2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
import os
import platform
import sys
2020-07-14 19:11:43 +00:00
import json
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
import configparser
from . import colorconsole as cc
if platform . system ( ) . lower ( ) == ' windows ' :
try :
import winreg
except ImportError :
cc . e ( ' Can not load module `winreg`, so I can not locate toolchain for you. ' )
class Env ( object ) :
BITS_32 = 32
BITS_64 = 64
def __init__ ( self ) :
_this_path = os . path . abspath ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) )
self . root_path = os . path . abspath ( os . path . join ( _this_path , ' .. ' , ' .. ' , ' .. ' ) )
self . build_path = os . path . abspath ( os . path . join ( _this_path , ' .. ' , ' .. ' ) )
self . builder_path = os . path . join ( self . build_path , ' builder ' )
self . is_py2 = sys . version_info [ 0 ] == 2
self . is_py3 = sys . version_info [ 0 ] == 3
2018-09-21 18:12:53 +00:00
if self . is_py2 :
self . input = raw_input
else :
self . input = input
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
self . py_ver = platform . python_version_tuple ( )
self . py_ver_str = ' %s %s ' % ( self . py_ver [ 0 ] , self . py_ver [ 1 ] )
2018-09-16 13:52:10 +00:00
self . py_ver_dot = ' %s . %s ' % ( self . py_ver [ 0 ] , self . py_ver [ 1 ] )
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
self . py_exec = sys . executable
self . bits = self . BITS_32
self . bits_str = ' x86 '
_bits = platform . architecture ( ) [ 0 ]
if _bits == ' 64bit ' :
self . bits = self . BITS_64
self . bits_str = ' x64 '
self . is_win = False
self . is_win_x64 = False
self . is_linux = False
self . is_macos = False
_os = platform . system ( ) . lower ( )
self . plat = ' '
if _os == ' windows ' :
self . is_win = True
self . plat = ' windows '
self . is_win_x64 = ' PROGRAMFILES(X86) ' in os . environ
elif _os == ' linux ' :
self . is_linux = True
self . plat = ' linux '
elif _os == ' darwin ' :
self . is_macos = True
self . plat = ' macos '
def init ( self , warn_miss_tool = False ) :
if not self . _load_config ( warn_miss_tool ) :
return False
if not self . _load_version ( ) :
return False
return True
def _load_config ( self , warn_miss_tool ) :
2020-08-12 15:48:12 +00:00
_cfg_file = ' config. {} .json ' . format ( self . plat )
2020-07-14 19:11:43 +00:00
# _cfg_file = os.path.join(self.root_path, 'config.ini')
2020-08-12 15:48:12 +00:00
_cfg_file = os . path . join ( self . root_path , _cfg_file )
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
if not os . path . exists ( _cfg_file ) :
2020-07-14 19:11:43 +00:00
# cc.e('can not load configuration.\n\nplease copy `config.ini.in` to `config.ini` and modify it to fit your condition and try again.')
2020-08-12 15:48:12 +00:00
cc . e ( ' can not load configuration. \n \n please copy `config.json.in` to `config. {} .json` and modify it to fit your condition and try again. ' . format ( self . plat ) )
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
return False
2020-07-14 19:11:43 +00:00
try :
with open ( _cfg_file , ' r ' ) as f :
_cfg = json . loads ( f . read ( ) )
except :
cc . e ( ' can ot load configuration file, not in JSON format. ' )
