
Apex Liu 2017-03-04 04:13:49 +08:00
parent 9ad28a298c
commit e6d3696f0d
18 changed files with 769 additions and 961 deletions

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
@ -182,7 +182,6 @@
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\external\mbedtls\library\base64.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\external\mbedtls\library\sha1.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\external\mongoose\mongoose.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\external\sqlite\sqlite3.c" />
<ClCompile Include="main.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="ts_crypto.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="ts_db.cpp" />
@ -206,8 +205,6 @@
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\common\libex\include\ex\ex_winsrv.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\external\jsoncpp\include\json\json.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\external\mongoose\mongoose.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\external\sqlite\sqlite3.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\external\sqlite\sqlite3ext.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\common\protocol_interface.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\common\ts_const.h" />
<ClInclude Include="resource.h" />

View File

@ -8,9 +8,6 @@
<Filter Include="main app">
<Filter Include="sqlite">
<Filter Include="libex">
@ -88,9 +85,6 @@
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\common\libex\src\ex_log.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\external\sqlite\sqlite3.c">
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\external\mongoose\mongoose.c">
@ -171,12 +165,6 @@
<ClInclude Include="resource.h">
<Filter>Resource Files</Filter>
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\external\sqlite\sqlite3.h">
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\external\sqlite\sqlite3ext.h">
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\external\jsoncpp\include\json\json.h">

