VERSION=0.79.91 BINARY_NAME=statup GOPATH:=$(GOPATH) GOCMD=go GOBUILD=$(GOCMD) build GOTEST=$(GOCMD) test GOGET=$(GOCMD) get GOINSTALL=$(GOCMD) install XGO=GOPATH=$(GOPATH) xgo -go 1.11 --dest=build BUILDVERSION=-ldflags "-X main.VERSION=$(VERSION) -X main.COMMIT=$(TRAVIS_COMMIT)" RICE=$(GOPATH)/bin/rice PATH:=/usr/local/bin:$(GOPATH)/bin:$(PATH) PUBLISH_BODY='{ "request": { "branch": "master", "config": { "env": { "VERSION": "$(VERSION)", "COMMIT": "$(TRAVIS_COMMIT)" } } } }' TRAVIS_BUILD_CMD='{ "request": { "branch": "master", "message": "Compile master for Statup v$(VERSION)", "config": { "os": [ "linux" ], "language": "go", "go": [ "1.10.x" ], "go_import_path": "", "install": true, "sudo": "required", "services": [ "docker" ], "env": { "VERSION": "$(VERSION)" }, "matrix": { "allow_failures": [ { "go": "master" } ], "fast_finish": true }, "before_deploy": [ "git config --local \"hunterlong\"", "git config --local \"\"", "make tag" ], "deploy": [ { "provider": "releases", "api_key": "$(GH_TOKEN)", "file": [ "build/statup-osx-x64.tar.gz", "build/statup-osx-x32.tar.gz", "build/statup-linux-x64.tar.gz", "build/statup-linux-x32.tar.gz", "build/statup-linux-arm64.tar.gz", "build/statup-linux-arm7.tar.gz", "build/statup-linux-alpine.tar.gz", "build/" ], "skip_cleanup": true } ], "notifications": { "email": false }, "before_script": ["gem install sass"], "script": [ "travis_wait 30 docker pull karalabe/xgo-latest", "make release" ], "after_success": [], "after_deploy": [ "make publish-dev" ] } } }' TEST_DIR=$(GOPATH)/src/ PATH:=$(PATH) # build all arch's and release Statup release: dev-deps build-all # build and push the images to docker hub docker: docker-build-all docker-publish-all # test all versions of Statup, golang testing and then cypress UI testing test-all: dev-deps test # test all versions of Statup, golang testing and then cypress UI testing test-ui: dev-deps docker-build-dev cypress-test # testing to be ran on travis ci travis-test: dev-deps cypress-install test coverage # build and compile all arch's for Statup build-all: build-mac build-linux build-windows build-alpine compress # build all docker tags docker-build-all: docker-build-latest # push all docker tags built docker-publish-all: docker-push-latest # build Statup for local arch build: compile $(GOBUILD) $(BUILDVERSION) -o $(BINARY_NAME) -v ./cmd # build Statup plugins build-plugin: $(GOBUILD) $(BUILDVERSION) -buildmode=plugin -o ./dev/plugin/ -v ./dev/plugin test-plugin: clean mkdir plugins $(GOBUILD) $(BUILDVERSION) -buildmode=plugin -o ./dev/plugin/ -v ./dev/plugin mv ./dev/plugin/ ./plugins/ STATUP_DIR=$(TEST_DIR) go test -v -p=1 $(BUILDVERSION) -coverprofile=coverage.out ./plugin # build Statup debug app build-debug: compile $(GOBUILD) $(BUILDVERSION) -tags debug -o $(BINARY_NAME) -v ./cmd # install Statup for local arch and move binary to gopath/src/bin/statup install: build mv $(BINARY_NAME) $(GOPATH)/bin/$(BINARY_NAME) $(GOPATH)/bin/$(BINARY_NAME) version # run Statup from local arch run: build ./$(BINARY_NAME) --ip --port 8080 # compile assets using SASS and Rice. compiles scss -> css, and run rice embed-go compile: sass source/scss/base.scss source/css/base.css cd source && $(GOPATH)/bin/rice embed-go rm -rf .sass-cache # benchmark testing benchmark: cd handlers && go test -v -run=^$ -bench=. -benchtime=5s -memprofile=prof.mem -cpuprofile=prof.cpu # view benchmark testing using pprof benchmark-view: go tool pprof handlers/handlers.test handlers/prof.cpu > top20 # test Statup golang tetsing files test: clean compile install build-plugin STATUP_DIR=$(TEST_DIR) go test -v -p=1 $(BUILDVERSION) -coverprofile=coverage.out ./... gocov convert coverage.out > coverage.json test-api: DB_CONN=sqlite DB_HOST=localhost DB_DATABASE=sqlite DB_PASS=none