2019-11-20 19:41:46 +00:00
# Created on 2016.08.19
# Author: Giovanni Cannata
# Copyright 2016 - 2018 Giovanni Cannata
# This file is part of ldap3.
# ldap3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ldap3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with ldap3 in the COPYING and COPYING.LESSER files.
# If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import json
try :
from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError :
from . . utils . ordDict import OrderedDict # for Python 2.6
from os import linesep
from . attribute import WritableAttribute
from . objectDef import ObjectDef
from . attrDef import AttrDef
from . . core . exceptions import LDAPKeyError , LDAPCursorError
from . . utils . conv import check_json_dict , format_json , prepare_for_stream
from . . protocol . rfc2849 import operation_to_ldif , add_ldif_header
from . . utils . dn import safe_dn , safe_rdn , to_dn
from . . utils . repr import to_stdout_encoding
from . . utils . ciDict import CaseInsensitiveWithAliasDict
from . . utils . config import get_config_parameter
from . . core . results import RESULT_SUCCESS
from . . utils . log import log , log_enabled , ERROR , BASIC , PROTOCOL , EXTENDED
class EntryState ( object ) :
""" Contains data on the status of the entry. Does not pollute the Entry __dict__.
def __init__ ( self , dn , cursor ) :
self . dn = dn
self . _initial_status = None
self . _to = None # used for move and rename
self . status = STATUS_INIT
self . attributes = CaseInsensitiveWithAliasDict ( )
self . raw_attributes = CaseInsensitiveWithAliasDict ( )
self . response = None
self . cursor = cursor
self . origin = None # reference to the original read-only entry (set when made writable). Needed to update attributes in read-only when modified (only if both refer the same server)
self . read_time = None
self . changes = OrderedDict ( ) # includes changes to commit in a writable entry
if cursor . definition :
self . definition = cursor . definition
else :
self . definition = None
def __repr__ ( self ) :
if self . __dict__ and self . dn is not None :
r = ' DN: ' + to_stdout_encoding ( self . dn ) + ' - STATUS: ' + ( ( self . _initial_status + ' , ' ) if self . _initial_status != self . status else ' ' ) + self . status + ' - READ TIME: ' + ( self . read_time . isoformat ( ) if self . read_time else ' <never> ' ) + linesep
r + = ' attributes: ' + ' , ' . join ( sorted ( self . attributes . keys ( ) ) ) + linesep
r + = ' object def: ' + ( ' , ' . join ( sorted ( self . definition . _object_class ) ) if self . definition . _object_class else ' <None> ' ) + linesep
r + = ' attr defs: ' + ' , ' . join ( sorted ( self . definition . _attributes . keys ( ) ) ) + linesep
r + = ' response: ' + ( ' present ' if self . response else ' <None> ' ) + linesep
r + = ' cursor: ' + ( self . cursor . __class__ . __name__ if self . cursor else ' <None> ' ) + linesep
return r
else :
return object . __repr__ ( self )
def __str__ ( self ) :
return self . __repr__ ( )
def set_status ( self , status ) :
conf_ignored_mandatory_attributes_in_object_def = [ v . lower ( ) for v in get_config_parameter ( ' IGNORED_MANDATORY_ATTRIBUTES_IN_OBJECT_DEF ' ) ]
if status not in STATUSES :
error_message = ' invalid entry status ' + str ( status )
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPCursorError ( error_message )
if status in INITIAL_STATUSES :
self . _initial_status = status
self . status = status
if status == STATUS_DELETED :
self . _initial_status = STATUS_VIRTUAL
if status == STATUS_COMMITTED :
self . _initial_status = STATUS_WRITABLE
if self . status == STATUS_VIRTUAL or ( self . status == STATUS_PENDING_CHANGES and self . _initial_status == STATUS_VIRTUAL ) : # checks if all mandatory attributes are present in new entries
for attr in self . definition . _attributes :
if self . definition . _attributes [ attr ] . mandatory and attr . lower ( ) not in conf_ignored_mandatory_attributes_in_object_def :
if ( attr not in self . attributes or self . attributes [ attr ] . virtual ) and attr not in self . changes :
def entry_raw_attributes ( self ) :
return self . raw_attributes
class EntryBase ( object ) :
""" The Entry object contains a single LDAP entry.
Attributes can be accessed either by sequence , by assignment
or as dictionary keys . Keys are not case sensitive .
