2020-06-04 16:58:17 +00:00
# Created on 2014.09.08
# Author: Giovanni Cannata
# Copyright 2014 - 2020 Giovanni Cannata
# This file is part of ldap3.
# ldap3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ldap3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with ldap3 in the COPYING and COPYING.LESSER files.
# If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from string import hexdigits , ascii_letters , digits
from . . import SEQUENCE_TYPES
from . . core . exceptions import LDAPInvalidDnError
def _add_ava ( ava , decompose , remove_space , space_around_equal ) :
if not ava :
return ' '
space = ' ' if space_around_equal else ' '
attr_name , _ , value = ava . partition ( ' = ' )
if decompose :
if remove_space :
component = ( attr_name . strip ( ) , value . strip ( ) )
else :
component = ( attr_name , value )
else :
if remove_space :
component = attr_name . strip ( ) + space + ' = ' + space + value . strip ( )
else :
component = attr_name + space + ' = ' + space + value
return component
def to_dn ( iterator , decompose = False , remove_space = False , space_around_equal = False , separate_rdn = False ) :
Convert an iterator to a list of dn parts
if decompose = True return a list of tuple ( one for each dn component ) else return a list of strings
if remove_space = True removes unneeded spaces
if space_around_equal = True add spaces around equal in returned strings
if separate_rdn = True consider multiple RDNs as different component of DN
dn = [ ]
component = ' '
escape_sequence = False
for c in iterator :
if c == ' \\ ' : # escape sequence
escape_sequence = True
elif escape_sequence and c != ' ' :
escape_sequence = False
elif c == ' + ' and separate_rdn :
dn . append ( _add_ava ( component , decompose , remove_space , space_around_equal ) )
component = ' '
elif c == ' , ' :
if ' = ' in component :
dn . append ( _add_ava ( component , decompose , remove_space , space_around_equal ) )
component = ' '
component + = c
dn . append ( _add_ava ( component , decompose , remove_space , space_around_equal ) )
return dn
def _find_first_unescaped ( dn , char , pos ) :
while True :
pos = dn . find ( char , pos )
if pos == - 1 :
break # no char found
if pos > 0 and dn [ pos - 1 ] != ' \\ ' : # unescaped char
elif pos > 1 and dn [ pos - 1 ] == ' \\ ' : # may be unescaped
escaped = True
for c in dn [ pos - 2 : 0 : - 1 ] :
if c == ' \\ ' :
escaped = not escaped
else :
if not escaped :
pos + = 1
return pos
def _find_last_unescaped ( dn , char , start , stop = 0 ) :
while True :
stop = dn . rfind ( char , start , stop )
if stop == - 1 :
if stop > = 0 and dn [ stop - 1 ] != ' \\ ' :
elif stop > 1 and dn [ stop - 1 ] == ' \\ ' : # may be unescaped
escaped = True
for c in dn [ stop - 2 : 0 : - 1 ] :
if c == ' \\ ' :
escaped = not escaped
else :
if not escaped :
if stop < start :
stop = - 1
return stop
def _get_next_ava ( dn ) :
comma = _find_first_unescaped ( dn , ' , ' , 0 )
plus = _find_first_unescaped ( dn , ' + ' , 0 )
if plus > 0 and ( plus < comma or comma == - 1 ) :
equal = _find_first_unescaped ( dn , ' = ' , plus + 1 )
if equal > plus + 1 :
plus = _find_last_unescaped ( dn , ' + ' , plus , equal )
return dn [ : plus ] , ' + '
if comma > 0 :
equal = _find_first_unescaped ( dn , ' = ' , comma + 1 )
if equal > comma + 1 :
comma = _find_last_unescaped ( dn , ' , ' , comma , equal )
return dn [ : comma ] , ' , '
return dn , ' '
def _split_ava ( ava , escape = False , strip = True ) :
equal = ava . find ( ' = ' )
while equal > 0 : # not first character
if ava [ equal - 1 ] != ' \\ ' : # not an escaped equal so it must be an ava separator
# attribute_type1 = ava[0:equal].strip() if strip else ava[0:equal]
if strip :
attribute_type = ava [ 0 : equal ] . strip ( )
attribute_value = _escape_attribute_value ( ava [ equal + 1 : ] . strip ( ) ) if escape else ava [ equal + 1 : ] . strip ( )
else :
attribute_type = ava [ 0 : equal ]
attribute_value = _escape_attribute_value ( ava [ equal + 1 : ] ) if escape else ava [ equal + 1 : ]
return attribute_type , attribute_value
equal = ava . find ( ' = ' , equal + 1 )
return ' ' , ( ava . strip if strip else ava ) # if no equal found return only value
def _validate_attribute_type ( attribute_type ) :
if not attribute_type :