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
#include <ex/ex_str.h>
//#include <json/json.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
@ -20,49 +19,49 @@ TsDB::TsDB()
ExThreadSmartLock locker(m_lock);
sqlite3Map::iterator it;
for (it = m_sqlite3Map.begin(); it != m_sqlite3Map.end(); it++)
if (it->second != NULL)
it->second = NULL;
// ExThreadSmartLock locker(m_lock);
// sqlite3Map::iterator it;
// for (it = m_sqlite3Map.begin(); it != m_sqlite3Map.end(); it++)
// {
// if (it->second != NULL)
// {
// sqlite3_close(it->second);
// it->second = NULL;
// }
// }
// m_sqlite3Map.clear();
sqlite3* TsDB::get_db()
ex_astr db_path;
ex_wstr2astr(g_env.m_db_file, db_path);
ex_u64 _tid = ex_get_thread_id();
ExThreadSmartLock locker(m_lock);
long tid = (long)_tid;
sqlite3Map::iterator it = m_sqlite3Map.find(tid);
if (it != m_sqlite3Map.end())
return it->second;
sqlite3* sql_db = NULL;
int ret = sqlite3_open(db_path.c_str(), &sql_db);
if (SQLITE_OK != ret)
EXLOGE("[core-db] can not open database: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(sql_db));
sql_db = NULL;
return NULL;
m_sqlite3Map[tid] = sql_db;
return sql_db;
return NULL;
// sqlite3* TsDB::get_db()
// {
// ex_astr db_path;
// ex_wstr2astr(g_env.m_db_file, db_path);
// ex_u64 _tid = ex_get_thread_id();
// {
// ExThreadSmartLock locker(m_lock);
// long tid = (long)_tid;
// sqlite3Map::iterator it = m_sqlite3Map.find(tid);
// if (it != m_sqlite3Map.end())
// return it->second;
// sqlite3* sql_db = NULL;
// int ret = sqlite3_open(db_path.c_str(), &sql_db);
// if (SQLITE_OK != ret)
// {
// EXLOGE("[core-db] can not open database: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(sql_db));
// sqlite3_close(sql_db);
// sql_db = NULL;
// return NULL;
// }
// m_sqlite3Map[tid] = sql_db;
// return sql_db;
// }
// return NULL;
// }
bool TsDB::get_auth_info(int auth_id, Json::Value& jret)
@ -74,30 +73,20 @@ bool TsDB::get_auth_info(int auth_id, Json::Value& jret)
ex_astr json_param;
json_param = json_writer.write(jreq);
// char tmp[128] = { 0 };
// ex_strformat(tmp, 127, "{\"method\":\"get_auth_info\",\"param\":[\"authid\":%d]}", auth_id);
ex_astr param;
//ts_url_encode("{\"method\":\"get_auth_info\",\"param\":[]}", param);
ts_url_encode(json_param.c_str(), param);
ex_astr url = "";
url += param;
ex_astr body;
if (ts_http_get(url, body))
if (!ts_http_get(url, body))
EXLOGV("request `get_auth_info` from web return: ");
// EXLOGV("request `get_auth_info` from web return: ");
// EXLOGV(body.c_str());
// EXLOGV("\n");
return false;
// {'account_lock': 0, 'encrypt': 1, 'account_name': 'apexliu', 'host_port': 22, 'cert_id': 0, 'user_name': 'root',
// 'auth_mode': 1, 'sys_type': 2, 'host_ip': '', 'user_param': 'ogin:\nassword:',
// 'user_pswd': '40V4q3cT4/HT59YaSq8IVJjz0tBV2dmPbViZ4nCnWc4=', 'protocol': 2}
// {'user_auth': '40V4q3cT4/HT59YaSq8IVJjz0tBV2dmPbViZ4nCnWc4=', 'protocol': 2, 'auth_mode': 1, 'user_name': 'root', 'account_lock': 0, 'user_param': 'ogin:\nassword:', 'host_ip': '', 'sys_type': 2, 'encrypt': 1, 'account_name': 'apexliu', 'host_port': 22}
// {"message": "", "code" : 0, "data" : {"user_auth": "40V4q3cT4/HT59YaSq8IVJjz0tBV2dmPbViZ4nCnWc4=", "protocol": 2, "auth_mode": 1, "user_name": "root", "account_lock": 0, "user_param": "ogin : \nassword : ", "host_ip": "", "sys_type": 2, "encrypt": 1, "account_name": "apexliu", "host_port": 22}}
Json::Reader jreader;
if (!jreader.parse(body.c_str(), jret))
@ -125,19 +114,6 @@ bool TsDB::get_auth_info(int auth_id, Json::Value& jret)
return false;
// info.host_ip = jret["host_ip"].asString();
// info.host_port = jret["host_port"].asInt();
// info.host_lock = 0;
// info.sys_type = jret["sys_type"].asInt();
// info.protocol = jret["protocol"].asInt();
// info.is_encrypt = true;
// info.auth_mode = jret["auth_mode"].asInt();
// info.account_lock = jret["account_lock"].asInt();
// info.user_name = jret["user_name"].asString();
// info.user_auth = jret["user_auth"].asString();
// info.user_param = jret["user_param"].asString();
// info.account_name = jret["account_name"].asString();
return true;
@ -381,521 +357,184 @@ bool TsDB::get_auth_info(int auth_id, Json::Value& jret)
bool TsDB::update_reset_log()
// int result = 0;
// char * errmsg = NULL;
// sqlite3* sql_exec = get_db();
// if (sql_exec == NULL)
// return false;
// const char* szSQL = "UPDATE ts_log SET ret_code=7 WHERE ret_code=0;";
// result = sqlite3_exec(sql_exec, szSQL, NULL, NULL, &errmsg);
// if (result != 0)
// {
// EXLOGE("[db] reset all running session status failed: %s.\n", errmsg);
// return false;
// }
// return true;
ex_astr param;
ts_url_encode("{\"method\":\"session_fix\",\"param\":[]}", param);
ex_astr url = "";
url += param;
ex_astr body;
if (ts_http_get(url, body))
EXLOGV("request `session_fix` from web return: ");
// TODO: 根据返回的JSON数据的code判断是否操作成功
return true;
return ts_http_get(url, body);
bool TsDB::session_begin(TS_SESSION_INFO& info, int& sid)
// bool TsDB::session_begin(TS_SESSION_INFO& info, int& sid)
// {
// int result;
// char * errmsg = NULL;
// char **dbResult;
// int nRow, nColumn;
// int index;
// sqlite3* sql_exec = get_db();
// if (sql_exec == NULL)
// return false;
// int ret_code = 0;
// int begin_time = 0;
// int end_time = 0;
// struct tm _now;
// if (!ex_localtime_now(&begin_time, &_now))
// return false;
// char szTime[64] = { 0 };
// ex_strformat(szTime, 64, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", (1900 + _now.tm_year), (1 + _now.tm_mon), _now.tm_mday, _now.tm_hour, _now.tm_min, _now.tm_sec);
// char szSQL[1024] = { 0 };
// ex_strformat(szSQL, 1024,
// "INSERT INTO ts_log (session_id, account_name,host_ip,sys_type, host_port,auth_type,\
// user_name,ret_code,begin_time,end_time,log_time, protocol) \
// VALUES (\'%s\', \'%s\',\'%s\', %d,%d,%d,\'%s\', %d, %d,%d, \'%s\', %d);",
// info.sid.c_str(), info.account_name.c_str(), info.host_ip.c_str(), info.sys_type,
// info.host_port, info.auth_mode, info.user_name.c_str(), ret_code, begin_time, end_time,
// szTime, info.protocol);
// result = sqlite3_exec(sql_exec, szSQL, NULL, NULL, &errmsg);
// if (result != 0)
// {
// EXLOGE("[db] insert new session failed: %s.\n", errmsg);
// return false;
// }
// ex_strformat(szSQL, 1024, "SELECT last_insert_rowid() as id;");
// result = sqlite3_get_table(sql_exec, szSQL, &dbResult, &nRow, &nColumn, &errmsg);
// if (result != 0)
// {
// if (dbResult)
// sqlite3_free_table(dbResult);
// return false;
// }
// index = nColumn;
// if (nColumn != 1)
// {
// if (dbResult)
// sqlite3_free_table(dbResult);
// return false;
// }
// sid = atoi(dbResult[index]);
// sqlite3_free_table(dbResult);
// return true;
// }
bool TsDB::session_begin(TS_SESSION_INFO& info, int& record_id)
int result;
char * errmsg = NULL;
char **dbResult;
int nRow, nColumn;
int index;
Json::FastWriter json_writer;
Json::Value jreq;
sqlite3* sql_exec = get_db();
if (sql_exec == NULL)
return false;
// ex_strformat(szSQL, 1024,
// "INSERT INTO ts_log (session_id, account_name,host_ip,sys_type, host_port,auth_type,\
// user_name,ret_code,begin_time,end_time,log_time, protocol) \
// VALUES (\'%s\', \'%s\',\'%s\', %d,%d,%d,\'%s\', %d, %d,%d, \'%s\', %d);",
// info.sid.c_str(), info.account_name.c_str(), info.host_ip.c_str(), info.sys_type,
// info.host_port, info.auth_mode, info.user_name.c_str(), ret_code, begin_time, end_time,
// szTime, info.protocol);
int ret_code = 0;
int begin_time = 0;
int end_time = 0;
jreq["method"] = "session_begin";
jreq["param"]["sid"] = info.sid.c_str();
jreq["param"]["account_name"] = info.account_name.c_str();
jreq["param"]["host_ip"] = info.host_ip.c_str();
jreq["param"]["sys_type"] = info.sys_type;
jreq["param"]["host_port"] = info.host_port;
jreq["param"]["auth_mode"] = info.auth_mode,
jreq["param"]["user_name"] = info.user_name.c_str();
jreq["param"]["protocol"] = info.protocol;
struct tm _now;
if (!ex_localtime_now(&begin_time, &_now))
return false;
ex_astr json_param;
json_param = json_writer.write(jreq);
char szTime[64] = { 0 };
ex_strformat(szTime, 64, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", (1900 + _now.tm_year), (1 + _now.tm_mon), _now.tm_mday, _now.tm_hour, _now.tm_min, _now.tm_sec);
ex_astr param;
ts_url_encode(json_param.c_str(), param);
ex_astr url = "";
url += param;
char szSQL[1024] = { 0 };
ex_strformat(szSQL, 1024,
"INSERT INTO ts_log (session_id, account_name,host_ip,sys_type, host_port,auth_type,\
user_name,ret_code,begin_time,end_time,log_time, protocol) \
VALUES (\'%s\', \'%s\',\'%s\', %d,%d,%d,\'%s\', %d, %d,%d, \'%s\', %d);",
info.sid.c_str(), info.account_name.c_str(), info.host_ip.c_str(), info.sys_type,
info.host_port, info.auth_mode, info.user_name.c_str(), ret_code, begin_time, end_time,
szTime, info.protocol);
result = sqlite3_exec(sql_exec, szSQL, NULL, NULL, &errmsg);
if (result != 0)
ex_astr body;
if (!ts_http_get(url, body))
EXLOGE("[db] insert new session failed: %s.\n", errmsg);
// EXLOGV("request `get_auth_info` from web return: ");
// EXLOGV(body.c_str());
// EXLOGV("\n");
return false;
ex_strformat(szSQL, 1024, "SELECT last_insert_rowid() as id;");
result = sqlite3_get_table(sql_exec, szSQL, &dbResult, &nRow, &nColumn, &errmsg);
if (result != 0)
if (dbResult)
Json::Reader jreader;
Json::Value jret;
if (!jreader.parse(body.c_str(), jret))
return false;
index = nColumn;
if (nColumn != 1)
if (dbResult)
if (!jret.isObject())
return false;
if (!jret["data"].isObject())
return false;
if (!jret["data"]["rid"].isUInt())
return false;
sid = atoi(dbResult[index]);
record_id = jret["data"]["rid"].asUInt();
return true;
//session ½áÊø
bool TsDB::session_end(int id, int ret_code)
bool TsDB::session_end(int record_id, int ret_code)
int result = 0;
char * errmsg = NULL;
// int result = 0;
// char * errmsg = NULL;
// sqlite3* sql_exec = get_db();
// if (sql_exec == NULL)
// return false;
// int end_time = 0;
// if (!ex_localtime_now(&end_time, NULL))
// {
// EXLOGE("[db] can not local time.\n");
// return false;
// }
// char szSQL[256] = { 0 };
// ex_strformat(szSQL, 256, "UPDATE ts_log SET ret_code=%d, end_time=%d WHERE id=%d;", ret_code, end_time, id);
// result = sqlite3_exec(sql_exec, szSQL, 0, 0, &errmsg);
// if (result != 0)
// {
// EXLOGE("[db] update log failed: %s.\n", errmsg);
// return false;
// }
// return true;
sqlite3* sql_exec = get_db();
if (sql_exec == NULL)
return false;
Json::FastWriter json_writer;
Json::Value jreq;
jreq["method"] = "session_end";
jreq["param"]["rid"] = record_id;
jreq["param"]["code"] = ret_code;
int end_time = 0;
if (!ex_localtime_now(&end_time, NULL))
EXLOGE("[db] can not local time.\n");
return false;
ex_astr json_param;
json_param = json_writer.write(jreq);
char szSQL[256] = { 0 };
ex_strformat(szSQL, 256, "UPDATE ts_log SET ret_code=%d, end_time=%d WHERE id=%d;", ret_code, end_time, id);
ex_astr param;
ts_url_encode(json_param.c_str(), param);
ex_astr url = "";
url += param;
result = sqlite3_exec(sql_exec, szSQL, 0, 0, &errmsg);
if (result != 0)
EXLOGE("[db] update log failed: %s.\n", errmsg);
