package udp

import (


// Payload represents a single UDP payload.
type Payload struct {
	Content             *buf.Buffer
	Source              net.Destination
	OriginalDestination net.Destination

type HubOption func(h *Hub)

func HubCapacity(capacity int) HubOption {
	return func(h *Hub) {
		h.capacity = capacity

func HubReceiveOriginalDestination(r bool) HubOption {
	return func(h *Hub) {
		h.recvOrigDest = r

type Hub struct {
	conn         *net.UDPConn
	cache        chan *Payload
	capacity     int
	recvOrigDest bool

func ListenUDP(ctx context.Context, address net.Address, port net.Port, options ...HubOption) (*Hub, error) {
	hub := &Hub{
		capacity:     256,
		recvOrigDest: false,
	for _, opt := range options {

	streamSettings := internet.StreamSettingsFromContext(ctx)
	if streamSettings != nil && streamSettings.SocketSettings != nil && streamSettings.SocketSettings.ReceiveOriginalDestAddress {
		hub.recvOrigDest = true

	udpConn, err := internet.ListenSystemPacket(ctx, &net.UDPAddr{
		IP:   address.IP(),
		Port: int(port),
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	newError("listening UDP on ", address, ":", port).WriteToLog()
	hub.conn = udpConn.(*net.UDPConn)
	hub.cache = make(chan *Payload, hub.capacity)

	go hub.start()
	return hub, nil

// Close implements net.Listener.
func (h *Hub) Close() error {
	return nil

func (h *Hub) WriteTo(payload []byte, dest net.Destination) (int, error) {
	return h.conn.WriteToUDP(payload, &net.UDPAddr{
		IP:   dest.Address.IP(),
		Port: int(dest.Port),

func (h *Hub) start() {
	c := h.cache
	defer close(c)

	oobBytes := make([]byte, 256)

	for {
		buffer := buf.New()
		var noob int
		var addr *net.UDPAddr
		err := buffer.Reset(func(b []byte) (int, error) {
			n, nb, _, a, e := ReadUDPMsg(h.conn, b, oobBytes)
			noob = nb
			addr = a
			return n, e

		if err != nil {
			newError("failed to read UDP msg").Base(err).WriteToLog()

		if buffer.IsEmpty() {

		payload := &Payload{
			Content: buffer,
			Source:  net.UDPDestination(net.IPAddress(addr.IP), net.Port(addr.Port)),
		if h.recvOrigDest && noob > 0 {
			payload.OriginalDestination = RetrieveOriginalDest(oobBytes[:noob])
			if payload.OriginalDestination.IsValid() {
				newError("UDP original destination: ", payload.OriginalDestination).AtDebug().WriteToLog()
			} else {
				newError("failed to read UDP original destination").WriteToLog()

		select {
		case c <- payload:
			payload.Content = nil


// Addr implements net.Listener.
func (h *Hub) Addr() net.Addr {
	return h.conn.LocalAddr()

func (h *Hub) Receive() <-chan *Payload {
	return h.cache