DB_USER=none statup & sleep 15 && newman run source/tmpl/postman.json -e dev/postman_environment.json # report coverage to Coveralls coverage: $(GOPATH)/bin/goveralls -coverprofile=coverage.out -service=travis -repotoken $(COVERALLS) # generate documentation for Statup functions docs: godoc2md -ex >> dev/ godoc2md -ex > dev/ godoc2md -ex >> dev/ godoc2md -ex >> dev/ godoc2md -ex >> dev/ godoc2md -ex >> dev/ godoc2md -ex >> dev/ godoc2md -ex >> dev/ gocov-html coverage.json > dev/COVERAGE.html revive -formatter stylish > dev/ # # Build binary for Statup # # build Statup for Mac, 64 and 32 bit build-mac: compile mkdir build $(XGO) $(BUILDVERSION) --targets=darwin/amd64 ./cmd $(XGO) $(BUILDVERSION) --targets=darwin/386 ./cmd # build Statup for Linux 64, 32 bit, arm6/arm7 build-linux: compile $(XGO) $(BUILDVERSION) --targets=linux/amd64 ./cmd $(XGO) $(BUILDVERSION) --targets=linux/386 ./cmd $(XGO) $(BUILDVERSION) --targets=linux/arm-7 ./cmd $(XGO) $(BUILDVERSION) --targets=linux/arm64 ./cmd # build for windows 64 bit only build-windows: compile $(XGO) $(BUILDVERSION) --targets=windows-6.0/amd64 ./cmd # build Alpine linux binary (used in docker images) build-alpine: compile $(XGO) --targets=linux/amd64 -ldflags="-X main.VERSION=$(VERSION) -X main.COMMIT=$(TRAVIS_COMMIT) -linkmode external -extldflags -static" -out alpine ./cmd # # Docker Makefile commands # # build :latest docker tag docker-build-latest: docker build --build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION) -t hunterlong/statup:latest --no-cache -f Dockerfile . docker tag hunterlong/statup:latest hunterlong/statup:v$(VERSION) # build :dev docker tag docker-build-dev: docker build --build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION) -t hunterlong/statup:latest --no-cache -f Dockerfile . docker tag hunterlong/statup:dev hunterlong/statup:dev-v$(VERSION) # build Cypress UI testing :cypress docker tag docker-build-cypress: clean GOPATH=$(GOPATH) xgo -out statup -go 1.10.x -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=$(VERSION) -X main.COMMIT=$(TRAVIS_COMMIT)" --targets=linux/amd64 ./cmd docker build -t hunterlong/statup:cypress -f dev/Dockerfile-cypress . rm -f statup # run hunterlong/statup:latest docker image docker-run: docker-build-latest docker run -it -p 8080:8080 hunterlong/statup:latest # run hunterlong/statup:dev docker image docker-run-dev: docker-build-dev docker run -t -p 8080:8080 hunterlong/statup:dev # run Cypress UI testing, hunterlong/statup:cypress docker image docker-run-cypress: docker-build-cypress docker run -t hunterlong/statup:cypress # push the :base and :base-v{VERSION} tag to Docker hub docker-push-base: docker tag hunterlong/statup:base hunterlong/statup:base-v$(VERSION) docker push hunterlong/statup:base docker push hunterlong/statup:base-v$(VERSION) # push the :dev tag to Docker hub docker-push-dev: docker push hunterlong/statup:dev docker push hunterlong/statup:dev-v$(VERSION) # push the :cypress tag to Docker hub docker-push-cypress: docker push hunterlong/statup:cypress # push the :latest tag to Docker hub docker-push-latest: docker push hunterlong/statup:latest docker push hunterlong/statup:v$(VERSION) docker-run-mssql: docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=PaSsW0rD123' -p 1433:1433 -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux # create Postgres, and MySQL instance using Docker (used for testing) databases: docker run --name statup_postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password123 -e POSTGRES_USER=root -e POSTGRES_DB=root -d postgres docker run --name statup_mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password123 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=root -d mysql sleep 30 # # Download and Install dependencies # # run dep to install all required golang dependecies dep: dep ensure -vendor-only # install all required golang dependecies dev-deps: $(GOGET) $(GOGET) $(GOGET) $(GOINSTALL) $(GOGET) $(GOGET) $(GOGET) $(GOGET) $(GOINSTALL) $(GOCMD) get $(GOCMD) get $(GOCMD) install $(GOCMD) get $(GOCMD) get $(GOCMD) get # remove files for a clean compile/build clean: rm -rf ./{logs,assets,plugins,statup.