return false;
// ex_astr param;
// ts_url_encode("{\"method\":\"session_end\",\"param\":[]}", param);
// ex_astr url = "";
// url += param;
return true;
ex_astr body;
return ts_http_get(url, body);
// bool TsDB::get_auth_id_list_by_all(AuthInfo2Vec& auth_info_list)
// {
// int result = 0;
// char * errmsg = NULL;
// char **dbResult;
// int nRow, nColumn;
// int index;
// sqlite3* sql_exec = get_db();
// if (sql_exec == NULL)
// {
// EXLOGE("[db] can not get db.\n");
// return false;
// }
// const char* szSQL = "SELECT auth_id,a.host_id as host_id, \
// host_ip,host_pro_type as pro_type,host_lock,host_auth_mode as auth_mode \
// FROM ts_auth as a LEFT JOIN ts_host_info as b ON a.host_id = b.host_id";
// result = sqlite3_get_table(sql_exec, szSQL, &dbResult, &nRow, &nColumn, &errmsg);
// if (result != 0)
// {
// EXLOGE("[db] get all auth-id list failed: %s.\n", errmsg);
// return false;
// }
// //查询是否存在表
// index = nColumn;
// int i = 0, j = 0;
// for (i = 0; i < nRow; i++)
// {
// mapStringKey mapstringKey;
// for (j = 0; j < nColumn; j++)
// {
// ex_astr temp = dbResult[j];
// if (dbResult[index] == NULL)
// mapstringKey[dbResult[j]] = "";
// else
// mapstringKey[dbResult[j]] = dbResult[index];
// ++index;
// }
// TS_DB_AUTH_INFO_2 info;
// mapStringKey::iterator it = mapstringKey.find("auth_id");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.auth_id = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// it = mapstringKey.find("host_id");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.host_id = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// it = mapstringKey.find("host_ip");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.host_ip = it->second;
// it = mapstringKey.find("host_lock");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.host_lock = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// it = mapstringKey.find("pro_type");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.pro_type = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// it = mapstringKey.find("auth_mode");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.auth_mode = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// auth_info_list.push_back(info);
// }
// sqlite3_free_table(dbResult);
// return true;
// }
// bool TsDB::get_auth_id_list_by_ip(ex_astr host_ip, AuthInfo2Vec& auth_info_list)
// {
// int result = 0;
// char * errmsg = NULL;
// char **dbResult;
// int nRow, nColumn;
// int i, j;
// int index;
// sqlite3* sql_exec = get_db();
// if (sql_exec == NULL)
// return false;
// char szSQL[1024] = { 0 };
// ex_strformat(szSQL, 1024,
// "SELECT auth_id,a.host_id as host_id, \
// host_ip,host_pro_type as pro_type,host_lock,host_auth_mode as auth_mode \
// FROM ts_auth as a LEFT JOIN ts_host_info as b ON a.host_id = b.host_id WHERE b.host_ip = \"%s\";", host_ip.c_str());
// result = sqlite3_get_table(sql_exec, szSQL, &dbResult, &nRow, &nColumn, &errmsg);
// if (result != 0)
// {
// EXLOGE("[db] get auth-id by ip failed: %s.\n", errmsg);
// return false;
// }
// //查询是否存在表
// index = nColumn;
// for (i = 0; i < nRow; i++)
// {
// mapStringKey mapstringKey;
// for (j = 0; j < nColumn; j++)
// {
// ex_astr temp = dbResult[j];
// if (dbResult[index] == NULL)
// mapstringKey[dbResult[j]] = "";
// else
// mapstringKey[dbResult[j]] = dbResult[index];
// ++index;
// }
// TS_DB_AUTH_INFO_2 info;
// mapStringKey::iterator it = mapstringKey.find("auth_id");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.auth_id = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// it = mapstringKey.find("host_id");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.host_id = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// it = mapstringKey.find("host_ip");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.host_ip = it->second;
// it = mapstringKey.find("host_lock");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.host_lock = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// it = mapstringKey.find("pro_type");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.pro_type = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// it = mapstringKey.find("auth_mode");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.auth_mode = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// auth_info_list.push_back(info);
// }
// sqlite3_free_table(dbResult);
// return true;
// }
// bool TsDB::get_auth_info_list_by_all(AuthInfo3Vec& auth_info_list)
// {
// int result = 0;
// char * errmsg = NULL;
// char **dbResult;
// int nRow, nColumn;
// int i, j;
// int index;
// sqlite3* sql_exec = get_db();
// if (sql_exec == NULL)
// return false;
// const char* szSQL =
// "SELECT host_id ,host_ip,host_user_name, \
// host_user_pwd, host_auth_mode as auth_mode,a.cert_id as cert_id, \
// cert_pri,cert_name,cert_pub from ts_host_info as a LEFT JOIN ts_cert as b \
// ON a.cert_id = b.cert_id;";
// result = sqlite3_get_table(sql_exec, szSQL, &dbResult, &nRow, &nColumn, &errmsg);
// if (result != 0)
// {
// EXLOGE("[db] get all auth-info list failed: %s.\n", errmsg);
// return false;
// }
// //查询是否存在表
// index = nColumn;
// for (i = 0; i < nRow; i++)
// {
// mapStringKey mapstringKey;
// for (j = 0; j < nColumn; j++)
// {
// //ex_astr temp = dbResult[j];
// if (dbResult[index] == NULL)
// mapstringKey[dbResult[j]] = "";
// else
// mapstringKey[dbResult[j]] = dbResult[index];
// ++index;
// }
// TS_DB_AUTH_INFO_3 info;
// mapStringKey::iterator it = mapstringKey.find("host_id");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.host_id = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// it = mapstringKey.find("host_ip");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.host_ip = it->second;
// it = mapstringKey.find("host_user_name");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.host_user_name = it->second;
// it = mapstringKey.find("host_user_pwd");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.host_user_pwd = it->second;
// it = mapstringKey.find("auth_mode");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.auth_mode = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// it = mapstringKey.find("cert_id");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.cert_id = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// it = mapstringKey.find("cert_name");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.cert_pub = it->second;
// it = mapstringKey.find("cert_pri");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.cert_pri = it->second;
// it = mapstringKey.find("cert_pub");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.cert_pub = it->second;
// auth_info_list.push_back(info);
// }
// sqlite3_free_table(dbResult);
// return true;
// }
// bool TsDB::get_auth_info_list_by_ip(ex_astr host_ip, AuthInfo3Vec& auth_info_list)
// {
// int result = 0;
// char * errmsg = NULL;
// char **dbResult;
// int nRow, nColumn;
// int i, j;
// int index;
// sqlite3* sql_exec = get_db();
// if (sql_exec == NULL)
// return false;
// char szSQL[1024] = { 0 };
// ex_strformat(szSQL, 1024,
// "select host_id ,host_ip,host_user_name, \
// host_user_pwd, host_auth_mode as auth_mode,a.cert_id as cert_id, \
// cert_pri,cert_name,cert_pub from ts_host_info as a LEFT JOIN ts_cert as b \
// ON a.cert_id = b.cert_id where a.host_ip = \"%s\"", host_ip.c_str());
// result = sqlite3_get_table(sql_exec, szSQL, &dbResult, &nRow, &nColumn, &errmsg);
// if (result != 0)
// {
// EXLOGE("[db] get auth-info by ip failed: %s.\n", errmsg);
// return false;
// }
// //查询是否存在表
// index = nColumn;
// for (i = 0; i < nRow; i++)
// {
// //typedef std::map<ex_astr, ex_astr> mapStringKey;
// mapStringKey mapstringKey;
// for (j = 0; j < nColumn; j++)
// {
// ex_astr temp = dbResult[j];
// if (dbResult[index] == NULL)
// mapstringKey[dbResult[j]] = "";
// else
// mapstringKey[dbResult[j]] = dbResult[index];
// ++index;
// }
// TS_DB_AUTH_INFO_3 info;
// mapStringKey::iterator it = mapstringKey.find("host_id");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.host_id = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// it = mapstringKey.find("host_ip");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.host_ip = it->second;
// it = mapstringKey.find("host_user_name");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.host_user_name = it->second;
// it = mapstringKey.find("host_user_pwd");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.host_user_pwd = it->second;
// it = mapstringKey.find("auth_mode");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.auth_mode = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// it = mapstringKey.find("cert_id");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.cert_id = atoi(it->second.c_str());
// it = mapstringKey.find("cert_name");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.cert_pub = it->second;
// it = mapstringKey.find("cert_pri");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.cert_pri = it->second;
// it = mapstringKey.find("cert_pub");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// info.cert_pub = it->second;
// auth_info_list.push_back(info);
// }
// sqlite3_free_table(dbResult);
// return true;
// }
// bool TsDB::get_server_config(TS_DB_SERVER_CONFIG* server_config)
// {
// int result = 0;
// char * errmsg = NULL;
// char **dbResult;
// int nRow, nColumn;
// int i, j;
// int index;
// sqlite3* sql_exec = get_db();
// if (sql_exec == NULL)
// return false;
// char* szSQL = "SELECT name, value FROM ts_config";
// result = sqlite3_get_table(sql_exec, szSQL, &dbResult, &nRow, &nColumn, &errmsg);
// if (result != 0)
// {
// EXLOGE("[db] get server confit failed: %s.\n", errmsg);
// return false;
// }
// //查询是否存在表
// index = nColumn;
// for (i = 0; i < nRow; i++)
// {
// mapStringKey mapstringKey;
// for (j = 0; j < nColumn; j++)
// {
// ex_astr temp = dbResult[j];
// if (dbResult[index] == NULL)
// mapstringKey[dbResult[j]] = "";
// else
// mapstringKey[dbResult[j]] = dbResult[index];
// ++index;
// }
// TS_DB_AUTH_INFO_3 info;
// mapStringKey::iterator it = mapstringKey.find("name");
// if (it != mapstringKey.end())
// {
// ex_astr temp = it->second;
// temp.erase(remove_if(temp.begin(), temp.end(), std::ptr_fun(::isspace)), temp.end());
// mapStringKey::iterator value = mapstringKey.find("value");
// if (temp.compare("ts_server_rpc_port") == 0)
// server_config->ts_server_rpc_port = atoi(value->second.c_str());
// else if (temp.compare("ts_server_rdp_port") == 0)
// server_config->ts_server_rdp_port = atoi(value->second.c_str());
// else if (temp.compare("ts_server_ssh_port") == 0)
// server_config->ts_server_ssh_port = atoi(value->second.c_str());
// else if (temp.compare("ts_server_telnet_port") == 0)
// server_config->ts_server_telnet_port = atoi(value->second.c_str());
// else if (temp.compare("ts_server_rpc_ip") == 0)
// server_config->ts_server_rpc_ip = value->second.c_str();
// }
// }
// sqlite3_free_table(dbResult);
// return true;
// }

