syntax = "proto3"; package v2ray.core.internet.domainsocket; option go_package = "domainsocket"; //Flag Array enum DomainSocketSecurityMode { Danger = 0; //Verfify is Dialer have a pid or ppid match pid file VerifyPid = 1; //Do not tolerance ppid match DisqualifyPPIDMatch = 2; //Enforce Uid Verify On euid VerifyEUID = 4; //Enforce Uid Verify On ruid VerifyRUID = 8; //Does not allow same user exception DisqualifySameUser = 16; //Does not allow root user exception DisqualifyRootUser = 32; } message DomainSocketSecurity{ //Flag Array Type, User can set an integer to define various configure DomainSocketSecurityMode Mode = 1; //Set pid files to be allowed repeated string AllowedPid = 2; //Set uids to be allowed, either euid or ruid should match one of following //uids AllowedUid, or user that v2ray is running or root. repeated uint64 AllowedUid = 3; } message DomainSocketSettings{ //Path we should listen/dial string Path = 1; DomainSocketSecurity Security = 2; }