Fixed: 一个已经授权的用户,删除其账号,其并未在授权策略中删除,且无法再重建授权映射。(github bug #50)

Apex Liu 2018-03-10 02:37:41 +08:00
parent dea9c48d82
commit 2d6aa70c47
4 changed files with 59 additions and 244 deletions

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@ -663,6 +663,19 @@ class SQL:
def page_index(self):
return self._ret_page_index
def count(self, name):
_sql = list()
_sql.append('SELECT COUNT(*)')
_sql.append('FROM `{}{}`'.format(self._db.table_prefix, name))
if len(self._where) > 0:
_sql.append('WHERE {}'.format(self._where))
sql = ' '.join(_sql)
db_ret = self._db.query(sql)
if db_ret is None or 0 == len(db_ret):
return TPE_OK, 0
return TPE_OK, db_ret[0][0]
def select_from(self, name, fields, alt_name=None, out_map=None):
if len(fields) == 0:
raise RuntimeError('empty fields.')

View File

@ -122,10 +122,11 @@ class TPStats(object):
def get_counter_stats(self):
return self._counter_stats
def user_counter_change(self, alt_count):
self._counter_stats['user'] += alt_count
if self._counter_stats['user'] < 0:
self._counter_stats['user'] = 0
def user_counter_change(self, count):
self._counter_stats['user'] = count
# self._counter_stats['user'] += alt_count
# if self._counter_stats['user'] < 0:
# self._counter_stats['user'] = 0
tp_wss().send_message('stat_counter', self._counter_stats)
def host_counter_change(self, alt_count):

View File

@ -783,6 +783,7 @@ class DoUpdateUsersHandler(TPBaseJsonHandler):
if err != TPE_OK:
return self.write_json(err)
# force logout if user LOCKED or REMOVED.
if action == 'lock' or action == 'remove':
v = tp_session().get_start_with('user-')
for k in v:

