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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

export default {
languageName: "简体中文",
checkEverySecond: "检测频率 {0} 秒",
retryCheckEverySecond: "重试间隔 {0} 秒",
resendEveryXTimes: "每 {0} 次失败则重复发送一次",
resendDisabled: "为 0 时禁用重复发送",
retriesDescription: "服务被标记为故障并发送通知之前的最大重试次数",
ignoreTLSError: "忽略 HTTPS 站点的 TLS/SSL 错误",
upsideDownModeDescription: "反转状态监控,如果服务可访问,则认为是故障。",
maxRedirectDescription: "允许的最大重定向次数。设置为 0 禁用重定向。",
enableGRPCTls: "允许通过 TLS 连接发送 gRPC 请求",
grpcMethodDescription: "方法名会转换为小驼峰格式,例如 sayHello、check 等等",
acceptedStatusCodesDescription: "选择被视为成功响应的状态码。",
Maintenance: "维护",
statusMaintenance: "维护",
"Schedule maintenance": "计划维护",
"Affected Monitors": "受影响的监控项",
"Pick Affected Monitors...": "选择受影响的监控项…",
"Start of maintenance": "维护开始",
"All Status Pages": "所有状态页面",
"Select status pages...": "选择状态页面…",
recurringIntervalMessage: "每天一次 | 每 {0} 天一次",
affectedMonitorsDescription: "选择受当前维护影响的监控项",
affectedStatusPages: "在所选状态页面上显示此维护消息",
atLeastOneMonitor: "至少选择一个受影响的监控项",
passwordNotMatchMsg: "两次输入的密码不一致。",
notificationDescription: "通知必须被分配给监控项才能正常工作。",
keywordDescription: "在纯 HTML 或 JSON 响应中搜索关键字,区分大小写。",
pauseDashboardHome: "暂停",
deleteMonitorMsg: "确定要删除此监控项吗?",
deleteMaintenanceMsg: "确定要删除此维护吗?",
deleteNotificationMsg: "确定要为所有监控项删除此通知吗?",
dnsPortDescription: "DNS 服务器端口,默认为 53您可以在任何时候更改此端口.",
resolverserverDescription: "默认服务器是 Cloudflare。您随时可以修改解析服务器。",
rrtypeDescription: "选择要监控的资源记录类型",
pauseMonitorMsg: "确定要暂停吗?",
enableDefaultNotificationDescription: "新的监控项将默认启用此通知,您仍然为每个监控项单独禁用。",
clearEventsMsg: "确定要删除此监控项的所有事件吗?",
clearHeartbeatsMsg: "确定要删除此监控项的所有心跳状态吗?",
confirmClearStatisticsMsg: "确定要删除所有统计信息吗?",
importHandleDescription: "如果想跳过同名的监控项或消息通知,请选择“跳过已存在”。“覆盖”将删除所有现有的监控项和通知。",
confirmImportMsg: "确定要导入备份吗?请确保已经选择了正确的导入选项。",
twoFAVerifyLabel: "请输入令牌码以确认二次验证:",
tokenValidSettingsMsg: "令牌码有效!您现在可以保存二次验证设置了。",
confirmEnableTwoFAMsg: "确定要启用二次验证吗?",
confirmDisableTwoFAMsg: "确定要禁用二次验证吗?",
Settings: "设置",
Dashboard: "仪表盘",
"New Update": "有新版本",
Language: "语言",
Appearance: "外观",
Theme: "主题",
General: "常规",
"Primary Base URL": "站点主 URL",
Version: "版本",
"Check Update On GitHub": "检查 GitHub 上的更新",
List: "列表",
Add: "添加",
"Add New Monitor": "添加监控项",
"Quick Stats": "状态速览",
Up: "正常",
Down: "故障",
Pending: "正在检测",
Unknown: "未知",
Pause: "暂停",
Name: "名称",
Status: "状态",
DateTime: "日期时间",
Message: "消息",
"No important events": "暂无重要事件",
Resume: "恢复",
Edit: "编辑",
Delete: "删除",
Current: "当前",
Uptime: "在线时间",
"Cert Exp.": "证书有效期",
day: "天",
"-day": " 天",
hour: "小时",
"-hour": " 小时",
Response: "响应",
Ping: "Ping",
"Monitor Type": "监控类型",
Keyword: "关键字",
"Friendly Name": "显示名称",
Hostname: "主机名",
Port: "端口号",
"Heartbeat Interval": "心跳间隔",
Retries: "重试次数",
"Heartbeat Retry Interval": "心跳重试间隔",
