
Apex Liu 2018-03-23 13:29:01 +08:00
parent 689767c3a7
commit 57f4518d69
1 changed files with 52 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -899,6 +899,58 @@ void TsHttpRpc::_rpc_func_rdp_play(const ex_astr& func_args, ex_astr& buf)
char cmd_args[1024] = { 0 };
ex_strformat(cmd_args, 1023, "%d \"%s\" \"%09d-%s-%s-%s-%s\"", rid, a_sid.c_str(), rid, a_user.c_str(), a_acc.c_str(), a_host.c_str(), a_start.c_str());
unsigned int port_i = 0;
struct mg_str scheme, query, fragment, user_info, host, path;
if (mg_parse_uri(mg_mk_str(a_url_base.c_str()), &scheme, &user_info, &host, &port_i, &path, &query, &fragment) != 0) {
EXLOGE(_T("parse url failed.\n"));
Json::Value root_ret;
root_ret["code"] = TPE_PARAM;
_create_json_ret(buf, root_ret);
ex_astr _scheme;
_scheme.assign(scheme.p, scheme.len);
// ½«host´ÓÓòÃûת»»ÎªIP
ex_astr str_tp_host;
str_tp_host.assign(host.p, host.len);
struct hostent *tp_host = gethostbyname(str_tp_host.c_str());
if (NULL == tp_host) {
EXLOGE(_T("resolve host name failed.\n"));
Json::Value root_ret;
root_ret["code"] = TPE_PARAM;
_create_json_ret(buf, root_ret);
int i = 0;
char* _ip = NULL;
if (tp_host->h_addrtype == AF_INET)
struct in_addr addr;
while (tp_host->h_addr_list[i] != 0) {
addr.s_addr = *(u_long *)tp_host->h_addr_list[i++];
_ip = inet_ntoa(addr);
if (NULL == _ip) {
EXLOGE(_T("resolve host name failed.\n"));
Json::Value root_ret;
root_ret["code"] = TPE_PARAM;
_create_json_ret(buf, root_ret);
char _url_base[256];
ex_strformat(_url_base, 255, "%s://%s:%d", _scheme.c_str(), _ip, port_i);
a_url_base = _url_base;
ex_wstr w_url_base;
ex_astr2wstr(a_url_base, w_url_base);
ex_wstr w_cmd_args;