# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import getopt import json import os import platform import sys from builder.core.env import env import builder.core.colorconsole as cc import builder.core.utils as utils from builder.core.context import * if env.is_py2: _input = raw_input else: _input = input options = list() options_idx = 0 ctx = BuildContext() def main(): cc.set_default(sep='', end='\n') if not env.init(warn_miss_tool=True): return action = None argv = sys.argv[1:] if len(argv) >= 1: for i in range(len(argv)): if 'debug' == argv[i]: ctx.set_target(TARGET_DEBUG) elif 'release' == argv[i]: ctx.set_target(TARGET_RELEASE) elif argv[i] in ctx.dist_all: ctx.set_dist(argv[i]) else: action = argv[i] make_options() if action is not None: cc.v(action) opt = select_option_by_name(action) if opt is None: cc.e('unknown config: ', action) return do_opt(opt) return show_logo() while True: x = show_menu() if x == 'q': break if x == 'c': clean_all() continue elif x == 'a': clean_everything() continue elif x == 'e': clean_external() continue try: x = int(x) except: cc.e('invalid input.') continue opt = select_option_by_id(int(x)) if 'config' == opt['name']: if make_config(): make_options() continue if opt is None: cc.e('unknown selection: ', x) continue do_opt(opt) cc.w('\ntask finished, press Enter to continue or Q to quit...', end='') try: x = _input() except EOFError: x = 'q' if x == 'q': break def clean_all(): # cc.e('sorry, clean not implemented yet.') utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'out')) def clean_everything(): utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'out')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'jsoncpp')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'libuv')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'mbedtls')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'mongoose')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'openssl')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'python')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'libssh-win-static', 'lib')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'libssh-win-static', 'src')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'tmp')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libmbedcrypto.a')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libmbedtls.a')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libmbedx509.a')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libsqlite3.a')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libssh.a')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libssh_threads.a')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libuv.a')) def clean_external(): #utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'out')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'jsoncpp')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'libuv')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'mbedtls')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'mongoose')) #utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'openssl')) #utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'python')) #utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'libssh-win-static', 'lib')) #utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'libssh-win-static', 'src')) #utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'tmp')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libmbedcrypto.a')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libmbedtls.a')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libmbedx509.a')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libsqlite3.a')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libssh.a')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libssh_threads.a')) utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libuv.a')) def do_opt(opt): arg = '' if 'ver' == opt['name']: script = 'build-version.py' elif 'pysrt' == opt['name']: script = 'build-pysrt.py' elif 'external' == opt['name']: script = 'build-external.py' arg = '%s %s' % (ctx.target_path, opt['bits']) elif 'server' == opt['name']: script = 'build-server.py' arg = '%s %s server' % (ctx.target_path, opt['bits']) elif 'installer' == opt['name']: script = 'build-installer.py' # arg = 'installer' arg = '%s %s installer' % (ctx.dist, opt['bits']) elif 'assist-exe' == opt['name']: script = 'build-assist.py' arg = '%s %s exe' % (ctx.target_path, opt['bits']) # elif 'assist-rdp' == opt['name']: # script = 'build-assist.py' # arg = '%s rdp' % (opt['bits']) elif 'assist-installer' == opt['name']: script = 'build-assist.py' arg = '%s %s installer' % (ctx.dist, opt['bits']) else: cc.e('unknown option: ', opt['name']) return # cmd = '"%s" -B "%s" %s' % (utils.cfg.py_exec, os.path.join(BUILDER_PATH, script), arg) cmd = '%s -B %s %s' % (env.py_exec, os.path.join(env.builder_path, script), arg) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) def select_option_by_name(name): global options for o in range(len(options)): if options[o] is None: continue if name == options[o]['name']: return options[o] return None def select_option_by_id(_id): global options for o in range(len(options)): if options[o] is None: continue if options[o]['id'] == _id: return options[o] return None def add_option(bits, name, disp): global options, options_idx options_idx += 1 # if bits is not None: # disp = '[%s] %s' % (bits, disp) options.append({'id': options_idx, 'name': name, 'disp': disp, 'bits': bits}) def add_split(): global options options.append(None) def make_options(): # global options, options_idx # # options = list() # options_idx = 0 if ctx.host_os in ['windows', 'macos']: add_option('x86', 'ver', 'Update version setting') add_option('x86', 'pysrt', 'Make Python-Runtime for python%s-x86' % env.py_ver_str) add_option('x64', 'external', 'Build external dependency') add_split() add_option('x86', 'assist-exe', 'Assist Execute [%s]' % ctx.target_path) # add_option('x86', 'assist-rdp', 'Teleport RDP [%s]' % ctx.target_path) add_option('x86', 'assist-installer', 'Assist Installer') add_split() add_option('x86', 'server', 'Teleport Server [%s]' % ctx.target_path) add_split() add_option('x86', 'installer', 'Teleport Installer for %s' % ctx.host_os) else: add_option('x64', 'ver', 'Update version setting') add_option('x64', 'pysrt', 'Make Python-Runtime for python%s-x64' % env.py_ver_str) add_option('x64', 'external', 'Build external dependency') add_split() add_option('x64', 'server', 'Build server app [%s]' % ctx.target_path) add_split() add_option('x64', 'installer', 'Make server installer for %s' % ctx.host_os) def get_input(msg, log_func=cc.w): log_func(msg, end=' ') try: return _input() except EOFError: return '' def show_logo(): cc.v('[]=======================================================[]') cc.o((cc.CR_VERBOSE, ' | '), (cc.CR_INFO, 'Teleport Projects Builder'), (cc.CR_VERBOSE, ' |')) cc.v(' | auth: apex.liu@qq.com |') cc.v('[]=======================================================[]') def show_menu(): cc.v('') cc.v('=========================================================') for o in range(len(options)): if options[o] is None: cc.v(' -------------------------------------------------------') continue cc.o((cc.CR_NORMAL, ' ['), (cc.CR_INFO, '%2d' % options[o]['id']), (cc.CR_NORMAL, '] ', options[o]['disp'])) cc.v(' -------------------------------------------------------') cc.o((cc.CR_NORMAL, ' ['), (cc.CR_INFO, ' E'), (cc.CR_NORMAL, '] clean external temp. files.')) cc.o((cc.CR_NORMAL, ' ['), (cc.CR_INFO, ' C'), (cc.CR_NORMAL, '] clean build and dist.')) cc.o((cc.CR_NORMAL, ' ['), (cc.CR_INFO, ' A'), (cc.CR_NORMAL, '] clean everything.')) cc.v(' -------------------------------------------------------') cc.o((cc.CR_NORMAL, ' ['), (cc.CR_INFO, ' Q'), (cc.CR_NORMAL, '] exit')) cc.w('\nselect action: ', end='') try: x = _input() except EOFError: x = 'q' cc.n('') return x.lower() if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except RuntimeError as e: cc.e(e.__str__()) except: cc.f('got exception.')