VERSION=$(shell cat version.txt) SIGN_KEY=B76D61FAA6DB759466E83D9964B9C6AAE2D55278 BINARY_NAME=statping GOBUILD=go build -a GOVERSION=1.14.0 XGO=xgo -go $(GOVERSION) --dest=build BUILDVERSION=-ldflags "-X main.VERSION=${VERSION} -X main.COMMIT=$(TRAVIS_COMMIT)" TRVIS_SECRET=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 PUBLISH_BODY='{ "request": { "branch": "master", "message": "Homebrew update version v${VERSION}", "config": { "env": { "VERSION": "${VERSION}", "COMMIT": "$(TRAVIS_COMMIT)" } } } }' TRAVIS_BUILD_CMD='{ "request": { "branch": "master", "message": "Compile master for Statping v${VERSION}", "config": { "merge_mode": "replace", "language": "go", "go": 1.14, "install": true, "sudo": "required", "services": ["docker"], "env": { "secure": "${TRVIS_SECRET}" }, "before_deploy": ["git config --local \"hunterlong\"", "git config --local \"\"", "git tag v$(VERSION) --force"], "deploy": [{ "provider": "releases", "api_key": "$$GITHUB_TOKEN", "file_glob": true, "file": "build/*", "skip_cleanup": true, "on": { "branch": "master" } }], "before_script": ["rm -rf ~/.nvm && git clone ~/.nvm && (cd ~/.nvm && git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`) && source ~/.nvm/ && nvm install stable", "nvm install 10.17.0", "nvm use 10.17.0 --default", "npm install -g sass yarn cross-env", "pip install --user awscli"], "script": ["make release"], "after_success": [], "after_deploy": ["make post-release"] } } }' TEST_DIR=$(GOPATH)/src/ PATH:=/usr/local/bin:$(GOPATH)/bin:$(PATH) OS = darwin freebsd linux openbsd ARCHS = 386 arm amd64 arm64 all: clean yarn-install compile docker-base docker-vue build-all up: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f dev/docker-compose.full.yml up -d --remove-orphans make print_details down: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f dev/docker-compose.full.yml down --volumes --remove-orphans lite: clean docker build -t statping/statping:dev -f dev/ . docker-compose -f dev/docker-compose.lite.yml down docker-compose -f dev/docker-compose.lite.yml up --remove-orphans reup: down clean compose-build-full up test: clean compile go test -v -p=1 -ldflags="-X main.VERSION=testing" -coverprofile=coverage.out ./... # build all arch's and release Statping release: test-deps wget -O statping.gpg $(SIGN_URL) gpg --import statping.gpg make build-all test-ci: clean compile test-deps DB_CONN=sqlite SASS=`which sass` \ go test -v -covermode=count -coverprofile=coverage.out -p=1 ./... goveralls -coverprofile=coverage.out -service=travis-ci -repotoken ${COVERALLS} cypress: clean echo "Statping Bin: "`which statping` echo "Statping Version: "`statping version` cd frontend && yarn test killall statping test-api: DB_CONN=sqlite DB_HOST=localhost DB_DATABASE=sqlite DB_PASS=none DB_USER=none statping & sleep 5000 && newman run source/tmpl/postman.json -e dev/postman_environment.json --delay-request 500 test-deps: go get go get go get deps: go get -d -v -t ./... protoc: cd types/proto && protoc --gofast_out=plugins=grpc:. statping.proto yarn-serve: cd frontend && yarn serve yarn-install: cd frontend && rm -rf node_modules && yarn go-run: go run ./cmd start: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f dev/docker-compose.full.yml start stop: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f dev/docker-compose.full.yml stop logs: docker logs statping --follow db-up: docker-compose -f dev/docker-compose.db.yml up -d --remove-orphans db-down: docker-compose -f dev/docker-compose.db.yml down --volumes --remove-orphans console: docker exec -t -i statping /bin/sh compose-build-full: docker-base docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f dev/docker-compose.full.yml build --parallel --build-arg VERSION=${VERSION} docker-base: docker build -t statping/statping:base -f Dockerfile.base --build-arg VERSION=${VERSION} . docker-latest: docker-base docker build -t statping/statping:latest --build-arg VERSION=${VERSION} . docker-vue: docker build -t statping/statping:vue --build-arg VERSION=${VERSION} . docker-test: docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up --remove-orphans push-base: clean compile docker-base docker push statping/statping:base push-vue: clean compile docker-base docker-vue docker push statping/statping:base docker push statping/statping:vue modd: modd -f ./dev/modd.conf top: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f dev/docker-compose.full.yml top frontend-build: rm -rf source/dist && rm -rf frontend/dist cd frontend && yarn && yarn build cp -r frontend/dist source/ && cp -r frontend/src/assets/scss source/dist/ cp -r source/tmpl/*.