The Entry object is read only
- The DN is retrieved by entry_dn
- The cursor reference is in _cursor
- Raw attributes values are retrieved with _raw_attributes and the _raw_attribute ( ) methods
def __init__ ( self , dn , cursor ) :
self . __dict__ [ ' _state ' ] = EntryState ( dn , cursor )
def __repr__ ( self ) :
if self . __dict__ and self . entry_dn is not None :
r = ' DN: ' + to_stdout_encoding ( self . entry_dn ) + ' - STATUS: ' + ( ( self . _state . _initial_status + ' , ' ) if self . _state . _initial_status != self . entry_status else ' ' ) + self . entry_status + ' - READ TIME: ' + ( self . entry_read_time . isoformat ( ) if self . entry_read_time else ' <never> ' ) + linesep
if self . _state . attributes :
for attr in sorted ( self . _state . attributes ) :
if self . _state . attributes [ attr ] or ( hasattr ( self . _state . attributes [ attr ] , ' changes ' ) and self . _state . attributes [ attr ] . changes ) :
r + = ' ' + repr ( self . _state . attributes [ attr ] ) + linesep
return r
else :
return object . __repr__ ( self )
def __str__ ( self ) :
return self . __repr__ ( )
def __iter__ ( self ) :
for attribute in self . _state . attributes :
yield self . _state . attributes [ attribute ]
# raise StopIteration # deprecated in PEP 479
def __contains__ ( self , item ) :
try :
self . __getitem__ ( item )
return True
except LDAPKeyError :
return False
def __getattr__ ( self , item ) :
if isinstance ( item , STRING_TYPES ) :
if item == ' _state ' :
return self . __dict__ [ ' _state ' ]
item = ' ' . join ( item . split ( ) ) . lower ( )
attr_found = None
for attr in self . _state . attributes . keys ( ) :
if item == attr . lower ( ) :
attr_found = attr
if not attr_found :
for attr in self . _state . attributes . aliases ( ) :
if item == attr . lower ( ) :
attr_found = attr
if not attr_found :
for attr in self . _state . attributes . keys ( ) :
if item + ' ;binary ' == attr . lower ( ) :
attr_found = attr
if not attr_found :
for attr in self . _state . attributes . aliases ( ) :
if item + ' ;binary ' == attr . lower ( ) :
attr_found = attr
if not attr_found :
for attr in self . _state . attributes . keys ( ) :
if item + ' ;range ' in attr . lower ( ) :
attr_found = attr
if not attr_found :
for attr in self . _state . attributes . aliases ( ) :
if item + ' ;range ' in attr . lower ( ) :
attr_found = attr
if not attr_found :
error_message = ' attribute \' %s \' not found ' % item
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPCursorError ( error_message )
return self . _state . attributes [ attr ]
error_message = ' attribute name must be a string '
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPCursorError ( error_message )
def __setattr__ ( self , item , value ) :
if item in self . _state . attributes :
error_message = ' attribute \' %s \' is read only ' % item
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPCursorError ( error_message )
else :
error_message = ' entry is read only, cannot add \' %s \' ' % item
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPCursorError ( error_message )
def __getitem__ ( self , item ) :
if isinstance ( item , STRING_TYPES ) :
item = ' ' . join ( item . split ( ) ) . lower ( )
attr_found = None
for attr in self . _state . attributes . keys ( ) :
if item == attr . lower ( ) :
attr_found = attr
if not attr_found :
for attr in self . _state . attributes . aliases ( ) :
if item == attr . lower ( ) :
attr_found = attr
if not attr_found :
for attr in self . _state . attributes . keys ( ) :
if item + ' ;binary ' == attr . lower ( ) :
attr_found = attr
if not attr_found :
for attr in self . _state . attributes . aliases ( ) :
if item + ' ;binary ' == attr . lower ( ) :
