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# -*- coding: ascii -*-
# Util/asn1.py : Minimal support for ASN.1 DER binary encoding.
# ===================================================================
# The contents of this file are dedicated to the public domain. To
# the extent that dedication to the public domain is not available,
# everyone is granted a worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free,
# non-exclusive license to exercise all rights associated with the
# contents of this file for any purpose whatsoever.
# No rights are reserved.
# ===================================================================
import struct
from Crypto.Util.py3compat import byte_string, b, bchr, bord
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes, bytes_to_long
__all__ = ['DerObject', 'DerInteger', 'DerOctetString', 'DerNull',
'DerSequence', 'DerObjectId', 'DerBitString', 'DerSetOf']
def _is_number(x, only_non_negative=False):
test = 0
test = x + test
except TypeError:
return False
return not only_non_negative or x >= 0
class BytesIO_EOF(object):
"""This class differs from BytesIO in that a ValueError exception is
raised whenever EOF is reached."""
def __init__(self, initial_bytes):
self._buffer = initial_bytes
self._index = 0
self._bookmark = None
def set_bookmark(self):
self._bookmark = self._index
def data_since_bookmark(self):
assert self._bookmark is not None
return self._buffer[self._bookmark:self._index]
def remaining_data(self):
return len(self._buffer) - self._index
def read(self, length):
new_index = self._index + length
if new_index > len(self._buffer):
raise ValueError("Not enough data for DER decoding: expected %d bytes and found %d" % (new_index, len(self._buffer)))
result = self._buffer[self._index:new_index]
self._index = new_index
return result
def read_byte(self):
return bord(self.read(1)[0])
class DerObject(object):
"""Base class for defining a single DER object.
This class should never be directly instantiated.
def __init__(self, asn1Id=None, payload=b'', implicit=None,
constructed=False, explicit=None):
"""Initialize the DER object according to a specific ASN.1 type.
asn1Id : integer
The universal DER tag number for this object
(e.g. 0x10 for a SEQUENCE).
If None, the tag is not known yet.
payload : byte string
The initial payload of the object (that it,
the content octets).
If not specified, the payload is empty.
implicit : integer
The IMPLICIT tag number to use for the encoded object.
It overrides the universal tag *asn1Id*.
constructed : bool
True when the ASN.1 type is *constructed*.
False when it is *primitive*.
explicit : integer
The EXPLICIT tag number to use for the encoded object.
if asn1Id is None:
# The tag octet will be read in with ``decode``
self._tag_octet = None
asn1Id = self._convertTag(asn1Id)
self.payload = payload
# In a BER/DER identifier octet:
# * bits 4-0 contain the tag value
# * bit 5 is set if the type is 'constructed'
# and unset if 'primitive'
# * bits 7-6 depend on the encoding class
# Class | Bit 7, Bit 6
# ----------------------------------
# universal | 0 0
# application | 0 1
# context-spec | 1 0 (default for IMPLICIT/EXPLICIT)
# private | 1 1
if None not in (explicit, implicit):
raise ValueError("Explicit and implicit tags are"
" mutually exclusive")
if implicit is not None:
self._tag_octet = 0x80 | 0x20 * constructed | self._convertTag(implicit)
if explicit is not None:
self._tag_octet = 0xA0 | self._convertTag(explicit)
self._inner_tag_octet = 0x20 * constructed | asn1Id
self._tag_octet = 0x20 * constructed | asn1Id
def _convertTag(self, tag):
"""Check if *tag* is a real DER tag.
Convert it from a character to number if necessary.
if not _is_number(tag):
if len(tag) == 1:
tag = bord(tag[0])
# Ensure that tag is a low tag
if not (_is_number(tag) and 0 <= tag < 0x1F):
raise ValueError("Wrong DER tag")
return tag
def _definite_form(length):
"""Build length octets according to BER/DER
definite form.
if length > 127:
encoding = long_to_bytes(length)
return bchr(len(encoding) + 128) + encoding
return bchr(length)
def encode(self):
"""Return this DER element, fully encoded as a binary byte string."""
