# coding=utf-8 import copy import datetime import wrapcache from config.TicketEnmu import ticket class query: """ 查询接口 """ def __init__(self, session, from_station, to_station, from_station_h, to_station_h, _station_seat, station_trains, ticke_peoples_num, station_dates=None,): self.session = session self.from_station = from_station self.to_station = to_station self.from_station_h = from_station_h self.to_station_h = to_station_h self.station_trains = station_trains self._station_seat = _station_seat if isinstance(_station_seat, list) else list(_station_seat) self.station_dates = station_dates if isinstance(station_dates, list) else list(station_dates) self.ticket_black_list = dict() self.ticke_peoples_num = ticke_peoples_num def station_seat(self, index): """ 获取车票对应坐席 :return: """ seat = {'商务座': 32, '一等座': 31, '二等座': 30, '特等座': 25, '软卧': 23, '硬卧': 28, '硬座': 29, '无座': 26, } return seat[index] def sendQuery(self): """ 查询 :return: """ for station_date in self.station_dates: select_url = copy.copy(self.session.urls["select_url"]) select_url["req_url"] = select_url["req_url"].format(station_date, self.from_station, self.to_station) station_ticket = self.session.httpClint.send(select_url) value = station_ticket.get("data", "") if not value: print (u'{0}-{1} 车次坐席查询为空'.format(self.from_station_h, self.to_station_h)) else: result = value.get('result', []) if result: for i in value['result']: ticket_info = i.split('|') if ticket_info[11] == "Y" and ticket_info[1].encode("utf8") == "预订": # 筛选未在开始时间内的车次 for j in xrange(len(self._station_seat)): is_ticket_pass = ticket_info[self.station_seat(self._station_seat[j].encode("utf8"))] if is_ticket_pass != '' and is_ticket_pass != '无' and ticket_info[3] in self.station_trains and is_ticket_pass != '*': # 过滤有效目标车次 secretStr = ticket_info[0] train_no = ticket_info[2] query_from_station_name = ticket_info[6] query_to_station_name = ticket_info[7] train_location = ticket_info[15] stationTrainCode = ticket_info[3] leftTicket = ticket_info[12] seat = self._station_seat[j].encode("utf8") ticket_num = ticket_info[self.station_seat(self._station_seat[j].encode("utf8"))] print (u'车次: {0} 始发车站: {1} 终点站: {2} {3}: {4}'.format(ticket_info[3], self.from_station_h, self.to_station_h, self._station_seat[j].encode("utf8"), ticket_num)) if wrapcache.get(train_no): print(ticket.QUERY_IN_BLACK_LIST.format(train_no)) continue if ticket_num != "有" and self.ticke_peoples_num < ticket_num: # 小于乘车人数则无视此次乘车机会, 以后可以扩展为有票优先提交 continue else: print (ticket.QUERY_C) return { "secretStr": secretStr, "train_no": train_no, "stationTrainCode": stationTrainCode, "train_date": station_date, "query_from_station_name": query_from_station_name, "query_to_station_name": query_to_station_name, "seat": seat, "leftTicket": leftTicket, "train_location": train_location, "code": ticket.SUCCESS_CODE, "status": True, } else: print u"车次配置信息有误,或者返回数据异常,请检查 {}".format(station_ticket) return {"code": ticket.FAIL_CODE, "status": False} if __name__ == "__main__": q = query()