2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# Copyright (c) 2009, Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Linux platform implementation."""
from __future__ import division
import base64
import collections
import errno
import functools
import glob
import os
import re
import socket
import struct
import sys
import traceback
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import namedtuple
from . import _common
from . import _psposix
from . import _psutil_linux as cext
from . import _psutil_posix as cext_posix
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
from ._common import decode
from ._common import get_procfs_path
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
from ._common import isfile_strict
from ._common import memoize
from ._common import memoize_when_activated
from ._common import NIC_DUPLEX_FULL
from ._common import NIC_DUPLEX_HALF
from ._common import NIC_DUPLEX_UNKNOWN
2018-11-26 17:06:59 +00:00
from ._common import open_binary
from ._common import open_text
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
from ._common import parse_environ_block
from ._common import path_exists_strict
from ._common import supports_ipv6
from ._common import usage_percent
from ._compat import b
from ._compat import basestring
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
from ._compat import FileNotFoundError
from ._compat import PermissionError
from ._compat import ProcessLookupError
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
from ._compat import PY3
if sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
import enum
enum = None
__extra__all__ = [
# io prio constants
# connection status constants
# =====================================================================
# --- globals
# =====================================================================
POWER_SUPPLY_PATH = "/sys/class/power_supply"
HAS_SMAPS = os.path.exists('/proc/%s/smaps' % os.getpid())
HAS_PRLIMIT = hasattr(cext, "linux_prlimit")
2018-11-26 17:06:59 +00:00
HAS_PROC_IO_PRIORITY = hasattr(cext, "proc_ioprio_get")
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
HAS_CPU_AFFINITY = hasattr(cext, "proc_cpu_affinity_get")
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
_DEFAULT = object()
# RLIMIT_* constants, not guaranteed to be present on all kernels
for name in dir(cext):
if name.startswith('RLIM'):
# Number of clock ticks per second
CLOCK_TICKS = os.sysconf("SC_CLK_TCK")
PAGESIZE = os.sysconf("SC_PAGE_SIZE")
BOOT_TIME = None # set later
# Used when reading "big" files, namely /proc/{pid}/smaps and /proc/net/*.
# On Python 2, using a buffer with open() for such files may result in a
# speedup, see: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/708
BIGFILE_BUFFERING = -1 if PY3 else 8192
LITTLE_ENDIAN = sys.byteorder == 'little'
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
# "man iostat" states that sectors are equivalent with blocks and have
# a size of 512 bytes. Despite this value can be queried at runtime
# via /sys/block/{DISK}/queue/hw_sector_size and results may vary
# between 1k, 2k, or 4k... 512 appears to be a magic constant used
# throughout Linux source code:
# * https://stackoverflow.com/a/38136179/376587
# * https://lists.gt.net/linux/kernel/2241060
# * https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1305
# * https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/
# 4f671fe2f9523a1ea206f63fe60a7c7b3a56d5c7/include/linux/bio.h#L99
# * https://lkml.org/lkml/2015/8/17/234
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
if enum is None:
AddressFamily = enum.IntEnum('AddressFamily',
{'AF_LINK': int(socket.AF_PACKET)})
AF_LINK = AddressFamily.AF_LINK
# ioprio_* constants http://linux.die.net/man/2/ioprio_get
if enum is None:
class IOPriority(enum.IntEnum):
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
# See:
# https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blame/master/fs/proc/array.c
# ...and (TASK_* constants):
# https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/include/linux/sched.h
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
"R": _common.STATUS_RUNNING,
"T": _common.STATUS_STOPPED,
"Z": _common.STATUS_ZOMBIE,
"X": _common.STATUS_DEAD,
"x": _common.STATUS_DEAD,
"K": _common.STATUS_WAKE_KILL,
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
"W": _common.STATUS_WAKING,
"I": _common.STATUS_IDLE,
"P": _common.STATUS_PARKED,
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/include/net/tcp_states.h
"01": _common.CONN_ESTABLISHED,
"02": _common.CONN_SYN_SENT,
"03": _common.CONN_SYN_RECV,
"04": _common.CONN_FIN_WAIT1,
"05": _common.CONN_FIN_WAIT2,
"06": _common.CONN_TIME_WAIT,
"07": _common.CONN_CLOSE,
"08": _common.CONN_CLOSE_WAIT,
"09": _common.CONN_LAST_ACK,
"0A": _common.CONN_LISTEN,
"0B": _common.CONN_CLOSING
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
# These objects get set on "import psutil" from the __init__.py
# file, see: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1402
NoSuchProcess = None
ZombieProcess = None
AccessDenied = None
TimeoutExpired = None
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# =====================================================================
# --- named tuples
# =====================================================================
# psutil.virtual_memory()
svmem = namedtuple(
'svmem', ['total', 'available', 'percent', 'used', 'free',
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
'active', 'inactive', 'buffers', 'cached', 'shared', 'slab'])
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# psutil.disk_io_counters()
sdiskio = namedtuple(
'sdiskio', ['read_count', 'write_count',
'read_bytes', 'write_bytes',
'read_time', 'write_time',
'read_merged_count', 'write_merged_count',
# psutil.Process().open_files()
popenfile = namedtuple(
'popenfile', ['path', 'fd', 'position', 'mode', 'flags'])
# psutil.Process().memory_info()
pmem = namedtuple('pmem', 'rss vms shared text lib data dirty')
# psutil.Process().memory_full_info()
pfullmem = namedtuple('pfullmem', pmem._fields + ('uss', 'pss', 'swap'))
# psutil.Process().memory_maps(grouped=True)
pmmap_grouped = namedtuple(
['path', 'rss', 'size', 'pss', 'shared_clean', 'shared_dirty',
'private_clean', 'private_dirty', 'referenced', 'anonymous', 'swap'])
# psutil.Process().memory_maps(grouped=False)
pmmap_ext = namedtuple(
'pmmap_ext', 'addr perms ' + ' '.join(pmmap_grouped._fields))
# psutil.Process.io_counters()
pio = namedtuple('pio', ['read_count', 'write_count',
'read_bytes', 'write_bytes',
'read_chars', 'write_chars'])
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
# psutil.Process.cpu_times()
pcputimes = namedtuple('pcputimes',
['user', 'system', 'children_user', 'children_system',
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# =====================================================================
# --- utils
# =====================================================================
def readlink(path):
"""Wrapper around os.readlink()."""
assert isinstance(path, basestring), path
path = os.readlink(path)
# readlink() might return paths containing null bytes ('\x00')
# resulting in "TypeError: must be encoded string without NULL
# bytes, not str" errors when the string is passed to other
# fs-related functions (os.*, open(), ...).
# Apparently everything after '\x00' is garbage (we can have
# ' (deleted)', 'new' and possibly others), see:
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/717
path = path.split('\x00')[0]
# Certain paths have ' (deleted)' appended. Usually this is
# bogus as the file actually exists. Even if it doesn't we
# don't care.
if path.endswith(' (deleted)') and not path_exists_strict(path):
path = path[:-10]
return path
def file_flags_to_mode(flags):
"""Convert file's open() flags into a readable string.
Used by Process.open_files().
modes_map = {os.O_RDONLY: 'r', os.O_WRONLY: 'w', os.O_RDWR: 'w+'}
mode = modes_map[flags & (os.O_RDONLY | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_RDWR)]
if flags & os.O_APPEND:
mode = mode.replace('w', 'a', 1)
mode = mode.replace('w+', 'r+')
# possible values: r, w, a, r+, a+
return mode
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
def is_storage_device(name):
"""Return True if the given name refers to a root device (e.g.