* source/dist/ frontend-copy: cp -r source/tmpl/*.* source/dist/ yarn: rm -rf source/dist && rm -rf frontend/dist cd frontend && yarn # compile assets using SASS and Rice. compiles scss -> css, and run rice embed-go compile: frontend-build rm -f source/rice-box.go cd source && rice embed-go embed: cd source && rice embed-go build: $(GOBUILD) $(BUILDVERSION) -o $(BINARY_NAME) ./cmd install: build mv $(BINARY_NAME) $(GOPATH)/bin/$(BINARY_NAME) install-local: build mv $(BINARY_NAME) /usr/local/bin/$(BINARY_NAME) generate: cd source && go generate build-bin: mkdir build export PWD=`pwd` @for arch in $(ARCHS);\ do \ for os in $(OS);\ do \ echo "Building $$VERSION $$os-$$arch"; \ mkdir -p releases/statping-$$os-$$arch/; \ GO111MODULE="on" GOOS=$$os GOARCH=$$arch go build -a -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=${VERSION} -X main.COMMIT=$(TRAVIS_COMMIT)" -o releases/statping-$$os-$$arch/statping ${PWD}/cmd; \ chmod +x releases/statping-$$os-$$arch/statping; \ tar -czf releases/statping-$$os-$$arch.tar.gz -C releases/statping-$$os-$$arch statping; \ done \ done find ./releases/ -name "*.tar.gz" -type f -size +1M -exec mv "{}" build/ \; build-win: export PWD=`pwd` @for arch in $(ARCHS);\ do \ echo "Building windows-$$arch"; \ mkdir -p releases/statping-windows-$$arch/; \ GO111MODULE="on" GOOS=windows GOARCH=$$arch go build -a -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=${VERSION} -X main.COMMIT=$(TRAVIS_COMMIT)" -o releases/statping-windows-$$arch/statping.exe ${PWD}/cmd; \ chmod +x releases/statping-windows-$$arch/statping.exe; \ zip -j releases/statping-windows-$$ releases/statping-windows-$$arch/statping.exe || true; \ done find ./releases/ -name "*.zip" -type f -size +1M -exec mv "{}" build/ \; # remove files for a clean compile/build clean: rm -rf ./{logs,assets,plugins,*.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,config.yml,statping,build,.sass-cache,index.html,vendor} rm -rf cmd/{logs,assets,plugins,*.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log,*.html,*.json} rm -rf core/{logs,assets,plugins,*.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log} rm -rf types/notifications/{logs,assets,plugins,*.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log} rm -rf handlers/{logs,assets,plugins,*.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log} rm -rf notifiers/{logs,assets,plugins,*.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log} rm -rf source/{logs,assets,plugins,*.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log} rm -rf types/{logs,assets,plugins,*.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log} rm -rf utils/{logs,assets,plugins,*.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log} rm -rf frontend/{logs,plugins,*.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log} rm -rf dev/{logs,assets,plugins,*.db,config.yml,.sass-cache,*.log,test/app,plugin/*.so} rm -rf {parts,prime,snap,stage} rm -rf frontend/cypress/videos rm -f coverage.* sass rm -f source/rice-box.go rm -rf **/*.db-journal rm -rf *.snap find . -name "*.out" -type f -delete find . -name "*.cpu" -type f -delete find . -name "*.mem" -type f -delete rm -rf {build,releases,tmp} print_details: @echo \==== Statping Development Instance ==== @echo \Statping Vue Frontend: http://localhost:8888 @echo \Statping Backend API: http://localhost:8585 @echo \==== Statping Instances ==== @echo \Statping SQLite: http://localhost:4000 @echo \Statping MySQL: http://localhost:4005 @echo \Statping Postgres: http://localhost:4010 @echo \==== Databases ==== @echo \PHPMyAdmin: http://localhost:6000 \(MySQL database management\) @echo \SQLite Web: http://localhost:6050 \(SQLite database management\) @echo \PGAdmin: http://localhost:7000 \(Postgres database management \| email: password: admin\) @echo \Prometheus: http://localhost:7050 \(Prometheus Web UI\) @echo \==== Monitoring and IDE ==== @echo \Grafana: http://localhost:3000 \(username: admin, password: admin\) build-all: clean compile build-bin build-win coverage: test-deps $(GOPATH)/bin/goveralls -coverprofile=coverage.out -service=travis -repotoken $(COVERALLS) # build Statping using a travis ci trigger travis-build: curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Travis-API-Version: 3" -H "Authorization: token $(TRAVIS_API)" -d $(TRAVIS_BUILD_CMD) download-key: wget -O statping.gpg $(SIGN_URL) gpg --import statping.gpg # push the :dev docker tag using curl dockerhub-dev: docker build --build-arg VERSION=${VERSION} -t statping/statping:dev --no-cache -f Dockerfile.base . docker push statping/statping:dev dockerhub: docker build --build-arg VERSION=${VERSION} -t statping/statping:base --no-cache -f Dockerfile.base . docker build --build-arg VERSION=${VERSION} -t statping/statping:latest --no-cache -f Dockerfile . docker tag statping/statping statping/statping:v${VERSION} docker push statping/statping:base docker push statping/statping:v${VERSION} docker push statping/statping docker-build-dev: docker build --build-arg VERSION=${VERSION} -t hunterlong/statping:latest --no-cache -f Dockerfile . docker tag hunterlong/statping:dev hunterlong/statping:dev-v${VERSION} post-release: frontend-build upload_to_s3 publish-homebrew dockerhub # update the homebrew application to latest for mac publish-homebrew: curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Travis-API-Version: 3" -H "Authorization: token $(TRAVIS_API)" -d $(PUBLISH_BODY) upload_to_s3: travis_s3_creds aws s3 cp ./source/dist/css $(ASSETS_BKT) --recursive --exclude "*" --include "*.css" aws s3 cp ./source/dist/js $(ASSETS_BKT) --recursive --exclude "*" --include "*.js" aws s3 cp ./source/dist/scss $(ASSETS_BKT) --recursive --exclude "*" --include "*.scss" aws s3 cp ./ $(ASSETS_BKT) travis_s3_creds: mkdir -p ~/.aws echo "[default]\naws_access_key_id = ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}\naws_secret_access_key = ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}" > ~/.aws/credentials sign-all: gpg --default-key $SIGN_KEY --detach-sign --armor statpinger valid-sign: gpg --verify statping.asc sentry-release: sentry-cli releases new -p backend -p frontend v${VERSION} sentry-cli releases set-commits --auto v${VERSION} sentry-cli releases finalize v${VERSION} snapcraft: clean compile build-bin PWD=$(shell pwd) snapcraft clean statping -s pull docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/build/statping-linux-amd64.tar.gz:/build/statping-linux.tar.gz -w /build --env VERSION=${VERSION} snapcore/snapcraft bash -c "apt update && snapcraft --target-arch=amd64" snapcraft clean statping -s pull docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/build/statping-linux-386.tar.gz:/build/statping-linux.tar.gz -w /build --env VERSION=${VERSION} snapcore/snapcraft bash -c "apt update && snapcraft --target-arch=i386" snapcraft clean statping -s pull docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/build/statping-linux-arm64.tar.gz:/build/statping-linux.tar.gz -w /build --env VERSION=${VERSION} snapcore/snapcraft bash -c "apt update && snapcraft --target-arch=arm64" snapcraft clean statping -s pull docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/build/statping-linux-arm.tar.gz:/build/statping-linux.tar.gz -w /build --env VERSION=${VERSION} snapcore/snapcraft bash -c "apt update && snapcraft --target-arch=armhf" snapcraft push statping_${VERSION}_amd64.snap --release stable snapcraft push statping_${VERSION}_arm64.snap --release stable snapcraft push statping_${VERSION}_i386.snap --release stable snapcraft push statping_${VERSION}_armhf.snap --release stable postman: clean API_SECRET=demosecret123 statping --port=8080 > /dev/null & sleep 3 newman run -e dev/postman_environment.json dev/postman.json killall statping .PHONY: all build build-all build-alpine test-all test test-api docker frontend up down print_details lite sentry-release snapcraft build-bin build-win build-all postman .SILENT: travis_s3_creds