View File

@ -4,63 +4,63 @@
#include "ts_session.h"
#include <json/json.h>
#include <sqlite3.h>
//#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <ex.h>
#include <map>
typedef std::map<long, sqlite3*> sqlite3Map;
// #include <map>
// typedef std::map<long, sqlite3*> sqlite3Map;
// typedef struct TS_DB_AUTH_INFO
// {
// ex_astr host_ip;
// int host_port;
// int host_lock;
// int sys_type;
// int protocol;
// int is_encrypt;
// int auth_mode;
// int account_lock;
// ex_astr user_name;
// ex_astr user_auth;
// ex_astr user_param;
// ex_astr account_name;
// typedef struct TS_DB_AUTH_INFO_2
// {
// int auth_id;
// int host_id;
// ex_astr host_ip;
// int pro_type;
// int auth_mode;
// int host_lock;
typedef struct TS_DB_AUTH_INFO
ex_astr host_ip;
int host_port;
int host_lock;
int sys_type;
int protocol;
int is_encrypt;
int auth_mode;
int account_lock;
ex_astr user_name;
ex_astr user_auth;
ex_astr user_param;
ex_astr account_name;
// typedef struct TS_DB_AUTH_INFO_3
// {
// int host_id;
// ex_astr host_ip;
// ex_astr host_user_name;
// ex_astr host_user_pwd;
// int auth_mode;
// int cert_id;
// ex_astr cert_name;
// ex_astr cert_pri;
// ex_astr cert_pub;
typedef struct TS_DB_AUTH_INFO_2
int auth_id;
int host_id;
ex_astr host_ip;
int pro_type;
int auth_mode;
int host_lock;
// typedef struct TS_DB_SERVER_CONFIG
// {
// ex_astr ts_server_rpc_ip;
// int ts_server_rpc_port;
// int ts_server_rdp_port;
// int ts_server_ssh_port;
// int ts_server_telnet_port;
typedef struct TS_DB_AUTH_INFO_3
int host_id;
ex_astr host_ip;
ex_astr host_user_name;
ex_astr host_user_pwd;
int auth_mode;
int cert_id;
ex_astr cert_name;
ex_astr cert_pri;
ex_astr cert_pub;
typedef struct TS_DB_SERVER_CONFIG
ex_astr ts_server_rpc_ip;
int ts_server_rpc_port;
int ts_server_rdp_port;
int ts_server_ssh_port;
int ts_server_telnet_port;
typedef std::vector<TS_DB_AUTH_INFO_2> AuthInfo2Vec;
typedef std::vector<TS_DB_AUTH_INFO_3> AuthInfo3Vec;
// typedef std::vector<TS_DB_AUTH_INFO_2> AuthInfo2Vec;
// typedef std::vector<TS_DB_AUTH_INFO_3> AuthInfo3Vec;
class TsDB
@ -70,31 +70,18 @@ public:
// 根据认证ID获取认证信息包括服务器IP、端口用户名、密码或私钥、协议如RDP或SSH等等
bool get_auth_info(int auth_id, Json::Value& jret);
// bool get_cert_pri(int cert_id, ex_astr& cert_pri);
// 授权的主机数量
// bool get_host_count(int& count);
// 重置log日志状态
bool update_reset_log();
bool session_begin(TS_SESSION_INFO& info, int& sid);
// ¼Ç¼»á»°µÄ¿ªÊ¼
bool session_begin(TS_SESSION_INFO& info, int& record_id);
//session 结束
bool session_end(int id,int ret_code);
// bool get_auth_id_list_by_all(AuthInfo2Vec& auth_info_list);
// bool get_auth_id_list_by_ip(ex_astr host_ip, AuthInfo2Vec& auth_info_list);
// bool get_auth_info_list_by_all(AuthInfo3Vec& auth_info_list);
// bool get_auth_info_list_by_ip(ex_astr host_ip, AuthInfo3Vec& auth_info_list);
// //获取server 的配置信息
// bool get_server_config(TS_DB_SERVER_CONFIG* server_config);
sqlite3* get_db();
ExThreadLock m_lock;
sqlite3Map m_sqlite3Map;
// protected:
// sqlite3* get_db();
// private:
// ExThreadLock m_lock;
// sqlite3Map m_sqlite3Map;
extern TsDB g_db;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#include "ts_crypto.h"
#include "ts_db.h"
#include <sqlite3.h>
//#include <sqlite3.h>
#define HEXTOI(x) (isdigit(x) ? x - '0' : x - 'W')

View File

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ class WebSession(threading.Thread):
self._session_dict[s_id] = {'v': value, 't': int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp()), 'e': expire}
def get(self, s_id, _default=None):
# 从session中获取一个数据读取并更新最后访问时间
with self._lock:
if s_id in self._session_dict:
if self._session_dict[s_id]['e'] == 0:
@ -87,6 +88,15 @@ class WebSession(threading.Thread):
return _default
def taken(self, s_id, _default=None):
# 从session中取走一个数据读取并删除
with self._lock:
if s_id in self._session_dict:
ret = self._session_dict[s_id]['v']
del self._session_dict[s_id]
return ret
return _default
def web_session():

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from .configs import app_cfg
cfg = app_cfg()
__all__ = ['async_post_http']
__all__ = ['async_post_http', 'async_enc']
@ -43,6 +43,62 @@ def async_post_http(url, values):
return None
def async_enc(data):
# # url = cfg.ts_enc_url
# config_list = set.get_config_list()
# rpc_port = 52080
# if 'ts_server_rpc_port' in config_list:
# rpc_port = int(config_list['ts_server_rpc_port'])
# ts_server_rpc_ip = ''
# if 'ts_server_rpc_ip' in config_list:
# ts_server_rpc_ip = config_list['ts_server_rpc_ip']
ts_server_rpc_ip = cfg.core.rpc.ip
ts_server_rpc_port = cfg.core.rpc.port
# url = 'http://{}:{}/enc'.format(ts_server_rpc_ip, ts_server_rpc_port)
# values = dict()
# if not isinstance(data, str):
# data = "{}".format(data)
# values['p'] = data
# return_data = post_http(url, values)
# if return_data is None:
# return -2, ''
# if return_data is not None:
# return_data = json.loads(return_data)
# else:
# return -3, ''
url = 'http://{}:{}/rpc'.format(ts_server_rpc_ip, ts_server_rpc_port)
req = {'method': 'enc', 'param': {'p': data}}
_yr = async_post_http(url, req)
return_data = yield _yr
if return_data is None:
return {'code': -2}
if 'code' not in return_data:
return {'code': -3}
if return_data['code'] != 0:
return {'code': return_data['code']}
# ret_code = return_data['code']
# if ret_code != 0:
# return ret_code, ''
if 'data' not in return_data:
return {'code': -5}
# data = return_data['data']
if 'c' not in return_data['data']:
return {'code': -6}
return {'code': 0, 'data': return_data['data']['c']}
# return 0, decry_data

