You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

540 lines
15 KiB

4 years ago
* wordpress实用功能
function file_load_js($path)
echo '<script src="' . THEME_JS_PATH . '/' . $path . '?v=' . THEME_VERSIONNAME . '"></script>';
4 years ago
function load_js_parameter($name, $arr)
echo '<script>var ' . $name . '=JSON.parse(' . "'" . json_encode($arr) . "'" . ')</script>';
4 years ago
function file_load_img($path)
echo "<img src=\"" . THEME_IMG_PATH . "/{$path}\">";
4 years ago
4 years ago
function file_get_img_url($path)
4 years ago
return THEME_IMG_PATH . "/" . $path;
4 years ago
4 years ago
function file_echo_svg($path)
4 years ago
global $wp_filesystem;
$svg = $wp_filesystem->get_contents(THEME_PATH . '/static/img/' . $path);
//readfile(THEME_PATH . '/static/img/' . $path);
4 years ago
4 years ago
function file_load_face()
$files = scandir(THEME_PATH . "/static/img/face");
4 years ago
$html = null;
4 years ago
foreach ($files as $v) {
/* if(is_file($v)){
$fileItem[] = $v;
if (pathinfo($v, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'gif') {
$html = '<img class="img-pace" src="' . THEME_IMG_PATH . '/face/' . $v . '" width="30" facename="' . basename($v, ".gif") . '">' . $html;
return $html;
function file_load_css($path)
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . THEME_CSS_PATH . '/' . $path . '?v=' . THEME_VERSIONNAME . '">';
function file_load_lib($path, $type)
if ($type == 'css') {
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . THEME_LIB_PATH . '/' . $path . '?v=' . THEME_VERSIONNAME . '">';
} elseif ($type == 'js') {
echo '<script src="' . THEME_LIB_PATH . '/' . $path . '"></script>';
function file_load_component($name)
require_once(THEME_PATH . "/component/{$name}");
function islogin()
return is_user_logged_in();
function loginAndBack($url = null)
if ($url == null) {
return wp_login_url('//' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
4 years ago
} else {
4 years ago
return wp_login_url($url);
function corepress_get_user_nickname($user_id = null)
if ($user_id == null) {
$currentUser = wp_get_current_user();
4 years ago
$name = $currentUser->display_name;
4 years ago
} else {
$user = get_userdata($user_id);
4 years ago
$name = $user->display_name;
4 years ago
return $name;
function corepress_get_avatar_url($email = null, $size = 60)
if ($email == null) {
$currentUser = wp_get_current_user();
$avatarurl = get_avatar_url($currentUser->user_email, array('size' => $size));
} else {
$avatarurl = get_avatar_url($email, array('size' => $size));
return $avatarurl;
function isadmin($user_id = null)
if ($user_id == null) {
$currentUser = wp_get_current_user();
$roles = $currentUser->roles;
} else {
$user = get_userdata($user_id);
$roles = $user->roles;
if (!empty($roles) && in_array('administrator', $roles)) {
return true;
} else {
return false; // 非管理员
function diffBetweenTwoDay($pastDay)
$timeC = time() - strtotime($pastDay);
$dateC = round((strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) - strtotime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($pastDay)))) / 60 / 60 / 24);
if ($timeC <= 3 * 60) {
$dayC = '刚刚';
} elseif ($timeC > 3 * 60 && $timeC <= 5 * 60) {
$dayC = '3分钟前';
} elseif ($timeC > 5 * 60 && $timeC <= 10 * 60) {
$dayC = '5分钟前';
} elseif ($timeC > 10 * 60 && $timeC <= 30 * 60) {
$dayC = '10分钟前';
} elseif ($timeC > 30 * 60 && $timeC <= 60 * 60) {
$dayC = '30分钟前';
} elseif ($timeC > 60 * 60 && $timeC <= 120 * 60) {
$dayC = '1小时前';
} elseif ($timeC > 120 * 60 && $dateC == 0) {
$dayC = '今天';
} elseif ($dateC == 1) {
$dayC = '昨天';
} else {
$dayC = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($pastDay));
return $dayC;
if (!function_exists('utf8_excerpt')) :
function utf8_excerpt($str, $len)
$str = strip_tags(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), ' ', $str));
if (function_exists('mb_substr')) {
$excerpt = mb_substr($str, 0, $len, 'utf-8');
} else {
preg_match_all("/[x01-x7f]|[xc2-xdf][x80-xbf]|xe0[xa0-xbf][x80-xbf]|[xe1-xef][x80-xbf][x80-xbf]|xf0[x90-xbf][x80-xbf][x80-xbf]|[xf1-xf7][x80-xbf][x80-xbf][x80-xbf]/", $str, $ar);
$excerpt = join('', array_slice($ar[0], 0, $len));
if (trim($str) != trim($excerpt)) {
$excerpt .= '...';
return $excerpt;
function format_date($time)
global $options, $post;
$p_id = isset($post->ID) ? $post->ID : 0;
$q_id = get_queried_object_id();
$single = $p_id == $q_id && is_single();
if (isset($options['time_format']) && $options['time_format'] == '0') {
return date(get_option('date_format') . ($single ? ' ' . get_option('time_format') : ''), $time);
