mirror of https://github.com/winsw/winsw
Rework P/Invoke signatures
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ namespace winsw
_wrapperServiceStatus.waitHint = effectiveWaitHint;
// WriteEvent("SignalShutdownPending " + wrapperServiceStatus.checkPoint + ":" + wrapperServiceStatus.waitHint);
_wrapperServiceStatus.currentState = (int)State.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING;
Advapi32.SetServiceStatus(handle, ref _wrapperServiceStatus);
Advapi32.SetServiceStatus(handle, _wrapperServiceStatus);
private void SignalShutdownComplete()
@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ namespace winsw
// WriteEvent("SignalShutdownComplete " + wrapperServiceStatus.checkPoint + ":" + wrapperServiceStatus.waitHint);
_wrapperServiceStatus.currentState = (int)State.SERVICE_STOPPED;
Advapi32.SetServiceStatus(handle, ref _wrapperServiceStatus);
Advapi32.SetServiceStatus(handle, _wrapperServiceStatus);
private void StartProcess(Process processToStart, string arguments, string executable, LogHandler? logHandler, bool redirectStdin)
@ -796,8 +796,7 @@ namespace winsw
// run restart from another process group. see README.md for why this is useful.
STARTUPINFO si = default;
bool result = Kernel32.CreateProcess(null, descriptor.ExecutablePath + " restart", IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, false, 0x200/*CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP*/, IntPtr.Zero, null, ref si, out _);
bool result = Kernel32.CreateProcess(null, descriptor.ExecutablePath + " restart", IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, false, Kernel32.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, IntPtr.Zero, null, default, out _);
if (!result)
throw new Exception("Failed to invoke restart: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace winsw.Native
public void Dispose()
if (_handle != IntPtr.Zero)
_ = Advapi32.CloseServiceHandle(_handle);
_handle = IntPtr.Zero;
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace winsw.Native
Marshal.StructureToPtr(actions[i], new IntPtr(sfa.lpsaActions.ToInt64() + i * len), false);
if (!Advapi32.ChangeServiceConfig2(Handle, SERVICE_CONFIG_INFOLEVEL.SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILURE_ACTIONS, ref sfa))
throw new Exception("Failed to change the failure actions", new Win32Exception());
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ namespace winsw.Native
fDelayedAutostart = enabled
if (!Advapi32.ChangeServiceConfig2(Handle, SERVICE_CONFIG_INFOLEVEL.SERVICE_CONFIG_DELAYED_AUTO_START_INFO, ref settings))
throw new Exception("Failed to change the DelayedAutoStart setting", new Win32Exception());
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ namespace winsw.Native
public void Dispose()
if (Handle != IntPtr.Zero)
_ = Advapi32.CloseServiceHandle(Handle);
Handle = IntPtr.Zero;
@ -174,19 +174,16 @@ namespace winsw.Native
// StringBuilder and size for the domain name
StringBuilder domainName = new StringBuilder();
int nameSize = 0;
// account-type variable for lookup
int accountType = 0;
// get required buffer size
Advapi32.LookupAccountName(string.Empty, accountName, sid, ref sidSize, domainName, ref nameSize, ref accountType);
_ = Advapi32.LookupAccountName(null, accountName, sid, ref sidSize, domainName, ref nameSize, out _);
// allocate buffers
domainName = new StringBuilder(nameSize);
sid = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sidSize);
// lookup the SID for the account
bool result = Advapi32.LookupAccountName(string.Empty, accountName, sid, ref sidSize, domainName, ref nameSize,
ref accountType);
bool result = Advapi32.LookupAccountName(null, accountName, sid, ref sidSize, domainName, ref nameSize, out _);
// say what you're doing
// Console.WriteLine("LookupAccountName result = " + result);
@ -200,8 +197,6 @@ namespace winsw.Native
// initialize an empty unicode-string
LSA_UNICODE_STRING systemName = default;
// combine all policies
const int access = (int)(
@ -220,18 +215,8 @@ namespace winsw.Native
// initialize a pointer for the policy handle
// these attributes are not used, but LsaOpenPolicy wants them to exists
Length = 0,
RootDirectory = IntPtr.Zero,
Attributes = 0,
SecurityDescriptor = IntPtr.Zero,
SecurityQualityOfService = IntPtr.Zero
// get a policy handle
uint resultPolicy = Advapi32.LsaOpenPolicy(ref systemName, ref objectAttributes, access, out IntPtr policyHandle);
uint resultPolicy = Advapi32.LsaOpenPolicy(default, default, access, out IntPtr policyHandle);
winErrorCode = Advapi32.LsaNtStatusToWinError(resultPolicy);
if (winErrorCode != 0)
@ -257,7 +242,7 @@ namespace winsw.Native