View File

@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ controllers = [
(r'/host/update-group', host.UpdateGroup),
(r'/host/delete-group', host.DeleteGroup),
(r'/host/add-host-to-group', host.AddHostToGroup),
(r'/host/get-host-extend-info', host.GetHostExtendInfo),
(r'/host/update-host-extend-info', host.UpdateHostExtendInfo),
# (r'/host/get-host-extend-info', host.GetHostExtendInfo),
# (r'/host/update-host-extend-info', host.UpdateHostExtendInfo),
(r'/host/update', host.UpdateHandler),
(r'/host/load-file', host.LoadFile),
(r'/host/', host.IndexHandler),

View File

@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ class SwxJsonpHandler(SwxAppHandler):
if data is None:
if not isinstance(data, dict):
@ -123,6 +124,7 @@ class SwxJsonpHandler(SwxAppHandler):
class SwxJsonHandler(SwxAppHandler):
@ -149,6 +151,7 @@ class SwxJsonHandler(SwxAppHandler):
self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
def write_raw_json(self, data=None):
@ -157,6 +160,7 @@ class SwxJsonHandler(SwxAppHandler):
self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
class SwxAuthHandler(SwxAppHandler):

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import time
import csv
import os
import threading
import urllib
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
@ -15,12 +16,15 @@ from eom_app.app.util import *
from eom_app.module import host
from eom_app.module.common import *
from eom_common.eomcore.logger import *
from eom_app.app.session import web_session
from .base import SwxAuthHandler, SwxAuthJsonHandler, SwxAdminJsonHandler
cfg = app_cfg()
# 临时认证ID的基数每次使用时均递减
tmp_auth_id_base = -1
tmp_auth_id_lock = threading.RLock()
class IndexHandler(SwxAuthHandler):
def get(self):
@ -33,7 +37,7 @@ class IndexHandler(SwxAuthHandler):
# f = open(var_js, 'w')
_type = _user['type']
config_list = set.get_config_list()
# config_list = set.get_config_list()
ts_server = dict()
# ts_server['ip'] = config_list['ts_server_ip']
# ts_server['ip'] = cfg['ts_server_ip']
@ -63,8 +67,8 @@ class IndexHandler(SwxAuthHandler):
group_list = host.get_group_list()
if config_list is None:
# if config_list is None:
# return
@ -72,9 +76,12 @@ class IndexHandler(SwxAuthHandler):
class LoadFile(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
def get(self):
# def get(self):
# pass
# TODO: 导入操作可能会比较耗时,应该分离导入和获取导入状态两个过程,在页面上可以呈现导入进度,并列出导出成功/失败的项
def post(self):
@ -179,10 +186,22 @@ class LoadFile(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
elif auth_mode == 1:
if is_encrpty == 0:
ret_code, tmp_pswd = get_enc_data(user_pswd)
# ret_code, tmp_pswd = get_enc_data(user_pswd)
_yr = async_enc(user_pswd)
return_data = yield _yr
if return_data is None:
return self.write_json(-1)
if 'code' not in return_data or return_data['code'] != 0:
return self.write_json(-1)
tmp_pswd = return_data['data']
tmp_pswd = user_pswd
user_args['user_pswd'] = tmp_pswd
except Exception:
ret_code = -1
log.e('get_enc_data() failed.\n')
@ -220,8 +239,6 @@ class LoadFile(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
if os.path.exists(csv_filename):
# self.write_json(0)
class GetListHandler(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
def post(self):
@ -525,13 +542,13 @@ class GetCertList(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
class AddCert(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
def post(self):
args = self.get_argument('args', None)
if args is not None:
args = json.loads(args)
# print('args', args)
# ret = {'code':-1}
@ -542,25 +559,36 @@ class AddCert(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
if len(cert_pri) == 0:
ret_code, cert_pri = get_enc_data(cert_pri)
except Exception as e:
if 0 != ret_code:
# ret_code, cert_pri =
_yr = async_enc(cert_pri)
return_data = yield _yr
if return_data is None:
return self.write_json(-1)
if 'code' not in return_data or return_data['code'] != 0:
return self.write_json(-1)
cert_pri = return_data['data']
# try:
# ret_code, cert_pri = get_enc_data(cert_pri)
# except Exception as e:
# self.write_json(-100)
# return
# if 0 != ret_code:
# self.write_json(ret_code)
# return
ret = host.add_cert(cert_pub, cert_pri, cert_name)
if ret:
return self.write_json(0)
return self.write_json(-1)
return self.write_json(-1)
class DeleteCert(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
@ -587,6 +615,8 @@ class DeleteCert(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
class UpdateCert(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
def post(self):
args = self.get_argument('args', None)
if args is not None:
@ -602,14 +632,22 @@ class UpdateCert(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
cert_name = args['cert_name']
if len(cert_pri) > 0:
ret_code, cert_pri = get_enc_data(cert_pri)
except Exception as e:
if 0 != ret_code:
_yr = async_enc(cert_pri)
return_data = yield _yr
if return_data is None:
return self.write_json(-1)
if 'code' not in return_data or return_data['code'] != 0:
return self.write_json(-1)
cert_pri = return_data['data']
# try:
# ret_code, cert_pri = get_enc_data(cert_pri)
# except Exception as e:
# return self.write_json(-100)
# if 0 != ret_code:
# return self.write_json(ret_code)
ret = host.update_cert(cert_id, cert_pub, cert_pri, cert_name)
@ -717,63 +755,63 @@ class AddHostToGroup(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
class GetHostExtendInfo(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
def post(self):
args = self.get_argument('args', None)
if args is not None:
args = json.loads(args)
# print('args', args)
# ret = {'code':-1}
host_id = args['host_id']
_host = host.get_host_extend_info(host_id)
self.write_json(0, data=_host)
class UpdateHostExtendInfo(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
def post(self):
args = self.get_argument('args', None)
if args is not None:
args = json.loads(args)
# print('args', args)
# ret = {'code':-1}
host_id = args['host_id']
if args['host_auth_mode'] == 1:
if len(args['user_pwd']) > 0:
ret_code, tmp_pswd = get_enc_data(args['user_pwd'])
except Exception as e:
if 0 != ret_code:
args['user_pwd'] = tmp_pswd
# ip = args['ip']
# port = args['port']
# user_name = args['user_name']
# user_pwd = args['user_pwd']
# cert_id = args['cert_id']
# pro_type = args['pro_type']
ret = host.update_host_extend_info(host_id, args)
if ret:
# class GetHostExtendInfo(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
# def post(self):
# args = self.get_argument('args', None)
# if args is not None:
# args = json.loads(args)
# # print('args', args)
# else:
# # ret = {'code':-1}
# self.write_json(-1)
# return
# try:
# host_id = args['host_id']
# _host = host.get_host_extend_info(host_id)
# self.write_json(0, data=_host)
# return
# except:
# self.write_json(-1)
# return
# class UpdateHostExtendInfo(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
# def post(self):
# args = self.get_argument('args', None)
# if args is not None:
# args = json.loads(args)
# # print('args', args)
# else:
# # ret = {'code':-1}
# self.write_json(-1)
# return
# host_id = args['host_id']
# if args['host_auth_mode'] == 1:
# if len(args['user_pwd']) > 0:
# try:
# ret_code, tmp_pswd = get_enc_data(args['user_pwd'])
# except Exception as e:
# self.write_json(-100)
# return
# if 0 != ret_code:
# self.write_json(ret_code)
# return
# args['user_pwd'] = tmp_pswd
# # ip = args['ip']
# # port = args['port']
# # user_name = args['user_name']
# # user_pwd = args['user_pwd']
# # cert_id = args['cert_id']
# # pro_type = args['pro_type']
# ret = host.update_host_extend_info(host_id, args)
# if ret:
# self.write_json(0)
# else:
# self.write_json(-1)
class GetSessionId(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
@ -828,6 +866,7 @@ class GetSessionId(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
class AdminGetSessionId(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
args = self.get_argument('args', None)
if args is not None:
@ -839,38 +878,34 @@ class AdminGetSessionId(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
if 'host_auth_id' not in args:
host_auth_id = args['host_auth_id']