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,config.yml,statup,build,.sass-cache,statup.db,index.html,vendor} rm -rf cmd/{logs,assets,plugins,statup.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log} rm -rf core/{logs,assets,plugins,statup.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log} rm -rf handlers/{logs,assets,plugins,statup.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log} rm -rf notifiers/{logs,assets,plugins,statup.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log} rm -rf source/{logs,assets,plugins,statup.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log} rm -rf types/{logs,assets,plugins,statup.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log} rm -rf utils/{logs,assets,plugins,statup.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log} rm -rf dev/test/cypress/videos rm -f coverage.* sass rm -f source/rice-box.go rm -f *.db-journal find . -name "*.out" -type f -delete find . -name "*.cpu" -type f -delete find . -name "*.mem" -type f -delete find . -name "*.test" -type f -delete # tag version using git tag: git tag "v$(VERSION)" --force # compress built binaries into tar.gz and zip formats compress: cd build && mv alpine-linux-amd64 $(BINARY_NAME) cd build && tar -czvf $(BINARY_NAME)-linux-alpine.tar.gz $(BINARY_NAME) && rm -f $(BINARY_NAME) cd build && mv cmd-darwin-10.6-amd64 $(BINARY_NAME) cd build && tar -czvf $(BINARY_NAME)-osx-x64.tar.gz $(BINARY_NAME) && rm -f $(BINARY_NAME) cd build && mv cmd-darwin-10.6-386 $(BINARY_NAME) cd build && tar -czvf $(BINARY_NAME)-osx-x32.tar.gz $(BINARY_NAME) && rm -f $(BINARY_NAME) cd build && mv cmd-linux-amd64 $(BINARY_NAME) cd build && tar -czvf $(BINARY_NAME)-linux-x64.tar.gz $(BINARY_NAME) && rm -f $(BINARY_NAME) cd build && mv cmd-linux-386 $(BINARY_NAME) cd build && tar -czvf $(BINARY_NAME)-linux-x32.tar.gz $(BINARY_NAME) && rm -f $(BINARY_NAME) cd build && mv cmd-windows-6.0-amd64.exe $(BINARY_NAME).exe cd build && zip $(BINARY_NAME) $(BINARY_NAME).exe && rm -f $(BINARY_NAME).exe cd build && mv cmd-linux-arm-7 $(BINARY_NAME) cd build && tar -czvf $(BINARY_NAME)-linux-arm7.tar.gz $(BINARY_NAME) && rm -f $(BINARY_NAME) cd build && mv cmd-linux-arm64 $(BINARY_NAME) cd build && tar -czvf $(BINARY_NAME)-linux-arm64.tar.gz $(BINARY_NAME) && rm -f $(BINARY_NAME) # push the :dev docker tag using curl publish-dev: curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"docker_tag": "dev"}' -X POST $(DOCKER) # update the homebrew application to latest for mac publish-homebrew: curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Travis-API-Version: 3" -H "Authorization: token $(TRAVIS_API)" -d $(PUBLISH_BODY) # install NPM reuqirements for cypress testing cypress-install: cd dev/test && npm install # run Cypress UI testing cypress-test: clean cypress-install cd dev/test && npm test # build Statup using a travis ci trigger travis-build: curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Travis-API-Version: 3" -H "Authorization: token $(TRAVIS_API)" -d $(TRAVIS_BUILD_CMD) curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"docker_tag": "latest"}' -X POST $(DOCKER) snapcraft: snapcraft --target-arch=amd64 snapcraft --target-arch=arm64 snapcraft --target-arch=i386 # install xgo and pull the xgo docker image xgo-install: clean go get docker pull karalabe/xgo-latest .PHONY: all build build-all build-alpine test-all test test-api