return False
# _cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
# _cfg.read(_cfg_file)
# if 'toolchain' not in _cfg.sections():
# cc.e('invalid configuration file: need `toolchain` section.')
# return False
if ' toolchain ' not in _cfg :
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
cc . e ( ' invalid configuration file: need `toolchain` section. ' )
return False
_tmp = _cfg [ ' toolchain ' ]
if self . is_win :
if ' wget ' in _tmp :
self . wget = _tmp [ ' wget ' ]
else :
self . wget = None
if self . wget is None or not os . path . exists ( self . wget ) :
if warn_miss_tool :
cc . w ( ' - can not find `wget.exe`, you can get it at https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/ ' )
if ' 7z ' in _tmp :
self . zip7 = _tmp [ ' 7z ' ]
else :
self . zip7 = None
if self . zip7 is None or not os . path . exists ( self . zip7 ) :
if warn_miss_tool :
cc . w ( ' - can not find `7z.exe`, you can get it at http://www.7-zip.org ' )
if ' nasm ' in _tmp :
self . nasm = _tmp [ ' nasm ' ]
else :
self . nasm = self . _get_nasm ( )
if self . nasm is None or not os . path . exists ( self . nasm ) :
if warn_miss_tool :
2019-01-04 18:39:33 +00:00
cc . w ( ' - can not locate `nasm`, so I can not build openssl. ' )
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
else :
_nasm_path = os . path . abspath ( os . path . join ( self . nasm , ' .. ' ) )
os . environ [ ' path ' ] = os . environ [ ' path ' ] + ' ; ' + _nasm_path
if ' perl ' in _tmp :
self . perl = _tmp [ ' perl ' ]
else :
self . perl = self . _get_perl ( )
if self . perl is None or not os . path . exists ( self . perl ) :
if warn_miss_tool :
2019-01-04 18:39:33 +00:00
cc . w ( ' - can not locate `perl`, so I can not build openssl. ' )
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
self . visual_studio_path = self . _get_visual_studio_path ( )
if self . visual_studio_path is None or not os . path . exists ( self . visual_studio_path ) :
if warn_miss_tool :
2019-01-04 18:39:33 +00:00
cc . w ( ' - can not locate Visual Studio installation, so I can build nothing. ' )
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
if ' msbuild ' in _tmp :
self . msbuild = _tmp [ ' msbuild ' ]
else :
self . msbuild = self . _get_msbuild ( )
if self . msbuild is None or not os . path . exists ( self . msbuild ) :
if warn_miss_tool :
cc . w ( ' - can not locate `MSBuild`, so I can build nothing. ' )
if ' nsis ' in _tmp :
self . nsis = _tmp [ ' nsis ' ]
else :
self . nsis = self . _get_nsis ( )
if self . nsis is None or not os . path . exists ( self . nsis ) :
if warn_miss_tool :
cc . w ( ' - can not locate `nsis`, so I can not make installer. ' )
2020-07-14 19:11:43 +00:00
if ' cmake ' in _tmp :
self . cmake = _tmp [ ' cmake ' ]
else :
self . cmake = ' c: \\ cmake \\ bin \\ cmake.exe '
if ' qt_path ' in _tmp :
self . qt = _tmp [ ' qt_path ' ]
2019-11-16 19:32:05 +00:00
else :
self . qt = None
2020-06-06 13:36:00 +00:00
if self . qt is None or not os . path . exists ( self . qt ) :
if warn_miss_tool :
2020-07-14 19:11:43 +00:00
cc . w ( ' - can not locate `qt_path`, so I can not build tp-player. ' )
2020-06-06 13:36:00 +00:00
elif self . is_linux :
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
if ' cmake ' in _tmp :
self . cmake = _tmp [ ' cmake ' ]
else :
self . cmake = ' /usr/bin/cmake '
if not os . path . exists ( self . cmake ) :
if warn_miss_tool :
cc . e ( ' - can not locate `cmake`, so I can not build binary from source. ' )
2020-06-06 13:36:00 +00:00
elif self . is_macos :
2020-08-04 18:56:57 +00:00
if ' qt_path ' in _tmp :
self . qt = _tmp [ ' qt_path ' ]
2020-06-06 13:36:00 +00:00
else :
self . qt = None
if self . qt is None or not os . path . exists ( self . qt ) :
if warn_miss_tool :
cc . w ( ' - can not locate `qt`, so I can not build tp-player. ' )
2020-08-12 15:48:12 +00:00
if ' cmake ' in _tmp :
self . cmake = _tmp [ ' cmake ' ]
else :
self . cmake = ' /usr/local/bin/cmake '
if not os . path . exists ( self . cmake ) :
if warn_miss_tool :
