@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Plugin Name: OSS Aliyun
Plugin URI:
Description: 使用阿里云对象存储 OSS 作为附件存储空间。(This is a plugin that uses Aliyun Object Storage Service for attachments remote saving.)
Version: 1.3.0
Version: 1.3.1
Author: 沈唁
Author URI:
License: Apache 2.0
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ require_once 'sdk/vendor/autoload.php';
use OSS\OssClient;
use OSS\Core\OssException;
define('OSS_VERSION', '1.3.0');
define('OSS_VERSION', '1.3.1');
define('OSS_BASEFOLDER', plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)));
if (!function_exists('get_home_path')) {
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ function oss_upload_attachments($metadata)
// 图片在缩略图处理
if (!in_array($metadata['type'], $image_mime_types)) {
if (get_option('upload_path') == '.') {
if (oss_get_option('upload_path') == '.') {
$metadata['file'] = str_replace('./', '', $metadata['file']);
$object = str_replace("\\", '/', $metadata['file']);
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ function oss_upload_thumbs($metadata)
if (!empty($metadata['file'])) {
// Maybe there is a problem with the old version
$file = $basedir . '/' . $metadata['file'];
$upload_path = get_option('upload_path');
$upload_path = oss_get_option('upload_path');
if ($upload_path != '.') {
$path_array = explode($upload_path, $file);
if (count($path_array) >= 2) {
@ -242,7 +242,8 @@ function oss_upload_thumbs($metadata)
return $metadata;
$file_path = $basedir . '/' . dirname($metadata['file']) . '/';
$dirname = dirname($metadata['file']);
$file_path = $dirname != '.' ? "{$basedir}/{$dirname}/" : "{$basedir}/";
$file_path = str_replace("\\", '/', $file_path);
if ($upload_path == '.') {
$file_path = str_replace('./', '', $file_path);
@ -282,7 +283,7 @@ function oss_delete_remote_attachment($post_id)
$deleteObjects = [];
// meta['file']的格式为 "2020/01/wp-bg.png"
$upload_path = get_option('upload_path');
$upload_path = oss_get_option('upload_path');
if ($upload_path == '') {
$upload_path = 'wp-content/uploads';
@ -307,7 +308,7 @@ function oss_delete_remote_attachment($post_id)
// 获取链接删除
$link = wp_get_attachment_url($post_id);
if ($link) {
$upload_path = get_option('upload_path');
$upload_path = oss_get_option('upload_path');
if ($upload_path != '.') {
$file_info = explode($upload_path, $link);
if (count($file_info) >= 2) {
@ -334,7 +335,7 @@ function oss_modefiy_img_url($url, $post_id)
return $url;
if (get_option('upload_path') == '.') {
if (oss_get_option('upload_path') == '.') {
add_filter('wp_get_attachment_url', 'oss_modefiy_img_url', 30, 2);
@ -388,12 +389,12 @@ function oss_read_dir_queue($dir)
if (is_dir($real_path)) {
$queue[] = $real_path;
//echo explode(get_option('upload_path'),$path)[1];
//echo explode(oss_get_option('upload_path'),$path)[1];
$upload_path = get_option('upload_path');
$upload_path = oss_get_option('upload_path');
foreach ($files as $v) {
if (!is_dir($v)) {
$dd[] = ['filepath' => $v, 'key' => '/' . $upload_path . explode($upload_path, $v)[1]];
@ -424,8 +425,8 @@ function oss_setting_content_style($content)
if (!empty($images) && isset($images[1])) {
$images[1] = array_unique($images[1]);
foreach ($images[1] as $item) {
if((strpos($item, $option['upload_url_path']) !== false) && (strpos($item, $option['style']) === false)){
$content = str_replace($item, $item . $option['style'], $content);
if((strpos($item, esc_attr($option['upload_url_path'])) !== false) && (strpos($item, esc_attr($option['style'])) === false)){
$content = str_replace($item, $item . esc_attr($option['style']), $content);
@ -442,8 +443,8 @@ function oss_setting_post_thumbnail_style( $html, $post_id, $post_image_id )
if (!empty($images) && isset($images[1])) {
$images[1] = array_unique($images[1]);
foreach ($images[1] as $item) {
if((strpos($item, $option['upload_url_path']) !== false) && (strpos($item, $option['style']) === false)){
$html = str_replace($item, $item . $option['style'], $html);
if((strpos($item, esc_attr($option['upload_url_path'])) !== false) && (strpos($item, esc_attr($option['style'])) === false)){
$html = str_replace($item, $item . esc_attr($option['style']), $html);