"sda", "nvme0n1") as opposed to a logical partition (e.g. "sda1",
"nvme0n1p1"). If name is a virtual device (e.g. "loop1", "ram")
return True.
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
# Readapted from iostat source code, see:
# https://github.com/sysstat/sysstat/blob/
# 97912938cd476645b267280069e83b1c8dc0e1c7/common.c#L208
# Some devices may have a slash in their name (e.g. cciss/c0d0...).
name = name.replace('/', '!')
including_virtual = True
if including_virtual:
path = "/sys/block/%s" % name
path = "/sys/block/%s/device" % name
return os.access(path, os.F_OK)
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def set_scputimes_ntuple(procfs_path):
"""Set a namedtuple of variable fields depending on the CPU times
available on this Linux kernel version which may be:
(user, nice, system, idle, iowait, irq, softirq, [steal, [guest,
Used by cpu_times() function.
global scputimes
with open_binary('%s/stat' % procfs_path) as f:
values = f.readline().split()[1:]
fields = ['user', 'nice', 'system', 'idle', 'iowait', 'irq', 'softirq']
vlen = len(values)
if vlen >= 8:
# Linux >= 2.6.11
if vlen >= 9:
# Linux >= 2.6.24
if vlen >= 10:
# Linux >= 3.2.0
scputimes = namedtuple('scputimes', fields)
def cat(fname, fallback=_DEFAULT, binary=True):
"""Return file content.
fallback: the value returned in case the file does not exist or
cannot be read
binary: whether to open the file in binary or text mode.
with open_binary(fname) if binary else open_text(fname) as f:
return f.read().strip()
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
except (IOError, OSError):
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
if fallback is not _DEFAULT:
return fallback
except Exception:
# Don't want to crash at import time.
scputimes = namedtuple('scputimes', 'user system idle')(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
# =====================================================================
# --- system memory
# =====================================================================
def calculate_avail_vmem(mems):
"""Fallback for kernels < 3.14 where /proc/meminfo does not provide
"MemAvailable:" column, see:
This code reimplements the algorithm outlined here:
XXX: on recent kernels this calculation differs by ~1.5% than
"MemAvailable:" as it's calculated slightly differently, see:
It is still way more realistic than doing (free + cached) though.
# Fallback for very old distros. According to
# https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/
# commit/?id=34e431b0ae398fc54ea69ff85ec700722c9da773
# ...long ago "avail" was calculated as (free + cached).
# We might fallback in such cases:
# "Active(file)" not available: 2.6.28 / Dec 2008
# "Inactive(file)" not available: 2.6.28 / Dec 2008
# "SReclaimable:" not available: 2.6.19 / Nov 2006
# /proc/zoneinfo not available: 2.6.13 / Aug 2005
free = mems[b'MemFree:']
fallback = free + mems.get(b"Cached:", 0)
lru_active_file = mems[b'Active(file):']
lru_inactive_file = mems[b'Inactive(file):']
slab_reclaimable = mems[b'SReclaimable:']
except KeyError:
return fallback
f = open_binary('%s/zoneinfo' % get_procfs_path())
except IOError:
return fallback # kernel 2.6.13
watermark_low = 0
with f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith(b'low'):
watermark_low += int(line.split()[1])
watermark_low *= PAGESIZE
watermark_low = watermark_low
avail = free - watermark_low
pagecache = lru_active_file + lru_inactive_file
pagecache -= min(pagecache / 2, watermark_low)
avail += pagecache
avail += slab_reclaimable - min(slab_reclaimable / 2.0, watermark_low)
return int(avail)
def virtual_memory():
"""Report virtual memory stats.
This implementation matches "free" and "vmstat -s" cmdline
utility values and procps-ng-3.3.12 source was used as a reference
For reference, procps-ng-3.3.10 is the version available on Ubuntu
Note about "available" memory: up until psutil 4.3 it was
calculated as "avail = (free + buffers + cached)". Now
"MemAvailable:" column (kernel 3.14) from /proc/meminfo is used as
it's more accurate.
That matches "available" column in newer versions of "free".
missing_fields = []
mems = {}
with open_binary('%s/meminfo' % get_procfs_path()) as f:
for line in f:
fields = line.split()
mems[fields[0]] = int(fields[1]) * 1024
# /proc doc states that the available fields in /proc/meminfo vary
# by architecture and compile options, but these 3 values are also
# returned by sysinfo(2); as such we assume they are always there.
total = mems[b'MemTotal:']
free = mems[b'MemFree:']
buffers = mems[b'Buffers:']
except KeyError:
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1010
buffers = 0
cached = mems[b"Cached:"]
except KeyError:
cached = 0
# "free" cmdline utility sums reclaimable to cached.
# Older versions of procps used to add slab memory instead.
# This got changed in:
# https://gitlab.com/procps-ng/procps/commit/
# 05d751c4f076a2f0118b914c5e51cfbb4762ad8e
cached += mems.get(b"SReclaimable:", 0) # since kernel 2.6.19
shared = mems[b'Shmem:'] # since kernel 2.6.32
except KeyError:
shared = mems[b'MemShared:'] # kernels 2.4
except KeyError:
shared = 0
active = mems[b"Active:"]
except KeyError:
active = 0
inactive = mems[b"Inactive:"]
except KeyError:
inactive = \
mems[b"Inact_dirty:"] + \
mems[b"Inact_clean:"] + \
except KeyError:
inactive = 0
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
slab = mems[b"Slab:"]
except KeyError:
slab = 0
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
used = total - free - cached - buffers
if used < 0:
# May be symptomatic of running within a LCX container where such
# values will be dramatically distorted over those of the host.
used = total - free
# - starting from 4.4.0 we match free's "available" column.
# Before 4.4.0 we calculated it as (free + buffers + cached)
# which matched htop.
# - free and htop available memory differs as per:
# http://askubuntu.com/a/369589
# http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/65852/168884
# - MemAvailable has been introduced in kernel 3.14
avail = mems[b'MemAvailable:']
except KeyError:
avail = calculate_avail_vmem(mems)
if avail < 0:
avail = 0
# If avail is greater than total or our calculation overflows,
# that's symptomatic of running within a LCX container where such
# values will be dramatically distorted over those of the host.
# https://gitlab.com/procps-ng/procps/blob/
# 24fd2605c51fccc375ab0287cec33aa767f06718/proc/sysinfo.c#L764
if avail > total:
avail = free
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
percent = usage_percent((total - avail), total, round_=1)
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# Warn about missing metrics which are set to 0.
if missing_fields:
msg = "%s memory stats couldn't be determined and %s set to 0" % (
", ".join(missing_fields),
"was" if len(missing_fields) == 1 else "were")
warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
return svmem(total, avail, percent, used, free,
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
active, inactive, buffers, cached, shared, slab)
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def swap_memory():
"""Return swap memory metrics."""
