# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys import time import stat from core.env import env import core.colorconsole as cc import core.utils as utils class InstallerBase: def __init__(self): self._all_ok = True self._err_msg = list() self._is_installed = False self._install_path = '' self._config_path = '' self._data_path = '' self._log_path = '' self._installed_ver_str = 'UNKNOWN' self._current_ver = 'UNKNOWN' self._def_install_path = '' ver_file = os.path.join(env.root_path, 'data', 'www', 'teleport', 'webroot', 'app', 'app_ver.py') try: with open(ver_file, 'r') as f: x = f.readlines() for i in x: s = i.split('=', 1) if 'TP_SERVER_VER' == s[0].strip(): self._current_ver = s[1].strip()[1:-1] break except FileNotFoundError: raise RuntimeError('Cannot detect installer version.') def _init(self): _width = 79 cc.v('') cc.v('[]{}[]'.format('=' * (_width - 4))) _str = 'Teleport Server Installation' cc.o((cc.CR_VERBOSE, ' | '), (cc.CR_VERBOSE, _str), (cc.CR_VERBOSE, '{}|'.format(' ' * (_width - 5 - len(_str))))) cc.v(' |{}|'.format('=' * (_width - 4))) cc.o((cc.CR_VERBOSE, ' | ver: '), (cc.CR_ERROR, self._current_ver), (cc.CR_VERBOSE, '{}|'.format(' ' * (_width - 13 - len(self._current_ver))))) _str = 'author: apex.liu@qq.com' cc.v(' | {}{}|'.format(_str, ' ' * (_width - 5 - len(_str)))) cc.v('[]{}[]'.format('=' * (_width - 4))) cc.v('') cc.v('Welcome to install Teleport Server!') cc.v('') cc.o((cc.CR_VERBOSE, 'NOTICE: There are a few steps need you enter information or make choice,\n' ' if you want to use the DEFAULT choice, just press `Enter` key.')) cc.o((cc.CR_VERBOSE, ' Otherwise you need enter the '), (cc.CR_ERROR, 'highlight character'), (cc.CR_VERBOSE, ' to make choice.')) cc.v('') cc.v('') cc.v('Prepare installation...') self._check_installation() self._check_installation_ver() cc.v('') def run(self): self._init() if not self._is_installed: self._do_install() else: cc.v('') cc.v('Found teleport server have installed at `{}` already.'.format(self._install_path)) while True: x = self._prompt_choice('What are you wanna to do?', [('upgrade', 2, True), ('uninstall', 0, False), ('quit', 0, False)]) if x in ['q', 'quit']: break elif x in ['u', 'uninstall']: self._do_uninstall() break elif x in ['g', 'upgrade']: self._do_upgrade() break def _do_install(self): while True: cc.v('') self._install_path = self._prompt_input('Set installation path', self._def_install_path) _use_anyway = False if os.path.exists(self._install_path): while True: cc.v('') x = self._prompt_choice( 'The target path `{}` has already exists,\ndo you want to use it anyway?'.format( self._install_path), [('Yes', 0, True), ('No', 0, False)]) if x in ['y', 'yes']: _use_anyway = True break elif x in ['n', 'no']: break if _use_anyway: break else: break self._fix_path() utils.make_dirs(self._install_path) self._copy_files() self._install_service() self._start_service() time.sleep(2) self._check_service() def _do_uninstall(self): if not self._is_installed: return _del_settings = False while True: cc.v('') x = self._prompt_choice('Do you want to keep your database and settings?', [('Yes', 0, True), ('No', 0, False)]) if x in ['y', 'yes']: break elif x in ['n', 'no']: _del_settings = True break if _del_settings: while True: cc.v('') x = self._prompt_choice('Seriously!! Are you sure to remove all data and settings?', [('Yes', 0, False), ('No', 0, True)]) if x in ['y', 'yes']: break elif x in ['n', 'no']: _del_settings = False break self._stop_service() time.sleep(2) self._uninstall_service() self._delete_files(_del_settings) def _do_upgrade(self): x = self._ver_compare(self._current_ver, self._installed_ver_str) if x == 0: while True: cc.v('') x = self._prompt_choice( 'The same version `{}` installed, are you sure to overwrite?'.format(self._current_ver), [('Yes', 0, False), ('No', 0, True)]) if x in ['y', 'yes']: break elif x in ['n', 'no']: return elif x < 0: while True: cc.v('') x = self._prompt_choice( 'A new version `{}` installed, rollback to old version `{}` may cause Teleport Server not functionally.\nAre you sure to rollback to old version?'.format( self._installed_ver_str, self._current_ver), [('Yes', 0, False), ('No', 0, True)]) if x in ['y', 'yes']: break elif x in ['n', 'no']: return else: while True: cc.v('') x = self._prompt_choice( 'Now upgrade from version `{}` to `{}`, \nAre you sure to upgrade to new version?'