"", 'regional' => "oss-cn-shanghai", 'accessKeyId' => "", 'accessKeySecret' => "", 'is_internal' => "false", 'nothumb' => "false", // 是否上传缩略图 'nolocalsaving' => "false", // 是否保留本地备份 'upload_url_path' => "", // URL前缀 ); add_option('oss_options', $options, '', 'yes'); } function oss_get_client() { $oss_opt = get_option('oss_options', true); $accessKeyId = esc_attr($oss_opt['accessKeyId']); $accessKeySecret = esc_attr($oss_opt['accessKeySecret']); $endpoint = oss_get_bucket_endpoint($oss_opt); return new OssClient($accessKeyId, $accessKeySecret, $endpoint); } function oss_get_bucket_endpoint($oss_option) { $oss_regional = esc_attr($oss_option['regional']); if ($oss_option['is_internal'] == "true") { return $oss_regional . "-internal.aliyuncs.com"; } return $oss_regional . ".aliyuncs.com"; } function oss_get_bucket_name() { $oss_opt = get_option('oss_options', true); return $oss_opt['bucket']; } /** * 上传函数 * * @param $object * @param $file * @param $opt * @return bool */ function oss_file_upload($object, $file, $no_local_file = false) { //如果文件不存在,直接返回false if (!@file_exists($file)) { return false; } $bucket = oss_get_bucket_name(); $ossClient = oss_get_client(); try{ $ossClient->uploadFile($bucket, ltrim($object, "/"), $file); } catch ( OssException $e ) { // echo 'Error Message:' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; // echo 'Error Code:' . $e->getCode() . PHP_EOL; } if ($no_local_file) { oss_delete_local_file($file); } } /** * 是否需要删除本地文件 * * @return bool */ function oss_is_delete_local_file() { $oss_options = get_option('oss_options', true); return (esc_attr($oss_options['nolocalsaving']) == 'true'); } /** * 删除本地文件 * * @param $file * @return bool */ function oss_delete_local_file($file) { try { //文件不存在 if (!@file_exists($file)) { return true; } //删除文件 if (!@unlink($file)) { return false; } return true; } catch (Exception $ex) { return false; } } /** * 删除oss中的文件 * @param $file * @return bool */ function oss_delete_oss_file($file) { $bucket = oss_get_bucket_name(); $ossClient = oss_get_client(); $ossClient->deleteObject($bucket, $file); } /** * 上传附件(包括图片的原图) * * @param $metadata * @return array() */ function oss_upload_attachments($metadata) { //生成object在oss中的存储路径 if (get_option('upload_path') == '.') { //如果含有“./”则去除之 $metadata['file'] = str_replace("./", '', $metadata['file']); } $object = str_replace("\\", '/', $metadata['file']); $object = str_replace(get_home_path(), '', $object); //在本地的存储路径 $file = get_home_path() . $object; //向上兼容,较早的WordPress版本上$metadata['file']存放的是相对路径 //执行上传操作 oss_file_upload('/' . $object, $file, oss_is_delete_local_file()); return $metadata; } //避免上传插件/主题时出现同步到oss的情况 if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/update.php') <= 0) { add_filter('wp_handle_upload', 'oss_upload_attachments', 50); } /** * 上传图片的缩略图 */ function oss_upload_thumbs($metadata) { //上传所有缩略图 if (isset($metadata['sizes']) && count($metadata['sizes']) > 0) { //获取oss插件的配置信息 $oss_options = get_option('oss_options', true); //是否需要上传缩略图 $nothumb = (esc_attr($oss_options['nothumb']) == 'true'); //如果禁止上传缩略图,就不用继续执行了 if ($nothumb) { return $metadata; } //获取上传路径 $wp_uploads = wp_upload_dir(); $basedir = $wp_uploads['basedir']; $file_dir = $metadata['file']; //得到本地文件夹和远端文件夹 $file_path = $basedir . '/' . dirname($file_dir) . '/'; if (get_option('upload_path') == '.') { $file_path = str_replace("\\", '/', $file_path); $file_path = str_replace(get_home_path() . "./", '', $file_path); } else { $file_path = str_replace("\\", '/', $file_path); } $object_path = str_replace(get_home_path(), '', $file_path); //there may be duplicated filenames,so .... foreach ($metadata['sizes'] as $val) { //生成object在oss中的存储路径 $object = '/' . $object_path . $val['file']; //生成本地存储路径 $file = $file_path . $val['file']; //执行上传操作 oss_file_upload($object, $file, (esc_attr($oss_options['nolocalsaving']) == 'true')); } } return $metadata; } //避免上传插件/主题时出现同步到oss的情况 if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/update.php') <= 