# Concatenate identifier octets, length octets,
# and contents octets
output_payload = self.payload
# In case of an EXTERNAL tag, first encode the inner
# element.
if hasattr(self, "_inner_tag_octet"):
output_payload = (bchr(self._inner_tag_octet) +
self._definite_form(len(self.payload)) +
return (bchr(self._tag_octet) +
self._definite_form(len(output_payload)) +
def _decodeLen(self, s):
"""Decode DER length octets from a file."""
length = s.read_byte()
if length > 127:
encoded_length = s.read(length & 0x7F)
if bord(encoded_length[0]) == 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid DER: length has leading zero")
length = bytes_to_long(encoded_length)
if length <= 127:
raise ValueError("Invalid DER: length in long form but smaller than 128")
return length
def decode(self, der_encoded, strict=False):
"""Decode a complete DER element, and re-initializes this
object with it.
der_encoded (byte string): A complete DER element.
ValueError: in case of parsing errors.
if not byte_string(der_encoded):
raise ValueError("Input is not a byte string")
s = BytesIO_EOF(der_encoded)
self._decodeFromStream(s, strict)
# There shouldn't be other bytes left
if s.remaining_data() > 0:
raise ValueError("Unexpected extra data after the DER structure")
return self
def _decodeFromStream(self, s, strict):
"""Decode a complete DER element from a file."""
idOctet = s.read_byte()
if self._tag_octet is not None:
if idOctet != self._tag_octet:
raise ValueError("Unexpected DER tag")
self._tag_octet = idOctet
length = self._decodeLen(s)
self.payload = s.read(length)
# In case of an EXTERNAL tag, further decode the inner
# element.
if hasattr(self, "_inner_tag_octet"):
p = BytesIO_EOF(self.payload)
inner_octet = p.read_byte()
if inner_octet != self._inner_tag_octet:
raise ValueError("Unexpected internal DER tag")
length = self._decodeLen(p)
self.payload = p.read(length)
# There shouldn't be other bytes left
if p.remaining_data() > 0:
raise ValueError("Unexpected extra data after the DER structure")
class DerInteger(DerObject):
"""Class to model a DER INTEGER.
An example of encoding is::
>>> from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerInteger
>>> from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
>>> int_der = DerInteger(9)
>>> print hexlify(int_der.encode())
which will show ``020109``, the DER encoding of 9.
And for decoding::
>>> s = unhexlify(b'020109')
>>> try:
>>> int_der = DerInteger()
>>> int_der.decode(s)
>>> print int_der.value
>>> except ValueError:
>>> print "Not a valid DER INTEGER"
the output will be ``9``.
:ivar value: The integer value
:vartype value: integer
def __init__(self, value=0, implicit=None, explicit=None):
"""Initialize the DER object as an INTEGER.
value : integer
The value of the integer.
implicit : integer
The IMPLICIT tag to use for the encoded object.
It overrides the universal tag for INTEGER (2).
DerObject.__init__(self, 0x02, b'', implicit,
False, explicit)
self.value = value # The integer value
def encode(self):
"""Return the DER INTEGER, fully encoded as a
binary string."""
number = self.value
self.payload = b''
while True:
self.payload = bchr(int(number & 255)) + self.payload
if 128 <= number <= 255:
self.payload = bchr(0x00) + self.payload
if -128 <= number <= 255:
number >>= 8
return DerObject.encode(self)
def decode(self, der_encoded, strict=False):
"""Decode a complete DER INTEGER DER, and re-initializes this
object with it.
der_encoded (byte string): A complete INTEGER DER element.
ValueError: in case of parsing errors.
return DerObject.decode(self, der_encoded, strict=strict)
def _decodeFromStream(self, s, strict):
"""Decode a complete DER INTEGER from a file."""
# Fill up self.payload
DerObject._decodeFromStream(self, s, strict)
if strict:
if len(self.payload) == 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid encoding for DER INTEGER: empty payload")
if len(self.payload) >= 2 and struct.unpack('>H', self.payload[:2])[0] < 0x80:
raise ValueError("Invalid encoding for DER INTEGER: leading zero")
# Derive self.value from self.payload
self.value = 0
bits = 1
for i in self.payload:
self.value *= 256
self.value += bord(i)
bits <<= 8
if self.payload and bord(self.payload[0]) & 0x80:
self.value -= bits
class DerSequence(DerObject):
"""Class to model a DER SEQUENCE.
This object behaves like a dynamic Python sequence.
Sub-elements that are INTEGERs behave like Python integers.
Any other sub-element is a binary string encoded as a complete DER
sub-element (TLV).
An example of encoding is:
>>> from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerSequence, DerInteger
>>> from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
>>> obj_der = unhexlify('070102')
>>> seq_der = DerSequence([4])
>>> seq_der.append(9)
>>> seq_der.append(obj_der.encode())
>>> print hexlify(seq_der.encode())
which will show ``3009020104020109070102``, the DER encoding of the
sequence containing ``4``, ``9``, and the object with payload ``02``.