View File

@ -209,7 +209,12 @@ def create_users(handler, user_list, success, failed):
if len(name_list) > 0:
syslog.sys_log(operator, handler.request.remote_ip, TPE_OK, "批量导入方式创建用户:{}".format(''.join(name_list)))
# tp_stats().user_counter_change(len(name_list))
# calc count of users.
err, cnt = s.reset().count('user')
if err == TPE_OK:
def create_user(handler, args):
@ -228,10 +233,6 @@ def create_user(handler, args):
if len(s.recorder) > 0:
return TPE_EXISTS, 0
# sql = 'SELECT id FROM {}user WHERE account="{}";'.format(db.table_prefix, args['account'])
# db_ret = db.query(sql)
# if db_ret is not None and len(db_ret) > 0:
# return TPE_EXISTS, 0
_password = tp_password_generate_secret(args['password'])
sql = 'INSERT INTO `{}user` (`type`, `auth_type`, `password`, `username`, `surname`, `role_id`, `state`, `email`, `creator_id`, `create_time`, `last_login`, `last_chpass`, `desc`) VALUES ' \
@ -247,7 +248,11 @@ def create_user(handler, args):
_id = db.last_insert_id()
syslog.sys_log(operator, handler.request.remote_ip, TPE_OK, "创建用户:{}".format(args['username']))
# calc count of users.
err, cnt = s.reset().count('user')
if err == TPE_OK:
return TPE_OK, _id
@ -494,258 +499,53 @@ def update_fail_count(handler, user_info):
def remove_users(handler, users):
s = SQL(get_db())
db = get_db()
s = SQL(db)
user_list = [str(i) for i in users]
str_users = ','.join([str(i) for i in users])
# 1. 获取用户名称,用于记录系统日志
where = ' IN ({})'.format(','.join(user_list))
where = ' IN ({})'.format(str_users)
err = s.select_from('user', ['username'], alt_name='u').where(where).query()
if err != TPE_OK:
return err
if len(s.recorder) == 0:
name_list = [n['username'] for n in s.recorder]
str_names = ''.join([n['username'] for n in s.recorder])
sql_list = []
# 将用户从所在组中移除
where = 'type={} AND mid IN ({})'.format(TP_GROUP_USER, ','.join(user_list))
err = s.reset().delete_from('group_map').where(where).exec()
if err != TPE_OK:
return err
sql = 'DELETE FROM `{tpdp}group_map` WHERE type={t} AND mid IN ({ids});'.format(tpdp=db.table_prefix, t=TP_GROUP_USER, ids=str_users)
# 删除用户
sql = 'DELETE FROM `{tpdp}user` WHERE id IN ({ids});'.format(tpdp=db.table_prefix, ids=str_users)
# 将用户从运维授权中移除
sql = 'DELETE FROM `{}ops_auz` WHERE rtype={rtype} AND rid IN ({ids});'.format(db.table_prefix, rtype=TP_USER, ids=str_users)
sql = 'DELETE FROM `{}ops_map` WHERE u_id IN ({ids});'.format(db.table_prefix, ids=str_users)
# 将用户从审计授权中移除
sql = 'DELETE FROM `{}audit_auz` WHERE rtype={rtype} AND rid IN ({ids});'.format(db.table_prefix, rtype=TP_USER, ids=str_users)
sql = 'DELETE FROM `{}audit_map` WHERE u_id IN ({ids});'.format(db.table_prefix, ids=str_users)
# sql = 'DELETE FROM `{}group_map` WHERE (type=1 AND ({}));'.format(db.table_prefix, where)
# if not db.exec(sql):
if not db.transaction(sql_list):
where = 'id IN ({})'.format(','.join(user_list))
err = s.reset().delete_from('user').where(where).exec()
if err != TPE_OK:
return err
# sql = 'DELETE FROM `{}user` WHERE {};'.format(db.table_prefix, where)
# if not db.exec(sql):
syslog.sys_log(handler.get_current_user(), handler.request.remote_ip, TPE_OK, "删除用户:{}".format(str_names))
syslog.sys_log(handler.get_current_user(), handler.request.remote_ip, TPE_OK, "删除用户:{}".format(''.join(name_list)))
tp_stats().user_counter_change(0 - len(name_list))
# calc count of users.
err, cnt = s.reset().count('user')
if err == TPE_OK:
return TPE_OK
# def verify_oath(user_id, oath_code):
# db = get_db()
# sql = 'SELECT `oath_secret` FROM `{}account` WHERE `account_id`={};'.format(db.table_prefix, user_id)
# db_ret = db.query(sql)
# if db_ret is None:
# return False
# if len(db_ret) != 1:
# return False
# oath_secret = str(db_ret[0][0]).strip()
# if 0 == len(oath_secret):
# return False
# return tp_oath_verify_code(oath_secret, oath_code)
# def modify_pwd(old_pwd, new_pwd, user_id):
# db = get_db()
# sql = 'SELECT `account_pwd` FROM `{}account` WHERE `account_id`={};'.format(db.table_prefix, int(user_id))
# db_ret = db.query(sql)
# if db_ret is None or len(db_ret) != 1:
# return -100
# if not tp_password_verify(old_pwd, db_ret[0][0]):
# # 按新方法验证密码失败,可能是旧版本的密码散列格式,再尝试一下
# if db_ret[0][0] != hashlib.sha256(old_pwd.encode()).hexdigest():
# return -101
# _new_sec_password = tp_password_generate_secret(new_pwd)
# sql = 'UPDATE `{}account` SET `account_pwd`="{}" WHERE `account_id`={}'.format(db.table_prefix, _new_sec_password, int(user_id))
# db_ret = db.exec(sql)
# if db_ret:
# return 0
# else:
# return -102
# def get_user_list(with_admin=False):
# db = get_db()
# ret = list()
# field_a = ['account_id', 'account_type', 'account_name', 'account_status', 'account_lock', 'account_desc']
# if with_admin:
# where = ''
# else:
# where = 'WHERE `a`.