#include "stdafx.h" #pragma warning(disable:4091) #include #include #include #include "ts_http_rpc.h" #include "dlg_main.h" #include "ts_ver.h" /* 1. SecureCRT支持设置标签页的标题,命令行参数 /N "tab name"就可以 Example: To launch a new Telnet session, displaying the name "Houston, TX" on the tab, use the following: /T /N "Houston, TX" /TELNET 2. 多次启动的SecureCRT放到一个窗口的不同标签页中,使用参数: /T SecureCRT.exe /T /N "TP#ssh://" /SSH2 /L root /PASSWORD 1234 3. telnet客户端的启动: putty.exe telnet://administrator@ 如果是SecureCRT,则需要 SecureCRT.exe /T /N "TP#telnet://" /SCRIPT X:\path\to\startup.vbs /TELNET 52389 其中,startup.vbs的内容为: ---------文件开始--------- #$language = "VBScript" #$interface = "1.0" Sub main crt.Screen.Synchronous = True crt.Screen.WaitForString "ogin: " crt.Screen.Send "SESSION-ID" & VbCr crt.Screen.Synchronous = False End Sub ---------文件结束--------- 4. 为了让putty的窗口标签显示正常的IP,可以尝试在连接成功后,主动向服务端发送下列命令: PS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@ \w\a\]$PS1" 手工测试了,ubuntu服务器可以,不知道是否能够支持所有的Linux。SecureCRT对此表示忽略。 */ //#define RDP_CLIENT_SYSTEM_BUILTIN // #define RDP_CLIENT_SYSTEM_ACTIVE_CONTROL #define RDP_CLIENT_FREERDP #ifdef RDP_CLIENT_SYSTEM_BUILTIN std::string rdp_content = "\ connect to console:i:%d\n\ screen mode id:i:%d\n\ desktopwidth:i:%d\n\ desktopheight:i:%d\n\ winposstr:s:0,1,%d,%d,%d,%d\n\ full address:s:%s:%d\n\ username:s:%s\n\ prompt for credentials:i:0\n\ use multimon:i:0\n\ authentication level:i:3\n\ session bpp:i:16\n\ compression:i:1\n\ keyboardhook:i:2\n\ audiocapturemode:i:0\n\ negotiate security layer:i:1\n\ videoplaybackmode:i:1\n\ connection type:i:2\n\ prompt for credentials on client:i:0\n\ displayconnectionbar:i:1\n\ disable wallpaper:i:1\n\ allow font smoothing:i:0\n\ allow desktop composition:i:0\n\ disable full window drag:i:1\n\ disable menu anims:i:1\n\ disable themes:i:1\n\ disable cursor setting:i:0\n\ bitmapcachepersistenable:i:1\n\ audiomode:i:0\n\ redirectprinters:i:0\n\ redirectcomports:i:0\n\ redirectsmartcards:i:0\n\ redirectclipboard:i:1\n\ redirectposdevices:i:0\n\ redirectdirectx:i:0\n\ autoreconnection enabled:i:0\n\ drivestoredirect:s:*\n\ "; //password 51:b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n\ //password 51:b:01000000"; #endif TsHttpRpc g_http_interface; void http_rpc_main_loop(void) { if (!g_http_interface.init(TS_HTTP_RPC_HOST, TS_HTTP_RPC_PORT)) { EXLOGE("[ERROR] can not start HTTP-RPC listener, maybe port %d is already in use.\n", TS_HTTP_RPC_PORT); return; } EXLOGW("======================================================\n"); EXLOGW("[rpc] TeleportAssist-HTTP-RPC ready on %s:%d\n", TS_HTTP_RPC_HOST, TS_HTTP_RPC_PORT); g_http_interface.run(); EXLOGW("[rpc] main loop end.\n"); } void http_rpc_stop(void) { g_http_interface.stop(); } #define HEXTOI(x) (isdigit(x) ? x - '0' : x - 'W') int ts_url_decode(const char *src, int src_len, char *dst, int dst_len, int is_form_url_encoded) { int i, j, a, b; for (i = j = 0; i < src_len && j < dst_len - 1; i++, j++) { if (src[i] == '%') { if (i < src_len - 2 && isxdigit(*(const unsigned char *)(src + i + 1)) && isxdigit(*(const unsigned char *)(src + i + 2))) { a = tolower(*(const unsigned char *)(src + i + 1)); b = tolower(*(const unsigned char *)(src + i + 2)); dst[j] = (char)((HEXTOI(a) << 4) | HEXTOI(b)); i += 2; } else { return -1; } } else if (is_form_url_encoded && src[i] == '+') { dst[j] = ' '; } else { dst[j] = src[i]; } } dst[j] = '\0'; /* Null-terminate the destination */ return i >= src_len ? j : -1; } TsHttpRpc::TsHttpRpc() { m_stop = false; mg_mgr_init(&m_mg_mgr, NULL); } TsHttpRpc::~TsHttpRpc() { mg_mgr_free(&m_mg_mgr); } bool TsHttpRpc::init(const char* ip, int port) { char file_name[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; if (!GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, file_name, MAX_PATH)) return false; int len = strlen(file_name); if (file_name[len] == '\\') { file_name[len] = '\0'; } char* match = strrchr(file_name, '\\'); if (match != NULL) { *match = '\0'; } struct mg_connection* nc = NULL; char addr[128] = { 0 }; if (0 == strcmp(ip, "") || 0 == strcmp(ip, "localhost")) sprintf_s(addr, 128, ":%d", port); else sprintf_s(addr, 128, "%s:%d", ip, port); nc = mg_bind(&m_mg_mgr, addr, _mg_event_handler); if (nc == NULL) { EXLOGE("[rpc] TsHttpRpc::init %s:%d\n", ip, port); return false; } nc->user_data = this; mg_set_protocol_http_websocket(nc); m_content_type_map[".js"] = "application/javascript"; m_content_type_map[".png"] = "image/png"; m_content_type_map[".jpeg"] = "image/jpeg"; m_content_type_map[".jpg"] = "image/jpeg"; m_content_type_map[".gif"] = "image/gif"; m_content_type_map[".ico"] = "image/x-icon"; m_content_type_map[".json"] = "image/json"; m_content_type_map[".html"] = "text/html"; m_content_type_map[".css"] = "text/css"; m_content_type_map[".tif"] = "image/tiff"; m_content_type_map[".tiff"] = "image/tiff"; m_content_type_map[".svg"] = "text/html"; return true; } void TsHttpRpc::run(void) { while(!m_stop) { mg_mgr_poll(&m_mg_mgr, 500); } } void TsHttpRpc::stop(void) { m_stop = true; } void TsHttpRpc::_mg_event_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *ev_data) { struct http_message *hm = (struct http_message*)ev_data; TsHttpRpc* _this = (TsHttpRpc*)nc->user_data; if (NULL == _this) { EXLOGE("[ERROR] invalid http request.\n"); return; } switch (ev) { case MG_EV_HTTP_REQUEST: { ex_astr uri; ex_chars _uri; _uri.resize(hm->uri.len + 1); memset(&_uri[0], 0, hm->uri.len + 1); memcpy(&_uri[0], hm->uri.p, hm->uri.len); uri = &_uri[0]; #ifdef EX_DEBUG char* dbg_method = NULL; if (hm->method.len == 3 && 0 == memcmp(hm->method.p, "GET", hm->method.len)) dbg_method = "GET"; else if (hm->method.len == 4 && 0 == memcmp(hm->method.p, "POST", hm->method.len)) dbg_method = "POST"; else dbg_method = "UNSUPPORTED-HTTP-METHOD"; EXLOGV("[rpc] got %s request: %s\n", dbg_method, uri.c_str()); #endif ex_astr ret_buf; bool b_is_index = false; if (uri == "/") { ex_wstr page = L"Teleport助手\n\n
"; ex_wstr2astr(page, ret_buf, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); mg_printf(nc, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n%s", ret_buf.size() - 1, &ret_buf[0]); nc->flags |= MG_F_SEND_AND_CLOSE; return; } else if (uri == "/config") { uri = "/index.html"; b_is_index = true; } { while (true) { int offset = uri.find("/"); if (offset < 0) { break; } uri = uri.replace(offset, 1, "\\"); } ex_astr file_suffix; int offset = uri.rfind("."); if (offset > 0) { file_suffix = uri.substr(offset, uri.length()); } ex_astr temp; ex_wstr2astr(g_env.m_site_path, temp); ex_astr index_path = temp + uri; FILE* file = NULL; //fopen(index_path.c_str(), "rb"); fopen_s(&file, index_path.c_str(), "rb"); unsigned long file_size = 0; char* buf = 0; int ret = 0; if (file) { fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); file_size = ftell(file); buf = new char[file_size]; memset(buf, 0, file_size); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); ret = fread(buf, 1, file_size, file); fclose(file); ex_astr content_type = _this->get_content_type(file_suffix); mg_printf(nc, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: %s\r\n\r\n", file_size, content_type.c_str()); mg_send(nc, buf, file_size); delete []buf; nc->flags |= MG_F_SEND_AND_CLOSE; return; } else if (b_is_index) { ex_wstr page = L"404 Not Found

404 Not Found


"; ex_wstr2astr(page, ret_buf, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); mg_printf(nc, "HTTP/1.0 404 File Not Found\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n%s", ret_buf.size() - 1, &ret_buf[0]); nc->flags |= MG_F_SEND_AND_CLOSE; return; } } ex_astr method; ex_astr json_param; int rv = _this->_parse_request(hm, method, json_param); if (0 != rv) { EXLOGE("[ERROR] http-rpc got invalid request.\n"); _this->_create_json_ret(ret_buf, rv); } else { _this->_process_js_request(method, json_param, ret_buf); } mg_printf(nc, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n%s", ret_buf.size() - 1, &ret_buf[0]); nc->flags |= MG_F_SEND_AND_CLOSE; } break; default: break; } } int TsHttpRpc::_parse_request(struct http_message* req, ex_astr& func_cmd, ex_astr& func_args) { if (NULL == req) return TPE_FAILED; bool is_get = true; if (req->method.len == 3 && 0 == memcmp(req->method.p, "GET", req->method.len)) is_get = true; else if (req->method.len == 4 && 0 == memcmp(req->method.p, "POST", req->method.len)) is_get = false; else return TPE_HTTP_METHOD; ex_astrs strs; size_t pos_start = 1; // 跳过第一个字节,一定是 '/' size_t i = 0; for (i = pos_start; i < req->uri.len; ++i) { if (req->uri.p[i] == '/') { if (i - pos_start > 0) { ex_astr tmp_uri; tmp_uri.assign(req->uri.p + pos_start, i - pos_start); strs.push_back(tmp_uri); } pos_start = i + 1; // 跳过当前找到的分隔符 } } if (pos_start < req->uri.len) { ex_astr tmp_uri; tmp_uri.assign(req->uri.p + pos_start, req->uri.len - pos_start); strs.push_back(tmp_uri); } if (0 == strs.size()) return TPE_PARAM; if (is_get) { if (1 == strs.size()) { func_cmd = strs[0]; } else if (2 == strs.size()) { func_cmd = strs[0]; func_args = strs[1]; } else { return TPE_PARAM; } } else { if (1 == strs.size()) { func_cmd = strs[0]; } else { return TPE_PARAM; } if (req->body.len > 0) { func_args.assign(req->body.p, req->body.len); } } if (func_args.length() > 0) { // 将参数进行 url-decode 解码 int len = func_args.length() * 2; ex_chars sztmp; sztmp.resize(len); memset(&sztmp[0], 0, len); if (-1 == ts_url_decode(func_args.c_str(), func_args.length(), &sztmp[0], len, 0)) return TPE_HTTP_URL_ENCODE; func_args = &sztmp[0]; } EXLOGV("[rpc] method=%s, json_param=%s\n", func_cmd.c_str(), func_args.c_str()); return TPE_OK; } void TsHttpRpc::_process_js_request(const ex_astr& func_cmd, const ex_astr& func_args, ex_astr& buf) { if (func_cmd == "ts_get_version") { _rpc_func_get_version(func_args, buf); } else if (func_cmd == "ts_op") { _rpc_func_create_ts_client(func_args, buf); } else if (func_cmd == "ts_check") { _rpc_func_ts_check(func_args, buf); } else if (func_cmd == "ts_rdp_play") { _rpc_func_ts_rdp_play(func_args, buf); } else if (func_cmd == "ts_get_config") { _rpc_func_get_config(func_args, buf); } else if (func_cmd == "ts_set_config") { _rpc_func_set_config(func_args, buf); } else if (func_cmd == "ts_file_action") { _rpc_func_file_action(func_args, buf); } else { EXLOGE("[rpc] got unknown command: %s\n", func_cmd.c_str()); _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_UNKNOWN_CMD); } } void TsHttpRpc::_create_json_ret(ex_astr& buf, int errcode) { // 返回: {"code":123} Json::FastWriter jr_writer; Json::Value jr_root; jr_root["code"] = errcode; buf = jr_writer.write(jr_root); } void TsHttpRpc::_create_json_ret(ex_astr& buf, Json::Value& jr_root) { Json::FastWriter jr_writer; buf = jr_writer.write(jr_root); } void TsHttpRpc::_rpc_func_create_ts_client(const ex_astr& func_args, ex_astr& buf) { // 入参:{"ip":"","port":22,"uname":"root","uauth":"abcdefg","authmode":1,"protocol":2} // authmode: 1=password, 2=private-key // protocol: 1=rdp, 2=ssh // SSH返回: {"code":0, "data":{"sid":"0123abcde"}} // RDP返回: {"code":0, "data":{"sid":"0123abcde0A"}} Json::Reader jreader; Json::Value jsRoot; if (!jreader.parse(func_args.c_str(), jsRoot)) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_JSON_FORMAT); return; } if (jsRoot.isArray()) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } // 判断参数是否正确 if (!jsRoot["server_ip"].isString() || !jsRoot["size"].isNumeric() || !jsRoot["server_port"].isNumeric() || !jsRoot["host_ip"].isString() || !jsRoot["session_id"].isString() || !jsRoot["pro_type"].isNumeric() ) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } int pro_sub = 1; if (!jsRoot["pro_sub"].isNull()) { if (jsRoot["pro_sub"].isNumeric()) { pro_sub = jsRoot["pro_sub"].asInt(); } } std::string teleport_ip = jsRoot["server_ip"].asCString(); int teleport_port = jsRoot["server_port"].asUInt(); int windows_size = 2; if (jsRoot["size"].isNull()) windows_size = 2; else windows_size = jsRoot["size"].asUInt(); int console = 0; if (jsRoot["console"].isNull()) console = 0; else console = jsRoot["console"].asUInt(); std::string real_host_ip = jsRoot["host_ip"].asCString(); std::string sid = jsRoot["session_id"].asCString(); int pro_type = jsRoot["pro_type"].asUInt(); ex_wstr w_exe_path; WCHAR w_szCommandLine[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; ex_wstr w_sid; ex_astr2wstr(sid, w_sid); ex_wstr w_teleport_ip; ex_astr2wstr(teleport_ip, w_teleport_ip); ex_wstr w_real_host_ip; ex_astr2wstr(real_host_ip, w_real_host_ip); WCHAR w_port[32] = { 0 }; swprintf_s(w_port, _T("%d"), teleport_port); if (pro_type == 1) { //============================================== // RDP //============================================== //#if 1 #if defined(RDP_CLIENT_SYSTEM_ACTIVE_CONTROL) int split_pos = session_id.length() - 2; std::string real_s_id = session_id.substr(0, split_pos); std::string str_pwd_len = session_id.substr(split_pos, session_id.length()); int n_pwd_len = strtol(str_pwd_len.c_str(), NULL, 16); n_pwd_len -= real_s_id.length(); WCHAR w_szPwd[256] = { 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < n_pwd_len; i++) { w_szPwd[i] = '*'; } w_exe_path = g_env.m_tools_path + _T("\\tprdp\\tp_rdp.exe"); ex_wstr w_s_id; ex_astr2str(real_s_id, w_s_id); ex_wstr w_server_ip; ex_astr2str(server_ip, w_server_ip); ex_wstr w_host_ip; ex_astr2str(host_ip, w_host_ip); swprintf_s(w_szCommandLine, _T(" -h%s -u%s -p%s -x%d -d%s -r%d"), w_server_ip.c_str(), w_s_id.c_str(), w_szPwd, host_port, w_host_ip.c_str(), windows_size); // sprintf_s(sz_file_name, ("%s\\%s.rdp"), temp_path, temp_host_ip.c_str()); // FILE* f = fopen(sz_file_name, ("wt")); // if (f == NULL) // { // printf("fopen failed (%d).