For decoding:
>>> s = unhexlify(b'3009020104020109070102')
>>> try:
>>> seq_der = DerSequence()
>>> seq_der.decode(s)
>>> print len(seq_der)
>>> print seq_der[0]
>>> print seq_der[:]
>>> except ValueError:
>>> print "Not a valid DER SEQUENCE"
the output will be::
[4, 9, b'\x07\x01\x02']
def __init__(self, startSeq=None, implicit=None):
"""Initialize the DER object as a SEQUENCE.
startSeq : Python sequence
A sequence whose element are either integers or
other DER objects.
implicit : integer
The IMPLICIT tag to use for the encoded object.
It overrides the universal tag for SEQUENCE (16).
DerObject.__init__(self, 0x10, b'', implicit, True)
if startSeq is None:
self._seq = []
self._seq = startSeq
# A few methods to make it behave like a python sequence
def __delitem__(self, n):
del self._seq[n]
def __getitem__(self, n):
return self._seq[n]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self._seq[key] = value
def __setslice__(self, i, j, sequence):
self._seq[i:j] = sequence
def __delslice__(self, i, j):
del self._seq[i:j]
def __getslice__(self, i, j):
return self._seq[max(0, i):max(0, j)]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._seq)
def __iadd__(self, item):
return self
def append(self, item):
return self
def hasInts(self, only_non_negative=True):
"""Return the number of items in this sequence that are
only_non_negative (boolean):
If ``True``, negative integers are not counted in.
items = [x for x in self._seq if _is_number(x, only_non_negative)]
return len(items)
def hasOnlyInts(self, only_non_negative=True):
"""Return ``True`` if all items in this sequence are integers
or non-negative integers.
This function returns False is the sequence is empty,
or at least one member is not an integer.
only_non_negative (boolean):
If ``True``, the presence of negative integers
causes the method to return ``False``."""
return self._seq and self.hasInts(only_non_negative) == len(self._seq)
def encode(self):
"""Return this DER SEQUENCE, fully encoded as a
binary string.
ValueError: if some elements in the sequence are neither integers
nor byte strings.
self.payload = b''
for item in self._seq:
if byte_string(item):
self.payload += item
elif _is_number(item):
self.payload += DerInteger(item).encode()
self.payload += item.encode()
return DerObject.encode(self)
def decode(self, der_encoded, strict=False, nr_elements=None, only_ints_expected=False):
"""Decode a complete DER SEQUENCE, and re-initializes this
object with it.
der_encoded (byte string):
A complete SEQUENCE DER element.
nr_elements (None or integer or list of integers):
The number of members the SEQUENCE can have
only_ints_expected (boolean):
Whether the SEQUENCE is expected to contain only integers.
strict (boolean):
Whether decoding must check for strict DER compliancy.
ValueError: in case of parsing errors.
DER INTEGERs are decoded into Python integers. Any other DER
element is not decoded. Its validity is not checked.
self._nr_elements = nr_elements
result = DerObject.decode(self, der_encoded, strict=strict)
if only_ints_expected and not self.hasOnlyInts():
raise ValueError("Some members are not INTEGERs")
return result
def _decodeFromStream(self, s, strict):
"""Decode a complete DER SEQUENCE from a file."""
self._seq = []
# Fill up self.payload
DerObject._decodeFromStream(self, s, strict)
# Add one item at a time to self.seq, by scanning self.payload
p = BytesIO_EOF(self.payload)
while p.remaining_data() > 0:
der = DerObject()
der._decodeFromStream(p, strict)
# Parse INTEGERs differently
if der._tag_octet != 0x02:
derInt = DerInteger()
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
data = p.data_since_bookmark()
derInt.decode(data, strict=strict)
ok = True
if self._nr_elements is not None:
ok = len(self._seq) in self._nr_elements
except TypeError:
ok = len(self._seq) == self._nr_elements
if not ok:
raise ValueError("Unexpected number of members (%d)"
" in the sequence" % len(self._seq))
class DerOctetString(DerObject):
"""Class to model a DER OCTET STRING.
An example of encoding is:
>>> from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerOctetString
>>> from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
>>> os_der = DerOctetString(b'\\xaa')
>>> os_der.payload += b'\\xbb'
>>> print hexlify(os_der.encode())
which will show ``0402aabb``, the DER encoding for the byte string
For decoding:
>>> s = unhexlify(b'0402aabb')
>>> try:
>>> os_der = DerOctetString()
>>> os_der.decode(s)
>>> print hexlify(os_der.payload)
>>> except ValueError:
>>> print "Not a valid DER OCTET STRING"
the output will be ``aabb``.
