
vdpAdmin 2021-10-26 17:51:40 +08:00
parent 9a7a2573ce
commit 1fe0a52c08
40 changed files with 93 additions and 11192 deletions

View File

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
# Variant Form iView版
#### 一款高效的Vue低代码表单可视化设计一键生成源码享受更多摸鱼时间。
### 安装依赖
npm install
### 开发调试
npm run serve
### 生产打包
npm run build
### 表单设计器 + 表单渲染器打包
npm run lib-iview
### 表单渲染器打包
npm run lib-render-iview
### 浏览器兼容性
```Chrome及同内核的浏览器如QQ浏览器、360浏览器等等Edge, FirefoxSafariIE 11```
### 跟Vue项目集成
#### 1. 安装包
npm i vform-builds
yarn add vform-builds
#### 2. 引入并全局注册VForm组件
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import ViewUI from 'view-design' //引入iView库
import VForm from 'vform-builds/dist/VFormDesigner-iView.umd.min.js' //引入iView版本VForm库文件
import 'view-design/dist/styles/iview.css' //引入iView样式
import 'vform-builds/dist/VFormDesigner-iView.css' //引入VForm样式
Vue.config.productionTip = false
Vue.use(ViewUI, {size:'small'}) //全局注册iView
Vue.use(VForm) //全局注册VForm(同时注册了v-form-designer和v-form-render组件)
new Vue({
render: h => h(App),
#### 3. 在Vue模板中使用表单设计器组件
export default {
data() {
return {
<style lang="scss">
body {
margin: 0; /* 如果页面出现垂直滚动条则加入此行CSS以消除之 */
#### 4. 在Vue模板中使用表单渲染器组件
<v-form-render :form-json="formJson" :form-data="formData" :option-data="optionData" ref="vFormRef">
<el-button type="primary" @click="submitForm">Submit</el-button>
export default {
data() {
return {
formJson: {"widgetList":[],"formConfig":{"labelWidth":80,"labelPosition":"left","size":"","labelAlign":"label-left-align","cssCode":"","customClass":"","functions":"","layoutType":"PC","onFormCreated":"","onFormMounted":"","onFormDataChange":""}},
formData: {},
optionData: {}
methods: {
submitForm() {
this.$refs.vFormRef.getFormData().then(formData => {
// Form Validation OK
alert( JSON.stringify(formData) )
}).catch(error => {
// Form Validation failed
### 资源链接
文档官网:<a href="http://www.vform666.com/" target="_blank">http://www.vform666.com/</a>
在线演示:<a href="http://demo.vform666.com/" target="_blank">http://demo.vform666.com/</a>
VS Code插件<a href="http://www.vform666.com/pages/plugin/" target="_blank">http://www.vform666.com/pages/plugin/</a>
Github仓库<a href="https://github.com/vform666/variant-form" target="_blank">https://github.com/vform666/variant-form</a>
Gitee备份仓库<a href="https://gitee.com/vdpadmin/variant-form" target="_blank">https://gitee.com/vdpadmin/variant-form</a>
更新日志:<a href="http://www.vform666.com/pages/changelog/" target="_blank">http://www.vform666.com/pages/changelog/</a>

View File

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
import axios from 'axios'
import VFormDesigner from '@/components-iview/form-designer/index.vue'
import VFormRender from '@/components-iview/form-render/index.vue'
import ContainerWidget from "@/components-iview/form-designer/form-widget/container-widget";
import ContainerItem from "@/components-iview/form-render/container-item";
import '@/utils/directive'
import '@/icons'
import '@/iconfont/iconfont.css'
VFormDesigner.install = function (Vue) {
Vue.component(VFormDesigner.name, VFormDesigner)
Vue.component('container-widget', ContainerWidget)
VFormRender.install = function (Vue) {
Vue.component(VFormRender.name, VFormRender)
Vue.component('container-item', ContainerItem)
const components = [
const install = (Vue) => {
/* 递归组件如需在递归组件的嵌套组件中使用,必须注册为全局组件,原因不明?? begin */
Vue.component('container-widget', ContainerWidget)
Vue.component('container-item', ContainerItem)
/* end */
components.forEach(component => {
Vue.component(component.name, component)
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue) { /* script方式引入时主动调用install方法 */
window.axios = axios
export default {

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
import VFormRender from '@/components-iview/form-render/index.vue'
import ContainerItem from "@/components-iview/form-render/container-item";
import axios from "axios";
VFormRender.install = function (Vue) {
Vue.component(VFormRender.name, VFormRender)
Vue.component('container-item', ContainerItem)
const components = [
const install = (Vue) => {
/* 递归组件如需在递归组件的嵌套组件中使用,必须注册为全局组件,原因不明?? begin */
Vue.component('container-item', ContainerItem)
/* end */
components.forEach(component => {
Vue.component(component.name, component)
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue) { /* script方式引入时主动调用install方法 */
window.axios = axios
export default {

View File

@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
"name": "variant-form",
"version": "2.1.0",
"version": "2.1.1",
"private": false,
"scripts": {
"serve": "vue-cli-service serve --open src/main.js",
"serve-iview": "vue-cli-service serve --open src/main-iview.js",
"build": "vue-cli-service build --report --dest dist/build",
"build-iview": "vue-cli-service build --open src/main-iview.js --report --dest dist/build-iview",
"lib": "vue-cli-service build --report --target lib --dest dist/lib --name VFormDesigner install.js",
"lib-render": "vue-cli-service build --report --target lib --dest dist/lib-render --name VFormRender install-render.js",
"lib-iview": "vue-cli-service build --report --target lib --dest dist/lib-iview --name VFormDesigner-iView install-iview.js",
"lib-render-iview": "vue-cli-service build --report --target lib --dest dist/lib-render-iview --name VFormRender-iView install-render-iview.js",
"lint": "vue-cli-service lint"
"dependencies": {

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
<div id="app">
<VFormDesigner />
import VFormDesigner from './components-iview/form-designer/index.vue'
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
<style lang="scss">
#app {
height: 100%;

View File

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
<div class="ace-container">
<!-- 官方文档中使用id这里禁止使用在后期打包后容易出现问题使用 ref 或者 DOM 就行 -->
<div class="ace-editor" ref="ace"></div>
import ace from 'ace-builds'
/* webpackjs便
特别提示禁用此行后需要调用ace.config.set('basePath', 'path...')指定动态js加载URL
//import 'ace-builds/webpack-resolver'
//import 'ace-builds/src-min-noconflict/theme-monokai' //
import 'ace-builds/src-min-noconflict/theme-sqlserver' //
import 'ace-builds/src-min-noconflict/mode-javascript' //
import 'ace-builds/src-min-noconflict/mode-json' //
import 'ace-builds/src-min-noconflict/mode-css' //
import 'ace-builds/src-min-noconflict/ext-language_tools'
import {ACE_BASE_PATH} from "@/utils/config";
export default {
name: 'CodeEditor',
props: {
value: {
type: String,
required: true
readonly: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
mode: {
type: String,
default: 'javascript'
userWorker: { //
type: Boolean,
default: true
mounted() {
//ace.config.set('basePath', 'https://ks3-cn-beijing.ksyun.com/vform2021/ace')
ace.config.set('basePath', ACE_BASE_PATH)
this.addAutoCompletion(ace) //
this.aceEditor = ace.edit(this.$refs.ace, {
maxLines: 20, //
minLines: 5, //
fontSize: 12, //
theme: this.themePath, //
mode: this.modePath, //
tabSize: 2, // 2
readOnly: this.readonly,
highlightActiveLine: true,
value: this.codeValue
enableBasicAutocompletion: true,
enableSnippets: true, //
enableLiveAutocompletion: true, //
if (this.mode === 'json') {
} else if (this.mode === 'css') {
if (!this.userWorker) {
//this.$emit('update:value', this.aceEditor.getValue()) // , .sync
this.$emit('input', this.aceEditor.getValue())
data() {
return {
aceEditor: null,
themePath: 'ace/theme/sqlserver', // webpack-resolver
modePath: 'ace/mode/javascript', //
codeValue: this.value
watch: {
methods: {
addAutoCompletion(ace) {
let acData = [
{meta: 'VForm API', caption: 'getWidgetRef', value: 'getWidgetRef()', score: 1},
{meta: 'VForm API', caption: 'getFormRef', value: 'getFormRef()', score: 1},
let langTools = ace.require('ace/ext/language_tools')
getCompletions: function(editor, session, pos, prefix, callback) {
if (prefix.length === 0) {
return callback(null, []);
}else {
return callback(null, acData);
setJsonMode() {
setCssMode() {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.ace-editor {
min-height: 300px;

View File

@ -1,779 +0,0 @@
* author: vformAdmin
* email: vdpadmin@163.com
* website: http://www.vform666.com/
* date: 2021.08.18
* remark: 如果要分发VForm源码需在本文件顶部保留此文件头信息
import {deepClone, generateId, overwriteObj} from "@/utils/util"
import {advancedFields, basicFields, containers} from "@/components/form-designer/widget-panel/widgetsConfig.js";
import {VARIANT_FORM_VERSION} from "@/utils/config";
export function createDesigner(vueInstance) {
let defaultFormConfig = {
modelName: 'formData',
refName: 'vForm',
rulesName: 'rules',
labelWidth: 80,
labelPosition: 'left',
size: '',
labelAlign: 'label-left-align',
cssCode: '',
customClass: '',
functions: '',
layoutType: 'PC',
onFormCreated: '',
onFormMounted: '',
onFormDataChange: '',
return {
widgetList: [],
formConfig: {cssCode: ''},
selectedId: null,
selectedWidget: null,
selectedWidgetName: null, //选中组件名称(唯一)
vueInstance: vueInstance,
formWidget: null, //表单设计容器
historyData: {
index: -1, //index: 0,
maxStep: 20,
steps: [],
initDesigner() {
this.widgetList = []
this.formConfig = deepClone(defaultFormConfig)
console.info(`%cVariantForm %cVer${VARIANT_FORM_VERSION} %chttps://www.yuque.com/variantdev/vform`,
"color:#409EFF;font-size: 22px;font-weight:bolder",
"color:#999;font-size: 12px",
clearDesigner() {
let emptyWidgetListFlag = (this.widgetList.length === 0)
this.widgetList = []
this.selectedId = null
this.selectedWidgetName = null
this.selectedWidget = {} //this.selectedWidget = null
overwriteObj(this.formConfig, defaultFormConfig) //
if (!emptyWidgetListFlag) {
} else {
getLayoutType() {
return this.formConfig.layoutType || 'PC'
changeLayoutType(newType) {
this.formConfig.layoutType = newType
getImportTemplate() {
return {
widgetList: [],
formConfig: deepClone(this.formConfig)
loadFormJson(formJson) {
let modifiedFlag = false
if (!!formJson && !!formJson.widgetList) {
this.widgetList = formJson.widgetList
modifiedFlag = true
if (!!formJson && !!formJson.formConfig) {
//this.formConfig = importObj.formConfig
overwriteObj(this.formConfig, formJson.formConfig) /* 用=赋值会导致inject依赖注入的formConfig属性变成非响应式 */
modifiedFlag = true
return modifiedFlag
setSelected(selected) {
if (!selected) {
this.selectedWidget = selected
if (!!selected.id) {
this.selectedId = selected.id
this.selectedWidgetName = selected.options.name
updateSelectedWidgetNameAndRef(selectedWidget, newName) {
this.selectedWidgetName = newName
selectedWidget.options.name = newName
clearSelected() {
this.selectedId = null
this.selectedWidgetName = null
this.selectedWidget = {} //this.selectedWidget = null
checkWidgetMove(evt) { /* Only field widget can be dragged into sub-form */
if (!!evt.draggedContext && !!evt.draggedContext.element) {
let wgCategory = evt.draggedContext.element.category
if (!!evt.to) {
if ((evt.to.className === 'sub-form-table') && (wgCategory === 'container')) {
return false
return true
insertTableRow(widget, insertPos, cloneRowIdx) {
let rowIdx = (insertPos === undefined) ? widget.rows.length : insertPos //确定插入列位置
let newRow = (cloneRowIdx === undefined) ? deepClone(widget.rows[widget.rows.length - 1]) : deepClone( widget.rows[cloneRowIdx] )
newRow.id = 'table-row-' + generateId()
newRow.merged = false
newRow.cols.forEach(col => {
col.id = 'table-cell-' + generateId()
col.options.name = col.id
col.merged = false
col.options.colspan = 1
col.options.rowspan = 1
widget.rows.splice(rowIdx, 0, newRow)
let colNo = 0
while ((rowIdx < widget.rows.length - 1) && (colNo < widget.rows[0].cols.length)) { //越界判断
let rowMerged = widget.rows[rowIdx + 1].cols[colNo].merged //确定插入位置的单元格是否为合并单元格
if (!!rowMerged) {
let rowArray = widget.rows
let unMergedCell = {}
let startRowIndex = null
for (let i = rowIdx; i >= 0; i--) { //查找该行已合并的主单元格
if (!rowArray[i].cols[colNo].merged && (rowArray[i].cols[colNo].options.rowspan > 1)) {
startRowIndex = i
unMergedCell = rowArray[i].cols[colNo]
let newRowspan = unMergedCell.options.rowspan + 1
this.setPropsOfMergedRows(widget.rows, startRowIndex, colNo, unMergedCell.options.colspan, newRowspan)
colNo += unMergedCell.options.colspan
} else {
colNo += 1
insertTableCol(widget, insertPos) {
let colIdx = (insertPos === undefined) ? widget.rows[0].cols.length : insertPos //确定插入列位置
widget.rows.forEach(row => {
let newCol = deepClone(this.getContainerByType('table-cell'))
newCol.id = 'table-cell-' + generateId()
newCol.options.name = newCol.id
newCol.merged = false
newCol.options.colspan = 1
newCol.options.rowspan = 1
row.cols.splice(colIdx, 0, newCol)
let rowNo = 0
while((colIdx < widget.rows[0].cols.length - 1) && (rowNo < widget.rows.length)) { //越界判断
let colMerged = widget.rows[rowNo].cols[colIdx + 1].merged //确定插入位置的单元格是否为合并单元格
if (!!colMerged) {
let colArray = widget.rows[rowNo].cols
let unMergedCell = {}
let startColIndex = null
for (let i = colIdx; i >= 0; i--) { //查找该行已合并的主单元格
if (!colArray[i].merged && (colArray[i].options.colspan > 1)) {
startColIndex = i
unMergedCell = colArray[i]
let newColspan = unMergedCell.options.colspan + 1
this.setPropsOfMergedCols(widget.rows, rowNo, startColIndex, newColspan, unMergedCell.options.rowspan)
rowNo += unMergedCell.options.rowspan
} else {
rowNo += 1
setPropsOfMergedCols(rowArray, startRowIndex, startColIndex, newColspan, rowspan) {
for (let i = startRowIndex; i < startRowIndex + rowspan; i++) {
for (let j = startColIndex; j < startColIndex + newColspan; j++) {
if ((i === startRowIndex) && (j === startColIndex)) {
rowArray[i].cols[j].options.colspan = newColspan //合并后的主单元格
rowArray[i].cols[j].merged = true
rowArray[i].cols[j].options.colspan = newColspan
rowArray[i].cols[j].widgetList = []
setPropsOfMergedRows(rowArray, startRowIndex, startColIndex, colspan, newRowspan) {
for (let i = startRowIndex; i < startRowIndex + newRowspan; i++) {
for (let j = startColIndex; j < startColIndex + colspan; j++) {
if ((i === startRowIndex) && (j === startColIndex)) {
rowArray[i].cols[j].options.rowspan = newRowspan
rowArray[i].cols[j].merged = true
rowArray[i].cols[j].options.rowspan = newRowspan
rowArray[i].cols[j].widgetList = []
setPropsOfSplitCol(rowArray, startRowIndex, startColIndex, colspan, rowspan) {
for (let i = startRowIndex; i < startRowIndex + rowspan; i++) {
for (let j = startColIndex; j < startColIndex + colspan; j++) {
if ((i === startRowIndex) && (j === startColIndex)) {
rowArray[i].cols[j].options.colspan = 1
rowArray[i].cols[j].merged = false;
rowArray[i].cols[j].options.colspan = 1
setPropsOfSplitRow(rowArray, startRowIndex, startColIndex, colspan, rowspan) {
for (let i = startRowIndex; i < startRowIndex + rowspan; i++) {
for (let j = startColIndex; j < startColIndex + colspan; j++) {
if ((i === startRowIndex) && (j === startColIndex)) {
rowArray[i].cols[j].options.rowspan = 1 //合并后的主单元格
rowArray[i].cols[j].merged = false;
rowArray[i].cols[j].options.rowspan = 1
mergeTableCol(rowArray, colArray, curRow, curCol, leftFlag, cellWidget) {
let mergedColIdx = !!leftFlag ? curCol : curCol + colArray[curCol].options.colspan
let remainedColIdx = !!leftFlag ? curCol - colArray[curCol - 1].options.colspan : curCol
if (!!colArray[mergedColIdx].widgetList && (colArray[mergedColIdx].widgetList.length > 0)) { //保留widgetList
if (!colArray[remainedColIdx].widgetList || (colArray[remainedColIdx].widgetList.length === 0)) {
colArray[remainedColIdx].widgetList = deepClone(colArray[mergedColIdx].widgetList)
let newColspan = colArray[mergedColIdx].options.colspan * 1 + colArray[remainedColIdx].options.colspan * 1
this.setPropsOfMergedCols(rowArray, curRow, remainedColIdx, newColspan, cellWidget.options.rowspan)
mergeTableWholeRow(rowArray, colArray, rowIndex, colIndex) { //需要考虑操作的行存在已合并的单元格!!
let startRowspan = rowArray[rowIndex].cols[0].options.rowspan
let unmatchedFlag = false
for (let i = 1; i < rowArray[rowIndex].cols.length; i++) {
if (rowArray[rowIndex].cols[i].options.rowspan !== startRowspan) {
unmatchedFlag = true
if (unmatchedFlag) {
let widgetListCols = colArray.filter((colItem) => {
return !colItem.merged && !!colItem.widgetList && (colItem.widgetList.length > 0)
if (!!widgetListCols && (widgetListCols.length > 0)) { //保留widgetList
if ((widgetListCols[0].id !== colArray[0].id) && (!colArray[0].widgetList ||
colArray[0].widgetList.length <= 0)) {
colArray[0].widgetList = deepClone( widgetListCols[0].widgetList )
this.setPropsOfMergedCols(rowArray, rowIndex, 0, colArray.length, colArray[colIndex].options.rowspan)
mergeTableRow(rowArray, curRow, curCol, aboveFlag, cellWidget) {
let mergedRowIdx = !!aboveFlag ? curRow : curRow + cellWidget.options.rowspan
let remainedRowIdx = !!aboveFlag ? curRow - cellWidget.options.rowspan : curRow
if (!!rowArray[mergedRowIdx].cols[curCol].widgetList && (rowArray[mergedRowIdx].cols[curCol].widgetList.length > 0)) { //保留widgetList
if (!rowArray[remainedRowIdx].cols[curCol].widgetList || (rowArray[remainedRowIdx].cols[curCol].widgetList.length === 0)) {
rowArray[remainedRowIdx].cols[curCol].widgetList = deepClone(rowArray[mergedRowIdx].cols[curCol].widgetList)
let newRowspan = rowArray[mergedRowIdx].cols[curCol].options.rowspan * 1 + rowArray[remainedRowIdx].cols[curCol].options.rowspan * 1
this.setPropsOfMergedRows(rowArray, remainedRowIdx, curCol, cellWidget.options.colspan, newRowspan)
mergeTableWholeCol(rowArray, colArray, rowIndex, colIndex) { //需要考虑操作的列存在已合并的单元格!!
let startColspan = rowArray[0].cols[colIndex].options.colspan
let unmatchedFlag = false
for (let i = 1; i < rowArray.length; i++) {
if (rowArray[i].cols[colIndex].options.colspan !== startColspan) {
unmatchedFlag = true
if (unmatchedFlag) {
let widgetListCols = []
rowArray.forEach(rowItem => {
let tempCell = rowItem.cols[colIndex]
if (!tempCell.merged && !!tempCell.widgetList && (tempCell.widgetList.length > 0)) {
let firstCellOfCol = rowArray[0].cols[colIndex]
if (!!widgetListCols && (widgetListCols.length > 0)) { //保留widgetList
if ((widgetListCols[0].id !== firstCellOfCol.id) && (!firstCellOfCol.widgetList ||
firstCellOfCol.widgetList.length <= 0)) {
firstCellOfCol.widgetList = deepClone( widgetListCols[0].widgetList )
this.setPropsOfMergedRows(rowArray, 0, colIndex, firstCellOfCol.options.colspan, rowArray.length)
undoMergeTableCol(rowArray, rowIndex, colIndex, colspan, rowspan) {
this.setPropsOfSplitCol(rowArray, rowIndex, colIndex, colspan, rowspan)
undoMergeTableRow(rowArray, rowIndex, colIndex, colspan, rowspan) {
this.setPropsOfSplitRow(rowArray, rowIndex, colIndex, colspan, rowspan)
deleteTableWholeCol(rowArray, colIndex) { //需考虑删除的是合并列!!
if (rowArray[0].cols[0].options.colspan === rowArray[0].cols.length) {
let startColspan = rowArray[0].cols[colIndex].options.colspan
let unmatchedFlag = false
for (let i = 1; i < rowArray.length; i++) {
if (rowArray[i].cols[colIndex].options.colspan !== startColspan) {
unmatchedFlag = true
if (unmatchedFlag) {
rowArray.forEach((rItem) => {
rItem.cols.splice(colIndex, startColspan)
deleteTableWholeRow(rowArray, rowIndex) { //需考虑删除的是合并行!!
