#!/bin/bash # This file is accessible as https://install.direct/go.sh # Original source is located at github.com/v2ray/v2ray-core/release/install-release.sh CUR_VER="" NEW_VER="" ARCH="" VDIS="64" ZIPFILE="/tmp/v2ray/v2ray.zip" V2RAY_RUNNING=0 CMD_INSTALL="" CMD_UPDATE="" SOFTWARE_UPDATED=0 CHECK="" FORCE="" HELP="" #######color code######## RED="31m" GREEN="32m" YELLOW="33m" BLUE="36m" ######################### while [[ $# > 0 ]];do key="$1" case $key in -p|--proxy) PROXY="-x ${2}" shift # past argument ;; -h|--help) HELP="1" ;; -f|--force) FORCE="1" ;; -c|--check) CHECK="1" ;; --remove) REMOVE="1" ;; --version) VERSION="$2" shift ;; -l|--local) LOCAL="$2" LOCAL_INSTALL="1" shift ;; *) # unknown option ;; esac shift # past argument or value done ############################### colorEcho(){ COLOR=$1 echo -e "\033[${COLOR}${@:2}\033[0m" } sysArch(){ ARCH=$(uname -m) if [[ "$ARCH" == "i686" ]] || [[ "$ARCH" == "i386" ]]; then VDIS="32" elif [[ "$ARCH" == *"armv7"* ]] || [[ "$ARCH" == "armv6l" ]]; then VDIS="arm" elif [[ "$ARCH" == *"armv8"* ]] || [[ "$ARCH" == "aarch64" ]]; then VDIS="arm64" elif [[ "$ARCH" == *"mips64le"* ]]; then VDIS="mips64le" elif [[ "$ARCH" == *"mips64"* ]]; then VDIS="mips64" elif [[ "$ARCH" == *"mipsle"* ]]; then VDIS="mipsle" elif [[ "$ARCH" == *"mips"* ]]; then VDIS="mips" fi return 0 } downloadV2Ray(){ rm -rf /tmp/v2ray mkdir -p /tmp/v2ray colorEcho ${BLUE} "Donwloading V2Ray." DOWNLOAD_LINK="https://github.com/v2ray/v2ray-core/releases/download/${NEW_VER}/v2ray-linux-${VDIS}.zip" curl ${PROXY} -L -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -o ${ZIPFILE} ${DOWNLOAD_LINK} if [ $? != 0 ];then colorEcho ${RED} "Failed to download! Please check your network or try again." exit 1 fi return 0 } installSoftware(){ COMPONENT=$1 if [[ -n `command -v $COMPONENT` ]]; then return 0 fi getPMT if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then colorEcho $YELLOW "The system package manager tool isn't APT or YUM, please install ${COMPONENT} manually." exit fi colorEcho $GREEN "Installing $COMPONENT" if [[ $SOFTWARE_UPDATED -eq 0 ]]; then colorEcho ${BLUE} "Updating software repo" $CMD_UPDATE SOFTWARE_UPDATED=1 fi colorEcho ${BLUE} "Installing ${COMPONENT}" $CMD_INSTALL $COMPONENT if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then colorEcho ${RED} "Install ${COMPONENT} fail, please install it manually." exit fi return 0 } # return 1: not apt or yum getPMT(){ if [ -n `command -v apt-get` ];then CMD_INSTALL="apt-get -y -qq install" CMD_UPDATE="apt-get -qq update" elif [[ -n `command -v yum` ]]; then CMD_INSTALL="yum -y -q install" CMD_UPDATE="yum -q makecache" else return 1 fi return 0 } extract(){ colorEcho ${BLUE}"Extracting V2Ray package to /tmp/v2ray." mkdir -p /tmp/v2ray unzip $1 -d "/tmp/v2ray/" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then colorEcho ${RED} "Extracting V2Ray faile!" exit fi return 0 } # 1: new V2Ray. 0: no getVersion(){ if [[ -n "$VERSION" ]]; then NEW_VER="$VERSION" return 1 else CUR_VER=`/usr/bin/v2ray/v2ray -version 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 | cut -d " " -f2` TAG_URL="https://api.github.com/repos/v2ray/v2ray-core/releases/latest" NEW_VER=`curl ${PROXY} -s ${TAG_URL} --connect-timeout 10| grep 