mems = {}
with open_binary('%s/meminfo' % get_procfs_path()) as f:
for line in f:
fields = line.split()
mems[fields[0]] = int(fields[1]) * 1024
# We prefer /proc/meminfo over sysinfo() syscall so that
# psutil.PROCFS_PATH can be used in order to allow retrieval
# for linux containers, see:
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1015
total = mems[b'SwapTotal:']
free = mems[b'SwapFree:']
except KeyError:
_, _, _, _, total, free, unit_multiplier = cext.linux_sysinfo()
total *= unit_multiplier
free *= unit_multiplier
used = total - free
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
percent = usage_percent(used, total, round_=1)
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# get pgin/pgouts
f = open_binary("%s/vmstat" % get_procfs_path())
except IOError as err:
# see https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/722
msg = "'sin' and 'sout' swap memory stats couldn't " \
"be determined and were set to 0 (%s)" % str(err)
warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
sin = sout = 0
with f:
sin = sout = None
for line in f:
# values are expressed in 4 kilo bytes, we want
# bytes instead
if line.startswith(b'pswpin'):
sin = int(line.split(b' ')[1]) * 4 * 1024
elif line.startswith(b'pswpout'):
sout = int(line.split(b' ')[1]) * 4 * 1024
if sin is not None and sout is not None:
# we might get here when dealing with exotic Linux
# flavors, see:
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/313
msg = "'sin' and 'sout' swap memory stats couldn't " \
"be determined and were set to 0"
warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
sin = sout = 0
return _common.sswap(total, used, free, percent, sin, sout)
# =====================================================================
# --- CPU
# =====================================================================
def cpu_times():
"""Return a named tuple representing the following system-wide
CPU times:
(user, nice, system, idle, iowait, irq, softirq [steal, [guest,
Last 3 fields may not be available on all Linux kernel versions.
procfs_path = get_procfs_path()
with open_binary('%s/stat' % procfs_path) as f:
values = f.readline().split()
fields = values[1:len(scputimes._fields) + 1]
fields = [float(x) / CLOCK_TICKS for x in fields]
return scputimes(*fields)
def per_cpu_times():
"""Return a list of namedtuple representing the CPU times
for every CPU available on the system.
procfs_path = get_procfs_path()
cpus = []
with open_binary('%s/stat' % procfs_path) as f:
# get rid of the first line which refers to system wide CPU stats
for line in f:
if line.startswith(b'cpu'):
values = line.split()
fields = values[1:len(scputimes._fields) + 1]
fields = [float(x) / CLOCK_TICKS for x in fields]
entry = scputimes(*fields)
return cpus
def cpu_count_logical():
"""Return the number of logical CPUs in the system."""
return os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN")
except ValueError:
# as a second fallback we try to parse /proc/cpuinfo
num = 0
with open_binary('%s/cpuinfo' % get_procfs_path()) as f:
for line in f:
if line.lower().startswith(b'processor'):
num += 1
# unknown format (e.g. amrel/sparc architectures), see:
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/200
# try to parse /proc/stat as a last resort
if num == 0:
search = re.compile(r'cpu\d')
with open_text('%s/stat' % get_procfs_path()) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.split(' ')[0]
if search.match(line):
num += 1
if num == 0:
# mimic os.cpu_count()
return None
return num
def cpu_count_physical():
"""Return the number of physical cores in the system."""
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
# Method #1
core_ids = set()
for path in glob.glob(
with open_binary(path) as f:
result = len(core_ids)
if result != 0:
return result
# Method #2
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
mapping = {}
current_info = {}
with open_binary('%s/cpuinfo' % get_procfs_path()) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip().lower()
if not line:
# new section
if (b'physical id' in current_info and
b'cpu cores' in current_info):
mapping[current_info[b'physical id']] = \
current_info[b'cpu cores']
current_info = {}
# ongoing section
if (line.startswith(b'physical id') or
line.startswith(b'cpu cores')):
key, value = line.split(b'\t:', 1)
current_info[key] = int(value)
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
result = sum(mapping.values())
return result or None # mimic os.cpu_count()
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def cpu_stats():
"""Return various CPU stats as a named tuple."""
with open_binary('%s/stat' % get_procfs_path()) as f:
ctx_switches = None
interrupts = None
soft_interrupts = None
for line in f:
if line.startswith(b'ctxt'):
ctx_switches = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith(b'intr'):
interrupts = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith(b'softirq'):
soft_interrupts = int(line.split()[1])
if ctx_switches is not None and soft_interrupts is not None \
and interrupts is not None:
syscalls = 0
return _common.scpustats(
ctx_switches, interrupts, soft_interrupts, syscalls)
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
if os.path.exists("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0") or \
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def cpu_freq():
"""Return frequency metrics for all CPUs.
Contrarily to other OSes, Linux updates these values in
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
def get_path(num):
for p in ("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy%s" % num,
"/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%s/cpufreq" % num):
if os.path.exists(p):
return p
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
ret = []
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
for n in range(cpu_count_logical()):
path = get_path(n)
if not path:
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
pjoin = os.path.join
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
curr = cat(pjoin(path, "scaling_cur_freq"), fallback=None)
if curr is None:
# Likely an old RedHat, see:
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1071
curr = cat(pjoin(path, "cpuinfo_cur_freq"), fallback=None)
if curr is None:
raise NotImplementedError(
"can't find current frequency file")
curr = int(curr) / 1000
max_ = int(cat(pjoin(path, "scaling_max_freq"))) / 1000
min_ = int(cat(pjoin(path, "scaling_min_freq"))) / 1000
ret.append(_common.scpufreq(curr, min_, max_))
return ret
2018-11-26 17:06:59 +00:00
elif os.path.exists("/proc/cpuinfo"):
def cpu_freq():
"""Alternate implementation using /proc/cpuinfo.
min and max frequencies are not available and are set to None.
ret = []
with open_binary('%s/cpuinfo' % get_procfs_path()) as f:
for line in f:
if line.lower().startswith(b'cpu mhz'):
key, value = line.split(b'\t:', 1)
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
ret.append(_common.scpufreq(float(value), 0., 0.))
2018-11-26 17:06:59 +00:00
return ret
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
def cpu_freq():
"""Dummy implementation when none of the above files are present.
return []
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# =====================================================================
# --- network
# =====================================================================
net_if_addrs = cext_posix.net_if_addrs
class _Ipv6UnsupportedError(Exception):
class Connections:
"""A wrapper on top of /proc/net/* files, retrieving per-process
and system-wide open connections (TCP, UDP, UNIX) similarly to
"netstat -an".
Note: in case of UNIX sockets we're only able to determine the
local endpoint/path, not the one it's connected to.
According to [1] it would be possible but not easily.
[1] http://serverfault.com/a/417946
def __init__(self):
tcp4 = ("tcp", socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
tcp6 = ("tcp6", socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
udp4 = ("udp", socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
udp6 = ("udp6", socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
unix = ("unix", socket.AF_UNIX, None)
self.tmap = {
"all": (tcp4, tcp6, udp4, udp6, unix),
"tcp": (tcp4, tcp6),
"tcp4": (tcp4,),
"tcp6": (tcp6,),
"udp": (udp4, udp6),
"udp4": (udp4,),
"udp6": (udp6,),
"unix": (unix,),
"inet": (tcp4, tcp6, udp4, udp6),
"inet4": (tcp4, udp4),
"inet6": (tcp6, udp6),
self._procfs_path = None
def get_proc_inodes(self, pid):
inodes = defaultdict(list)
for fd in os.listdir("%s/%s/fd" % (self._procfs_path, pid)):
inode = readlink("%s/%s/fd/%s" % (self._procfs_path, pid, fd))
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
except (FileNotFoundError, ProcessLookupError):
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# ENOENT == file which is gone in the meantime;
# os.stat('/proc/%s' % self.pid) will be done later
# to force NSP (if it's the case)
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
except OSError as err:
if err.errno == errno.EINVAL:
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# not a link
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
if inode.startswith('socket:['):
# the process is using a socket
inode = inode[8:][:-1]
inodes[inode].append((pid, int(fd)))
return inodes
def get_all_inodes(self):
inodes = {}
for pid in pids():
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
except (FileNotFoundError, ProcessLookupError, PermissionError):
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# os.listdir() is gonna raise a lot of access denied
# exceptions in case of unprivileged user; that's fine
# as we'll just end up returning a connection with PID
# and fd set to None anyway.
# Both netstat -an and lsof does the same so it's
# unlikely we can do any better.
# ENOENT just means a PID disappeared on us.
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
return inodes
def decode_address(addr, family):
"""Accept an "ip:port" address as displayed in /proc/net/*
and convert it into a human readable form, like:
"0500000A:0016" -> ("", 22)
"0000000000000000FFFF00000100007F:9E49" -> ("::ffff:", 40521)
The IP address portion is a little or big endian four-byte
hexadecimal number; that is, the least significant byte is listed
first, so we need to reverse the order of the bytes to convert it
to an IP address.
