Add instructions to manage filenames with whitespaces

Uggla 2016-01-19 20:08:49 +01:00
parent b71341d816
commit b1c5c32c53
1 changed files with 3 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ Notes:
cat hosts | xargs -I{} ssh root@{} hostname
- Use null character delimiter to manage filenames with whitespaces, example `locate -0 patern | xargs -0 ls -al` or `find / -print0 -type d | xargs -0 ls -al`.
To iterate on filenames containing whitespaces in a for loop, set your IFS to only '\n' using `IFS=$'\n'`.
- `pstree -p` is a helpful display of the process tree.
- Use `pgrep` and `pkill` to find or signal processes by name (`-f` is helpful).