\n", GetLastError()); // _create_json_ret(buf, TSR_OPENFILE_ERROR); // return; // } // // Write a string into the file. // fwrite(sz_rdp_file_content, strlen(sz_rdp_file_content), 1, f); // fclose(f); // ex_wstr w_sz_file_name; // ex_astr2str(sz_file_name, w_sz_file_name); // swprintf_s(w_szCommandLine, _T("mstsc %s"), w_sz_file_name.c_str()); w_exe_path += w_szCommandLine; //BOOL bRet = DeleteFile(w_sz_file_name.c_str()); #elif defined(RDP_CLIENT_FREERDP) wchar_t* w_screen = NULL; switch (windows_size) { case 0: //全屏 w_screen = _T("/f"); break; case 2: w_screen = _T("/size:1024x768"); break; case 3: w_screen = _T("/size:1280x1024"); break; case 1: default: w_screen = _T("/size:800x600"); break; } int split_pos = sid.length() - 2; std::string real_sid = sid.substr(0, split_pos); std::string str_pwd_len = sid.substr(split_pos, sid.length()); int n_pwd_len = strtol(str_pwd_len.c_str(), NULL, 16); n_pwd_len -= real_sid.length(); WCHAR w_szPwd[256] = { 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < n_pwd_len; i++) { w_szPwd[i] = '*'; } ex_astr2wstr(real_sid, w_sid); w_exe_path = _T("\""); w_exe_path += g_env.m_tools_path + _T("\\tprdp\\tprdp-client.exe\""); // use /gdi:sw otherwise the display will be yellow. if (console != 0) { swprintf_s(w_szCommandLine, _T(" %s /v:{host_ip}:{host_port} /admin /u:{user_name} /p:%s +clipboard /drives /gdi:sw /t:\"TP#{real_ip}\""), w_screen, w_szPwd ); } else { swprintf_s(w_szCommandLine, _T(" %s /v:{host_ip}:{host_port} /u:{user_name} /p:%s +clipboard /drives /gdi:sw /t:\"TP#{real_ip}\""), w_screen, w_szPwd ); } w_exe_path += w_szCommandLine; //#endif #elif defined(RDP_CLIENT_SYSTEM_BUILTIN) int width = 800; int higth = 600; int cx = 0; int cy = 0; int display = 1; int iWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); int iHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); switch (windows_size) { case 0: //全屏 width = iWidth; higth = iHeight; display = 2; break; case 1: { width = 800; higth = 600; display = 1; break; } case 2: { width = 1024; higth = 768; display = 1; break; } case 3: { width = 1280; higth = 1024; display = 1; break; } default: //int iWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); //int iHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); //width = iWidth; //width = iHeight - 50; width = 800; higth = 600; break; } cx = (iWidth - width) / 2; cy = (iHeight - higth) / 2; if (cx < 0) { cx = 0; } if (cy < 0) { cy = 0; } int split_pos = sid.length() - 2; std::string real_sid = sid.substr(0, split_pos); char sz_rdp_file_content[4096] = { 0 }; sprintf_s(sz_rdp_file_content, rdp_content.c_str(), console, display, width, higth , cx, cy, cx + width + 20, cy + higth + 40 , teleport_ip.c_str(), teleport_port , real_sid.c_str() ); char sz_file_name[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; char temp_path[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; DWORD ret = GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, temp_path); if (ret <= 0) { printf("fopen failed (%d).\n", GetLastError()); _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_FAILED); return; } ex_wstr w_s_id; ex_astr2wstr(real_sid, w_s_id); ex_astr temp_host_ip = real_host_ip;// replace_all_distinct(real_host_ip, ("."), "-"); ex_replace_all(temp_host_ip, ".", "-"); sprintf_s(sz_file_name, ("%s%s.rdp"), temp_path, temp_host_ip.c_str()); //FILE* f = fopen(sz_file_name, ("wt")); //if (f == NULL) FILE* f = NULL; if(fopen_s(&f, sz_file_name, "wt") != 0) { printf("fopen failed (%d).