@ -451,6 +452,11 @@ function oss_setting_post_thumbnail_style( $html, $post_id, $post_image_id )
return $html;
function oss_get_option($key)
return esc_attr(get_option($key));
// 在导航栏“设置”中添加条目
function oss_add_setting_page()
@ -481,7 +487,7 @@ function oss_setting_page()
if (!empty($_POST) and $_POST['type'] == 'aliyun_oss_all') {
$sync = oss_read_dir_queue(get_home_path() . get_option('upload_path'));
$sync = oss_read_dir_queue(get_home_path() . oss_get_option('upload_path'));
foreach ($sync as $k) {
oss_file_upload($k['key'], $k['filepath']);
@ -519,13 +525,8 @@ function oss_setting_page()
$oss_options = get_option('oss_options', true);
$upload_path = get_option('upload_path');
$upload_url_path = get_option('upload_url_path');
$oss_bucket = esc_attr($oss_options['bucket']);
$oss_regional = esc_attr($oss_options['regional']);
$oss_accessKeyId = esc_attr($oss_options['accessKeyId']);
$oss_accessKeySecret = esc_attr($oss_options['accessKeySecret']);
$oss_is_internal = esc_attr($oss_options['is_internal']);
$oss_is_internal = ($oss_is_internal == 'true');
@ -537,7 +538,6 @@ function oss_setting_page()
$oss_nolocalsaving = ($oss_nolocalsaving == 'true');
$oss_update_file_name = esc_attr($oss_options['update_file_name']);
$oss_style = esc_attr($oss_options['style']);
$protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
<div class="wrap" style="margin: 10px;">
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ function oss_setting_page()
<input type="text" name="bucket" value="<?php echo $oss_bucket; ?>" size="50" placeholder="请填写Bucket名称"/>
<input type="text" name="bucket" value="<?php echo esc_attr($oss_options['bucket']); ?>" size="50" placeholder="请填写Bucket名称"/>
<p>请先访问 <a href="" target="_blank">阿里云控制台</a> 创建<code>Bucket</code>,再填写以上内容。</p>
@ -599,14 +599,14 @@ function oss_setting_page()
<td><input type="text" name="accessKeyId" value="<?php echo $oss_accessKeyId; ?>" size="50" placeholder="AccessKeyId"/></td>
<td><input type="text" name="accessKeyId" value="<?php echo esc_attr($oss_options['accessKeyId']); ?>" size="50" placeholder="AccessKeyId"/></td>
<input type="password" name="accessKeySecret" value="<?php echo $oss_accessKeySecret; ?>" size="50" placeholder="AccessKeySecret"/>
<input type="password" name="accessKeySecret" value="<?php echo esc_attr($oss_options['accessKeySecret']); ?>" size="50" placeholder="AccessKeySecret"/>
@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ function oss_setting_page()
<input type="text" name="upload_path" value="<?php echo $upload_path; ?>" size="50" placeholder="请输入上传文件夹"/>
<input type="text" name="upload_path" value="<?php echo oss_get_option('upload_path'); ?>" size="50" placeholder="请输入上传文件夹"/>
<p>附件在服务器上的存储位置,例如: <code>wp-content/uploads</code> (注意不要以“/”开头和结尾),根目录请输入<code>.</code>。</p>
@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ function oss_setting_page()
<input type="text" name="upload_url_path" value="<?php echo $upload_url_path; ?>" size="50" placeholder="请输入URL前缀"/>
<input type="text" name="upload_url_path" value="<?php echo oss_get_option('upload_url_path'); ?>" size="50" placeholder="请输入URL前缀"/>
@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ function oss_setting_page()
<input type="text" name="style" value="<?php echo $oss_style; ?>" size="50" placeholder="请输入图片处理样式,留空表示不处理"/>
<input type="text" name="style" value="<?php echo esc_attr($oss_options['style']); ?>" size="50" placeholder="请输入图片处理样式,留空表示不处理"/>
@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ function oss_setting_page()
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="aliyun_oss_replace">
<input type="submit" name="submit" class="button button-secondary" value="开始替换"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" class="button button-secondary" value="开始替换"/>
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Tags: oss, 阿里云, 对象存储, aliyun
Requires at least: 4.2
Tested up to: 5.9
Requires PHP: 5.6.0
Stable tag: 1.3.0
Stable tag: 1.3.1
License: Apache 2.0
License URI:
@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ License URI:
== Changelog ==
= 1.3.1 =
* 优化代码
= 1.3.0 =
* 增加地域
* 优化 isset 判断
Reference in New Issue