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' attribute type not present ' )
if attribute_type == ' <GUID ' : # patch for AD DirSync
return True
for c in attribute_type :
if not ( c in ascii_letters or c in digits or c == ' - ' ) : # allowed uppercase and lowercase letters, digits and hyphen as per RFC 4512
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' character \' ' + c + ' \' not allowed in attribute type ' )
if attribute_type [ 0 ] in digits or attribute_type [ 0 ] == ' - ' : # digits and hyphen not allowed as first character
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' character \' ' + attribute_type [ 0 ] + ' \' not allowed as first character of attribute type ' )
return True
def _validate_attribute_value ( attribute_value ) :
if not attribute_value :
return False
if attribute_value [ 0 ] == ' # ' : # only hex characters are valid
for c in attribute_value :
if c not in hexdigits : # allowed only hex digits as per RFC 4514
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' character ' + c + ' not allowed in hex representation of attribute value ' )
if len ( attribute_value ) % 2 == 0 : # string must be # + HEX HEX (an odd number of chars)
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' hex representation must be in the form of <HEX><HEX> pairs ' )
if attribute_value [ 0 ] == ' ' : # unescaped space cannot be used as leading or last character
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' SPACE must be escaped as leading character of attribute value ' )
if attribute_value . endswith ( ' ' ) and not attribute_value . endswith ( ' \\ ' ) :
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' SPACE must be escaped as trailing character of attribute value ' )
state = STATE_ANY
for c in attribute_value :
if state == STATE_ANY :
if c == ' \\ ' :
elif c in ' " #+,;<=> \00 ' :
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' special character ' + c + ' must be escaped ' )
elif state == STATE_ESCAPE :
if c in hexdigits :
elif c in ' " #+,;<=> \\ \00 ' :
state = STATE_ANY
else :
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' invalid escaped character ' + c )
elif state == STATE_ESCAPE_HEX :
if c in hexdigits :
state = STATE_ANY
else :
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' invalid escaped character ' + c )
# final state
if state != STATE_ANY :
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' invalid final character ' )
return True
def _escape_attribute_value ( attribute_value ) :
if not attribute_value :
return ' '
if attribute_value [ 0 ] == ' # ' : # with leading SHARP only pairs of hex characters are valid
valid_hex = True
if len ( attribute_value ) % 2 == 0 : # string must be # + HEX HEX (an odd number of chars)
valid_hex = False
if valid_hex :
for c in attribute_value :
if c not in hexdigits : # allowed only hex digits as per RFC 4514
valid_hex = False
if valid_hex :
return attribute_value
state = STATE_ANY
escaped = ' '
tmp_buffer = ' '
for c in attribute_value :
if state == STATE_ANY :
if c == ' \\ ' :
elif c in ' " #+,;<=> \00 ' :
escaped + = ' \\ ' + c
else :
escaped + = c
elif state == STATE_ESCAPE :
if c in hexdigits :
tmp_buffer = c
elif c in ' " #+,;<=> \\ \00 ' :
escaped + = ' \\ ' + c
state = STATE_ANY
else :
escaped + = ' \\ \\ ' + c
elif state == STATE_ESCAPE_HEX :
if c in hexdigits :
escaped + = ' \\ ' + tmp_buffer + c
else :
escaped + = ' \\ \\ ' + tmp_buffer + c
tmp_buffer = ' '
state = STATE_ANY
# final state
if state == STATE_ESCAPE :
escaped + = ' \\ \\ '
elif state == STATE_ESCAPE_HEX :
escaped + = ' \\ \\ ' + tmp_buffer
if escaped [ 0 ] == ' ' : # leading SPACE must be escaped
escaped = ' \\ ' + escaped
if escaped [ - 1 ] == ' ' and len ( escaped ) > 1 and escaped [ - 2 ] != ' \\ ' : # trailing SPACE must be escaped
escaped = escaped [ : - 1 ] + ' \\ '
return escaped
def parse_dn ( dn , escape = False , strip = False ) :
Parses a DN into syntactic components
: param dn :
: param escape :
: param strip :
: return :
a list of tripels representing ` attributeTypeAndValue ` elements
containing ` attributeType ` , ` attributeValue ` and the following separator ( ` COMMA ` or ` PLUS ` ) if given , else an empty ` str ` .
in their original representation , still containing escapes or encoded as hex .