The port is represented as a two-byte hexadecimal number.
ip, port = addr.split(':')
port = int(port, 16)
# this usually refers to a local socket in listen mode with
# no end-points connected
if not port:
return ()
if PY3:
ip = ip.encode('ascii')
if family == socket.AF_INET:
# see: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/201
ip = socket.inet_ntop(family, base64.b16decode(ip)[::-1])
ip = socket.inet_ntop(family, base64.b16decode(ip))
else: # IPv6
# old version - let's keep it, just in case...
# ip = ip.decode('hex')
# return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6,
# ''.join(ip[i:i+4][::-1] for i in xrange(0, 16, 4)))
ip = base64.b16decode(ip)
# see: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/201
ip = socket.inet_ntop(
struct.pack('>4I', *struct.unpack('<4I', ip)))
ip = socket.inet_ntop(
struct.pack('<4I', *struct.unpack('<4I', ip)))
except ValueError:
# see: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/623
if not supports_ipv6():
raise _Ipv6UnsupportedError
return _common.addr(ip, port)
def process_inet(file, family, type_, inodes, filter_pid=None):
"""Parse /proc/net/tcp* and /proc/net/udp* files."""
if file.endswith('6') and not os.path.exists(file):
# IPv6 not supported
with open_text(file, buffering=BIGFILE_BUFFERING) as f:
f.readline() # skip the first line
for lineno, line in enumerate(f, 1):
_, laddr, raddr, status, _, _, _, _, _, inode = \
except ValueError:
raise RuntimeError(
"error while parsing %s; malformed line %s %r" % (
file, lineno, line))
if inode in inodes:
# # We assume inet sockets are unique, so we error
# # out if there are multiple references to the
# # same inode. We won't do this for UNIX sockets.
# if len(inodes[inode]) > 1 and family != socket.AF_UNIX:
# raise ValueError("ambiguos inode with multiple "
# "PIDs references")
pid, fd = inodes[inode][0]
pid, fd = None, -1
if filter_pid is not None and filter_pid != pid:
if type_ == socket.SOCK_STREAM:
status = TCP_STATUSES[status]
status = _common.CONN_NONE
laddr = Connections.decode_address(laddr, family)
raddr = Connections.decode_address(raddr, family)
except _Ipv6UnsupportedError:
yield (fd, family, type_, laddr, raddr, status, pid)
def process_unix(file, family, inodes, filter_pid=None):
"""Parse /proc/net/unix files."""
with open_text(file, buffering=BIGFILE_BUFFERING) as f:
f.readline() # skip the first line
for line in f:
tokens = line.split()
_, _, _, _, type_, _, inode = tokens[0:7]
except ValueError:
if ' ' not in line:
# see: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/766
raise RuntimeError(
"error while parsing %s; malformed line %r" % (
file, line))
if inode in inodes:
# With UNIX sockets we can have a single inode
# referencing many file descriptors.
pairs = inodes[inode]
pairs = [(None, -1)]
for pid, fd in pairs:
if filter_pid is not None and filter_pid != pid:
if len(tokens) == 8:
path = tokens[-1]
path = ""
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
type_ = _common.socktype_to_enum(int(type_))
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# XXX: determining the remote endpoint of a
# UNIX socket on Linux is not possible, see:
# https://serverfault.com/questions/252723/
raddr = ""
status = _common.CONN_NONE
yield (fd, family, type_, path, raddr, status, pid)
def retrieve(self, kind, pid=None):
if kind not in self.tmap:
raise ValueError("invalid %r kind argument; choose between %s"
% (kind, ', '.join([repr(x) for x in self.tmap])))
self._procfs_path = get_procfs_path()
if pid is not None:
inodes = self.get_proc_inodes(pid)
if not inodes:
# no connections for this process
return []
inodes = self.get_all_inodes()
ret = set()
for f, family, type_ in self.tmap[kind]:
if family in (socket.AF_INET, socket.AF_INET6):
ls = self.process_inet(
"%s/net/%s" % (self._procfs_path, f),
family, type_, inodes, filter_pid=pid)
ls = self.process_unix(
"%s/net/%s" % (self._procfs_path, f),
family, inodes, filter_pid=pid)
for fd, family, type_, laddr, raddr, status, bound_pid in ls:
if pid:
conn = _common.pconn(fd, family, type_, laddr, raddr,
conn = _common.sconn(fd, family, type_, laddr, raddr,
status, bound_pid)
return list(ret)
_connections = Connections()
def net_connections(kind='inet'):
"""Return system-wide open connections."""
return _connections.retrieve(kind)
def net_io_counters():
"""Return network I/O statistics for every network interface
installed on the system as a dict of raw tuples.
with open_text("%s/net/dev" % get_procfs_path()) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
retdict = {}
for line in lines[2:]:
colon = line.rfind(':')
assert colon > 0, repr(line)
name = line[:colon].strip()
fields = line[colon + 1:].strip().split()
# in
fifoin, # unused
framein, # unused
compressedin, # unused
multicastin, # unused
# out
fifoout, # unused
collisionsout, # unused
carrierout, # unused
compressedout) = map(int, fields)
retdict[name] = (bytes_sent, bytes_recv, packets_sent, packets_recv,
errin, errout, dropin, dropout)
return retdict
def net_if_stats():
"""Get NIC stats (isup, duplex, speed, mtu)."""
duplex_map = {cext.DUPLEX_FULL: NIC_DUPLEX_FULL,
names = net_io_counters().keys()
ret = {}
for name in names:
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
mtu = cext_posix.net_if_mtu(name)
isup = cext_posix.net_if_flags(name)
duplex, speed = cext.net_if_duplex_speed(name)
except OSError as err:
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1279
if err.errno != errno.ENODEV:
ret[name] = _common.snicstats(isup, duplex_map[duplex], speed, mtu)
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
return ret
# =====================================================================
# --- disks
# =====================================================================
disk_usage = _psposix.disk_usage
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
def disk_io_counters(perdisk=False):
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
"""Return disk I/O statistics for every disk installed on the
system as a dict of raw tuples.