attr_found = attr
if not attr_found :
error_message = ' key \' %s \' not found ' % item
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPKeyError ( error_message )
return self . _state . attributes [ attr ]
error_message = ' key must be a string '
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPKeyError ( error_message )
def __eq__ ( self , other ) :
if isinstance ( other , EntryBase ) :
return self . entry_dn == other . entry_dn
return False
def __lt__ ( self , other ) :
if isinstance ( other , EntryBase ) :
return self . entry_dn < = other . entry_dn
return False
def entry_dn ( self ) :
return self . _state . dn
def entry_cursor ( self ) :
return self . _state . cursor
def entry_status ( self ) :
return self . _state . status
def entry_definition ( self ) :
return self . _state . definition
def entry_raw_attributes ( self ) :
return self . _state . raw_attributes
def entry_raw_attribute ( self , name ) :
: param name : name of the attribute
: return : raw ( unencoded ) value of the attribute , None if attribute is not found
return self . _state . raw_attributes [ name ] if name in self . _state . raw_attributes else None
def entry_mandatory_attributes ( self ) :
return [ attribute for attribute in self . entry_definition . _attributes if self . entry_definition . _attributes [ attribute ] . mandatory ]
def entry_attributes ( self ) :
return list ( self . _state . attributes . keys ( ) )
def entry_attributes_as_dict ( self ) :
return dict ( ( attribute_key , attribute_value . values ) for ( attribute_key , attribute_value ) in self . _state . attributes . items ( ) )
def entry_read_time ( self ) :
return self . _state . read_time
def _changes ( self ) :
return self . _state . changes
def entry_to_json ( self , raw = False , indent = 4 , sort = True , stream = None , checked_attributes = True , include_empty = True ) :
json_entry = dict ( )
json_entry [ ' dn ' ] = self . entry_dn
if checked_attributes :
if not include_empty :
# needed for python 2.6 compatibility
json_entry [ ' attributes ' ] = dict ( ( key , self . entry_attributes_as_dict [ key ] ) for key in self . entry_attributes_as_dict if self . entry_attributes_as_dict [ key ] )
else :
json_entry [ ' attributes ' ] = self . entry_attributes_as_dict
if raw :
if not include_empty :
# needed for python 2.6 compatibility
json_entry [ ' raw ' ] = dict ( ( key , self . entry_raw_attributes [ key ] ) for key in self . entry_raw_attributes if self . entry_raw_attributes [ key ] )
else :
json_entry [ ' raw ' ] = dict ( self . entry_raw_attributes )
if str is bytes : # Python 2
check_json_dict ( json_entry )
json_output = json . dumps ( json_entry ,
ensure_ascii = True ,
sort_keys = sort ,
indent = indent ,
check_circular = True ,
default = format_json ,
separators = ( ' , ' , ' : ' ) )
if stream :
stream . write ( json_output )
return json_output
def entry_to_ldif ( self , all_base64 = False , line_separator = None , sort_order = None , stream = None ) :
ldif_lines = operation_to_ldif ( ' searchResponse ' , [ self . _state . response ] , all_base64 , sort_order = sort_order )
ldif_lines = add_ldif_header ( ldif_lines )
line_separator = line_separator or linesep
ldif_output = line_separator . join ( ldif_lines )
if stream :
if stream . tell ( ) == 0 :
header = add_ldif_header ( [ ' - ' ] ) [ 0 ]
stream . write ( prepare_for_stream ( header + line_separator + line_separator ) )
stream . write ( prepare_for_stream ( ldif_output + line_separator + line_separator ) )
return ldif_output
class Entry ( EntryBase ) :
""" The Entry object contains a single LDAP entry.
Attributes can be accessed either by sequence , by assignment
or as dictionary keys . Keys are not case sensitive .
