""" """ # Created on 2014.01.06 # # Author: Giovanni Cannata # # Copyright 2014 - 2020 Giovanni Cannata # # This file is part of ldap3. # # ldap3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # ldap3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with ldap3 in the COPYING and COPYING.LESSER files. # If not, see . from os import linesep from .. import MODIFY_ADD, MODIFY_REPLACE, MODIFY_DELETE, SEQUENCE_TYPES from ..core.exceptions import LDAPCursorError from ..utils.repr import to_stdout_encoding from . import STATUS_PENDING_CHANGES, STATUS_VIRTUAL, STATUS_READY_FOR_DELETION, STATUS_READY_FOR_MOVING, STATUS_READY_FOR_RENAMING from ..utils.log import log, log_enabled, ERROR, BASIC, PROTOCOL, EXTENDED # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences class Attribute(object): """Attribute/values object, it includes the search result (after post_query transformation) of each attribute in an entry Attribute object is read only - values: contain the processed attribute values - raw_values': contain the unprocessed attribute values """ def __init__(self, attr_def, entry, cursor): self.key = attr_def.key self.definition = attr_def self.values = [] self.raw_values = [] self.response = None self.entry = entry self.cursor = cursor other_names = [name for name in attr_def.oid_info.name if self.key.lower() != name.lower()] if attr_def.oid_info else None self.other_names = set(other_names) if other_names else None # self.other_names is None if there are no short names, else is a set of secondary names def __repr__(self): if len(self.values) == 1: r = to_stdout_encoding(self.key) + ': ' + to_stdout_encoding(self.values[0]) elif len(self.values) > 1: r = to_stdout_encoding(self.key) + ': ' + to_stdout_encoding(self.values[0]) filler = ' ' * (len(self.key) + 6) for value in self.values[1:]: r += linesep + filler + to_stdout_encoding(value) else: r = to_stdout_encoding(self.key) + ': ' + to_stdout_encoding('') return r def __str__(self): if len(self.values) == 1: return to_stdout_encoding(self.values[0]) else: return to_stdout_encoding(self.values) def __len__(self): return len(self.values) def __iter__(self): return self.values.__iter__() def __getitem__(self, item): return self.values[item] def __getstate__(self): cpy = dict(self.__dict__) cpy['cursor'] = None return cpy def __eq__(self, other): try: if self.value == other: return True except Exception: return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other @property def value(self): """ :return: The single value or a list of values of the attribute. """ if not self.values: return None return self.values[0] if len(self.values) == 1 else self.values class OperationalAttribute(Attribute): """Operational attribute/values object. Include the search result of an operational attribute in an entry OperationalAttribute object is read only - values: contains the processed attribute values - raw_values: contains the unprocessed attribute values It may not have an AttrDef """ def __repr__(self): if len(self.values) == 1: r = to_stdout_encoding(self.key) + ' [OPERATIONAL]: ' + to_stdout_encoding(self.values[0]) elif len(self.values) > 1: r = to_stdout_encoding(self.key) + ' [OPERATIONAL]: ' + to_stdout_encoding(self.values[0]) filler = ' ' * (len(self.key) + 6) for value in sorted(self.values[1:]): r += linesep + filler + to_stdout_encoding(value) else: r = '' return r class WritableAttribute(Attribute): def __repr__(self): filler = ' ' * (len(self.key) + 6) if len(self.values) == 1: r = to_stdout_encoding(self.key) + ': ' + to_stdout_encoding(self.values[0]) elif len(self.values) > 1: r = to_stdout_encoding(self.key) + ': ' + to_stdout_encoding(self.values[0]) for value in self.values[1:]: r += linesep + filler + to_stdout_encoding(value) else: r = to_stdout_encoding(self.key) + to_stdout_encoding(': ') if self.definition.name in self.entry._changes: r += linesep + filler + 'CHANGES: ' + str(self.entry._changes[self.definition.name]) return r def __iadd__(self, other): self.add(other) return Ellipsis # hack to avoid calling set() in entry __setattr__ def __isub__(self, other): self.delete(other) return Ellipsis # hack to avoid calling set_value in entry __setattr__ def _update_changes(self, changes, remove_old=False): # checks for friendly key in AttrDef and uses the real attribute name if self.definition and self.definition.name: key = self.definition.name else: key = self.key if key not in self.entry._changes or remove_old: # remove old changes (for removing attribute) self.entry._changes[key] = [] self.entry._changes[key].append(changes) if log_enabled(PROTOCOL): log(PROTOCOL, 'updated changes <%r> for <%s> attribute in <%s> entry', changes, self.key, self.entry.entry_dn) self.entry._state.set_status(STATUS_PENDING_CHANGES) def add(self, values): if log_enabled(PROTOCOL): log(PROTOCOL, 'adding %r to <%s> attribute in <%s> entry', values, self.key, self.entry.entry_dn) # new