://github.com/jmoiron/sqlx) - provides a set of extensions on top of the excellent built-in database/sql package.
* [Storm](https://github.com/asdine/storm) - 一个用于BoltDB的简单又强大的工具
* [ngrok](https://github.com/inconshreveable/ngrok) - 创建到 localhost 的隧道
* [okrun](https://github.com/xta/okrun) - 当 Go 文件运行报错时尝试修复并运行
* [onecache](https://github.com/adelowo/onecache) - 支持多种后端存储的缓存库(Redis, Memcached, 文件系统等)
* [panicparse](https://github.com/maruel/panicparse) - 将类似的协程分组并对调用栈进行着色
* [peco](https://github.com/peco/peco) - 简单的交互式过滤工具
* [pester](https://github.com/sethgrid/pester) - Go HTTP 客户端,具有重传,补偿和并发功能
* [pm](https://github.com/VividCortex/pm) - 基于 HTTP API 的进程管理 (i.e. Goroutine)
* [profile](https://github.com/pkg/profile) - 一个简单的性能分析软件包
* [rclient](https://github.com/zpatrick/rclient) - 可读性良好、灵活、易用的 REST APIs 客户端
* [realize](https://github.com/tockins/realize) - Go 语言构建系统,可以监控文件变化并重新加载。运行,构建,监控文件并支持自定义路径
* [request](https://github.com/mozillazg/request) - Go 语言版的 HTTP Requests for Humans™.
* [rerate](https://github.com/abo/rerate) - 基于 Redis 的速率计数器和限速器
* [rerun](https://github.com/ivpusic/rerun) - 当源码变化时,重新编译并重新运行 Go 语言编写的 app
* [resty](https://github.com/Go-resty/resty) - 简单的 HTTP 和 REST 客户端,受到 Ruby rest-client 的启发
* [retry](https://github.com/kamilsk/retry) - 基于上下文的功能机制,反复执行命令直到成功
* [robustly](https://github.com/VividCortex/robustly) - 有弹性的执行函数,遇到错误时捕获并重新运行
* [scheduler](https://github.com/carlescere/scheduler) - 从容的进行 Cronjobs 任务调度
* [sling](https://github.com/dghubble/sling) - Go HTTP 请求构造器,用于 API 客户端
* [spinner](https://github.com/briandowns/spinner) - 一个 Go 语言软件包,提供多种选项,方便在终端中创建加载动画
* [sqlx](https://github.com/jmoiron/sqlx) - 为内建的数据库/sql 软件包提供一组扩展
* [Storm](https://github.com/asdine/storm) - 一个用于 BoltDB 的简单又强大的工具
* [Task](https://github.com/Go-task/task) - 简单来讲就是 "Make" 的替代品
* [toolbox](https://github.com/viant/toolbox) - Slice, map, multimap, struct, function, data conversion utilities. Service router, macro evaluator, tokenizer.
* [uGo](https://github.com/alxrm/uGo) - uGo 是一个切片工具箱有着和go语言一致的语法
* [UNIS](https://github.com/esemplastic/unis) - Common Architecture™ for String Utilities in Go.
* [usql](https://github.com/knq/usql) - usql 是一个通用的命令行接口用于操作sql数据库
* [UNIS](https://github.com/esemplastic/unis) - Go 语言字符串处理函数的通用架构
* [usql](https://github.com/knq/usql) - usql 是一个通用的命令行接口,用于操作 sql 数据库
* [util](https://github.com/shomali11/util) - 收集了很多有用的函数
* [wuzz](https://github.com/asciimoo/wuzz) - 交互式命令行程序用于进行HTTP 检查
* [xferspdy](https://github.com/monmohan/xferspdy) - Xferspdy 提供了二进制对比功能以及go语言补丁库
* [xlsx](https://github.com/tealeg/xlsx) - 简化了在go语言程序中读取xml格式文件的难度
* [wuzz](https://github.com/asciimoo/wuzz) - 交互式命令行程序,用于进行 HTTP 检查
* [xferspdy](https://github.com/monmohan/xferspdy) - Xferspdy 提供了二进制对比功能以及 Go 语言补丁库
* [xlsx](https://github.com/tealeg/xlsx) - 简化了在 Go 语言程序中读取 xml 格式文件的操作
## 验证