"Resend Notification if Down X times consequently": "连续失败时重复发送通知的间隔次数",
Advanced: "高级",
"Upside Down Mode": "反转监控",
"Max. Redirects": "最大重定向次数",
"Accepted Status Codes": "有效状态码",
"Push URL": "推送 URL",
needPushEvery: "您需要每 {0} 秒调用一次该 URL",
pushOptionalParams: "可选参数:{0}",
Save: "保存",
Notifications: "通知",
"Not available, please setup.": "暂不可用,请先设置",
"Setup Notification": "设置通知",
Light: "明亮",
Dark: "黑暗",
Auto: "自动",
"Theme - Heartbeat Bar": "主题 - 心跳栏",
Normal: "正常",
Bottom: "靠下",
None: "不显示",
Timezone: "时区",
"Search Engine Visibility": "搜索引擎可见性",
"Allow indexing": "允许索引",
"Discourage search engines from indexing site": "阻止搜索引擎索引网站",
"Change Password": "修改密码",
"Current Password": "当前密码",
"New Password": "新密码",
"Repeat New Password": "重复新密码",
"Update Password": "更新密码",
"Disable Auth": "禁用身份验证",
"Enable Auth": "启用身份验证",
"disableauth.message1": "是否确定 <strong>取消登录验证</strong>",
"disableauth.message2": "这是为 <strong>有第三方认证</strong> 的用户提供的功能,如 Cloudflare Access",
"Please use this option carefully!": "请谨慎使用!",
Logout: "退出",
Leave: "离开",
"I understand, please disable": "我已了解,继续禁用",
Confirm: "确认",
Yes: "是",
No: "否",
Username: "用户名",
Password: "密码",
"Remember me": "记住我",
Login: "登录",
"No Monitors, please": "还没有监控项,",
"add one": "点击添加",
"Notification Type": "通知类型",
Email: "邮件",
Test: "测试",
"Certificate Info": "证书信息",
"Resolver Server": "解析服务器",
"Resource Record Type": "资源记录类型",
"Last Result": "上次结果",
"Create your admin account": "创建管理员账户",
"Repeat Password": "重复密码",
"Import Backup": "导入备份",
"Export Backup": "导出备份",
Export: "导出",
Import: "导入",
respTime: "响应时间(毫秒)",
notAvailableShort: "N/A",
"Default enabled": "默认开启",
"Apply on all existing monitors": "应用到所有现有监控项",
Create: "创建",
"Clear Data": "清除数据",
Events: "事件",
Heartbeats: "心跳",
"Auto Get": "自动获取",
backupDescription: "您可以将所有监控项和通知备份到 JSON 文件。",
backupDescription2: "注意: 不包括历史状态和事件数据。",
backupDescription3: "导出的文件可能包含敏感信息,例如通知的令牌信息,请小心存放!",
alertNoFile: "请选择要导入的文件",
alertWrongFileType: "请选择一个 JSON 文件",
"Clear all statistics": "清除所有统计数据",
"Skip existing": "跳过已存在",
Overwrite: "覆盖",
Options: "选项",
"Keep both": "全部保留",
"Verify Token": "验证令牌",
"Setup 2FA": "设置二次验证",
"Enable 2FA": "启用二次验证",
"Disable 2FA": "禁用二次验证",
"2FA Settings": "二次验证设置",
"Two Factor Authentication": "二次验证",
Active: "激活",
Inactive: "停用",
Token: "令牌",
"Show URI": "显示 URI",
Tags: "标签",
"Add New below or Select...": "在下面添加或选择…",
"Tag with this name already exist.": "相同名称的标签已存在。",
"Tag with this value already exist.": "相同内容的标签已存在。",
color: "颜色",
"value (optional)": "值(可选)",
Gray: "灰色",
Red: "红色",
Orange: "橙色",
Green: "绿色",
Blue: "蓝色",
Indigo: "靛蓝",
Purple: "紫色",
Pink: "粉色",
"Search...": "搜索…",
"Avg. Ping": "平均 Ping",
"Avg. Response": "平均响应",
"Entry Page": "入口页面",
statusPageNothing: "这里什么也没有,请添加一个分组或一个监控项。",
"No Services": "无服务",
"All Systems Operational": "所有服务运行正常",