_host_auth_id = int(args['host_auth_id'])
user = self.get_current_user()
# host_auth_id 对应的是 ts_auth_info 表中的某个条目,含有具体的认证数据,因为管理员无需授权即可访问所有远程主机,因此
# 直接给出 host_auth_id且account直接指明是adminTODO: 应该是当前登录用户的用户名,这样能够自适应
# 直接给出 host_auth_id且account直接指明是当前登录用户(其必然是管理员)
# TODO: 从数据库中查询对应的认证数据后缓存到内存中并对应一个负数的auth_id发给core服务从而取得一个session-id.
values = host.get_host_auth_info(host_auth_id)
if values is None:
tmp_auth_info = host.get_host_auth_info(_host_auth_id)
if tmp_auth_info is None:
values['account'] = 'admin'
# config_list = host.get_config_list()
# ts_server_rpc_ip = ''
# if 'ts_server_rpc_ip' in config_list:
# ts_server_rpc_ip = config_list['ts_server_rpc_ip']
# ts_server_rpc_port = 52080
# if 'ts_server_rpc_port' in config_list:
# ts_server_rpc_port = config_list['ts_server_rpc_port']
tmp_auth_info['account_lock'] = 0
tmp_auth_info['account_name'] = user['name']
ts_server_rpc_ip = cfg.core.rpc.ip
ts_server_rpc_port = cfg.core.rpc.port
url = 'http://{}:{}/request_session'.format(ts_server_rpc_ip, ts_server_rpc_port)
req = {'method': 'request_session', 'param': {'authid': auth_id}}
# values['auth_id'] = auth_id
# return_data = post_http(url, values)
# if return_data is None:
# return self.write_json(-1)
# return_data = json.loads(return_data)
with tmp_auth_id_lock:
global tmp_auth_id_base
tmp_auth_id_base -= 1
auth_id = tmp_auth_id_base
web_session().set('tmp-auth-info-{}'.format(auth_id), tmp_auth_info, 10)
url = 'http://{}:{}/rpc'.format(ts_server_rpc_ip, ts_server_rpc_port)
req = {'method': 'request_session', 'param': {'authid': auth_id}}
_yr = async_post_http(url, req)
return_data = yield _yr
if return_data is None:
@ -878,12 +913,14 @@ class AdminGetSessionId(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
if 'code' not in return_data:
return self.write_json(-1)
_code = return_data['code']
if _code != 0:
return self.write_json(_code)
session_id = return_data['data']['sid']
except IndexError:
return self.write_json(-1)
data = dict()
@ -893,6 +930,7 @@ class AdminGetSessionId(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
class AdminFastGetSessionId(SwxAdminJsonHandler):
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
args = self.get_argument('args', None)
if args is not None:
@ -901,88 +939,83 @@ class AdminFastGetSessionId(SwxAdminJsonHandler):
user = self.get_current_user()
tmp_auth_info = dict()
host_ip = args['host_ip']
host_port = args['host_port']
sys_type = args['sys_type']
user_name = args['user_name']
user_pswd = args['user_pswd']
host_auth_id = args['host_auth_id']
cert_id = args['cert_id']
auth_mode = args['auth_mode']
protocol = args['protocol']
user_param = args['user_param']
except Exception as e:
_host_auth_id = int(args['host_auth_id'])
_user_pswd = args['user_pswd']
_cert_id = int(args['cert_id'])
tmp_auth_info['host_ip'] = args['host_ip']
tmp_auth_info['host_port'] = int(args['host_port'])
tmp_auth_info['sys_type'] = int(args['sys_type'])
tmp_auth_info['protocol'] = int(args['protocol'])
tmp_auth_info['user_name'] = args['user_name']
tmp_auth_info['auth_mode'] = int(args['auth_mode'])
tmp_auth_info['user_param'] = args['user_param']
tmp_auth_info['encrypt'] = 1
tmp_auth_info['account_lock'] = 0
tmp_auth_info['account_name'] = user['name']
except IndexError:
values = dict()
values['ip'] = host_ip
values['port'] = int(host_port)
values['systype'] = int(sys_type)
values['uname'] = user_name
values['uparam'] = user_param
values['authmode'] = int(auth_mode)
values['protocol'] = int(protocol)
values['enc'] = 1
if auth_mode == 1:
if len(user_pswd) == 0:
h = host.get_host_auth_info(host_auth_id)
tmp_pswd = h['uauth']
ret_code, tmp_pswd = get_enc_data(user_pswd)
if ret_code != 0:
values['uauth'] = tmp_pswd
elif auth_mode == 2:
uauth = host.get_cert_info(int(cert_id))
if uauth is None:
values['uauth'] = uauth
elif auth_mode == 0:
values['uauth'] = ''
values['account'] = 'admin'
ts_server_rpc_ip = cfg.core.rpc.ip
ts_server_rpc_port = cfg.core.rpc.port
# 为统一调用形式这里先将密码或私钥传递给core服务加密然后生成一个临时认证信息供后续request_session时core服务来获取
if tmp_auth_info['auth_mode'] == 1:
if len(_user_pswd) == 0: # 修改登录用户信息时可能不会修改密码,因此页面上可能不会传来密码,需要从数据库中直接读取
h = host.get_host_auth_info(_host_auth_id)
tmp_auth_info['user_auth'] = h['user_auth']
else: # 如果页面上修改了密码或者新建账号时设定了密码那么需要先交给core服务进行加密
url = 'http://{}:{}/rpc'.format(ts_server_rpc_ip, ts_server_rpc_port)
req = {'method': 'enc', 'param': {'p': _user_pswd}}
_yr = async_post_http(url, req)
return_data = yield _yr
if return_data is None:
return self.write_json(-1)
if 'code' not in return_data or return_data['code'] != 0:
return self.write_json(-1)
tmp_auth_info['user_auth'] = return_data['data']['c']
elif tmp_auth_info['auth_mode'] == 2:
tmp_auth_info['user_auth'] = host.get_cert_info(_cert_id)
if tmp_auth_info['user_auth'] is None:
elif tmp_auth_info['auth_mode'] == 0:
tmp_auth_info['user_auth'] = ''
with tmp_auth_id_lock:
global tmp_auth_id_base
tmp_auth_id_base -= 1
auth_id = tmp_auth_id_base
web_session().set('tmp-auth-info-{}'.format(auth_id), tmp_auth_info, 10)
url = 'http://{}:{}/rpc'.format(ts_server_rpc_ip, ts_server_rpc_port)
req = {'method': 'enc', 'param': {'p': values['uauth']}}
req = {'method': 'request_session', 'param': {'authid': auth_id}}
_yr = async_post_http(url, req)
return_data = yield _yr
if return_data is None:
return self.write_json(-1)
if 'code' not in return_data or return_data['code'] != 0:
return self.write_json(-1)
values['uauth'] = return_data['data']['c']
# TODO: 生成一个临时认证信息备用如何保证临时的auth_id唯一
url = 'http://{}:{}/request_session'.format(ts_server_rpc_ip, ts_server_rpc_port)
# values['auth_id'] = auth_id
return_data = post_http(url, values)
if return_data is None:
return self.write_json(-1)
return_data = json.loads(return_data)
if 'code' not in return_data:
return self.write_json(-1)
_code = return_data['code']
if _code != 0:
return self.write_json(_code)
session_id = return_data['data']['sid']
except IndexError:
return self.write_json(-1)
data = dict()
@ -1010,36 +1043,45 @@ class SysUserList(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
class SysUserAdd(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
args = self.get_argument('args', None)
if args is not None:
args = json.loads(args)
return self.write_json(-1)
auth_mode = args['auth_mode']
user_pswd = args['user_pswd']
cert_id = args['cert_id']
except Exception as e:
except IndexError:
return self.write_json(-2)
if auth_mode == 1:
if 0 == len(args['user_pswd']):
ret_code, tmp_pswd = get_enc_data(user_pswd)
except Exception as e:
if 0 != ret_code:
return self.write_json(-1)
args['user_pswd'] = tmp_pswd
_yr = async_enc(user_pswd)
return_data = yield _yr
if return_data is None:
return self.write_json(-1)
if 'code' not in return_data or return_data['code'] != 0:
return self.write_json(-1)
args['user_pswd'] = return_data['data']
# try:
# ret_code, tmp_pswd = get_enc_data(user_pswd)
# except Exception as e:
# self.write_json(ret_code)
# return
# if 0 != ret_code:
# self.write_json(ret_code)
# return
# args['user_pswd'] = tmp_pswd
if host.sys_user_add(args) < 0:
return self.write_json(-1)
@ -1048,6 +1090,7 @@ class SysUserAdd(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
class SysUserUpdate(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
args = self.get_argument('args', None)
if args is not None:
@ -1078,16 +1121,25 @@ class SysUserUpdate(SwxAuthJsonHandler):
cert_id = kv['cert_id']
if auth_mode == 1 and user_pswd is not None:
ret_code, tmp_pswd = get_enc_data(user_pswd)
except Exception as e:
if 0 != ret_code:
# try:
# ret_code, tmp_pswd = get_enc_data(user_pswd)
# except Exception as e:
# self.write_json(-100)
# return
# if 0 != ret_code:
# self.write_json(ret_code)
# return
# args['kv']['user_pswd'] = tmp_pswd
_yr = async_enc(user_pswd)
return_data = yield _yr
if return_data is None:
return self.write_json(-1)
args['kv']['user_pswd'] = tmp_pswd
if 'code' not in return_data or return_data['code'] != 0:
return self.write_json(-1)
args['kv']['user_pswd'] = return_data['data']
if host.sys_user_update(args['host_auth_id'], args['kv']):
return self.write_json(0)