if (rowArray[0].cols[0].options.rowspan === rowArray.length) {
let startRowspan = rowArray[rowIndex].cols[0].options.rowspan
let unmatchedFlag = false
for (let i = 1; i < rowArray[rowIndex].cols.length; i++) {
if (rowArray[rowIndex].cols[i].options.rowspan !== startRowspan) {
unmatchedFlag = true
if (unmatchedFlag) {
rowArray.splice(rowIndex, startRowspan)
getContainerByType(typeName) {
let foundCon = null
containers.forEach(con => {
if (!!con.type && (con.type === typeName)) {
foundCon = con
return foundCon
getFieldWidgetByType(typeName) {
let foundWidget = null
basicFields.forEach(bf => {
if (!!bf.type && (bf.type === typeName)) {
foundWidget = bf
if (!!foundWidget) {
return foundWidget
advancedFields.forEach(af => {
if (!!af.type && (af.type === typeName)) {
foundWidget = af
return foundWidget
hasConfig(widget, configName) {
let originalWidget = null
if (!!widget.category) {
originalWidget = this.getContainerByType(widget.type)
} else {
originalWidget = this.getFieldWidgetByType(widget.type)
if (!originalWidget || !originalWidget.options) {
return false
return Object.keys(originalWidget.options).indexOf(configName) > -1
cloneGridCol(widget, parentWidget) {
let newGridCol = deepClone(this.getContainerByType('grid-col'))
newGridCol.options.span = widget.options.span
let tmpId = generateId()
newGridCol.id = 'grid-col-' + tmpId
newGridCol.options.name = 'gridCol' + tmpId
cloneContainer(containWidget) {
if (containWidget.type === 'grid') {
let newGrid = deepClone(this.getContainerByType('grid'))
newGrid.id = newGrid.type + generateId()
newGrid.options.name = newGrid.id
containWidget.cols.forEach(gridCol => {
let newGridCol = deepClone(this.getContainerByType('grid-col'))
let tmpId = generateId()
newGridCol.id = 'grid-col-' + tmpId
newGridCol.options.name = 'gridCol' + tmpId
newGridCol.options.span = gridCol.options.span
return newGrid
} else if (containWidget.type === 'table') {
let newTable = deepClone(this.getContainerByType('table'))
newTable.id = newTable.type + generateId()
newTable.options.name = newTable.id
containWidget.rows.forEach(tRow => {
let newRow = deepClone(tRow)
newRow.id = 'table-row-' + generateId()
newRow.cols.forEach(col => {
col.id = 'table-cell-' + generateId()
col.options.name = col.id
col.widgetList = [] //清空组件列表
return newTable
} else {
return null
moveUpWidget(parentList, indexOfParentList) {
if (!!parentList) {
if (indexOfParentList === 0) {
let tempWidget = parentList[indexOfParentList]
parentList.splice(indexOfParentList, 1)
parentList.splice(indexOfParentList - 1, 0, tempWidget)
moveDownWidget(parentList, indexOfParentList) {
if (!!parentList) {
if (indexOfParentList === parentList.length - 1) {
let tempWidget = parentList[indexOfParentList]
parentList.splice(indexOfParentList, 1)
parentList.splice(indexOfParentList + 1, 0, tempWidget)
copyNewFieldWidget(origin) {
let newWidget = deepClone(origin)
let tempId = generateId()
newWidget.id = newWidget.type.replace(/-/g, '') + tempId
newWidget.options.name = newWidget.id
newWidget.options.label = newWidget.type.toLowerCase()
delete newWidget.displayName
return newWidget
copyNewContainerWidget(origin) {
let newCon = deepClone(origin)
newCon.id = newCon.type.replace(/-/g, '') + generateId()
newCon.options.name = newCon.id
if (newCon.type === 'grid') {
let newCol = deepClone( this.getContainerByType('grid-col') )
let tmpId = generateId()
newCol.id = 'grid-col-' + tmpId
newCol.options.name = 'gridCol' + tmpId
newCol = deepClone(newCol)
tmpId = generateId()
newCol.id = 'grid-col-' + tmpId
newCol.options.name = 'gridCol' + tmpId
} else if (newCon.type === 'table') {
let newRow = {cols: []}
newRow.id = 'table-row-' + generateId()
newRow.merged = false
let newCell = deepClone( this.getContainerByType('table-cell') )
newCell.id = 'table-cell-' + generateId()
newCell.options.name = newCell.id
newCell.merged = false
newCell.options.colspan = 1
newCell.options.rowspan = 1
} else if (newCon.type === 'tab') {
let newTabPane = deepClone( this.getContainerByType('tab-pane') )
newTabPane.id = 'tab-pane-' + generateId()
newTabPane.options.name = 'tab1'
newTabPane.options.label = 'tab 1'
//newCon.options.customClass = []
delete newCon.displayName
return newCon
addContainerByDbClick(container) {
let newCon = this.copyNewContainerWidget(container)
addFieldByDbClick(widget) {
let newWidget = this.copyNewFieldWidget(widget)
if (!!this.selectedWidget && this.selectedWidget.type === 'tab') {
} else if (!!this.selectedWidget && !!this.selectedWidget.widgetList) {
} else {
deleteColOfGrid(gridWidget, colIdx) {
if (!!gridWidget && !!gridWidget.cols) {
gridWidget.cols.splice(colIdx, 1)
addNewColOfGrid(gridWidget) {
const cols = gridWidget.cols
let newGridCol = deepClone(this.getContainerByType('grid-col'))
let tmpId = generateId()
newGridCol.id = 'grid-col-' + tmpId
newGridCol.options.name = 'gridCol' + tmpId
if ((!!cols) && (cols.length > 0)) {
let spanSum = 0
cols.forEach((col) => {
spanSum += col.options.span
if (spanSum >= 24) {
} else {
newGridCol.options.span = (24 - spanSum) > 12 ? 12 : (24 - spanSum)
} else {
gridWidget.cols = [newGridCol]
addTabPaneOfTabs(tabsWidget) {
const tabPanes = tabsWidget.tabs
let newTabPane = deepClone( this.getContainerByType('tab-pane') )
newTabPane.id = 'tab-pane-' + generateId()
newTabPane.options.name = newTabPane.id
newTabPane.options.label = 'tab ' + (tabPanes.length + 1)
deleteTabPaneOfTabs(tabsWidget, tpIdx) {
tabsWidget.tabs.splice(tpIdx, 1)
emitEvent(evtName, evtData) { //用于兄弟组件发射事件
this.vueInstance.$emit(evtName, evtData)
handleEvent(evtName, callback) { //用于兄弟组件接收事件
this.vueInstance.$on(evtName, (data) => callback(data))
registerFormWidget(formWidget) {
this.formWidget = formWidget
initHistoryData() {
this.historyData.steps[this.historyData.index] = ({
widgetList: deepClone(this.widgetList),
formConfig: deepClone(this.formConfig)
emitHistoryChange() {
//console.log('------------', 'Form history changed!')
if (this.historyData.index === this.historyData.maxStep - 1) {
} else {
this.historyData.steps[this.historyData.index] = ({
widgetList: deepClone(this.widgetList),
formConfig: deepClone(this.formConfig)
if (this.historyData.index < this.historyData.steps.length - 1) {
this.historyData.steps = this.historyData.steps.slice(0, this.historyData.index + 1)
console.log('history', this.historyData.index)
saveCurrentHistoryStep() {
this.historyData.steps[this.historyData.index] = deepClone({
widgetList: this.widgetList,
formConfig: this.formConfig
undoHistoryStep() {
if (this.historyData.index !== 0) {
console.log('undo', this.historyData.index)
this.widgetList = deepClone(this.historyData.steps[this.historyData.index].widgetList)
this.formConfig = deepClone(this.historyData.steps[this.historyData.index].formConfig)
redoHistoryStep() {
if (this.historyData.index !== (this.historyData.steps.length - 1)) {
console.log('redo', this.historyData.index)
this.widgetList = deepClone(this.historyData.steps[this.historyData.index].widgetList)
this.formConfig = deepClone(this.historyData.steps[this.historyData.index].formConfig)
undoEnabled() {
return (this.historyData.index > 0) && (this.historyData.steps.length > 0)
redoEnabled() {
return this.historyData.index < (this.historyData.steps.length - 1)
saveFormContentToStorage() {
window.localStorage.setItem('widget__list__backup', JSON.stringify(this.widgetList))
window.localStorage.setItem('form__config__backup', JSON.stringify(this.formConfig))
loadFormContentFromStorage() {
let widgetListBackup = window.localStorage.getItem('widget__list__backup')
if (!!widgetListBackup) {
this.widgetList = JSON.parse(widgetListBackup)
let formConfigBackup = window.localStorage.getItem('form__config__backup')
if (!!formConfigBackup) {
//this.formConfig = JSON.parse(formConfigBackup)
overwriteObj(this.formConfig, JSON.parse(formConfigBackup)) /* 用=赋值会导致inject依赖注入的formConfig属性变成非响应式 */

View File

@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
<div class="container-wrapper">
<Row v-if="widget.type === 'grid'" :key="widget.id" :gutter="widget.options.gutter" class="grid-container"
:class="[selected ? 'selected' : '', customClass]" @click.native.stop="selectWidget(widget)">
<template v-for="(colWidget, colIdx) in widget.cols">
<grid-col-widget :widget="colWidget" :designer="designer" :key="colWidget.id" :parent-list="widget.cols"
:index-of-parent-list="colIdx" :parent-widget="widget"></grid-col-widget>
<div v-else-if="widget.type === 'table'" :key="widget.id" class="table-container"
:class="{'selected': selected}" @click.stop="selectWidget(widget)">
<table class="table-layout">
<tr v-for="(row, rowIdx) in widget.rows" :key="row.id">
<template v-for="(colWidget, colIdx) in row.cols">
<table-cell-widget v-if="!colWidget.merged" :widget="colWidget" :designer="designer"
:key="colWidget.id" :parent-list="widget.cols" :row-index="rowIdx"
:row-length="widget.rows.length" :col-index="colIdx" :col-length="row.cols.length"
:col-array="row.cols" :row-array="widget.rows" :parent-widget="widget">
<div v-else-if="widget.type === 'tab'" :key="widget.id" class="tab-container" :class="{'selected': selected}"
<Tabs :type="widget.options.displayType" :size="widget.options.size" v-model="activeTab" @onClick="onTabClick">
<!-- -->
<TabPane v-for="(tab, index) in widget.tabs" :key="index" :label="tab.options.label"
:name="tab.options.name" @click.native.stop="selectWidget(widget)">
<draggable :list="tab.widgetList" v-bind="{group:'dragGroup', ghostClass: 'ghost',animation: 200}"
handel=".drag-handler" @add="(evt) => onContainerDragAdd(evt, tab.widgetList)"
@update="onContainerDragUpdate" :move="checkContainerMove">
<transition-group name="fade" tag="div" class="form-widget-list">
<template v-for="(subWidget, swIdx) in tab.widgetList">
<template v-if="'container' === subWidget.category">
<container-widget :widget="subWidget" :designer="designer" :key="subWidget.id"
:parent-list="tab.widgetList" :index-of-parent-list="swIdx"
<template v-else>
<field-widget :field="subWidget" :designer="designer" :key="subWidget.id"
:parent-list="tab.widgetList" :index-of-parent-list="swIdx"
:parent-widget="widget" :design-state="true"></field-widget>
<!-- -->
<template v-for="(tabWidget, tabIdx) in widget.tabs">
<v-tab-pane :widget="tabWidget" :designer="designer" :key="tabIdx" :parent-list="widget.tabs"
:index-of-parent-list="tabIdx" :parent-widget="widget"></v-tab-pane>
<div v-else-if="widget.type === 'section'" :key="widget.id" class="section-container"
:class="{'selected': selected}" @click.stop="selectWidget(widget)">
<draggable :list="widget.widgetList" v-bind="{group:'dragGroup', ghostClass: 'ghost', animation: 200}"
handel=".drag-handler" @add="(evt) => onContainerDragAdd(evt, widget.widgetList)"
@update="onContainerDragUpdate" :move="checkContainerMove">
<transition-group name="fade" tag="div" class="form-widget-list">
<template v-for="(subWidget, swIdx) in widget.widgetList">
<template v-if="'container' === subWidget.category">
<container-widget :widget="subWidget" :designer="designer" :key="subWidget.id"
:parent-list="widget.widgetList" :index-of-parent-list="swIdx" :parent-widget="widget">
<template v-else>
<field-widget :field="subWidget" :designer="designer" :key="subWidget.id"
:parent-list="widget.widgetList" :index-of-parent-list="swIdx" :parent-widget="widget"
<div class="container-action" v-if="designer.selectedId === widget.id && !widget.internal">
<i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-md-arrow-back" :title="i18nt('designer.hint.selectParentWidget')"
<i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-md-arrow-up" v-if="!!parentList && (parentList.length > 1)"
:title="i18nt('designer.hint.moveUpWidget')" @click.stop="moveUpWidget(widget)"></i>
<i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-md-arrow-down" v-if="!!parentList && (parentList.length > 1)"
:title="i18nt('designer.hint.moveDownWidget')" @click.stop="moveDownWidget(widget)"></i>
<i v-if="widget.type === 'table'" class="iconfont icon-insertrow" :title="i18nt('designer.hint.insertRow')"
<i v-if="widget.type === 'table'" class="iconfont icon-insertcolumn"
:title="i18nt('designer.hint.insertColumn')" @click.stop="insertTableCol(widget)"></i>
<i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-ios-photos-outline" v-if="(widget.type === 'grid') || (widget.type === 'table')"
:title="i18nt('designer.hint.cloneWidget')" @click.stop="cloneContainer(widget)"></i>
<i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-ios-trash" :title="i18nt('designer.hint.remove')" @click.stop="removeWidget"></i>
<div class="drag-handler" v-if="designer.selectedId === widget.id && !widget.internal">
<i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-md-move" :title="i18nt('designer.hint.dragHandler')"></i>
<i>{{i18nt('designer.widgetLabel.' + widget.type)}}</i>
import Draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import FieldWidget from "@/components-iview/form-designer/form-widget/field-widget";
import GridColWidget from "@/components-iview/form-designer/form-widget/grid-col-widget";
import TableCellWidget from "@/components-iview/form-designer/form-widget/table-cell-widget";
import VTabPane from "@/components-iview/form-designer/form-widget/tab-pane";
import {
} from "@/utils/util";
import i18n from "../../utils/i18n";
export default {
//name: "ContainerWidget",
name: "container-widget",
componentName: 'ContainerWidget',
mixins: [i18n],
components: {
props: {
widget: Object,
parentWidget: Object,
parentList: Array,
indexOfParentList: Number,
designer: Object,
data() {
return {
activeTab: 'tab1',
computed: {
selected() {
return this.widget.id === this.designer.selectedId
customClass() {
return this.widget.options.customClass || ''
watch: {
mounted() {
methods: {
insertTableRow(widget) {
insertTableCol(widget) {
onContainerDragAdd(evt, subList) {
const newIndex = evt.newIndex
if (!!subList[newIndex]) {
onContainerDragUpdate(evt) {
checkContainerMove(evt) {
return this.designer.checkWidgetMove(evt)
selectWidget(widget) {
selectParentWidget(widget) {
if (this.parentWidget) {
} else {
moveUpWidget(widget) {
this.designer.moveUpWidget(this.parentList, this.indexOfParentList, this)
moveDownWidget(widget) {
this.designer.moveDownWidget(this.parentList, this.indexOfParentList, this)
cloneContainer(widget) {
if (!!this.parentList) {
let newCon = this.designer.cloneContainer(widget)
this.parentList.splice(this.indexOfParentList + 1, 0, newCon)
removeWidget() {
if (!!this.parentList) {
let nextSelected = null
if (this.parentList.length === 1) {
if (!!this.parentWidget) {
nextSelected = this.parentWidget
} else if (this.parentList.length === (1 + this.indexOfParentList)) {
nextSelected = this.parentList[this.indexOfParentList - 1]
} else {
nextSelected = this.parentList[this.indexOfParentList + 1]
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.parentList.splice(this.indexOfParentList, 1)
//if (!!nextSelected) {
onSubFormDragAdd(evt, subList) {
const newIndex = evt.newIndex
if (!!subList[newIndex]) {
console.log('test', 'onSubFormDragAdd')
this.designer.emitEvent('field-selected', this.widget)
onSubFormDragEnd(evt) {
console.log('sub form drag end: ', evt)
onTabClick(evt) {
console.log('onTabClick', evt)
let paneName = evt.name
// let foundPane = this.widget.tabs.filter((tp) => {
// return tp.options.name === paneName
// })
this.widget.tabs.forEach((tp) => {
tp.options.active = tp.options.name === paneName;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.container-wrapper {
position: relative;
margin-bottom: 5px;
.container-action {
position: absolute;
//bottom: -30px;
bottom: 0;
right: -2px;
height: 28px;
line-height: 28px;
background: $--color-primary;
z-index: 999;
i {
font-size: 14px;
color: #fff;
margin: 0 5px;
cursor: pointer;
.drag-handler {
position: absolute;
top: -2px;
//bottom: -24px; /* */
left: -6px;
height: 22px;
line-height: 22px;
background: $--color-primary;
z-index: 9;
i {
font-size: 14px;
font-style: normal;
color: #fff;
margin: 4px;
cursor: move;
.el-row.grid-container {
min-height: 50px;
//line-height: 48px;
//padding: 6px;
outline: 1px dashed #336699;
.form-widget-list {
min-height: 28px;
div.table-container {
padding: 5px;
border: 1px dashed #336699;
box-sizing: border-box;
table.table-layout {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
//border: 1px solid #c8ebfb;
border-collapse: collapse;
table-layout: fixed;
::v-deep td {
height: 48px;
border: 1px dashed #336699;
padding: 3px;
display: table-cell;
.form-widget-list {
border: 1px dashed #336699;
min-height: 36px;
.tab-container {
//padding: 5px;
margin: 2px;
.form-widget-list {
min-height: 28px;
.grid-cell.selected {
outline: 2px solid $--color-primary !important;
//.el-tabs.selected {
// outline: 2px solid $&#45;&#45;color-primary;
.section-container {
border: 1px dashed #336699;
border-radius: 5px;
margin: 6px 0;
padding: 6px;
::v-deep .form-widget-list {
min-height: 28px;
.sub-form-container {
//width: 100%;
padding: 8px;
border: 1px dashed #336699;
::v-deep .sub-form-table {
min-height: 68px;
div.sub-form-table-column {
display: inline-block;
//width: 200px;
::v-deep .ghost {
content: '';
font-size: 0;
//height: 3px;
height: 74px;
width: 1px;
box-sizing: border-box;
display: inline-block;
background: $--color-primary;
border: 2px solid $--color-primary;
outline-width: 0;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
<Col v-else-if="widget.type === 'grid-col'" class="grid-cell" :span="widget.options.span || 12"
:class="[selected ? 'selected' : '', customClass]" :key="widget.id" @click.native.stop="selectWidget(widget)">
<draggable :list="widget.widgetList" v-bind="{group:'dragGroup', ghostClass: 'ghost',animation: 200}"
handel=".drag-handler" @end="(evt) => onGridDragEnd(evt, widget.widgetList)"
@add="(evt) => onGridDragAdd(evt, widget.widgetList)" @update="onGridDragUpdate" :move="checkContainerMove">
<transition-group name="fade" tag="div" class="form-widget-list">
<template v-for="(subWidget, swIdx) in widget.widgetList">
<template v-if="'container' === subWidget.category">
<container-widget :widget="subWidget" :designer="designer" :key="subWidget.id"
:parent-list="widget.widgetList" :index-of-parent-list="swIdx" :parent-widget="widget">
<template v-else>
<field-widget :field="subWidget" :designer="designer" :key="subWidget.id"
:parent-list="widget.widgetList" :index-of-parent-list="swIdx" :parent-widget="widget"
<div class="grid-col-action" v-if="designer.selectedId === widget.id && widget.type === 'grid-col'">
<i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-md-arrow-back" :title="i18nt('designer.hint.selectParentWidget')"
<i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-md-arrow-up" v-if="!!parentList && (parentList.length > 1)"
:title="i18nt('designer.hint.moveUpWidget')" @click.stop="moveUpWidget(widget)"></i>
<i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-md-arrow-down" v-if="!!parentList && (parentList.length > 1)"
:title="i18nt('designer.hint.moveDownWidget')" @click.stop="moveDownWidget(widget)"></i>
<i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-ios-photos-outline" :title="i18nt('designer.hint.cloneWidget')"
<i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-ios-trash" :title="i18nt('designer.hint.remove')" @click.stop="removeWidget"></i>
<div class="grid-col-handler" v-if="designer.selectedId === widget.id && widget.type === 'grid-col'">
<i>{{i18nt('designer.widgetLabel.' + widget.type)}}</i>
import Draggable from 'vuedraggable'
//import ContainerWidget from "@/components/form-designer/form-widget/container-widget";
import FieldWidget from "@/components-iview/form-designer/form-widget/field-widget";
import i18n from "../../utils/i18n";
export default {
name: "GridColWidget",
componentName: "GridColWidget",
mixins: [i18n],
components: {
//'container-widget': ContainerWidget, /* 使 */
props: {
widget: Object,
parentWidget: Object,
parentList: Array,
indexOfParentList: Number,
designer: Object,
computed: {
selected() {
return this.widget.id === this.designer.selectedId
customClass() {
return this.widget.options.customClass || ''
watch: {
methods: {
onGridDragEnd(evt, subList) {
//console.log('drag end1111', evt)
onGridDragAdd(evt, subList) {
const newIndex = evt.newIndex
if (!!subList[newIndex]) {
onGridDragUpdate(evt) {
selectWidget(widget) {
console.log('id: ' + widget.id)
checkContainerMove(evt) {
return this.designer.checkWidgetMove(evt)
selectParentWidget(widget) {
if (this.parentWidget) {
} else {
moveUpWidget(widget) {
this.designer.moveUpWidget(this.parentList, this.indexOfParentList, this)
moveDownWidget(widget) {
this.designer.moveDownWidget(this.parentList, this.indexOfParentList, this)
cloneGridCol(widget) {
this.designer.cloneGridCol(widget, this.parentWidget)
removeWidget() {
if (!!this.parentList) {
let nextSelected = null
if (this.parentList.length === 1) {
if (!!this.parentWidget) {
nextSelected = this.parentWidget
} else if (this.parentList.length === (1 + this.indexOfParentList)) {
nextSelected = this.parentList[this.indexOfParentList - 1]
} else {
nextSelected = this.parentList[this.indexOfParentList + 1]
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.parentList.splice(this.indexOfParentList, 1)
//if (!!nextSelected) {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.grid-cell {
min-height: 38px;
//line-height: 36px;
margin: 6px 0;
padding: 3px;
//min-height: 300px;
//border-right: 1px dotted #cccccc;
outline: 1px dashed #336699;
position: relative;
.form-widget-list {
min-height: 28px;
.grid-col-action {
position: absolute;
//bottom: -30px;
bottom: 0;
right: -2px;
height: 28px;
line-height: 28px;
background: $--color-primary;
z-index: 999;
i {
font-size: 14px;
color: #fff;
margin: 0 5px;
cursor: pointer;
.grid-col-handler {
position: absolute;
top: -2px;
//bottom: -24px; /* */
left: -2px;
height: 22px;
line-height: 22px;
background: $--color-primary;
z-index: 9;
i {
font-size: 14px;
font-style: normal;
color: #fff;
margin: 4px;
cursor: move;

View File

@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
<div class="form-widget-container">
<Form class="full-height-width widget-form" :label-position="labelPosition"
:class="[customClass, layoutType === 'H5' ? 'h5-layout' : '']" :size="size"
<div v-if="designer.widgetList.length === 0" class="no-widget-hint">{{i18nt('designer.noWidgetHint')}}</div>
<draggable :list="designer.widgetList" v-bind="{group:'dragGroup', ghostClass: 'ghost',animation: 300}"
handle=".drag-handler" @end="onDragEnd" @add="onDragAdd" @update="onDragUpdate" :move="checkMove">
<transition-group name="fade" tag="div" class="form-widget-list">
<template v-for="(widget, index) in designer.widgetList">
<template v-if="'container' === widget.category">
<container-widget :widget="widget" :designer="designer" :key="widget.id"
:parent-list="designer.widgetList" :index-of-parent-list="index" :parent-widget="null">
<template v-else>
<field-widget :field="widget" :designer="designer" :key="widget.id"
:parent-list="designer.widgetList" :index-of-parent-list="index" :parent-widget="null"
import Draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import ContainerWidget from "@/components-iview/form-designer/form-widget/container-widget";
import FieldWidget from "@/components-iview/form-designer/form-widget/field-widget";
import {
