package inbound import ( "crypto/md5" "io" "net" "sync" "" "" v2crypto "" "" v2net "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Inbound connection handler that handles messages in VMess format. type VMessInboundHandler struct { sync.Mutex space app.Space clients protocol.UserSet user *vmess.User accepting bool listener *net.TCPListener features *FeaturesConfig listeningPort v2net.Port } func (this *VMessInboundHandler) Port() v2net.Port { return this.listeningPort } func (this *VMessInboundHandler) Close() { this.accepting = false if this.listener != nil { this.listener.Close() this.Lock() this.listener = nil this.Unlock() } } func (this *VMessInboundHandler) GetUser() *vmess.User { return this.user } func (this *VMessInboundHandler) Listen(port v2net.Port) error { if this.accepting { if this.listeningPort == port { return nil } else { return proxy.ErrorAlreadyListening } } this.listeningPort = port listener, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", &net.TCPAddr{ IP: []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}, Port: int(port), Zone: "", }) if err != nil { log.Error("Unable to listen tcp port ", port, ": ", err) return err } this.accepting = true this.Lock() this.listener = listener this.Unlock() go this.AcceptConnections() return nil } func (this *VMessInboundHandler) AcceptConnections() error { for this.accepting { retry.Timed(100 /* times */, 100 /* ms */).On(func() error { this.Lock() defer this.Unlock() if !this.accepting { return nil } connection, err := this.listener.AcceptTCP() if err != nil { log.Error("Failed to accpet connection: ", err) return err } go this.HandleConnection(connection) return nil }) } return nil } func (this *VMessInboundHandler) HandleConnection(connection *net.TCPConn) error { defer connection.Close() connReader := v2net.NewTimeOutReader(16, connection) requestReader := protocol.NewVMessRequestReader(this.clients) request, err := requestReader.Read(connReader) if err != nil { log.Access(connection.RemoteAddr(), serial.StringLiteral(""), log.AccessRejected, serial.StringLiteral(err.Error())) log.Warning("VMessIn: Invalid request from ", connection.RemoteAddr(), ": ", err) return err } log.Access(connection.RemoteAddr(), request.Address, log.AccessAccepted, serial.StringLiteral("")) log.Debug("VMessIn: Received request for ", request.Address) ray :=, nil, true)) input := ray.InboundInput() output := ray.InboundOutput() var readFinish, writeFinish sync.Mutex readFinish.Lock() writeFinish.Lock() userSettings := vmess.GetUserSettings(request.User.Level) connReader.SetTimeOut(userSettings.PayloadReadTimeout) go handleInput(request, connReader, input, &readFinish) responseKey := md5.Sum(request.RequestKey) responseIV := md5.Sum(request.RequestIV) aesStream, err := v2crypto.NewAesEncryptionStream(responseKey[:], responseIV[:]) if err != nil { log.Error("VMessIn: Failed to create AES decryption stream: ", err) close(input) return err } responseWriter := v2crypto.NewCryptionWriter(aesStream, connection) // Optimize for small response packet buffer := alloc.NewLargeBuffer().Clear() defer buffer.Release() buffer.AppendBytes(request.ResponseHeader[0] ^ request.ResponseHeader[1]) buffer.AppendBytes(request.ResponseHeader[2] ^ request.ResponseHeader[3]) buffer.AppendBytes(byte(0), byte(0)) if data, open := <-output; open { buffer.Append(data.Value) data.Release() responseWriter.Write(buffer.Value) go handleOutput(request, responseWriter, output, &writeFinish) writeFinish.Lock() } connection.CloseWrite() readFinish.Lock() return nil } func handleInput(request *protocol.VMessRequest, reader io.Reader, input chan<- *alloc.Buffer, finish *sync.Mutex) { defer close(input) defer finish.Unlock() aesStream, err := v2crypto.NewAesDecryptionStream(request.RequestKey, request.RequestIV) if err != nil { log.Error("VMessIn: Failed to create AES decryption stream: ", err) return } requestReader := v2crypto.NewCryptionReader(aesStream, reader) v2net.ReaderToChan(input, requestReader) } func handleOutput(request *protocol.VMessRequest, writer io.Writer, output <-chan *alloc.Buffer, finish *sync.Mutex) { v2net.ChanToWriter(writer, output) finish.Unlock() } func init() { internal.MustRegisterInboundConnectionHandlerCreator("vmess", func(space app.Space, rawConfig interface{}) (proxy.InboundConnectionHandler, error) { config := rawConfig.(*Config) allowedClients := protocol.NewTimedUserSet() for _, user := range config.AllowedUsers { allowedClients.AddUser(user) } return &VMessInboundHandler{ space: space, clients: allowedClients, features: config.Features, user: config.AllowedUsers[0], }, nil }) }