Console.WriteLine("LsaAddAccountRights failed: " + winErrorCode);
_ = Advapi32.LsaClose(policyHandle);
@ -276,16 +261,13 @@ namespace winsw.Native
private const string Advapi32LibraryName = "advapi32.dll";
[DllImport(Advapi32LibraryName, SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "ChangeServiceConfig2W")]
internal static extern bool ChangeServiceConfig2(IntPtr hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_INFOLEVEL dwInfoLevel, IntPtr lpInfo);
internal static extern bool ChangeServiceConfig2(IntPtr hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_INFOLEVEL dwInfoLevel, in SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS lpInfo);
[DllImport(Advapi32LibraryName, SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "ChangeServiceConfig2W")]
internal static extern bool ChangeServiceConfig2(IntPtr hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_INFOLEVEL dwInfoLevel, ref SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS sfa);
[DllImport(Advapi32LibraryName, SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "ChangeServiceConfig2W")]
internal static extern bool ChangeServiceConfig2(IntPtr hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_INFOLEVEL dwInfoLevel, ref SERVICE_DELAYED_AUTO_START sfa);
internal static extern bool ChangeServiceConfig2(IntPtr hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_INFOLEVEL dwInfoLevel, in SERVICE_DELAYED_AUTO_START lpInfo);
[DllImport(Advapi32LibraryName, SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "OpenSCManagerW")]
internal static extern IntPtr OpenSCManager(string? machineName, string? databaseName, uint dwAccess);
internal static extern IntPtr OpenSCManager(string? lpMachineName, string? lpDatabaseName, uint dwDesiredAccess);
[DllImport(Advapi32LibraryName, SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "OpenServiceW")]
internal static extern IntPtr OpenService(IntPtr hSCManager, string lpServiceName, uint dwDesiredAccess);
@ -294,10 +276,13 @@ namespace winsw.Native
internal static extern bool CloseServiceHandle(IntPtr hSCObject);
public static extern bool SetServiceStatus(IntPtr hServiceStatus, ref SERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus);
public static extern bool SetServiceStatus(IntPtr hServiceStatus, in SERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus);
internal static extern uint LsaOpenPolicy(ref LSA_UNICODE_STRING SystemName, ref LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, int DesiredAccess,
internal static extern uint LsaOpenPolicy(
in LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,
int DesiredAccess,
out IntPtr PolicyHandle);
[DllImport(Advapi32LibraryName, SetLastError = true)]
@ -307,8 +292,14 @@ namespace winsw.Native
internal static extern void FreeSid(IntPtr pSid);
[DllImport(Advapi32LibraryName, SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "LookupAccountNameW")]
internal static extern bool LookupAccountName(string lpSystemName, string lpAccountName, IntPtr psid, ref int cbsid, StringBuilder domainName,
ref int cbdomainLength, ref int use);
internal static extern bool LookupAccountName(
string? lpSystemName,
string lpAccountName,
IntPtr psid,
ref int cbsid,
StringBuilder domainName,
ref int cbdomainLength,
out int use);
internal static extern bool IsValidSid(IntPtr pSid);
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ namespace winsw.Native
/// </summary>
public class Kernel32
public const uint CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP = 0x00000200;
private const string Kernel32LibraryName = "kernel32.dll";
[DllImport(Kernel32LibraryName, SetLastError = true)]
@ -17,14 +19,14 @@ namespace winsw.Native
[DllImport(Kernel32LibraryName, SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "CreateProcessW")]
public static extern bool CreateProcess(
string? lpApplicationName,
string lpCommandLine,
string? lpCommandLine,
IntPtr lpProcessAttributes,
IntPtr lpThreadAttributes,
bool bInheritHandles,
uint dwCreationFlags,
IntPtr lpEnvironment,
string? lpCurrentDirectory,
[In] ref STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo,
in STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo,
out PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation);
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ namespace winsw.Util
if (AttachConsole((uint)process.Id))
// Disable Ctrl-C handling for our program
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(null, true);
GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(CtrlTypes.CTRL_C_EVENT, 0);
_ = SetConsoleCtrlHandler(null, true);
_ = GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(CtrlTypes.CTRL_C_EVENT, 0);
Reference in New Issue