mirror of https://github.com/tp4a/teleport
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/dev'
@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ def main():
if x == 'c':
elif x == 'a':
x = int(x)
@ -90,8 +93,27 @@ def main():
def clean_all():
cc.e('sorry, clean not implemented yet.')
# utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'out'))
# cc.e('sorry, clean not implemented yet.')
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'out'))
def clean_everything():
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'out'))
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'jsoncpp'))
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'libuv'))
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'mbedtls'))
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'mongoose'))
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'openssl'))
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'python'))
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'libssh-win-static', 'lib'))
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'libssh-win-static', 'src'))
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'tmp'))
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libmbedcrypto.a'))
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libmbedtls.a'))
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libmbedx509.a'))
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libsqlite3.a'))
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libssh.a'))
utils.remove(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'external', 'linux', 'release', 'lib', 'libuv.a'))
def do_opt(opt):
@ -210,7 +232,7 @@ def get_input(msg, log_func=cc.w):
def show_logo():
cc.o((cc.CR_VERBOSE, ' | '), (cc.CR_INFO, 'Teleport Projects Builder'), (cc.CR_VERBOSE, ' |'))
cc.v(' | auth: apexliu@eomsoft.net |')
cc.v(' | auth: apex.liu@qq.com |')
@ -224,7 +246,8 @@ def show_menu():
cc.o((cc.CR_NORMAL, ' ['), (cc.CR_INFO, '%2d' % options[o]['id']), (cc.CR_NORMAL, '] ', options[o]['disp']))
cc.v(' -------------------------------------------------------')
cc.o((cc.CR_NORMAL, ' ['), (cc.CR_INFO, ' C'), (cc.CR_NORMAL, '] clean build and dist env.'))
cc.o((cc.CR_NORMAL, ' ['), (cc.CR_INFO, ' C'), (cc.CR_NORMAL, '] clean build and dist.'))
cc.o((cc.CR_NORMAL, ' ['), (cc.CR_INFO, ' A'), (cc.CR_NORMAL, '] clean everything.'))
cc.v(' -------------------------------------------------------')
cc.o((cc.CR_NORMAL, ' ['), (cc.CR_INFO, ' Q'), (cc.CR_NORMAL, '] exit'))
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ class BuilderWin(BuilderBase):
utils.copy_ex(out_path, bin_path, 'tp_web.exe')
utils.copy_ex(out_path, bin_path, 'tp_core.exe')
utils.copy_ex(out_path, bin_path, 'tpssh.dll')
utils.copy_ex(out_path, bin_path, 'tprdp.dll')
utils.copy_ex(os.path.join(env.root_path, 'out', 'pysrt'), bin_path, (ctx.dist_path, 'pysrt'))
@ -1,224 +1,244 @@
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import os
import platform
import sys
import configparser
from . import colorconsole as cc
if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
import winreg
except ImportError:
cc.e('Can not load module `winreg`, so I can not locate toolchain for you.')
class Env(object):
BITS_32 = 32
BITS_64 = 64
def __init__(self):
_this_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
self.root_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(_this_path, '..', '..', '..'))
self.build_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(_this_path, '..', '..'))
self.builder_path = os.path.join(self.build_path, 'builder')
self.win32_tools_path = os.path.join(self.build_path, 'tools', 'win32')
self.is_py2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
self.is_py3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
self.py_ver = platform.python_version_tuple()
self.py_ver_str = '%s%s' % (self.py_ver[0], self.py_ver[1])
self.py_exec = sys.executable
self.bits = self.BITS_32
self.bits_str = 'x86'
_bits = platform.architecture()[0]
if _bits == '64bit':
self.bits = self.BITS_64
self.bits_str = 'x64'
self.is_win = False
self.is_win_x64 = False
self.is_linux = False
self.is_macos = False
_os = platform.system().lower()
self.plat = ''
if _os == 'windows':
self.is_win = True
self.plat = 'windows'
self.is_win_x64 = 'PROGRAMFILES(X86)' in os.environ
elif _os == 'linux':
self.is_linux = True
self.plat = 'linux'
elif _os == 'darwin':
self.is_macos = True
self.plat = 'macos'
def init(self, warn_miss_tool=False):
if not self._load_config(warn_miss_tool):
return False
return True
def _load_config(self, warn_miss_tool):
_cfg_file = os.path.join(self.root_path, 'config.ini')
if not os.path.exists(_cfg_file):
cc.e('can not load configuration.\n\nplease copy `config.ini.in` into `config.ini` and modify it to fit your condition and try again.')
return False
_cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
if 'external_ver' not in _cfg.sections() or 'toolchain' not in _cfg.sections():
cc.e('invalid configuration file: need `external_ver` and `toolchain` section.')