.format( self._installed_ver_str, self._current_ver), [('Yes', 0, False), ('No', 0, True)]) if x in ['y', 'yes']: break elif x in ['n', 'no']: return while True: cc.v('') x = self._prompt_choice('Make sure you have backup your database and settings.\nAre you sure to continue?', [('Yes', 0, False), ('No', 0, True)]) x = x.lower() if x in ['y', 'yes']: break elif x in ['n', 'yes']: return self._stop_service() time.sleep(2) self._uninstall_service() self._delete_files(False) time.sleep(1) self._copy_files() self._install_service() self._start_service() time.sleep(2) self._check_service() @staticmethod def _prompt_choice(message, choices): cc.v('{} ['.format(message), end='') def_choice = '' for i in range(len(choices)): if i > 0: cc.v('/', end='') msg = choices[i][0] idx = choices[i][1] if choices[i][2]: msg = msg.upper() def_choice = msg[idx] cc.v(msg[:idx], end='') cc.e(msg[idx], end='') cc.v(msg[idx + 1:], end='') else: msg = msg.lower() cc.v(msg[:idx], end='') cc.e(msg[idx], end='') cc.v(msg[idx + 1:], end='') cc.v(']: ', end='') try: x = input().strip() if len(x) == 0: x = def_choice except EOFError: x = def_choice return x.lower() @staticmethod def _prompt_input(message, def_value): cc.v('{} ['.format(message), end='') cc.w(def_value, end='') cc.v(']: ', end='') try: x = input().strip() if len(x) == 0: x = def_value except EOFError: x = def_value return x @staticmethod def _ver_compare(left, right): l = left.split('.') r = right.split('.') len_l = len(l) len_r = len(r) if len_l < len_r: for i in range(len_r - len_l): l.append('0') elif len_l > len_r: for i in range(len_l - len_r): r.append('0') cnt = len(l) for i in range(cnt): if int(l[i]) < int(r[i]): return -1 elif int(l[i]) > int(r[i]): return 1 return 0 def _check_installation(self): raise RuntimeError('`check_installation` not implement.') def _check_installation_ver(self): if not self._is_installed: return # try to get the installed version from www/teleport/app/eom_ver.py cc.o(' - check installed version ... ', end='') ver_file = os.path.join(self._install_path, 'www', 'teleport', 'webroot', 'app', 'app_ver.py') try: with open(ver_file) as f: x = f.readlines() for i in x: s = i.split('=', 1) if 'TP_SERVER_VER' == s[0].strip(): self._installed_ver_str = s[1].strip()[1:-1] cc.i('[{}]'.format(self._installed_ver_str)) # self._installed_ver = self._ver_str_to_ver(self._installed_ver_str) break except FileNotFoundError: cc.e('[failed]') cc.e(' the installation maybe broken') def _fix_path(self): raise RuntimeError('`_fix_path` not implement.') def _copy_files(self): raise RuntimeError('`copy_files` not implement.') def _delete_files(self, del_settings): raise RuntimeError('`delete_files` not implement.') def _install_service(self): raise RuntimeError('`install_service` not implement.') def _start_service(self): raise RuntimeError('`start_service` not implement.') def _stop_service(self): raise RuntimeError('`stop_service` not implement.') def _uninstall_service(self): raise RuntimeError('`uninstall_service` not implement.') def _check_service(self): raise RuntimeError('`check_service` not implement.') class InstallerWin(InstallerBase): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._core_service_name = 'Teleport Core Service' self._web_service_name = 'Teleport Web Service' self._old_core_service_name = 'EOM Teleport Core Service' self._old_web_service_name = 'EOM Teleport Web Service' self._def_install_path = r'{}\teleport-server'.format(os.environ['SystemDrive']) def _get_service_exec(self, service_name): _err, _ = utils.sys_exec(r'sc query "{}"'.format(service_name)) if 1060 == _err: return None else: _err, _o = utils.sys_exec(r'sc qc "{}"'.format(service_name)) if _err != 0: raise RuntimeError('Can not get execute file path of service `{}`.'.format(service_name)) for i in _o: _x = i.split(':', 1) if 'BINARY_PATH_NAME' == _x[0].strip(): _path = _x[1].strip() return _path return None def _check_installation(self): cc.o(' - check local installation ... ', end='') _check_service_name = [self._old_core_service_name, self._old_web_service_name, self._core_service_name, self._web_service_name] for _service_name in _check_service_name: _exec_file = self._get_service_exec(_service_name) if _exec_file is not None: self._is_installed = True self._install_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(_exec_file), '..')) break if self._is_installed: cc.i('[{}]'.format(self._install_path)) self._fix_path() else: cc.i('[not exists]') return def _fix_path(self): self._data_path = os.path.join(self._install_path, 'data') self._config_path = os.path.join(self._data_path, 'etc') self._log_path = os.path.join(self._data_path, 'log') def _copy_files(self): utils.copy_ex(os.path.join(env.src_path, 'bin'), os.path.join(self._install_path, 'bin')) utils.copy_ex(os.path.join(env.src_path, 'www'), os.path.join(self._install_path, 'www')) if not os.path.exists(self._config_path): utils.copy_ex(os.path.join(env.src_path, 'tmp', 'etc'), self._config_path) def _delete_files(self, del_settings): utils.remove(os.path.join(self._install_path, 'bin')) utils.remove(os.path.join(self._install_path, 'www')) if del_settings: utils.remove(self._data_path) # utils.remove(self._config_path) # utils.remove(self._log_path) # only remove the installation path when it empty. try: os.rmdir(self._install_path) except OSError: pass def _install_service(self): cc.o(' - install teleport core service ... ', end='') _core = os.path.join(self._install_path, 'bin', 'tp_core.exe') _err, _ = utils.sys_exec(r'"{}" -i'.format(_core)) if _err == 0 or _err == 1: cc.i('[done]') else: cc.e('[failed]') raise RuntimeError('Install core service failed. error code: {}'.format(_err)) cc.o(' - install teleport web service ... ', end='') _core = os.path.join(self._install_path, 'bin', 'tp_web.exe') _err, _ = utils.sys_exec(r'"{}" -i'.format(_core)) if _err == 0 or _err == 1: cc.i('[done]') else: cc.e('[failed]') raise RuntimeError('Install web service failed. error code: {}'.format(_err)) return True def _start_service(self): cc.o(' - start teleport core service ... ', end='') _err, _o = utils.sys_exec(r'sc start "{}"'.format(self._core_service_name)) # print('start core', _err, _o) if _err == 0: cc.i('[done]') else: cc.e('[failed]') raise RuntimeError('Can not start core service.') cc.o(' - start teleport web service ...', end='') _err, _ = utils.sys_exec(r'sc start "{}"'.format(self._web_service_name)) if _err == 0: cc.i('[done]') else: cc.e('[failed]') raise RuntimeError('Can not start web service.') def _stop_service(self): _check_service_name = [self._old_core_service_name, self._old_web_service_name, self._core_service_name, self._web_service_name] for _service_name in _check_service_name: cc.o(' - stop service [{}] ... '.format(_service_name), end='') _err, _ = utils.sys_exec(r'sc stop "{}"'.format(_service_name)) if _err == 1060 or _err == 1062 or _err == 0: cc.i('[done]') elif _err == 1072: cc.e('[failed]') raise RuntimeError('can not stop service [{}]. please close Service Manager and try again.'.format(_service_name)) else: cc.e('[failed]') raise RuntimeError('can not stop service [{}].'.format(_service_name)) def _uninstall_service(self): _check_service_name = [self._old_core_service_name, self._old_web_service_name, self._core_service_name, self._web_service_name] for _service_name in _check_service_name: cc.o(' - remove service [{}] ... '.format(_service_name), end='') _err, _ = utils.sys_exec(r'sc delete "{}"'.format(_service_name)) if _err == 1060 or _err == 0: cc.i('[done]') elif _err == 1072: cc.e('[failed]') raise RuntimeError('can not remove service [{}]. please close Service Manager and try again.'.format(_service_name)) else: cc.e('[failed]') raise RuntimeError('can not remove service [{}].'.format(_service_name)) def _check_service(self): cc.o(' - check teleport core service status ... ', end='') _err, _o = utils.sys_exec(r'sc query "{}"'.format(self._core_service_name)) if _err == 1060 or _err == 0: cc.i('[running]') else: cc.e('[not running]') cc.o(' - check teleport web service status ... ', end='') _err, _o = utils.sys_exec(r'sc query "{}"'.format(self._web_service_name)) if _err == 1060 or _err == 0: cc.i('[running]') else: cc.e('[not running]') class InstallerLinux(InstallerBase): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._def_install_path = '/usr/local/teleport' def _check_installation(self): cc.o(' - check local installation ... ', end='') # old version, the daemon named `eom_ts`. # from, the daemon rename to `teleport`. # we must check both. if os.path.exists('/etc/init.d/eom_ts'): self._is_installed = True self._install_path = '/usr/local/eom/teleport' # self._fix_path() elif os.path.exists('/etc/init.d/teleport'): self._is_installed = True self._install_path = '/usr/local/teleport' with open('/etc/init.d/teleport', 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for l in lines: if l.startswith('DAEMON_PATH='): l = l.replace('\r', '') l = l.replace('\n', '') x = l.split('=') self._install_path = x[1] break # self._fix_path() if self._is_installed: cc.i('[{}]'.format(self._install_path)) self._fix_path() else: cc.i('[not exists]') return def _fix_path(self): # self._config_path = '/etc/teleport' # self._data_path = os.path.join('/var/lib/teleport') # self._log_path = os.path.join('/var/log/teleport') self._data_path = os.path.join(self._install_path, 'data') self._config_path = os.path.join(self._data_path, 'etc') self._log_path = os.path.join(self._data_path, 'log') def _copy_files(self): utils.copy_ex(os.path.join(env.src_path, 'bin'), os.path.join(self._install_path, 'bin')) utils.copy_ex(os.path.join(env.src_path, 'www'), os.path.join(self._install_path, 'www')) if not os.path.exists(self._config_path): utils.copy_ex(os.path.join(env.src_path, 'tmp', 'etc'), self._config_path) def _delete_files(self, del_settings): utils.remove(os.path.join(self._install_path, 'bin')) utils.remove(os.path.join(self._install_path, 'www')) utils.remove(os.path.join(self._install_path, 'start.sh')) utils.remove(os.path.join(self._install_path, 'stop.sh')) utils.remove(os.path.join(self._install_path, 'status.sh')) # only remove the installation path when it empty. try: os.rmdir(self._install_path) except OSError: pass # maybe the install path not empty. if del_settings: utils.remove(self._data_path) # utils.remove(self._config_path) # utils.remove(self._log_path) def _install_service(self): daemon_files = [ ['daemon.in', '/etc/init.d/teleport'], ['start.sh.in', os.path.join(self._install_path, 'start.sh')], ['stop.sh.in', os.path.join(self._install_path, 'stop.sh')], ['status.sh.in', os.path.join(self._install_path, 'status.sh')], ] for _d in daemon_files: cc.v('process [{}] to [{}]'.format(_d[0], _d[1])) _orig_file = os.path.join(env.root_path, 'daemon', _d[0]) with open(_orig_file, 'r') as f: _text = f.read() _text = _text.format(daemon_path=self._install_path) with open(_d[1], 'w') as f: f.write(_text) if not os.path.exists(_d[1]): raise RuntimeError('can not generate daemon file [{}].'.format(_d[1])) # owner: RWX, group: RX, others: RX os.chmod(_d[1], stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH) # create symbolic link os.symlink('/etc/init.d/teleport', '/etc/rc2.d/S95teleport') os.symlink('/etc/init.d/teleport', '/etc/rc3.d/S95teleport') os.symlink('/etc/init.d/teleport', '/etc/rc4.d/S95teleport') os.symlink('/etc/init.d/teleport', '/etc/rc5.d/S95teleport') def _start_service(self): cc.v('') cc.o('start services...') _ret, _ = utils.sys_exec('/etc/init.d/teleport start', direct_output=True) if _ret != 0: raise RuntimeError('not all services started.') def _stop_service(self): cc.o(' - stop teleport core service ... ', end='') # old version, the daemon named `eom_ts`. if os.path.exists('/etc/init.d/eom_ts'): utils.sys_exec('/etc/init.d/eom_ts stop') # from, the daemon rename to `teleport`. if os.path.exists('/etc/init.d/teleport'): utils.sys_exec('/etc/init.d/teleport stop') cc.i('[done]') def _uninstall_service(self): # old version, the daemon named `eom_ts`. utils.remove('/etc/init.d/eom_ts') utils.remove('/etc/rc2.d/S50eom_ts') utils.remove('/etc/rc3.d/S50eom_ts') utils.remove('/etc/rc4.d/S50eom_ts') utils.remove('/etc/rc5.d/S50eom_ts') # from, the daemon rename to `teleport`. utils.remove('/etc/init.d/teleport') utils.remove('/etc/rc2.d/S50teleport') utils.remove('/etc/rc3.d/S50teleport') utils.remove('/etc/rc4.d/S50teleport') utils.remove('/etc/rc5.d/S50teleport') # from, the start order changed from 50 to 95 for MySQL compatible, because start order of MySQL is 64. utils.remove('/etc/rc2.d/S95teleport') utils.remove('/etc/rc3.d/S95teleport') utils.remove('/etc/rc4.d/S95teleport') utils.remove('/etc/rc5.d/S95teleport') def _check_service(self): cc.v('') cc.o('check services status...') utils.sys_exec('/etc/init.d/teleport status', direct_output=True) def _main(): cc.set_default(sep='', end='\n') env.init() if env.is_win: _installer = InstallerWin() elif env.is_linux: _installer = InstallerLinux() else: raise RuntimeError('Sorry, teleport server does not support this platform yet.') _installer.run() def main(): try: _main() cc.v('\n--==[ ALL DONE ]==--\n') return 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: return 1 except RuntimeError as err: cc.v('') cc.v('') cc.e(err.__str__()) cc.v('') return 2 except: cc.f('got exception.') return 3 if __name__ == '__main__': main()