$t = current_time('timestamp') - $time;
$f = array(
'86400' => '天',
'3600' => '小时',
'60' => '分钟',
'1' => '秒'
if ($t == 0) {
return '1秒前';
} else if ($t >= 604800 || $t < 0) {
return date(get_option('date_format') . ($single ? ' ' . get_option('time_format') : ''), $time);
} else {
foreach ($f as $k => $v) {
if (0 != $c = floor($t / (int)$k)) {
return $c . $v . '前';
function get_share_url($type, $title, $summary)
global $set;
if ($set['seo']['description'] != null) {
$description = $set['seo']['description'];
} else {
$description = get_bloginfo('description');
$url = urlencode(get_bloginfo('url'));
if ($type == 'qq') {
return '' . $url . '&title=' . urlencode($title) . '&source=' . urlencode(get_bloginfo('name')) . '&desc=' . urlencode($description) . '&pics=&summary=' . urlencode($summary);
} else if ($type == 'weibo') {
return '' . $url . '&title=' . urlencode($summary) . '&pic=&appkey=&searchPic=true';
} else if ($type = 'qzone') {
return '' . $url . '&title=' . urlencode($title) . '&pics=&summary=' . urlencode($summary);
4 years ago
function corepress_replace_copyright($str)
4 years ago
global $post;
$author_name = get_the_author();
$post_url = get_permalink();
$str = str_replace('<#username#>', $author_name, $str);
$str = str_replace('<#url#>', $post_url, $str);
return $str;
4 years ago
function corepress_jmp_message($message, $jumpUrl)
global $set;
<!doctype html>
<html lang="zh">
<?php get_header(); ?>
<div id="app" class="login-background">
<div class="header-main-plane">
<div class="header-main container">
<div class="header-zhanwei" style="min-height: 80px;width: 100%;"></div>
<main class="container">
<div class="html-main"
style="background: #fff;padding: 20px;height: 100%;margin-bottom: 20px;font-size: 20px">
<?php echo $message ?>
<div><a href="<?php echo $jumpUrl ?>">点击这儿</a>直接跳转</div>
setTimeout(function () {
location.replace('<?php echo $jumpUrl?>')
}, 3000)</script>
get_footer(); ?>
function curPageURL()
$pageURL = 'http';
if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {
$pageURL .= "s";
$pageURL .= "://";
$this_page = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
// 只取 ? 前面的内容
if (strpos($this_page, "?") !== false) {
$this_pages = explode("?", $this_page);
$this_page = reset($this_pages);
if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {
$pageURL .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . ":" . $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] . $this_page;
} else {
$pageURL .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $this_page;
return $pageURL;
function parameter_verification($arr, $type = 0)
$re_arry = array();
foreach ($arr as $item) {
if ($type == 1) {
if (!isset($_POST[$item])) {
$json['code'] = 0;
$json['msg'] = '参数错误';
} else {
$re_arry[$item] = $_POST[$item];
} else {
if (!isset($_GET[$item])) {
$json['code'] = 0;
$json['msg'] = '参数错误';
} else {
$re_arry[$item] = $_GET[$item];
return $re_arry;
function ajax_die($msg, $code = 0)
$json['code'] = $code;
$json['msg'] = $msg;
4 years ago
function is_wx_qq()
$user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
if (strpos($user_agent, 'MicroMessenger') == false && strpos($user_agent, 'QQ/') == false) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
function loadiconfont_by_cdn()
global $set;
if ($set['optimization']['iconfontcdn'] == 'JsDelivr') {
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . THEME_VERSIONNAME . '">';
} else {
file_load_lib('fontawesome5/css/all.min.css', 'css');
function corepress_pinyin_long($zh)
$ret = "";
$zh = preg_replace('# #', '', $zh);
$s1 = iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312", $zh);
$s2 = iconv("gb2312", "UTF-8", $s1);
if ($s2 == $zh) {
$zh = $s1;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($zh); $i++) {
$s1 = substr($zh, $i, 1);
$p = ord($s1);
if ($p > 160) {
$s2 = substr($zh, $i++, 2);
$ret .= corepress_getFirstPing($s2);
} else {
$ret .= $s1;
return $ret;
function replace_symbol($str)
$str = str_replace('', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('`', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('·', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('~', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('!', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('@', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('#', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('$', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('¥', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('%', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('^', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('……', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('&', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('*', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('(', '', $str);
