#!/bin/bash PATH_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd) # ================================================================= # Please change the following 2 lines to fit your development # environment if you want to build teleport components for such # platforms. # ================================================================= PY_EXEC_WINDOWS="C:\\apps\\py37-x86\\python.exe" PY_EXEC_MACOS="/usr/local/bin/python3" set -e function check_cfg_file { if [ ! -f "./${CFG_FILE}" ] ; then on_error_begin "\`${CFG_FILE}\` does not exists." echo "please copy \`config.json.in\` into \`${CFG_FILE}\`" echo "and modify it to fit your condition, then try again." on_error_end fi } function build_win { check_cfg_file # find pyexec from json file # pyexec=$(grep -P '"pyexec":' ./${CFG_FILE} | grep -Po '(?<="pyexec":)([[:space:]]*)"(.*)"') # remove left " #pyexec=${pyexec#*\"} # remove right " #pyexec=${pyexec%\"*} pyexec=${PY_EXEC_WINDOWS} # make sure configuration item exists. if [ "${pyexec}-x" = "-x" ] ; then on_error "\`pyexec\` not set, please check your \`${CFG_FILE}\`" fi pyexec=$(cygpath -u ${pyexec}) if [ ! -f "${pyexec}" ] ; then pyexec=$(cygpath -m ${pyexec}) on_error "Sorry, need Python 3.7 or above (x86 version) to\nbuild Teleport on Windows Platform.\n\nPython interpreter not exists: ${pyexec}" fi # check version and architecture of python. # version should >= 3.7 $("${pyexec}" -c "import platform;import sys;pyv=platform.python_version_tuple();ret=0 if int(pyv[0])>=3 and int(pyv[1])>=7 else 1;sys.exit(ret)") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then on_error "Sorry, need x86 version of Python 3.7 or above." fi # and must be x86 version. $("${pyexec}" -c "import platform;import sys;ret=0 if platform.architecture()[0]=='32bit' else 1;sys.exit(ret)") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then on_error "Sorry, need x86 version of Python 3.7 or above." fi ${pyexec} -B "${PATH_ROOT}/build/build.py" $@ } function build_linux { check_cfg_file if [ `id -u` -eq 0 ]; then on_error "Do not build as root." fi if [ ! -f "/etc/centos-release" ] ; then on_error "Sorry, build script works on CentOS 7 only." fi PYEXEC=${PATH_ROOT}/external/linux/release/bin/python3.7 PYSTATIC=${PATH_ROOT}/external/linux/release/lib/libpython3.7m.a if [ ! -f "${PYSTATIC}" ] ; then X=$(yum list installed | grep "libffi-devel") if [ "$X-x" = "-x" ] ; then on_error "Need libffi-devel to build Python, try:\r\n sudo yum install libffi-devel" fi X=$(yum list installed | grep "zlib-devel") if [ "$X-x" = "-x" ] ; then on_error "Need zlib-devel to build Python, try:\r\n sudo yum install zlib-devel" fi echo "python static not found, now build it..." "${PATH_ROOT}/build/build-py-static.sh" if [ ! -f "${PYSTATIC}" ] ; then on_error "can not build python static." fi fi ${PYEXEC} -B "${PATH_ROOT}/build/build.py" $@ } function build_macos { check_cfg_file ${PY_EXEC_MACOS} -B "${PATH_ROOT}/build/build.py" $@ } function on_error() { echo -e "\033[01m\033[31m" echo "==================[ !! ERROR !! ]==================" echo "" echo -e $1 echo "" echo "===================================================" echo -e "\033[0m" exit 1 } function on_error_begin() { echo "" echo -e "\033[01m\033[31mERROR: ${1}\033[0m" echo "" } function on_error_end() { exit 1 } ############################################## # main ############################################## export TP_BUILD_SYSTEM="start" SYS_NAME=`uname -s` SYS_NAME=${SYS_NAME:0:4} # cut first 4 char. # echo ${SYS_NAME} # SYSTEM=${SYSTEM^^} # upper case if [ ${SYS_NAME} = "Linu" ] ; then export CFG_FILE=config.linux.json build_linux $@ elif [ ${SYS_NAME} = "Darw" ] ; then export CFG_FILE=config.macos.json build_macos $@ elif [ ${SYS_NAME} == "MSYS" ] ; then export CFG_FILE=config.windows.json build_win $@ else on_error_begin "Unsupported platform." echo "To build teleport on Windows, please read document at:" echo " https://docs.tp4a.com/develop/windows" on_error_end fi