return False
_tmp = _cfg['external_ver']
_v_openssl = _tmp['openssl'].split(',')
self.ver_openssl = _v_openssl[0].strip()
self.ver_openssl_number = _v_openssl[1].strip()
self.ver_libuv = _tmp['libuv']
self.ver_mbedtls = _tmp['mbedtls']
self.ver_sqlite = _tmp['sqlite']
self.ver_libssh = _tmp['libssh']
self.ver_jsoncpp = _tmp['jsoncpp']
self.ver_mongoose = _tmp['mongoose']
except KeyError:
cc.e('invalid configuration file: not all necessary external version are set.')
return False
_tmp = _cfg['toolchain']
if self.is_win:
if 'wget' in _tmp:
self.wget = _tmp['wget']
self.wget = None
if self.wget is None or not os.path.exists(self.wget):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.w(' - can not find `wget.exe`, you can get it at https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/')
if '7z' in _tmp:
self.zip7 = _tmp['7z']
self.zip7 = None
if self.zip7 is None or not os.path.exists(self.zip7):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.w(' - can not find `7z.exe`, you can get it at http://www.7-zip.org')
if 'nasm' in _tmp:
self.nasm = _tmp['nasm']
self.nasm = self._get_nasm()
if self.nasm is None or not os.path.exists(self.nasm):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.w(' - can not locate `nasm`, so I can build openssl.')
if 'perl' in _tmp:
self.perl = _tmp['perl']
self.perl = self._get_perl()
if self.perl is None or not os.path.exists(self.perl):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.w(' - can not locate `perl`, so I can build openssl.')
self.visual_studio_path = self._get_visual_studio_path()
if self.visual_studio_path is None or not os.path.exists(self.visual_studio_path):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.w(' - can not locate Visual Studio installation, so I can build openssl.')
if 'msbuild' in _tmp:
self.msbuild = _tmp['msbuild']
self.msbuild = self._get_msbuild()
if self.msbuild is None or not os.path.exists(self.msbuild):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.w(' - can not locate `MSBuild`, so I can build nothing.')
if 'nsis' in _tmp:
self.nsis = _tmp['nsis']
self.nsis = self._get_nsis()
if self.nsis is None or not os.path.exists(self.nsis):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.w(' - can not locate `nsis`, so I can not make installer.')
elif self.is_linux:
if 'cmake' in _tmp:
self.cmake = _tmp['cmake']
self.cmake = '/usr/bin/cmake'
if not os.path.exists(self.cmake):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.e(' - can not locate `cmake`, so I can not build binary from source.')
return True
def _get_msbuild(self):
# 14.0 = VS2015
# 12.0 = VS2012
# 4.0 = VS2008
chk = ['14.0', '12.0', '4.0']
p = None
for c in chk:
p = self._winreg_read(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\{}'.format(c), r'MSBuildToolsPath')
if p is not None:
return os.path.join(p[0], 'MSBuild.exe') if p is not None else None
def _get_visual_studio_path(self):
chk = ['14.0', '12.0', '4.0']
p = None
for c in chk:
p = self._winreg_read(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\{}'.format(c), r'ShellFolder')
if p is not None:
return p[0] if p is not None else None
def _get_perl(self):
p = self._winreg_read(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\perl', 'BinDir')
return p[0] if p is not None else None
def _get_nasm(self):
p = self._winreg_read(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r'SOFTWARE\nasm', '')
return os.path.join(p[0], 'nasm.exe') if p is not None else None
def _get_nsis(self):
p = self._winreg_read(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\NSIS\Unicode', '')
if p is None:
p = self._winreg_read(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\NSIS', '')
return os.path.join(p[0], 'makensis.exe') if p is not None else None
def _winreg_read(self, base, path, key):
if self.is_win_x64:
hkey = winreg.CreateKeyEx(base, path, 0, winreg.KEY_READ | winreg.KEY_WOW64_32KEY)
hkey = winreg.CreateKeyEx(base, path, 0, winreg.KEY_READ)
value = winreg.QueryValueEx(hkey, key)
return value
except OSError:
return None
env = Env()
del Env
if __name__ == '__main__':
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import os
import platform
import sys
import configparser
from . import colorconsole as cc
if platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
import winreg
except ImportError:
cc.e('Can not load module `winreg`, so I can not locate toolchain for you.')
class Env(object):
BITS_32 = 32
BITS_64 = 64
def __init__(self):
_this_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
self.root_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(_this_path, '..', '..', '..'))
self.build_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(_this_path, '..', '..'))
