2018-11-26 17:06:59 +00:00
# Created on 2014.08.23
# Author: Giovanni Cannata
2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
# Copyright 2014 - 2019 Giovanni Cannata
2018-11-26 17:06:59 +00:00
# This file is part of ldap3.
# ldap3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ldap3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with ldap3 in the COPYING and COPYING.LESSER files.
# If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
try :
from collections . abc import MutableMapping , Mapping
except ImportError :
from collections import MutableMapping , Mapping
from . . import SEQUENCE_TYPES
class CaseInsensitiveDict ( MutableMapping ) :
def __init__ ( self , other = None , * * kwargs ) :
self . _store = dict ( ) # store use the original key
self . _case_insensitive_keymap = dict ( ) # is a mapping ci_key -> key
if other or kwargs :
if other is None :
other = dict ( )
self . update ( other , * * kwargs )
def __contains__ ( self , item ) :
try :
self . __getitem__ ( item )
return True
except KeyError :
return False
def _ci_key ( key ) :
return key . strip ( ) . lower ( ) if hasattr ( key , ' lower ' ) else key
def __delitem__ ( self , key ) :
ci_key = self . _ci_key ( key )
del self . _store [ self . _case_insensitive_keymap [ ci_key ] ]
del self . _case_insensitive_keymap [ ci_key ]
def __setitem__ ( self , key , item ) :
ci_key = self . _ci_key ( key )
if ci_key in self . _case_insensitive_keymap : # updates existing value
self . _store [ self . _case_insensitive_keymap [ ci_key ] ] = item
else : # new key
self . _store [ key ] = item
self . _case_insensitive_keymap [ ci_key ] = key
def __getitem__ ( self , key ) :
return self . _store [ self . _case_insensitive_keymap [ self . _ci_key ( key ) ] ]
def __iter__ ( self ) :
return self . _store . __iter__ ( )
def __len__ ( self ) : # if len is 0 then the cidict appears as False in IF statement
return len ( self . _store )
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return repr ( self . _store )
def __str__ ( self ) :
return str ( self . _store )
def keys ( self ) :
return self . _store . keys ( )
def values ( self ) :
return self . _store . values ( )
def items ( self ) :
return self . _store . items ( )
def __eq__ ( self , other ) :
if not isinstance ( other , ( Mapping , dict ) ) :
return NotImplemented
if isinstance ( other , CaseInsensitiveDict ) :
if len ( self . items ( ) ) != len ( other . items ( ) ) :
return False
else :
for key , value in self . items ( ) :
if not ( key in other and other [ key ] == value ) :
return False
return True
return self == CaseInsensitiveDict ( other )
def copy ( self ) :
return CaseInsensitiveDict ( self . _store )
class CaseInsensitiveWithAliasDict ( CaseInsensitiveDict ) :
def __init__ ( self , other = None , * * kwargs ) :
self . _aliases = dict ( )
self . _alias_keymap = dict ( ) # is a mapping key -> [alias1, alias2, ...]
CaseInsensitiveDict . __init__ ( self , other , * * kwargs )
def aliases ( self ) :
return self . _aliases . keys ( )
def __setitem__ ( self , key , value ) :
if isinstance ( key , SEQUENCE_TYPES ) :
ci_key = self . _ci_key ( key [ 0 ] )
if ci_key not in self . _aliases :
CaseInsensitiveDict . __setitem__ ( self , key [ 0 ] , value )
self . set_alias ( ci_key , key [ 1 : ] )
else :
raise KeyError ( ' \' ' + str ( key [ 0 ] + ' already used as alias ' ) )
else :
ci_key = self . _ci_key ( key )
if ci_key not in self . _aliases :
CaseInsensitiveDict . __setitem__ ( self , key , value )
else :
self [ self . _aliases [ ci_key ] ] = value
def __delitem__ ( self , key ) :
ci_key = self . _ci_key ( key )
try :
CaseInsensitiveDict . __delitem__ ( self , ci_key )
if ci_key in self . _alias_keymap :
for alias in self . _alias_keymap [ ci_key ] [ : ] : # removes aliases, uses a copy of _alias_keymap because iterator gets confused when aliases are removed from _alias_keymap
self . remove_alias ( alias )
except KeyError : # try to remove alias
if ci_key in self . _aliases :
self . remove_alias ( ci_key )
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def set_alias ( self , key , alias , ignore_duplicates = False ) :
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if not isinstance ( alias , SEQUENCE_TYPES ) :
alias = [ alias ]
for alias_to_add in alias :
ci_key = self . _ci_key ( key )
if ci_key in self . _case_insensitive_keymap :
ci_alias = self . _ci_key ( alias_to_add )
if ci_alias not in self . _case_insensitive_keymap : # checks if alias is used a key
if ci_alias not in self . _aliases : # checks if alias is used as another alias
self . _aliases [ ci_alias ] = ci_key
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if ci_key in self . _alias_keymap : # extends alias keymap
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self . _alias_keymap [ ci_key ] . append ( self . _ci_key ( ci_alias ) )
else :
self . _alias_keymap [ ci_key ] = list ( )
self . _alias_keymap [ ci_key ] . append ( self . _ci_key ( ci_alias ) )
else :
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if ci_key in self . _alias_keymap and ci_alias in self . _alias_keymap [ ci_key ] : # passes if alias is already defined to the same key
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elif not ignore_duplicates :
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raise KeyError ( ' \' ' + str ( alias_to_add ) + ' \' already used as alias ' )
else :
if ci_key == self . _ci_key ( self . _case_insensitive_keymap [ ci_alias ] ) : # passes if alias is already defined to the same key
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elif not ignore_duplicates :
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raise KeyError ( ' \' ' + str ( alias_to_add ) + ' \' already used as key ' )
else :
raise KeyError ( ' \' ' + str ( ci_key ) + ' \' is not an existing key ' )
def remove_alias ( self , alias ) :
if not isinstance ( alias , SEQUENCE_TYPES ) :
alias = [ alias ]
for alias_to_remove in alias :
ci_alias = self . _ci_key ( alias_to_remove )
self . _alias_keymap [ self . _aliases [ ci_alias ] ] . remove ( ci_alias )
if not self . _alias_keymap [ self . _aliases [ ci_alias ] ] : # remove keymap if empty
del self . _alias_keymap [ self . _aliases [ ci_alias ] ]
del self . _aliases [ ci_alias ]
def __getitem__ ( self , key ) :
try :
return CaseInsensitiveDict . __getitem__ ( self , key )
except KeyError :
return CaseInsensitiveDict . __getitem__ ( self , self . _aliases [ self . _ci_key ( key ) ] )
def copy ( self ) :
new = CaseInsensitiveWithAliasDict ( self . _store )
new . _aliases = self . _aliases . copy ( )
new . _alias_keymap = self . _alias_keymap
return new