View File

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import tornado.gen
import json
import urllib.parse
from eom_app.module import host
from eom_app.app.session import web_session
from eom_app.module import host, record
from .base import SwxJsonHandler
@ -20,7 +21,6 @@ class RpcHandler(SwxJsonHandler):
yield self._dispatch(urllib.parse.unquote(_uri[1]))
def post(self):
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ class RpcHandler(SwxJsonHandler):
yield self._dispatch(req)
def _dispatch(self, req):
@ -61,35 +60,69 @@ class RpcHandler(SwxJsonHandler):
self.write_json(-1, message='invalid method.')
def _get_auth_info(self, param):
# todo: 如果是页面上进行连接测试增加或修改主机和用户时信息并不写入数据库而是在内存中存在传递给core服务的
# 应该是负数形式的authid。本接口应该支持区分这两种认证ID。
# 如果是页面上进行连接测试增加或修改主机和用户时信息并不写入数据库而是在内存中存在传递给core服务的
# 应该是负数形式的authid。本接口支持区分这两种认证ID。
if 'authid' not in param:
self.write_json(-1, message='invalid request.')
# 根据authid从数据库中查询对应的数据然后返回给调用者
x = host.get_auth_info(param['authid'])
print('get_auth_info():', x)
self.write_json(0, data=x)
authid = param['authid']
if authid > 0:
# 根据authid从数据库中查询对应的数据然后返回给调用者
x = host.get_auth_info(param['authid'])
print('get_auth_info():', x)
self.write_json(0, data=x)
elif authid < 0:
x = web_session().taken('tmp-auth-info-{}'.format(authid), None)
print('get_auth_info():', x)
self.write_json(0, data=x)
self.write_json(-1, message='invalid auth id.')
def _session_begin(self, param):
if 'sid' not in param:
self.write_json(-1, message='invalid request.')
return self.write_json(-1, message='invalid request.')
self.write_json(0, data={'rid': 12})
# jreq["param"]["sid"] = info.sid.c_str();
# jreq["param"]["account_name"] = info.account_name.c_str();
# jreq["param"]["host_ip"] = info.host_ip.c_str();
# jreq["param"]["sys_type"] = info.sys_type;
# jreq["param"]["host_port"] = info.host_port;
# jreq["param"]["auth_mode"] = info.auth_mode,
# jreq["param"]["user_name"] = info.user_name.c_str();
# jreq["param"]["protocol"] = info.protocol;
_sid = param['sid']
_acc_name = param['account_name']
_host_ip = param['host_ip']
_sys_type = param['sys_type']
_host_port = param['host_port']
_auth_mode = param['auth_mode']
_user_name = param['user_name']
_protocol = param['protocol']
except IndexError:
return self.write_json(-1, message='invalid request.')
record_id = record.session_begin(_sid, _acc_name, _host_ip, _sys_type, _host_port, _auth_mode, _user_name, _protocol)
if record_id <= 0:
self.write_json(-1, message='can not write database.')
self.write_json(0, data={'rid': record_id})
def _session_end(self, param):
if 'rid' not in param or 'code' not in param:
self.write_json(-1, message='invalid request.')
if not record.session_end(param['rid'], param['code']):
def _session_fix(self):
# do db operation.
def _exit(self):

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import urllib.request
import eom_common.eomcore.eom_mysql as mysql
import eom_common.eomcore.eom_sqlite as sqlite
from eom_app.app.configs import app_cfg
from eom_app.module import set
# from eom_app.module import set
cfg = app_cfg()
@ -35,72 +35,72 @@ def get_db_con():
return sql_exec
def post_http(url, values):
# log.v('post_http(), url={}\n'.format(url))
user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'
# values = {
# 'act': 'login',
# 'login[email]': 'yzhang@i9i8.com',
# 'login[password]': '123456'
# }
values = json.dumps(values)
data = urllib.parse.quote(values).encode('utf-8')
# data = urllib.parse.urlencode(values).encode()
headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent}
# url = 'http://www.baidu.com'
req = urllib.request.Request(url=url, data=data, headers=headers)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=3)
the_page = response.read()
info = response.info()
_zip = info.get('Content-Encoding')
if _zip == 'gzip':
the_page = gzip.decompress(the_page)
the_page = the_page.decode()
return the_page
return None
# def post_http(url, values):
# try:
# # log.v('post_http(), url={}\n'.format(url))
# user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'
# # values = {
# # 'act': 'login',
# # 'login[email]': 'yzhang@i9i8.com',
# # 'login[password]': '123456'
# # }
# values = json.dumps(values)
# data = urllib.parse.quote(values).encode('utf-8')
# # data = urllib.parse.urlencode(values).encode()
# headers = {'User-Agent': user_agent}
# # url = 'http://www.baidu.com'
# req = urllib.request.Request(url=url, data=data, headers=headers)
# response = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=3)
# the_page = response.read()
# info = response.info()
# _zip = info.get('Content-Encoding')
# if _zip == 'gzip':
# the_page = gzip.decompress(the_page)
# else:
# pass
# the_page = the_page.decode()
# return the_page
# except:
# return None
def get_enc_data(data):
# url = cfg.ts_enc_url
config_list = set.get_config_list()
rpc_port = 52080
if 'ts_server_rpc_port' in config_list:
rpc_port = int(config_list['ts_server_rpc_port'])
ts_server_rpc_ip = ''
if 'ts_server_rpc_ip' in config_list:
ts_server_rpc_ip = config_list['ts_server_rpc_ip']
url = 'http://{}:{}/enc'.format(ts_server_rpc_ip, rpc_port)
values = dict()
if not isinstance(data, str):
data = "{}".format(data)
values['p'] = data
return_data = post_http(url, values)
if return_data is None:
return -2, ''
if return_data is not None:
return_data = json.loads(return_data)
return -3, ''
ret_code = return_data['code']
if ret_code != 0:
return ret_code, ''
if 'data' not in return_data:
return -5, ''
data = return_data['data']
if 'c' not in data:
return -6, ''
decry_data = data['c']
return 0, decry_data
# def get_enc_data(data):
# # url = cfg.ts_enc_url
# config_list = set.get_config_list()
# rpc_port = 52080
# if 'ts_server_rpc_port' in config_list:
# rpc_port = int(config_list['ts_server_rpc_port'])
# ts_server_rpc_ip = ''
# if 'ts_server_rpc_ip' in config_list:
# ts_server_rpc_ip = config_list['ts_server_rpc_ip']
# url = 'http://{}:{}/enc'.format(ts_server_rpc_ip, rpc_port)
# values = dict()
# if not isinstance(data, str):
# data = "{}".format(data)
# values['p'] = data
# return_data = post_http(url, values)
# if return_data is None:
# return -2, ''
# if return_data is not None:
# return_data = json.loads(return_data)
# else:
# return -3, ''
# ret_code = return_data['code']
# if ret_code != 0:
# return ret_code, ''
# if 'data' not in return_data:
# return -5, ''
# data = return_data['data']
# if 'c' not in data:
# return -6, ''
# decry_data = data['c']
# return 0, decry_data