self.builder_path = os.path.join(self.build_path, 'builder')
self.win32_tools_path = os.path.join(self.build_path, 'tools', 'win32')
self.is_py2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
self.is_py3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
self.py_ver = platform.python_version_tuple()
self.py_ver_str = '%s%s' % (self.py_ver[0], self.py_ver[1])
self.py_exec = sys.executable
self.bits = self.BITS_32
self.bits_str = 'x86'
_bits = platform.architecture()[0]
if _bits == '64bit':
self.bits = self.BITS_64
self.bits_str = 'x64'
self.is_win = False
self.is_win_x64 = False
self.is_linux = False
self.is_macos = False
_os = platform.system().lower()
self.plat = ''
if _os == 'windows':
self.is_win = True
self.plat = 'windows'
self.is_win_x64 = 'PROGRAMFILES(X86)' in os.environ
elif _os == 'linux':
self.is_linux = True
self.plat = 'linux'
elif _os == 'darwin':
self.is_macos = True
self.plat = 'macos'
def init(self, warn_miss_tool=False):
if not self._load_config(warn_miss_tool):
return False
if not self._load_version():
return False
return True
def _load_config(self, warn_miss_tool):
_cfg_file = os.path.join(self.root_path, 'config.ini')
if not os.path.exists(_cfg_file):
cc.e('can not load configuration.\n\nplease copy `config.ini.in` into `config.ini` and modify it to fit your condition and try again.')
return False
_cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
if 'toolchain' not in _cfg.sections():
cc.e('invalid configuration file: need `toolchain` section.')
return False
_tmp = _cfg['toolchain']
if self.is_win:
if 'wget' in _tmp:
self.wget = _tmp['wget']
self.wget = None
if self.wget is None or not os.path.exists(self.wget):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.w(' - can not find `wget.exe`, you can get it at https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/')
if '7z' in _tmp:
self.zip7 = _tmp['7z']
self.zip7 = None
if self.zip7 is None or not os.path.exists(self.zip7):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.w(' - can not find `7z.exe`, you can get it at http://www.7-zip.org')
if 'nasm' in _tmp:
self.nasm = _tmp['nasm']
self.nasm = self._get_nasm()
if self.nasm is None or not os.path.exists(self.nasm):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.w(' - can not locate `nasm`, so I can build openssl.')
_nasm_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.nasm, '..'))
os.environ['path'] = os.environ['path'] + ';' + _nasm_path
if 'perl' in _tmp:
self.perl = _tmp['perl']
self.perl = self._get_perl()
if self.perl is None or not os.path.exists(self.perl):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.w(' - can not locate `perl`, so I can build openssl.')
self.visual_studio_path = self._get_visual_studio_path()
if self.visual_studio_path is None or not os.path.exists(self.visual_studio_path):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.w(' - can not locate Visual Studio installation, so I can build openssl.')
if 'msbuild' in _tmp:
self.msbuild = _tmp['msbuild']
self.msbuild = self._get_msbuild()
if self.msbuild is None or not os.path.exists(self.msbuild):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.w(' - can not locate `MSBuild`, so I can build nothing.')
if 'nsis' in _tmp:
self.nsis = _tmp['nsis']
self.nsis = self._get_nsis()
if self.nsis is None or not os.path.exists(self.nsis):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.w(' - can not locate `nsis`, so I can not make installer.')
elif self.is_linux:
if 'cmake' in _tmp:
self.cmake = _tmp['cmake']
self.cmake = '/usr/bin/cmake'
if not os.path.exists(self.cmake):
if warn_miss_tool:
cc.e(' - can not locate `cmake`, so I can not build binary from source.')
return True
def _load_version(self):
_ver_file = os.path.join(self.root_path, 'external', 'version.ini')
if not os.path.exists(_ver_file):
cc.e('can not load version configuration for external.')
return False
_cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
if 'external_ver' not in _cfg.sections():
cc.e('invalid configuration file: need `external_ver` section.')
return False
_tmp = _cfg['external_ver']
_v_openssl = _tmp['openssl'].split(',')
self.ver_openssl = _v_openssl[0].strip()
self.ver_openssl_number = _v_openssl[1].strip()
self.ver_libuv = _tmp['libuv']
self.ver_mbedtls = _tmp['mbedtls']
self.ver_sqlite = _tmp['sqlite']
self.ver_libssh = _tmp['libssh']
self.ver_jsoncpp = _tmp['jsoncpp']
self.ver_mongoose = _tmp['mongoose']
except KeyError:
cc.e('invalid configuration file: not all necessary external version are set.')