"Partially Degraded Service": "部分服务出现故障",
"Degraded Service": "全部服务出现故障",
"Add Group": "添加分组",
"Add a monitor": "添加监控项",
"Edit Status Page": "编辑状态页面",
"Go to Dashboard": "前往仪表盘",
"Status Page": "状态页面",
"Status Pages": "状态页面",
defaultNotificationName: "{notification} 通知({number}",
here: "这里",
Required: "必填",
telegram: "Telegram",
"ZohoCliq": "ZohoCliq",
"Bot Token": "Bot Token",
wayToGetTelegramToken: "您可以从 {0} 获取 Token。",
"Chat ID": "Chat ID",
supportTelegramChatID: "支持对话/群组/频道的 Chat ID",
wayToGetTelegramChatID: "您可以发送一条消息给您的机器人,然后访问此链接来查看 chat_id",
chatIDNotFound: "未找到 Chat ID请先给您的机器人发送一条消息。",
webhook: "Webhook",
"Post URL": "Post URL",
"Content Type": "Content Type",
webhookJsonDesc: "{0} 适合现代的 HTTP 服务器,例如 Express.js",
webhookFormDataDesc: "{multipart} 适合 PHP其中 JSON 需要使用 {decodeFunction} 解码",
webhookAdditionalHeadersTitle: "额外 Header",
webhookAdditionalHeadersDesc: "设置通过此 Webhook 发送的额外 Header。",
smtp: "电子邮件SMTP",
secureOptionNone: "无 / STARTTLS常用端口 25、587",
secureOptionTLS: "TLS常用端口 465",
"Ignore TLS Error": "忽略 TLS 错误",
"From Email": "发信人",
emailCustomSubject: "邮件主题",
"To Email": "收信人",
smtpCC: "抄送",
smtpBCC: "密送",
discord: "Discord",
"Discord Webhook URL": "Discord Webhook URL",
wayToGetDiscordURL: "要获取,可以前往服务器设置 -> 整合 -> 创建 Webhook",
"Bot Display Name": "机器人显示名称",
"Prefix Custom Message": "自定义消息前缀",
"Hello @everyone is...": "{'@'}everyone……",
teams: "Microsoft Teams",
"Webhook URL": "Webhook URL",
wayToGetTeamsURL: "您可以在{0}了解如何获取 Webhook URL。",
wayToGetZohoCliqURL: "您可以在{0}了解如何创建 Webhook URL。",
signal: "Signal",
Number: "号码",
Recipients: "收件人",
needSignalAPI: "您需要有一个支持 REST API 的 Signal 客户端。",
wayToCheckSignalURL: "您可以通过下面的 URL 了解如何设置:",
signalImportant: "重要:您不能混合设定收件人的分组和号码!",
gotify: "Gotify",
"Application Token": "Application Token",
"Server URL": "服务器 URL",
Priority: "优先级",
slack: "Slack",
"Icon Emoji": "Emoji 图标",
"Channel Name": "频道名称",
"Uptime Kuma URL": "Uptime Kuma URL",
aboutWebhooks: "关于 Webhook 的更多信息:{0}",
aboutChannelName: "如果您想绕过 Webhook 频道,请在 {0} 字段输入所需的频道名称。例如:#other-channel",
aboutKumaURL: "如果保留 Uptime Kuma URL 为空,将会默认指向项目的 GitHub 页面。",
emojiCheatSheet: "Emoji 速查:{0}",
"rocket.chat": "Rocket.Chat",
pushover: "Pushover",
pushy: "Pushy",
PushByTechulus: "Push by Techulus",
octopush: "Octopush",
promosms: "PromoSMS",
clicksendsms: "ClickSend SMS",
lunasea: "LunaSea",
apprise: "Apprise (支持 50+ 种通知服务)",
GoogleChat: "Google Chat仅 Google Workspace",
pushbullet: "Pushbullet",
AliyunSMS: "阿里云短信服务",
Kook: "Kook",
wayToGetKookBotToken: "在 {0} 创建应用并获取机器人 Token",
wayToGetKookGuildID: "在 Kook 设置中打开“开发者模式”,然后右键点击频道可获取其 ID",
"Guild ID": "频道 ID",
line: "Line Messenger",
mattermost: "Mattermost",
"User Key": "User Key",
Device: "设备",
"Message Title": "消息标题",
"Notification Sound": "通知铃声",
"More info on:": "更多信息:{0}",
pushoverDesc1: "紧急优先级2会在一小时内每隔 30 秒重试一次。",
