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8 years ago
# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-
import hashlib
import json
import base64
import requests
from myException.balanceException import balanceException
8 years ago
def md5str(str): # md5加密字符串
m = hashlib.md5(str.encode(encoding="utf-8"))
return m.hexdigest()
def md5(byte): # md5加密byte
return hashlib.md5(byte).hexdigest()
class DamatuApi():
7 years ago
ID = '53330'
KEY = '9e5dd939b00d7473c2fa8c1283baa306'
8 years ago
HOST = ''
def __init__(self, username, password, file_path):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.file_path = file_path
def getSign(self, param=b''):
return (md5(bytes(self.KEY) + bytes(self.username) + param))[:8]
def getPwd(self):
return md5str(self.KEY + md5str(md5str(self.username) + md5str(self.password)))
def post(self, path, params={}):
data = params
url = self.HOST + path
response =, data)
return response.content
# 查询余额 return 是正数为余额 如果为负数 则为错误码
def getBalance(self):
data = {'appID': self.ID,
'user': self.username,
'pwd': self.getPwd(),
'sign': self.getSign()
res ='d2Balance', data)
res = str(res)
jres = json.loads(res)
if jres['ret'] == 0:
return jres['balance']
return jres['ret']
# 上传验证码 参数filePath 验证码图片路径 如d:/1.jpg type是类型查看 return 是答案为成功 如果为负数 则为错误码
def decode(self, type):
f = open(self.file_path, 'rb')
fdata =
filedata = base64.b64encode(fdata)
data = {'appID': self.ID,
'user': self.username,
'pwd': self.getPwd(),
'type': type,
'fileDataBase64': filedata,
'sign': self.getSign(fdata)
res ='d2File', data)
res = str(res)
jres = json.loads(res)
if jres['ret'] == 0:
# 注意这个json里面有retidresultcookie根据自己的需要获取
return jres['result']
8 years ago
return jres['ret']
# url地址打码 参数 url地址 type是类型(类型查看 return 是答案为成功 如果为负数 则为错误码
def decodeUrl(self, url, type):
data = {'appID': self.ID,
'user': self.username,
'pwd': self.getPwd(),
'type': type,
'url': url,
'sign': self.getSign(url.encode(encoding="utf-8"))
res ='d2Url', data)
res = str(res,)
jres = json.loads(res)
if jres['ret'] == 0:
# 注意这个json里面有retidresultcookie根据自己的需要获取
return (jres['result'])
return jres['ret']
# 报错 参数id(string类型)由上传打码函数的结果获得 return 0为成功 其他见错误码
def reportError(self, id):
data = {'appID': self.ID,
'user': self.username,
'pwd': self.getPwd(),
'id': id,
'sign': self.getSign(id.encode(encoding="utf-8"))
res ='d2ReportError', data)
res = str(res)
jres = json.loads(res)
return jres['ret']
def main(self):
balance = self.getBalance()
if int(balance) > 40:
7 years ago
result = self.decode(287)
img_code = result.replace('|', ',') if not isinstance(result, int) else ""
8 years ago
return img_code
raise balanceException('余额不足,当前余额为: {}'.format(balance))
8 years ago
# # 调用类型实例:
# # 1.实例化类型 参数是打码兔用户账号和密码
# dmt = DamatuApi("wenxianping", "wen1995")
# # 2.调用方法:
# print(dmt.getBalance()) # 查询余额
# print(dmt.decode('tkcode', 287)) # 上传打码
# # print(dmt.decodeUrl('', 310)) # 上传打码
# # print(dmt.reportError('894657096')) # 上报错误