#ifndef __EX_THREAD_H__ #define __EX_THREAD_H__ #include "ex_str.h" #include #ifdef EX_OS_WIN32 # include typedef HANDLE EX_THREAD_HANDLE; #else # include typedef pthread_t EX_THREAD_HANDLE; #endif class ExThreadManager; class ExThreadBase { public: ExThreadBase(const char* thread_name); virtual ~ExThreadBase(); bool is_running() { return m_is_running; } // 创建并启动线程(执行被重载了的run()函数) bool start(); // 结束线程(等待wait_timeout_ms毫秒,如果wait_timeout_ms为0,则无限等待) bool stop(); // 直接结束线程(强杀,不建议使用) bool terminate(); protected: // main loop of this thread. virtual void _thread_loop() = 0; // called by another thread when thread ready to stop. virtual void _on_stop() {}; // called inside thread when thread fully stopped. virtual void _on_stopped() {}; #ifdef EX_OS_WIN32 static unsigned int WINAPI _thread_func(LPVOID lpParam); #else static void* _thread_func(void * pParam); #endif protected: ex_astr m_thread_name; EX_THREAD_HANDLE m_handle; bool m_is_running; bool m_need_stop; }; // 线程锁(进程内使用) class ExThreadLock { public: ExThreadLock(); virtual ~ExThreadLock(); void lock(); void unlock(); private: #ifdef EX_OS_WIN32 CRITICAL_SECTION m_locker; #else pthread_mutex_t m_locker; #endif }; // 线程锁辅助类 class ExThreadSmartLock { public: ExThreadSmartLock(ExThreadLock& lock) : m_lock(lock) { m_lock.lock(); } ~ExThreadSmartLock() { m_lock.unlock(); } private: ExThreadLock& m_lock; }; typedef std::list ex_threads; class ExThreadManager { friend class ExThreadBase; public: ExThreadManager(); virtual ~ExThreadManager(); void stop_all(); //private: void add(ExThreadBase* tb); void remove(ExThreadBase* tb); private: ExThreadLock m_lock; ex_threads m_threads; }; // 原子操作 int ex_atomic_add(volatile int* pt, int t); int ex_atomic_inc(volatile int* pt); int ex_atomic_dec(volatile int* pt); // 线程相关操作 ex_u64 ex_get_thread_id(); #endif // __EX_THREAD_H__