\n", GetLastError()); _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_OPENFILE); return; } // Write a string into the file. fwrite(sz_rdp_file_content, strlen(sz_rdp_file_content), 1, f); fclose(f); ex_wstr w_sz_file_name; ex_astr2wstr(sz_file_name, w_sz_file_name); swprintf_s(w_szCommandLine, _T("mstsc \"%s\""), w_sz_file_name.c_str()); w_exe_path = w_szCommandLine; //BOOL bRet = DeleteFile(w_sz_file_name.c_str()); #endif } else if (pro_type == 2) { //============================================== // SSH //============================================== if (pro_sub == 1) { clientsetmap::iterator it = g_cfgSSH.m_clientsetmap.find(g_cfgSSH.m_current_client); if (it == g_cfgSSH.m_clientsetmap.end()) { w_exe_path = _T("\""); w_exe_path += g_env.m_tools_path; w_exe_path += _T("\\putty\\putty.exe\""); w_exe_path += _T(" -ssh -pw **** -P {host_port} -l {user_name} {host_ip}"); } else { w_exe_path = _T("\""); w_exe_path += it->second.path + _T("\" "); w_exe_path += it->second.commandline; } } else { clientsetmap::iterator it = g_cfgScp.m_clientsetmap.find(g_cfgScp.m_current_client); if (it == g_cfgScp.m_clientsetmap.end()) { w_exe_path = _T("\""); w_exe_path += g_env.m_tools_path; w_exe_path += _T("\\winscp\\winscp.exe\""); w_exe_path += _T(" /sessionname=\"TP#{real_ip}\" {user_name}:****@{host_ip}:{host_port}"); } else { w_exe_path = it->second.path + _T(" "); w_exe_path += it->second.commandline; } } } else if (pro_type == 3) { //============================================== // TELNET //============================================== clientsetmap::iterator it = g_cfgTelnet.m_clientsetmap.find(g_cfgTelnet.m_current_client); if (it == g_cfgTelnet.m_clientsetmap.end()) { w_exe_path = _T("\""); w_exe_path += g_env.m_tools_path; w_exe_path += _T("\\putty\\putty.exe\""); w_exe_path += _T(" telnet://{user_name}@{host_ip}:{host_port}"); } else { w_exe_path = _T("\""); w_exe_path += it->second.path + _T("\" "); w_exe_path += it->second.commandline; } } ex_replace_all(w_exe_path, _T("{host_port}"), w_port); ex_replace_all(w_exe_path, _T("{host_ip}"), w_teleport_ip.c_str()); ex_replace_all(w_exe_path, _T("{user_name}"), w_sid.c_str()); ex_replace_all(w_exe_path, _T("{real_ip}"), w_real_host_ip.c_str()); ex_replace_all(w_exe_path, _T("{assist_tools_path}"), g_env.m_tools_path.c_str()); STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi)); Json::Value root_ret; ex_astr utf8_path; ex_wstr2astr(w_exe_path, utf8_path, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); root_ret["path"] = utf8_path; if (!CreateProcess(NULL, (wchar_t *)w_exe_path.c_str(), NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { EXLOGE(_T("CreateProcess() failed. Error=0x%08X.\n %s\n"), GetLastError(), w_exe_path.c_str()); root_ret["code"] = TPE_START_CLIENT; _create_json_ret(buf, root_ret); return; } root_ret["code"] = TPE_OK; _create_json_ret(buf, root_ret); } bool isIPAddress(const char *s) { const char *pChar; bool rv = true; int tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, i; while (1) { i = sscanf_s(s, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &tmp1, &tmp2, &tmp3, &tmp4); if (i != 4) { rv = false; break; } if ((tmp1 > 255) || (tmp2 > 255) || (tmp3 > 255) || (tmp4 > 255)) { rv = false; break; } for (pChar = s; *pChar != 0; pChar++) { if ((*pChar != '.') && ((*pChar < '0') || (*pChar > '9'))) { rv = false; break; } } break; } return rv; } void TsHttpRpc::_rpc_func_ts_check(const ex_astr& func_args, ex_astr& buf) { // 入参:{"ip":"","port":22,"uname":"root","uauth":"abcdefg","authmode":1,"protocol":2} // authmode: 1=password, 2=private-key // protocol: 1=rdp, 2=ssh // SSH返回: {"code":0, "data":{"sid":"0123abcde"}} // RDP返回: {"code":0, "data":{"sid":"0123abcde0A"}} Json::Reader jreader; Json::Value jsRoot; if (!jreader.parse(func_args.c_str(), jsRoot)) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_JSON_FORMAT); return; } if (jsRoot.isArray()) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } int windows_size = 2; // 判断参数是否正确 if (!jsRoot["server_ip"].isString() || !jsRoot["ssh_port"].isNumeric() || !jsRoot["rdp_port"].isNumeric() ) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } std::string host = jsRoot["server_ip"].asCString(); int rdp_port = jsRoot["rdp_port"].asUInt(); int ssh_port = jsRoot["rdp_port"].asUInt(); std::string server_ip; if (isIPAddress(host.c_str())) { server_ip = host; } else { char *ptr, **pptr; struct hostent *hptr; char IP[128] = { 0 }; /* 取得命令后第一个参数,即要解析的域名或主机名 */ ptr = (char*)host.c_str(); /* 调用gethostbyname()。调用结果都存在hptr中 */ if ((hptr = gethostbyname(ptr)) == NULL) { //printf("gethostbyname error for host:%s/n", ptr); _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; /* 如果调用gethostbyname发生错误,返回1 */ } /* 将主机的规范名打出来 */ //printf("official hostname:%s/n", hptr->h_name); // 主机可能有多个别名,将所有别名分别打出来 //for (pptr = hptr->h_aliases; *pptr != NULL; pptr++) // printf(" alias:%s/n", *pptr); /* 根据地址类型,将地址打出来 */ char szbuf[1204] = { 0 }; switch (hptr->h_addrtype) { case AF_INET: case AF_INET6: pptr = hptr->h_addr_list; /* 将刚才得到的所有地址都打出来。