# mako/pyparser.py # Copyright (C) 2006-2015 the Mako authors and contributors # # This module is part of Mako and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """Handles parsing of Python code. Parsing to AST is done via _ast on Python > 2.5, otherwise the compiler module is used. """ from mako import exceptions, util, compat from mako.compat import arg_stringname import operator if compat.py3k: # words that cannot be assigned to (notably # smaller than the total keys in __builtins__) reserved = set(['True', 'False', 'None', 'print']) # the "id" attribute on a function node arg_id = operator.attrgetter('arg') else: # words that cannot be assigned to (notably # smaller than the total keys in __builtins__) reserved = set(['True', 'False', 'None']) # the "id" attribute on a function node arg_id = operator.attrgetter('id') import _ast util.restore__ast(_ast) from mako import _ast_util def parse(code, mode='exec', **exception_kwargs): """Parse an expression into AST""" try: return _ast_util.parse(code, '', mode) except Exception: raise exceptions.SyntaxException( "(%s) %s (%r)" % ( compat.exception_as().__class__.__name__, compat.exception_as(), code[0:50] ), **exception_kwargs) class FindIdentifiers(_ast_util.NodeVisitor): def __init__(self, listener, **exception_kwargs): self.in_function = False self.in_assign_targets = False self.local_ident_stack = set() self.listener = listener self.exception_kwargs = exception_kwargs def _add_declared(self, name): if not self.in_function: self.listener.declared_identifiers.add(name) else: self.local_ident_stack.add(name) def visit_ClassDef(self, node): self._add_declared(node.name) def visit_Assign(self, node): # flip around the visiting of Assign so the expression gets # evaluated first, in the case of a clause like "x=x+5" (x # is undeclared) self.visit(node.value) in_a = self.in_assign_targets self.in_assign_targets = True for n in node.targets: self.visit(n) self.in_assign_targets = in_a if compat.py3k: # ExceptHandler is in Python 2, but this block only works in # Python 3 (and is required there) def visit_ExceptHandler(self, node): if node.name is not None: self._add_declared(node.name) if node.type is not None: self.visit(node.type) for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement) def visit_Lambda(self, node, *args): self._visit_function(node, True) def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): self._add_declared(node.name) self._visit_function(node, False) def _expand_tuples(self, args): for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, _ast.Tuple): for n in arg.elts: yield n else: yield arg def _visit_function(self, node, islambda): # push function state onto stack. dont log any more # identifiers as "declared" until outside of the function, # but keep logging identifiers as "undeclared". track # argument names in each function header so they arent # counted as "undeclared" inf = self.in_function self.in_function = True local_ident_stack = self.local_ident_stack self.local_ident_stack = local_ident_stack.union([ arg_id(arg) for arg in self._expand_tuples(node.args.args) ]) if islambda: self.visit(node.body) else: for n in node.body: self.visit(n) self.in_function = inf self.local_ident_stack = local_ident_stack def visit_For(self, node): # flip around visit self.visit(node.iter) self.visit(node.target) for statement in node.body: self.visit(statement) for statement in node.orelse: self.visit(statement) def visit_Name(self, node): if isinstance(node.ctx, _ast.Store): # this is eqiuvalent to visit_AssName in # compiler self._add_declared(node.id) elif node.id not in reserved and node.id \ not in self.listener.declared_identifiers and node.id \ not in self.local_ident_stack: self.listener.undeclared_identifiers.add(node.id) def visit_Import(self, node): for name in node.names: if name.asname is not None: self._add_declared(name.asname) else: self._add_declared(name.name.split('.')[0]) def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): for name in node.names: if name.asname is not None: self._add_declared(name.asname) else: if name.name == '*': raise exceptions.CompileException( "'import *' is not supported, since all identifier " "names must be explicitly declared. Please use the " "form 'from import , , " "...' instead.", **self.exception_kwargs) self._add_declared(name.name) class FindTuple(_ast_util.NodeVisitor): def __init__(self, listener, code_factory, **exception_kwargs): self.listener = listener self.exception_kwargs = exception_kwargs self.code_factory = code_factory def visit_Tuple(self, node): for n in node.elts: p = self.code_factory(n, **self.exception_kwargs) self.listener.codeargs.append(p) self.listener.args.append(ExpressionGenerator(n).value()) self.listener.declared_identifiers = \ self.listener.declared_identifiers.union( p.declared_identifiers) self.listener.undeclared_identifiers = \ self.listener.undeclared_identifiers.union( p.undeclared_identifiers) class ParseFunc(_ast_util.NodeVisitor): def __init__(self, listener, **exception_kwargs): self.listener = listener self.exception_kwargs = exception_kwargs def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): self.listener.funcname = node.name argnames = [arg_id(arg) for arg in node.args.args] if node.args.vararg: argnames.append(arg_stringname(node.args.vararg)) if compat.py2k: # kw-only args don't exist in Python 2 kwargnames = [] else: kwargnames = [arg_id(arg) for arg in node.args.kwonlyargs] if node.args.kwarg: kwargnames.append(arg_stringname(node.args.kwarg)) self.listener.argnames = argnames self.listener.defaults = node.args.defaults # ast self.listener.kwargnames = kwargnames if compat.py2k: self.listener.kwdefaults = [] else: self.listener.kwdefaults = node.args.kw_defaults self.listener.varargs = node.args.vararg self.listener.kwargs = node.args.kwarg class ExpressionGenerator(object): def __init__(self, astnode): self.generator = _ast_util.SourceGenerator(' ' * 4) self.generator.visit(astnode) def value(self): return ''.join(self.generator.result)