'tag_name' | cut -d\" -f4` if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] || [[ $NEW_VER == "" ]]; then colorEcho ${RED} "Network error! Please check your network or try again." exit elif [[ "$NEW_VER" != "$CUR_VER" ]];then return 1 fi return 0 fi } stopV2ray(){ SYSTEMCTL_CMD=$(command -v systemctl) SERVICE_CMD=$(command -v service) colorEcho ${BLUE} "Shutting down V2Ray service." if [[ -n "${SYSTEMCTL_CMD}" ]] || [[ -f "/lib/systemd/system/v2ray.service" ]] || [[ -f "/etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service" ]]; then ${SYSTEMCTL_CMD} stop v2ray elif [[ -n "${SERVICE_CMD}" ]] || [[ -f "/etc/init.d/v2ray" ]]; then ${SERVICE_CMD} v2ray stop fi return 0 } startV2ray(){ SYSTEMCTL_CMD=$(command -v systemctl) SERVICE_CMD=$(command -v service) if [ -n "${SYSTEMCTL_CMD}" ] && [ -f "/lib/systemd/system/v2ray.service" ]; then ${SYSTEMCTL_CMD} start v2ray elif [ -n "${SYSTEMCTL_CMD}" ] && [ -f "/etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service" ]; then ${SYSTEMCTL_CMD} start v2ray elif [ -n "${SERVICE_CMD}" ] && [ -f "/etc/init.d/v2ray" ]; then ${SERVICE_CMD} v2ray start fi return 0 } copyFile() { NAME=$1 MANDATE=$2 ERROR=`cp "/tmp/v2ray/v2ray-${NEW_VER}-linux-${VDIS}/${NAME}" "/usr/bin/v2ray/${NAME}"` if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then colorEcho ${YELLOW} "${ERROR}" if [ "$MANDATE" = true ]; then exit fi fi } makeExecutable() { chmod +x "/usr/bin/v2ray/$1" } installV2Ray(){ # Install V2Ray binary to /usr/bin/v2ray mkdir -p /usr/bin/v2ray copyFile v2ray true makeExecutable v2ray copyFile v2ctl false makeExecutable v2ctl copyFile geoip.dat false copyFile geosite.dat false # Install V2Ray server config to /etc/v2ray mkdir -p /etc/v2ray if [[ ! -f "/etc/v2ray/config.json" ]]; then cp "/tmp/v2ray/v2ray-${NEW_VER}-linux-${VDIS}/vpoint_vmess_freedom.json" "/etc/v2ray/config.json" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then colorEcho ${YELLOW} "Create V2Ray configuration file error, pleases create it manually." return 1 fi let PORT=$RANDOM+10000 UUID=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid) sed -i "s/10086/${PORT}/g" "/etc/v2ray/config.json" sed -i "s/23ad6b10-8d1a-40f7-8ad0-e3e35cd38297/${UUID}/g" "/etc/v2ray/config.json" colorEcho ${GREEN} "PORT:${PORT}" colorEcho ${GREEN} "UUID:${UUID}" mkdir -p /var/log/v2ray fi return 0 } installInitScrip(){ SYSTEMCTL_CMD=$(command -v systemctl) SERVICE_CMD=$(command -v service) if [[ -n "${SYSTEMCTL_CMD}" ]];then if [[ ! -f "/etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service" ]]; then if [[ ! -f "/lib/systemd/system/v2ray.service" ]]; then cp "/tmp/v2ray/v2ray-${NEW_VER}-linux-${VDIS}/systemd/v2ray.service" "/etc/systemd/system/" systemctl enable v2ray.service fi fi return elif [[ -n "${SERVICE_CMD}" ]] && [[ ! -f "/etc/init.d/v2ray" ]]; then installSoftware "daemon" cp "/tmp/v2ray/v2ray-${NEW_VER}-linux-${VDIS}/systemv/v2ray" "/etc/init.d/v2ray" chmod +x "/etc/init.d/v2ray" update-rc.d v2ray defaults fi return } Help(){ echo "./install-release.sh [-h] [-c] [-p proxy] [-f] [-v vx.y.z] [-l file]" echo " -h, --help Show help" echo " -p, --proxy To download through a proxy server, use -p socks5:// or -p etc" echo " -f, --force Force install" echo " --version