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
def read_procfs():
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# OK, this is a bit confusing. The format of /proc/diskstats can
# have 3 variations.
# On Linux 2.4 each line has always 15 fields, e.g.:
# "3 0 8 hda 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8"
# On Linux 2.6+ each line *usually* has 14 fields, and the disk
# name is in another position, like this:
# "3 0 hda 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8"
# ...unless (Linux 2.6) the line refers to a partition instead
# of a disk, in which case the line has less fields (7):
# "3 1 hda1 8 8 8 8"
2019-01-22 17:49:40 +00:00
# 4.18+ has 4 fields added:
# "3 0 hda 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 0 0 0"
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# See:
# https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/iostats.txt
# https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/ABI/testing/procfs-diskstats
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
with open_text("%s/diskstats" % get_procfs_path()) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
fields = line.split()
flen = len(fields)
if flen == 15:
# Linux 2.4
name = fields[3]
reads = int(fields[2])
(reads_merged, rbytes, rtime, writes, writes_merged,
wbytes, wtime, _, busy_time, _) = map(int, fields[4:14])
2019-01-22 17:49:40 +00:00
elif flen == 14 or flen == 18:
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
# Linux 2.6+, line referring to a disk
name = fields[2]
(reads, reads_merged, rbytes, rtime, writes, writes_merged,
wbytes, wtime, _, busy_time, _) = map(int, fields[3:14])
elif flen == 7:
# Linux 2.6+, line referring to a partition
name = fields[2]
reads, rbytes, writes, wbytes = map(int, fields[3:])
rtime = wtime = reads_merged = writes_merged = busy_time = 0
raise ValueError("not sure how to interpret line %r" % line)
yield (name, reads, writes, rbytes, wbytes, rtime, wtime,
reads_merged, writes_merged, busy_time)
def read_sysfs():
for block in os.listdir('/sys/block'):
for root, _, files in os.walk(os.path.join('/sys/block', block)):
if 'stat' not in files:
with open_text(os.path.join(root, 'stat')) as f:
fields = f.read().strip().split()
name = os.path.basename(root)
(reads, reads_merged, rbytes, rtime, writes, writes_merged,
wbytes, wtime, _, busy_time, _) = map(int, fields)
yield (name, reads, writes, rbytes, wbytes, rtime,
wtime, reads_merged, writes_merged, busy_time)
if os.path.exists('%s/diskstats' % get_procfs_path()):
gen = read_procfs()
elif os.path.exists('/sys/block'):
gen = read_sysfs()
raise NotImplementedError(
"%s/diskstats nor /sys/block filesystem are available on this "
"system" % get_procfs_path())
retdict = {}
for entry in gen:
(name, reads, writes, rbytes, wbytes, rtime, wtime, reads_merged,
writes_merged, busy_time) = entry
if not perdisk and not is_storage_device(name):
# perdisk=False means we want to calculate totals so we skip
# partitions (e.g. 'sda1', 'nvme0n1p1') and only include
# base disk devices (e.g. 'sda', 'nvme0n1'). Base disks
# include a total of all their partitions + some extra size
# of their own:
# $ cat /proc/diskstats
# 259 0 sda 10485760 ...
# 259 1 sda1 5186039 ...
# 259 1 sda2 5082039 ...
# See:
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/pull/1313
retdict[name] = (reads, writes, rbytes, wbytes, rtime, wtime,
reads_merged, writes_merged, busy_time)
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
return retdict
def disk_partitions(all=False):
"""Return mounted disk partitions as a list of namedtuples."""
fstypes = set()
2018-11-26 17:06:59 +00:00
procfs_path = get_procfs_path()
with open_text("%s/filesystems" % procfs_path) as f:
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if not line.startswith("nodev"):
# ignore all lines starting with "nodev" except "nodev zfs"
fstype = line.split("\t")[1]
if fstype == "zfs":
2018-11-26 17:06:59 +00:00
# See: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1307
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
if procfs_path == "/proc" and os.path.isfile('/etc/mtab'):
mounts_path = os.path.realpath("/etc/mtab")
2018-11-26 17:06:59 +00:00
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
mounts_path = os.path.realpath("%s/self/mounts" % procfs_path)
2018-11-26 17:06:59 +00:00
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
retlist = []
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
partitions = cext.disk_partitions(mounts_path)
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
for partition in partitions:
device, mountpoint, fstype, opts = partition
if device == 'none':
device = ''
if not all:
if device == '' or fstype not in fstypes:
ntuple = _common.sdiskpart(device, mountpoint, fstype, opts)
return retlist
# =====================================================================
# --- sensors
# =====================================================================
def sensors_temperatures():
"""Return hardware (CPU and others) temperatures as a dict
including hardware name, label, current, max and critical
Implementation notes:
- /sys/class/hwmon looks like the most recent interface to
retrieve this info, and this implementation relies on it
only (old distros will probably use something else)
- lm-sensors on Ubuntu 16.04 relies on /sys/class/hwmon
- /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone* is another one but it's more
difficult to parse
ret = collections.defaultdict(list)
basenames = glob.glob('/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_*')
# CentOS has an intermediate /device directory:
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/971
# https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/issues/1060
basenames = sorted(set([x.split('_')[0] for x in basenames]))
for base in basenames:
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
path = base + '_input'
current = float(cat(path)) / 1000.0
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(base), 'name')
unit_name = cat(path, binary=False)
except (IOError, OSError, ValueError) as err:
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# A lot of things can go wrong here, so let's just skip the
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
# whole entry. Sure thing is Linux's /sys/class/hwmon really
# is a stinky broken mess.
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1009
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1101
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1129
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1245
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1323
warnings.warn("ignoring %r for file %r" % (err, path),
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
high = cat(base + '_max', fallback=None)
critical = cat(base + '_crit', fallback=None)
label = cat(base + '_label', fallback='', binary=False)
if high is not None:
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
high = float(high) / 1000.0
except ValueError:
high = None
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
if critical is not None:
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
critical = float(critical) / 1000.0
except ValueError:
critical = None
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
ret[unit_name].append((label, current, high, critical))
2018-11-26 17:06:59 +00:00
# Indication that no sensors were detected in /sys/class/hwmon/
if not basenames:
basenames = glob.glob('/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*')
basenames = sorted(set(basenames))
for base in basenames:
path = os.path.join(base, 'temp')
current = float(cat(path)) / 1000.0
path = os.path.join(base, 'type')
unit_name = cat(path, binary=False)
except (IOError, OSError, ValueError) as err:
warnings.warn("ignoring %r for file %r" % (err, path),
trip_paths = glob.glob(base + '/trip_point*')
trip_points = set(['_'.join(
os.path.basename(p).split('_')[0:3]) for p in trip_paths])
critical = None
high = None
for trip_point in trip_points:
path = os.path.join(base, trip_point + "_type")
trip_type = cat(path, fallback='', binary=False)
if trip_type == 'critical':
critical = cat(os.path.join(base, trip_point + "_temp"),
elif trip_type == 'high':
high = cat(os.path.join(base, trip_point + "_temp"),
if high is not None:
high = float(high) / 1000.0
except ValueError:
high = None
if critical is not None:
critical = float(critical) / 1000.0
except ValueError:
critical = None
ret[unit_name].append(('', current, high, critical))
return dict(ret)
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def sensors_fans():
"""Return hardware fans info (for CPU and other peripherals) as a
dict including hardware label and current speed.
