
110 lines
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# Created on 2013.05.31
# Author: Giovanni Cannata
# Copyright 2013 - 2020 Giovanni Cannata
# This file is part of ldap3.
# ldap3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ldap3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with ldap3 in the COPYING and COPYING.LESSER files.
# If not, see <>.
from pyasn1.type.univ import OctetString
from pyasn1.type.base import Asn1Item
from ..core.results import RESULT_CODES
from ..protocol.rfc4511 import ExtendedRequest, RequestName, ResultCode, RequestValue
from ..protocol.convert import referrals_to_list
from ..utils.asn1 import encode
from ..utils.conv import to_unicode
# ExtendedRequest ::= [APPLICATION 23] SEQUENCE {
# requestName [0] LDAPOID,
# requestValue [1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL }
def extended_operation(request_name,
request = ExtendedRequest()
request['requestName'] = RequestName(request_name)
if request_value and isinstance(request_value, Asn1Item):
request['requestValue'] = RequestValue(encode(request_value))
elif str is not bytes and isinstance(request_value, (bytes, bytearray)): # in Python 3 doesn't try to encode a byte value
request['requestValue'] = request_value
elif request_value and no_encode: # doesn't encode the value
request['requestValue'] = request_value
elif request_value: # tries to encode as a octet string
request['requestValue'] = RequestValue(encode(OctetString(str(request_value))))
# elif request_value is not None:
# raise LDAPExtensionError('unable to encode value for extended operation')
return request
def extended_request_to_dict(request):
# return {'name': str(request['requestName']), 'value': bytes(request['requestValue']) if request['requestValue'] else None}
return {'name': str(request['requestName']), 'value': bytes(request['requestValue']) if 'requestValue' in request and request['requestValue'] is not None and request['requestValue'].hasValue() else None}
def extended_response_to_dict(response):
return {'result': int(response['resultCode']),
'dn': str(response['matchedDN']),
'message': str(response['diagnosticMessage']),
'description': ResultCode().getNamedValues().getName(response['resultCode']),
'referrals': referrals_to_list(response['referral']),
'responseName': str(response['responseName']) if response['responseName'] is not None and response['responseName'].hasValue() else str(),
'responseValue': bytes(response['responseValue']) if response['responseValue'] is not None and response['responseValue'].hasValue() else bytes()}
def intermediate_response_to_dict(response):
return {'responseName': str(response['responseName']),
'responseValue': bytes(response['responseValue']) if response['responseValue'] else bytes()}
def extended_response_to_dict_fast(response):
response_dict = dict()
response_dict['result'] = int(response[0][3]) # resultCode
response_dict['description'] = RESULT_CODES[response_dict['result']]
response_dict['dn'] = to_unicode(response[1][3], from_server=True) # matchedDN
response_dict['message'] = to_unicode(response[2][3], from_server=True) # diagnosticMessage
response_dict['referrals'] = None # referrals
response_dict['responseName'] = None # referrals
response_dict['responseValue'] = None # responseValue
for r in response[3:]:
if r[2] == 3: # referrals
response_dict['referrals'] = referrals_to_list(r[3]) # referrals
elif r[2] == 10: # responseName
response_dict['responseName'] = to_unicode(r[3], from_server=True)
response_dict['responseValue'] = b'' # responseValue could be empty
else: # responseValue (11)
response_dict['responseValue'] = bytes(r[3])
return response_dict
def intermediate_response_to_dict_fast(response):
response_dict = dict()
for r in response:
if r[2] == 0: # responseName
response_dict['responseName'] = to_unicode(r[3], from_server=True)
else: # responseValue (1)
response_dict['responseValue'] = bytes(r[3])
return response_dict