Install a particular version" echo " -l, --local Install from a local file" echo " --remove Remove installed V2Ray" echo " -c, --check Check for update" exit } remove(){ SYSTEMCTL_CMD=$(command -v systemctl) SERVICE_CMD=$(command -v service) if [[ -n "${SYSTEMCTL_CMD}" ]] && [[ -f "/etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service" ]];then if pgrep "v2ray" > /dev/null ; then stopV2ray fi systemctl disable v2ray.service rm -rf "/usr/bin/v2ray" "/etc/systemd/system/v2ray.service" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then colorEcho ${RED} "Failed to remove V2Ray." exit else colorEcho ${GREEN} "Removed V2Ray successfully." colorEcho ${GREEN} "If necessary, please remove configuration file and log file manually." exit fi elif [[ -n "${SYSTEMCTL_CMD}" ]] && [[ -f "/lib/systemd/system/v2ray.service" ]];then if pgrep "v2ray" > /dev/null ; then stopV2ray fi systemctl disable v2ray.service rm -rf "/usr/bin/v2ray" "/lib/systemd/system/v2ray.service" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then colorEcho ${RED} "Failed to remove V2Ray." exit else colorEcho ${GREEN} "Removed V2Ray successfully." colorEcho ${GREEN} "If necessary, please remove configuration file and log file manually." exit fi elif [[ -n "${SERVICE_CMD}" ]] && [[ -f "/etc/init.d/v2ray" ]]; then if pgrep "v2ray" > /dev/null ; then stopV2ray fi rm -rf "/usr/bin/v2ray" "/etc/init.d/v2ray" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then colorEcho ${RED} "Failed to remove V2Ray." exit else colorEcho ${GREEN} "Removed V2Ray successfully." colorEcho ${GREEN} "If necessary, please remove configuration file and log file manually." exit fi else colorEcho ${GREEN} "V2Ray not found." exit fi } checkUpdate(){ echo "Checking for update." getVersion if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then colorEcho ${GREEN} "Found new version ${NEW_VER} for V2Ray." exit else colorEcho ${GREEN} "No new version." exit fi } main(){ #helping information [[ "$HELP" == "1" ]] && Help [[ "$CHECK" == "1" ]] && checkUpdate [[ "$REMOVE" == "1" ]] && remove sysArch # extract local file if [[ $LOCAL_INSTALL -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Install V2Ray via local file" installSoftware unzip rm -rf /tmp/v2ray extract $LOCAL FILEVDIS=`ls /tmp/v2ray |grep v2ray-v |cut -d "-" -f4` SYSTEM=`ls /tmp/v2ray |grep v2ray-v |cut -d "-" -f3` if [[ ${SYSTEM} != "linux" ]]; then colorEcho $RED "The local V2Ray can not be installed in linux." exit elif [[ ${FILEVDIS} != ${VDIS} ]]; then colorEcho $RED "The local V2Ray can not be installed in ${ARCH} system." exit else NEW_VER=`ls /tmp/v2ray |grep v2ray-v |cut -d "-" -f2` fi else # dowload via network and extract installSoftware "curl" getVersion if [[ $? == 0 ]] && [[ "$FORCE" != "1" ]]; then colorEcho ${GREEN} "Lastest version ${NEW_VER} is already installed." exit else colorEcho ${BLUE} "Installing V2Ray ${NEW_VER} on ${ARCH}" downloadV2Ray installSoftware unzip extract ${ZIPFILE} fi fi if pgrep "v2ray" > /dev/null ; then V2RAY_RUNNING=1 stopV2ray fi installV2Ray installInitScrip if [[ ${V2RAY_RUNNING} -eq 1 ]];then colorEcho ${BLUE} "Restarting V2Ray service." startV2ray fi colorEcho ${GREEN} "V2Ray ${NEW_VER} is installed." rm -rf /tmp/v2ray return 0 } main