The Entry object is read only
- The DN is retrieved by entry_dn
- The Reader reference is in _cursor ( )
- Raw attributes values are retrieved by the _ra_attributes and
_raw_attribute ( ) methods
def entry_writable ( self , object_def = None , writer_cursor = None , attributes = None , custom_validator = None , auxiliary_class = None ) :
if not self . entry_cursor . schema :
error_message = ' schema must be available to make an entry writable '
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPCursorError ( error_message )
# returns a new WritableEntry and its Writer cursor
if object_def is None :
if self . entry_cursor . definition . _object_class :
object_def = self . entry_definition . _object_class
auxiliary_class = self . entry_definition . _auxiliary_class + ( auxiliary_class if isinstance ( auxiliary_class , SEQUENCE_TYPES ) else [ ] )
elif ' objectclass ' in self :
object_def = self . objectclass . values
if not object_def :
error_message = ' object class must be specified to make an entry writable '
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPCursorError ( error_message )
if not isinstance ( object_def , ObjectDef ) :
object_def = ObjectDef ( object_def , self . entry_cursor . schema , custom_validator , auxiliary_class )
if attributes :
if isinstance ( attributes , STRING_TYPES ) :
attributes = [ attributes ]
if isinstance ( attributes , SEQUENCE_TYPES ) :
for attribute in attributes :
if attribute not in object_def . _attributes :
error_message = ' attribute \' %s \' not in schema for \' %s \' ' % ( attribute , object_def )
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPCursorError ( error_message )
else :
attributes = [ ]
if not writer_cursor :
from . cursor import Writer # local import to avoid circular reference in import at startup
writable_cursor = Writer ( self . entry_cursor . connection , object_def )
else :
writable_cursor = writer_cursor
if attributes : # force reading of attributes
writable_entry = writable_cursor . _refresh_object ( self . entry_dn , list ( attributes ) + self . entry_attributes )
else :
writable_entry = writable_cursor . _create_entry ( self . _state . response )
writable_cursor . entries . append ( writable_entry )
writable_entry . _state . read_time = self . entry_read_time
writable_entry . _state . origin = self # reference to the original read-only entry
# checks original entry for custom definitions in AttrDefs
for attr in writable_entry . _state . origin . entry_definition . _attributes :
original_attr = writable_entry . _state . origin . entry_definition . _attributes [ attr ]
if attr != original_attr . name and attr not in writable_entry . _state . attributes :
old_attr_def = writable_entry . entry_definition . _attributes [ original_attr . name ]
new_attr_def = AttrDef ( original_attr . name ,
key = attr ,
validate = original_attr . validate ,
pre_query = original_attr . pre_query ,
post_query = original_attr . post_query ,
default = original_attr . default ,
dereference_dn = original_attr . dereference_dn ,
description = original_attr . description ,
mandatory = old_attr_def . mandatory , # keeps value read from schema
single_value = old_attr_def . single_value , # keeps value read from schema
alias = original_attr . other_names )
object_def = writable_entry . entry_definition
object_def - = old_attr_def
object_def + = new_attr_def
# updates attribute name in entry attributes
new_attr = WritableAttribute ( new_attr_def , writable_entry , writable_cursor )
if original_attr . name in writable_entry . _state . attributes :
new_attr . other_names = writable_entry . _state . attributes [ original_attr . name ] . other_names
new_attr . raw_values = writable_entry . _state . attributes [ original_attr . name ] . raw_values
new_attr . values = writable_entry . _state . attributes [ original_attr . name ] . values
new_attr . response = writable_entry . _state . attributes [ original_attr . name ] . response
writable_entry . _state . attributes [ attr ] = new_attr
# writable_entry._state.attributes.set_alias(attr, new_attr.other_names)
del writable_entry . _state . attributes [ original_attr . name ]
writable_entry . _state . set_status ( STATUS_WRITABLE )
return writable_entry
class WritableEntry ( EntryBase ) :
def __setitem__ ( self , key , value ) :
if value is not Ellipsis : # hack for using implicit operators in writable attributes
self . __setattr__ ( key , value )
def __setattr__ ( self , item , value ) :
conf_attributes_excluded_from_object_def = [ v . lower ( ) for v in get_config_parameter ( ' ATTRIBUTES_EXCLUDED_FROM_OBJECT_DEF ' ) ]
if item == ' _state ' and isinstance ( value , EntryState ) :
self . __dict__ [ ' _state ' ] = value
if value is not Ellipsis : # hack for using implicit operators in writable attributes
# checks if using an alias
if item in self . entry_cursor . definition . _attributes or item . lower ( ) in conf_attributes_excluded_from_object_def :
if item not in self . _state . attributes : # setting value to an attribute still without values
new_attribute = WritableAttribute ( self . entry_cursor . definition . _attributes [ item ] , self , cursor = self . entry_cursor )
