on scriptRun(argsCmd, argsProfile, argsTitle) set theCmd to (argsCmd) set theProfile to (argsProfile) set theTitle to (argsTitle) CommandRun(theCmd, theProfile, theTitle) end scriptRun on CommandRun(theCmd, theProfile, theTitle) tell application "iTerm" if it is not running then tell application "iTerm" activate delay 0.5 try close first window end try end tell tell application "iTerm" try create window with profile theProfile on error msg create window with profile "Default" end try tell the current window tell the current session delay 0.5 set name to theTitle set profile to theProfile write text theCmd delay 0.5 write text "" end tell end tell end tell else --assume that iTerm is open and open a new tab try tell application "iTerm" activate tell the current window try create tab with profile theProfile on error msg create tab with profile "Default" end try tell the current tab tell the current session delay 0.5 set name to theTitle write text theCmd delay 0.5 write text "" end tell end tell end tell end tell on error msg -- if all iTerm windows are closed the app stays open. In this scenario iTerm has -- no "current window" and will give an error when trying to create the new tab. tell application "iTerm" try create window with profile theProfile on error msg create window with profile "Default" end try tell the current window tell the current session delay 0.5 set name to theTitle write text theCmd delay 0.5 write text "" end tell end tell end tell end try end if end tell end CommandRun