pushoverDesc2: "如果您想发送通知给不同的设备,请填写“设备”字段。",
"SMS Type": "短信类型",
octopushTypePremium: "Premium快 - 推荐用于警报)",
octopushTypeLowCost: "Low Cost慢 - 有时会被运营商屏蔽)",
checkPrice: "查看 {0} 的价格:",
apiCredentials: "API Credentials",
octopushLegacyHint: "您是否在使用旧版本的 Octopush2011-2020",
"Check octopush prices": "查看 Octopush 的价格 {0}。",
octopushPhoneNumber: "电话号码(国际格式,例如:+33612345678",
octopushSMSSender: "短信发送名称3-11 位大小写字母、数字和空格a-zA-Z0-9",
"LunaSea Device ID": "LunaSea 设备 ID",
"Apprise URL": "Apprise URL",
"Example:": "例如:{0}",
"Read more:": "了解更多:{0}",
"Status:": "状态:{0}",
"Read more": "了解更多",
appriseInstalled: "Apprise 已安装",
appriseNotInstalled: "Apprise 未安装。{0}",
"Access Token": "Access Token",
"Channel access token": "频道 Access Token",
"Line Developers Console": "Line 开发者控制台",
lineDevConsoleTo: "Line 开发者控制台 - {0}",
"Basic Settings": "基本设置",
"User ID": "用户 ID",
"Messaging API": "Messaging API",
wayToGetLineChannelToken: "首先访问 {0}创建一个提供者和频道Messaging API然后您就可以从上面提到的菜单获取频道的 Access Token 和用户 ID。",
"Icon URL": "图标 URL",
aboutIconURL: "您可以在“图标 URL”中提供一个图片链接来覆盖默认的资料图片。如果设置了 Emoji 图标则此字段会被忽略。",
aboutMattermostChannelName: "您可以覆盖 Webhook 发送消息的默认频道,只需在“频道名称”字段中输入您想要的频道名。这需要在 Mattermost 的 Webhook 设置中启用。例如:#other-channel",
matrix: "Matrix",
promosmsTypeEco: "SMS ECO - 便宜但是慢,并且容易超负荷。仅限波兰地区的收信人。",
promosmsTypeFlash: "SMS FLASH - 消息会自动显示在收信人设备上。仅限波兰地区的收信人。",
promosmsTypeFull: "SMS FULL - 高级短信,您可以使用您自己的发信人名称(需要先注册)。对于警报来说更可靠。",
promosmsTypeSpeed: "SMS SPEED - 最高优先级。非常快速可靠,但更贵(大约两倍 SMS FULL 的价格)。",
promosmsPhoneNumber: "电话号码(波兰地区收信人可以不填区号)",
promosmsSMSSender: "短信发信人名称已注册的名称或以下默认值之一InfoSMS、SMS Info、MaxSMS、INFO、SMS",
Feishu: "飞书",
"Feishu WebHookUrl": "飞书 WebHook URL",
matrixHomeserverURL: "服务器 URL包含 http(s):// 和可选的端口号)",
"Internal Room Id": "内部房间 ID",
matrixDesc1: "您可以在 Matrix 客户端房间设置的高级选项内找到内部房间 ID。格式类似于 !QMdRCpUIfLwsfjxye6:home.server。",
matrixDesc2: "请不要使用您自己的 Access Token这将开放您所有的账户权限和您已加入房间的权限。我们强烈建议您创建一个新用户并邀请它至您接收通知的房间中。您可以运行以下命令来获取 Access Token{0}",
Method: "方法",
Body: "请求体",
Headers: "请求头",
PushUrl: "推送 URL",
HeadersInvalidFormat: "请求头不是有效的 JSON: ",
BodyInvalidFormat: "请求体不是有效的 JSON: ",
"Monitor History": "监控历史",
clearDataOlderThan: "保留监控历史数据 {0} 天。",
PasswordsDoNotMatch: "密码不匹配",
records: "记录",
"One record": "一条记录",
steamApiKeyDescription: "要监控 Steam 游戏服务器,您需要 Steam Web-API 密钥。您可以在这里注册您的 API 密钥: ",
"Current User": "当前用户",
topic: "Topic",
topicExplanation: "要监控的 MQTT Topic",
successMessage: "成功消息",
successMessageExplanation: "视为成功的 MQTT 消息",
recent: "最近",
Done: "完成",
Info: "信息",
Security: "安全性",
"Steam API Key": "Steam API 密钥",
"Shrink Database": "压缩数据库",
"Pick a RR-Type...": "选择资源记录类型…",
"Pick Accepted Status Codes...": "选择有效的状态码…",
Default: "默认",
"HTTP Options": "HTTP 选项",
"Create Incident": "创建事件",
Title: "标题",
Content: "内容",
Style: "类型",
info: "信息",
warning: "警告",
danger: "危险",