return False
return True
def _get_msbuild(self):
# 14.0 = VS2015
# 12.0 = VS2012
# 4.0 = VS2008
chk = ['14.0', '12.0', '4.0']
p = None
for c in chk:
p = self._winreg_read(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\{}'.format(c), r'MSBuildToolsPath')
if p is not None:
return os.path.join(p[0], 'MSBuild.exe') if p is not None else None
def _get_visual_studio_path(self):
chk = ['14.0', '12.0', '4.0']
p = None
for c in chk:
p = self._winreg_read(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\{}'.format(c), r'ShellFolder')
if p is not None:
return p[0] if p is not None else None
def _get_perl(self):
p = self._winreg_read(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\perl', 'BinDir')
return p[0] if p is not None else None
def _get_nasm(self):
p = self._winreg_read(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r'SOFTWARE\nasm', '')
return os.path.join(p[0], 'nasm.exe') if p is not None else None
def _get_nsis(self):
p = self._winreg_read(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\NSIS\Unicode', '')
if p is None:
p = self._winreg_read(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\NSIS', '')
return os.path.join(p[0], 'makensis.exe') if p is not None else None
def _winreg_read(self, base, path, key):
if self.is_win_x64:
hkey = winreg.CreateKeyEx(base, path, 0, winreg.KEY_READ | winreg.KEY_WOW64_32KEY)
hkey = winreg.CreateKeyEx(base, path, 0, winreg.KEY_READ)
value = winreg.QueryValueEx(hkey, key)
return value
except OSError:
return None
env = Env()
del Env
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
@ -30,13 +30,3 @@ wget = C:\Program Files (x86)\wget\wget.exe
# if not set cmake path, default to '/usr/bin/cmake'
cmake = /opt/cmake/bin/cmake
openssl = 1.0.2h,1000208f
libuv = 1.11.0
mbedtls = 2.3.0
sqlite = 3170000
libssh = 0.7.4
jsoncpp = 0.10.6
mongoose = 6.6
@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ class InstallerLinux(InstallerBase):
def _fix_path(self):
self._config_path = '/etc/teleport'
self._data_path = os.path.join('/var/teleport')
self._data_path = os.path.join('/var/lib/teleport')
self._log_path = os.path.join('/var/log/teleport')
def _copy_files(self):
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# for windows
# Need wget to download necessary dependency files.
wget = C:\Program Files (x86)\wget\wget.exe
# Need 7z to unzip downloaded files.
7z = C:\Program Files (x86)\7zip\7z.exe
# need perl to build openssl on Windows, if not set, default to get it from register.
# suggest install ActivePerl.
#perl = C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe
# need nasm to build openssl on Windows, if not set, default to locate it from register.
#nasm = C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\NASM\nasm.exe
# if not set nsis path, default to get it by register.
#nsis = C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\Unicode\makensis.exe
# if not set msbuild path, default to get it by register.
#msbuild = C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\MSBuild.exe
# ============================================
# for linux
# ============================================
# if not set cmake path, default to '/usr/bin/cmake'
cmake = /opt/cmake/bin/cmake
openssl = 1.0.2h,1000208f
libuv = 1.11.0
mbedtls = 2.3.0
sqlite = 3170000
libssh = 0.7.4
jsoncpp = 0.10.6
mongoose = 6.6
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#ifndef __TS_SERVER_VER_H__
#define __TS_SERVER_VER_H__
#define TP_SERVER_VER L""
#endif // __TS_SERVER_VER_H__
#ifndef __TS_SERVER_VER_H__
#define __TS_SERVER_VER_H__
#define TP_SERVER_VER L""
#endif // __TS_SERVER_VER_H__
@ -965,55 +965,55 @@ int SshSession::_on_server_channel_data(ssh_session session, ssh_channel channel
if (len > 5 && len < 256)
const ex_u8* _begin = ex_memmem((const ex_u8*)data, len, (const ex_u8*)"\033]0;", 4);
if (NULL != _begin)
size_t len_before = _begin - (const ex_u8*)data;
const ex_u8* _end = ex_memmem(_begin + 4, len - len_before, (const ex_u8*)"\007", 1);
if (NULL != _end)
// 这个包中含有改变标题的数据,将标题换为我们想要的