cc . e ( ' - can not locate `cmake`, so I can not build binary from source. ' )
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
return True
def _load_version ( self ) :
_ver_file = os . path . join ( self . root_path , ' external ' , ' version.ini ' )
if not os . path . exists ( _ver_file ) :
cc . e ( ' can not load version configuration for external. ' )
return False
_cfg = configparser . ConfigParser ( )
_cfg . read ( _ver_file )
if ' external_ver ' not in _cfg . sections ( ) :
cc . e ( ' invalid configuration file: need `external_ver` section. ' )
return False
_tmp = _cfg [ ' external_ver ' ]
try :
_v_openssl = _tmp [ ' openssl ' ] . split ( ' , ' )
2018-09-16 13:52:10 +00:00
self . ver_ossl = _v_openssl [ 0 ] . strip ( )
self . ver_ossl_number = _v_openssl [ 1 ] . strip ( )
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
2019-11-16 19:32:05 +00:00
_v_zlib = _tmp [ ' zlib ' ] . split ( ' , ' )
self . ver_zlib = _v_zlib [ 0 ] . strip ( )
self . ver_zlib_number = _v_zlib [ 1 ] . strip ( )
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
self . ver_libuv = _tmp [ ' libuv ' ]
self . ver_mbedtls = _tmp [ ' mbedtls ' ]
2018-09-16 13:52:10 +00:00
# self.ver_sqlite = _tmp['sqlite']
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
self . ver_libssh = _tmp [ ' libssh ' ]
self . ver_jsoncpp = _tmp [ ' jsoncpp ' ]
self . ver_mongoose = _tmp [ ' mongoose ' ]
except KeyError :
cc . e ( ' invalid configuration file: not all necessary external version are set. ' )
return False
return True
2018-12-27 18:58:59 +00:00
# def _get_msbuild(self):
# # 14.0 = VS2015
# # 12.0 = VS2012
# # 4.0 = VS2008
# chk = ['14.0', '12.0', '4.0']
# p = None
# for c in chk:
# p = self._winreg_read(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\{}'.format(c), r'MSBuildToolsPath')
# if p is not None:
# break
# return os.path.join(p[0], 'MSBuild.exe') if p is not None else None
# def _get_visual_studio_path(self):
# chk = ['14.0', '12.0', '4.0']
# p = None
# for c in chk:
# p = self._winreg_read(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\{}'.format(c), r'ShellFolder')
# if p is not None:
# break
# return p[0] if p is not None else None
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
def _get_visual_studio_path ( self ) :
2018-12-27 18:58:59 +00:00
p = self . _winreg_read ( winreg . HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE , r ' SOFTWARE \ WOW6432Node \ Microsoft \ VisualStudio \ SxS \ VS7 ' , r ' 15.0 ' )
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
return p [ 0 ] if p is not None else None
2018-12-27 18:58:59 +00:00
def _get_msbuild ( self ) :
vs2017 = self . _get_visual_studio_path ( )
if vs2017 is None :
return None
return os . path . join ( vs2017 , ' MSBuild ' , ' 15.0 ' , ' Bin ' , ' MSBuild.exe ' )
2017-04-17 09:40:17 +00:00
def _get_perl ( self ) :
p = self . _winreg_read ( winreg . HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE , r ' SOFTWARE \ perl ' , ' BinDir ' )
return p [ 0 ] if p is not None else None
def _get_nasm ( self ) :
p = self . _winreg_read ( winreg . HKEY_CURRENT_USER , r ' SOFTWARE \ nasm ' , ' ' )
return os . path . join ( p [ 0 ] , ' nasm.exe ' ) if p is not None else None
def _get_nsis ( self ) :
p = self . _winreg_read ( winreg . HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE , r ' SOFTWARE \ NSIS \ Unicode ' , ' ' )
if p is None :
p = self . _winreg_read ( winreg . HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE , r ' SOFTWARE \ NSIS ' , ' ' )
return os . path . join ( p [ 0 ] , ' makensis.exe ' ) if p is not None else None
def _winreg_read ( self , base , path , key ) :
try :
if self . is_win_x64 :
hkey = winreg . CreateKeyEx ( base , path , 0 , winreg . KEY_READ | winreg . KEY_WOW64_32KEY )
else :
hkey = winreg . CreateKeyEx ( base , path , 0 , winreg . KEY_READ )
value = winreg . QueryValueEx ( hkey , key )
return value
except OSError :
return None
env = Env ( )
del Env
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :