package notifiers

import (

var _ notifier.Notifier = (*mobilePush)(nil)

type mobilePush struct {

func (m *mobilePush) Select() *notifications.Notification {
	return m.Notification

func (m *mobilePush) Valid(values notifications.Values) error {
	return nil

var Mobile = &mobilePush{&notifications.Notification{
	Method: "mobile",
	Title:  "Mobile",
	Description: `Receive push notifications on your Mobile device using the Statping App. You can scan the Authentication QR Code found in Settings to get the Mobile app setup in seconds.
				 <p align="center"><a href=""><img src=""></a><a href=""><img src=""></a></p>`,
	Author:    "Hunter Long",
	AuthorUrl: "",
	Delay:     time.Duration(5 * time.Second),
	Icon:      "fas fa-mobile-alt",
	Limits:    30,
	Form: []notifications.NotificationForm{{
		Type:        "text",
		Title:       "Device Identifiers",
		Placeholder: "A list of your Mobile device push notification ID's.",
		DbField:     "var1",
		IsHidden:    true,

func dataJson(s services.Service, f failures.Failure) map[string]interface{} {
	serviceId := "0"
	serviceId = utils.ToString(s.Id)
	online := "online"
	if !s.Online {
		online = "offline"
	issue := f.Issue
	link := fmt.Sprintf("statping://service?id=%v", serviceId)
	out := map[string]interface{}{
		"status": online,
		"id":     serviceId,
		"issue":  issue,
		"link":   link,
	return out

// OnFailure will trigger failing service
func (m *mobilePush) OnFailure(s services.Service, f failures.Failure) (string, error) {
	data := dataJson(s, f)
	msg := &pushArray{
		Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s is currently failing! Reason: %v", s.Name, f.Issue),
		Title:   "Service Offline",
		Data:    data,
	return "notification sent", m.Send(msg)

// OnSuccess will trigger successful service
func (m *mobilePush) OnSuccess(s services.Service) (string, error) {
	data := dataJson(s, failures.Failure{})
	msg := &pushArray{
		Message:  fmt.Sprintf("%s is back online and was down for %s", s.Name, s.Downtime().Human()),
		Title:    "Service Online",
		Data:     data,
		Platform: 2,
	return "notification sent", m.Send(msg)

// OnTest triggers when this notifier has been saved
func (m *mobilePush) OnTest() (string, error) {
	msg := &pushArray{
		Message:  "Testing the Mobile Notifier",
		Title:    "Testing Notifications",
		Tokens:   []string{m.Var1.String},
		Platform: 2,
	body, err := pushRequest(msg)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	var output mobileResponse
	err = json.Unmarshal(body, &output)
	if err != nil {
		return string(body), err
	if len(output.Logs) == 0 {
		return string(body), err
	} else {
		firstLog := output.Logs[0].Error
		return string(body), fmt.Errorf("Mobile Notification error: %v", firstLog)

// Send will send message to Statping push notifications endpoint
func (m *mobilePush) Send(pushMessage *pushArray) error {
	pushMessage.Tokens = []string{m.Var1.String}
	pushMessage.Platform = 2
	_, err := pushRequest(pushMessage)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// OnSave will trigger when this notifier is saved
func (m *mobilePush) OnSave() (string, error) {
	return "", nil

func pushRequest(msg *pushArray) ([]byte, error) {
	body, err := json.Marshal(&PushNotification{[]*pushArray{msg}})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	body, _, err = utils.HttpRequest("", "POST", "application/json", nil, bytes.NewBuffer(body), time.Duration(20*time.Second), false, nil)
	return body, err

type PushNotification struct {
	Array []*pushArray `json:"notifications"`

type pushArray struct {
	Tokens   []string               `json:"tokens"`
	Platform int64                  `json:"platform"`
	Message  string                 `json:"message"`
	Topic    string                 `json:"topic"`
	Title    string                 `json:"title,omitempty"`
	Data     map[string]interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`

type mobileResponse struct {
	Counts  int                   `json:"counts"`
	Logs    []*mobileResponseLogs `json:"logs"`
	Success string                `json:"success"`

type mobileResponseLogs struct {
	Type     string `json:"type"`
	Platform string `json:"platform"`
	Token    string `json:"token"`
	Message  string `json:"message"`
	Error    string `json:"error"`