on scriptRun(argsCmd, argsProfile, argsTitle) set theCmd to (argsCmd) set theProfile to (argsProfile) set theTitle to (argsTitle) CommandRun(theCmd, theProfile, theTitle) end scriptRun on CommandRun(theCmd, theProfile, theTitle) try tell application "Terminal" if it is not running then --if this is the first time Terminal is running you have specify window 1 --if you dont do this you will get two windows and the title wont be set activate delay 3.0 set newTerm to do script theCmd in window 1 set newTerm's current settings to settings set theProfile set custom title of front window to theTitle delay 1.0 reopen activate tell application "System Events" to key code 36 else --Terminal is running get the window count set windowCount to (count every window) if windowCount = 0 then --Terminal is running but no windows are open --run our script in a new window reopen activate do script theCmd in window 1 set current settings of selected tab of front window to settings set theProfile set title displays custom title of front window to true set custom title of selected tab of front window to theTitle delay 1.0 reopen activate tell application "System Events" to key code 36 else --Terminal is running and we have a window run in a new tab reopen activate tell application "System Events" tell process "Terminal" delay 0.5 keystroke "t" using {command down} end tell end tell reopen activate do script theCmd in front window set current settings of selected tab of front window to settings set theProfile set title displays custom title of front window to true set custom title of selected tab of front window to theTitle delay 1.0 reopen activate tell application "System Events" to key code 36 end if --set current settings of selected tab of front window to settings set theProfile --set title displays custom title of front window to true --set custom title of selected tab of front window to theTitle end if end tell on error msg display dialog "ERROR: " & msg end try end CommandRun