} from "@/utils/util";
import i18n from "../../utils/i18n";
export default {
name: "VFormWidget",
componentName: "VFormWidget",
mixins: [i18n],
components: {
props: {
designer: Object,
formConfig: Object,
optionData: { //prop
type: Object,
default: () => {}
provide() {
return {
refList: this.widgetRefList,
formConfig: this.formConfig,
globalOptionData: this.optionData,
globalModel: {
formModel: this.formModel,
data() {
return {
formModel: {},
widgetRefList: {},
computed: {
labelPosition() {
if (!!this.designer.formConfig && !!this.designer.formConfig.labelPosition) {
return this.designer.formConfig.labelPosition
return 'left'
size() {
if (!!this.designer.formConfig && !!this.designer.formConfig.size) {
return this.designer.formConfig.size
return 'medium'
customClass() {
return this.designer.formConfig.customClass || ''
layoutType() {
return this.designer.getLayoutType()
watch: {
'designer.widgetList': {
deep: true,
handler(val) {
'designer.formConfig': {
deep: true,
handler(val) {
created() {
mounted() {
this.disableFirefoxDefaultDrop() /* 禁用Firefox默认拖拽搜索功能!! */
methods: {
disableFirefoxDefaultDrop() {
let isFirefox = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") !== -1)
if (isFirefox) {
document.body.ondrop = function(event) {
onDragEnd(evt) {
//console.log('drag end000', evt)
onDragAdd(evt) {
const newIndex = evt.newIndex
if (!!this.designer.widgetList[newIndex]) {
onDragUpdate(evt) {
/* 在VueDraggable内拖拽组件发生位置变化时会触发update未发生组件位置变化不会触发 */
checkMove(evt) {
return this.designer.checkWidgetMove(evt)
getFormData() {
return this.formModel
getWidgetRef(widgetName, showError) {
let foundRef = this.widgetRefList[widgetName]
if (!foundRef && !!showError) {
this.$Message.error(this.i18nt('designer.hint.refNotFound') + widgetName)
return foundRef
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.container-scroll-bar {
::v-deep .el-scrollbar__wrap,
::v-deep .el-scrollbar__view {
overflow-x: hidden;
.form-widget-container {
padding: 10px;
background: #f1f2f3;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;
.ivu-form.full-height-width {
margin: 0 auto;
width: 420px;
border-radius: 15px;
//border-width: 10px;
box-shadow: 0 0 1px 10px #495060;
height: 100%;
padding: 3px;
background: #ffffff;
.no-widget-hint {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
text-align: center;
font-size: 18px;
color: #999999;
.form-widget-list {
min-height: calc(100vh - 56px - 68px);
padding: 3px;
.ivu-form.h5-layout {
margin: 0 auto;
width: 420px;
border-radius: 15px;
//border-width: 10px;
box-shadow: 0 0 1px 10px #495060;
.ivu-form.widget-form ::v-deep .el-row {
padding: 2px;
border: 1px dashed rgba(170, 170, 170, 0.75);
.grid-cell {
min-height: 30px;
border-right: 1px dotted #cccccc;
.fade-leave-active {
transition: opacity .5s;
.fade-leave-to {
opacity: 0;

View File

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
<TabPane :name="'tab1'" :label="widget.label" @click.native.stop="selectWidget(widget)">
<draggable :list="widget.widgetList" v-bind="{group:'dragGroup', ghostClass: 'ghost',animation: 200}"
handel=".drag-handler" @end="(evt) => onTabDragEnd(evt, widget.widgetList)"
@add="(evt) => onTabDragAdd(evt, widget.widgetList)" @update="onTabDragUpdate" :move="checkContainerMove">
<transition-group name="fade" tag="div" class="form-widget-list">
<template v-for="(subWidget, swIdx) in widget.widgetList">
<template v-if="'container' === subWidget.category">
<container-widget :widget="subWidget" :designer="designer" :key="subWidget.id"
:parent-list="widget.widgetList" :index-of-parent-list="swIdx" :parent-widget="widget">
<template v-else>
<field-widget :field="subWidget" :designer="designer" :key="subWidget.id"
:parent-list="widget.widgetList" :index-of-parent-list="swIdx" :parent-widget="widget"
import Draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import ContainerWidget from "@/components-iview/form-designer/form-widget/container-widget";
import FieldWidget from "@/components-iview/form-designer/form-widget/field-widget";
import i18n from "../../utils/i18n";
export default {
name: "VTabPane",
mixins: [i18n],
components: {
props: {
widget: Object,
parentWidget: Object,
parentList: Array,
indexOfParentList: Number,
designer: Object,
computed: {
selected() {
return this.widget.id === this.designer.selectedId
methods: {
selectWidget(widget) {
//console.log('id: ' + widget.id)
onTabDragEnd(obj, subList) {
onTabDragAdd(evt, subList) { //
const newIndex = evt.newIndex
if (!!subList[newIndex]) {
onTabDragUpdate(evt) {
//console.log('test', 'on drag update')
checkContainerMove(evt) {
return this.designer.checkWidgetMove(evt)
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.ivu-tabs-tab {
//padding: 0 6px 6px;
//padding-bottom: 10px;
::v-deep .form-widget-list {
min-height: 28px;

View File

@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
<td class="table-cell" :class="[selected ? 'selected' : '', customClass]"
:style="{width: widget.options.cellWidth + '!important' || '', height: widget.options.cellHeight + '!important' || ''}"
:colspan="widget.options.colspan || 1" :rowspan="widget.options.rowspan || 1"
<draggable :list="widget.widgetList" class="draggable-div"
v-bind="{group:'dragGroup', ghostClass: 'ghost',animation: 200}" handel=".drag-handler"
@end="(evt) => onTableDragEnd(evt, widget.widgetList)"
@add="(evt) => onTableDragAdd(evt, widget.widgetList)" @update="onTableDragUpdate"
<transition-group name="fade" tag="div" class="form-widget-list">
<template v-for="(subWidget, swIdx) in widget.widgetList">
<template v-if="'container' === subWidget.category">
<container-widget :widget="subWidget" :designer="designer" :key="subWidget.id"
:parent-list="widget.widgetList" :index-of-parent-list="swIdx" :parent-widget="widget">
<template v-else>
<field-widget :field="subWidget" :designer="designer" :key="subWidget.id"
:parent-list="widget.widgetList" :index-of-parent-list="swIdx" :parent-widget="widget"
<div class="table-cell-action" v-if="designer.selectedId === widget.id && widget.type === 'table-cell'">
<i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-md-arrow-round-back" :title="i18nt('designer.hint.selectParentWidget')"
<Dropdown trigger="click" @on-click="handleTableCellCommand" size="small">
<i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-md-menu" :title="i18nt('designer.hint.cellSetting')"></i>
<DropdownMenu slot="list">
<DropdownItem name="insertLeftCol">{{i18nt('designer.setting.insertColumnToLeft')}}
<DropdownItem name="insertRightCol">{{i18nt('designer.setting.insertColumnToRight')}}
<DropdownItem name="insertAboveRow">{{i18nt('designer.setting.insertRowAbove')}}
<DropdownItem name="insertBelowRow">{{i18nt('designer.setting.insertRowBelow')}}
<DropdownItem name="mergeLeftCol" :disabled="mergeLeftColDisabled" divided>
<DropdownItem name="mergeRightCol" :disabled="mergeRightColDisabled">
<DropdownItem name="mergeWholeRow" :disabled="mergeWholeRowDisabled">
<DropdownItem name="mergeAboveRow" :disabled="mergeAboveRowDisabled" divided>
<DropdownItem name="mergeBelowRow" :disabled="mergeBelowRowDisabled">
<DropdownItem name="mergeWholeCol" :disabled="mergeWholeColDisabled">
<DropdownItem name="undoMergeRow" :disabled="undoMergeRowDisabled" divided>
<DropdownItem name="undoMergeCol" :disabled="undoMergeColDisabled">
<DropdownItem name="deleteWholeCol" :disabled="deleteWholeColDisabled" divided>
<DropdownItem name="deleteWholeRow" :disabled="deleteWholeRowDisabled">
</DropdownMenu >
<!-- <i class="el-icon-delete" :title="i18nt('designer.hint.remove')" @click.stop="removeWidget"></i>-->
<div class="table-cell-handler" v-if="designer.selectedId === widget.id && widget.type === 'table-cell'">
<i>{{i18nt('designer.widgetLabel.' + widget.type)}}</i>
import Draggable from 'vuedraggable'
//import ContainerWidget from "@/components/form-designer/form-widget/container-widget";
import FieldWidget from "@/components-iview/form-designer/form-widget/field-widget";
import i18n from "../../utils/i18n";
export default {
name: "TableCellWidget",
componentName: "TableCellWidget",
mixins: [i18n],
components: {
//'container-widget': ContainerWidget, /* 使 */
props: {
widget: Object,
parentWidget: Object,
parentList: Array,
//indexOfParentList: Number,
rowIndex: Number,
colIndex: Number,
rowLength: Number,
colLength: Number,
colArray: Array,
rowArray: Array,
designer: Object,
computed: {
selected() {
return this.widget.id === this.designer.selectedId
customClass() {
return this.widget.options.customClass || ''
mergeLeftColDisabled() {
return (this.colIndex <= 0) || (this.colArray[this.colIndex - 1].options.rowspan !== this.widget.options
mergeRightColDisabled() {
let rightColIndex = this.colIndex + this.widget.options.colspan
return (this.colIndex >= this.colLength - 1) || (rightColIndex > this.colLength - 1) ||
(this.colArray[rightColIndex].options.rowspan !== this.widget.options.rowspan)
mergeWholeRowDisabled() {
return (this.colLength <= 1) || (this.colLength === this.widget.options.colspan)
mergeAboveRowDisabled() {
return (this.rowIndex <= 0) || (this.rowArray[this.rowIndex - 1].cols[this.colIndex].options.colspan !==
//return this.rowIndex <= 0
//return (this.rowIndex <= 0) || (this.widget.options.colspan !== this.rowArray) //TODO
mergeBelowRowDisabled() {
let belowRowIndex = this.rowIndex + this.widget.options.rowspan
return (this.rowIndex >= this.rowLength - 1) || (belowRowIndex > this.rowLength - 1) ||
(this.rowArray[belowRowIndex].cols[this.colIndex].options.colspan !== this.widget.options.colspan)
//return this.rowIndex >= this.rowLength - 1
mergeWholeColDisabled() {
return (this.rowLength <= 1) || (this.rowLength === this.widget.options.rowspan)
undoMergeColDisabled() {
return this.widget.merged || (this.widget.options.colspan <= 1)
undoMergeRowDisabled() {
return this.widget.merged || (this.widget.options.rowspan <= 1)
deleteWholeColDisabled() {
//return this.colLength === 1
return (this.rowLength === 1) || (this.widget.options.colspan === this.colLength)
deleteWholeRowDisabled() {
return (this.rowLength === 1) || (this.widget.options.rowspan === this.rowLength)
watch: {
methods: {
selectWidget(widget) {
checkContainerMove(evt) {
return this.designer.checkWidgetMove(evt)
onTableDragEnd(obj, subList) {
//console.log('test', 'drag end22222')
onTableDragAdd(evt, subList) { //
const newIndex = evt.newIndex
if (!!subList[newIndex]) {
onTableDragUpdate(evt) {
selectParentWidget(widget) {
if (this.parentWidget) {
} else {
handleTableCellCommand(command) {
if (command === 'insertLeftCol') {
} else if (command === 'insertRightCol') {
} else if (command === 'insertAboveRow') {
} else if (command === 'insertBelowRow') {
} else if (command === 'mergeLeftCol') {
} else if (command === 'mergeRightCol') {
} else if (command === 'mergeWholeCol') {
} else if (command === 'mergeAboveRow') {
} else if (command === 'mergeBelowRow') {
} else if (command === 'mergeWholeRow') {
} else if (command === 'undoMergeCol') {
} else if (command === 'undoMergeRow') {
} else if (command === 'deleteWholeCol') {
} else if (command === 'deleteWholeRow') {
insertLeftCol() {
this.designer.insertTableCol(this.parentWidget, this.colIndex)
insertRightCol() {
this.designer.insertTableCol(this.parentWidget, this.colIndex + 1)
insertAboveRow() {
this.designer.insertTableRow(this.parentWidget, this.rowIndex, this.rowIndex)
insertBelowRow() {
this.designer.insertTableRow(this.parentWidget, this.rowIndex + 1, this.rowIndex)
mergeLeftCol() {
//this.designer.mergeTableColumn(this.colArray, this.colIndex, true)
this.designer.mergeTableCol(this.rowArray, this.colArray, this.rowIndex, this.colIndex, true, this.widget)
mergeRightCol() {
//this.designer.mergeTableColumn(this.colArray, this.colIndex, false)
this.designer.mergeTableCol(this.rowArray, this.colArray, this.rowIndex, this.colIndex, false, this.widget)
mergeWholeRow() {
this.designer.mergeTableWholeRow(this.rowArray, this.colArray, this.rowIndex, this.colIndex)
mergeAboveRow() {
this.designer.mergeTableRow(this.rowArray, this.rowIndex, this.colIndex, true, this.widget)
mergeBelowRow() {
this.designer.mergeTableRow(this.rowArray, this.rowIndex, this.colIndex, false, this.widget)
mergeWholeCol() {
this.designer.mergeTableWholeCol(this.rowArray, this.colArray, this.rowIndex, this.colIndex)
undoMergeCol() {
this.designer.undoMergeTableCol(this.rowArray, this.rowIndex, this.colIndex,
this.widget.options.colspan, this.widget.options.rowspan)
undoMergeRow() {
this.designer.undoMergeTableRow(this.rowArray, this.rowIndex, this.colIndex,
this.widget.options.colspan, this.widget.options.rowspan)
deleteWholeCol() {
this.designer.deleteTableWholeCol(this.rowArray, this.colIndex)
deleteWholeRow() {
this.designer.deleteTableWholeRow(this.rowArray, this.rowIndex)
// removeWidget() {
// if (!!this.parentList) {
// let nextSelected = null
// if (this.parentList.length === 1) {
// if (!!this.parentWidget) {
// nextSelected = this.parentWidget
// }
// } else if (this.parentList.length === (1 + this.indexOfParentList)) {
// nextSelected = this.parentList[this.indexOfParentList - 1]
// } else {
// nextSelected = this.parentList[this.indexOfParentList + 1]
// }
// this.$nextTick(() => {
// this.parentList.splice(this.indexOfParentList, 1)
// //if (!!nextSelected) {
// this.designer.setSelected(nextSelected)
// //}
// })
// }
// },
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.table-cell {
//padding: 3px;
border: 1px dashed #336699;
display: table-cell;
position: relative;
.draggable-div {
position: relative;
height: 100%;
.form-widget-list {
border: 1px dashed #336699;
margin: 3px;
//min-height: 36px;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
.table-cell-action {
position: absolute;
//bottom: -30px;
bottom: 0;
right: -2px;
height: 28px;
line-height: 28px;
background: $--color-primary;
z-index: 999;
i {
font-size: 14px;
color: #fff;
margin: 0 5px;
cursor: pointer;
.table-cell-handler {
position: absolute;
top: -2px;
//bottom: -24px; /* */
left: -2px;
height: 22px;
line-height: 22px;
background: $--color-primary;
z-index: 9;
i {
font-size: 14px;
font-style: normal;
color: #fff;
margin: 4px;
cursor: move;
.table-cell.selected {
outline: 2px solid $--color-primary !important;

View File

@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
<Layout class="full-height">
<Header class="main-header">
<div class="float-left main-title">
<img src="../../assets/vform-logo.png" @click="openHome">
<span class="bold">VariantForm (iView)</span> {{i18nt('application.productTitle')}} <span class="version-span">Ver {{vFormVersion}}</span>
<div class="float-right external-link">
<Dropdown @on-click="handleLanguageChanged">
<span class="el-dropdown-link">{{curLangName}}<Icon type="ios-arrow-down"></Icon></span>
<DropdownMenu slot="list">
<DropdownItem name="zh-CN">{{i18nt('application.zh-CN')}}</DropdownItem>
<DropdownItem name="en-US">{{i18nt('application.en-US')}}</DropdownItem>
</DropdownMenu >
<a href="javascript:void(0)" @click="(ev) => openUrl(ev, gitUrl)" target="_blank"><svg-icon icon-class="github" />{{i18nt('application.github')}}</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" @click="(ev) => openUrl(ev, docUrl)" target="_blank"><svg-icon icon-class="document" />{{i18nt('application.document')}}</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" @click="(ev) => openUrl(ev, chatUrl)" target="_blank">{{i18nt('application.qqGroup')}}</a>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" @click="(ev) => openUrl(ev, subScribeUrl)" target="_blank">
{{i18nt('application.subscription')}}<i class="el-icon-top-right"></i></a>
<Sider class="side-panel">
<widget-panel :designer="designer" />
<Layout class="center-layout-container">
<Header class="toolbar-header">
<toolbar-panel :designer="designer"></toolbar-panel>
<Content class="form-widget-main">
<Scroll class="container-scroll-bar" :height="scrollerHeight">
<v-form-widget :designer="designer" :form-config="designer.formConfig">
<Sider class="setting-pannel">
<setting-panel :designer="designer" :selected-widget="designer.selectedWidget"
:form-config="designer.formConfig" />
import WidgetPanel from './widget-panel/index'
import ToolbarPanel from './toolbar-panel/index'
import SettingPanel from './setting-panel/index'
import VFormWidget from './form-widget/index'
import { createDesigner } from "@/components-iview/form-designer/designer";
import { addWindowResizeHandler } from "@/utils/util";
import {VARIANT_FORM_VERSION} from "@/utils/config";
import i18n, { changeLocale } from "@/components-iview/utils/i18n";
export default {
name: "VFormDesigner",
componentName: "VFormDesigner",
mixins: [i18n],
components: {
data() {
return {
curLangName: '',
docUrl: 'http://www.vform666.com/document.html',
gitUrl: 'https://github.com/vform666/variant-form',
chatUrl: 'http://www.vform666.com/chat-group.html',
subScribeUrl: 'http://www.vform666.com/subscribe.html',
scrollerHeight: 0,
designer: createDesigner(this),
provide() {
return {
mounted() {
this.scrollerHeight = window.innerHeight - 56 -36 ;
addWindowResizeHandler(() => {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.scrollerHeight = window.innerHeight - 56-36 ;
methods: {
openHome() {
if (!!this.vsCodeFlag) {
const msgObj = {
cmd: 'openUrl',
data: {
url: 'http://www.vform666.com/'
window.parent.postMessage(msgObj, '*')
initLocale() {
let curLocale = localStorage.getItem('v_form_locale') || 'zh-CN'
this.curLangName = this.i18nt('application.' + curLocale)
handleLanguageChanged(command) {
this.curLangName = this.i18nt('application.' + command)
changeLanguage(langName) {
setFormJson(formJson) {
let modifiedFlag = false
if (!!formJson) {
if (typeof formJson === 'string') {
modifiedFlag = this.designer.loadFormJson(JSON.parse(formJson))
} else if (formJson.constructor === Object) {
modifiedFlag = this.designer.loadFormJson(formJson)
if (modifiedFlag) {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
/deep/ .ivu-layout-sider{
background-color: initial;
/deep/ .setting-pannel{
width: 320px!important;
min-width: 320px!important;
max-width: 320px!important;
flex: 0 0 320px!important;
.ivu-layout.full-height {
height: 100%;
overflow-y: hidden;
.ivu-layout.center-layout-container {
// min-width: 680px;
border-left: 2px dotted #EBEEF5;
border-right: 2px dotted #EBEEF5;
padding:0 20px;
.ivu-layout-header.main-header {
border-bottom: 2px dotted #EBEEF5;
height: 48px !important;
line-height: 48px !important;
div.main-title {
font-size: 18px;
color: #242424;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-items: center;
img {
cursor: pointer;
width: 36px;
height: 36px;
span.bold {
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0 6px 0 6px;
span.version-span {
font-size: 14px;
color: #101F1C;
margin-left: 6px;
.float-left {
float: left;
.float-right {
float: right;
.el-dropdown-link {
margin-right: 12px;
cursor: pointer;
div.external-link a {
font-size: 13px;
text-decoration: none;
margin-right: 10px;
color: #606266;
.ivu-layout-header.toolbar-header {
border-bottom: 1px dotted #CCCCCC;
height: 42px !important;
line-height: 42px !important;
padding:0px 10px;
.ivu-layout-sider.side-panel {
width: 260px !important;
min-width: 260px !important;
max-width: 260px !important;
overflow-y: hidden;
.el-main.form-widget-main {
padding: 0;
position: relative;
overflow-x: hidden;
.container-scroll-bar {
::v-deep .el-scrollbar__wrap,
::v-deep .el-scrollbar__view {
overflow-x: hidden;
::v-deep .ivu-scroll-loader{

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
<div class="option-items-pane">
v-if="(selectedWidget.type === 'radio') || ((selectedWidget.type === 'select') && !selectedWidget.options.multiple)"
v-model="optionModel.defaultValue" @on-change="emitDefaultValueChange">
<draggable tag="ul" :list="optionModel.optionItems"
v-bind="{group:'optionsGroup', ghostClass: 'ghost', handle: '.drag-option'}">
<li v-for="(option, idx) in optionModel.optionItems" :key="idx">
<Radio :label="option.value">
<Input v-model="option.value" placeholder="Value" size="small" style="width: 100px"></Input>
<Input v-model="option.label" placeholder="Label" size="small" style="width: 100px"></Input>
<i class="iconfont icon-drag drag-option"></i>
@click="deleteOption(option, idx)"
v-else-if="(selectedWidget.type === 'checkbox') || ((selectedWidget.type === 'select') && selectedWidget.options.multiple)"
v-model="optionModel.defaultValue" @on-change="emitDefaultValueChange">
<draggable tag="ul" :list="optionModel.optionItems"
v-bind="{group:'optionsGroup', ghostClass: 'ghost', handle: '.drag-option'}">
<li v-for="(option, idx) in optionModel.optionItems" :key="idx">
<Checkbox :label="option.value">
<Input v-model="option.value" placeholder="Value" size="small" style="width: 95px"></Input>
<Input v-model="option.label" placeholder="Label" size="small" style="width: 95px"></Input>
<i class="iconfont icon-drag drag-option"></i>
@click="deleteOption(option, idx)"
v-else-if="(selectedWidget.type === 'cascader')"
style="width: 100%">
<div v-if="(selectedWidget.type === 'cascader')">
<Button type="text" @click="importCascaderOptions">{{i18nt('designer.setting.importOptions')}}
<Button type="text" @click="resetDefault">{{i18nt('designer.setting.resetDefault')}}</Button>
v-if="(selectedWidget.type === 'radio') || (selectedWidget.type === 'checkbox') || (selectedWidget.type === 'select')">
<Button type="text" @click="addOption">{{i18nt('designer.setting.addOption')}}</Button>
<Button type="text" @click="importOptions">{{i18nt('designer.setting.importOptions')}}</Button>
<Button type="text" @click="resetDefault">{{i18nt('designer.setting.resetDefault')}}</Button>
<Modal :title="i18nt('designer.setting.importOptions')"
v-model="showImportDialogFlag" :closable="true" class="small-padding-dialog" draggable
:mask-closable="false" >
<FormItem :label-width="0">
<Input type="textarea" :rows="10" v-model="optionLines"></Input>
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<Button size="default" type="primary" @click="saveOptions">{{i18nt('designer.hint.confirm')}}
<Button size="default" type="default" @click="showImportDialogFlag = false">{{i18nt('designer.hint.cancel')}}
<Modal :title="i18nt('designer.setting.importOptions')"
v-model="showImportCascaderDialogFlag" :closable="true" class="small-padding-dialog" draggable
:mask-closable="false" >
<code-editor v-model="cascaderOptions" mode="json" :readonly="false"></code-editor>
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<Button size="default" type="primary" @click="saveCascaderOptions">{{i18nt('designer.hint.confirm')}}
<Button size="default" type="default" @click="showImportCascaderDialogFlag = false">
import Draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import CodeEditor from '@/components-iview/code-editor/index'
import i18n from "../../utils/i18n";
export default {
name: "OptionItemsSetting",
mixins: [i18n],
components: {
//CodeEditor: () => import('@/components/code-editor/index'),
props: {
designer: Object,
selectedWidget: Object,
data() {
return {
showImportDialogFlag: false,
optionLines: '',
cascaderOptions: '',
showImportCascaderDialogFlag: false,
//separator: '||',
separator: ',',
computed: {
optionModel() {
return this.selectedWidget.options
watch: {
'selectedWidget.options': {
deep: true,
handler(val) {
//console.log('888888', 'Options change!')