error: "错误",
critical: "关键",
primary: "主要",
light: "明亮",
dark: "黑暗",
Post: "发布",
"Please input title and content": "请输入标题和内容",
Created: "创建时间",
"Last Updated": "更新时间",
Unpin: "取消钉选",
"Switch to Light Theme": "切换到浅色主题",
"Switch to Dark Theme": "切换到深色主题",
"Show Tags": "显示标签",
"Hide Tags": "隐藏标签",
Description: "描述",
"No monitors available.": "没有可用的监控项。",
"Add one": "添加一个",
"No Monitors": "没有监控项",
"Untitled Group": "无标题分组",
Services: "服务",
Discard: "放弃",
Cancel: "取消",
"Powered by": "Powered by",
shrinkDatabaseDescription: "触发 SQLite 数据库的 VACUUM 命令,如果您的数据库是在 1.10.0 版本之后创建的,则已启用 AUTO_VACUUM不再需要此操作。",
serwersms: "SerwerSMS.pl",
serwersmsAPIUser: "API 用户名(包括 webapi_ 前缀)",
serwersmsAPIPassword: "API 密码",
serwersmsPhoneNumber: "电话号码",
serwersmsSenderName: "SMS 发信人名称(需要在客户中心注册)",
smseagle: "SMSEagle",
smseagleTo: "电话号码",
smseagleGroup: "通讯录群组名",
smseagleContact: "通讯录联系人",
smseagleRecipientType: "收信人类型",
smseagleRecipient: "收信人(多个需用半角逗号分隔)",
smseagleToken: "API Access token",
smseagleUrl: "您的 SMSEagle 设备 URL",
smseagleEncoding: "以 Unicode 发送",
smseaglePriority: "消息优先级0-9默认为 0",
stackfield: "Stackfield",
Customize: "自定义",
"Custom Footer": "自定义底部",
"Custom CSS": "自定义 CSS",
smtpDkimSettings: "DKIM 设置",
smtpDkimDesc: "请访问 Nodemailer DKIM {0} 了解配置方法。",
documentation: "文档",
smtpDkimDomain: "域名",
smtpDkimKeySelector: "前缀选择器",
smtpDkimPrivateKey: "密钥",
smtpDkimHashAlgo: "哈希算法(可选)",
smtpDkimheaderFieldNames: "包含在哈希计算对象内的 Header 列表(可选)",
smtpDkimskipFields: "不包含在哈希计算对象内的 Header 列表(可选)",
wayToGetPagerDutyKey: "您可以在 Service -> Service Directory -> (选择一个 Service) -> Integrations -> Add integration 页面中搜索“Events API V2”以获取此 Integration Key更多信息请看{0}",
"Integration Key": "Integration Key",
"Integration URL": "Integration URL",
"Auto resolve or acknowledged": "自动标记为已解决或已读",
"do nothing": "不做任何操作",
"auto acknowledged": "自动标记为已读",
"auto resolve": "自动标记为已解决",
gorush: "Gorush",
alerta: "Alerta",
alertaApiEndpoint: "API 接入点",
alertaEnvironment: "环境参数",
alertaApiKey: "API Key",
alertaAlertState: "报警时的严重性",
alertaRecoverState: "恢复后的严重性",
deleteStatusPageMsg: "您确认要删除此状态页吗?",
Proxies: "代理",
default: "默认",
enabled: "启用",
setAsDefault: "设为默认",
deleteProxyMsg: "您确认要在所有监控项中删除此代理吗?",
proxyDescription: "代理必须配置到至少一个监控项后才会工作。",
enableProxyDescription: "此代理必须启用才能对监控项的网络请求起作用。您可以通过修改激活状态,临时在所有监控项中禁用此代理。",
setAsDefaultProxyDescription: "此代理会对新创建的监控项默认激活,您仍可以在监控项配置中单独禁用此代理。",
"Certificate Chain": "证书链",
Valid: "有效",
Invalid: "无效",
AccessKeyId: "AccessKey ID",
SecretAccessKey: "AccessKey Secret",
PhoneNumbers: "PhoneNumbers",
TemplateCode: "TemplateCode",
SignName: "SignName",
"Sms template must contain parameters: ": "短信模板必须包含以下变量:",
"Bark Endpoint": "Bark 接入点",
"Bark Group": "Bark 群组",
"Bark Sound": "Bark 铃声",
DingDing: "钉钉自定义机器人",
WebHookUrl: "钉钉自定义机器人 Webhook 地址",
SecretKey: "钉钉自定义机器人加签密钥",