self . _state . attributes [ str ( item ) ] = new_attribute # force item to a string for key in attributes dict
self . _state . attributes [ item ] . set ( value ) # try to add to new_values
else :
error_message = ' attribute \' %s \' not defined ' % item
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPCursorError ( error_message )
def __getattr__ ( self , item ) :
if isinstance ( item , STRING_TYPES ) :
if item == ' _state ' :
return self . __dict__ [ ' _state ' ]
item = ' ' . join ( item . split ( ) ) . lower ( )
for attr in self . _state . attributes . keys ( ) :
if item == attr . lower ( ) :
return self . _state . attributes [ attr ]
for attr in self . _state . attributes . aliases ( ) :
if item == attr . lower ( ) :
return self . _state . attributes [ attr ]
if item in self . entry_definition . _attributes : # item is a new attribute to commit, creates the AttrDef and add to the attributes to retrive
self . _state . attributes [ item ] = WritableAttribute ( self . entry_definition . _attributes [ item ] , self , self . entry_cursor )
self . entry_cursor . attributes . add ( item )
return self . _state . attributes [ item ]
error_message = ' attribute \' %s \' not defined ' % item
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPCursorError ( error_message )
else :
error_message = ' attribute name must be a string '
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPCursorError ( error_message )
def entry_virtual_attributes ( self ) :
return [ attr for attr in self . entry_attributes if self [ attr ] . virtual ]
def entry_commit_changes ( self , refresh = True , controls = None , clear_history = True ) :
if clear_history :
self . entry_cursor . _reset_history ( )
if self . entry_status == STATUS_READY_FOR_DELETION :
result = self . entry_cursor . connection . delete ( self . entry_dn , controls )
if not self . entry_cursor . connection . strategy . sync :
response , result , request = self . entry_cursor . connection . get_response ( result , get_request = True )
else :
response = self . entry_cursor . connection . response
result = self . entry_cursor . connection . result
request = self . entry_cursor . connection . request
self . entry_cursor . _store_operation_in_history ( request , result , response )
if result [ ' result ' ] == RESULT_SUCCESS :
dn = self . entry_dn
if self . _state . origin and self . entry_cursor . connection . server == self . _state . origin . entry_cursor . connection . server : # deletes original read-only Entry
cursor = self . _state . origin . entry_cursor
self . _state . origin . __dict__ . clear ( )
self . _state . origin . __dict__ [ ' _state ' ] = EntryState ( dn , cursor )
self . _state . origin . _state . set_status ( STATUS_DELETED )
cursor = self . entry_cursor
self . __dict__ . clear ( )
self . _state = EntryState ( dn , cursor )
self . _state . set_status ( STATUS_DELETED )
return True
return False
elif self . entry_status == STATUS_READY_FOR_MOVING :
result = self . entry_cursor . connection . modify_dn ( self . entry_dn , ' + ' . join ( safe_rdn ( self . entry_dn ) ) , new_superior = self . _state . _to )
if not self . entry_cursor . connection . strategy . sync :
response , result , request = self . entry_cursor . connection . get_response ( result , get_request = True )
else :
response = self . entry_cursor . connection . response
result = self . entry_cursor . connection . result
request = self . entry_cursor . connection . request
self . entry_cursor . _store_operation_in_history ( request , result , response )
if result [ ' result ' ] == RESULT_SUCCESS :
self . _state . dn = safe_dn ( ' + ' . join ( safe_rdn ( self . entry_dn ) ) + ' , ' + self . _state . _to )
if refresh :
if self . entry_refresh ( ) :
if self . _state . origin and self . entry_cursor . connection . server == self . _state . origin . entry_cursor . connection . server : # refresh dn of origin
self . _state . origin . _state . dn = self . entry_dn
self . _state . set_status ( STATUS_COMMITTED )
self . _state . _to = None
return True
return False
elif self . entry_status == STATUS_READY_FOR_RENAMING :
rdn = ' + ' . join ( safe_rdn ( self . _state . _to ) )
result = self . entry_cursor . connection . modify_dn ( self . entry_dn , rdn )
if not self . entry_cursor . connection . strategy . sync :
response , result , request = self . entry_cursor . connection . get_response ( result , get_request = True )
else :
response = self . entry_cursor . connection . response
result = self . entry_cursor . connection . result
request = self . entry_cursor . connection . request
self . entry_cursor . _store_operation_in_history ( request , result , response )
if result [ ' result ' ] == RESULT_SUCCESS :
self . _state . dn = rdn + ' , ' + ' , ' . join ( to_dn ( self . entry_dn ) [ 1 : ] )
if refresh :
if self . entry_refresh ( ) :
if self . _state . origin and self . entry_cursor . connection . server == self . _state . origin . entry_cursor . connection . server : # refresh dn of origin
self . _state . origin . _state . dn = self . entry_dn
self . _state . set_status ( STATUS_COMMITTED )
self . _state . _to = None
return True
return False