其中调用了inet_ntop()函数 */ for (; *pptr != NULL; pptr++) inet_ntop(hptr->h_addrtype, *pptr, IP, sizeof(IP)); server_ip = IP; //printf(" address:%s/n", inet_ntop(hptr->h_addrtype, *pptr, str, sizeof(str))); break; default: printf("unknown address type/n"); break; } } if (!isIPAddress(server_ip.c_str())) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } if (TestTCPPort(server_ip, rdp_port) && TestTCPPort(server_ip, ssh_port)) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_OK); return; } ICMPheaderRet temp = { 0 }; int b_ok = ICMPSendTo(&temp, (char*)server_ip.c_str(), 16, 8); if (b_ok == 0) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_OK); return; } else { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_NETWORK); } return; } void TsHttpRpc::_rpc_func_ts_rdp_play(const ex_astr& func_args, ex_astr& buf) { Json::Reader jreader; Json::Value jsRoot; if (!jreader.parse(func_args.c_str(), jsRoot)) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_JSON_FORMAT); return; } // 判断参数是否正确 if (!jsRoot["host"].isString()) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } if (!jsRoot["port"].isInt()) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } if (!jsRoot["tail"].isString()) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } ex_astr a_host = jsRoot["host"].asCString(); int port = jsRoot["port"].asInt(); ex_astr a_tail = jsRoot["tail"].asCString(); ex_astr server_ip; if (isIPAddress(a_host.c_str())) { server_ip = a_host; } else { char *ptr, **pptr; struct hostent *hptr; char IP[128] = { 0 }; /* 取得命令后第一个参数,即要解析的域名或主机名 */ ptr = (char*)a_host.c_str(); /* 调用gethostbyname()。调用结果都存在hptr中 */ if ((hptr = gethostbyname(ptr)) == NULL) { //printf("gethostbyname error for host:%s/n", ptr); _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } /* 将主机的规范名打出来 */ //printf("official hostname:%s/n", hptr->h_name); ///* 主机可能有多个别名,将所有别名分别打出来 */ //for (pptr = hptr->h_aliases; *pptr != NULL; pptr++) // printf(" alias:%s/n", *pptr); /* 根据地址类型,将地址打出来 */ char szbuf[1204] = { 0 }; switch (hptr->h_addrtype) { case AF_INET: case AF_INET6: pptr = hptr->h_addr_list; /* 将刚才得到的所有地址都打出来。其中调用了inet_ntop()函数 */ for (; *pptr != NULL; pptr++) inet_ntop(hptr->h_addrtype, *pptr, IP, sizeof(IP)); server_ip = IP; break; default: printf("unknown address type/n"); break; } } char szURL[256] = { 0 }; sprintf_s(szURL, 256, "http://%s:%d/%s", server_ip.c_str(), port, a_tail.c_str()); ex_astr a_url = szURL; ex_wstr w_url; ex_astr2wstr(a_url, w_url); char szHost[256] = { 0 }; sprintf_s(szHost, 256, "%s:%d", a_host.c_str(), port); a_host = szHost; ex_wstr w_host; ex_astr2wstr(a_host, w_host); ex_wstr w_exe_path; w_exe_path = _T("\""); w_exe_path += g_env.m_tools_path + _T("\\tprdp\\tprdp-replay.exe\""); //swprintf_s(w_szCommandLine, _T(" -ssh -pw **** -P %d -l %s %s"), teleport_port, w_s_id.c_str(), w_teleport_ip.c_str()); w_exe_path += _T(" "); w_exe_path += w_url; w_exe_path += _T(" "); w_exe_path += w_host; Json::Value root_ret; ex_astr utf8_path; ex_wstr2astr(w_exe_path, utf8_path, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); root_ret["path"] = utf8_path; STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi)); if (!CreateProcess(NULL, (wchar_t *)w_exe_path.c_str(), NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { EXLOGE(_T("CreateProcess() failed. Error=0x%08X.\n %s\n"), GetLastError(), w_exe_path.c_str()); root_ret["code"] = TPE_START_CLIENT; _create_json_ret(buf, root_ret); return; } root_ret["code"] = TPE_OK; _create_json_ret(buf, root_ret); return; } void TsHttpRpc::_rpc_func_get_config(const ex_astr& func_args, ex_astr& buf) { Json::Reader jreader; Json::Value jsRoot; if (!jreader.parse(func_args.c_str(), jsRoot)) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_JSON_FORMAT); return; } // 判断参数是否正确 if (!jsRoot["type"].isNumeric()) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } int type = jsRoot["type"].asUInt(); if (type == 1) { Json::Value jr_root; Json::Value config_list; jr_root["code"] = 0; clientsetmap::iterator it; for (it = g_cfgSSH.m_clientsetmap.begin(); it != g_cfgSSH.m_clientsetmap.end(); it++) { Json::Value config; ex_astr temp; ex_wstr2astr(it->first, temp, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); config["name"] = temp; ex_wstr2astr(it->second.path, temp, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); config["path"] = temp; ex_wstr2astr(it->second.commandline, temp, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); config["commandline"] = temp; ex_wstr2astr(it->second.alias_name, temp, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); config["alias_name"] = temp; ex_wstr2astr(it->second.desc, temp, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); config["desc"] = temp; config["build_in"] = it->second.is_default ? 