size_t len_end = len - (_end - (const ex_u8*)data);
MemBuffer mbuf;
if (len_before > 0)
mbuf.append((ex_u8*)data, len_before);
mbuf.append((ex_u8*)"\033]0;tpssh://", 13);
mbuf.append((ex_u8*)_this->m_server_ip.c_str(), _this->m_server_ip.length());
mbuf.append((ex_u8*)"\007", 1);
if (len_end > 0)
mbuf.append((ex_u8*)_end, len_end);
if(mbuf.size() > 0)
ret = ssh_channel_write(info->channel, mbuf.data(), mbuf.size());
if (ret <= 0)
EXLOGE("[ssh] send to client failed (1).\n");
ret = len;
ret = ssh_channel_write(info->channel, data, len);
ret = ssh_channel_write(info->channel, data, len);
ret = ssh_channel_write(info->channel, data, len);
// if (len > 5 && len < 256)
// {
// const ex_u8* _begin = ex_memmem((const ex_u8*)data, len, (const ex_u8*)"\033]0;", 4);
// if (NULL != _begin)
// {
// size_t len_before = _begin - (const ex_u8*)data;
// const ex_u8* _end = ex_memmem(_begin + 4, len - len_before, (const ex_u8*)"\007", 1);
// if (NULL != _end)
// {
// _end++;
// // 这个包中含有改变标题的数据,将标题换为我们想要的
// size_t len_end = len - (_end - (const ex_u8*)data);
// MemBuffer mbuf;
// if (len_before > 0)
// mbuf.append((ex_u8*)data, len_before);
// mbuf.append((ex_u8*)"\033]0;tpssh://", 13);
// mbuf.append((ex_u8*)_this->m_server_ip.c_str(), _this->m_server_ip.length());
// mbuf.append((ex_u8*)"\007", 1);
// if (len_end > 0)
// mbuf.append((ex_u8*)_end, len_end);
// if(mbuf.size() > 0)
// {
// ret = ssh_channel_write(info->channel, mbuf.data(), mbuf.size());
// if (ret <= 0)
// EXLOGE("[ssh] send to client failed (1).\n");
// else
// ret = len;
// }
// else
// {
// ret = ssh_channel_write(info->channel, data, len);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// ret = ssh_channel_write(info->channel, data, len);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// ret = ssh_channel_write(info->channel, data, len);
// }
// }
// else
ret = ssh_channel_write(info->channel, data, len);
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#ifndef __TS_SERVER_VER_H__
#define __TS_SERVER_VER_H__
#define TP_SERVER_VER L""
#endif // __TS_SERVER_VER_H__
#ifndef __TS_SERVER_VER_H__
#define __TS_SERVER_VER_H__
#define TP_SERVER_VER L""
#endif // __TS_SERVER_VER_H__
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ class TPDatabase:
return False
# 看看数据库中是否存在指定的数据表(如果不存在,可能是一个空数据库文件),则可能是一个新安装的系统
# ret = self.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `sqlite_master` WHERE `type`="table" AND `name`="{}account";'.format(self._table_prefix))
ret = self.is_table_exists('{}group'.format(self._table_prefix))
# ret = self.query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `sqlite_master` WHERE `type`="table" AND `name`="{}account";'.format(self._table_prefix))
ret = self.is_table_exists('{}group'.format(self._table_prefix))
if ret is None or not ret:
log.w('database need create.\n')
self.need_create = True
@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ class TPDatabase:
self.need_upgrade = True
return True
# self.alter_table('ts_account', [['account_id', 'id'], ['account_type', 'type']])
# self.alter_table('ts_account', [['account_id', 'id'], ['account_type', 'type']])
return True
def is_table_exists(self, table_name):
@ -128,6 +128,14 @@ class TPDatabase:
if not os.path.exists(db_path):
log.e('can not create folder `{}` to store database file.\n'.format(db_path))
return False
# 创建一个空数据文件,这样才能进行connect。
if not os.path.exists(self.db_source['file']):
with open(self.db_source['file'], 'w') as f:
log.e('can not create db file `{}`.\n'.format(self.db_source['file']))
return False
if create_and_init(self, step_begin, step_end):
log.v('database created.\n')
@ -154,54 +162,55 @@ class TPDatabase:
fields_names: 如果为None,则不修改字段名,否则应该是一个list,其中每个元素是包含两个str的list,表示将此list第一个指定的字段改名为第二个指定的名称
@return: None or Boolean
# TODO: 此函数尚未完成
if self.db_source['type'] == self.DB_TYPE_SQLITE:
if not isinstance(table_names, list) and field_names is None:
log.w('nothing to do.\n')
return False
if isinstance(table_names, str):
old_table_name = table_names
new_table_name = table_names