Implementation notes:
- /sys/class/hwmon looks like the most recent interface to
retrieve this info, and this implementation relies on it
only (old distros will probably use something else)
- lm-sensors on Ubuntu 16.04 relies on /sys/class/hwmon
ret = collections.defaultdict(list)
basenames = glob.glob('/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/fan*_*')
if not basenames:
# CentOS has an intermediate /device directory:
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/971
basenames = glob.glob('/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/device/fan*_*')
basenames = sorted(set([x.split('_')[0] for x in basenames]))
for base in basenames:
current = int(cat(base + '_input'))
except (IOError, OSError) as err:
warnings.warn("ignoring %r" % err, RuntimeWarning)
unit_name = cat(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(base), 'name'),
label = cat(base + '_label', fallback='', binary=False)
ret[unit_name].append(_common.sfan(label, current))
return dict(ret)
def sensors_battery():
"""Return battery information.
Implementation note: it appears /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/
directory structure may vary and provide files with the same
meaning but under different names, see:
null = object()
def multi_cat(*paths):
"""Attempt to read the content of multiple files which may
not exist. If none of them exist return None.
for path in paths:
ret = cat(path, fallback=null)
if ret != null:
return int(ret) if ret.isdigit() else ret
return None
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
bats = [x for x in os.listdir(POWER_SUPPLY_PATH) if x.startswith('BAT')]
if not bats:
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
return None
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
# Get the first available battery. Usually this is "BAT0", except
# some rare exceptions:
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1238
root = os.path.join(POWER_SUPPLY_PATH, sorted(bats)[0])
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# Base metrics.
energy_now = multi_cat(
root + "/energy_now",
root + "/charge_now")
power_now = multi_cat(
root + "/power_now",
root + "/current_now")
energy_full = multi_cat(
root + "/energy_full",
root + "/charge_full")
if energy_now is None or power_now is None:
return None
# Percent. If we have energy_full the percentage will be more
# accurate compared to reading /capacity file (float vs. int).
if energy_full is not None:
percent = 100.0 * energy_now / energy_full
except ZeroDivisionError:
percent = 0.0
percent = int(cat(root + "/capacity", fallback=-1))
if percent == -1:
return None
# Is AC power cable plugged in?
# Note: AC0 is not always available and sometimes (e.g. CentOS7)
# it's called "AC".
power_plugged = None
online = multi_cat(
os.path.join(POWER_SUPPLY_PATH, "AC0/online"),
os.path.join(POWER_SUPPLY_PATH, "AC/online"))
if online is not None:
power_plugged = online == 1
status = cat(root + "/status", fallback="", binary=False).lower()
if status == "discharging":
power_plugged = False
elif status in ("charging", "full"):
power_plugged = True
# Seconds left.
# Note to self: we may also calculate the charging ETA as per:
# https://github.com/thialfihar/dotfiles/blob/
# 013937745fd9050c30146290e8f963d65c0179e6/bin/battery.py#L55
if power_plugged:
secsleft = _common.POWER_TIME_UNLIMITED
secsleft = int(energy_now / power_now * 3600)
except ZeroDivisionError:
secsleft = _common.POWER_TIME_UNKNOWN
return _common.sbattery(percent, secsleft, power_plugged)
# =====================================================================
# --- other system functions
# =====================================================================
def users():
"""Return currently connected users as a list of namedtuples."""
retlist = []
rawlist = cext.users()
for item in rawlist:
user, tty, hostname, tstamp, user_process, pid = item
# note: the underlying C function includes entries about
# system boot, run level and others. We might want
# to use them in the future.
if not user_process:
if hostname in (':0.0', ':0'):
hostname = 'localhost'
nt = _common.suser(user, tty or None, hostname, tstamp, pid)
return retlist
def boot_time():
"""Return the system boot time expressed in seconds since the epoch."""
global BOOT_TIME
path = '%s/stat' % get_procfs_path()
with open_binary(path) as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith(b'btime'):
ret = float(line.strip().split()[1])
return ret
raise RuntimeError(
"line 'btime' not found in %s" % path)
# =====================================================================
# --- processes
# =====================================================================
def pids():
"""Returns a list of PIDs currently running on the system."""
return [int(x) for x in os.listdir(b(get_procfs_path())) if x.isdigit()]
def pid_exists(pid):
"""Check for the existence of a unix PID. Linux TIDs are not
supported (always return False).
if not _psposix.pid_exists(pid):
return False
# Linux's apparently does not distinguish between PIDs and TIDs
# (thread IDs).
# listdir("/proc") won't show any TID (only PIDs) but
# os.stat("/proc/{tid}") will succeed if {tid} exists.
# os.kill() can also be passed a TID. This is quite confusing.
# In here we want to enforce this distinction and support PIDs
# only, see:
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/687
# Note: already checked that this is faster than using a
# regular expr. Also (a lot) faster than doing
# 'return pid in pids()'
path = "%s/%s/status" % (get_procfs_path(), pid)
with open_binary(path) as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith(b"Tgid:"):
tgid = int(line.split()[1])
# If tgid and pid are the same then we're
# dealing with a process PID.
return tgid == pid
raise ValueError("'Tgid' line not found in %s" % path)
except (EnvironmentError, ValueError):
return pid in pids()
def ppid_map():
"""Obtain a {pid: ppid, ...} dict for all running processes in
one shot. Used to speed up Process.children().
ret = {}
procfs_path = get_procfs_path()
for pid in pids():
with open_binary("%s/%s/stat" % (procfs_path, pid)) as f:
data = f.read()
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
except (FileNotFoundError, ProcessLookupError):
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# Note: we should be able to access /stat for all processes
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
# aka it's unlikely we'll bump into EPERM, which is good.
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
rpar = data.rfind(b')')
dset = data[rpar + 2:].split()
ppid = int(dset[1])
ret[pid] = ppid
return ret
def wrap_exceptions(fun):
"""Decorator which translates bare OSError and IOError exceptions
into NoSuchProcess and AccessDenied.
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
return fun(self, *args, **kwargs)
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
except PermissionError:
raise AccessDenied(self.pid, self._name)
except ProcessLookupError:
raise NoSuchProcess(self.pid, self._name)
except FileNotFoundError:
if not os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid)):
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
raise NoSuchProcess(self.pid, self._name)
# Note: zombies will keep existing under /proc until they're
# gone so there's no way to distinguish them in here.
return wrapper
class Process(object):
"""Linux process implementation."""
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
__slots__ = ["pid", "_name", "_ppid", "_procfs_path", "_cache"]
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def __init__(self, pid):
self.pid = pid
self._name = None
self._ppid = None
self._procfs_path = get_procfs_path()
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
def _assert_alive(self):
"""Raise NSP if the process disappeared on us."""
# For those C function who do not raise NSP, possibly returning
# incorrect or incomplete result.
os.stat('%s/%s' % (self._procfs_path, self.pid))
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def _parse_stat_file(self):
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
"""Parse /proc/{pid}/stat file and return a dict with various
process info.
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
Using "man proc" as a reference: where "man proc" refers to
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
position N always substract 3 (e.g ppid position 4 in
'man proc' == position 1 in here).
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
The return value is cached in case oneshot() ctx manager is
in use.
with open_binary("%s/%s/stat" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid)) as f:
data = f.read()
# Process name is between parentheses. It can contain spaces and
# other parentheses. This is taken into account by looking for
# the first occurrence of "(" and the last occurence of ")".
rpar = data.rfind(b')')
name = data[data.find(b'(') + 1:rpar]
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
fields = data[rpar + 2:].split()
ret = {}
ret['name'] = name
ret['status'] = fields[0]
ret['ppid'] = fields[1]
ret['ttynr'] = fields[4]
ret['utime'] = fields[11]
ret['stime'] = fields[12]
ret['children_utime'] = fields[13]
ret['children_stime'] = fields[14]
ret['create_time'] = fields[19]
ret['cpu_num'] = fields[36]
ret['blkio_ticks'] = fields[39] # aka 'delayacct_blkio_ticks'
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
return ret
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def _read_status_file(self):
"""Read /proc/{pid}/stat file and return its content.
