// Statup // Copyright (C) 2018. Hunter Long and the project contributors // Written by Hunter Long and the project contributors // // https://github.com/hunterlong/statup // // The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed // to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, // the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to // share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free // software for all its users. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . package core import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "github.com/ararog/timeago" "github.com/hunterlong/statup/core/notifier" "github.com/hunterlong/statup/types" "github.com/hunterlong/statup/utils" "sort" "strconv" "time" ) type Service struct { *types.Service } // Select will return the *types.Service struct for Service func (s *Service) Select() *types.Service { return s.Service } // ReturnService will convert *types.Service to *core.Service func ReturnService(s *types.Service) *Service { return &Service{s} } func Services() []types.ServiceInterface { return CoreApp.Services } // SelectService returns a *core.Service from in memory func SelectService(id int64) *Service { for _, s := range Services() { if s.Select().Id == id { return s.(*Service) } } return nil } // SelectServicer returns a types.ServiceInterface from in memory func SelectServicer(id int64) types.ServiceInterface { for _, s := range Services() { if s.Select().Id == id { return s } } return nil } // CheckinProcess runs the checkin routine for each checkin attached to service func (s *Service) CheckinProcess() { checkins := s.Checkins() for _, c := range checkins { c.Start() go c.Routine() } } // Checkins will return a slice of Checkins for a Service func (s *Service) Checkins() []*Checkin { var checkin []*Checkin checkinDB().Where("service = ?", s.Id).Find(&checkin) return checkin } // LimitedCheckins will return a slice of Checkins for a Service func (s *Service) LimitedCheckins() []*Checkin { var checkin []*Checkin checkinDB().Where("service = ?", s.Id).Limit(10).Find(&checkin) return checkin } // SelectAllServices returns a slice of *core.Service to be store on []*core.Services, should only be called once on startup. func (c *Core) SelectAllServices(start bool) ([]*Service, error) { var services []*Service db := servicesDB().Find(&services).Order("order_id desc") if db.Error != nil { utils.Log(3, fmt.Sprintf("service error: %v", db.Error)) return nil, db.Error } CoreApp.Services = nil for _, service := range services { if start { service.Start() service.CheckinProcess() } fails := service.LimitedFailures(limitedFailures) for _, f := range fails { service.Failures = append(service.Failures, f) } CoreApp.Services = append(CoreApp.Services, service) } sort.Sort(ServiceOrder(CoreApp.Services)) return services, db.Error } // reorderServices will sort the services based on 'order_id' func reorderServices() { sort.Sort(ServiceOrder(CoreApp.Services)) } // ToJSON will convert a service to a JSON string func (s *Service) ToJSON() string { data, _ := json.Marshal(s) return string(data) } // AvgTime will return the average amount of time for a service to response back successfully func (s *Service) AvgTime() float64 { total, _ := s.TotalHits() if total == 0 { return float64(0) } sum, _ := s.Sum() avg := sum / float64(total) * 100 amount := fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", avg*10) val, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(amount, 10) return val } // Online24 returns the service's uptime percent within last 24 hours func (s *Service) Online24() float32 { ago := time.Now().Add(-24 * time.Hour) return s.OnlineSince(ago) } // OnlineSince accepts a time since parameter to return the percent of a service's uptime. func (s *Service) OnlineSince(ago time.Time) float32 { failed, _ := s.TotalFailuresSince(ago) if failed == 0 { s.Online24Hours = 100.00 return s.Online24Hours } total, _ := s.TotalHitsSince(ago) if total == 0 { s.Online24Hours = 0 return s.Online24Hours } avg := float64(failed) / float64(total) * 100 avg = 100 - avg if avg < 0 { avg = 0 } amount, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f", avg), 10) s.Online24Hours = float32(amount) return s.Online24Hours } // DateScan struct is for creating the charts.js graph JSON array type DateScan struct { CreatedAt string `json:"x,omitempty"` Value int64 `json:"y"` } // DateScanObj struct is for creating the charts.js graph JSON array type DateScanObj struct { Array []DateScan `json:"data"` } // lastFailure returns the last failure a service had func (s *Service) lastFailure() *failure { limited := s.LimitedFailures(1) if len(limited) == 0 { return nil } last := limited[len(limited)-1] return last } // SmallText returns a short description about a services status // service.SmallText() // // Online since Monday 3:04:05PM, Jan _2 2006 func (s *Service) SmallText() string { last := s.LimitedFailures(1) hits, _ := s.LimitedHits() zone := CoreApp.Timezone if s.Online { if len(last) == 0 { return fmt.Sprintf("Online since %v", utils.Timezoner(s.CreatedAt, zone).Format("Monday 3:04:05PM, Jan _2 2006")) } else { return fmt.Sprintf("Online, last failure was %v", utils.Timezoner(hits[0].CreatedAt, zone).Format("Monday 3:04:05PM, Jan _2 2006")) } } if len(last) > 0 { lastFailure := s.lastFailure() got, _ := timeago.TimeAgoWithTime(time.Now().Add(s.Downtime()), time.Now()) return fmt.Sprintf("Reported offline %v, %v", got, lastFailure.ParseError()) } else { return fmt.Sprintf("%v is currently offline", s.Name) } } // DowntimeText will return the amount of downtime for a service based on the duration // service.DowntimeText() // // Service has been offline for 15 minutes func (s *Service) DowntimeText() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v has been offline for %v", s.Name, utils.DurationReadable(s.Downtime())) } // Dbtimestamp will return a SQL query for grouping by date func Dbtimestamp(group string, column string) string { seconds := 3600 switch group { case "minute": seconds = 60 case "hour": seconds = 3600 case "day": seconds = 86400 case "week": seconds = 604800 case "month": seconds = 2592000 case "year": seconds = 31557600 default: seconds = 60 } switch CoreApp.DbConnection { case "mysql": return fmt.Sprintf("CONCAT(date_format(created_at, '%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:00:00')) AS timeframe, AVG(%v) AS value", column) case "postgres": return fmt.Sprintf("date_trunc('%v', created_at) AS timeframe, AVG(%v) AS value", group, column) default: return fmt.Sprintf("datetime((strftime('%%s', created_at) / %v) * %v, 'unixepoch') AS timeframe, AVG(%v) as value", seconds, seconds, column) } } // Downtime returns the amount of time of a offline service func (s *Service) Downtime() time.Duration { hits, _ := s.Hits() fail := s.lastFailure() if fail == nil { return time.Duration(0) } if len(hits) == 0 { return time.Now().UTC().Sub(fail.CreatedAt.UTC()) } since := fail.CreatedAt.UTC().Sub(fail.CreatedAt.UTC()) return since } // GraphDataRaw will return all the hits between 2 times for a Service func GraphDataRaw(service types.ServiceInterface, start, end time.Time, group string, column string) *DateScanObj { var d []DateScan var amount int64 model := service.(*Service).HitsBetween(start, end, group, column) model.Count(&amount) if amount == 0 { return &DateScanObj{[]DateScan{}} } model = model.Order("timeframe asc", false).Group("timeframe") rows, err := model.Rows() if err != nil { utils.Log(3, fmt.Errorf("issue fetching service chart data: %v", err)) } for rows.Next() { var gd DateScan var createdAt string var value float64 var createdTime time.Time var err error rows.Scan(&createdAt, &value) if CoreApp.DbConnection == "postgres" { createdTime, err = time.Parse(types.TIME_NANO, createdAt) if err != nil { utils.Log(4, fmt.Errorf("issue parsing time from database: %v to %v", createdAt, types.TIME_NANO)) } } else { createdTime, err = time.Parse(types.TIME, createdAt) } gd.CreatedAt = utils.Timezoner(createdTime, CoreApp.Timezone).Format(types.CHART_TIME) gd.Value = int64(value * 1000) d = append(d, gd) } return &DateScanObj{d} } // ToString will convert the DateScanObj into a JSON string for the charts to render func (d *DateScanObj) ToString() string { data, err := json.Marshal(d.Array) if err != nil { utils.Log(2, err) return "{}" } return string(data) } // AvgUptime24 returns a service's average online status for last 24 hours func (s *Service) AvgUptime24() string { ago := time.Now().Add(-24 * time.Hour) return s.AvgUptime(ago) } // AvgUptime returns average online status for last 24 hours func (s *Service) AvgUptime(ago time.Time) string { failed, _ := s.TotalFailuresSince(ago) if failed == 0 { return "100" } total, _ := s.TotalHitsSince(ago) if total == 0 { return "0.00" } percent := float64(failed) / float64(total) * 100 percent = 100 - percent if percent < 0 { percent = 0 } amount := fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f", percent) if amount == "100.00" { amount = "100" } return amount } // TotalUptime returns the total uptime percent of a service func (s *Service) TotalUptime() string { hits, _ := s.TotalHits() failures, _ := s.TotalFailures() percent := float64(failures) / float64(hits) * 100 percent = 100 - percent if percent < 0 { percent = 0 } amount := fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f", percent) if amount == "100.00" { amount = "100" } return amount } // index returns a services index int for updating the []*core.Services slice func (s *Service) index() int { for k, service := range CoreApp.Services { if s.Id == service.(*Service).Id { return k } } return 0 } // updateService will update a service in the []*core.Services slice func updateService(service *Service) { index := service.index() CoreApp.Services[index] = service } // Delete will remove a service from the database, it will also end the service checking go routine func (s *Service) Delete() error { i := s.index() err := servicesDB().Delete(s) if err.Error != nil { utils.Log(3, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to delete service %v. %v", s.Name, err.Error)) return err.Error } s.Close() slice := CoreApp.Services CoreApp.Services = append(slice[:i], slice[i+1:]...) reorderServices() notifier.OnDeletedService(s.Service) return err.Error } // UpdateSingle will update a single column for a service func (s *Service) UpdateSingle(attr ...interface{}) error { return servicesDB().Model(s).Update(attr).Error } // Update will update a service in the database, the service's checking routine can be restarted by passing true func (s *Service) Update(restart bool) error { err := servicesDB().Update(s) if err.Error != nil { utils.Log(3, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to update service %v. %v", s.Name, err)) return err.Error } if restart { s.Close() s.Start() s.SleepDuration = time.Duration(s.Interval) * time.Second go s.CheckQueue(true) } reorderServices() updateService(s) notifier.OnUpdatedService(s.Service) return err.Error } // Create will create a service and insert it into the database func (s *Service) Create(check bool) (int64, error) { s.CreatedAt = time.Now() db := servicesDB().Create(s) if db.Error != nil { utils.Log(3, fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create service %v #%v: %v", s.Name, s.Id, db.Error)) return 0, db.Error } s.Start() go s.CheckQueue(check) CoreApp.Services = append(CoreApp.Services, s) reorderServices() notifier.OnNewService(s.Service) return s.Id, nil } // Messages returns all Messages for a Service func (s *Service) Messages() []*Message { messages := SelectServiceMessages(s.Id) return messages } // ActiveMessages returns all Messages for a Service func (s *Service) ActiveMessages() []*Message { var messages []*Message msgs := SelectServiceMessages(s.Id) for _, m := range msgs { if m.StartOn.UTC().After(time.Now().UTC()) { messages = append(messages, m) } } return messages } // ServicesCount returns the amount of services inside the []*core.Services slice func (c *Core) ServicesCount() int { return len(c.Services) } // CountOnline func (c *Core) CountOnline() int { amount := 0 for _, s := range CoreApp.Services { if s.Select().Online { amount++ } } return amount }