elif self . entry_status in [ STATUS_VIRTUAL , STATUS_MANDATORY_MISSING ] :
missing_attributes = [ ]
for attr in self . entry_mandatory_attributes :
if ( attr not in self . _state . attributes or self . _state . attributes [ attr ] . virtual ) and attr not in self . _changes :
missing_attributes . append ( ' \' ' + attr + ' \' ' )
error_message = ' mandatory attributes %s missing in entry %s ' % ( ' , ' . join ( missing_attributes ) , self . entry_dn )
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPCursorError ( error_message )
elif self . entry_status == STATUS_PENDING_CHANGES :
if self . _changes :
if self . entry_definition . _auxiliary_class : # checks if an attribute is from an auxiliary class and adds it to the objectClass attribute if not present
for attr in self . _changes :
# checks schema to see if attribute is defined in one of the already present object classes
attr_classes = self . entry_cursor . schema . attribute_types [ attr ] . mandatory_in + self . entry_cursor . schema . attribute_types [ attr ] . optional_in
for object_class in self . objectclass :
if object_class in attr_classes :
else : # executed only if the attribute class is not present in the objectClass attribute
# checks if attribute is defined in one of the possible auxiliary classes
for aux_class in self . entry_definition . _auxiliary_class :
if aux_class in attr_classes :
if self . _state . _initial_status == STATUS_VIRTUAL : # entry is new, there must be a pending objectClass MODIFY_REPLACE
self . _changes [ ' objectClass ' ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] . append ( aux_class )
else :
self . objectclass + = aux_class
if self . _state . _initial_status == STATUS_VIRTUAL :
new_attributes = dict ( )
for attr in self . _changes :
new_attributes [ attr ] = self . _changes [ attr ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
result = self . entry_cursor . connection . add ( self . entry_dn , None , new_attributes , controls )
else :
result = self . entry_cursor . connection . modify ( self . entry_dn , self . _changes , controls )
if not self . entry_cursor . connection . strategy . sync : # asynchronous request
response , result , request = self . entry_cursor . connection . get_response ( result , get_request = True )
else :
response = self . entry_cursor . connection . response
result = self . entry_cursor . connection . result
request = self . entry_cursor . connection . request
self . entry_cursor . _store_operation_in_history ( request , result , response )
if result [ ' result ' ] == RESULT_SUCCESS :
if refresh :
if self . entry_refresh ( ) :
if self . _state . origin and self . entry_cursor . connection . server == self . _state . origin . entry_cursor . connection . server : # updates original read-only entry if present
for attr in self : # adds AttrDefs from writable entry to origin entry definition if some is missing
if attr . key in self . entry_definition . _attributes and attr . key not in self . _state . origin . entry_definition . _attributes :
self . _state . origin . entry_cursor . definition . add_attribute ( self . entry_cursor . definition . _attributes [ attr . key ] ) # adds AttrDef from writable entry to original entry if missing
temp_entry = self . _state . origin . entry_cursor . _create_entry ( self . _state . response )
self . _state . origin . __dict__ . clear ( )
self . _state . origin . __dict__ [ ' _state ' ] = temp_entry . _state
for attr in self : # returns the whole attribute object
if not attr . virtual :
self . _state . origin . __dict__ [ attr . key ] = self . _state . origin . _state . attributes [ attr . key ]
self . _state . origin . _state . read_time = self . entry_read_time
else :
self . entry_discard_changes ( ) # if not refreshed remove committed changes
self . _state . set_status ( STATUS_COMMITTED )
return True
return False
def entry_discard_changes ( self ) :
self . _changes . clear ( )
self . _state . set_status ( self . _state . _initial_status )
def entry_delete ( self ) :
error_message = ' cannot delete entry, invalid status: ' + self . entry_status
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPCursorError ( error_message )
self . _state . set_status ( STATUS_READY_FOR_DELETION )
def entry_refresh ( self , tries = 4 , seconds = 2 ) :
Refreshes the entry from the LDAP Server
if self . entry_cursor . connection :
if self . entry_cursor . refresh_entry ( self , tries , seconds ) :
return True
return False
def entry_move ( self , destination_dn ) :
error_message = ' cannot move entry, invalid status: ' + self . entry_status
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPCursorError ( error_message )
self . _state . _to = safe_dn ( destination_dn )
self . _state . set_status ( STATUS_READY_FOR_MOVING )
def entry_rename ( self , new_name ) :
error_message = ' cannot rename entry, invalid status: ' + self . entry_status
if log_enabled ( ERROR ) :
log ( ERROR , ' %s for < %s > ' , error_message , self )
raise LDAPCursorError ( error_message )
self . _state . _to = new_name
self . _state . set_status ( STATUS_READY_FOR_RENAMING )
def entry_changes ( self ) :
return self . _changes