The return value is cached in case oneshot() ctx manager is
in use.
with open_binary("%s/%s/status" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid)) as f:
return f.read()
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def _read_smaps_file(self):
with open_binary("%s/%s/smaps" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid),
buffering=BIGFILE_BUFFERING) as f:
return f.read().strip()
def oneshot_enter(self):
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def oneshot_exit(self):
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def name(self):
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
name = self._parse_stat_file()['name']
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
if PY3:
name = decode(name)
# XXX - gets changed later and probably needs refactoring
return name
def exe(self):
return readlink("%s/%s/exe" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid))
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
except (FileNotFoundError, ProcessLookupError):
# no such file error; might be raised also if the
# path actually exists for system processes with
# low pids (about 0-20)
if os.path.lexists("%s/%s" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid)):
return ""
if not pid_exists(self.pid):
raise NoSuchProcess(self.pid, self._name)
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
raise ZombieProcess(self.pid, self._name, self._ppid)
except PermissionError:
raise AccessDenied(self.pid, self._name)
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def cmdline(self):
with open_text("%s/%s/cmdline" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid)) as f:
data = f.read()
if not data:
# may happen in case of zombie process
return []
# 'man proc' states that args are separated by null bytes '\0'
# and last char is supposed to be a null byte. Nevertheless
# some processes may change their cmdline after being started
# (via setproctitle() or similar), they are usually not
# compliant with this rule and use spaces instead. Google
# Chrome process is an example. See:
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1179
sep = '\x00' if data.endswith('\x00') else ' '
if data.endswith(sep):
data = data[:-1]
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
return data.split(sep)
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def environ(self):
with open_text("%s/%s/environ" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid)) as f:
data = f.read()
return parse_environ_block(data)
def terminal(self):
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
tty_nr = int(self._parse_stat_file()['ttynr'])
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
tmap = _psposix.get_terminal_map()
return tmap[tty_nr]
except KeyError:
return None
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
# May not be available on old kernels.
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
if os.path.exists('/proc/%s/io' % os.getpid()):
def io_counters(self):
fname = "%s/%s/io" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid)
fields = {}
with open_binary(fname) as f:
for line in f:
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1004
line = line.strip()
if line:
2018-11-26 17:06:59 +00:00
name, value = line.split(b': ')
except ValueError:
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1004
fields[name] = int(value)
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
if not fields:
raise RuntimeError("%s file was empty" % fname)
2018-11-26 17:06:59 +00:00
return pio(
fields[b'syscr'], # read syscalls
fields[b'syscw'], # write syscalls
fields[b'read_bytes'], # read bytes
fields[b'write_bytes'], # write bytes
fields[b'rchar'], # read chars
fields[b'wchar'], # write chars
except KeyError as err:
raise ValueError("%r field was not found in %s; found fields "
"are %r" % (err[0], fname, fields))
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def cpu_times(self):
values = self._parse_stat_file()
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
utime = float(values['utime']) / CLOCK_TICKS
stime = float(values['stime']) / CLOCK_TICKS
children_utime = float(values['children_utime']) / CLOCK_TICKS
children_stime = float(values['children_stime']) / CLOCK_TICKS
iowait = float(values['blkio_ticks']) / CLOCK_TICKS
return pcputimes(utime, stime, children_utime, children_stime, iowait)
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def cpu_num(self):
"""What CPU the process is on."""
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
return int(self._parse_stat_file()['cpu_num'])
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def wait(self, timeout=None):
return _psposix.wait_pid(self.pid, timeout, self._name)
def create_time(self):
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
ctime = float(self._parse_stat_file()['create_time'])
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# According to documentation, starttime is in field 21 and the
# unit is jiffies (clock ticks).
# We first divide it for clock ticks and then add uptime returning
# seconds since the epoch, in UTC.
# Also use cached value if available.
bt = BOOT_TIME or boot_time()
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
return (ctime / CLOCK_TICKS) + bt
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def memory_info(self):
# ============================================================
# ============================================================
# | rss | resident set size | | RES |
# | vms | total program size | size | VIRT |
# | shared | shared pages (from shared mappings) | | SHR |
# | text | text ('code') | trs | CODE |
# | lib | library (unused in Linux 2.6) | lrs | |
# | data | data + stack | drs | DATA |
# | dirty | dirty pages (unused in Linux 2.6) | dt | |
# ============================================================
with open_binary("%s/%s/statm" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid)) as f:
vms, rss, shared, text, lib, data, dirty = \
[int(x) * PAGESIZE for x in f.readline().split()[:7]]
return pmem(rss, vms, shared, text, lib, data, dirty)
# /proc/pid/smaps does not exist on kernels < 2.6.14 or if
# CONFIG_MMU kernel configuration option is not enabled.
def memory_full_info(
2018-09-23 18:47:50 +00:00
# Gets Private_Clean, Private_Dirty, Private_Hugetlb.
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
basic_mem = self.memory_info()
# Note: using 3 regexes is faster than reading the file
# line by line.
# XXX: on Python 3 the 2 regexes are 30% slower than on
# Python 2 though. Figure out why.
# You might be tempted to calculate USS by subtracting
# the "shared" value from the "resident" value in
# /proc/<pid>/statm. But at least on Linux, statm's "shared"
# value actually counts pages backed by files, which has
# little to do with whether the pages are actually shared.
# /proc/self/smaps on the other hand appears to give us the
# correct information.
smaps_data = self._read_smaps_file()
# Note: smaps file can be empty for certain processes.
# The code below will not crash though and will result to 0.
uss = sum(map(int, _private_re.findall(smaps_data))) * 1024
pss = sum(map(int, _pss_re.findall(smaps_data))) * 1024
swap = sum(map(int, _swap_re.findall(smaps_data))) * 1024
return pfullmem(*basic_mem + (uss, pss, swap))
memory_full_info = memory_info
def memory_maps(self):
"""Return process's mapped memory regions as a list of named
tuples. Fields are explained in 'man proc'; here is an updated
(Apr 2012) version: http://goo.gl/fmebo
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
/proc/{PID}/smaps does not exist on kernels < 2.6.14 or if
CONFIG_MMU kernel configuration option is not enabled.