$str = str_replace(')', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('-', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('_', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('——', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('+', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('=', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('|', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('\\', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('[', '', $str);
$str = str_replace(']', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('【', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('】', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('{', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('}', '', $str);
$str = str_replace(';', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('', '', $str);
$str = str_replace(':', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('\'', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('"', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('“', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('”', '', $str);
$str = str_replace(',', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('<', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('>', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('《', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('》', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('.', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('。', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('/', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('、', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('?', '', $str);
$str = str_replace('', '', $str);
return trim($str);
* 获取首字符拼音首字母
* 判断是否为汉字 !preg_match('/^[\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}]+$/u', $s0)
* 已知 “泸”,无法识别
function corepress_getFirstPing($str)
$s0 = mb_substr($str, 0, 1, 'utf-8');
$fchar = ord($s0[0]);
if ($fchar >= ord("A") and $fchar <= ord("z")) return strtoupper($s0[0]);
$s1 = iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312", $s0);
$s2 = iconv("gb2312", "UTF-8", $s1);
if ($s2 == $s0) {
$s = $s1;
} else {
$s = $s0;
$asc = ord($s[0]) * 256 + ord($s[0]) - 65536;
if ($asc >= -20319 && $asc <= -20284) return "A";
if ($asc >= -20283 && $asc <= -19776) return "B";
if ($asc >= -19775 && $asc <= -19219) return "C";
if ($asc >= -19218 && $asc <= -18711) return "D";
if ($asc >= -18710 && $asc <= -18527) return "E";
if ($asc >= -18526 && $asc <= -18240) return "F";
if ($asc >= -18239 && $asc <= -17923) return "G";
if ($asc >= -17922 && $asc <= -17418) return "H";
if ($asc >= -17922 && $asc <= -17418) return "I";
if ($asc >= -17417 && $asc <= -16475) return "J";
if ($asc >= -16474 && $asc <= -16213) return "K";
if ($asc >= -16212 && $asc <= -15641) return "L";
if ($asc >= -15640 && $asc <= -15166) return "M";
if ($asc >= -15165 && $asc <= -14923) return "N";
if ($asc >= -14922 && $asc <= -14915) return "O";
if ($asc >= -14914 && $asc <= -14631) return "P";
if ($asc >= -14630 && $asc <= -14150) return "Q";
if ($asc >= -14149 && $asc <= -14091) return "R";
if ($asc >= -14090 && $asc <= -13319) return "S";
if ($asc >= -13318 && $asc <= -12839) return "T";
if ($asc >= -12838 && $asc <= -12557) return "W";
if ($asc >= -12556 && $asc <= -11848) return "X";
if ($asc >= -11847 && $asc <= -11056) return "Y";
if ($asc >= -11055 && $asc <= -10247) return "Z";
return $s0;
function the_breadcrumb()
echo '<span class="corepress-crumbs-ul">';
if (!is_home()) {
echo '<li><a href="';
echo get_option('home');
echo '">';
echo '<i class="fas fa-home"></i> 主页';
echo "</a></li>";
if (is_category() || is_single()) {
echo '<li>';
the_category(' </li><li> ');
if (is_single()) {
echo "</li>";
} elseif (is_page()) {
echo '<li>';
echo the_title();
echo '</li>';
} elseif (is_tag()) {
} elseif (is_day()) {
echo "<li>Archive for ";
the_time('F jS, Y');
echo '</li>';
} elseif (is_month()) {
echo "<li>Archive for ";
the_time('F, Y');
echo '</li>';
} elseif (is_year()) {
echo "<li>Archive for ";
echo '</li>';
} elseif (is_author()) {
echo "<li>Author Archive";
echo '</li>';
} elseif (isset($_GET['paged']) && !empty($_GET['paged'])) {
echo "<li>Blog Archives";
echo '</li>';
} elseif (is_search()) {
echo "<li>Search Results";
echo '</li>';
echo '</span>';