{ "#.comment": { "#.0": "This is configure file for build teleport project. You should copy this file to", "#.1": "config.PLATFORM.json and modify it to fit your development environment.", "#.3": "PLATFORM should be one of windows/linux/macos." }, "#.toolchain": "path of toolchain, if not set, default to find them from register(win), /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin (linux/macos).", "#.toolchain.example.macos": { "qt_path": "/opt/Qt/5.15.2/clang_64/bin", "cmake": "/usr/local/bin/cmake" }, "#.toolchain.example.linux": { "qt_path": "", "cmake": "/opt/cmake/bin/cmake" }, "#.toolchain.example.windows": { "qt_path": "C:\\Qt\\Qt5.15.2\\5.15.2\\msvc2017", "cmake": "C:\\Program Files(x86)\\CMake\\bin\\cmake.exe", "wget": "", "7z": "", "nsis": "" }, "#.remote": { "short-name-1": { "type": "linux", "name": "centos7", "desc": "CentOS 7 x64 for build TP server package.", "addr": "", "port": 22, "user": "your-account-name", "key": "C:\\path\\to\\your\\key.file", "tp_root_path": "~/source/path/to/tp4a/teleport" }, "mbp": { "type": "macos", "name": "macbookpro", "desc": "MacBook Pro for build TP assist for MacOS.", "addr": "", "port": 22, "user": "your-account-name", "key": "C:\\path\\to\\your\\key.file", "tp_root_path": "/Full/source/path/to/tp4a/teleport" } } }