methods: {
emitDefaultValueChange() {
if (!!this.designer) {
/* 组件过多时,事件处理效率不高!! */
//this.designer.emitEvent('defaultValueChanged', this.selectedWidget.id)
// if (!!this.designer.selectedFieldWrapper && this.designer.selectedFieldWrapper.refreshDefaultValue) {
// console.log('aaaa', '123456')
// this.designer.selectedFieldWrapper.refreshDefaultValue()
// }
if (!!this.designer.formWidget) {
let fieldWidget = this.designer.formWidget.getWidgetRef(this.selectedWidget.options.name)
if (!!fieldWidget && !!fieldWidget.refreshDefaultValue) {
deleteOption(option, index) {
this.optionModel.optionItems.splice(index, 1)
addOption() {
let newValue = this.optionModel.optionItems.length + 1
value: newValue,
label: 'new option'
importOptions() {
this.optionLines = ''
if (this.optionModel.optionItems.length > 0) {
this.optionModel.optionItems.forEach((opt) => {
if (opt.value === opt.label) {
this.optionLines += opt.value + '\n'
} else {
this.optionLines += opt.value + this.separator + opt.label + '\n'
this.showImportDialogFlag = true
saveOptions() {
let lineArray = this.optionLines.split('\n')
//console.log('test', lineArray)
if (lineArray.length > 0) {
this.optionModel.optionItems = []
lineArray.forEach((optLine) => {
if (!!optLine && !!optLine.trim()) {
if (optLine.indexOf(this.separator) !== -1) {
value: optLine.split(this.separator)[0],
label: optLine.split(this.separator)[1]
} else {
value: optLine,
label: optLine
} else {
this.optionModel.optionItems = []
this.showImportDialogFlag = false
resetDefault() {
if ((this.selectedWidget.type === 'checkbox') ||
((this.selectedWidget.type === 'select') && this.selectedWidget.options.multiple)) {
this.optionModel.defaultValue = []
} else {
this.optionModel.defaultValue = ''
importCascaderOptions() {
this.cascaderOptions = JSON.stringify(this.optionModel.optionItems, null, ' ')
this.showImportCascaderDialogFlag = true
saveCascaderOptions() {
try {
let newOptions = JSON.parse(this.cascaderOptions)
this.optionModel.optionItems = newOptions
this.showImportCascaderDialogFlag = false
} catch (ex) {
this.$Message.error(this.i18nt('designer.hint.invalidOptionsData') + ex.message)
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.option-items-pane ul {
padding-inline-start: 6px;
padding-left: 6px;
/* 重置IE11默认样式 */
.option-items-pane ::v-deep ul>li {
list-style: none;
li.ghost {
background: #fff;
border: 2px dotted $--color-primary;
.drag-option {
cursor: move;
.small-padding-dialog ::v-deep .el-dialog__body {
padding: 10px 15px;
.dialog-footer .el-button {
width: 100px;

View File

@ -1,566 +0,0 @@
<div class="toolbar-container">
<div class="left-toolbar">
<Button type="text" :disabled="undoDisabled" :title="i18nt('designer.toolbar.undoHint')"
@click="undoHistory" style="background-color: transparent;">
<svg-icon icon-class="undo" />
<Button type="text" :disabled="redoDisabled" :title="i18nt('designer.toolbar.redoHint')"
@click="redoHistory" style="background-color: transparent;">
<svg-icon icon-class="redo" />
<ButtonGroup style="margin-left: 20px">
<Button :type="layoutType === 'PC' ? 'primary': 'default'" @click="changeLayoutType('PC')">
<Button :type="layoutType === 'H5' ? 'primary': 'default'" @click="changeLayoutType('H5')">
<div class="right-toolbar">
<Button type="text" @click="clearFormWidget"><i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-ios-trash" />{{i18nt('designer.toolbar.clear')}}</Button>
<Button type="text" @click="previewForm"><i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-ios-eye-outline" />{{i18nt('designer.toolbar.preview')}}</Button>
<Button type="text" @click="importJson">{{i18nt('designer.toolbar.importJson')}}</Button>
<Button type="text" @click="exportJson">{{i18nt('designer.toolbar.exportJson')}}</Button>
<Button type="text" @click="exportCode">{{i18nt('designer.toolbar.exportCode')}}</Button>
<Button type="text" v-if="false">{{i18nt('designer.toolbar.generateCode')}}</Button>
<Button type="text" @click="generateSFC"><svg-icon icon-class="vue-sfc" />{{i18nt('designer.toolbar.generateSFC')}}</Button>
<Modal :title="i18nt('designer.toolbar.preview')"
v-model="showPreviewDialogFlag" :closable="true" class="small-padding-dialog" draggable
:mask-closable="false" width="1200"
:fullscreen ="layoutType === 'H5'">
<div v-if="showPreviewDialogFlag">
<div class="form-render-wrapper" :class="[layoutType === 'H5' ? 'h5-layout' : '']">
<VFormRender ref="preForm" :form-json="formJson" :form-data="testFormData"
@appendButtonClick="testOnAppendButtonClick" @buttonClick="testOnButtonClick"
@formChange="handleFormChange" @change="handlerNativeChange"
<code-editor v-model="testFunc" style="display: none"></code-editor>
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<Button type="primary" size="default" @click="getFormData">{{i18nt('designer.hint.getFormData')}}</Button>
<Button type="primary" size="default" @click="resetForm">{{i18nt('designer.hint.resetForm')}}</Button>
<Button type="primary" size="default" @click="setFormDisabled">{{i18nt('designer.hint.disableForm')}}</Button>
<Button type="primary" size="default" @click="setFormEnabled">{{i18nt('designer.hint.enableForm')}}</Button>
<Button type="default" size="default" @click="showPreviewDialogFlag = false">{{i18nt('designer.hint.closePreview')}}</Button>
<Modal :title="i18nt('designer.toolbar.importJson')"
v-model="showImportJsonDialogFlag" :closable="true" class="small-padding-dialog" width="800" draggable
<Alert show-icon>{{i18nt('designer.hint.importJsonHint')}}</Alert>
<code-editor v-if="showImportJsonDialogFlag" :mode="'json'" :readonly="false" v-model="importTemplate"></code-editor>
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<Button size="default" @click="showImportJsonDialogFlag = false">
<Button size="default" type="primary" @click="doJsonImport">
<Modal :title="i18nt('designer.toolbar.exportJson')"
v-model="showExportJsonDialogFlag" :closable="true" class="small-padding-dialog" draggable
width="800" :mask-closable="false">
<code-editor v-if="showExportJsonDialogFlag" :mode="'json'" :readonly="true" v-model="jsonContent"></code-editor>
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<Button size="default" type="primary" class="copy-json-btn" :data-clipboard-text="jsonRawContent">
<Button size="default" type="default" @click="showExportJsonDialogFlag = false">
<Modal :title="i18nt('designer.toolbar.exportCode')"
v-model="showExportCodeDialogFlag" :closable="true" class="small-padding-dialog" draggable
<Tabs type="line" class="no-box-shadow" v-model="activeCodeTab">
<TabPane label="Vue" name="vue">
<code-editor v-if="showExportCodeDialogFlag" :mode="'html'" :readonly="true" v-model="vueCode" :user-worker="false"></code-editor>
<TabPane label="HTML" name="html">
<code-editor v-if="showExportCodeDialogFlag" :mode="'html'" :readonly="true" v-model="htmlCode" :user-worker="false"></code-editor>
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<Button size="default" type="primary" class="copy-vue-btn" :data-clipboard-text="vueCode">
<Button size="default" type="primary" class="copy-html-btn" :data-clipboard-text="htmlCode">
<Button size="default" type="primary" @click="saveVueCode">{{i18nt('designer.hint.saveVueCode')}}</Button>
<Button size="default" type="primary" @click="saveHtmlCode">{{i18nt('designer.hint.saveHtmlCode')}}</Button>
<Button size="default" type="default" @click="showExportCodeDialogFlag = false">
<Modal :title="i18nt('designer.hint.exportFormData')"
v-model="showFormDataDialogFlag" :closable="true" class="dialog-title-light-bg" width="800" draggable
<div style="border: 1px solid #DCDFE6">
<code-editor v-if="showFormDataDialogFlag" :mode="'json'" :readonly="true" v-model="formDataJson"></code-editor>
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<Button size="default" type="primary" class="copy-form-data-json-btn" :data-clipboard-text="formDataRawJson">
<Button size="default" type="default" @click="showFormDataDialogFlag = false">
<Modal :title="i18nt('designer.toolbar.generateSFC')" width="960"
v-model="showExportSFCDialogFlag" :closable="true" class="dialog-title-light-bg" draggable
<Tabs type="line" class="no-box-shadow no-padding" v-model="activeSFCTab">
<TabPane label="Vue2" name="vue2">
<code-editor v-if="showExportSFCDialogFlag" :mode="'html'" :readonly="true" v-model="sfcCode" :user-worker="false"></code-editor>
<TabPane label="Vue3" name="vue3">
<code-editor v-if="showExportSFCDialogFlag" :mode="'html'" :readonly="true" v-model="sfcCodeV3" :user-worker="false"></code-editor>
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<Button size="default" type="primary" class="copy-vue2-sfc-btn" :data-clipboard-text="sfcCode" @click="copyV2SFC">
<Button size="default" type="primary" class="copy-vue3-sfc-btn" :data-clipboard-text="sfcCodeV3" @click="copyV3SFC">
<Button size="default" @click="saveV2SFC">{{i18nt('designer.hint.saveVue2SFC')}}</Button>
<Button size="default" @click="saveV3SFC">{{i18nt('designer.hint.saveVue3SFC')}}</Button>
<Button size="default" type="default" @click="showExportSFCDialogFlag = false">
<Modal :title="this.i18nt('designer.hint.saveFileTitle')" width="300px"
v-model="showExportSFCFileNameDialogFlag" :closable="true" class="dialog-title-light-bg" draggable
<Input type="text" size="large" v-model="saveFileName" :placeholder="i18nt('designer.hint.fileNameForSave')" clearable/>
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<Button size="default" type="primary" @click="saveFileExec">{{i18nt('designer.hint.confirm')}}</Button>
<Button size="default" type="default" @click="showExportSFCFileNameDialogFlag = false">{{i18nt('designer.hint.closePreview')}}</Button>
import VFormRender from '@/components-iview/form-render/index'
import CodeEditor from '@/components-iview/code-editor/index'
import Clipboard from 'clipboard'
import {deepClone, copyToClipboard, generateId, getQueryParam} from "@/utils/util";
import i18n from "../../utils/i18n";
import {generateCode} from "../../utils/code-generator";
import {genSFC} from "../../utils/sfc-generator";
import loadBeautifier from "@/utils/beautifierLoader";
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver'
export default {
name: "ToolbarPanel",
mixins: [i18n],
components: {
//CodeEditor: () => import('@/components/code-editor/index'),
props: {
designer: Object
mounted() {
if(this.load) this.reloadCode();
data() {
return {
showPreviewDialogFlag: false,
showImportJsonDialogFlag: false,
showExportJsonDialogFlag: false,
showExportCodeDialogFlag: false,
showFormDataDialogFlag: false,
showExportSFCDialogFlag: false,
showExportSFCFileNameDialogFlag: false,
testFunc: '',
importTemplate: '',
jsonContent: '',
jsonRawContent: '',
formDataJson: '',
formDataRawJson: '',
vueCode: '',
htmlCode: '',
sfcCode: '',
sfcCodeV3: '',
activeCodeTab: 'vue',
activeSFCTab: 'vue2',
testFormData: {
// 'userName': '666888',
// 'productItems': [
// {'pName': 'iPhone12', 'pNum': 10},
// {'pName': 'P50', 'pNum': 16},
// ]
computed: {
formJson() {
return {
widgetList: this.designer.widgetList,
formConfig: this.designer.formConfig
undoDisabled() {
return !this.designer.undoEnabled()
redoDisabled() {
return !this.designer.redoEnabled()
layoutType() {
return this.designer.getLayoutType()
methods: {
undoHistory() {
redoHistory() {
changeLayoutType(newType) {
clearFormWidget() {
previewForm() {
this.showPreviewDialogFlag = true
saveAsFile(fileContent, defaultFileName) {
let value="";
if (!this.saveFileName) {
value = defaultFileName
value=this.saveFileName ;
if (getQueryParam('vscode') == 1) {
this.vsSaveFile(value, fileContent)
const fileBlob = new Blob([fileContent], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
saveAs(fileBlob ,value)
vsSaveFile(fileName, fileContent) {
const msgObj = {
cmd: 'writeFile',
data: {
code: fileContent
window.parent.postMessage(msgObj, '*')
importJson() {
this.importTemplate = JSON.stringify(this.designer.getImportTemplate(), null, ' ')
this.showImportJsonDialogFlag = true
doJsonImport() {
try {
let importObj = JSON.parse(this.importTemplate)
this.showImportJsonDialogFlag = false
} catch (ex) {
this.$Message.error(ex + '')
exportJson() {
//alert( JSON.stringify(this.designer.widgetList) )
//this.jsonContent = JSON.stringify(this.designer.widgetList, null, ' ')
let widgetList = deepClone(this.designer.widgetList)
let formConfig = deepClone(this.designer.formConfig)
this.jsonContent = JSON.stringify({
}, null, ' ')
this.jsonRawContent = JSON.stringify({
this.showExportJsonDialogFlag = true;
this.$nextTick(() => {
let copyClipboard = new Clipboard('.copy-json-btn')
copyClipboard.on('success', e => {
copyClipboard.destroy() //
copyClipboard.on('error', e => { //
exportCode() {
this.vueCode = generateCode(this.formJson)
this.htmlCode = generateCode(this.formJson, 'html')
this.showExportCodeDialogFlag = true
this.$nextTick(() => {
let vueClipboard = new Clipboard('.copy-vue-btn')
vueClipboard.on('success', e => {
vueClipboard.destroy() //
vueClipboard.on('error', e => { //
let htmlClipboard = new Clipboard('.copy-html-btn')
htmlClipboard.on('success', e => {
htmlClipboard.destroy() //
htmlClipboard.on('error', e => { //
copyVueCode(e) {
copyToClipboard(this.vueCode, e,
copyHtmlCode(e) {
copyToClipboard(this.htmlCode, e,
saveVueCode() {
this.saveFileHandler=[this.vueCode, `vform${generateId()}.vue`];
saveHtmlCode() {
this.saveFileHandler=[this.htmlCode, `vform${generateId()}.vue`];
generateSFC() {
loadBeautifier(beautifier => {
this.sfcCode = genSFC(this.designer.formConfig, this.designer.widgetList, beautifier)
this.sfcCodeV3 = genSFC(this.designer.formConfig, this.designer.widgetList, beautifier, true)
this.showExportSFCDialogFlag = true
copyV2SFC(e) {
copyToClipboard(this.sfcCode, e,
copyV3SFC(e) {
copyToClipboard(this.sfcCodeV3, e,
saveV2SFC() {
this.saveFileHandler=[this.sfcCode, `vformV2-${generateId()}.vue`];
// this.saveAsFile(this.sfcCode, `vformV2-${generateId()}.vue`)
saveV3SFC() {
this.saveFileHandler=[this.sfcCodeV3, `vformV3-${generateId()}.vue`];
// this.saveAsFile(this.sfcCodeV3, `vformV3-${generateId()}.vue`)
getFormData() {
this.$refs['preForm'].getFormData().then(formData => {
//alert( JSON.stringify(formData) )
this.formDataJson = JSON.stringify(formData, null, ' ')
this.formDataRawJson = JSON.stringify(formData)
this.showFormDataDialogFlag = true
this.$nextTick(() => {
let copyClipboard = new Clipboard('.copy-form-data-json-btn')
copyClipboard.on('success', e => {
copyClipboard.destroy() //
copyClipboard.on('error', e => { //
}).catch(error => {
resetForm() {
setFormDisabled() {
setFormEnabled() {
handleFormChange(fieldName, newValue, oldValue, formModel) {
console.log('---formChange start---')
console.log('fieldName', fieldName)
console.log('newValue', newValue)
console.log('oldValue', oldValue)
console.log('formModel', formModel)
console.log('---formChange end---')
testOnAppendButtonClick(clickedWidget) {
console.log('test', clickedWidget)
testOnButtonClick(button) {
console.log('test', button)
<style lang="scss" scoped>
div.toolbar-container {
//border-bottom: 1px solid #EBEEF5;
.left-toolbar {
float: left;
font-size: 16px;
.right-toolbar {
float: right;
::v-deep .el-button--text {
font-size: 14px !important;
.el-button i {
margin-right: 3px;
.small-padding-dialog {
::v-deep .el-dialog__header {
padding-top: 3px;
padding-bottom: 3px;
background: #f1f2f3;
::v-deep .el-dialog__body {
padding: 12px 15px 12px 15px;
.el-alert {
padding: 0 10px;
::v-deep .ace-container {
border: 1px solid #DCDFE6;
.dialog-title-light-bg {
::v-deep .el-dialog__header {
background: #f1f2f3;
.no-box-shadow {
box-shadow: none;
.form-render-wrapper {
//height: calc(100vh - 142px);
.form-render-wrapper.h5-layout {
margin: 0 auto;
width: 420px;
border-radius: 15px;
//border-width: 10px;
box-shadow: 0 0 1px 10px #495060;
height: calc(100vh - 142px);

View File

@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
<Scroll class="side-scroll-bar" :height="scrollerHeight">
<div class="panel-container">
<Collapse v-model="activeNames" class="widget-collapse">
<Panel name="1" :title="i18nt('designer.containerTitle')">
<div slot="content">
<draggable tag="ul" :list="containers" :group="{name: 'dragGroup', pull: 'clone', put: false}"
:clone="handleContainerWidgetClone" ghost-class="ghost" :sort="false" :move="checkContainerMove"
<li v-for="(ctn, index) in containers" :key="index" class="container-widget-item"
:title="ctn.displayName" @dblclick="addContainerByDbClick(ctn)">
<svg-icon :icon-class="ctn.icon" />{{i18nt(`designer.widgetLabel.${ctn.type}`)}}
<Panel name="2" :title="i18nt('designer.basicFieldTitle')">
<div slot="content">
<draggable tag="ul" :list="basicFields" :group="{name: 'dragGroup', pull: 'clone', put: false}"
:clone="handleFieldWidgetClone" ghost-class="ghost" :sort="false">
<li v-for="(fld, index) in basicFields" :key="index" class="field-widget-item"
:title="fld.displayName" @dblclick="addFieldByDbClick(fld)">
<svg-icon :icon-class="fld.icon" />{{i18nt(`designer.widgetLabel.${fld.type}`)}}
<Panel name="3" :title="i18nt('designer.advancedFieldTitle')">
<div slot="content">
<draggable tag="ul" :list="advancedFields" :group="{name: 'dragGroup', pull: 'clone', put: false}"
:clone="handleFieldWidgetClone" ghost-class="ghost" :sort="false">
<li v-for="(fld, index) in advancedFields" :key="index" class="field-widget-item"
:title="fld.displayName" @dblclick="addFieldByDbClick(fld)">
<svg-icon :icon-class="fld.icon" />{{i18nt(`designer.widgetLabel.${fld.type}`)}}
<el-collapse-item name="4" :title="i18nt('designer.customFieldTitle')">
<draggable tag="ul" :list="customFields" :group="{name: 'dragGroup', pull: 'clone', put: false}"
:clone="handleFieldWidgetClone" ghost-class="ghost" :sort="false">
<li v-for="(fld, index) in customFields" :key="index" class="field-widget-item" :title="fld.displayName"
<span :title="fld.displayName"><svg-icon :icon-class="fld.icon" />{{i18nt(`designer.widgetLabel.${fld.type}`)}}</span>
import Draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import {
} from "./widgetsConfig";
import {
} from "@/utils/util";
import i18n from "../../utils/i18n.js";
export default {
name: "FieldPanel",
mixins: [i18n],
components: {
props: {
designer: Object,
data() {
return {
scrollerHeight: 0,
activeNames: ['1', '2', '3', '4'],
allContainers: [],
computed: {
mounted() {
this.scrollerHeight = window.innerHeight - 56
addWindowResizeHandler(() => {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.scrollerHeight = window.innerHeight - 56
methods: {
loadWidgets() {
//this.allContainers = deepClone(this.containers)
this.containers = this.containers.map(con => {
return {
//category: 'container',
displayName: this.i18nt(`designer.widgetLabel.${con.type}`)
}).filter(con => {
return !con.internal
this.basicFields = this.basicFields.map(fld => {
return {
displayName: this.i18nt(`designer.widgetLabel.${fld.type}`)
this.advancedFields = this.advancedFields.map(fld => {
return {
displayName: this.i18nt(`designer.widgetLabel.${fld.type}`)
this.customFields = this.customFields.map(fld => {
return {
displayName: this.i18nt(`designer.widgetLabel.${fld.type}`)
handleContainerWidgetClone(origin) {
return this.designer.copyNewContainerWidget(origin)
handleFieldWidgetClone(origin) {
return this.designer.copyNewFieldWidget(origin)
checkContainerMove(evt) {
return this.designer.checkWidgetMove(evt)
onContainerDragEnd(evt) {
//console.log('Drag end of container: ')
addContainerByDbClick(container) {
addFieldByDbClick(widget) {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.side-scroll-bar {
//height: calc(100% - 56px);
//height: 100%;
::v-deep .el-scrollbar__wrap {
overflow-x: hidden;
/deep/ .ivu-scroll-loader{
div.panel-container {
//height: calc(100% - 48px);
//height: 100%;
//overflow-y: hidden;
padding-bottom: 10px;
.ivu-collapse-item ::v-deep ul>li {
list-style: none;
.widget-collapse {
::v-deep .el-collapse-item__header {
padding-left: 8px;
// font-style: italic;
font-weight: bold;
::v-deep .ivu-collapse-content {
padding-bottom: 6px;
ul {
padding-left: 10px;
/* 重置IE11默认样式 */
margin: 0;
/* 重置IE11默认样式 */
margin-block-start: 0;
margin-block-end: 0.25em;
padding-inline-start: 10px;
&:after {
content: "";
display: block;
clear: both;
.field-widget-item {
display: inline-block;
height: 28px;
line-height: 28px;
width: 112px;
float: left;
margin: 2px 6px 6px 0;
cursor: move;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
overflow: hidden;
background: #f1f2f3;
.field-widget-item:hover {
background: #EBEEF5;
outline: 1px solid $--color-primary;
.drag-handler {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 160px;
background-color: #dddddd;
border-radius: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
font-size: 11px;
color: #666666;

View File

@ -1,901 +0,0 @@
export const containers = [
type: 'grid',
category: 'container',
icon: 'grid',
cols: [],
options: {
name: '',
hidden: false,
gutter: 12,
type: 'table',
category: 'container',
icon: 'table',
rows: [],
options: {
name: '',
hidden: false,
type: 'tab',
category: 'container',
icon: 'tab',
tabs: [],
options: {
name: '',
hidden: false,
displayType: 'card',
size: 'default',
type: 'section',
category: 'container',
icon: 'section',
widgetList: [],
options: {
name: '',
hidden: false,
type: 'grid-col',
category: 'container',
icon: 'grid-col',
internal: true,
widgetList: [],
options: {
name: '',
hidden: false,
span: 12,
type: 'table-cell',
category: 'container',
icon: 'table-cell',
internal: true,
widgetList: [],
merged: false,
options: {
name: '',
cellWidth: '',
cellHeight: '',
colspan: 1,
rowspan: 1,
type: 'tab-pane',
category: 'container',
icon: 'tab-pane',
internal: true,
widgetList: [],
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
hidden: false,
active: false,
disabled: false,
export const basicFields = [
type: 'input',
icon: 'text-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
labelAlign: '',
type: 'text',
defaultValue: '',
placeholder: '',
columnWidth: '200px',
