{{define "title"}}{{.Service.Name}} Status{{end}} {{define "description"}}{{$s := .Service}}{{if $s.Online }}{{.Service.Name}} is currently online and responding within {{$s.AvgTime}} milliseconds with {{$s.TotalUptime}}% total uptime on {{$s.Domain}}.{{else}}{{.Service.Name}} is currently offline on {{$s.Domain}}. Notify the admin to let them know their service is offline.{{end}}{{end}} {{ define "content" }} {{$s := .Service}} {{$failures := $s.LimitedFailures 16}} {{$checkinFailures := $s.LimitedCheckinFailures 16}} {{$isAdmin := Auth}}
{{if IsUser}} {{template "nav"}} {{end}}
{{if $s.Online }} ONLINE {{ else }} OFFLINE {{end}}

{{CoreApp.Name}} - {{ $s.Name }} {{if $s.Online }} ONLINE {{ else }} OFFLINE {{end}}

{{$s.OnlineDaysPercent 1}}% Online last 24 Hours
{{$s.AvgTime}}ms Average Response
{{$s.TotalUptime}}% Total Uptime
{{if $s.ActiveMessages}}
{{range $s.ActiveMessages}} {{end}}
{{.Start}} to {{.End}}
{{if not $s.Online}}
{{end}} {{if IsUser}}
{{if $isAdmin}}
{{ if $failures }}
{{ range $failures }}


{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{end}} {{if $isAdmin}}
{{if $s.AllCheckins}} {{range $s.AllCheckins}} {{ $ch := . }} {{end}}
Checkin Report Period
Grace Period
Last Seen Expected
every {{Duration $ch.Period}}
after {{Duration $ch.Grace}}
{{ if $ch.Last.CreatedAt.IsZero}} Never {{else}} {{Ago $ch.Last.CreatedAt}} {{end}} {{ if $ch.Last.CreatedAt.IsZero}} - {{else}} {{ if lt $ch.Expected 0}}{{Duration $ch.Expected}} ago{{else}}in {{Duration $ch.Expected}}{{end}} {{end}} Delete
{{end}} {{if $isAdmin}} {{template "form_checkin" $s}} {{end}} {{ if $checkinFailures }}
{{ range $checkinFailures }}


{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Last Response

{{if $isAdmin}}
{{template "form_service" $s}}
{{else}} {{if $s.Public.Bool }} {{ if $failures }}
{{ range $failures }}


{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{end}} {{end}}
{{end}} {{define "extra_css"}} {{end}} {{define "extra_scripts"}} {{$s := .Service}} {{end}}