"For safety, must use secret key": "出于安全考虑,必须使用加签密钥",
"Device Token": "Apple Device Token",
Platform: "平台",
iOS: "iOS",
Android: "Android",
Huawei: "华为",
High: "高",
Retry: "重试次数",
Topic: "Gorush Topic",
WeCom: "企业微信群机器人",
"WeCom Bot Key": "企业微信群机器人 Key",
"Setup Proxy": "设置代理",
"Proxy Protocol": "代理协议",
"Proxy Server": "代理服务器",
"Server Address": "服务器地址",
"Proxy server has authentication": "代理服务器启用了身份验证功能",
User: "用户名",
Installed: "已安装",
"Not installed": "未安装",
Running: "运行中",
"Not running": "未运行",
"Remove Token": "移除 Token",
Start: "启动",
Stop: "停止",
"Uptime Kuma": "Uptime Kuma",
"Add New Status Page": "添加新的状态页",
Slug: "路径",
"Accept characters:": "可接受的字符:",
startOrEndWithOnly: "开头和结尾必须为 {0}",
"No consecutive dashes": "不能有连续的破折号",
Next: "下一步",
"The slug is already taken. Please choose another slug.": "该路径已被使用。请选择其他路径。",
"No Proxy": "无代理",
Authentication: "验证",
"HTTP Basic Auth": "HTTP 基础身份验证",
"New Status Page": "新的状态页",
"Page Not Found": "未找到该页面",
"Reverse Proxy": "反向代理",
Backup: "备份",
About: "关于",
wayToGetCloudflaredURL: "(可从 {0} 下载 cloudflared",
cloudflareWebsite: "Cloudflare 网站",
"Message:": "信息:",
"Don't know how to get the token? Please read the guide:": "不知道如何获取 Token请阅读指南",
"The current connection may be lost if you are currently connecting via Cloudflare Tunnel. Are you sure want to stop it? Type your current password to confirm it.": "如果您正在通过 Cloudflare Tunnel 访问网站,则停止可能会导致当前连接断开。您确定要停止吗?请输入密码以确认。",
"HTTP Headers": "HTTP 头",
"Trust Proxy": "可信的代理类字段",
"Other Software": "其他软件",
"For example: nginx, Apache and Traefik.": "例如nginx、Apache 和 Traefik。",
"Please read": "请阅读",
"Subject:": "颁发给:",
"Valid To:": "有效期至:",
"Days Remaining:": "剩余有效天数:",
"Issuer:": "颁发者:",
"Fingerprint:": "指纹:",
"No status pages": "无状态页",
"Domain Name Expiry Notification": "域名到期时通知",
Proxy: "代理",
"Date Created": "创建于",
HomeAssistant: "Home Assistant",
onebotHttpAddress: "OneBot HTTP 地址",
onebotMessageType: "OneBot 消息类型",
onebotGroupMessage: "群聊",
onebotPrivateMessage: "私聊",
onebotUserOrGroupId: "群组/用户 ID",
onebotSafetyTips: "出于安全原因,请务必设置 AccessToken",
"PushDeer Key": "PushDeer Key",
"Footer Text": "底部自定义文本",
"Show Powered By": "显示 Powered By",
"Domain Names": "域名",
signedInDisp: "当前用户: {0}",
signedInDispDisabled: "已禁用身份验证",
RadiusSecret: "Radius 共享机密",
RadiusSecretDescription: "客户端和服务器之间共享的密钥",
RadiusCalledStationId: "NAS 网络访问服务器号码Called Station Id",
RadiusCalledStationIdDescription: "所访问的服务器的标识",
RadiusCallingStationId: "呼叫方号码Calling Station Id",
RadiusCallingStationIdDescription: "发出请求的设备的标识",
"Certificate Expiry Notification": "证书到期时通知",
"API Username": "API Username",
"API Key": "API Key",
"Recipient Number": "收件人手机号码",
"From Name/Number": "发件人名称/手机号码",
"Leave blank to use a shared sender number.": "留空以使用平台共享的发件人手机号码",
"Octopush API Version": "Octopush API 版本",