size: '',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
clearable: true,
showPassword: false,
required: false,
validation: '',
validationHint: '',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
// minLength: null,
maxLength: null,
showWordLimit: false,
prefixIcon: '',
suffixIcon: '',
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onInput: '',
onChange: '',
onFocus: '',
onBlur: '',
onValidate: '',
type: 'textarea',
icon: 'textarea-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
labelAlign: '',
rows: 3,
defaultValue: '',
placeholder: '',
columnWidth: '200px',
size: '',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
required: false,
validation: '',
validationHint: '',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
minLength: null,
maxLength: null,
showWordLimit: false,
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onInput: '',
onChange: '',
onFocus: '',
onBlur: '',
onValidate: '',
type: 'number',
icon: 'number-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
labelAlign: '',
defaultValue: 0,
placeholder: '',
columnWidth: '200px',
size: '',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
required: false,
validation: '',
validationHint: '',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
min: -100000000000,
max: 100000000000,
precision: 0,
step: 1,
controlsPosition: 'right',
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onChange: '',
onFocus: '',
onBlur: '',
onValidate: '',
type: 'radio',
icon: 'radio-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
labelAlign: '',
defaultValue: null,
columnWidth: '200px',
size: '',
displayStyle: 'inline',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
optionItems: [
{label: 'radio 1', value: 1},
{label: 'radio 2', value: 2},
{label: 'radio 3', value: 3},
required: false,
validation: '',
validationHint: '',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onChange: '',
onValidate: '',
type: 'checkbox',
icon: 'checkbox-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
labelAlign: '',
defaultValue: [],
columnWidth: '200px',
size: '',
displayStyle: 'inline',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
optionItems: [
{label: 'check 1', value: 1},
{label: 'check 2', value: 2},
{label: 'check 3', value: 3},
required: false,
validation: '',
validationHint: '',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onChange: '',
onValidate: '',
type: 'select',
icon: 'select-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
labelAlign: '',
defaultValue: '',
placeholder: '',
columnWidth: '200px',
size: '',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
clearable: true,
filterable: false,
allowCreate: false,
remote: false,
automaticDropdown: false, //自动下拉
multiple: false,
multipleLimit: 0,
optionItems: [
{label: 'select 1', value: 1},
{label: 'select 2', value: 2},
{label: 'select 3', value: 3},
required: false,
validation: '',
validationHint: '',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onRemoteQuery: '',
onChange: '',
onFocus: '',
onBlur: '',
onValidate: '',
type: 'time',
icon: 'time-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
labelAlign: '',
defaultValue: null,
placeholder: '',
columnWidth: '200px',
size: '',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
clearable: true,
editable: false,
format: 'HH:mm:ss', //时间格式
required: false,
validation: '',
validationHint: '',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onChange: '',
onFocus: '',
onBlur: '',
onValidate: '',
type: 'time-range',
icon: 'time-range-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
labelAlign: '',
defaultValue: null,
startPlaceholder: '',
endPlaceholder: '',
columnWidth: '200px',
size: '',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
clearable: true,
editable: false,
format: 'HH:mm:ss', //时间格式
required: false,
validation: '',
validationHint: '',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onChange: '',
onFocus: '',
onBlur: '',
onValidate: '',
type: 'date',
icon: 'date-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
labelAlign: '',
type: 'date',
defaultValue: null,
placeholder: '',
columnWidth: '200px',
size: '',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
clearable: true,
editable: false,
format: 'yyyy-MM-dd', //日期显示格式
valueFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd', //日期对象格式
required: false,
validation: '',
validationHint: '',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onChange: '',
onFocus: '',
onBlur: '',
onValidate: '',
type: 'date-range',
icon: 'date-range-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
labelAlign: '',
type: 'daterange',
defaultValue: null,
startPlaceholder: '',
endPlaceholder: '',
columnWidth: '200px',
size: '',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
readonly: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
clearable: true,
editable: false,
format: 'yyyy-MM-dd', //日期显示格式
valueFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd', //日期对象格式
required: false,
validation: '',
validationHint: '',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onChange: '',
onFocus: '',
onBlur: '',
onValidate: '',
type: 'switch',
icon: 'switch-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
size: '',
labelAlign: '',
defaultValue: null,
columnWidth: '200px',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
switchWidth: 40,
activeText: '',
inactiveText: '',
activeColor: '',
inactiveColor: '',
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onChange: '',
onValidate: '',
type: 'rate',
icon: 'rate-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
labelAlign: '',
defaultValue: null,
columnWidth: '200px',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
required: false,
validation: '',
validationHint: '',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
max: 5,
clearable: true,
// lowThreshold: 2,
// highThreshold: 4,
allowHalf: false,
showText: false,
// showScore: false,
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onChange: '',
onValidate: '',
type: 'color',
icon: 'color-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
labelAlign: '',
defaultValue: '',
columnWidth: '200px',
size: '',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
required: false,
validation: '',
validationHint: '',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onChange: '',
onValidate: '',
type: 'slider',
icon: 'slider-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
labelAlign: '',
columnWidth: '200px',
// size: '',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
required: false,
validation: '',
validationHint: '',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
min: 0,
max: 100,
step: 1,
range: false,
//vertical: false,
height: null,
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onChange: '',
onValidate: '',
type: 'static-text',
icon: 'static-text',
formItemFlag: false,
options: {
name: '',
columnWidth: '200px',
hidden: false,
textContent: 'static text',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
type: 'html-text',
icon: 'html-text',
formItemFlag: false,
options: {
name: '',
columnWidth: '200px',
hidden: false,
htmlContent: '<b>html text</b>',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
type: 'button',
icon: 'button',
formItemFlag: false,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
columnWidth: '200px',
size: '',
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
type: '',
plain: false,
// round: false,
circle: false,
icon: null,
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onClick: '',
type: 'divider',
icon: 'divider',
formItemFlag: false,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
columnWidth: '200px',
direction: 'horizontal',
contentPosition: 'center',
hidden: false,
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
export const advancedFields = [
type: 'picture-upload',
icon: 'picture-upload-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
required: false,
requiredHint: '',
customRule: '',
customRuleHint: '',
uploadURL: '',
uploadTip: '',
withCredentials: false,
multipleSelect: false,
showFileList: true,
// limit: 3,
fileMaxSize: 5, //MB
fileTypes: ['jpeg', 'png'],
fileAccept: "",
//headers: [],
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onBeforeUpload: '',
onUploadSuccess: '',
onUploadError: '',
onValidate: '',
//onFileChange: '',
type: 'file-upload',
icon: 'file-upload-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
required: false,
requiredHint: '',
customRule: '',
customRuleHint: '',
uploadURL: '',
uploadTip: '',
withCredentials: false,
multipleSelect: false,
showFileList: true,
// limit: 3,
fileMaxSize: 20, //MB
fileTypes: ['doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx'],
fileAccept: "",
//headers: [],
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onBeforeUpload: '',
onUploadSuccess: '',
onUploadError: '',
onValidate: '',
//onFileChange: '',
type: 'rich-editor',
icon: 'rich-editor-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
placeholder: '',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
required: false,
requiredHint: '',
customRule: '',
customRuleHint: '',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
minLength: null,
maxLength: null,
showWordLimit: false,
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onValidate: '',
type: 'cascader',
icon: 'cascader-field',
formItemFlag: true,
options: {
name: '',
label: '',
defaultValue: '',
placeholder: '',
size: '',
labelWidth: null,
labelHidden: false,
disabled: false,
hidden: false,
clearable: true,
filterable: false,
optionItems: [
{label: 'select 1', value: 1, children: [{label: 'child 1', value: 11}]},
{label: 'select 2', value: 2},
{label: 'select 3', value: 3},
required: false,
requiredHint: '',
customRule: '',
customRuleHint: '',
customClass: '', //自定义css类名
labelIconClass: null,
labelIconPosition: 'rear',
labelTooltip: null,
onCreated: '',
onMounted: '',
onChange: '',
onFocus: '',
onBlur: '',
onValidate: '',
export const customFields = [
type: 'custom',
icon: 'custom-component',
type: 'slot',
icon: 'slot-component',

View File

@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
<div class="container-wrapper">
<Row v-if="widget.type === 'grid'" :key="widget.id" :gutter="widget.options.gutter" class="grid-container"
:class="[customClass]" :ref="widget.id" v-show="!widget.options.hidden">
<template v-for="(colWidget, colIdx) in widget.cols">
<grid-col-item :widget="colWidget" :key="colIdx" :parent-list="widget.cols"
:index-of-parent-list="colIdx" :parent-widget="widget"></grid-col-item>
<div v-else-if="widget.type === 'table'" :key="widget.id" class="table-container"
<table :ref="widget.id" class="table-layout" :class="[customClass]">
<tr v-for="(row, rowIdx) in widget.rows" :key="row.id">
<template v-for="(colWidget, colIdx) in row.cols">
<table-cell-item v-if="!colWidget.merged" :widget="colWidget" :key="colIdx"
:parent-list="widget.cols" :row-index="rowIdx" :col-index="colIdx"
<div v-else-if="widget.type === 'tab'" :key="widget.id" class="tab-container" v-show="!widget.options.hidden">
<Tabs v-model="activeTabName"
<TabPane v-for="(tab, index) in visibleTabs" :key="index" :label="tab.options.label"
:disabled="tab.options.disabled" :name="tab.options.name">
<template v-for="(subWidget, swIdx) in tab.widgetList">
<template v-if="'container' === subWidget.category">
<container-item :widget="subWidget" :key="swIdx" :parent-list="tab.widgetList"
:index-of-parent-list="swIdx" :parent-widget="widget"></container-item>
<template v-else>
<field-widget :field="subWidget" :key="swIdx" :parent-list="tab.widgetList"
:index-of-parent-list="swIdx" :parent-widget="widget"></field-widget>
<div v-else-if="widget.type === 'sub-form'" :key="widget.id" class="sub-form-container"
<!-- <el-form :ref="widget.id" :model="formModel" label-position="top">-->
<Row class="header-row">
<div class="action-header-column">
<span class="action-label">{{i18nt('render.hint.subFormAction')}}</span>
<Button shape="round" type="primary" size="mini" class="action-button" @click="addSubFormRow"
{{i18nt('render.hint.subFormAddAction')}}<i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-md-add el-icon-right"></i>
<template v-for="(subWidget, swIdx) in widget.widgetList">
<div :key="subWidget.id + 'thc'" class="field-header-column"
:class="[getLabelAlign(widget, subWidget), !!subWidget.options.required ? 'is-required' : '']"
:style="{width: subWidget.options.columnWidth}">
<span v-if="!!subWidget.options.labelIconClass" class="custom-label">
<template v-if="subWidget.options.labelIconPosition === 'front'">
<template v-if="!!subWidget.options.labelTooltip">
<el-tooltip :content="subWidget.options.labelTooltip" effect="light">
<i :class="subWidget.options.labelIconClass"></i>
<template v-else>
<template v-else-if="subWidget.options.labelIconPosition === 'rear'">
<template v-if="!!subWidget.options.labelTooltip">
<el-tooltip :content="subWidget.options.labelTooltip" effect="light">
<i :class="subWidget.options.labelIconClass"></i>
<template v-else>
<template v-else>
<span :title="subWidget.options.labelTooltip">{{subWidget.options.label}}</span></template>
<Row v-for="(subFormRowId, sfrIdx) in rowIdData" class="sub-form-row" :key="subFormRowId">
<div class="sub-form-action-column hide-label">
<FormItem class="action-button-column">
<Button shape="round" type="" icon="ivu-icon ivu-icon-md-add" @click="insertSubFormRow(sfrIdx)"
<Button shape="round" type="" icon="ivu-icon ivu-icon-ios-trash" @click="deleteSubFormRow(sfrIdx)"
<span v-if="widget.options.showRowNumber" class="row-number-span">#{{sfrIdx+1}}</span>
<template v-for="(subWidget, swIdx) in widget.widgetList">
<div class="sub-form-table-column hide-label" :key="subWidget.id + 'tc' + subFormRowId"
:style="{width: subWidget.options.columnWidth}">
<field-widget :field="fieldSchemaData[sfrIdx][swIdx]" :key="fieldSchemaData[sfrIdx][swIdx].id"
:parent-list="widget.widgetList" :index-of-parent-list="swIdx" :parent-widget="widget"
:sub-form-row-id="subFormRowId" :sub-form-row-index="sfrIdx" :sub-form-col-index="swIdx">
<!-- </el-form>-->
import emitter from 'element-ui/lib/mixins/emitter'
import FieldWidget from "../form-designer/form-widget/field-widget";
import GridColItem from "./grid-col-item";
import TableCellItem from "./table-cell-item"
import {
} from "../../utils/util";
import i18n from "../utils/i18n";
import refMixin from "./refMixin";
export default {
name: "ContainerItem",
componentName: 'ContainerItem',
mixins: [emitter, i18n, refMixin],
components: {
props: {
widget: Object,
inject: ['refList', 'sfRefList', 'globalModel'],
data() {
return {
activeTabName: '',
rowIdData: [],
fieldSchemaData: [],
computed: {
customClass() {
return this.widget.options.customClass || ''
visibleTabs() {
return this.widget.tabs.filter(tp => {
return !tp.options.hidden
formModel: {
cache: false,
get() {
return this.globalModel.formModel
created() {
mounted() {
methods: {
getLabelAlign(widget, subWidget) {
return subWidget.options.labelAlign || widget.options.labelAlign
initActiveTab() {
if ((this.widget.type === 'tab') && (this.widget.tabs.length > 0)) {
let activePanes = this.widget.tabs.filter((tp) => {
return tp.options.active === true
if (activePanes.length > 0) {
this.activeTabName = activePanes[0].options.name
} else {
this.activeTabName = this.widget.tabs[0].options.name
registerSubFormToRefList() {
if (this.widget.type === 'sub-form') {
this.sfRefList[this.widget.options.name] = this
initRowIdData(initFlag) {
if (this.widget.type === 'sub-form') {
//this.rowIdData.length = 0
this.rowIdData.splice(0, this.rowIdData.length) //splicelength=0
let subFormModel = this.formModel[this.widget.options.name]
if (!!subFormModel && (subFormModel.length > 0)) {
subFormModel.forEach(rowModel => {
//this.rowIdData.push('rowId' + generateId())
this.rowIdData.push('r' + generateId())
if (!!initFlag) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 800)
addToRowIdData() {
this.rowIdData.push('rowId' + generateId())
insertToRowIdData(rowIndex) {
this.rowIdData.splice(rowIndex, 0, 'rowId' + generateId())
deleteFromRowIdData(rowIndex) {
this.rowIdData.splice(rowIndex, 1)
initFieldSchemaData() { //fieldSchemaData
if (this.widget.type !== 'sub-form') {
let rowLength = this.rowIdData.length
//this.fieldSchemaData.length = 0
this.fieldSchemaData.splice(0, this.fieldSchemaData.length) //splicelength=0
if (rowLength > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < rowLength; i++) {
let fieldSchemas = []
this.widget.widgetList.forEach(swItem => {
addToFieldSchemaData(rowIndex) {
let fieldSchemas = []
this.widget.widgetList.forEach(swItem => {
if (rowIndex === undefined) {
} else {
this.fieldSchemaData.splice(rowIndex, 0, fieldSchemas)
deleteFromFieldSchemaData(rowIndex) {
this.fieldSchemaData.splice(rowIndex, 1)
cloneFieldSchema(fieldWidget) {
let newFieldSchema = deepClone(fieldWidget)
newFieldSchema.id = fieldWidget.type + generateId()
return newFieldSchema
initEventHandler() {
if (this.widget.type !== 'sub-form') {
this.$on('setFormData', function(newFormData) {
let subFormData = newFormData[this.widget.options.name] || []
setTimeout(() => { //SubFormRowChange, 便
}, 800)
// this.$on('subFormDataChange', function (subFormData) {
// console.log('test--------', subFormData)
// this.handleSubFormRowChange(subFormData)
// })
addSubFormRow() {
let newSubFormDataRow = {}
this.widget.widgetList.forEach(subFormItem => {
if (!!subFormItem.formItemFlag) {
newSubFormDataRow[subFormItem.options.name] = subFormItem.options.defaultValue
let oldSubFormData = this.formModel[this.widget.options.name] || []
this.handleSubFormRowAdd(oldSubFormData, oldSubFormData.length - 1)
insertSubFormRow(beforeFormRowIndex) {
let newSubFormDataRow = {}
this.widget.widgetList.forEach(subFormItem => {
if (!!subFormItem.formItemFlag) {
newSubFormDataRow[subFormItem.options.name] = subFormItem.options.defaultValue
let oldSubFormData = this.formModel[this.widget.options.name] || []
oldSubFormData.splice(beforeFormRowIndex, 0, newSubFormDataRow)
this.handleSubFormRowInsert(oldSubFormData, beforeFormRowIndex)
deleteSubFormRow(formRowIndex) {
this.$confirm(this.i18nt('render.hint.deleteSubFormRow') + '?', this.i18nt('render.hint.prompt'), {
confirmButtonText: this.i18nt('render.hint.confirm'),
cancelButtonText: this.i18nt('render.hint.cancel')
}).then(() => {
let oldSubFormData = this.formModel[this.widget.options.name] || []
let deletedDataRow = deepClone(oldSubFormData[formRowIndex])
oldSubFormData.splice(formRowIndex, 1)
this.handelSubFormRowDelete(oldSubFormData, deletedDataRow)
}).catch(() => {
handleSubFormRowChange(subFormData) {
if (!!this.widget.options.onSubFormRowChange) {
let customFunc = new Function('subFormData', this.widget.options.onSubFormRowChange)
customFunc.call(this, subFormData)
handleSubFormRowAdd(subFormData, newRowIndex) {
if (!!this.widget.options.onSubFormRowAdd) {
let customFunc = new Function('subFormData', 'newRowIndex', this.widget.options.onSubFormRowAdd)
customFunc.call(this, subFormData, newRowIndex)
handleSubFormRowInsert(subFormData, newRowIndex) {
if (!!this.widget.options.onSubFormRowInsert) {
let customFunc = new Function('subFormData', 'newRowIndex', this.widget.options.onSubFormRowInsert)
customFunc.call(this, subFormData, newRowIndex)
handelSubFormRowDelete(subFormData, deletedDataRow) {
if (!!this.widget.options.onSubFormRowDelete) {
let customFunc = new Function('subFormData', 'deletedDataRow', this.widget.options.onSubFormRowDelete)
customFunc.call(this, subFormData, deletedDataRow)
//--------------------- API begin ------------------//
/* 提示:用户可自行扩充这些方法!!! */
setHidden(flag) {
this.widget.options.hidden = flag
activeTab(tabIndex) { //tabIndex0
if ((tabIndex >= 0) && (tabIndex < this.widget.tabs.length)) {
this.widget.tabs.forEach((tp, idx) => {
tp.options.active = idx === tabIndex
if (idx === tabIndex) {
this.activeTabName = tp.options.name
disableTab(tabIndex) {
if ((tabIndex >= 0) && (tabIndex < this.widget.tabs.length)) {
this.widget.tabs[tabIndex].options.disabled = true
enableTab(tabIndex) {
if ((tabIndex >= 0) && (tabIndex < this.widget.tabs.length)) {
this.widget.tabs[tabIndex].options.disabled = false
hideTab(tabIndex) {
if ((tabIndex >= 0) && (tabIndex < this.widget.tabs.length)) {
this.widget.tabs[tabIndex].options.hidden = true
showTab(tabIndex) {
if ((tabIndex >= 0) && (tabIndex < this.widget.tabs.length)) {
this.widget.tabs[tabIndex].options.hidden = false
disableSubFormRow(rowIndex) {
this.widget.widgetList.forEach(subWidget => {
let swRefName = subWidget.options.name + '@row' + this.rowIdData[rowIndex]
let foundSW = this.getWidgetRef(swRefName)
if (!!foundSW) {
enableSubFormRow(rowIndex) {
this.widget.widgetList.forEach(subWidget => {
let swRefName = subWidget.options.name + '@row' + this.rowIdData[rowIndex]
let foundSW = this.getWidgetRef(swRefName)
if (!!foundSW) {
disableSubForm() {
if (this.rowIdData.length > 0) {
this.rowIdData.forEach((dataRow, rIdx) => {
enableSubForm() {
if (this.rowIdData.length > 0) {
this.rowIdData.forEach((dataRow, rIdx) => {
resetSubForm() { //subForm
if (this.widget.type === 'sub-form') {
let subFormModel = this.formModel[this.widget.options.name]
if (!!subFormModel) {
subFormModel.splice(0, subFormModel.length)
this.rowIdData.splice(0, this.rowIdData.length)
getSubFormValues(needValidation = true) {
if (this.widget.type === 'sub-form') {
return this.formModel[this.widget.options.name]
} else {
validateField(fieldName) { //
validateSubForm() { //
//--------------------- API end ------------------//
<style lang="scss" scoped>
div.table-container {
table.table-layout {
width: 100%;
table-layout: fixed;
border-collapse: collapse;
.sub-form-container {
margin-bottom: 8px;
::v-deep .el-row.header-row {
padding-bottom: 0;
::v-deep .el-row.sub-form-row {
padding-top: 3px;
padding-bottom: 3px;
.row-number-span {
margin-left: 16px;
div.action-header-column {
display: inline-block;
width: 120px;
.action-label {
margin-right: 12px;