0) { add_filter('wp_generate_attachment_metadata', 'oss_upload_thumbs', 100); } /** * 删除远端文件,删除文件时触发 * @param $post_id */ function oss_delete_remote_attachment($post_id) { $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $post_id ); $oss_options = get_option('oss_options', true); if (isset($meta['file'])) { // meta['file']的格式为 "2020/01/wp-bg.png" $upload_path = get_option('upload_path'); if ($upload_path == '') { $upload_path = 'wp-content/uploads'; } $file_path = $upload_path . '/' . $meta['file']; oss_delete_oss_file(str_replace("\\", '/', $file_path)); $is_nothumb = (esc_attr($oss_options['nothumb']) == 'false'); if ($is_nothumb) { // 删除缩略图 if (isset($meta['sizes']) && count($meta['sizes']) > 0) { foreach ($meta['sizes'] as $val) { $size_file = dirname($file_path) . '/' . $val['file']; oss_delete_oss_file(str_replace("\\", '/', $size_file)); } } } } } add_action('delete_attachment', 'oss_delete_remote_attachment'); // 当upload_path为根目录时,需要移除URL中出现的“绝对路径” function oss_modefiy_img_url($url, $post_id) { $home_path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), array('', ''), get_home_path()); $url = str_replace($home_path, '', $url); return $url; } if (get_option('upload_path') == '.') { add_filter('wp_get_attachment_url', 'oss_modefiy_img_url', 30, 2); } function oss_function_each(&$array) { $res = array(); $key = key($array); if ($key !== null) { next($array); $res[1] = $res['value'] = $array[$key]; $res[0] = $res['key'] = $key; } else { $res = false; } return $res; } function oss_read_dir_queue($dir) { if (isset($dir)) { $files = array(); $queue = array($dir); while ($data = oss_function_each($queue)) { $path = $data['value']; if (is_dir($path) && $handle = opendir($path)) { while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } $files[] = $real_path = $path . '/' . $file; if (is_dir($real_path)) { $queue[] = $real_path; } //echo explode(get_option('upload_path'),$path)[1]; } } closedir($handle); } $i = ''; foreach ($files as $v) { $i++; if (!is_dir($v)) { $dd[$i]['j'] = $v; $dd[$i]['x'] = '/' . get_option('upload_path') . explode(get_option('upload_path'), $v)[1]; } } } else { $dd = ''; } return $dd; } // 在插件列表页添加设置按钮 function oss_plugin_action_links($links, $file) { if ($file == plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__) . '/aliyun-oss-wordpress.php')) { $links[] = '设置'; $links[] = '赞赏'; } return $links; } add_filter('plugin_action_links', 'oss_plugin_action_links', 10, 2); // 在导航栏“设置”中添加条目 function oss_add_setting_page() { add_options_page('阿里云OSS设置', '阿里云OSS设置', 'manage_options', __FILE__, 'oss_setting_page'); } add_action('admin_menu', 'oss_add_setting_page'); // 插件设置页面 function oss_setting_page() { if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { wp_die('Insufficient privileges!'); } $options = array(); if (!empty($_POST) and $_POST['type'] == 'oss_set') { $options['bucket'] = isset($_POST['bucket']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['bucket']) : ''; $options['regional'] = isset($_POST['regional']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['regional']) : ''; $options['accessKeyId'] = isset($_POST['accessKeyId']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['accessKeyId']) : ''; $options['accessKeySecret'] = isset($_POST['accessKeySecret']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['accessKeySecret']) : ''; $options['is_internal'] = isset($_POST['is_internal']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $options['nothumb'] = isset($_POST['nothumb']) ? 'true' : 'false'; $options['nolocalsaving'] = isset($_POST['nolocalsaving']) ? 'true' : 'false'; //仅用于插件卸载时比较使用 $options['upload_url_path'] = isset($_POST['upload_url_path']) ? sanitize_text_field(stripslashes($_POST['upload_url_path'])) : ''; } if (!empty($_POST) and $_POST['type'] == 'aliyun_oss_all') { $synv = oss_read_dir_queue(get_home_path() . get_option('upload_path')); $i = 0; foreach ($synv as $k) { $i++; oss_file_upload($k['x'], $k['j']); } echo '
本次操作成功同步' . $i . '个文件