elif isinstance(table_names, list) and len(table_names) == 2:
old_table_name = table_names[0]
new_table_name = table_names[1]
log.w('invalid param.\n')
return False
if isinstance(field_names, list):
for i in field_names:
if not isinstance(i, list) or 2 != len(i):
log.w('invalid param.\n')
return False
if field_names is None:
# 仅数据表改名
return self.exec('ALTER TABLE `{}` RENAME TO `{}`;'.format(old_table_name, new_table_name))
# sqlite不支持字段改名,所以需要通过临时表中转一下
# 先获取数据表的字段名列表
ret = self.query('SELECT * FROM `sqlite_master` WHERE `type`="table" AND `name`="{}";'.format(old_table_name))
# 先将数据表改名,成为一个临时表
# tmp_table_name = '{}_sqlite_tmp'.format(old_table_name)
# ret = self.exec('ALTER TABLE `{}` RENAME TO `{}`;'.format(old_table_name, tmp_table_name))
# if ret is None or not ret:
# return ret
elif self.db_source['type'] == self.DB_TYPE_MYSQL:
log.e('mysql not supported yet.\n')
return False
log.e('Unknown database type.\n')
return False
if isinstance(table_names, str):
old_table_name = table_names
new_table_name = table_names
elif isinstance(table_names, list) and len(table_names) == 2:
old_table_name = table_names[0]
new_table_name = table_names[1]
log.w('invalid param.\n')
return False
if isinstance(field_names, list):
for i in field_names:
if not isinstance(i, list) or 2 != len(i):
log.w('invalid param.\n')
return False
if field_names is None:
# 仅数据表改名
return self.exec('ALTER TABLE `{}` RENAME TO `{}`;'.format(old_table_name, new_table_name))
# sqlite不支持字段改名,所以需要通过临时表中转一下
# 先获取数据表的字段名列表
ret = self.query('SELECT * FROM `sqlite_master` WHERE `type`="table" AND `name`="{}";'.format(old_table_name))
# 先将数据表改名,成为一个临时表
# tmp_table_name = '{}_sqlite_tmp'.format(old_table_name)
# ret = self.exec('ALTER TABLE `{}` RENAME TO `{}`;'.format(old_table_name, tmp_table_name))
# if ret is None or not ret:
# return ret
elif self.db_source['type'] == self.DB_TYPE_MYSQL:
log.e('mysql not supported yet.\n')
return False
log.e('Unknown database type.\n')
return False
class TPDatabasePool:
def __init__(self):
self._locker = threading.RLock()
@ -224,7 +233,8 @@ class TPDatabasePool:
thread_id = threading.get_ident()
if thread_id not in self._connections:
_conn = self._do_connect()
self._connections[thread_id] = _conn
if _conn is not None:
self._connections[thread_id] = _conn
_conn = self._connections[thread_id]
@ -246,6 +256,10 @@ class TPSqlitePool(TPDatabasePool):
self._db_file = db_file
def _do_connect(self):
if not os.path.exists(self._db_file):
log.e('[sqlite] can not connect, database file not exists.\n')
return None
return sqlite3.connect(self._db_file)
@ -259,6 +273,7 @@ class TPSqlitePool(TPDatabasePool):
db_ret = cursor.fetchall()
return db_ret
except sqlite3.OperationalError:
# log.e('_do_query() error.\n')
return None
@ -270,6 +285,7 @@ class TPSqlitePool(TPDatabasePool):
return True
except sqlite3.OperationalError:
# log.e('_do_exec() error.\n')
return False
@ -50,9 +50,6 @@ controllers = [
(r'/user', user.IndexHandler),
(r'/user/list', user.GetListHandler),
# add another path to static-path
# todo: 重放数据路径是动态从core服务的json-rpc接口获取的,因此这里的数据获取方式需要改变
#(r"/log/replay/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": os.path.join(cfg.data_path, 'replay')}),
(r"/log/replay/(.*)", record.ReplayStaticFileHandler, {"path": os.path.join(cfg.data_path, 'replay')}),
@ -453,16 +453,8 @@ class ExportHostHandler(TPBaseAdminAuthHandler):
class GetCertList(TPBaseUserAuthJsonHandler):
def post(self):
# args = self.get_argument('args', None)
# if args is not None:
# args = json.loads(args)
# # print('args', args)
# else:
# # ret = {'code':-1}
# self.write_json(-1)
# return
_certs = host.get_cert_list()
if _certs is None:
if _certs is None or len(_certs) == 0:
@ -900,8 +892,12 @@ class SysUserAdd(TPBaseUserAuthJsonHandler):
args['user_pswd'] = return_data['data']
if host.sys_user_add(args) < 0:
return self.write_json(-1)
user_id = host.sys_user_add(args)
if user_id < 0:
if user_id == -100:
return self.write_json(user_id, '同名账户已经存在!')
return self.write_json(user_id, '数据库操作失败!')