.action-button {
padding-left: 8px;
padding-right: 8px;
div.field-header-column {
display: inline-block;
//overflow: hidden;
//white-space: nowrap; //
//text-overflow: ellipsis; //
span.custom-label i {
margin: 0 3px;
div.field-header-column.is-required:before {
content: '*';
color: #F56C6C;
margin-right: 4px;
div.label-center-left {
text-align: left;
div.label-center-align {
text-align: center;
div.label-right-align {
text-align: right;
div.sub-form-action-column {
display: inline-block;
width: 120px;
::v-deep .el-form-item {
margin-bottom: 0;
::v-deep .el-button {
font-size: 18px;
padding: 0;
background: #DCDFE6;
border: 4px solid #DCDFE6;
div.sub-form-action-column.hide-label {
::v-deep .el-form-item__label {
display: none;
div.sub-form-table-column {
display: inline-block;
//width: 200px;
::v-deep .el-form-item {
margin-left: 4px;
margin-right: 4px;
margin-bottom: 0;
::v-deep .el-form-item__content {
margin-left: 0 !important;
div.sub-form-table-column.hide-label {
::v-deep .el-form-item__label {
display: none;

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
<Col class="grid-cell" :span="widget.options.span" :class="[customClass]"
:key="widget.id" v-show="!widget.options.hidden">
<template v-if="!!widget.widgetList && (widget.widgetList.length > 0)">
<template v-for="(subWidget, swIdx) in widget.widgetList">
<template v-if="'container' === subWidget.category">
<container-item :widget="subWidget" :key="swIdx" :parent-list="widget.widgetList"
:index-of-parent-list="swIdx" :parent-widget="widget"></container-item>
<template v-else>
<field-widget :field="subWidget" :designer="null" :key="swIdx" :parent-list="widget.widgetList"
:index-of-parent-list="swIdx" :parent-widget="widget"></field-widget>
<template v-else>
<div class="blank-cell"><span class="invisible-content">{{i18nt('render.hint.blankCellContent')}}</span></div>
//import ContainerItem from "./container-item";
import FieldWidget from "../form-designer/form-widget/field-widget";
import i18n from "../utils/i18n";
import refMixin from "./refMixin";
export default {
name: "GridColItem",
componentName: 'GridColItem',
mixins: [i18n, refMixin],
components: {
//'container-item': ContainerItem, /* 使 */
props: {
widget: Object,
parentWidget: Object,
parentList: Array,
indexOfParentList: Number,
inject: ['refList', 'globalModel'],
computed: {
customClass() {
return this.widget.options.customClass || ''
created() {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.blank-cell {
font-style: italic;
color: #cccccc;
span.invisible-content {
opacity: 0;

View File

@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
<Form :label-position="labelPosition" :size="size" :class="[customClass]" class="render-form"
:validate-on-rule-change="false" :model="formDataModel" ref="renderForm" @submit.native.prevent>
<template v-for="(widget, index) in widgetList">
<template v-if="'container' === widget.category">
<container-item :widget="widget" :key="widget.id" :parent-list="widgetList"
:index-of-parent-list="index" :parent-widget="null"></container-item>
<template v-else>
<field-widget :field="widget" :form-model="formDataModel" :designer="null" :key="widget.id"
:parent-list="widgetList" :index-of-parent-list="index" :parent-widget="null"
//import ElForm from 'element-ui/packages/form/src/form.vue'
import emitter from 'element-ui/lib/mixins/emitter'
import FieldWidget from "../form-designer/form-widget/field-widget";
import ContainerItem from "./container-item";
import {
} from "../../utils/util";
//import i18n from "../../utils/i18n";
import i18n, {
} from "../utils/i18n";
export default {
name: "VFormRender",
componentName: 'VFormRender',
mixins: [emitter, i18n],
components: {
props: {
//designer: Object, /* designerVFormRender */
formJson: Object, //prop
formData: { //prop
default: () => {}
optionData: { //prop
type: Object,
default: () => {}
eventHandler:{ //
type: Object,
default: () => {}
provide() {
return {
refList: this.widgetRefList,
sfRefList: this.subFormRefList, //SubForm
formConfig: this.formConfig,
globalOptionData: this.optionData,
globalModel: {
formModel: this.formDataModel,
data() {
return {
formDataModel: {
widgetRefList: {},
subFormRefList: {},
computed: {
formConfig() {
return this.formJson.formConfig
widgetList() {
return this.formJson.widgetList
labelPosition() {
if (!!this.formConfig && !!this.formConfig.labelPosition) {
return this.formConfig.labelPosition
return 'left'
size() {
if (!!this.formConfig && !!this.formConfig.size) {
return this.formConfig.size
return 'medium'
customClass() {
return this.formConfig.customClass || ''
watch: {
created() {
mounted() {
methods: {
initLocale() {
let curLocale = localStorage.getItem('v_form_locale') || 'zh-CN'
insertCustomStyleAndScriptNode() {
if (!!this.formConfig && !!this.formConfig.cssCode) {
if (!!this.formConfig && !!this.formConfig.functions) {
buildFormModel() {
//this.formDataModel = this.formData //
//this._provided.globalModel.formModel = this.formData
this.widgetList.forEach((wItem) => {
this.buildDataFromWidget(wItem, null)
buildDataFromWidget(wItem, parentItem) {
if (wItem.category === 'container') {
if (wItem.type === 'grid') {
if (!!wItem.cols && (wItem.cols.length > 0)) {
wItem.cols.forEach((childItem) => {
this.buildDataFromWidget(childItem, wItem)
} else if (wItem.type === 'table') {
if (!!wItem.rows && (wItem.rows.length > 0)) {
wItem.rows.forEach((rowItem) => {
if (!!rowItem.cols && (rowItem.cols.length > 0)) {
rowItem.cols.forEach((colItem) => {
this.buildDataFromWidget(colItem, wItem)
} else if (wItem.type === 'tab') {
if (!!wItem.tabs && (wItem.tabs.length > 0)) {
wItem.tabs.forEach((tabItem) => {
if (!!tabItem.widgetList && (tabItem.widgetList.length > 0)) {
tabItem.widgetList.forEach((childItem) => {
this.buildDataFromWidget(childItem, wItem)
} else if (wItem.type === 'sub-form') {
let subFormName = wItem.options.name
if (!this.formData.hasOwnProperty(subFormName)) {
let subFormDataRow = {}
if (wItem.options.showBlankRow) {
wItem.widgetList.forEach(subFormItem => {
if (!!subFormItem.formItemFlag) {
subFormDataRow[subFormItem.options.name] = subFormItem.options.defaultValue
this.$set(this.formDataModel, subFormName, [subFormDataRow]) //
} else {
this.$set(this.formDataModel, subFormName, []) //
} else {
let initialValue = this.formData[subFormName]
this.$set(this.formDataModel, subFormName, deepClone(initialValue))
} else if ((wItem.type === 'grid-col') || (wItem.type === 'table-cell')) {
if (!!wItem.widgetList && (wItem.widgetList.length > 0)) {
wItem.widgetList.forEach((childItem) => {
this.buildDataFromWidget(childItem, wItem)
} else {
if (!!wItem.widgetList && (wItem.widgetList.length > 0)) {
wItem.widgetList.forEach((childItem) => {
this.buildDataFromWidget(childItem, wItem)
} else if (!!wItem.formItemFlag) {
if (!this.formData.hasOwnProperty(wItem.options.name)) {
//this.formDataModel[wItem.options.name] = '' //$set
this.$set(this.formDataModel, wItem.options.name, wItem.options.defaultValue) //
} else {
let initialValue = this.formData[wItem.options.name]
this.$set(this.formDataModel, wItem.options.name, deepClone(initialValue))
addFieldChangeEventHandler() {
this.$on('fieldChange', function(fieldName, newValue, oldValue, subFormName, subFormRowIndex) {
this.handleFieldDataChange(fieldName, newValue, oldValue, subFormName, subFormRowIndex)
this.$emit('formChange', fieldName, newValue, oldValue, this.formDataModel, subFormName,
//this.$emit('subFormChange', subFormName, subFormRowIndex,
// fieldName, newValue, oldValue, this.formDataModel)
registerFormToRefList() {
this.widgetRefList['v_form_ref'] = this
handleFieldDataChange(fieldName, newValue, oldValue, subFormName, subFormRowIndex) {
if (!!this.formConfig.onFormDataChange) {
let customFunc = new Function('fieldName', 'newValue', 'oldValue', 'formModel', 'subFormName',
customFunc.call(this, fieldName, newValue, oldValue, this.formDataModel, subFormName, subFormRowIndex)
// forceUpdate() {
// this.$forceUpdate()
// },
handleOnCreated() {
if (!!this.formConfig.onFormCreated) {
let customFunc = new Function(this.formConfig.onFormCreated)
handleOnMounted() {
if (!!this.formConfig.onFormMounted) {
let customFunc = new Function(this.formConfig.onFormMounted)
findWidgetAndSetDisabled(widgetName, disabledFlag) {
let foundW = this.getWidgetRef(widgetName)
if (!!foundW) {
findWidgetAndSetHidden(widgetName, hiddenFlag) {
let foundW = this.getWidgetRef(widgetName)
if (!!foundW) {
//--------------------- API begin ------------------//
/* 提示:用户可自行扩充这些方法!!! */
changeLanguage(langName) {
getNativeForm() { //form
return this.$refs['renderForm']
getWidgetRef(widgetName, showError = false) {
let foundRef = this.widgetRefList[widgetName]
if (!foundRef && !!showError) {
this.$Message.error(this.i18nt('render.hint.refNotFound') + widgetName)
return foundRef
getFormData(needValidation = true) {
if (!needValidation) {
return this.formDataModel
let callback = function nullFunc() {}
let promise = new window.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
callback = function callback(formData, error) {
!error ? resolve(formData) : reject(error);
this.$refs['renderForm'].validate((valid) => {
if (valid) {
} else {
callback(this.formDataModel, this.i18nt('render.hint.validationFailed'))
//return this.$refs['renderForm'].validate()
return promise
setFormData(formData) { //
//this.formDataModel = formData //injectformModel
this._provided.globalModel.formModel = formData /* 这种写法可使inject的属性保持响应式更新 */
// SubForm
this.broadcast('ContainerItem', 'setFormData', formData)
// FieldWidget
this.broadcast('FieldWidget', 'setFormData', formData)
getFieldValue(fieldName) { //
let fieldRef = this.getWidgetRef(fieldName)
if (!!fieldRef && !!fieldRef.getValue) {
return fieldRef.getValue()
setFieldValue(fieldName, fieldValue) { //
let fieldRef = this.getWidgetRef(fieldName)
if (!!fieldRef && !!fieldRef.setValue) {
getSubFormValues(subFormName, needValidation = true) {
let foundSFRef = this.subFormRefList[subFormName]
// if (!foundSFRef) {
// return this.formDataModel[subFormName]
// }
return foundSFRef.getSubFormValues(needValidation)
disableForm() {
let wNameList = Object.keys(this.widgetRefList)
wNameList.forEach(wName => {
let foundW = this.getWidgetRef(wName)
if (!!foundW) {
// try {
// foundW.setDisabled(true)
// } catch (ex) {
// console.log('disableForm error: ', ex.message)
// }
if (!!foundW.setDisabled) {
enableForm() {
let wNameList = Object.keys(this.widgetRefList)
wNameList.forEach(wName => {
let foundW = this.getWidgetRef(wName)
if (!!foundW) {
// try {
// foundW.setDisabled(false)
// } catch (ex) {
// console.log('disableForm error: ', wName + ', ' + ex.message)
// }
if (!!foundW.setDisabled) {
resetForm() { //
let subFormNames = Object.keys(this.subFormRefList)
subFormNames.forEach(sfName => {
if (!!this.subFormRefList[sfName].resetSubForm) {
let wNameList = Object.keys(this.widgetRefList)
wNameList.forEach(wName => {
let foundW = this.getWidgetRef(wName)
if (!!foundW && !!foundW.resetField) {
validateForm() {
validateFields() {
disableWidgets(widgetNames) {
if (!!widgetNames) {
if (typeof widgetNames === 'string') {
this.findWidgetAndSetDisabled(widgetNames, true)
} else if (Array.isArray(widgetNames)) {
widgetNames.forEach(wn => {
this.findWidgetAndSetDisabled(wn, true)
enableWidgets(widgetNames) {
if (!!widgetNames) {
if (typeof widgetNames === 'string') {
this.findWidgetAndSetDisabled(widgetNames, false)
} else if (Array.isArray(widgetNames)) {
widgetNames.forEach(wn => {
this.findWidgetAndSetDisabled(wn, false)
hideWidgets(widgetNames) {
if (!!widgetNames) {
if (typeof widgetNames === 'string') {
this.findWidgetAndSetHidden(widgetNames, true)
} else if (Array.isArray(widgetNames)) {
widgetNames.forEach(wn => {
this.findWidgetAndSetHidden(wn, true)
showWidgets(widgetNames) {
if (!!widgetNames) {
if (typeof widgetNames === 'string') {
this.findWidgetAndSetHidden(widgetNames, false)
} else if (Array.isArray(widgetNames)) {
widgetNames.forEach(wn => {
this.findWidgetAndSetHidden(wn, false)
//--------------------- API end ------------------//
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.el-form ::v-deep .el-row {
padding: 8px;

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
export default {
methods: {
initRefList() {
if ((this.refList !== null) && !!this.widget.options.name) {
this.refList[this.widget.options.name] = this
getWidgetRef(widgetName, showError) {
let foundRef = this.refList[widgetName]
if (!foundRef && !!showError) {
this.$Message.error(this.i18nt('render.hint.refNotFound') + widgetName)
return foundRef
getFormRef() { /* 获取VFrom引用必须在VForm组件created之后方可调用 */
return this.refList['v_form_ref']

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
<td class="table-cell" :class="[customClass]"
:colspan="widget.options.colspan || 1" :rowspan="widget.options.rowspan || 1"
:style="{width: widget.options.cellWidth + '!important' || '', height: widget.options.cellHeight + '!important' || ''}">
<template v-for="(subWidget, swIdx) in widget.widgetList">
<template v-if="'container' === subWidget.category">
<container-item :widget="subWidget" :key="swIdx" :parent-list="widget.widgetList"
:index-of-parent-list="swIdx" :parent-widget="widget"></container-item>
<template v-else>
<field-widget :field="subWidget" :key="swIdx" :parent-list="widget.widgetList"
:index-of-parent-list="swIdx" :parent-widget="widget"></field-widget>
import FieldWidget from "../form-designer/form-widget/field-widget";
import i18n from "../utils/i18n";
import refMixin from "./refMixin";
export default {
name: "TableCellItem",
componentName: "TableCellItem",
mixins: [i18n, refMixin],
components: {
//'container-item': ContainerItem, /* 使 */
props: {
widget: Object,
rowIndex: Number,
colIndex: Number,
inject: ['refList', 'globalModel'],
computed: {
customClass() {
return this.widget.options.customClass || ''
created() {
/* tableCell不生成组件引用 */
methods: {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
td.table-cell {
display: table-cell;
height: 36px;
border: 1px dashed #336699;

View File

@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
export default {
application: {
'zh-CN': '简体中文',
'en-US': 'English',
productTitle: 'Online Form Designer',
github: 'GitHub',
document: 'Docs',
qqGroup: 'WeChat Group',
deployment: 'Deployment',
subscription: 'Subscription',
designer: {
containerTitle: 'Container',
dragHandlerHint: 'drag container or field to layout center',
dragAction: 'drag',
basicFieldTitle: 'Basic Field',
advancedFieldTitle: 'Advanced Field',
customFieldTitle: 'Customized Field',
noWidgetHint: 'Please select a widget from the left list, drag and drop to this container.',
widgetLabel: {
grid: 'Grid',
table: 'Table',
tab: 'Tab',
section: 'Section',
'sub-form': 'SubForm',
'grid-col': 'GridCol',
'table-cell': 'TableCell',
'tab-pane': 'TabPane',
input: 'Input',
'input-composite' : 'InputComposite',
textarea: 'Textarea',
number: 'InputNumber',
radio: 'Radio',
checkbox: 'Checkbox',
select: 'Select',
time: 'Time',
'time-range': 'Time range',
date: 'Date',
'date-range': 'Date range',
switch: 'Switch',
rate: 'Rate',
color: 'ColorPicker',
slider: 'Slider',
'static-text': 'Text',
'html-text': 'HTML',
button: 'Button',
divider: 'Divider',
'picture-upload': 'Picture',
'file-upload': 'File',
'rich-editor': 'Rich Editor',
cascader: 'Cascader',
custom: 'Custom Component',
slot: 'Slot'
hint: {
selectParentWidget: 'Select parent of this widget',
moveUpWidget: 'Move up this widget',
moveDownWidget: 'Move down this widget',
cloneWidget: 'Clone this widget',
insertRow: 'Insert new row',
insertColumn: 'Insert new column',
remove: 'Remove this widget',
cellSetting: 'Cell setting',
dragHandler: 'Drag handler',
copyField: 'Copy field widget',
onlyFieldWidgetAcceptable: 'Only field widget can be dragged into sub-form',
moveUpFirstChildHint: 'First child can not be move up',
moveDownLastChildHint: 'Last child can not be move down',
closePreview: 'Close',
copyJson: 'Copy',
copyVueCode: 'Copy Vue Code',
copyHtmlCode: 'Copy HTML Code',
copyJsonSuccess: 'Copy succeed',
importJsonSuccess: 'Import succeed',
copyJsonFail: 'Copy failed',
copyVueCodeSuccess: 'Copy succeed',
copyVueCodeFail: 'Copy failed',
copyHtmlCodeSuccess: 'Copy succeed',
copyHtmlCodeFail: 'Copy failed',
saveVueCode: 'Save Vue File',
saveHtmlCode: 'Save Html File',
getFormData: 'Get Data',
resetForm: 'Reset',
disableForm: 'Disable',
enableForm: 'Enable',
exportFormData: 'Form Data',
copyFormData: 'Copy',
saveFormData: 'Save As File',
copyVue2SFC: 'Copy Vue2',
copyVue3SFC: 'Copy Vue3',
copySFCFail: 'Copy failed',
copySFCSuccess: 'Copy succeed',
saveVue2SFC: 'Save As Vue2',
saveVue3SFC: 'Save As Vue3',
fileNameForSave: 'File name:',
saveFileTitle: 'Save as File',
fileNameInputPlaceholder: 'Enter the file name',
widgetSetting: 'Widget Config',
formSetting: 'Form Config',
prompt: 'Prompt',
confirm: 'OK',
cancel: 'Cancel',
import: 'Import',
importJsonHint: 'The code to be imported should have the following JSON format.',
invalidOptionsData: 'Invalid data of options:',
lastPaneCannotBeDeleted: 'The last pane cannot be deleted.',
duplicateName: 'Duplicate name: ',
nameRequired: 'Name required.',
numberValidator: 'Number',
letterValidator: 'Letter',
letterAndNumberValidator: 'LetterAndNumber',
mobilePhoneValidator: 'MobilePhone',
emailValidator: 'Email',
urlValidator: 'URL',
noChineseValidator: 'Non-Chinese',
chineseValidator: 'Chinese',
rowspanNotConsistentForMergeEntireRow: 'Cells in this row don\'t have the same rowspan, operation failed.',
colspanNotConsistentForMergeEntireColumn: 'Cells in this column don\'t have the same colspan, operation failed.',
rowspanNotConsistentForDeleteEntireRow: 'Cells in this row don\'t have the same rowspan, operation failed.',
colspanNotConsistentForDeleteEntireColumn: 'Cells in this column don\'t have the same colspan, operation failed.',
toolbar: {
undoHint: 'Undo',
redoHint: 'Redo',
pcLayout: 'PC',
mobileLayout: 'H5',
clear: 'Clear',
preview: 'Preview',
importJson: 'Import JSON',
exportJson: 'Export JSON',
exportCode: 'Export Code',
generateCode: 'Generate Code',
saveCode: 'Save Code',
reloadCode: 'Reload Code',
generateSFC: 'Generate SFC',
setting: {
basicSetting: 'Basic Setting',
attributeSetting: 'Attribute Setting',
commonSetting: 'Common Setting',
advancedSetting: 'Advanced Setting',
eventSetting: 'Event Setting',
fieldName: 'Unique Name',
label: 'Label',
displayType: 'Type',
defaultValue: 'Default Value',
placeholder: 'Placeholder',
startPlaceholder: 'Start Placeholder',
endPlaceholder: 'End Placeholder',
widgetColumnWidth: 'Width',
widgetSize: 'Size',
displayStyle: 'Display Style',
inlineLayout: 'inline',
blockLayout: 'block',
labelWidth: 'Width Of Label',
rows: 'Rows',
labelHidden: 'Hide Label',
required: 'Required',
validation: 'Validation',
validationHelp: 'Regular expressions supported',
validationHint: 'Validation Hint',
readonly: 'Readonly',
disabled: 'Disabled',
hidden: 'Hidden',
textContent: 'Text',
htmlContent: 'HTML',
clearable: 'Clearable',
editable: 'Editable',
format: 'Format',
valueFormat: 'Value Format',
showPassword: 'Show Reveal',
filterable: 'Filterable',
allowCreate: 'Allow Create',
remote: 'Remote Query',
automaticDropdown: 'Automatic Dropdown',
multiple: 'Multiple',
multipleLimit: 'Multiple Limit',
contentPosition: 'Content Position',
plain: 'Plain',
round: 'Round',
circle: 'Circle',
icon: 'Icon',
optionsSetting: 'Options Setting',
addOption: 'Add Option',
importOptions: 'Import Options',
resetDefault: 'Reset Default',
uploadSetting: 'Upload Setting',
uploadURL: 'Upload URL',
uploadTip: 'Tip Content',
withCredentials: 'Send Cookie',
multipleSelect: 'File Multi-select',
showFileList: 'Show File List',
limit: 'Max Upload Number',
fileMaxSize: 'Max Size(MB)',
fileAccept: 'Upload File Filter',
fileTypes: 'Upload File Types',
fileTypesHelp: 'Allows to add more file types',
headers: 'Request Headers',
cellWidth: 'width',
cellHeight: 'height',
gutter: 'Gutter(px)',
columnSetting: 'Cols Setting',
colsOfGrid: 'Cols Of Grid:',
colSpanTitle: 'Spans Of Col',
addColumn: 'Add Column',
tabPaneSetting: 'Tab Panes',
tabPaneType: 'Tab Type',
addTabPane: 'Add Tab Pane',
paneActive: 'Active',
paneDisabled: 'Disable',
customLabelIcon: 'Custom Label',
labelIconClass: 'Label Icon Class',
labelIconPosition: 'Label Icon Position',
labelTooltip: 'Label Tooltip',
minValue: 'Min Value',
maxValue: 'Max Value',
precision: 'Precision',
formatter: 'Number Formatter',
step: 'Step',
controlsPosition: 'Controls Position',
minLength: 'Min Length',
maxLength: 'Max Length',
showWordLimit: 'Show Word Limit',
prefixIcon: 'Prefix Icon',
suffixIcon: 'Suffix Icon',
inputButton: 'Input Button Setting',
appendButton: 'Append Button',
appendButtonDisabled: 'Button Disabled',
buttonIcon: 'Button Icon',
switchWidth: 'Width of Switch(px)',
activeText: 'Active Text',
inactiveText: 'Inactive Text',
maxStars: 'Stars Max Number',
lowThreshold: 'Low Threshold',
highThreshold: 'High Threshold',
allowHalf: 'Allow Half',
showText: 'Show Text',
showScore: 'Show Score',
range: 'Range',
vertical: 'Vertical',
direction: 'Vertical',
showBlankRow: 'Show Blank Row',
showRowNumber: 'Show Row Number',
to:'Route Redirect To',
target:'Open Page Target',
replace:'Record Redirect History',
append:'Append Route',
insertColumnToLeft: 'insert column to left',
insertColumnToRight: 'insert column to right',
insertRowAbove: 'insert row above',
insertRowBelow: 'insert row below',
mergeLeftColumn: 'merge left cell',
mergeRightColumn: 'merge right cell',
mergeEntireRow: 'merge entire row',
mergeRowAbove: 'merge cell above',
mergeRowBelow: 'merge cell below',
mergeEntireColumn: 'merge entire column',
undoMergeCol: 'undo merge column',
undoMergeRow: 'undo merge row',
deleteEntireCol: 'delete entire column',
deleteEntireRow: 'delete entire row',
widgetName: 'Unique Name',
formSize: 'Size',
labelPosition: 'Position Of Label',
topPosition: 'Top',
leftPosition: 'Left',
labelAlign: 'Label Align',
leftAlign: 'Left',
centerAlign: 'Center',
rightAlign: 'Right',
formCss: 'Form CSS',
addCss: 'Edit',
customClass: 'Custom Class',
globalFunctions: 'Global Functions',
addEventHandler: 'Edit',
editWidgetEventHandler: 'Edit Widget Event Handler',
editFormEventHandler: 'Edit Form Event Handler',

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
export default {
render: {
hint: {
prompt: 'Prompt',
confirm: 'OK',
cancel: 'Cancel',
selectPlaceholder: 'Pick some item',
timePlaceholder: 'Select time',
startTimePlaceholder: 'Start time',
endTimePlaceholder: 'End time',
datePlaceholder: 'Select date',
startDatePlaceholder: 'Start date',
endDatePlaceholder: 'End date',
blankCellContent: '--',
uploadError: 'Upload error: ',
uploadExceed: 'The maximum number(${uploadLimit}) of file uploads has been exceeded.',
unsupportedFileType: 'Unsupported format: ',
fileSizeExceed: 'File size out of limit: ',
refNotFound: 'Ref not found: ',
fieldRequired: 'Input value should be not null.',
invalidNumber: 'Invalid number format',
selectFile: ' File...',
downloadFile: 'Download',
removeFile: 'Remove',
validationFailed: 'Form validation failed',
subFormAction: 'Action',
subFormAddAction: 'Add',
subFormAddActionHint: 'add new row',
insertSubFormRow: 'insert new row',
deleteSubFormRow: 'delete this row',
nonSubFormType: 'The type of widget don\'t match sub-form',

View File

@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
export default {
application: {
'zh-CN': '简体中文',
'en-US': 'English',
productTitle: '表单设计器',
github: 'GitHub',
document: '文档',
qqGroup: '技术WX群',
deployment: '私有部署',
subscription: '订阅源码',
designer: {
containerTitle: '容器',
dragHandlerHint: '鼠标拖拽容器组件或字段组件并放置于表单中',
dragAction: '拖动',
basicFieldTitle: '基础字段',
advancedFieldTitle: '高级字段',
customFieldTitle: '自定义扩展字段',
noWidgetHint: '请从左侧列表中选择一个组件, 然后用鼠标拖动组件放置于此处.',
widgetLabel: {
grid: '栅格',
table: '表格',
tab: '标签页',
section: '区块',
'sub-form': '子表单',
'grid-col': '栅格列',
'table-cell': '单元格',
'tab-pane': '选项卡页',
input: '单行输入',
'input-composite' : '复合输入',
textarea: '多行输入',
number: '计数器',
radio: '单选项',
checkbox: '多选项',
select: '下拉选项',
time: '时间',
'time-range': '时间范围',
date: '日期',
'date-range': '日期范围',
switch: '开关',
rate: '评分',
color: '颜色选择器',
slider: '滑块',
'static-text': '静态文字',
'html-text': 'HTML',
button: '按钮',
divider: '分隔线',
'picture-upload': '图片',
'file-upload': '文件',
'rich-editor': '富文本',
cascader: '级联选择',
custom: 'Custom Component',
slot: 'Slot'
hint: {
selectParentWidget: '选中父组件',
moveUpWidget: '上移组件',
moveDownWidget: '下移组件',
cloneWidget: '复制组件',
insertRow: '插入新行',
insertColumn: '插入新列',
remove: '移除组件',
cellSetting: '单元格操作',
dragHandler: '拖拽手柄',
copyField: '复制字段组件',
onlyFieldWidgetAcceptable: '子表单只能接收字段组件',
moveUpFirstChildHint: '已经移动到最上面',
moveDownLastChildHint: '已经移动到最下面',
closePreview: '关闭',
copyJson: '复制JSON',
copyVueCode: '复制Vue代码',
copyHtmlCode: '复制HTML代码',
copyJsonSuccess: '复制JSON成功',
importJsonSuccess: '导入JSON成功',
copyJsonFail: '复制JSON失败',
copyVueCodeSuccess: '复制Vue代码成功',
copyVueCodeFail: '复制Vue代码失败',
copyHtmlCodeSuccess: '复制HTML代码成功',
copyHtmlCodeFail: '复制HTML代码失败',
saveVueCode: '保存Vue文件',
saveHtmlCode: '保存Html文件',
getFormData: '获取数据',
resetForm: '重置表单',
disableForm: '禁用编辑',
enableForm: '恢复编辑',
exportFormData: '表单数据',
copyFormData: '复制JSON',
saveFormData: '保存为文件',
copyVue2SFC: '复制Vue2代码',
copyVue3SFC: '复制Vue3代码',
copySFCFail: '复制SFC代码失败',
copySFCSuccess: '复制SFC代码成功',
saveVue2SFC: '保存为Vue2组件',
saveVue3SFC: '保存为Vue3组件',
fileNameForSave: '文件名:',
saveFileTitle: '保存为文件',
fileNameInputPlaceholder: '请输入文件名',
widgetSetting: '组件设置',
formSetting: '表单设置',
prompt: '提示',
confirm: '确定',
cancel: '取消',
import: '导入',
importJsonHint: '导入的JSON内容须符合下述格式以保证顺利导入.',
invalidOptionsData: '无效的选项数据:',
lastPaneCannotBeDeleted: '仅剩一个选项卡页不可删除.',
duplicateName: '组件名称已存在: ',
nameRequired: '组件名称不可为空',
numberValidator: '数字',
letterValidator: '字母',
letterAndNumberValidator: '数字字母',
mobilePhoneValidator: '手机号码',
emailValidator: '邮箱',
urlValidator: '网址',
noChineseValidator: '非中文字符',
chineseValidator: '仅中文字符',
rowspanNotConsistentForMergeEntireRow: '存在行高不一致的单元格, 无法合并整行.',
colspanNotConsistentForMergeEntireColumn: '存在列宽不一致的单元格, 无法合并整列.',
rowspanNotConsistentForDeleteEntireRow: '存在行高不一致的单元格, 不可删除整行.',
colspanNotConsistentForDeleteEntireColumn: '存在列宽不一致的单元格, 不可删除整列.',
toolbar: {
undoHint: '撤销',
redoHint: '重做',
pcLayout: 'PC',
mobileLayout: 'H5',
clear: '清空',
preview: '预览',
importJson: '导入JSON',
exportJson: '导出JSON',
exportCode: '导出代码',
generateCode: '生成代码',
saveCode: '保存代码',
reloadCode: '撤销代码更改',
generateSFC: '生成SFC',
setting: {
basicSetting: '基本属性',
attributeSetting: '属性设置',
commonSetting: '常见属性',
advancedSetting: '高级属性',
eventSetting: '事件属性',
fieldName: '字段唯一名称',
label: '字段标签',
displayType: '显示类型',
defaultValue: '默认值',
placeholder: '占位内容',
startPlaceholder: '起始占位内容',
endPlaceholder: '截止占位内容',
widgetColumnWidth: '组件列宽',
widgetSize: '组件大小',
displayStyle: '显示样式',
inlineLayout: '行内',
blockLayout: '块',
labelWidth: '标签宽度',
rows: '行数',
labelHidden: '隐藏字段标签',
required: '必填字段',
validation: '字段校验',
validationHelp: '支持输入正则表达式',
validationHint: '校验失败提示',
readonly: '只读',
disabled: '禁用',
hidden: '隐藏',
textContent: '静态文字',
htmlContent: 'HTML',
clearable: '可清除',
editable: '可输入',
format: '显示格式',
valueFormat: '绑定值格式',
showPassword: '可显示密码',
filterable: '可搜索选项',
allowCreate: '允许创建选项',
remote: '可远程搜索',
automaticDropdown: '自动弹出选项',
multiple: '选项可多选',
multipleLimit: '多选数量限制',
contentPosition: '文字位置',
plain: '朴素按钮',
round: '圆角按钮',
circle: '圆形按钮',
icon: '图标',
optionsSetting: '选项设置',
addOption: '增加选项',
importOptions: '导入选项',
resetDefault: '重设选中项',
uploadSetting: '上传参数设置',
uploadURL: '上传地址',
uploadTip: '上传提示内容',
withCredentials: '发送cookie凭证',
multipleSelect: '文件可多选',
showFileList: '显示文件列表',
limit: '最大上传数量',
fileMaxSize: '文件大小限制(MB)',
fileAccept: '上传文件过滤',
fileTypes: '上传文件类型',
fileTypesHelp: '支持添加其他文件类型',
headers: '上传请求头',
cellWidth: '宽度',
cellHeight: '高度',
gutter: '栅格间隔(像素)',
columnSetting: '栅格属性设置',
colsOfGrid: '当前栅格列:',
colSpanTitle: '栅格列',
addColumn: '增加栅格',
tabPaneSetting: '选项卡设置',
tabPaneType: '选项卡样式',
addTabPane: '增加选项卡页',
paneActive: '激活',
paneDisabled: '禁用',
customLabelIcon: '定制字段标签',
labelIconClass: '标签Icon样式',
labelIconPosition: '标签Icon位置',
labelTooltip: '标签文字提示',
minValue: '最小值',
maxValue: '最大值',
precision: '精度',
formatter: '输入框格式',
step: '增减步长',
controlsPosition: '控制按钮位置',
minLength: '最小长度',
maxLength: '最大长度',
showWordLimit: '显示字数统计',
prefixIcon: '头部Icon',
suffixIcon: '尾部Icon',
inputButton: '输入框按钮设置',
appendButton: '添加后置按钮',
appendButtonDisabled: '后置按钮禁用',
buttonIcon: '后置按钮Icon',
switchWidth: '开关宽度(像素)',
activeText: '开启时文字描述',
inactiveText: '关闭时文字描述',
activeColor: '开启时背景色',
inactiveColor: '关闭时背景色',
maxStars: '最大评分值',
lowThreshold: '低分界限值',
highThreshold: '高分界限值',
allowHalf: '允许半选',
showText: '显示辅助文字',
showScore: '显示当前分数',
range: '是否为范围选择',
vertical: '是否竖向显示',
direction: '是否竖向显示',
showBlankRow: '默认显示新行',
showRowNumber: '显示行号',
insertColumnToLeft: '插入左侧列',
insertColumnToRight: '插入右侧列',
insertRowAbove: '插入上方行',
insertRowBelow: '插入下方行',
mergeLeftColumn: '合并左侧单元格',
mergeRightColumn: '合并右侧单元格',
mergeEntireRow: '合并整行',
mergeRowAbove: '合并上方单元格',
mergeRowBelow: '合并下方单元格',
mergeEntireColumn: '合并整列',
undoMergeCol: '撤销列合并',
undoMergeRow: '撤销行合并',
deleteEntireCol: '删除整列',
deleteEntireRow: '删除整行',
widgetName: '组件唯一名称',
formSize: '全局组件大小',
labelPosition: '字段标签位置',
topPosition: '顶部',
leftPosition: '左边',
labelAlign: '字段标签对齐',
leftAlign: '居左',
centerAlign: '居中',
rightAlign: '居右',
formCss: '表单全局CSS',
addCss: '编写CSS',
customClass: '自定义CSS样式',
globalFunctions: '表单全局函数',
addEventHandler: '编写代码',
editWidgetEventHandler: '组件事件处理',
editFormEventHandler: '表单事件处理',

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
export default {
render: {
hint: {
prompt: '提示',
confirm: '确定',
cancel: '取消',
selectPlaceholder: '请选择',
timePlaceholder: '选择时间',
startTimePlaceholder: '起始时间',
endTimePlaceholder: '截止时间',
datePlaceholder: '选择日期',
startDatePlaceholder: '起始日期',
endDatePlaceholder: '截止日期',
blankCellContent: '--',
uploadError: '上传错误: ',
uploadExceed: '最大上传数量(${uploadLimit})已超出.',
unsupportedFileType: '不支持格式: ',
fileSizeExceed: '文件大小已超出: ',
refNotFound: '组件未找到: ',
fieldRequired: '字段值不可为空',
invalidNumber: '数据格式错误',
selectFile: ' 选择文件',
downloadFile: '下载',
removeFile: '移除',
validationFailed: '表单数据校验失败',
subFormAction: '操作',
subFormAddAction: '新增',
subFormAddActionHint: '新增行',
insertSubFormRow: '插入行',
deleteSubFormRow: '删除行',
nonSubFormType: '组件类型不是子表单',

View File

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
<svg :class="svgClass" aria-hidden="true">
<use :xlink:href="iconName"></use>
<title v-if="!!title">{{title}}</title>
export default {
name: 'SvgIcon',
props: {
iconClass: {
type: String,
required: true
className: {
type: String
title: {
type: String,
default: ''
computed: {
iconName() {
return `#icon-${this.iconClass}`
svgClass() {
if (this.className) {
return 'svg-icon ' + this.className
} else {
return 'svg-icon'
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.svg-icon {
width: 1.1em;
height: 1.1em;
margin-left: 0.35em;
margin-right: 0.35em;
vertical-align: -0.15em;
fill: currentColor;
overflow: hidden;

View File

@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
export const generateCode = function(formJson, codeType= 'vue') {
let formJsonStr = JSON.stringify(formJson)
if (codeType === 'html') {
return `<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, user-scalable=no" />
<title>VForm Demo</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://ks3-cn-beijing.ksyun.com/vform2021/VFormRender.css?t=20210720">
<style type="text/css">
<div id="app">
<v-form-render :form-json="formJson" :form-data="formData" :option-data="optionData" ref="vFormRef">
<Button type="primary" @click="submitForm">Submit</Button>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) { //IE load polyfill.js for Promise
var scriptEle = document.createElement("script");
scriptEle.type = "text/javascript";
scriptEle.src = "https://cdn.bootcss.com/babel-polyfill/6.23.0/polyfill.min.js"
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/element-ui/lib/index.js"></script>
<script src="https://ks3-cn-beijing.ksyun.com/vform2021/VFormRender.umd.min.js?t=20210720"></script>
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
formJson: ${formJsonStr},
formData: {},
optionData: {}
methods: {
submitForm: function() {
this.$refs.vFormRef.getFormData().then( function(formData) {
// Form Validation OK
alert( JSON.stringify(formData) )
}).catch( function(error) {
// Form Validation Failed
} else {
return `<template>
<v-form-render :form-json="formJson" :form-data="formData" :option-data="optionData" ref="vFormRef">
<Button type="primary" @click="submitForm">Submit</Button>
export default {
data() {
return {
formJson: ${formJsonStr},
formData: {},
optionData: {}
methods: {
submitForm() {
this.$refs.vFormRef.getFormData().then(formData => {
// Form Validation OK
alert( JSON.stringify(formData) )
}).catch(error => {
// Form Validation failed

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueI18n from 'vue-i18n'
import enLocale from "../lang/en-US";
import zhLocale from "../lang/zh-CN";
import enLocale_render from "../lang/en-US_render";
import zhLocale_render from "../lang/zh-CN_render";
import en from 'view-design/dist/locale/en-US';
import zh from 'view-design/dist/locale/zh-CN';
import locale from "view-design/src/locale"
const langResources = {
'en-US': {
'zh-CN': {
export const i18n = new VueI18n({
locale: localStorage.getItem('v_form_locale') || 'zh-CN', // set locale
messages:langResources // set locale messages
locale.i18n((key, value) => i18n.t(key, value))
export const changeLocale = function(langName) {
i18n.locale = langName
localStorage.setItem('v_form_locale', langName)
export const translate = function(key) {
return i18n._t(key, i18n.locale, i18n._getMessages())
export default {
methods: {
i18nt(key) {
return i18n._t(key, i18n.locale, i18n._getMessages())

View File

@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
import {isNotNull} from "@/utils/util";
import {genVue2JS} from "./vue2js-generator";
import {beautifierOpts} from "@/utils/beautifierLoader";
import {genVue3JS} from "./vue3js-generator";
function buildClassAttr(ctn, defaultClass) {
const cop = ctn.options
let gridClassArray = []
!!defaultClass && gridClassArray.push(defaultClass)
!!cop.customClass && (cop.customClass.length > 0) && gridClassArray.push(cop.customClass.join(' '))
return gridClassArray.length > 0 ? `class="${gridClassArray.join(' ')}"` : ''
const containerTemplates = { //容器组件属性
'grid': (ctn, formConfig) => {
const gridClassAttr = buildClassAttr(ctn)
const gridTemplate =
`<Row ${gridClassAttr}>
${ctn.cols.map(col => {
const colOpt = col.options
const colClassAttr = buildClassAttr(col, 'grid-cell')
return `<Col :span="${colOpt.span}" ${colClassAttr}>
${col.widgetList.map(cw => {
if (cw.category === 'container') {
return buildContainerWidget(cw, formConfig)
} else {
return buildFieldWidget(cw, formConfig)
return gridTemplate
'table': (ctn, formConfig) => {
const tableClassAttr = buildClassAttr(ctn, 'table-layout')
const tableTemplate =
`<div class="table-container">
<table ${tableClassAttr}><tbody>
${ctn.rows.map(tr => {
return `<tr>${
tr.cols.filter(td => !td.merged).map(td => {
const tdOpt = td.options
const tdClassAttr = buildClassAttr(td, 'table-cell')
const colspanAttr = (!isNaN(tdOpt.colspan) && (tdOpt.colspan !== 1)) ? `colspan="${tdOpt.colspan}"` : ''
const rowspanAttr = (!isNaN(tdOpt.rowspan) && (tdOpt.rowspan !== 1)) ? `rowspan="${tdOpt.rowspan}"` : ''
let tdStyleArray = []
!!tdOpt.cellWidth && tdStyleArray.push('width: ' + tdOpt.cellWidth + ' !important')
!!tdOpt.cellHeight && tdStyleArray.push('height: ' + tdOpt.cellHeight + ' !important')
let tdStyleAttr = (tdStyleArray.length > 0) ? `style="${tdStyleArray.join(';')}"` : ''
return `<td ${tdClassAttr} ${colspanAttr} ${rowspanAttr} ${tdStyleAttr}>${td.widgetList.map(tw => {
if (tw.category === 'container') {
return buildContainerWidget(tw, formConfig)
} else {
return buildFieldWidget(tw, formConfig)
return tableTemplate
'tab': (ctn, formConfig) => {
const tabClassAttr = buildClassAttr(ctn)
const vModel = ctn.tabs && (ctn.tabs.length > 0) ? `v-model="${ctn.options.name}ActiveTab"` : ''
const tabTemplate =
`<div class="tab-container">
<Tabs ${vModel} type="${ctn.displayType}" ${tabClassAttr}>
${ctn.tabs.map(tab => {
const tabOpt = tab.options
const disabledAttr = (tabOpt.disabled === true) ? `disabled` : ''
return `<TabsPane name="${tabOpt.name}" label="${tabOpt.label}" ${disabledAttr}>
${tab.widgetList.map(tw => {
if (tw.category === 'container') {
return buildContainerWidget(tw, formConfig)
} else {
return buildFieldWidget(tw, formConfig)
return tabTemplate
'sub-form': (ctn, formConfig) => {
function buildContainerWidget(widget, formConfig) {
return containerTemplates[widget.type] ? containerTemplates[widget.type](widget, formConfig) : null
function getElAttrs(widget, formConfig) { //获取El组件属性
let wop = widget.options
return {
vModel: `v-model="${formConfig.modelName}.${wop.name}"`,
readonly: wop.readonly ? `readonly="true"` : '',
disabled: wop.disabled ? `:disabled="true"` : '',
size: !!wop.size ? `size="${wop.size}"` : '',
type: !!wop.type ? `type="${wop.type === 'number' ? 'text' : wop.type}"` : '',
showPassword: !!wop.showPassword ? `:show-password="${wop.showPassword}"` : '',
placeholder: !!wop.placeholder ? `placeholder="${wop.placeholder}"` : '',
rows: (isNotNull(wop.rows) && !isNaN(wop.rows)) ? `rows="${wop.rows}"` : '',
clearable: !!wop.clearable ? 'clearable' : '',
minlength: (isNotNull(wop.minLength) && !isNaN(wop.minLength)) ? `:minlength="${wop.minLength}"` : '',
maxlength: (isNotNull(wop.maxLength) && !isNaN(wop.maxLength)) ? `:maxlength="${wop.maxLength}"` : '',
showWordLimit: !!wop.showWordLimit ? `:show-word-limit="true"`: '',
prefixIcon: !!wop.prefixIcon ? `prefix="${wop.prefixIcon}"` : '',
suffixIcon: !!wop.suffixIcon ? `suffix="${wop.suffixIcon}"` : '',
controlsPosition: wop.controlsPosition === 'right' ? `controls-outside="right"` : `controls-outside="default"`,
min: (isNotNull(wop.min) && !isNaN(wop.min)) ? `:min="${wop.min}"` : '',
max: (isNotNull(wop.max) && !isNaN(wop.max)) ? `:max="${wop.max}"` : '',
precision: (isNotNull(wop.precision) && !isNaN(wop.precision)) ? `:precision="${wop.precision}"` : '',
step: (isNotNull(wop.step) && !isNaN(wop.step)) ? `:step="${wop.step}"` : '',
filterable: !!wop.filterable ? `filterable` : '',
allowCreate: !!wop.allowCreate ? `allow-create` : '',
defaultFirstOption: (!!wop.filterable && !!wop.allowCreate) ? `default-first-option` : '',
multiple: !!wop.multiple ? `multiple` : '',
multipleLimit: (!isNaN(wop.multipleLimit) && (wop.multipleLimit > 0)) ? `:multiple-limit="${wop.multipleLimit}"` : '',
automaticDropdown: !!wop.automaticDropdown ? `automatic-dropdown` : '',
remote: !!wop.remote ? `remote` : '',
format: !!wop.format ? `format="${wop.format}"` : '',
valueFormat: !!wop.valueFormat ? `value-format="${wop.valueFormat}"` : '',
editable: !!wop.editable ? `:editable="${wop.editable}"` : '',
startPlaceholder: !!wop.startPlaceholder ? `start-placeholder="${wop.startPlaceholder}"` : '',
endPlaceholder: !!wop.endPlaceholder ? `end-placeholder="${wop.endPlaceholder}"` : '',
activeText: !!wop.activeText ? `active-text="${wop.activeText}"` : '',
inactiveText: !!wop.inactiveText ? `inactive-text="${wop.inactiveText}"` : '',
activeColor: !!wop.activeColor ? `true-color="${wop.activeColor}"` : '',
inactiveColor: !!wop.inactiveColor ? `false-color="${wop.inactiveColor}"` : '',
switchWidth: (!isNaN(wop.switchWidth) && (wop.switchWidth !== 40)) ? `:width="${wop.switchWidth}"` : '',
rateMax: (!isNaN(wop.max) && (wop.max !== 5)) ? `:max="${wop.max}"` : '',
lowThreshold: (!isNaN(wop.lowThreshold) && (wop.lowThreshold !== 2)) ? `:low-threshold="${wop.lowThreshold}"` : '',
highThreshold: (!isNaN(wop.highThreshold) && (wop.highThreshold !== 4)) ? `:high-threshold="${wop.highThreshold}"` : '',
allowHalf: !!wop.allowHalf ? `allow-half` : '',
showText: !!wop.showText ? `show-text` : '',
showScore: !!wop.showScore ? `show-score` : '',
sliderMin: (!isNaN(wop.min) && (wop.min !== 0)) ? `:min="${wop.min}"` : '',
sliderMax: (!isNaN(wop.max) && (wop.max !== 100)) ? `:max="${wop.max}"` : '',
sliderStep: (!isNaN(wop.step) && (wop.step !== 1)) ? `:step="${wop.step}"` : '',
sliderRange: !!wop.range ? `range` : '',
sliderVertical: !!wop.vertical ? `vertical` : '',
uploadAction: !!wop.uploadURL ? `action="${wop.uploadURL}"` : '',
withCredentials: !!wop.withCredentials ? `with-credentials` : '',
multipleSelect: !!wop.multipleSelect ? `multiple` : '',
showFileList: !!wop.showFileList ? `show-upload-list` : '',
limit: !isNaN(wop.limit) ? `:limit="${wop.limit}"` : '',
fileAccept: !!wop.fileAccept ? `:format="${wop.fileAccept}"` : '',
fileTypes: !!wop.fileTypes ? `:accept="${wop.fileTypes}"` : '',
fileMaxSize: !!wop.fileMaxSize? `:max-size="${wop.fileMaxSize}"`:``,
uploadTipSlotChild: !!wop.uploadTip ? `<template #tip><div class="el-upload__tip">${wop.uploadTip}</div></template>` : '',
pictureUploadIconChild: `<template #default><i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-md-add"></i></template>`,
fileUploadIconChild: `<template #default><i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-md-add"></i></template>`,
buttonType: !!wop.type ? `type="${wop.type}` : '',
buttonPlain: !!wop.plain ? `plain` : '',
buttonRound: !!wop.round ? `round` : '',
buttonCircle: !!wop.circle ? `circle` : '',
buttonIcon: !!wop.icon ? `icon="${wop.icon}"` : '',
contentPosition: (!!wop.contentPosition && (wop.contentPosition !== 'center')) ? `content-position="${wop.contentPosition}"` : '',
appendButtonChild: !!wop.appendButton ? `<template #append><Button class="${wop.buttonIcon}" ${!!wop.appendButtonDisabled ? 'disabled' : ''}></Button></template>` : '',
function buildRadioChildren(widget, formConfig) {
let wop = widget.options
const childTag = !!wop.buttonStyle ? 'RadioButton' : 'Radio'
const borderAttr = !!wop.border ? `border` : ''
const styleAttr = `style="display: ${wop.displayStyle}"`
return `<${childTag} v-for="(item, index) in ${wop.name}Options" :key="index" :label="item.value"
:disabled="item.disabled" ${borderAttr} ${styleAttr}>{{item.label}}</${childTag}>`
function buildCheckboxChildren(widget, formConfig) {
let wop = widget.options
const childTag = !!wop.buttonStyle ? 'CheckboxButton' : 'Checkbox'
const borderAttr = !!wop.border ? `border` : ''
const styleAttr = `style="display: ${wop.displayStyle}"`
return `<${childTag} v-for="(item, index) in ${wop.name}Options" :key="index" :label="item.value"
:disabled="item.disabled" ${borderAttr} ${styleAttr}>{{item.label}}</${childTag}>`
function buildSelectChildren(widget, formConfig) {
let wop = widget.options
const childTag = 'Option'
return `<${childTag} v-for="(item, index) in ${wop.name}Options" :key="index" :label="item.value"
:value="item.value" :disabled="item.disabled"></${childTag}>`
function buildDivider(widget, formConfig) {
let wop = widget.options
return {
size: !!wop.size ? `size="${wop.size}"` : '',
type: (!!wop.contentPosition && (wop.direction !== 'horizontal')) ? `type="vertical"` : `type="horizontal"`,
contentPosition: (!!wop.contentPosition && (wop.contentPosition !== 'center')) ? `orientation="${wop.contentPosition}"` : '',
function buildInputComposite(widget, formConfig) {
let wop = widget.options
return {
appendDiv: (wop.prependControl&&wop.prependControlType=='div') ?
`<div slot="prepend">
<Icon :type="${wop.prependControlIcon}" />${wop.prependControlText}
</div>`: '',
prependDiv: (wop.appendControl&&wop.appendControlType=='div') ?
`<div slot="append">
<Icon :type="${wop.appendControlIcon}" />${wop.appendControlText}
</div>`: '',
appendButton: (wop.prependControl&&wop.prependControlType=='button') ?
`<Button slot="prepend"
:disabled="${!!wop.disabled || !!wop.prependControlDisabled}"
</Button>`: '',
prependButton: (wop.appendControl&&wop.appendControlType=='button') ?
`<Button slot="append"
:disabled="${!!wop.disabled || !!wop.appendButtonDisabled}"
</Button>`: ''
const elTemplates = { //字段组件属性
'input': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, readonly, disabled, size, type, showPassword, placeholder, clearable,
maxlength, showWordLimit, prefixIcon, suffixIcon, appendButtonChild} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
return `<Input ${vModel} ${readonly} ${disabled} ${size} ${type} ${showPassword} ${placeholder} ${clearable}
${maxlength} ${showWordLimit} ${prefixIcon} ${suffixIcon}>${appendButtonChild}</Input>`
'input-composite': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, readonly, disabled, size, type, showPassword, placeholder, clearable,
maxlength, showWordLimit, prefixIcon, suffixIcon, appendButtonChild} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
const {appendDiv,prependDiv,appendButton,prependButton} =buildInputComposite(widget, formConfig);
return `<Input ${vModel} ${readonly} ${disabled} ${size} ${type} ${showPassword} ${placeholder} ${clearable}
${maxlength} ${showWordLimit} ${prefixIcon} ${suffixIcon}>
'textarea': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, readonly, disabled, size, type, showPassword, placeholder, rows, clearable,
maxlength, showWordLimit} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
return `<Input type="textarea" ${vModel} ${readonly} ${disabled} ${size} ${type} ${showPassword} ${placeholder}
${rows} ${clearable} ${maxlength} ${showWordLimit}></Input>`
'number': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, disabled, size, type, showPassword, placeholder, controlsPosition, min, max, precision, step
} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
return `<InputNumber ${vModel} class="full-width-input" ${disabled} ${size} ${type} ${showPassword}
${placeholder} ${controlsPosition} ${min} ${max} ${precision} ${step}></InputNumber>`
'radio': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, disabled, size} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
const radioOptions = buildRadioChildren(widget, formConfig)
return `<RadioGroup ${vModel} ${disabled} ${size}>${radioOptions}</RadioGroup>`
'checkbox': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, disabled, size} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
const checkboxOptions = buildCheckboxChildren(widget, formConfig)
return `<CheckboxGroup ${vModel} ${disabled} ${size}>${checkboxOptions}</CheckboxGroup>`
'select': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, disabled, size, clearable, filterable, allowCreate, defaultFirstOption, automaticDropdown,
multiple, multipleLimit, remote, placeholder} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
const selectOptions = buildSelectChildren(widget, formConfig)
return `<Select ${vModel} class="full-width-input" ${disabled} ${size} ${clearable} ${filterable}
${allowCreate} ${defaultFirstOption} ${automaticDropdown} ${multiple} ${multipleLimit} ${placeholder}
'time': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, readonly, disabled, size, placeholder, clearable, format, editable
} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
return `<TimePicker confirm ${vModel} class="full-width-input" ${readonly} ${disabled} ${size} ${format}
${placeholder} ${clearable} ${editable}></TimePicker>`
'time-range': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, readonly, disabled, size, startPlaceholder, endPlaceholder, clearable, format, editable
} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
return `<TimePicker confirm type="range" ${vModel} class="full-width-input" ${readonly} ${disabled} ${size} ${format}
${startPlaceholder} ${endPlaceholder} ${clearable} ${editable}></TimePicker>`
'date': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, readonly, disabled, size, type, placeholder, clearable, format, valueFormat, editable
} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
return `<DatePicker ${vModel} ${type} class="full-width-input" ${readonly} ${disabled} ${size} ${format}
${valueFormat} ${placeholder} ${clearable} ${editable}></DatePicker>`
'date-range': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, readonly, disabled, size, type, startPlaceholder, endPlaceholder, clearable, format, valueFormat, editable
} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
return `<DatePicker is-range ${vModel} ${type} class="full-width-input" ${readonly} ${disabled} ${size} ${format}
${valueFormat} ${startPlaceholder} ${endPlaceholder} ${clearable} ${editable}></DatePicker>`
'switch': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, disabled, activeText, inactiveText, activeColor, inactiveColor, switchWidth
} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
return `<iSwitch ${vModel} ${disabled} ${activeText} ${inactiveText} ${activeColor} ${inactiveColor}
'rate': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, disabled, rateMax, allowHalf, showText} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
return `<Rate ${vModel} ${disabled} ${rateMax} ${allowHalf} ${showText} ></Rate>`
'color': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, disabled, size
} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
return `<ColorPicker ${vModel} ${disabled} ${size}></ColorPicker>`
'slider': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, disabled, sliderMin, sliderMax, sliderStep, sliderRange, sliderVertical
} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
return `<Slider ${vModel} ${disabled} ${sliderMin} ${sliderMax} ${sliderStep} ${sliderRange}
'picture-upload': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, disabled, uploadAction, withCredentials, multipleSelect, showFileList, limit,
uploadTipSlotChild, pictureUploadIconChild} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
let wop = widget.options
return `<Upload
>${uploadTipSlotChild} ${pictureUploadIconChild}</Upload>`
'file-upload': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, disabled, uploadAction, withCredentials, multipleSelect, showFileList, limit,
uploadTipSlotChild, fileUploadIconChild} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
let wop = widget.options
return `<Upload
>${uploadTipSlotChild} ${fileUploadIconChild}</Upload>`
'rich-editor': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, disabled, placeholder
} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
return `<vue-editor ${vModel} ${disabled} ${placeholder}></vue-editor>`
'cascader': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {vModel, disabled, size, clearable, filterable, placeholder} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
let wop = widget.options
const optionsAttr = `:options="${wop.name}Options"`
return `<Cascader ${vModel} class="full-width-input" ${optionsAttr} ${disabled} ${size} ${clearable}
${filterable} ${placeholder}></Cascader>`
'static-text': (widget, formConfig) => {
return `<div>${widget.options.textContent}</div>`
'html-text': (widget, formConfig) => {
return `<div v-html="${widget.options.htmlContent}"></div>`
'button': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {buttonType, buttonPlain, buttonRound, buttonCircle, buttonIcon, disabled} = getElAttrs(widget, formConfig)
return `<Button ${buttonType} ${buttonPlain} ${buttonRound} ${buttonCircle} ${buttonIcon}
'divider': (widget, formConfig) => {
const {contentPosition,size,type} = buildDivider(widget, formConfig)
return `<Divider ${type} ${size} ${contentPosition}></Divider>`
function buildFieldWidget(widget, formConfig) {
let wop = widget.options
const label = wop.labelHidden ? '' : wop.label
const labelWidthAttr = wop.labelHidden ? `:label-width="0"` : (!!wop.labelWidth ? `:label-width="${wop.labelWidth}"` : '')
const labelTooltipAttr = wop.labelTooltip ? `title="${wop.labelTooltip}"` : ''
const propAttr = `prop="${wop.name}"`
let classArray = []
!!wop.required && classArray.push('required')
!!wop.customClass && (wop.customClass.length > 0) && classArray.push(wop.customClass.join(' '))
if (!!wop.labelAlign) {
wop.labelAlign !== 'label-left-align' && classArray.push(wop.labelAlign)
} else {
//classArray.push(formConfig.labelAlign || 'label-left-align')
formConfig.labelAlign !== 'label-left-align' && classArray.push(formConfig.labelAlign)
const classAttr = (classArray.length > 0) ? `class="${classArray.join(' ')}"` : ''
let customLabelDom =
`<template #label><span class="custom-label">${wop.labelIconPosition === 'front' ?
(!!wop.labelTooltip ?
`<Tooltip content="${wop.labelTooltip}"><i class="${wop.labelIconClass}"></i></Tooltip>${wop.label}` :
`<i class="${wop.labelIconClass}"></i>${wop.label}`
(!!wop.labelTooltip ?
`${wop.label}<Tooltip content="${wop.labelTooltip}"><i class="${wop.labelIconClass}"></i></Tooltip>` :
`${wop.label}<i class="${wop.labelIconClass}"></i>`
!wop.labelIconClass && (customLabelDom = '')
const fwDom = elTemplates[widget.type] ? elTemplates[widget.type](widget, formConfig) : null
const isFormItem = !!widget.formItemFlag
const vShowAttr = !!wop.hidden ? `v-show="false"` : ''
return isFormItem ?
`<FormItem label="${label}" ${labelWidthAttr} ${labelTooltipAttr} ${propAttr} ${classAttr} >
`<div class="static-content-item" ${vShowAttr}>${fwDom}</div>`
function genTemplate(formConfig, widgetList, vue3Flag = false) {
const submitAttr = !!vue3Flag ? `@submit.prevent` : `@submit.native.prevent`
let childrenList = []
widgetList.forEach(wgt => {
if (wgt.category === 'container') {
childrenList.push( buildContainerWidget(wgt, formConfig) )
} else {
childrenList.push( buildFieldWidget(wgt, formConfig) )
const formTemplate =
` <Form :model="${formConfig.modelName}" ref="${formConfig.refName}" :rules="${formConfig.rulesName}"
label-position="${formConfig.labelPosition}" :label-width="${formConfig.labelWidth}"
${!!childrenList ? childrenList.join('\n') : ''}
return formTemplate
const genGlobalCSS = function (formConfig) {
const globalCssTemplate =`${formConfig.cssCode}`
return globalCssTemplate
const genScopedCSS = function (formConfig, vue3Flag = false) {
//const vDeep = !!vue3Flag ? `::v-deep` : `:deep`
const cssTemplate =
` div.table-container {
table.table-layout {
width: 100%;
table-layout: fixed;
border-collapse: collapse;
td.table-cell {
display: table-cell;
height: 36px;
border: 1px solid #e1e2e3;
div.tab-container {
.label-left-align ${!!vue3Flag ? `:deep(.ivu-form-item-label)` : `::v-deep .ivu-form-item-label`} {
text-align: left;
.label-center-align ${!!vue3Flag ? `:deep(.ivu-form-item-label)` : `::v-deep .ivu-form-item-label`} {
text-align: center;
.label-right-align ${!!vue3Flag ? `:deep(.ivu-form-item-label)` : `::v-deep .ivu-form-item-label`} {
text-align: right;
.custom-label {
.static-content-item {
min-height: 20px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
${!!vue3Flag ? `:deep(.ivu-divider-horizontal)` : `::v-deep .ivu-divider-horizontal`} {
margin: 0;
return cssTemplate
export const genSFC = function (formConfig, widgetList, beautifier, vue3Flag = false) {
const html = beautifier.html(genTemplate(formConfig, widgetList, vue3Flag), beautifierOpts.html)
const js = beautifier.js(!!vue3Flag ? genVue3JS(formConfig, widgetList): genVue2JS(formConfig, widgetList), beautifierOpts.js)
const globalCss = beautifier.css(genGlobalCSS(formConfig), beautifierOpts.css)
const scopedCss = beautifier.css(genScopedCSS(formConfig, vue3Flag), beautifierOpts.css)
return `<!--
Codes Generated By VForm:
<style lang="scss">
<style lang="scss" scoped>

View File

@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
import {isNotNull, traverseContainWidgets, traverseFieldWidgets} from "@/utils/util";
import {translate} from "@/utils/i18n";
import FormValidators, {getRegExp} from "@/utils/validators";
export function buildDefaultValueListFn(formConfig, widgetList, resultList) {
return function(fieldWidget) {
const fop = fieldWidget.options
const fd = fop.defaultValue
if (isNotNull(fd)) {
resultList.push(`${fop.name}: ${JSON.stringify(fd)},`)
} else {
resultList.push(`${fop.name}: null,`)
export function buildRulesListFn(formConfig, widgetList, resultList) {
return function(fieldWidget) {
const fop = fieldWidget.options
let fieldRules = []
if (!!fop.required) {
required: true,
message: '${translate('render.hint.fieldRequired')}',
if (!!fop.validation) {
let vldName = fop.validation
if (!!FormValidators[vldName]) {
pattern: ${eval( getRegExp(vldName) )},
trigger: ['blur', 'change'],
message: '${fop.validationHint}'
} else {
pattern: '${eval(vldName)}',
trigger: ['blur', 'change'],
message: '${fop.validationHint}'
//TODO: 自定义校验函数
fieldRules.length > 0 && resultList.push(`${fop.name}: [${fieldRules.join(',')}],`)
export function buildFieldOptionsFn(formConfig, widgetList, resultList) {
return function(fieldWidget) {
const fop = fieldWidget.options
const ft = fieldWidget.type
if ((ft === 'radio') || (ft === 'checkbox') || (ft === 'select') || (ft === 'cascader')) {
resultList.push(`${fop.name}Options: ${JSON.stringify(fop.optionItems)},`)
export function buildUploadDataFn(formConfig, widgetList, resultList) {
return function(fieldWidget) {
const fop = fieldWidget.options
const ft = fieldWidget.type
if ((ft === 'picture-upload') || (ft === 'file-upload')) {
resultList.push(`${fop.name}FileList: [],`)
resultList.push(`${fop.name}UploadHeaders: {},`)
resultList.push(`${fop.name}UploadData: {},`)
export function buildActiveTabs(formConfig, widgetList) {
let resultList = []
const handlerFn = function (cw) {
const cop = cw.options
const ct = cw.type
if (ct === 'tab') {
cw.tabs.length > 0 && resultList.push(`'${cop.name}ActiveTab': '${cw.tabs[0].options.name}',`)
traverseContainWidgets(widgetList, handlerFn)
return resultList
export const genVue2JS = function (formConfig, widgetList) {
let defaultValueList = []
let rulesList = []
let fieldOptions = []
let uploadData = []
traverseFieldWidgets(widgetList, (widget) => {
buildDefaultValueListFn(formConfig, widgetList, defaultValueList)(widget)
buildRulesListFn(formConfig, widgetList, rulesList)(widget)
buildFieldOptionsFn(formConfig, widgetList, fieldOptions)(widget)
buildUploadDataFn(formConfig, widgetList, uploadData)(widget)
const activeTabs = buildActiveTabs(formConfig, widgetList)
const v2JSTemplate =
` export default {
components: {},
props: {},
data() {
return {
${formConfig.modelName}: {
${formConfig.rulesName}: {
computed: {},
watch: {},
created() {
mounted() {
methods: {
submitForm() {
this.$refs['vForm'].validate(valid => {
if (!valid) return
//TODO: 提交表单
resetForm() {
return v2JSTemplate

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
import {
buildRulesListFn, buildUploadDataFn
} from "@/utils/vue2js-generator";
import {traverseFieldWidgets} from "@/utils/util";
export const genVue3JS = function (formConfig, widgetList) {
let defaultValueList = []
let rulesList = []
let fieldOptions = []
let uploadData = []
traverseFieldWidgets(widgetList, (widget) => {
buildDefaultValueListFn(formConfig, widgetList, defaultValueList)(widget)
buildRulesListFn(formConfig, widgetList, rulesList)(widget)
buildFieldOptionsFn(formConfig, widgetList, fieldOptions)(widget)
buildUploadDataFn(formConfig, widgetList, uploadData)(widget)
const activeTabs = buildActiveTabs(formConfig, widgetList)
const v3JSTemplate =
` import { defineComponent, toRefs, reactive, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
components: {},
props: {},
setup() {
const state = reactive({
${formConfig.modelName}: {
${formConfig.rulesName}: {
const instance = getCurrentInstance()
const submitForm = () => {
instance.ctx.$refs['vForm'].validate(valid => {
if (!valid) return
//TODO: 提交表单
const resetForm = () => {
return {
return v3JSTemplate

View File

@ -10,10 +10,13 @@ import * as PEFactory from '@/components/form-designer/setting-panel/property-ed
import {cardSchema} from "@/extension/samples/extension-schema"
import CardWidget from '@/extension/samples/card/card-widget'
import CardItem from '@/extension/samples/card/card-item'
import {registerCWGenerator} from '@/utils/sfc-generator'
import {cardTemplateGenerator} from '@/extension/samples/extension-sfc-generator'
import {alertSchema} from "@/extension/samples/extension-schema"
import AlertWidget from '@/extension/samples/alert/alert-widget'
import {registerFWGenerator} from '@/utils/sfc-generator'
import {alertTemplateGenerator} from '@/extension/samples/extension-sfc-generator'
export const loadExtension = function () {
@ -22,12 +25,13 @@ export const loadExtension = function () {
* 1. 加载组件Json Schema;
* 2. 全局注册容器组件容器组件有两种状态设计期和运行期故需要注册两个组件
* 3. 全局注册属性编辑器组件基本属性高级属性事件属性
* 4. 加载完毕
* 4. 注册容器组件的代码生成器
* 5. 加载完毕
addContainerWidgetSchema(cardSchema) //加载组件Json Schema
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
Vue.component(CardWidget.name, CardWidget) //设计期的容器组件
Vue.component(CardItem.name, CardItem) //运行期的容器组件
Vue.component(CardWidget.name, CardWidget) //注册设计期的容器组件
Vue.component(CardItem.name, CardItem) //注册运行期的容器组件
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
PERegister.registerCPEditor('cardWidth', 'card-cardWidth-editor',
PEFactory.createInputTextEditor('cardWidth', 'extension.setting.cardWidth'))
@ -41,6 +45,8 @@ export const loadExtension = function () {
PEFactory.createSelectEditor('shadow', 'extension.setting.cardShadow',
{optionItems: shadowOptions}))
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
registerCWGenerator('card', cardTemplateGenerator) //注册容器组件的代码生成器
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* 容器组件加载完毕 end */
@ -48,7 +54,8 @@ export const loadExtension = function () {
* 1. 加载组件Json Schema;
* 2. 全局注册字段组件字段组件设计期和运行期共用故需要仅需注册一个组件
* 3. 全局注册属性编辑器组件基本属性高级属性事件属性
* 4. 加载完毕
* 4. 注册字段组件的代码生成器
* 5. 加载完毕
addCustomWidgetSchema(alertSchema) //加载组件Json Schema
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
@ -93,5 +100,7 @@ export const loadExtension = function () {
PERegister.registerEPEditor('onClose', 'alert-onClose-editor',
PEFactory.createEventHandlerEditor('onClose', []))
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
registerFWGenerator('alert', alertTemplateGenerator) //注册字段组件的代码生成器
/* -------------------------------------------------- */
/* 字段组件加载完毕 end */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
import {buildClassAttr, buildContainerWidget, buildFieldWidget} from '@/utils/sfc-generator'
export const cardTemplateGenerator = function (cw, formConfig) {
const wop = cw.options
const headerAttr = `header="${wop.label}"`
const classAttr = buildClassAttr(cw)
const styleAttr = !!wop.cardWidth ? `style="{width: ${wop.cardWidth} !important}"` : ''
const shadowAttr = `shadow="${wop.shadow}"`
const vShowAttr = !!wop.hidden ? `v-show="false"` : ''
const cardTemplate =
`<div class="card-container">
<el-card ${headerAttr} ${classAttr} ${styleAttr} ${shadowAttr} ${vShowAttr}>
cw.widgetList.map(wItem => {
if (wItem.category === 'container') {
return buildContainerWidget(wItem, formConfig)
} else {
return buildFieldWidget(wItem, formConfig)
return cardTemplate
export const alertTemplateGenerator = function(fw, formConfig) {
const wop = fw.options
const titleAttr = `title="${wop.title}"`
const typeAttr = `type=${wop.type}`
const descriptionAttr = !!wop.description ? `description="${wop.description}"` : ''
const closableAttr = `:closable="${wop.closable}"`
const closeTextAttr = !!wop.closeText ? `close-text="${wop.closeText}"` : ''
const centerAttr = `:center="${wop.center}"`
const showIconAttr = `:show-icon="${wop.showIcon}"`
const effectAttr = `effect="${wop.effect}"`
const alertTemplate =
`<el-alert ${titleAttr} ${typeAttr} ${descriptionAttr} ${closableAttr} ${closeTextAttr} ${centerAttr}
${showIconAttr} ${effectAttr}>
return alertTemplate

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
import 'babel-polyfill'
import './utils/debug-console'
import Vue from 'vue'
import axios from "axios";
import App from './App-iview.vue'
import ViewUI from 'view-design';
import './utils/directive'
import './icons'
import ContainerWidget from "@/components-iview/form-designer/form-widget/container-widget";
import ContainerItem from "@/components-iview/form-render/container-item";
import 'view-design/dist/styles/iview.css';
import '@/styles/index.scss'
import '@/iconfont/iconfont.css'
/* 递归组件如需在递归组件的嵌套组件中使用,必须注册为全局组件,原因不明?? begin */
Vue.component('container-widget', ContainerWidget)
Vue.component('container-item', ContainerItem)
/* end */
Vue.use(ViewUI, {size:'small'});
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
window.axios = axios
Vue.config.productionTip = false
new Vue({
el: "#app",
render: h => h(App),

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export const DESIGNER_OPTIONS = {
export const VARIANT_FORM_VERSION = '2.1.0'
export const VARIANT_FORM_VERSION = '2.1.1'
export const MOCK_CASE_URL = 'https://www.fastmock.site/mock/2de212e0dc4b8e0885fea44ab9f2e1d0/vform/'

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import {genVue2JS} from "@/utils/vue2js-generator";
import {beautifierOpts} from "@/utils/beautifierLoader";
import {genVue3JS} from "@/utils/vue3js-generator";
function buildClassAttr(ctn, defaultClass) {
export function buildClassAttr(ctn, defaultClass) {
const cop = ctn.options
let gridClassArray = []
!!defaultClass && gridClassArray.push(defaultClass)
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ ${ctn.cols.map(col => {
function buildContainerWidget(widget, formConfig) {
export function buildContainerWidget(widget, formConfig) {
return containerTemplates[widget.type] ? containerTemplates[widget.type](widget, formConfig) : null
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ const elTemplates = { //字段组件属性
function buildFieldWidget(widget, formConfig) {
export function buildFieldWidget(widget, formConfig) {
let wop = widget.options
const label = wop.labelHidden ? '' : wop.label
const labelWidthAttr = wop.labelHidden ? `label-width="0"` : (!!wop.labelWidth ? `label-width="${wop.labelWidth}px"` : '')
@ -370,10 +370,13 @@ function buildFieldWidget(widget, formConfig) {
!!wop.customClass && (wop.customClass.length > 0) && classArray.push(wop.customClass.join(' '))
if (!!wop.labelAlign) {
wop.labelAlign !== 'label-left-align' && classArray.push(wop.labelAlign)
} else {
} else if (!!widget.formItemFlag) {
//classArray.push(formConfig.labelAlign || 'label-left-align')
formConfig.labelAlign !== 'label-left-align' && classArray.push(formConfig.labelAlign)
if (!widget.formItemFlag) {
const classAttr = (classArray.length > 0) ? `class="${classArray.join(' ')}"` : ''
let customLabelDom =
@ -395,12 +398,12 @@ function buildFieldWidget(widget, formConfig) {
const isFormItem = !!widget.formItemFlag
const vShowAttr = !!wop.hidden ? `v-show="false"` : ''
return isFormItem ?
`<el-form-item label="${label}" ${labelWidthAttr} ${labelTooltipAttr} ${propAttr} ${classAttr} >
`<el-form-item label="${label}" ${labelWidthAttr} ${labelTooltipAttr} ${propAttr} ${classAttr}>
`<div class="static-content-item" ${vShowAttr}>${fwDom}</div>`
`<div ${classAttr} ${vShowAttr}>${fwDom}</div>`
function genTemplate(formConfig, widgetList, vue3Flag = false) {
@ -512,6 +515,24 @@ const genScopedCSS = function (formConfig, vue3Flag = false) {
return cssTemplate
* 注册容器组件的代码生成器
* @param containerType 容器类型必须唯一
* @param ctGenerator 代码生成器函数接收两个参数(containerWidget, formConfig)返回生成的容器组件代码
export const registerCWGenerator = function (containerType, ctGenerator) {
containerTemplates[containerType] = ctGenerator
* 注册字段组件的代码生成器
* @param fieldType 字段类型必须唯一
* @param ftGenerator 代码生成器函数接收两个参数(fieldWidget, formConfig)返回生成的字段组件代码
export const registerFWGenerator = function (fieldType, ftGenerator) {
elTemplates[fieldType] = ftGenerator
export const genSFC = function (formConfig, widgetList, beautifier, vue3Flag = false) {
const html = beautifier.html(genTemplate(formConfig, widgetList, vue3Flag), beautifierOpts.html)
const js = beautifier.js(!!vue3Flag ? genVue3JS(formConfig, widgetList): genVue2JS(formConfig, widgetList), beautifierOpts.js)

View File

@ -134,6 +134,8 @@ export function traverseFieldWidgets(widgetList, handler) {
} else if (w.type === 'sub-form') {
traverseFieldWidgets(w.widgetList, handler)
} else if (w.category === 'container') { //自定义容器
traverseFieldWidgets(w.widgetList, handler)
@ -160,6 +162,8 @@ export function traverseContainWidgets(widgetList, handler) {
} else if (w.type === 'sub-form') {
traverseContainWidgets(w.widgetList, handler)
} else if (w.category === 'container') { //自定义容器
traverseContainWidgets(w.widgetList, handler)