View File

@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ def delete_group(group_id):
def update_group(group_id, group_name):
sql_exec = get_db_con()
str_sql = 'UPDATE ts_group SET group_name = \'{}\' ' \
' WHERE group_id = {}'.format(group_name, group_id)
'WHERE group_id = {}'.format(group_name, group_id)
ret = sql_exec.ExecProcNonQuery(str_sql)
return ret
@ -531,30 +531,31 @@ def get_host_auth_info(host_auth_id):
return None
x = DbItem()
x.load(db_ret[0], ['a_{}'.format(i) for i in field_a] + ['b_{}'.format(i) for i in field_b])
h = dict()
h['ip'] = x.b_host_ip
h['systype'] = x.b_host_sys_type
h['authmode'] = x.a_auth_mode
h['uname'] = x.a_user_name
h = dict()
h['host_ip'] = x.b_host_ip
h['host_port'] = x.b_host_port
h['sys_type'] = x.b_host_sys_type
h['auth_mode'] = x.a_auth_mode
h['user_name'] = x.a_user_name
h['protocol'] = x.b_protocol
if x.a_encrypt is None:
h['enc'] = 1
h['encrypt'] = 1
h['enc'] = x.a_encrypt
h['encrypt'] = x.a_encrypt
if x.a_user_param is None:
h['uparam'] = ''
h['user_param'] = ''
h['uparam'] = x.a_user_param
h['user_param'] = x.a_user_param
h['uauth'] = x.a_user_pswd
h['port'] = int(x.b_host_port)
h['user_auth'] = x.a_user_pswd
# user_auth = x.a_user_auth
if x.a_auth_mode == 1:
h['uauth'] = x.a_user_pswd
h['user_auth'] = x.a_user_pswd
elif x.a_auth_mode == 2:
if x.a_cert_id is None:
cert_id = 0
@ -564,11 +565,11 @@ def get_host_auth_info(host_auth_id):
db_ret = sql_exec.ExecProcQuery(str_sql)
if db_ret is not None and len(db_ret) == 1:
(cert_pri,) = db_ret[0]
h['uauth'] = cert_pri
h['user_auth'] = cert_pri
return None
elif x.a_auth_mode == 0:
h['uauth'] = ''
h['user_auth'] = ''
return None

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import datetime
import shutil
import struct
@ -202,3 +203,46 @@ def delete_log(log_list):
return True
return False
def session_fix():
sql_exec = get_db_con()
str_sql = 'UPDATE ts_log SET ret_code=7 WHERE ret_code=0;'
return sql_exec.ExecProcNonQuery(str_sql)
return False
def session_begin(sid, acc_name, host_ip, sys_type, host_port, auth_mode, user_name, protocol):
_now = int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp())
sql_exec = get_db_con()
str_sql = 'INSERT INTO ts_log (session_id, account_name,host_ip,sys_type, host_port,auth_type, user_name,ret_code,begin_time,end_time,log_time, protocol) ' \
'VALUES (\'{}\',\'{}\',\'{}\',{},{},{},\'{}\',{},{},{},\'{}\',{});'.format(
sid, acc_name, host_ip, sys_type, host_port, auth_mode, user_name, 0, _now, 0, '', protocol)
ret = sql_exec.ExecProcNonQuery(str_sql)
if not ret:
return -101
str_sql = 'SELECT last_insert_rowid()'
db_ret = sql_exec.ExecProcQuery(str_sql)
if db_ret is None:
return -102
user_id = db_ret[0][0]
return user_id
return False
def session_end(record_id, ret_code):
_now = int(datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp())
sql_exec = get_db_con()
str_sql = 'UPDATE ts_log SET ret_code={}, end_time={} WHERE id={};'.format(ret_code, _now, record_id)
return sql_exec.ExecProcNonQuery(str_sql)
return False

View File

@ -210,13 +210,13 @@ def delete_host_user(user_name, auth_id_list):
return False
def get_enc_data_helper(data):
ret_code, data = get_enc_data(data)
except Exception as e:
return -100, ''
return ret_code, data
# def get_enc_data_helper(data):
# try:
# ret_code, data = get_enc_data(data)
# except Exception as e:
# return -100, ''
# return ret_code, data
def get_log_list(filter, limit):
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ def get_log_list(filter, limit):
if cost_time < 0:
cost_time = 0
h['cost_time'] = cost_time
h['log_time'] = x.a_log_time
h['begin_time'] = x.a_begin_time
if x.a_protocol is not None:
h['protocol'] = x.a_protocol

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class MySQL:
if self.connect() is None:
self.conn = None
return None
return False
cur = self.conn.cursor()

View File

@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ class eom_sqlite:
raise RuntimeError('can not open database.')
return self._conn
# 调用实例 ms.ExecProcQuery('exec P_Agent_Cmd_Get @CmdGroupId=7')
def ExecProcQuery(self, sql):
if self._conn is None:
if self.connect() is None:
@ -46,13 +45,11 @@ class eom_sqlite:
db_ret = cursor.fetchall()
return db_ret
except Exception as e:
except Exception:
return None
# return None
def ExecProcNonQuery(self, sql):
if self._conn is None:
if self.connect() is None:
@ -62,7 +59,7 @@ class eom_sqlite:
except Exception as e:
except Exception:
log.e('can not create/open database.\n')
return False

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ ywl.on_init = function (cb_stack, cb_args) {
{title: "协议", key: "protocol", render: 'protocol', fields: {protocol: 'protocol'}},
{title: "系统", key: "sys_type", width: 40, render: 'sys_type', fields: {sys_type: 'sys_type'}},
{title: "远程主机地址", key: "host_ip", render: 'server_info', fields: {host_ip: 'host_ip', host_port: 'host_port'}},
{title: "开始时间", key: "log_time", width: 160, render: 'log_time', fields: {log_time: 'log_time'}},
{title: "开始时间", key: "begin_time", width: 160, render: 'begin_time', fields: {begin_time: 'begin_time'}},
{title: "耗时", key: "cost_time", render: 'cost_time', fields: {cost_time: 'cost_time', ret_code: 'ret_code'}},
{title: "状态", key: "ret_code", render: 'ret_code', fields: {ret_code: 'ret_code'}},
@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ ywl.on_host_table_created = function (tbl) {
// }
render.log_time = function (row_id, fields) {
return '<span class="badge badge-primary mono">' + fields.log_time + ' </span>';
render.begin_time = function (row_id, fields) {
return '<span class="badge badge-primary mono">' + format_datetime(utc_to_local(fields.begin_time)) + ' </span>';
render.cost_time = function (row_id, fields) {