:ivar payload: The content of the string
:vartype payload: byte string
def __init__(self, value=b'', implicit=None):
"""Initialize the DER object as an OCTET STRING.
value : byte string
The initial payload of the object.
If not specified, the payload is empty.
implicit : integer
The IMPLICIT tag to use for the encoded object.
It overrides the universal tag for OCTET STRING (4).
DerObject.__init__(self, 0x04, value, implicit, False)
class DerNull(DerObject):
"""Class to model a DER NULL element."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the DER object as a NULL."""
DerObject.__init__(self, 0x05, b'', None, False)
class DerObjectId(DerObject):
"""Class to model a DER OBJECT ID.
An example of encoding is:
>>> from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerObjectId
>>> from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
>>> oid_der = DerObjectId("1.2")
>>> oid_der.value += ".840.113549.1.1.1"
>>> print hexlify(oid_der.encode())
which will show ``06092a864886f70d010101``, the DER encoding for the
RSA Object Identifier ``1.2.840.113549.1.1.1``.
For decoding:
>>> s = unhexlify(b'06092a864886f70d010101')
>>> try:
>>> oid_der = DerObjectId()
>>> oid_der.decode(s)
>>> print oid_der.value
>>> except ValueError:
>>> print "Not a valid DER OBJECT ID"
the output will be ``1.2.840.113549.1.1.1``.
:ivar value: The Object ID (OID), a dot separated list of integers
:vartype value: string
def __init__(self, value='', implicit=None, explicit=None):
"""Initialize the DER object as an OBJECT ID.
value : string
The initial Object Identifier (e.g. "").
implicit : integer
The IMPLICIT tag to use for the encoded object.
It overrides the universal tag for OBJECT ID (6).
explicit : integer
The EXPLICIT tag to use for the encoded object.
DerObject.__init__(self, 0x06, b'', implicit, False, explicit)
self.value = value
def encode(self):
"""Return the DER OBJECT ID, fully encoded as a
binary string."""
comps = [int(x) for x in self.value.split(".")]
if len(comps) < 2:
raise ValueError("Not a valid Object Identifier string")
self.payload = bchr(40*comps[0]+comps[1])
for v in comps[2:]:
if v == 0:
enc = [0]
enc = []
while v:
enc.insert(0, (v & 0x7F) | 0x80)
v >>= 7
enc[-1] &= 0x7F
self.payload += b''.join([bchr(x) for x in enc])
return DerObject.encode(self)
def decode(self, der_encoded, strict=False):
"""Decode a complete DER OBJECT ID, and re-initializes this
object with it.
der_encoded (byte string):
A complete DER OBJECT ID.
strict (boolean):
Whether decoding must check for strict DER compliancy.
ValueError: in case of parsing errors.
return DerObject.decode(self, der_encoded, strict)
def _decodeFromStream(self, s, strict):
"""Decode a complete DER OBJECT ID from a file."""
# Fill up self.payload
DerObject._decodeFromStream(self, s, strict)
# Derive self.value from self.payload
p = BytesIO_EOF(self.payload)
comps = [str(x) for x in divmod(p.read_byte(), 40)]
v = 0
while p.remaining_data():
c = p.read_byte()
v = v*128 + (c & 0x7F)
if not (c & 0x80):
v = 0
self.value = '.'.join(comps)
class DerBitString(DerObject):
"""Class to model a DER BIT STRING.
An example of encoding is:
>>> from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerBitString
>>> from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
>>> bs_der = DerBitString(b'\\xaa')
>>> bs_der.value += b'\\xbb'
>>> print hexlify(bs_der.encode())
which will show ``040300aabb``, the DER encoding for the bit string
For decoding:
>>> s = unhexlify(b'040300aabb')
>>> try:
>>> bs_der = DerBitString()
>>> bs_der.decode(s)
>>> print hexlify(bs_der.value)
>>> except ValueError:
>>> print "Not a valid DER BIT STRING"
the output will be ``aabb``.
:ivar value: The content of the string
:vartype value: byte string
def __init__(self, value=b'', implicit=None, explicit=None):
"""Initialize the DER object as a BIT STRING.
value : byte string or DER object
The initial, packed bit string.
If not specified, the bit string is empty.
implicit : integer
The IMPLICIT tag to use for the encoded object.