`account_type`<100'
# sql = 'SELECT {} FROM `{}account` as a {} ORDER BY `account_name`;'.format(','.join(['`a`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_a]), db.table_prefix, where)
# db_ret = db.query(sql)
# if db_ret is None:
# return ret
# for item in db_ret:
# x = DbItem()
# x.load(item, ['a_{}'.format(i) for i in field_a])
# h = dict()
# h['user_id'] = x.a_account_id
# h['user_type'] = x.a_account_type
# h['user_name'] = x.a_account_name
# h['user_status'] = x.a_account_status
# h['user_lock'] = x.a_account_lock
# h['user_desc'] = x.a_account_desc
# ret.append(h)
# return ret
# def delete_user(user_id):
# db = get_db()
# sql = 'DELETE FROM `{}account` WHERE `account_id`={};'.format(db.table_prefix, int(user_id))
# return db.exec(sql)
# def lock_user(user_id, lock_status):
# db = get_db()
# sql = 'UPDATE `{}account` SET `account_lock`={} WHERE `account_id`={};'.format(db.table_prefix, lock_status, int(user_id))
# return db.exec(sql)
# def reset_user(user_id):
# db = get_db()
# _new_sec_password = tp_password_generate_secret('123456')
# sql = 'UPDATE `{}account` SET `account_pwd`="{}" WHERE `account_id`={};'.format(db.table_prefix, _new_sec_password, int(user_id))
# return db.exec(sql)
# def modify_user(user_id, user_desc):
# db = get_db()
# sql = 'UPDATE `{}account` SET `account_desc`="{}" WHERE `account_id`={};'.format(db.table_prefix, user_desc, int(user_id))
# return db.exec(sql)
# def add_user(user_name, user_pwd, user_desc):
# db = get_db()
# sql = 'SELECT `account_id` FROM `{}account` WHERE `account_name`="{}";'.format(db.table_prefix, user_name)
# db_ret = db.query(sql)
# if db_ret is None or len(db_ret) != 0:
# return -100
# sec_password = tp_password_generate_secret(user_pwd)
# sql = 'INSERT INTO `{}account` (`account_type`, `account_name`, `account_pwd`, `account_status`,' \
# '`account_lock`,`account_desc`) VALUES (1,"{}","{}",0,0,"{}")'.format(db.table_prefix, user_name, sec_password, user_desc)
# ret = db.exec(sql)
# if ret:
# return 0
# return -101
# def alloc_host(user_name, host_list):
# db = get_db()
# field_a = ['host_id']
# sql = 'SELECT {} FROM `{}auth` AS a WHERE `account_name`="{}";'.format(','.join(['`a`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_a]), db.table_prefix, user_name)
# db_ret = db.query(sql)
# ret = dict()
# for item in db_ret:
# x = DbItem()
# x.load(item, ['a_{}'.format(i) for i in field_a])
# host_id = int(x.a_host_id)
# ret[host_id] = host_id
# a_list = list()
# for item in host_list:
# if item in ret:
# pass
# else:
# a_list.append(item)
# try:
# for item in a_list:
# host_id = int(item)
# sql = 'INSERT INTO `{}auth` (`account_name`, `host_id`) VALUES ("{}", {});'.format(db.table_prefix, user_name, host_id)
# ret = db.exec(sql)
# if not ret:
# return False
# return True
# except:
# return False
# def alloc_host_user(user_name, host_auth_dict):
# db = get_db()
# field_a = ['host_id', 'host_auth_id']
# sql = 'SELECT {} FROM `{}auth` AS a WHERE `account_name`="{}";'.format(','.join(['`a`.`{}`'.format(i) for i in field_a]), db.table_prefix, user_name)
# db_ret = db.query(sql)
# ret = dict()
# for item in db_ret:
# x = DbItem()
# x.load(item, ['a_{}'.format(i) for i in field_a])
# host_id = int(x.a_host_id)
# host_auth_id = int(x.a_host_auth_id)
# if host_id not in ret:
# ret[host_id] = dict()
# temp = ret[host_id]
# temp[host_auth_id] = host_id
# ret[host_id] = temp
# add_dict = dict()
# for k, v in host_auth_dict.items():
# host_id = int(k)
# auth_id_list = v
# for item in auth_id_list:
# host_auth_id = int(item)
# if host_id not in ret:
# add_dict[host_auth_id] = host_id
# continue
# temp = ret[host_id]
# if host_auth_id not in temp:
# add_dict[host_auth_id] = host_id
# continue
# try:
# for k, v in add_dict.items():
# host_auth_id = int(k)
# host_id = int(v)
# sql = 'INSERT INTO `{}auth` (`account_name`, `host_id`, `host_auth_id`) VALUES ("{}", {}, {});'.format(db.table_prefix, user_name, host_id, host_auth_id)
# ret = db.exec(sql)
# if not ret:
# return False
# return True
# except:
# return False
# def delete_host(user_name, host_list):
# db = get_db()
# try:
# for item in host_list:
# host_id = int(item)
# sql = 'DELETE FROM `{}auth` WHERE `account_name`="{}" AND `host_id`={};'.format(db.table_prefix, user_name, host_id)
# ret = db.exec(sql)
# if not ret:
# return False
# return True
# except:
# return False
# def delete_host_user(user_name, auth_id_list):
# db = get_db()
# try:
# for item in auth_id_list:
# auth_id = int(item)
# sql = 'DELETE FROM `{}auth` WHERE `account_name`="{}" AND `auth_id`={};'.format(db.table_prefix, user_name, auth_id)
# ret = db.exec(sql)
# if not ret:
# return False
# return True
# except:
# return False
def get_group_with_member(sql_filter, sql_order, sql_limit):