rdns = [ ]
avas = [ ]
while dn :
ava , separator = _get_next_ava ( dn ) # if returned ava doesn't containg any unescaped equal it'a appended to last ava in avas
dn = dn [ len ( ava ) + 1 : ]
if _find_first_unescaped ( ava , ' = ' , 0 ) > 0 or len ( avas ) == 0 :
avas . append ( ( ava , separator ) )
else :
avas [ len ( avas ) - 1 ] = ( avas [ len ( avas ) - 1 ] [ 0 ] + avas [ len ( avas ) - 1 ] [ 1 ] + ava , separator )
for ava , separator in avas :
attribute_type , attribute_value = _split_ava ( ava , escape , strip )
if not _validate_attribute_type ( attribute_type ) :
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' unable to validate attribute type in ' + ava )
if not _validate_attribute_value ( attribute_value ) :
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' unable to validate attribute value in ' + ava )
rdns . append ( ( attribute_type , attribute_value , separator ) )
dn = dn [ len ( ava ) + 1 : ]
if not rdns :
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' empty dn ' )
return rdns
def safe_dn ( dn , decompose = False , reverse = False ) :
normalize and escape a dn , if dn is a sequence it is joined .
the reverse parameter changes the join direction of the sequence
if isinstance ( dn , SEQUENCE_TYPES ) :
components = [ rdn for rdn in dn ]
if reverse :
dn = ' , ' . join ( reversed ( components ) )
else :
dn = ' , ' . join ( components )
if decompose :
escaped_dn = [ ]
else :
escaped_dn = ' '
if dn . startswith ( ' <GUID= ' ) and dn . endswith ( ' > ' ) : # Active Directory allows looking up objects by putting its GUID in a specially-formatted DN (e.g. '<GUID=7b95f0d5-a3ed-486c-919c-077b8c9731f2>')
escaped_dn = dn
elif dn . startswith ( ' <WKGUID= ' ) and dn . endswith ( ' > ' ) : # Active Directory allows Binding to Well-Known Objects Using WKGUID in a specially-formatted DN (e.g. <WKGUID=a9d1ca15768811d1aded00c04fd8d5cd,dc=Fabrikam,dc=com>)
escaped_dn = dn
elif dn . startswith ( ' <SID= ' ) and dn . endswith ( ' > ' ) : # Active Directory allows looking up objects by putting its security identifier (SID) in a specially-formatted DN (e.g. '<SID=S-#-#-##-##########-##########-##########-######>')
escaped_dn = dn
elif ' @ ' not in dn : # active directory UPN (User Principal Name) consist of an account, the at sign (@) and a domain, or the domain level logn name domain\username
for component in parse_dn ( dn , escape = True ) :
if decompose :
escaped_dn . append ( ( component [ 0 ] , component [ 1 ] , component [ 2 ] ) )
else :
escaped_dn + = component [ 0 ] + ' = ' + component [ 1 ] + component [ 2 ]
elif ' @ ' in dn and ' = ' not in dn and len ( dn . split ( ' @ ' ) ) != 2 :
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' Active Directory User Principal Name must consist of name@domain ' )
elif ' \\ ' in dn and ' = ' not in dn and len ( dn . split ( ' \\ ' ) ) != 2 :
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' Active Directory Domain Level Logon Name must consist of name \\ domain ' )
else :
escaped_dn = dn
return escaped_dn
def safe_rdn ( dn , decompose = False ) :
""" Returns a list of rdn for the dn, usually there is only one rdn, but it can be more than one when the + sign is used """
escaped_rdn = [ ]
one_more = True
for component in parse_dn ( dn , escape = True ) :
if component [ 2 ] == ' + ' or one_more :
if decompose :
escaped_rdn . append ( ( component [ 0 ] , component [ 1 ] ) )
else :
escaped_rdn . append ( component [ 0 ] + ' = ' + component [ 1 ] )
if component [ 2 ] == ' + ' :
one_more = True
else :
one_more = False
if one_more :
raise LDAPInvalidDnError ( ' bad dn ' + str ( dn ) )
return escaped_rdn
def escape_rdn ( rdn ) :
Escape rdn characters to prevent injection according to RFC 4514.
# '/' must be handled first or the escape slashes will be escaped!
for char in [ ' \\ ' , ' , ' , ' + ' , ' " ' , ' < ' , ' > ' , ' ; ' , ' = ' , ' \x00 ' ] :
rdn = rdn . replace ( char , ' \\ ' + char )
if rdn [ 0 ] == ' # ' or rdn [ 0 ] == ' ' :
rdn = ' ' . join ( ( ' \\ ' , rdn ) )
if rdn [ - 1 ] == ' ' :
rdn = ' ' . join ( ( rdn [ : - 1 ] , ' \\ ' ) )
return rdn