You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

81 lines
1.6 KiB

syntax = "proto3";
option csharp_namespace = "V2Ray.Core.App.Proxyman.Command";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
import "common/protocol/user.proto";
import "common/serial/typed_message.proto";
import "config.proto";
message AddUserOperation {
v2ray.core.common.protocol.User user = 1;
message RemoveUserOperation {
string email = 1;
message AddInboundRequest {
core.InboundHandlerConfig inbound = 1;
message AddInboundResponse{
message RemoveInboundRequest {
string tag = 1;
message RemoveInboundResponse {}
message AlterInboundRequest {
string tag = 1;
v2ray.core.common.serial.TypedMessage operation = 2;
message AlterInboundResponse {
message AddOutboundRequest {
core.OutboundHandlerConfig outbound = 1;
message AddOutboundResponse {
message RemoveOutboundRequest {
string tag = 1;
message RemoveOutboundResponse {
message AlterOutboundRequest {
string tag = 1;
v2ray.core.common.serial.TypedMessage operation = 2;
message AlterOutboundResponse {
service HandlerService {
rpc AddInbound(AddInboundRequest) returns (AddInboundResponse) {}
rpc RemoveInbound(RemoveInboundRequest) returns (RemoveInboundResponse) {}
rpc AlterInbound(AlterInboundRequest) returns (AlterInboundResponse) {}
rpc AddOutbound(AddOutboundRequest) returns (AddOutboundResponse) {}
rpc RemoveOutbound(RemoveOutboundRequest) returns (RemoveOutboundResponse) {}
rpc AlterOutbound(AlterOutboundRequest) returns (AlterOutboundResponse) {}
message Config {}