It overrides the universal tag for OCTET STRING (3).
explicit : integer
The EXPLICIT tag to use for the encoded object.
DerObject.__init__(self, 0x03, b'', implicit, False, explicit)
# The bitstring value (packed)
if isinstance(value, DerObject):
self.value = value.encode()
self.value = value
def encode(self):
"""Return the DER BIT STRING, fully encoded as a
binary string."""
# Add padding count byte
self.payload = b'\x00' + self.value
return DerObject.encode(self)
def decode(self, der_encoded, strict=False):
"""Decode a complete DER BIT STRING, and re-initializes this
object with it.
der_encoded (byte string): a complete DER BIT STRING.
strict (boolean):
Whether decoding must check for strict DER compliancy.
ValueError: in case of parsing errors.
return DerObject.decode(self, der_encoded, strict)
def _decodeFromStream(self, s, strict):
"""Decode a complete DER BIT STRING DER from a file."""
# Fill-up self.payload
DerObject._decodeFromStream(self, s, strict)
if self.payload and bord(self.payload[0]) != 0:
raise ValueError("Not a valid BIT STRING")
# Fill-up self.value
self.value = b''
# Remove padding count byte
if self.payload:
self.value = self.payload[1:]
class DerSetOf(DerObject):
"""Class to model a DER SET OF.
An example of encoding is:
>>> from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerBitString
>>> from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
>>> so_der = DerSetOf([4,5])
>>> so_der.add(6)
>>> print hexlify(so_der.encode())
which will show ``3109020104020105020106``, the DER encoding
of a SET OF with items 4,5, and 6.
For decoding:
>>> s = unhexlify(b'3109020104020105020106')
>>> try:
>>> so_der = DerSetOf()
>>> so_der.decode(s)
>>> print [x for x in so_der]
>>> except ValueError:
>>> print "Not a valid DER SET OF"
the output will be ``[4, 5, 6]``.
def __init__(self, startSet=None, implicit=None):
"""Initialize the DER object as a SET OF.
startSet : container
The initial set of integers or DER encoded objects.
implicit : integer
The IMPLICIT tag to use for the encoded object.
It overrides the universal tag for SET OF (17).
DerObject.__init__(self, 0x11, b'', implicit, True)
self._seq = []
# All elements must be of the same type (and therefore have the
# same leading octet)
self._elemOctet = None
if startSet:
for e in startSet:
def __getitem__(self, n):
return self._seq[n]
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._seq)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._seq)
def add(self, elem):
"""Add an element to the set.
elem (byte string or integer):
An element of the same type of objects already in the set.
It can be an integer or a DER encoded object.
if _is_number(elem):
eo = 0x02
elif isinstance(elem, DerObject):
eo = self._tag_octet
eo = bord(elem[0])
if self._elemOctet != eo:
if self._elemOctet is not None:
raise ValueError("New element does not belong to the set")
self._elemOctet = eo
if elem not in self._seq:
def decode(self, der_encoded, strict=False):
"""Decode a complete SET OF DER element, and re-initializes this
object with it.
DER INTEGERs are decoded into Python integers. Any other DER
element is left undecoded; its validity is not checked.
der_encoded (byte string): a complete DER BIT SET OF.
strict (boolean):
Whether decoding must check for strict DER compliancy.
ValueError: in case of parsing errors.
return DerObject.decode(self, der_encoded, strict)
def _decodeFromStream(self, s, strict):
"""Decode a complete DER SET OF from a file."""
self._seq = []
# Fill up self.payload
DerObject._decodeFromStream(self, s, strict)
# Add one item at a time to self.seq, by scanning self.payload
p = BytesIO_EOF(self.payload)
setIdOctet = -1
while p.remaining_data() > 0:
der = DerObject()
der._decodeFromStream(p, strict)
# Verify that all members are of the same type
if setIdOctet < 0:
setIdOctet = der._tag_octet
if setIdOctet != der._tag_octet:
raise ValueError("Not all elements are of the same DER type")
# Parse INTEGERs differently
if setIdOctet != 0x02:
derInt = DerInteger()
derInt.decode(p.data_since_bookmark(), strict)
# end
def encode(self):
"""Return this SET OF DER element, fully encoded as a
binary string.
# Elements in the set must be ordered in lexicographic order
ordered = []
for item in self._seq:
if _is_number(item):
bys = DerInteger(item).encode()
elif isinstance(item, DerObject):
bys = item.encode()
bys = item
self.payload = b''.join(ordered)
return DerObject.encode(self)