1 : 0; if (it->first == g_cfgSSH.m_current_client) { config["current"] = 1; } else { config["current"] = 0; } config_list.append(config); } jr_root["config_list"] = config_list; _create_json_ret(buf, jr_root); return; } else if (type == 2) { Json::Value jr_root; Json::Value config_list; jr_root["code"] = 0; clientsetmap::iterator it; for (it = g_cfgScp.m_clientsetmap.begin(); it != g_cfgScp.m_clientsetmap.end(); it++) { Json::Value config; ex_astr temp; ex_wstr2astr(it->first, temp, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); config["name"] = temp; ex_wstr2astr(it->second.path, temp, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); config["path"] = temp; ex_wstr2astr(it->second.commandline, temp, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); config["commandline"] = temp; ex_wstr2astr(it->second.desc, temp, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); config["desc"] = temp; ex_wstr2astr(it->second.alias_name, temp, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); config["alias_name"] = temp; config["build_in"] = it->second.is_default ? 1 : 0; if (it->first == g_cfgScp.m_current_client) config["current"] = 1; else config["current"] = 0; config_list.append(config); } jr_root["config_list"] = config_list; _create_json_ret(buf, jr_root); return; } else if (type == 3) { Json::Value jr_root; Json::Value config_list; jr_root["code"] = 0; clientsetmap::iterator it; for (it = g_cfgTelnet.m_clientsetmap.begin(); it != g_cfgTelnet.m_clientsetmap.end(); it++) { Json::Value config; ex_astr temp; ex_wstr2astr(it->first, temp, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); config["name"] = temp; ex_wstr2astr(it->second.path, temp, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); config["path"] = temp; ex_wstr2astr(it->second.commandline, temp, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); config["commandline"] = temp; ex_wstr2astr(it->second.desc, temp, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); config["desc"] = temp; ex_wstr2astr(it->second.alias_name, temp, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); config["alias_name"] = temp; config["build_in"] = it->second.is_default ? 1 : 0; if (it->first == g_cfgTelnet.m_current_client) config["current"] = 1; else config["current"] = 0; config_list.append(config); } jr_root["config_list"] = config_list; _create_json_ret(buf, jr_root); return; } else { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } } void TsHttpRpc::_rpc_func_set_config(const ex_astr& func_args, ex_astr& buf) { Json::Reader jreader; Json::Value jsRoot; if (!jreader.parse(func_args.c_str(), jsRoot)) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_JSON_FORMAT); return; } if (jsRoot.isArray()) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } // 判断参数是否正确 if (!jsRoot["name"].isString() || !jsRoot["path"].isString() || !jsRoot["commandline"].isString() || !jsRoot["type"].isNumeric()) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } int type = jsRoot["type"].asUInt(); ex_astr name = jsRoot["name"].asCString(); ex_astr path = jsRoot["path"].asCString(); ex_astr commandline = jsRoot["commandline"].asCString(); ex_wstr w_path; ex_astr2wstr(path, w_path, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); ex_wstr w_name; ex_astr2wstr(name, w_name, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); ex_wstr w_commandline; ex_astr2wstr(commandline, w_commandline, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); if (type == 1) { clientsetmap::iterator it = g_cfgSSH.m_clientsetmap.find(w_name); if (it == g_cfgSSH.m_clientsetmap.end()) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } if (it->second.is_default) { g_cfgSSH.set(_T("common"), _T("current_client"), w_name); g_cfgSSH.save(); g_cfgSSH.init(); _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_OK); return; } g_cfgSSH.set(w_name, _T("path"), w_path); g_cfgSSH.set(w_name, _T("command_line"), w_commandline); g_cfgSSH.set(_T("common"), _T("current_client"), w_name); g_cfgSSH.save(); g_cfgSSH.init(); _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_OK); return; } else