value for attribute to commit with a MODIFY_ADD if self.entry._state._initial_status == STATUS_VIRTUAL: error_message = 'cannot perform a modify operation in a new entry' if log_enabled(ERROR): log(ERROR, '%s for <%s>', error_message, self) raise LDAPCursorError(error_message) if self.entry.entry_status in [STATUS_READY_FOR_DELETION, STATUS_READY_FOR_MOVING, STATUS_READY_FOR_RENAMING]: error_message = self.entry.entry_status + ' - cannot add attributes' if log_enabled(ERROR): log(ERROR, '%s for <%s>', error_message, self) raise LDAPCursorError(error_message) if values is None: error_message = 'value to add cannot be None' if log_enabled(ERROR): log(ERROR, '%s for <%s>', error_message, self) raise LDAPCursorError(error_message) if values is not None: validated = self.definition.validate(values) # returns True, False or a value to substitute to the actual values if validated is False: error_message = 'value \'%s\' non valid for attribute \'%s\'' % (values, self.key) if log_enabled(ERROR): log(ERROR, '%s for <%s>', error_message, self) raise LDAPCursorError(error_message) elif validated is not True: # a valid LDAP value equivalent to the actual values values = validated self._update_changes((MODIFY_ADD, values if isinstance(values, SEQUENCE_TYPES) else [values])) def set(self, values): # new value for attribute to commit with a MODIFY_REPLACE, old values are deleted if log_enabled(PROTOCOL): log(PROTOCOL, 'setting %r to <%s> attribute in <%s> entry', values, self.key, self.entry.entry_dn) if self.entry.entry_status in [STATUS_READY_FOR_DELETION, STATUS_READY_FOR_MOVING, STATUS_READY_FOR_RENAMING]: error_message = self.entry.entry_status + ' - cannot set attributes' if log_enabled(ERROR): log(ERROR, '%s for <%s>', error_message, self) raise LDAPCursorError(error_message) if values is None: error_message = 'new value cannot be None' if log_enabled(ERROR): log(ERROR, '%s for <%s>', error_message, self) raise LDAPCursorError(error_message) validated = self.definition.validate(values) # returns True, False or a value to substitute to the actual values if validated is False: error_message = 'value \'%s\' non valid for attribute \'%s\'' % (values, self.key) if log_enabled(ERROR): log(ERROR, '%s for <%s>', error_message, self) raise LDAPCursorError(error_message) elif validated is not True: # a valid LDAP value equivalent to the actual values values = validated self._update_changes((MODIFY_REPLACE, values if isinstance(values, SEQUENCE_TYPES) else [values]), remove_old=True) def delete(self, values): # value for attribute to delete in commit with a MODIFY_DELETE if log_enabled(PROTOCOL): log(PROTOCOL, 'deleting %r from <%s> attribute in <%s> entry', values, self.key, self.entry.entry_dn) if self.entry._state._initial_status == STATUS_VIRTUAL: error_message = 'cannot delete an attribute value in a new entry' if log_enabled(ERROR): log(ERROR, '%s for <%s>', error_message, self) raise LDAPCursorError(error_message) if self.entry.entry_status in [STATUS_READY_FOR_DELETION, STATUS_READY_FOR_MOVING, STATUS_READY_FOR_RENAMING]: error_message = self.entry.entry_status + ' - cannot delete attributes' if log_enabled(ERROR): log(ERROR, '%s for <%s>', error_message, self) raise LDAPCursorError(error_message) if values is None: error_message = 'value to delete cannot be None' if log_enabled(ERROR): log(ERROR, '%s for <%s>', error_message, self) raise LDAPCursorError(error_message) if not isinstance(values, SEQUENCE_TYPES): values = [values] for single_value in values: if single_value not in self.values: error_message = 'value \'%s\' not present in \'%s\'' % (single_value, ', '.join(self.values)) if log_enabled(ERROR): log(ERROR, '%s for <%s>', error_message, self) raise LDAPCursorError(error_message) self._update_changes((MODIFY_DELETE, values)) def remove(self): if log_enabled(PROTOCOL): log(PROTOCOL, 'removing <%s> attribute in <%s> entry', self.key, self.entry.entry_dn) if self.entry._state._initial_status == STATUS_VIRTUAL: error_message = 'cannot remove an attribute in a new entry' if log_enabled(ERROR): log(ERROR, '%s for <%s>', error_message, self) raise LDAPCursorError(error_message) if self.entry.entry_status in [STATUS_READY_FOR_DELETION, STATUS_READY_FOR_MOVING, STATUS_READY_FOR_RENAMING]: error_message = self.entry.entry_status + ' - cannot remove attributes' if log_enabled(ERROR): log(ERROR, '%s for <%s>', error_message, self) raise LDAPCursorError(error_message) self._update_changes((MODIFY_REPLACE, []), True) def discard(self): if log_enabled(PROTOCOL): log(PROTOCOL, 'discarding <%s> attribute in <%s> entry', self.key, self.entry.entry_dn) del self.entry._changes[self.key] if not self.entry._changes: self.entry._state.set_status(self.entry._state._initial_status) @property def virtual(self): return False if len(self.values) else True @property def changes(self): if self.key in self.entry._changes: return self.entry._changes[self.key] return None