return self.write_json(0)
@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ class RpcThreadManage:
'steps': self._threads[task_id]['steps']
if not self._threads[task_id]['running']:
print('remove task-id', task_id)
del self._threads[task_id]
return ret
@ -153,15 +152,12 @@ thread_mgr = RpcThreadManage()
class RpcHandler(TPBaseAdminAuthJsonHandler):
def post(self):
args = self.get_argument('args', None)
# print('args', args)
if args is not None:
args = json.loads(args)
# print(args)
cmd = args['cmd']
if cmd == 'create_db':
if not get_db().need_create:
@ -176,7 +172,6 @@ class RpcHandler(TPBaseAdminAuthJsonHandler):
return self.write_json(0, data={"task_id": task_id})
elif cmd == 'get_task_ret':
# return self.write_json(-1)
r = thread_mgr.get_task(args['tid'])
if r is None:
return self.write_json(0, data={'running': False, 'steps': []})
@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ def get_all_host_info_list(_filter, order, limit, with_pwd=False):
'{};'.format(db.table_prefix, db.table_prefix, _where)
db_ret = db.query(sql)
if db_ret is None:
return 0, list()
total_count = db_ret[0][0]
# 修正分页数据
@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ def get_all_host_info_list(_filter, order, limit, with_pwd=False):
db_ret = db.query(sql)
if db_ret is None:
return 0, None
return 0, list()
ret = list()
for item in db_ret:
@ -310,9 +312,11 @@ def get_cert_list():
sql = 'SELECT {} FROM `{}key` AS a;'.format(','.join(['`a`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_a]), db.table_prefix)
db_ret = db.query(sql)
if db_ret is None:
return None
ret = list()
if db_ret is None:
return ret
for item in db_ret:
x = DbItem()
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def verify_user(name, password):
# 因此可以特别地处理用户验证:用户名admin,密码admin可以登录为管理员
if cfg.app_mode == APP_MODE_MAINTENANCE:
if name == 'admin' and password == 'admin':
return 1, 100, 'admin'
return 1, 100, 'admin', 0
return 0, 0, '', 0
if len(db_ret) != 1:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
TS_VER = ""
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
TS_VER = ""
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
var g_assist = null;
var g_host_table = null;
var g_cert_list = {};
var g_group_list = {};
var g_cert_list = [];
var g_group_list = [];
var g_dlg_edit_host = null;
var g_dlg_edit_host_user = null;
var g_dlg_sys_user = null;
@ -669,14 +669,11 @@ ywl.create_host_edit_dlg = function (tbl) {
dlg_edit_host.on_sys_type_change = function () {
dlg_edit_host.sys_type = parseInt($('#auth-sys-type').val());
console.log('sys-type', dlg_edit_host.sys_type, 'protocol:', dlg_edit_host.protocol);
if (dlg_edit_host.sys_type === OS_TYPE_WINDOWS) {// && dlg_edit_host.protocol === 0) {
dlg_edit_host.protocol = PROTOCOL_TYPE_RDP;
console.log('--1', dlg_edit_host.protocol);
else if (dlg_edit_host.sys_type === OS_TYPE_LINUX) {// && dlg_edit_host.protocol === 0) {
dlg_edit_host.protocol = PROTOCOL_TYPE_SSH;
console.log('--2', dlg_edit_host.protocol);
@ -686,7 +683,6 @@ ywl.create_host_edit_dlg = function (tbl) {
dlg_edit_host.on_protocol_change = function () {
dlg_edit_host.protocol = parseInt($('#host-protocol-type').val());
console.log('xx', dlg_edit_host.protocol);
if (dlg_edit_host.protocol === PROTOCOL_TYPE_RDP)
else if (dlg_edit_host.protocol === PROTOCOL_TYPE_SSH)
@ -1266,7 +1262,7 @@ ywl.create_sys_user = function (tbl) {
dlg_sys_user.check_args = function () {
dlg_sys_user.auth_mode = parseInt($('#auth-user-type').val());
dlg_sys_user.user_name = parseInt($('#auth-user-host-username').val());
dlg_sys_user.user_name = $('#auth-user-host-username').val();
if (dlg_sys_user.auth_mode !== AUTH_NONE &&
dlg_sys_user.user_name.length === 0) {
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
* Created by mi on 2016/7/4.