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def get_blocks(lines, current_block):
data = {}
for line in lines:
fields = line.split(None, 5)
if not fields[0].endswith(b':'):
# new block section
yield (current_block.pop(), data)
data[fields[0]] = int(fields[1]) * 1024
except ValueError:
if fields[0].startswith(b'VmFlags:'):
# see issue #369
raise ValueError("don't know how to inte"
"rpret line %r" % line)
yield (current_block.pop(), data)
data = self._read_smaps_file()
# Note: smaps file can be empty for certain processes.
if not data:
return []
lines = data.split(b'\n')
ls = []
first_line = lines.pop(0)
current_block = [first_line]
for header, data in get_blocks(lines, current_block):
hfields = header.split(None, 5)
addr, perms, offset, dev, inode, path = hfields
except ValueError:
addr, perms, offset, dev, inode, path = \
hfields + ['']
if not path:
path = '[anon]'
if PY3:
path = decode(path)
path = path.strip()
if (path.endswith(' (deleted)') and not
path = path[:-10]
decode(addr), decode(perms), path,
data.get(b'Size:', 0),
data.get(b'Pss:', 0),
data.get(b'Shared_Clean:', 0),
data.get(b'Shared_Dirty:', 0),
data.get(b'Private_Clean:', 0),
data.get(b'Private_Dirty:', 0),
data.get(b'Referenced:', 0),
data.get(b'Anonymous:', 0),
data.get(b'Swap:', 0)
return ls
def cwd(self):
return readlink("%s/%s/cwd" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid))
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
except (FileNotFoundError, ProcessLookupError):
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/986
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
if not pid_exists(self.pid):
raise NoSuchProcess(self.pid, self._name)
raise ZombieProcess(self.pid, self._name, self._ppid)
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def num_ctx_switches(self,
data = self._read_status_file()
ctxsw = _ctxsw_re.findall(data)
if not ctxsw:
raise NotImplementedError(
"'voluntary_ctxt_switches' and 'nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches'"
"lines were not found in %s/%s/status; the kernel is "
"probably older than 2.6.23" % (
self._procfs_path, self.pid))
return _common.pctxsw(int(ctxsw[0]), int(ctxsw[1]))
def num_threads(self, _num_threads_re=re.compile(br'Threads:\t(\d+)')):
# Note: on Python 3 using a re is faster than iterating over file
# line by line. On Python 2 is the exact opposite, and iterating
# over a file on Python 3 is slower than on Python 2.
data = self._read_status_file()
return int(_num_threads_re.findall(data)[0])
def threads(self):
thread_ids = os.listdir("%s/%s/task" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid))
retlist = []
hit_enoent = False
for thread_id in thread_ids:
fname = "%s/%s/task/%s/stat" % (
self._procfs_path, self.pid, thread_id)
with open_binary(fname) as f:
st = f.read().strip()
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
except FileNotFoundError:
# no such file or directory; it means thread
# disappeared on us
hit_enoent = True
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# ignore the first two values ("pid (exe)")
st = st[st.find(b')') + 2:]
values = st.split(b' ')
utime = float(values[11]) / CLOCK_TICKS
stime = float(values[12]) / CLOCK_TICKS
ntuple = _common.pthread(int(thread_id), utime, stime)
if hit_enoent:
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
return retlist
def nice_get(self):
# with open_text('%s/%s/stat' % (self._procfs_path, self.pid)) as f:
# data = f.read()
# return int(data.split()[18])
# Use C implementation
return cext_posix.getpriority(self.pid)
def nice_set(self, value):
return cext_posix.setpriority(self.pid, value)
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
# starting from CentOS 6.
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
def cpu_affinity_get(self):
return cext.proc_cpu_affinity_get(self.pid)
def _get_eligible_cpus(
self, _re=re.compile(br"Cpus_allowed_list:\t(\d+)-(\d+)")):
# See: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/956
data = self._read_status_file()
match = _re.findall(data)
if match:
return list(range(int(match[0][0]), int(match[0][1]) + 1))
return list(range(len(per_cpu_times())))
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
def cpu_affinity_set(self, cpus):
cext.proc_cpu_affinity_set(self.pid, cpus)
except (OSError, ValueError) as err:
if isinstance(err, ValueError) or err.errno == errno.EINVAL:
eligible_cpus = self._get_eligible_cpus()
all_cpus = tuple(range(len(per_cpu_times())))
for cpu in cpus:
if cpu not in all_cpus:
raise ValueError(
"invalid CPU number %r; choose between %s" % (
cpu, eligible_cpus))
if cpu not in eligible_cpus:
raise ValueError(
"CPU number %r is not eligible; choose "
"between %s" % (cpu, eligible_cpus))
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# only starting from kernel 2.6.13
2018-11-26 17:06:59 +00:00
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def ionice_get(self):
ioclass, value = cext.proc_ioprio_get(self.pid)
if enum is not None:
ioclass = IOPriority(ioclass)
return _common.pionice(ioclass, value)
def ionice_set(self, ioclass, value):
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
if value is None:
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
value = 0
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
if value and ioclass in (IOPRIO_CLASS_IDLE, IOPRIO_CLASS_NONE):
raise ValueError("%r ioclass accepts no value" % ioclass)
if value < 0 or value > 7:
raise ValueError("value not in 0-7 range")
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
return cext.proc_ioprio_set(self.pid, ioclass, value)
2018-11-26 17:06:59 +00:00
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def rlimit(self, resource, limits=None):
# If pid is 0 prlimit() applies to the calling process and
# we don't want that. We should never get here though as
# PID 0 is not supported on Linux.
if self.pid == 0:
raise ValueError("can't use prlimit() against PID 0 process")
if limits is None:
# get
return cext.linux_prlimit(self.pid, resource)
# set
if len(limits) != 2:
raise ValueError(
"second argument must be a (soft, hard) tuple, "
"got %s" % repr(limits))
soft, hard = limits
cext.linux_prlimit(self.pid, resource, soft, hard)
except OSError as err:
if err.errno == errno.ENOSYS and pid_exists(self.pid):
# I saw this happening on Travis:
# https://travis-ci.org/giampaolo/psutil/jobs/51368273
raise ZombieProcess(self.pid, self._name, self._ppid)
def status(self):
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
letter = self._parse_stat_file()['status']
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
if PY3:
letter = letter.decode()
# XXX is '?' legit? (we're not supposed to return it anyway)
return PROC_STATUSES.get(letter, '?')
def open_files(self):
retlist = []
files = os.listdir("%s/%s/fd" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid))
hit_enoent = False
for fd in files:
file = "%s/%s/fd/%s" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid, fd)
path = readlink(file)
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
except (FileNotFoundError, ProcessLookupError):
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# ENOENT == file which is gone in the meantime
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
hit_enoent = True
except OSError as err:
if err.errno == errno.EINVAL:
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# not a link
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
# If path is not an absolute there's no way to tell
# whether it's a regular file or not, so we skip it.
# A regular file is always supposed to be have an
# absolute path though.
if path.startswith('/') and isfile_strict(path):
# Get file position and flags.
file = "%s/%s/fdinfo/%s" % (
self._procfs_path, self.pid, fd)
with open_binary(file) as f:
pos = int(f.readline().split()[1])
flags = int(f.readline().split()[1], 8)
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
except FileNotFoundError:
# fd gone in the meantime; process may
# still be alive
hit_enoent = True
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
mode = file_flags_to_mode(flags)
ntuple = popenfile(
path, int(fd), int(pos), mode, flags)
if hit_enoent:
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
return retlist
def connections(self, kind='inet'):
ret = _connections.retrieve(kind, self.pid)
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
return ret
def num_fds(self):
return len(os.listdir("%s/%s/fd" % (self._procfs_path, self.pid)))
def ppid(self):
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
return int(self._parse_stat_file()['ppid'])
2017-12-13 15:22:42 +00:00
def uids(self, _uids_re=re.compile(br'Uid:\t(\d+)\t(\d+)\t(\d+)')):
data = self._read_status_file()
real, effective, saved = _uids_re.findall(data)[0]
return _common.puids(int(real), int(effective), int(saved))
def gids(self, _gids_re=re.compile(br'Gid:\t(\d+)\t(\d+)\t(\d+)')):
data = self._read_status_file()
real, effective, saved = _gids_re.findall(data)[0]
return _common.pgids(int(real), int(effective), int(saved))