if (type == 2) { clientsetmap::iterator it = g_cfgScp.m_clientsetmap.find(w_name); if (it == g_cfgScp.m_clientsetmap.end()) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } if (it->second.is_default) { g_cfgScp.set(_T("common"), _T("current_client"), w_name); g_cfgScp.save(); g_cfgScp.init(); _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_OK); return; } g_cfgScp.set(w_name, _T("path"), w_path); g_cfgScp.set(w_name, _T("command_line"), w_commandline); g_cfgScp.set(_T("common"), _T("current_client"), w_name); g_cfgScp.save(); g_cfgScp.init(); _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_OK); return; } else if (type == 3) { clientsetmap::iterator it = g_cfgTelnet.m_clientsetmap.find(w_name); if (it == g_cfgTelnet.m_clientsetmap.end()) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } if (it->second.is_default) { g_cfgTelnet.set(_T("common"), _T("current_client"), w_name); g_cfgTelnet.save(); g_cfgTelnet.init(); _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_OK); return; } g_cfgTelnet.set(w_name, _T("path"), w_path); g_cfgTelnet.set(w_name, _T("command_line"), w_commandline); g_cfgTelnet.set(_T("common"), _T("current_client"), w_name); g_cfgTelnet.save(); g_cfgTelnet.init(); _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_OK); return; } else { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } } void TsHttpRpc::_rpc_func_file_action(const ex_astr& func_args, ex_astr& buf) { Json::Reader jreader; Json::Value jsRoot; if (!jreader.parse(func_args.c_str(), jsRoot)) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_JSON_FORMAT); return; } // 判断参数是否正确 if (!jsRoot["action"].isNumeric()) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } int action = jsRoot["action"].asUInt(); HWND hParent = GetForegroundWindow(); if (NULL == hParent) hParent = g_hDlgMain; BOOL ret = FALSE; wchar_t wszReturnPath[MAX_PATH] = _T(""); if (action == 1 || action == 2) { OPENFILENAME ofn; ex_wstr wsDefaultName; ex_wstr wsDefaultPath; StringCchCopy(wszReturnPath, MAX_PATH, wsDefaultName.c_str()); ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.lpstrTitle = _T("选择文件"); ofn.hwndOwner = hParent; ofn.lpstrFilter = _T("可执行程序 (*.exe)\0*.exe\0"); ofn.lpstrFile = wszReturnPath; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = wsDefaultPath.c_str(); ofn.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; if (action == 1) { ofn.Flags |= OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST; ret = GetOpenFileName(&ofn); } else { ofn.Flags |= OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; ret = GetSaveFileName(&ofn); } } else if (action == 3) { BROWSEINFO bi; ZeroMemory(&bi, sizeof(BROWSEINFO)); bi.hwndOwner = NULL; bi.pidlRoot = NULL; bi.pszDisplayName = wszReturnPath; //此参数如为NULL则不能显示对话框 bi.lpszTitle = _T("选择目录"); bi.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; bi.lpfn = NULL; bi.iImage = 0; //初始化入口参数bi结束 LPITEMIDLIST pIDList = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi);//调用显示选择对话框 if (pIDList) { ret = true; SHGetPathFromIDList(pIDList, wszReturnPath); } else { ret = false; } } else if (action == 4) { ex_wstr wsDefaultName; ex_wstr wsDefaultPath; if (wsDefaultPath.length() == 0) { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_PARAM); return; } ex_wstr::size_type pos = 0; while (ex_wstr::npos != (pos = wsDefaultPath.find(L"/", pos))) { wsDefaultPath.replace(pos, 1, L"\\"); pos += 1; } ex_wstr wArg = L"/select, \""; wArg += wsDefaultPath; wArg += L"\""; if ((int)ShellExecute(hParent, _T("open"), _T("explorer"), wArg.c_str(), NULL, SW_SHOW) > 32) ret = true; else ret = false; } if (ret) { if (action == 1 || action == 2 || action == 3) { ex_astr utf8_path; ex_wstr2astr(wszReturnPath, utf8_path, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); Json::Value root; root["path"] = utf8_path; _create_json_ret(buf, root); return; } else { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_OK); return; } } else { _create_json_ret(buf, TPE_DATA); return; } } void TsHttpRpc::_rpc_func_get_version(const ex_astr& func_args, ex_astr& buf) { Json::Value root_ret; ex_wstr w_version = TP_ASSIST_VER; ex_astr version; ex_wstr2astr(w_version, version, EX_CODEPAGE_UTF8); root_ret["version"] = version; root_ret["code"] = TPE_OK; _create_json_ret(buf, root_ret); return; }