"Legacy Octopush-DM": "旧版本 Octopush-DM",
endpoint: "接入点",
octopushAPIKey: "控制台 HTTP API credentials 里的 \"API key\"",
octopushLogin: "控制台 HTTP API credentials 里的 \"Login\"",
promosmsLogin: "API 登录名",
promosmsPassword: "API 密码",
"pushoversounds pushover": "Pushover默认",
"pushoversounds bike": "Bike",
"pushoversounds bugle": "Bugle",
"pushoversounds cashregister": "Cash Register",
"pushoversounds classical": "Classical",
"pushoversounds cosmic": "Cosmic",
"pushoversounds falling": "Falling",
"pushoversounds gamelan": "Gamelan",
"pushoversounds incoming": "Incoming",
"pushoversounds intermission": "Intermission",
"pushoversounds magic": "Magic",
"pushoversounds mechanical": "Mechanical",
"pushoversounds pianobar": "Piano Bar",
"pushoversounds siren": "Siren",
"pushoversounds spacealarm": "Space Alarm",
"pushoversounds tugboat": "Tug Boat",
"pushoversounds alien": "Alien Alarm长铃声",
"pushoversounds climb": "Climb长铃声",
"pushoversounds persistent": "Persistent长铃声",
"pushoversounds echo": "Pushover Echo长铃声",
"pushoversounds updown": "Up Down长铃声",
"pushoversounds vibrate": "仅震动",
"pushoversounds none": "无(禁音)",
pushyAPIKey: "API 密钥",
pushyToken: "设备 Token",
"Show update if available": "有更新时通知",
"Also check beta release": "一并检查 Beta 版更新",
"Using a Reverse Proxy?": "正在使用反向代理?",
"Check how to config it for WebSocket": "查看如何将反向代理与 WebSocket 一起使用",
"Steam Game Server": "Steam 游戏服务器",
"Most likely causes:": "最可能的原因:",
"The resource is no longer available.": "您所请求的资源已不再可用;",
"There might be a typing error in the address.": "您输入的地址可能有误。",
"What you can try:": "您可以尝试以下操作:",
"Retype the address.": "重新输入地址;",
"Go back to the previous page.": "返回到上一页面。",
"Coming Soon": "即将推出",
wayToGetClickSendSMSToken: "您可以在{0}获取 API Username 和 API Key。",
"Connection String": "连接字符串",
Query: "查询语句",
settingsCertificateExpiry: "TLS 证书过期通知",
certificationExpiryDescription: "HTTPS 监控项发现被监控目标的 TLS 证书剩余有效期少于以下天数时将发出通知:",
"Setup Docker Host": "配置 Docker 宿主信息",
"Connection Type": "连接方式",
"Docker Daemon": "Docker 守护进程",
deleteDockerHostMsg: "您确定您要删除此 Docker 宿主设置吗?这会影响所有 Docker 监控项",
socket: "Socket",
tcp: "TCP / HTTP",
"Docker Container": "Docker 容器",
"Container Name / ID": "容器名称 / ID",
"Docker Host": "Docker 宿主",
"Docker Hosts": "Docker 宿主",
"ntfy Topic": "ntfy Topic",
Domain: "域名",
Workstation: "工作站",
disableCloudflaredNoAuthMsg: "您现在正处于 No Auth 模式,无需输入密码",
trustProxyDescription: "信任 'X-Forwarded-*' 头。如果您的 Uptime Kuma 是通过 Nginx 或 Apache 等反代服务对外提供访问的话,则您应当启用本功能以获取正确的客户端 IP。",
wayToGetLineNotifyToken: "您可以在 {0} 获取 Access token",
Examples: "例如",
"Home Assistant URL": "Home Assistant 地址",
"Long-Lived Access Token": "长期访问令牌",
"Long-Lived Access Token can be created by clicking on your profile name (bottom left) and scrolling to the bottom then click Create Token. ": "长期访问令牌可通过点击左下角您的用户名,滚动到页面底部并点击 Create Token 按钮获取。",
