package source import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "strings" ) var ( log = utils.Log.WithField("type", "source") TmplBox *rice.Box // HTML and other small files from the 'source/dist' directory, this will be loaded into '/assets' RequiredFiles = []string{ "css/style.css", "css/style.css.gz", "css/index.css", "scss/index.scss", "scss/base.scss", "scss/forms.scss", "scss/layout.scss", "scss/mixin.scss", "scss/mobile.scss", "scss/variables.scss", "banner.png", "favicon.ico", "robots.txt", } ) // Assets will load the Rice boxes containing the CSS, SCSS, favicon, and HTML files. func Assets() error { if utils.Params.GetBool("DISABLE_HTTP") { return nil } var err error TmplBox, err = rice.FindBox("dist") if err != nil { return err } return err } func scssRendered(name string) string { spl := strings.Split(name, "/") path := spl[:len(spl)-2] file := spl[len(spl)-1] splFile := strings.Split(file, ".") return filepath.Join(strings.Join(path, "/"), "css", splFile[len(splFile)-2]+".css") } // CompileSASS will attempt to compile the SASS files into CSS func CompileSASS() error { sassBin := utils.Params.GetString("SASS") if sassBin == "" { bin, err := exec.LookPath("sass") if err != nil { log.Warnf("could not find sass executable in PATH: %s", err) return err } sassBin = bin } scssFile := filepath.Join(utils.Params.GetString("STATPING_DIR"), "assets", "scss", "index.scss") log.Infoln(fmt.Sprintf("Compiling SASS %v into %v", scssFile, scssRendered(scssFile))) stdout, stderr, err := utils.Command(sassBin, scssFile, scssRendered(scssFile)) if err != nil { log.Errorln(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to compile assets with SASS %v", err)) log.Errorln(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", sassBin, scssFile, scssRendered(scssFile))) return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to compile assets, %s %s %s", err, stdout, stderr) } if stdout != "" || stderr != "" { log.Infoln(fmt.Sprintf("out: %v | error: %v", stdout, stderr)) } log.Infoln("SASS Compiling is complete!") return nil } // UsingAssets returns true if the '/assets' folder is found in the directory func UsingAssets(folder string) bool { if _, err := os.Stat(folder + "/assets"); err == nil { return true } else { if utils.Params.GetBool("USE_ASSETS") { log.Infoln("Environment variable USE_ASSETS was found.") if err := CreateAllAssets(folder); err != nil { log.Warnln(err) } if err := CompileSASS(); err != nil { //CopyToPublic(CssBox, folder+"/css", "base.css") log.Warn(errors.Wrap(err, "Default 'base.css' was insert because SASS did not work.")) return true } return true } } return false } // SaveAsset will save an asset to the '/assets/' folder. func SaveAsset(data []byte, path string) error { path = filepath.Join(utils.Directory, "assets", path) err := utils.SaveFile(path, data) if err != nil { log.Errorln(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to save %v, %v", path, err)) return err } return nil } // OpenAsset returns a file's contents as a string func OpenAsset(path string) string { path = filepath.Join(utils.Directory, "assets", path) data, err := utils.OpenFile(path) if err != nil { log.Errorln(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to open %s, %v", path, err)) return "" } return data } // CreateAllAssets will dump HTML, CSS, SCSS, and favicon assets into the '/assets' directory func CreateAllAssets(folder string) error { log.Infoln(fmt.Sprintf("Dump Statping assets into %s/assets", folder)) fp := filepath.Join if err := MakePublicFolder(fp(folder, "/assets")); err != nil { return err } if err := MakePublicFolder(fp(folder, "assets", "css")); err != nil { return err } if err := MakePublicFolder(fp(folder, "assets", "favicon")); err != nil { return err } if err := MakePublicFolder(fp(folder, "assets", "scss")); err != nil { return err } log.Infoln("Inserting scss, css, and favicon files into assets folder") if err := CopyAllToPublic(TmplBox); err != nil { log.Errorln(err) return errors.Wrap(err, "copying all to public") } if err := CopyToPublic(TmplBox, "", "robots.txt"); err != nil { return err } if err := CopyToPublic(TmplBox, "", "banner.png"); err != nil { return err } if err := CopyToPublic(TmplBox, "", "favicon.ico"); err != nil { return err } log.Infoln("Compiling CSS from SCSS style...") if err := CompileSASS(); err != nil { return err } log.Infoln("Statping assets have been inserted") return nil } // DeleteAllAssets will delete the '/assets' folder func DeleteAllAssets(folder string) error { err := utils.DeleteDirectory(folder + "/assets") if err != nil { log.Infoln(fmt.Sprintf("There was an issue deleting Statping Assets, %v", err)) return err } log.Infoln("Statping assets have been deleted") return err } // CopyAllToPublic will copy all the files in a rice box into a local folder func CopyAllToPublic(box *rice.Box) error { exclude := map[string]bool{ "base.gohtml": true, "index.html": true, } return box.Walk("/", func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error { if info.Name() == "" { return nil } if exclude[info.Name()] { return nil } if strings.Contains(path, "js") { return nil } if info.IsDir() { return nil } file, err := box.Bytes(path) if err != nil { return err } return SaveAsset(file, path) }) } // CopyToPublic will create a file from a rice Box to the '/assets' directory func CopyToPublic(box *rice.Box, path, file string) error { assetPath := fmt.Sprintf("%v/assets/%v/%v", utils.Directory, path, file) if path == "" { assetPath = fmt.Sprintf("%v/assets/%v", utils.Directory, file) } log.Infoln(fmt.Sprintf("Copying %v to %v", file, assetPath)) base, err := box.String(file) if err != nil { log.Errorln(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to copy %v to %v, %v.", file, assetPath, err)) return err } err = utils.SaveFile(assetPath, []byte(base)) if err != nil { log.Errorln(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to write file %v to %v, %v.", file, assetPath, err)) return err } return nil } // MakePublicFolder will create a new folder func MakePublicFolder(folder string) error { log.Infoln(fmt.Sprintf("Creating folder '%s'", folder)) if !utils.FolderExists(folder) { err := utils.CreateDirectory(folder) if err != nil { log.Errorln(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to created %s directory, %v", folder, err)) return err } } return nil }