"use strict";
ywl.on_init = function (cb_stack, cb_args) {
var dom_id = '#ywl_log_list';
@ -36,7 +34,6 @@ ywl.on_init = function (cb_stack, cb_args) {
fields: {id: 'id'}
{title: "ID", key: "id"},
// {title: "Session", key: "session_id"},
{title: "操作者", key: "account_name"},
{title: "系统用户", key: "user_name"},
{title: "协议", key: "protocol", render: 'protocol', fields: {protocol: 'protocol'}},
@ -51,7 +48,7 @@ ywl.on_init = function (cb_stack, cb_args) {
width: 160,
header_align: 'left', cell_align: 'left',
render: 'make_action_btn',
fields: {ID: 'id', sys_type: 'sys_type', cost_time: 'cost_time', protocol: 'protocol'}
fields: {ID: 'id', ret_code:'ret_code', sys_type: 'sys_type', cost_time: 'cost_time', protocol: 'protocol'}
paging: {selector: dom_id + " [ywl-paging='log-list']", per_page: paging_normal},
@ -164,16 +161,14 @@ ywl.on_host_table_created = function (tbl) {
} else if (col_key == 'action') {
} else if (col_key === 'action') {
var row_data = tbl.get_row(row_id);
//console.log('row_data', row_data);
var protocol = parseInt(row_data.protocol);
if (protocol == 1) {
if (protocol === PROTOCOL_TYPE_RDP) {
$(cell_obj).find('[ywl-btn-record]').click(function () {
var ip = window.location.hostname;//ywl.page_options.ts_server.ip;
var port = parseInt(window.location.port);//ywl.page_options.ts_server.port;
var ip = window.location.hostname;
var port = parseInt(window.location.port);
var url = 'http://' + ip + ':' + port + '/log/replay/rdp/' + row_data.id;
var tail = 'log/replay/rdp/' + prefixInteger(row_data.id, 6);
var args = {};
@ -187,7 +182,7 @@ ywl.on_host_table_created = function (tbl) {
ywl.notify_success('RDP 录像播放器成功启动!');
function (code, msg) {
if (code == TPE_NO_ASSIST)
if (code === TPE_NO_ASSIST)
else {
@ -196,7 +191,7 @@ ywl.on_host_table_created = function (tbl) {
else if (protocol == 2) {
else if (protocol === PROTOCOL_TYPE_SSH) {
$(cell_obj).find('[ywl-btn-record]').click(function () {
window.open('/log/record/' + parseInt(row_data.protocol) + '/' + row_data.id);
@ -214,8 +209,8 @@ ywl.on_host_table_created = function (tbl) {
var msg = '';
switch (fields.ret_code) {
case 0:
// return '<span class="badge badge-warning">正在使用中</span>'
return '-';
return '<span class="badge badge-warning">使用中</span>'
// return '-';
case 9999:
return '<span class="badge badge-success">成功</span>';
case 1:
@ -261,7 +256,7 @@ ywl.on_host_table_created = function (tbl) {
render.cost_time = function (row_id, fields) {
if (fields.ret_code == 0) {
return '<span class="badge badge-warning">正在使用中</span>';
return '<span class="badge badge-warning">使用中</span>';
} else {
return '<span class="badge badge-success">' + second2str(fields.cost_time) + '</span>';
@ -302,19 +297,17 @@ ywl.on_host_table_created = function (tbl) {
render.make_action_btn = function (row_id, fields) {
var ret = [];
if (fields.protocol == 1) {
if (fields.protocol === PROTOCOL_TYPE_RDP) {
ret.push('<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" protocol=' + fields.protocol + ' ywl-btn-record="' + fields.ID + '">录像查看</a> ');
} else if (fields.protocol == 2) {
if (fields.cost_time > 0) {
} else if (fields.protocol === PROTOCOL_TYPE_SSH) {
if (fields.ret_code === 9999 && fields.cost_time > 0) {
ret.push('<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" protocol=' + fields.protocol + ' ywl-btn-record="' + fields.ID + '">录像查看</a> ');
ret.push('<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-sm btn-success" protocol=' + fields.protocol + ' ywl-btn-log="' + fields.ID + '">日志查看</a> ');
return ret.join('');
@ -378,7 +371,6 @@ ywl.create_table_filter_user_list = function (tbl, selector, on_created) {
_tblf_st._on_select = function () {
var user_name = $(this).html();
var cb_stack = CALLBACK_STACK.create();
@ -392,4 +384,3 @@ ywl.create_table_filter_user_list = function (tbl, selector, on_created) {
return _tblf_st;
@ -68,6 +68,11 @@
<div id="steps-detail" class="steps-detail"></div>
<div id="step2" style="display:none;">
@ -157,6 +162,7 @@
if (!ret.data.running) {
@ -62,6 +62,11 @@
<div id="steps-detail" class="steps-detail"></div>
<div id="step2" style="display:none;">
@ -145,6 +150,7 @@
if (!ret.data.running) {
@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ Build : 构建号。构建号用于表明此版本发布之前进行了多少
Reference in New Issue