"Notification Service": "Notification Service",
"default: notify all devices": "默认:通知所有设备",
"A list of Notification Services can be found in Home Assistant under \"Developer Tools > Services\" search for \"notification\" to find your device/phone name.": "通知服务的列表可在 Home Assistant 中的 Developer Tools > Services 通过搜索您的设备或手机的名称来获得。",
"Automations can optionally be triggered in Home Assistant:": "可以在 Home Assistant 使用下列模板设置自动化操作的触发条件:",
"Trigger type:": "触发类型:",
"Event type:": "事件类型:",
"Event data:": "事件数据:",
"Then choose an action, for example switch the scene to where an RGB light is red.": "然后您可以选择关联操作,例如切换到 RGB 灯发出红光的场景",
"Frontend Version": "前端版本",
"Frontend Version do not match backend version!": "前端版本与后端版本不匹配!",
"Base URL": "API 基础地址",
goAlertInfo: "GoAlert 是一个用于呼叫调度、自动汇报和通知(如 SMS 或语音呼叫)的开源应用程序。在正确的时间以正确的方式自动让正确的人参与!{0}",
goAlertIntegrationKeyInfo: "使用形如 aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee 的通用 API 集成密钥,通常是复制来的链接中的 token 参数值。",
goAlert: "GoAlert",
backupOutdatedWarning: "已弃用:由于大量新功能的加入,以及备份功能没有时时维护,现在备份功能已经无法生成完整的备份和恢复完整的设置。",
backupRecommend: "请改为直接备份 docker 卷或者数据文件夹(./data/)。",
Optional: "可选的",
squadcast: "Squadcast",
SendKey: "SendKey",
"SMSManager API Docs": "SMSManager API 文档在",
"Gateway Type": "网关类型",
SMSManager: "SMSManager",
"You can divide numbers with": "可用的分隔符:",
or: "或",
recurringInterval: "时间间隔",
Recurring: "重复",
strategyManual: "手动启用/禁用",
warningTimezone: "使用服务器时区",
weekdayShortMon: "周一",
weekdayShortTue: "周二",
weekdayShortWed: "周三",
weekdayShortThu: "周四",
weekdayShortFri: "周五",
weekdayShortSat: "周六",
weekdayShortSun: "周日",
dayOfWeek: "每周计划",
dayOfMonth: "每月计划",
lastDay: "结束日",
lastDay1: "每月最后一天",
lastDay2: "每月倒数第二天",
lastDay3: "每月倒数第三天",
lastDay4: "每月倒数第四天",
"No Maintenance": "无维护计划",
pauseMaintenanceMsg: "确定要暂停吗?",
"maintenanceStatus-under-maintenance": "正在维护",
"maintenanceStatus-inactive": "未启用",
"maintenanceStatus-scheduled": "已计划",
"maintenanceStatus-ended": "已结束",
"maintenanceStatus-unknown": "未知",
"Display Timezone": "显示时区",
"Server Timezone": "服务器时区",
statusPageMaintenanceEndDate: "结束时间",
IconUrl: "图标 URL",
"Enable DNS Cache": "启用 DNS 缓存",
Enable: "启用",
Disable: "禁用",
dnsCacheDescription: "可能无法在某些 IPv6 环境工作,如果遇到问题请禁用。",
"Single Maintenance Window": "单一时间窗口",
"Maintenance Time Window of a Day": "每日维护时间窗口",
"Effective Date Range": "生效日期范围",
"Schedule Maintenance": "计划维护",
"Date and Time": "日期时间",
"DateTime Range": "日期时间范围",
Strategy: "策略",
"Free Mobile User Identifier": "Free Mobile User Identifier",
"Free Mobile API Key": "Free Mobile API Key",
"Enable TLS": "启用 TLS",
"Proto Service Name": "Proto 服务名称",
"Proto Method": "Proto 方法",
"Proto Content": "Proto 内容",
Economy: "经济",
Lowcost: "低价",
high: "高价",
"General Monitor Type": "常规监控类型",
"Passive Monitor Type": "被动监控类型",
"Specific Monitor Type": "针对监控类型",